HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-11 - MinutesCITY OF Fa y Vle ARKANSAS Planning Commission July 11, 2016 5:30 PM 113 W. Mountain, Room 219 MINUTES Members: Kyle Cook (Chair), Ron Autry (Vice Chair), Matthew Hoffman (Secretary), Tracy Hoskins, Janet Selby, Ryan Noble, Tom Brown, Leslie Belden, and Allison Thurmond Quinlan. City Staff: Andrew Garner City Planning Director, Jonathan Curth Senior Planner, Quin Thompson ❑ Planner, Harry Davis []Planner, Cory Granderson []Staff Engineer, Blake Pennington E Asst. City Attorney, and Kit Williams I (City Attorney Call to Order: 5:30 PM, Kyle Cook In Attendance: Kyle Cook (Chair), Ron Autry (Vice Chair), Matthew Hoffman (Secretary), Tracy Hoskins, Janet Selby, Ryan Noble, Tom Brown, Leslie Belden, and Allison Thurmond Quinlan. Absent: None. Staff: Andrew Garner -City Planning Director, Jonathan Curth -Senior Planner, Quin Thompson Planner, and Kit Williams City Attorney 1. Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the minutes from the June 27, 2016 meeting. b. VAC 16-5494: Vacation (3641 W. WEDINGTON DR./OZARKS ELEC. CO-OP, 440): Submitted by CRAFTON-TULL ENGINEERS, INC. for property located at 3641 W. WEDINGTON DR. The property is zoned R -A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL and contains approximately 10.90 acres. The request is to vacate a portion of a utility easement. Motion: Commissioner Belden made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gav Fayetteville, AR 72701 2. Old Business: None. 3. New Business: VAR 16-5490: Variance (SE CORNER OF VANTAGE AND EYE CLINC, 175): Submitted by JOGENSEN & ASSOCIATES SE CORNER OF VANTAGE & RAINFOREST. The property is COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.17 acres. The re parking. Quin Thompson, Planner: Gave the staff report. RAINFOREST/FOCUS FAMILY INC. for property located at the zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE auest is a variance for additional Justin Jorgensen, Jorgensen & Associates, Applicant/ Representative: Said that he was present to answer any questions the Commission may have. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Alison Thurmond -Quinlan, Commissioner: Asked the applicant, how many staff members would be present during a typical workday? Mike Waggoner, Owner: Said that there would be 14 present on a normal day. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Said that given the 3-4 patients per doctor, with 4 doctors and staff, the amount of parking needed would be approximately 30 spaces. Is that correct? Waggoner: Said that this was correct. Matthew Hoffman, Commissioner: Asked staff if there would be a different amount of allowed parking if the use were a restaurant. Thompson: Said that the ratio would change, for example a restaurant of 5,000 sf would be allowed 50 parking places. Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Said that added that parking ratios were based on use, not on zoning district. Hoffman: Said that this seemed a reasonable request and that he was in support of the request. Motion: Commissioner Autry made a motion to approve VAR 16-5490 with conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Hoskins seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-1. & RP P LVA LA ELC 0Q YRU'o ADM 16-5496: Administrative Item (JUDGE CUMMINGS RD./KESSLER MTN. REGIONAL PARK, 714): Submitted by CITY STAFF for properties located at KESSLER MTN. REGIONAL PARK. The properties are zoned P-1, INSTITUTIONAL and contain approximately 200 acres. The request is to modify the street cross section and add additional parking, and amend the previous LSD 14-4819 and CUP 14-4854 for this site. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Gave the staff report. Alison Jumper, City of Fayetteville Parks and Recreation Planner, ISS(WDQ W Representative: Was present for questions. Public Comment: Steve Aust, property owner that adjoins the park: His only concern is traffic on Kessler Mountain Road. He requests maintenance to the road. No more public comment was presented. Matthew Hoffman, Commissioner: Asked about pedestrians crossing the round -a -bout. He asked if the city does not want to have pedestrians on that side of the road. Jumper: Discussed pedestrian activity throughout the park. Hoffman: Discussed concerns with a lack of pedestrian connections across the round -a -bout. Kyle Cook, Commissioner: Discussed activities near the parking lot and pedestrian activity in the area. He agreed with staff's assessment. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Discussed the circle of white around the central part of the round - a -bout will function as the sidewalk. She asked about the new road as it traverses through the park. Jumper: Described the changes in the street section as it traverses through the park. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner: Asked about the traffic circles in the park. Jumper: Discussed the traffic and pedestrian connections through the park. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Asked the member of the public about his concerns with road maintenance. Aust: Discussed traffic patterns on Mount Kessler Road. Hoffman: Discussed concerns with traffic and pedestrian safety through the round -a -bout. He is convinced we need a safer way around this round -a -bout. Ron Autry, Commissioner: Described that the round -a -bout will slow traffic down. It will provide a good entry into the park. It is a very well designed park. We can look at sidewalk being added with future phases. 3 Allison Thurmond Quinlan, Commissioner: Discussed that if this is primarily designed for overflow parking for the fields further to the west, the parking should be further to the west. Jumper: Discussed uses directly adjacent to this parking lot that will use the lot. She described reasons why the City Council approved funding for this parking lot. Autry: Discussed parking in future phases where parking is next to the venues going on in the park. Hoskins: Asked if the round -a -bout was constructed. Jumper: Yes. Hoskins: Discussed another design solution instead of a round -a -bout. Hoffman: Asked about landscaping and signage in the round -a -bout. Jumper: Described landscaping and signage that will be in the round -a -bout. Hoffman: Requested that we take a look at pedestrian oriented patterns when we design these things. Motion: Commissioner Autry made a motion to approve ADM 16-5496 with conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. CUP 16-5470: Conditional Use (1187 N. 51St AVE./WILSON, 398): Submitted by MARION WILSON for property located at 1187 N. 51ST AVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.90 acres. The request is for a fireworks sales tent in a residentially zoned district. Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner: Gave the staff report. Henry Wilson, Applicant: Nothing to add. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Compliments the substance of staff 19 report. Notes that he visited the site and feels staff's comments and concerns were apparent. The potential traffic movement and hours of operation with the proximity to residential areas and the church are not appropriate. Also questions the visibility of a fireworks sales tent at this site, and thus the viability of business. Matthew Hoffman, Commissioner: Although usually a proponent of commercial business to serve residential areas, does not feel that this offers any direct or obvious benefit to the neighborhood. Sees it to be a noxious use, which goes against the premise of zoning altogether. E Allison Quinlan, Commissioner: Was willing to support the request until she saw the highly limited space in which the tent could locate. Otherwise she had considered supporting it due to its very temporary placement. Chris Cook, Commissioner: Asks staff about another fireworks sales tent in the area, and how it is allowed in a residential area. Andrew Garner, Planning Director: Clarifies that that particular fireworks sales tent is located in the county, and thus not subject to City regulations. Motion: Commissioner Selby made a motion to deny CUP 16-5470. Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. CUP 16-5489: Conditional Use (3422 N. COLLEGE AVE./VERTICAL COMMUNITY CHURCH, 213): Submitted by DONNIE GRIGG for property located at 3422 N. COLLEGE AVE. The property is zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 2.19 acres. The request is for a church in a C-1 zoned district. Jonathan Curth, Senior Planner: Gave the staff report. Donnie Grigg, Applicant: ( -SDQOJ[RQVMI VAHSR5VDANHP DLQJ FIXYLR ANHAJffE 83 E and building permit are to bring this building up to code and add some classroom space. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Notes that he has been by the property many times and feels that a church is an excellent occupant for this space. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner: Questions the applicant as to whether they would like to extend their Sunday hours beyond those in the CUP request letter in case services and activities spill over beyond noon. Grigg: Expresses agreement that he would like to extend Sunday hours to 1 p.m. Hoskins: Expresses that he can support this, especially given churches on adjacent properties and in the area. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Notes that there is a church in proximity in a similar development to the south of the automotive dealership, and that churches too often do not adequately use the parking at their disposal while this arrangement will share with the strip development. Motion: Commissioner Brown made a motion to approve CUP 16-5489 with conditions as recommended by staff, extending the hours to 1 pm on Sunday. Commissioner Quinlan seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. RZN 16-5472: Rezone (2081 N. SHADY AVEJTOBIN 367): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES, INC. for properties at 2081 N. SHADY AVE. The properties are zoned C-2, COMMERCIAL THOROUGHFARE and contain approximately 1.07 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL & LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director: Gave the staff report. Hannah McNeil, Bates & Associates, Inc., Applicant:/115 HSU+A-QDMWH: Discussed the applicant's desire to develop the property and the reasons for the 1-1 rezoning request. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Tom Brown, Commissioner: Discussed his agreement with staff's analysis in the staff report and that the proposed 1-1 zoning would not be compatible. Kyle Cook, Commissioner: Asked the applicant if they intend on moving forward with the rezoning. McNeil: Discussed the applicant's desired uses for the property. She discussed this will not be a high visibility location. Matthew Hoffman, Commissioner: Discussed that this will be visible from some areas. Instead of extending too much 1-1, he discussed it is preferred to keep it the current zoning and have a conversation about the appropriate conditional uses and appropriate design variances. Rezoning is a powerful action, it takes away the conversations about uses that may not be appropriate with the area. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner: Discussed it would be really good to have light industrial zoning next to the railroad. We have a limited amount of industrial zonings in the city. Once you go vertical with buildings it will be visible. However, the idea of industrial zoning here is a little scary. Allison Thurmond Quinlan, Commissioner: Agreed with previous comments. I agree that rezoning to industrial might open the property to a wide variety of uses that may not be appropriate. Some conditional use permits and variances may make a lot of sense. Brown: Discussed that the C-2 zoning allows cottage housing development. This area needs residential development. The 2030 Plan sees that opportunity. The railroad track can be a residential opportunity. The railway corridor has been identified as a rapid rail opportunity. We do want to see more residential development in this area. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Stated that she is not in support of rezoning this property to industrial. There is not enough residential use to generate more residential use in this area. I am in favor of protecting the existing homes. Hoffman: Completely agreed with Commissioner Brown's statements about encouraging residential development in this area. The specific type of building fabric in this area that are metal buildings are very adaptable. This area is right on the edge of what could be a completely different area in a few years. He also stated agreement for conditional use permits for uses on this property. Motion: Commissioner Autry made a motion to deny RZN 16-5472. Commissioner Hoffman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. RZN 16-5474: Rezone (SOUTH OF 1297 E. FARMERS RDJHALE 558): Submitted by HAMBLEN DESIGN SERVICES, INC. for properties SOUTH OF 1297 E. FARMERS RD. The properties are zoned R -A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL AND RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contain approximately 1.28 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to RSF-7, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 7 UNITS PER ACRE. Quin Thompson, Planner: Gave the staff report. Leonard Gabbard, James Layout Services, LLC, ApplicantAl representative: Said that he was present to answer any questions the Commission may have. Public Comment: No public comment was presented. Matthew Hoffman, Commissioner: Asked staff why we have RSF-7 and RSF-8, which are so similar in nature. Thompson: Replied with history of RSF-8 designation, which was developed to replicate existing areas of Fayetteville, such as the Washington -Willow Historic District. Leslie Belden, Commissioner: Asked about the property to the west and adjacent to West Farmers Drive. Thompson: Replied that it is unlikely to be developed due to topography, wet weather stream. Ron Autry, Commissioner: Said that he supported the zoning. Alison Thurmond -Quinlan, Commissioner: Said that she is typically a proponent of R -A zone, but in this case would like to see a higher density zone for this location. Motion: Commissioner Autry made a motion to forward RZN 16-5474 with recommended approval. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 9-0-0. 4. Reports: None 5. Announcements: None 6. Adjournment Time: 6:57 PM 7. Submitted by: City Planning Division