HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08-01 - Agendas CITY OF Tay� LY i'I'l e� AGENDA ARKANSAS Board of Adjustments Meeting August 1, 2016 3:45 PM 113 W. Mountain, Room 219 Members: Kristen Knight (chair), Porter Winston, Scott Blacksher, Steve Clowney, and Casey Hoffman City Staff: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director; Quin Thompson, Current Planner Call to Order Roll Call 1. Approval of the minutes from the July 11, 2016 meeting. Old Business: No items New Business 2. BOA 16-5517: Board of Adjustments Item (504 N. WILLOW AVE./LINN; 446): Submitted by GARY & SANDRA LINN for property located at 504 N. WILLOW AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.37 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements. Planner: Quin Thompson 3. BOA 16-5541: Board of Adjustments Item (770 N. OAKLAND AVE./CAMPBELL; 444): Submitted by JORGENSEN &ASSOCIATES for property located at 770 N. OAKLAND AVE. The property is zoned RMF-40, RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY, 40 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.17 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements. Planner: Harry Davis Announcements Adjourn Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE All interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearings. A copy of the proposed amendments and other pertinent data are open and available for inspection in the office of City Planning(479-575-8267), 125 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville,Arkansas. All interested parties are invited to review the petitions. Interpreters or TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deao are available for all public hearings; 72 hour notice is required. For further information or to request an interpreter, please ca11479-575-8330. Asa courtesy please turn off all cell phones and pagers. 2 CITY OF Ta L MINUTES ARKANSAS Board of Adjustment June 6, 2016 3:45 PM City Administration Building in Fayetteville, AR, Room 111 Members: Kristen Knight (chair), Catherine Baker, Porter Winston, Scott Blacksher, Steve Clowney, and Casey Hoffman City Staff: Andrew Garner— City Planning Director, Jonathan Curth — Planner, Quin Thompson — Planner, Harry Davis — Planner and Blake Pennington —Assistant City Attorney Call to Order: 3:45 PM, Kristin Knight In Attendance: Kristin Knight, Porter Winston, and Casey Hoffman, Absent: Steve Clowney and Catherine Baker Staff: Andrew Garner, Quin Thompson, Harry Davis and Blake Pennington 1. Approval of the minutes from the Apr 4, 2016 meeting. Motion: Board Member Winston made a motion to approve the minutes from the Apr 4, 2016 meeting. Board Member Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 3-0-0. 2. Old Business: No items 3. New Business BOA 16-5454: Board of Adjustments Item (1211 W. JAMES ST./HAVEN CAMPUS APTS.; 404): Submitted by BLEW & ASSOCIATES for properties located at 1211 W. JAMES ST. The properties are zoned CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES, AND RO, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contain approximately 6.56 acres. The request is for a variance of the building height requirements for a new parking garage in a multi-family development. Harry Davis, Planner: Gave the staff report. Porter Winston, Board Member: Asked if the building is next to the Garden Park Apartments? Mailing Address: Board of Adjustments August 1, 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayettevillA` em 1 Fayetteville, AR 72701 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 1 of 6 Davis: Yes Winston: The area to the west of the garage, is that all tree canopy and to be protected? Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Yes Casey Hoffman, Board Member: What about off-street parking? Garner: We haven't discussed that in this variance request as we have focused on the height variance. Brian Yoder, Applicant's representative: Originally the large building was orientated with topography but it was changed by request of Urban Forestry. By fitting with existing site contours, fire lanes, and urban forestry, this fits better with those requirements and less with zoning requirements. Jorge DuQuesne, Blew and Associates, applicant's engineer: Minimizing pressures on retaining wall failing with structure as a result of new placement. Kristen Knight, Board Member: Is that hatched area a road to access garage? Yoder: No, that is to access center amenities. Knight: Can you better explain the fire access? Yoder: [better explains fire access lane requirements] Knight: Do the other buildings work with the topography? Are they all consistent? Yoder: Yes. Building A is different due to parking garage and liner buildings. Knight: So the building to the north is affected by shadow? Which side does the Garden Park building face? Yoder: It faces east and west, so it doesn't face towards the garage. Winston: So where is the variance located? Yoder: Illustrated located on this document where the variance location is requested. Knight: So what are your requirements for parking? Yoder: Explained the parking requirements. Winston: So if you removed 30 beds, would that allow you to be within requirements after changing the garage to fit that? Yoder: Removing that portion would not equal 30, so it wouldn't make a difference. Winston: Could you remove some elsewhere to meet that requirement? Board of Adjustments Augu1,2016 Agen a Item 1 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 2 of 6 Yoder: No. Winston: Asked if you could widen the garage and still not encroach within the tree canopy? Yoder: No. Knight: Asked about reductions in parking? Garner: Explained reductions in parking based on various criteria. Knight: We are trying to give you an out after doing some quick math where you could remove a number of spaces and then meet the requirements. Yoder: Our calculations still came to the number we currently have and that is what we need for all the beds and taking into effect reductions. Knight: So no parking allowed around amenities or in fire lane? Yoder: No. Knight: No access onto Wedington? DuQuesne: No, that would be a problem with two driveways so close. No public comment was presented. Knight: Discussed trouble seeing this as a hardship. This is more as a development that doesn't meet our requirements. Staff report was very thorough. Winston: Finding a hardship is harder in this body than in planning commission. Urban Forestry could make concessions to help. Knight: The lights from this garage would negatively affect the nearby neighborhood. Hoffman: Believes parking standard used by applicant is a self-imposed standard that has resulted in a greater need than what we require. Brian Haver, Haven Campus Communities: Our solution to the variance is just to make a larger retainer wall and sink the building down. Just wants to be sure the BOA is understanding of that. Knight:: We would rather have the community that isn't a gated community and respectful of the neighborhood. We want to see more than just a tall garage. DuQuesne: Would rather not have a connection to Wedington, but we believe once built we will then improve walkability. Board of Adjustments Augusyt 1,2016 Agenda Item 1 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 3 of 6 Motion: Board Member Winston made a motion to approve BOA 16-5454. Board Member Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion failed with a vote of 0-3-0. Commissioners Knight, Winston, and Hoffman voted `no'. Board of Adjustments Augu1,2016 Agen a Item 1 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 4 of 6 BOA 16-5455: Board of Adjustments Item (603 N. VINSON AVE./SKOCH-BURCH; 447): Submitted by PARKCO & ASSOCIATES, INC. for properties located at 603 N. VINSON AVE. The properties are zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 0.33 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements for a new single family dwelling. Quin Thompson, Planner, read the staff report. Porter Winston, Commissioner: Have the utility companies agreed to the variance? Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Applicant is not proposing to building over ROW or easement at this time. Bret Park, Applicant: History of design, discussed illegal tree removal by the previous owner. The owner would like to preserve existing trees on the site, and utilize the areas previously granted front setback variances for the existing home in order to build a residence. Paul Dunn, Neighbor: There is no hardship on this site, they owners have a lot to the west and below that is flat and they could build on that. There is no room on the street for emergency vehicles at this time. My house could burn. The lower lot is flat. Amber Henley, Neighbor: I live across the street, and would like to note that the street is 16' wide and considered an 'alley'. Construction traffic will create congestion. Workers park and turn around in my driveway. No one has paid the fines for illegally removed trees. I would ask the board to take care of this. The building is limited to 40% of the lot, and the design covers 54% of the lot. Jackson Williams, Neighbor: Recently purchased 700 N. Vinson. The lot has a great view, and a great view of Old Main. If the variance is granted, my view will be impeded, and my view should be protected by setbacks. Kristen Knight: Does the height of the new house exceed the height of the existing house? Park: The house is not a tall house, my clients are interested in mid-century modern design, with low slope roof. Knight: This street is not an alley, although it may be built as an alley. It is a shame that the trees came down. We discussed that issue in earlier meetings, and it appeared that the tree removal was driven by a motive of profit. This design does not appear to have the same motivation. Porter Winston, Board Member: It is difficult for neighbors whenever anyone builds a home, and that's part of life. I think it is appropriate to discuss concerns with the builder. I do understand reticence to have a project built between you and the Old Main. Knight: Are houses across the street higher? Henley: There is no way for anyone to pass each other on this street. Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 1 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 5 of 6 Knight: Site parking will be an issue and must be addressed throughout construction. Henley: So parking is not allowed on the street, which makes me feel better. Garner: Parking on the street must be enforced by the Fire Marshall. Henley: Where is the hardship if the owner has a second lot on which to build? Jackson Williams: Are discussing more than a variance to the north setback? Knight: We are discussing a variance of front setback on Vinson as well. Winston: Both setbacks are required because both street ROWs are either too large or should not be there at all. I support the variances. Knight: I support the north setback variance for reasons I've stated. I am surprised the ROW hasn't been vacated. This is a much more thoughtful approach than we have seen previously. This is an appropriate use of the land, and I support it. Motion: Board Member Winston made a motion to approve BOA 16-5455 as recommended by staff. Board Member Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 3-0-0. 4. Reports: No reports 5. Announcements: 6. Adjournment Time: 4:56pm 7. Submitted by: City Planning Division Board of Adjustments Augut 1,2016 Agenda Item 1 6-6-2016 Minutes Page 6 of 6 CITY OF • Fay74-11e BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMO KANSAS TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Quin Thompson, Current Planner THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director MEETING DATE: August 01, 2016 SUBJECT: BOA 16-5517: Board of Adjustments Item(504 N.WILLOW AVE.ILINN; 446): Submitted by GARY & SANDRA LINN for property located at 504 N. WILLOW AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.37 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request BOA 16-5517 with conditions of approval. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Willow Avenue and Maple Street, and contains a home of approximately 3,800 square feet. The original home was constructed in 1895 and has been updated with building additions through the years. At some point, a single-car garage was constructed on the site, the age of which is unknown. The garage was built at the north property line, and does not conform to current setbacks in the RSF-4 zone. In addition to the garage, there is a large playhouse structure of approximately 200 square feet that has been built within the side setback, and does not conform to zoning code. The home has been sold, perhaps for the first time since construction, within the last year. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Direction from Site Land Use Zoning North Residential RSF-4 South Residential RSF-4 East Residential RSF-4 West Residential RSF-4 DISCUSSION: The applicant proposes to demolish the playhouse and to expand the existing garage structure, adding ten feet to the rear, which will also be within the required setback. The garage is considered an existing condition, but cannot be expanded further into the setback without a variance. A variance to bring the existing garage into conformance is also required. boara o lustments Mailing Address: August 1,2016 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-arP.9Wda Item 2 Fayetteville, AR 72701 16-5517 Linn Page 1 of 11 The applicant requests variances as listed in Table 2. Table 2 Variance Request Variance Issue Requirement Request Variance Amount Side setback (north) 5 feet from front property fine 0 feet 5 feet Public Comment: Staff has not received public comment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the variance as requested, subject to the following conditions, finding that undue hardship exists on this property: Conditions of Approval: 1. This variance is conditional to development of this site generally with the site plan as presented to the Board of Adjustment. 2. The addition shall meet all other requirements of the Unifier! Development Code. 3. The garage shall not be improved for habitation, but is expected to be used for the typical purposes for which garages are built, namely storage of automobiles. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Date: August 1, 2016 Motion: Vote: Second: 3 I Note: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as Residential Neighborhood Area. The Residential Neighborhood designation is primarily residential in nature and supports a variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context, including single family, multi-family, and row-houses. Residential neighborhood encourages highly connected., compact blocks with gridded street patterns and reduced setbacks. FINDINGS: City of Fayetteville Unified Development Code Section 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 G:IEMIDevelopment services Review120160evelopment Review116-5517 BOA 504 N. Agenda Item 2 Willow Ave.(Linn)446101 BOA Review108-01-20161Comments and Redlines 16-5517 Linn Page 2 of 11 Certain variances of the zoning regulations may be applied for as follows: (B) Requirements for variance approval. (1) Where strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would cause undue hardship due to circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration; Finding: Staff finds that special conditions and circumstances unique to this property cause undue hardship. A garage is a typical use for a residential property, and is common in this neighborhood. An extension of the existing garage is a logical approach, in this case, where it would be difficult to place a new garage in another location on the property after Master Street Plan right-of- way and 15 foot front setbacks are considered and maintain the aesthetic integrity of the existing, historic home. (2) Where the applicant demonstrates that the granting of the variance will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance; and Finding: In part, the intent of the RSF-4 zoning district is to encourage development of and to protect existing single-family residences. Reducing the setback in this case will allow the property owner to construct an addition to a non- conforming structure that may have a negative impact on the adjacent property to the north. The height of the proposed addition is not given, and impact cannot be fully evaluated. (C) Minimum necessary variance. The Board of Adjustment may only grant the minimum variance necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the applicant's land, building or structure. Finding: Staff finds that the request is the minimum variance necessary to provide the property with a two-car garage, where 20x24 is a typical two-car layout. E (D) Special Conditions. In granting a zoning regulation variance, the Board of Adjustment may impose whatever special conditions found necessary to ensure compliance and to protect adjacent property. I Finding: NIA i (E)Non-permitted Uses. The Board of Adjustment may not grant, as a variance, any use in a zone that is not permitted under the zoning ordinance. Finding: The RSF-4 zoning district allows residential development. BUDGETISTAFF IMPACT: None. Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 G:lETGZevelopment Services Review120151Development Review116-5517 BOA 564 N. Agenda Item 2 Willow Ave.(Linn)446101 BOA Review108-01-2016LComments and Redlines 16-5517 Linn Page 3 of 11 Attachments: • Request Letter • Proposed Site Plan • Survey ■ One Mile Map ■ Close Up Map Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 G:IETCIDevelopment Services Review120160evelopment Review116-5517 BOA 504 N. Agenda Item 2 Willow Ave.(Linn)446101 BOA ReviewM-01-20161Comments and Redlines 16-5517 Linn Page 4 of 11 June 24, 2016 Ms. Kristen Knight Chair, Board of Adjustments 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Ms. Knight, We are requesting a 5' variance for the north side setback of our property at 504 N Willow Avenue. This is a side setback variance for an existing garage that we are requesting to rebuild. This site consists of a single family home with two outbuildings. We are requesting to replace the two outbuildings with one building with an overall shorter length. 1. Special conditions exist for this property: a. The placement of the existing home prohibit allowing for a 5' side setback. b. Two structures currently exist on the property. This request would reduce the overall size of the outbuildings{garage), by consolidating into one building. c. The request will maintain the current neighborhood ambiance. 2. Literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive us of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district. The side setback requirement was implemented after the current building was constructed. Our request is to improve upon this structure while maintaining the current side setback. Both front and back setbacks will be consistent with current code. 3. These special conditions and circumstances are not the result from the actions of the applicant. The owners are not requesting a variance from the current structure,just the ability to improve the structure while maintaining the same location. 4. Granting this variance will not confer any special privilege to the applicant that is denied to others in the same district. Several houses in the district have garages, and due to the age of the neighborhood, property lines were not always consistent with the current code requirements. It is the owner's desire to maintain a design similar with the current garage design, and consistent with the neighborhood. Please find attached: " Copy of the Washington County parcel map with the adjacent owner's name, address and parcel number. * Copy of a site plan drawn to scale and survey of property * Legal description of property * Electronic/PDF file of complete application. Sincerely, Gary and Sandra Linn Linngsia@hotmail.com 479-445-2320 479-422-2060 Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 5 of 11 June 24, 2016 Ms. Kristen Knight Chair, Board of Adjustments 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Ms. Knight, We are requesting a 5' variance for the north side setback of our property at 504 N Willow Avenue. This is a side setback variance for an existing garage that we are requesting to rebuild. This site consists of a single family home with two outbuildings. We are requesting to replace the two outbuildings with one building with an overall shorter length. 1. Special conditions exist for this property: a. The placement of the existing home prohibit allowing for a 5' side setback. b. Two structures currently exist on the property. This request would reduce the overall size of the outbuildings (garage), by consolidating into one building, c. The request will maintain the current neighborhood ambiance. 2. Literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive us of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district. The side setback requirement was implemented after the current building was constructed. Our request is to improve upon this structure while maintaining the current side setback. Both front and back setbacks will be consistent with current code. 3. These special conditions and circumstances are not the result from the actions of the applicant. The owners are not requesting a variance from the current structure,just the ability to improve the structure while maintaining the same location. 4. Granting this variance will not confer any special privilege to the applicant that is denied to others in the same district. Several houses in the district have garages, and due to the age of the neighborhood, property lines were not always consistent with the current code requirements. It is the owner's desire to maintain a design similar with the current garage design, and consistent with the neighborhood. Please find attached: • Copy of the Washington County parcel map with the adjacent owner's name, address and parcel number. * Copy of a site plan drawn to scale and survey of property • Legal description of property • Electronic/PDF file of complete application. Sincerely, A Gary and Sandra Linn ` L i n ncg siaahotmai l.com 479-445-2320 479-422-2060 Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 6 of 11 r _ - 1p c TS I • r rel — s r I IL i - J Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 7 of 11 r Dc ST. SSW:Z v_7 '9 Alps, FE L kf I u*in I� r I a.38x ACRES +� � x.0.3. Jx. I T n MAPLE STREET ^ EXCE'- a-5 - " a I Eu wR --C.,i\ --S --J17, -7S S,_RVEY h ..3PC:i- TC KE=_=C- ANY CF -rE F-,__C`N�tiO „ ,. Y,r =E AT'�L 'O YL 5U3J_{.I i---%L _5 A,L. CUSS 19L- EASE'd_N T 5 .- .+ER_ V•5 a = A- •i'- Y, R-Si4 'rn\ S. 5..4 V SIGN S:2.0 \S C0 '_i LAV-) JSP 'iL:JI.A GNS: A'U' ANY C LR ACID - 'TL= 5EARCH 'AAv L'SC;^SE. ice- rRAIA'NG \C vi JrJ TrF SEA A%T' •S SLRL'-Y '!H•-'S OR 'XCil-DS -� %;,HR-\ "A•iKAtiSAS VINiIMUV SiANJA•435 -GR TRC'LR-" BDJ\JA-iY SLRVL"5 At'r "_A'S' 'r4= 33•0'0_ _;?Chi\ ER OF _HE jLRVEY. i C A;1..')\A \5-i -- C]NS OR 7..FSFq.,FY- OWNFR SU35iRFACE ANC ESV RC\VF\TA! IONS l':ER= NO- CR CONS]EREC AS A PART Of --IS SLRVEY. tments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 8 of 11 r. >< cl n SURV_Y Qa Sci11•i ION - A 'ART 0- Tom= ,;OL,-6l''SFST G.}ARTr4 -HF S..^.J-sYFS- FY'tR {SIN'/4; OF SLC PON 'LA i?C}, LOWNS '-' SIX Lt_'t (16' %jLM ?ANG_ I:Ii it" (SJ} 'NLS 0- r I T. [':?NZ,f ni VF'R 'AN, 'A ASH NMI C V CJ_N-Y AR{ANSAS. 9r LCI.,'T- PAS-:CL,AR 3FSCRcRF0 .AS =01_CNS- COVIVEN.-AC iiT T 1E SO:- -AST GJ�N=7 OF SAO f 0 ACRE y i tAN • IL%CL \ORIF 20 L1; 111UNC_ 1N Sq 2'9 1__ :� 1 I'iLL 'O'pl -h Cf NCC' 3'331 1 T.7.0o F.==- `C A PO% -RQ':: Y7,IIC A% C7f:ST'NG RWX 1 x S59'55'C'"w 2-06 F-_T; -A_%CE 5d9•5�'0?.'+I 1cC.CC =T 'p AN _%;5-'M1iC ¢ I' c� < 1 L RCN RAR :% --= FAS- RI.I-T-31--WAY Nr 07 'Nft ON AVK'M- U : --FP rF SOC'13'33; BOA 15-5517 LIN N One Mile View NORTH 0 0.125 0-25 0-5 Miles 4y a NIKE:3f ADAMS ST j TFS FSAX--R LN _ s p 3-7 wa E8L14N c. RSF4 � .SVRSJ ST Q q . �■ �2 X49 �p PRDSPeC15 _ a asREcrsr T pf aft z z P- CAjl i akvb �T ST a } z TRUST 5T DRV,U 2 JK I :.S1 0 Subject Property 4 5r9 G13N f@ASi W !dAPE:F ST - W '-r 2 o � NIS SUTT °aca. - � sr L'ft ESCEN7 OR q(�. n,"0¢„ 69 R' a U' kiOr7 Si R-O r a x 31 , L 'T r � J Lrr:H tl�EE'rRi � H� h 4d f? Iomnp WRACTIGPI RESIDENTIAL 34NGLEFALMILY ME.i an RoW—,Ag—ft- COMMERCIAL R9F-3RVRa.p.ny� o Legend Rs" R � rC, RSF. MC' _ Z-1 FORM BASED O4$r RMIS r PlanningArea RSF°, IpENT1AL MULTI-FAMILY LTf•FAMILY MRi,� RE$ R.weMa++no am Thee4mh -DOW[SNn G.�e - r Fayetteville City Limits _4 �Ca. nry3«+en RNw•+Z H«y.uorinoe 5«xcu �.r Trail (Proposed) - - -„ �RREx.ONINGU17 RN�•2� PLANNED ZO NDN G O�STRI CTg Planning Area iR.F�o Q—I.,na.—.3...,..,,.,, Building Footprint rx USTIVAL MSTiTUTIONAL 9 p Fayenevine City Limits ,,W�,�°;`�""" ""' Board of Adj tments Au us 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 10 of 11 Baa 16-5517 LIN N Close Up View NORTH R-d JOHNSON 5T (--? DAVIDSON ST LU ¢ :9 RSF-d Ui GUNTER ST ALLEY 51g Subject Property w v W a Q MAPLE ST LU u1 Q Q z r U) LAFAYETTE STS P-i RSF-4 Legend Residential-Office Feet c-2 Planning Area Commercial,Industrial.Residentiai 0 75 150 300 450 600 P-1 �- - - Fayetteville City Limits Building Footprint 1 inch = ��� feet Board of Adj stments 1,2016 Agenda Item 2 16-5517 Linn Page 11 of 11 CITY OF • a � � � a BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMO ARKANSAS TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Harry Davis, Planner THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director MEETING DATE: August 1, 2016 SUBJECT: BOA 16-5541: Board of Adjustments Item (770 N. OAKLAND AVEXAMPBELL; 444): Submitted by JORGENSEN &ASSOCIATES for property located at 770 N. OAKLAND AVE. The property is zoned RMF- 40, RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY, 40 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 0.17 acres. The request is for a variance of the building setback requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of BOA 16-5541 based on the findings contained in this report. BACKGROUND: The subject property is a single parcel located at 770 N. Oakland Avenue, the southeast corner of Oakland Avenue and Eagle Street, containing approximately 0.17 acres within the RMF-40 zoning district. The property is currently undergoing a lot split approval process to allow for two lots to be developed with the intention of placing duplexes on both lots. The property is a typical parcel in this older neighborhood and is a standard rectangular shape, 53'x 140' dimension, with access to an undeveloped alley along the south property line. Surrounding zoning and land use is depicted in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use/Zoning Direction from Land Use Zoning Site North Single-family RMF-40, Residential Multi-family,40 units per acre South Single-family RMF-40, Residential Multi-family, 40 units per _acre East Single-family _ RMF-40, Residential Multi-family, 40 units per _ acre West Single-family RMF-40, Residential Multi-family, 40 units per acre Request: The applicant intends to build a duplex on the new proposed southern lot (Tract B) and requests a variance on this new proposed lot of the rear setback. The requested variance is listed in Table 2. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayettevill&d9r9WAdjustments Fayetteville,AR 72701 August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 1 of 12 Table 2 Variance Request Variance Issue Requirement Request Variance Amount Tract 1 Rear Setback for Proposed Tract B East 20 ft. 1 5 ft. 15 ft. Public Comment.- Staff has not received public comment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of BOA 16-5541. If the Board chooses to approve the request, staff would recommend the following conditions: 1. A lot split to subdivide the property as proposed and subsequent building and construction permits shall be submitted for review in compliance with all City development regulations. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: 11 Approved 11 Denied Date: June 6, 2016 Motion: Vote: Second: Note: FUTURE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as City Neighborhood Area. FINDINGS: City of Fayetteville Unified Development Code Section 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Certain variances of the zoning regulations may be applied for as follows: (B) Requirements for variance approval. (1) Where strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would cause undue hardship due to circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration; Finding: Staff finds that this site is not particularly unique and the challenges of developing the lot were created by the applicant wishing to split the lot into Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2016\Development Review\16-5541 BOA 770 N Oakland Agenda Item 3 Ave.(Campbell)444\01 BOA\08-01-2016\Comments and Redlines 16-5541 Campbell Page 2 of 12 two parcels, then develop the southern parcel with a building design that does not meet the standard building setback. The split parcel in question has adequate street frontage, lot area, and zoning to develop the property as a single-family home or duplex. In developing a single-family home on the property, the applicant would use a 5' rear setback and not have to deal with a 20' rear setback required for duplexes. (2) Where the applicant demonstrates that the granting of the variance will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance; and Finding: Approval of the variance would not be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the zoning code in this case. The 20 foot rear setback is intended to create a barrier between lots containing duplexes or other uses and lots for single- family homes with a standard alignment.This also creates greater separation between duplexes. In this case, the parcel behind the site is a portion of a flagged lot so the created parcel to the north has access to utilities. (C) Minimum necessary variance. The Board of Adjustment may only grant the minimum variance necessary to make possible the reasonable use of the applicant's land, building or structure. Finding: The requested variance is not a minimum necessary variance to make reasonable use of the land in staffs opinion. The original lot has been platted with the intention of having a single-family home. The applicant created two lots with an intention to develop both with duplexes. The parcel could be developed with a number of other options or configurations and comply with the building setbacks. (D) Special Conditions. In granting a zoning regulation variance, the Board of Adjustment may impose whatever special conditions found necessary to ensure compliance and to protect -adjacent property. Finding: Staff has recorded one condition of approval (see condition one above). (E)Non-permitted Uses. The Board of Adjustment may not grant, as a variance, any use in a zone that is not permitted under the zoning ordinance. Finding: Two-family use is permitted by right in the RMF-40 zoning district. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None. Attachments: • UDC 161.16 - District RMF-40, Residential Multi-Family - Forty (40) Units Per Acre • Request Letter • Exhibit • Development Conceptual Photo • One Mile Map • Close Up Map Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2016\Development Review\16-5541 BOA 770 N Oakland Agenda Item 3 Ave (Campbell)444\01 BOA\08-01-2016\Comments and Redlines 16-5541 Campbell Page 3 of 12 CITY OF Tay% s L Y e BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEMO ARKANSAS 161.16-District RMF-40,Residential Multi- Three(3)or more 7,000 square feet Family-Forty(40)Units Per Acre lFratemity or Sorority 1 acre (A)Purpose. The RMF-40 Multi-family Residential District is designated to protect 3) Land Area Per Divelling Unit. existing high density multi-family (Manufactured Home 3,000 square feet development and to encourage additional lFraternity of Sorority 1500 square feet per resident development of this type where it is desirable. (B) Uses. )Setback Re uirements. (1)Permitted Uses, Side Side Single Rear Rear Unit 1 City-wide uses by right (Front Other &Two(2) Other Single Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Uses Family Uses Famil Unit 9 Two-family dwellings 'Unit 10 Three-family dwellings ,A build-to zone tha Unit 26 Multi-family dwellin s lis located between Unit 44 Cottage Housing Development (the front property 8 feet 5 feet 20 feet 5 feet line and a line 25 (2)Conditional Uses feet from the front Unit 2 City-wide uses by CUP (property line. Unit 3 Public protection and utili facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities (F)Building Ilei ht Regulations. Unit 11 Manufactured home ark 13ttildin Height Maximum 30/45/60*feet Unit 12 Limited business *A building or a portion of a building that is (Unit 24 Home occupation located between 0 and 10 feet from the front Unit 25 Professional offices property line or any master street plan right-of- Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities way line shall have a maximum height of 30 feet, between 10-20 feet from the master street plan (C)Density. right-of-way a maximum height of 45 feet and Units per acre For 40)or less buildings or portions of the building set back greater than 20 feet from the master street plan (D)Bulk and Area Regulations, right-of-way shall have a maximum height of 60 1 Lot Width Minimum. feet. (Manufactured home park 100 feet Any building which exceeds the height of 20 feet ]Lot within a Manufactured home park 50 feet shall be set back from any side boundary line of Single-family 30 feet an adjacent single family district,an additional Two(2)family 30 feet distance of 1 foot for each foot of height in excess Three or more 70 feet of 20 feet. (Professional offices 100 feet (G)Building Area. The area occupied by all (2)Lot Area Minimum. buildings shall not exceed 50%of the total lot (Manufactured home park 3 acres area. !Lot within a mobile home park 4,200 s uare feet (H)Minimum Buildable Street Frontage. 50% Townhouses: Individual lot 2,000 square feet of the lot width. Siq&le-family 2,500 square feet 'Two(2)family 3,000 square feet Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.tayetteviII&M96YAdjustments Fayetteville,AR 72701 August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 4 of 12 Michael Campbell 1291 Edinburgh Loop Springdale, AR 72762 The City of Fayetteville Board of Adjustments 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear City of Fayetteville and Board of Adjustments, This proposal letter is to request and substantiate the grant of a variance for Parcel Number 765-10416-000, located at 770 North Oakland Avenue in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The proposed variance requested is relatively minor in nature and provides the best overall improvement and use of property for this address, as well as adjacent properties. The variance request does not violate other parameters in this zoning and is in keeping with similar variances considered and approved by this governing body. Rear Setback Variance Tract Address Existing Rear Setback Proposed Rear Setback A 786 North Oakland Avenue 5' (corner lot)as side setback No change B 770 North Oakland Avenue 5' single family, 20' any use other than 5' single family The applicant requests a Variance allowing for a 5 feet rear setback on Tract B, 770 North Oakland Avenue for uses other than single family. The applicant, realizing proximity of the University of Arkansas campus, the existing RMF-40 zoning, and similar property usage on adjacent Tracts, is proposing to build two duplex properties on the A and B Tracts. A lot split is underway requesting this approval. In the approval process, the applicant has become aware that for a single family use of track B, a 5 foot rear setback is provide and for any use other than single family use on track B, a 20 feet rear setback is provided in the existing RMF-40 zoning. The applicant is requesting a variance be approved to provide for a 5 feet rear setback, a deviation of 15 feet for use other than single family. The request when approved will provided for a vastly improved visual sightline down North Oakland Avenue, improved safety for residents and improved access and parking to the duplex properties. It should be noted that a duplex can be constructed on the existing Tract B but would have the building sitting at the right of way (ROW) line which the applicant believes is less desirable, less safe, and not in keeping with the adjacent properties uses. It also provides for only 28.10 feet of buildable area under this scenario which vastly limits the property use. Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 5 of 12 July 18, 2016 Page 2 The proposed variance works more harmoniously with the overall neighborhood but works best with the adjacent property at 907 West Eagle by providing two Tracts with similar setbacks and buildable area and allowing the applicant to enhance the area in an manner that is more compatible overall with these properties. The Tract A provides for a 5 foot rear set back and the rear of the new property actually sits adjacent to an existing single family residence at 907 West Eagle Street. Tract B will also have the rear setback adjacent to the rear of the property at 907 West Eagle but with a vastly different setback if this variance is not approved. In short, one duplex has a 5 foot setback adjacent to this property and a second would have a 20 foot setback adjacent to the same property, which is not desirable for visual and safety reasons. Peaceful and safe coexistence amongst all neighbors is desirable by the applicant and approval of the variance will help ensure this. Support of Favorable Findings The City of Fayetteville's Board of Adjustments sets forth four conditions under which variances such as those proposed in this letter would be found acceptable to the Zoning Administrator/Planning Commission. The applicant is confident that the proposed Variances fall within these Guidelines and submits the following additional information for consideration: 1) "...special conditions.." —The applicant believes special conditions exist on the Tract B property as described herein that if not approved will allow for construction of a duplex property adjacent to the ROW, reduction in parking and less safe ingress/egress to the property, as well as less visually harmonious design with adjacent properties. There is an adjacent alley to the property that could be considered to create a "corner lot" on this Tract. As noted, building to the ROW allows for only 28.10 feet of buildable space and vastly limits use of the property. The applicant would like to build a duplex with garage parking. If the variance is not approved and the unit is built to the ROW line, then a unit with garage parking if virtually impossible due to space and costs. The applicant would experience practical difficulty daily in maneuvering vehicles inside a more confined space and/or having to park outside of the home's secure zone if this variance were not to be granted. The slope of the Tract b limits the ability of the applicant to use the rear of the property for such parking. The applicant does not desire on street parking as a primary and is seeking to remedy with onsite parking and garage. 2) "....rightly of commonly enjoyed..." - The applicant noted that similar guides were used in the approval by the Board of Adjustments on January 7, 2013 for property at 727 North Storer Avenue and Parcel Number 765-10413-000. This Tract is located on lot 1 in the same Rose Hill Addition as the applicant's request on lot 4 and in the same block. It appears the rear setbacks were adjusted from 20 feet to 8 feet on this approval. The applicant submits that this request meets the requirement approvals in properties in the Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 6 of 12 July 18, 2016 Page 3 same district. Further, the applicant believes this approval provides for the best overall integration with the existing neighborhood, namely 907 West Eagle Street. 3) "..not a result of the applicant.." —The variance request is a request from the applicant to best improve and enhance property in existing neighborhoods and in this case a property in an overlay with the University of Arkansas. The applicant understands and values the need for guidelines and standards for zoning and setbacks and respects that greatly. In this case, the setbacks are established by the esteemed bodies but the applicant strongly submits the variance proposed is a better application in this one scenario. It improves sight lines along North Oakland Avenue and the adjacent properties and provides for other improvements as stated herein. 4) "....will not confer..." — The applicant respectfully submits this request is keeping with previously approved requested in the same block and only a few feet away. As such, the approval does not confer any special privilege on the applicant. The applicant respectfully submits the desire to be a good neighbor by creating a more harmonious, peaceful and safe neighborhood is enough to justify allowing the petitioner to achieve that goal in any circumstance. The proposed variance does no harm to either public or private interests, and is not injurious to any property or interest I greatly appreciate the City of Fayetteville, the staff, and the Board of Adjustment Members. Thank you for your time and service and for your consideration of the variance. I remain hopeful in its approval and continued progress in the city. Respectfully submitted, W V\VlAaAk Michael Campbell Enclosure Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 7 of 12 // R! URB W.EAGLE STREET 50' NW CORNER LOT 4 BLOCK 15 6.43' 53.10' URS P,0.13 aIW�Rrv� ens a PARCEL#765-10416-000 15 BU 0•TO STATEPLANE COORD. Rm— &TRACT A ORTHING-640959.57 Z NE EASTING-670278.35 �,.�3'ICRITf' 4Vf 5'S.B.(SINGLE 2-FAMILY) 15'BUILD-TO I ZONE TRACT A (4,061 S.F.11,11 ACRES) URB 786 N.OAKLAND AVE. I WOOD FENCE w � 4 PARCEL #765-10416—Q00 I o 8'S.B. c W TRACT B 5'S.B.(SINGLE OR 2-FAMILY) �- 765-10415.000 �M X59'28 W 48.1` i+f 585`59'28 8810' CONNER CAMPBELL z c B'S.B, C/O ED HAYES Q S'S.B.(SINGLE OR 2-FAMIL7 4 907 W.EAGLE STREET S O FAYETTEVILLE,AR.72701.1604 't 15'BUILD-TO I t (ZONING:RMF-40) ZONE co _ 'I r 5'S.B. I GLE FAMILY) 20 S.S. �N (OTHER �! SINGLE FA TRA 8 .. R (3,367 S.F./ ACRES) j •, ' + ! 11 770 N.0• D AVE. I! 50' Ari RIW + I 6 . L 1 I STATEPLANE COORD. 1,93 5'S.B.(SINGLE OR 2-FAMILY) ORTHING•640819.91 48.10 5.00' EASTING-670268.57 N85.59'28^W 3.10' ® 0 R wn 20' LEY )�—`�Wl'2 E% WL-2 E% WL CHAINUNK FENCE R RIW.�R_�aR1 765-10417-000 A x��s �R+wrdf Adjustments CAMPUS GR a ATTN:DAN EOL COXLC 765-10418-000 ' August 1,2016 `agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 8 of 12 URB W.EAGLE STREET 5(y NW CORNER LOT 4 BLOCK 15 LAS PARCEL#765-10416-000 STATEPLANE COORD. URB 786 N.OAKLAND AVE. WOOD FENCE LU TRACTS S'S-B-(SINGLE OR 2-FAMILY) CONNER CAMPBELL C/O ED HAYES 5 S.B.(SINGI 2 907 W.EAGLE STREET "'-ED -FAMII-7�1 I OLE FAMILY) SINGLE FA Ln TRAIT B 0 38 A 1A 5-S.B.(SINGLE OR 2-FAMILY) ORTHING-640819.91 48'io54T TIN -670268.57 CHAINLINK FENCE 20, LEY El(-WL-2 EX_WL 765-10417-000 CAMPUS GROVE LLC. W oard of Adjustments ATTN:DANIEL COX 765-10418 00 ;August 1,2016 16-5541 Campbell Page 8of10 r -R Lam; �syy ,�1 s .•6�'ra � � yY.' r Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 10 of 12 BOA 16-5541 CAMPBELL JAL Close Up View NORTH R-O 1 BERRY ST w J C-1 J W z Z J Subject Property a W W EAGLE ST O l� w P1 LU a z z Y O RMF-40 Residential-Office Legend Feet C-1 Planning Area C-2 �- - -� 0 75 150 300 450 600 Community Services �- -- Fayetteville City Limits 1 inch = 200 feet P-1 Building Footprint Board of Adjustments August 1,2016 Agenda Item 3 16-5541 Campbell Page 11 of 12