HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5453 ORDINANCE NO. 5453 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RELATED TO NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES AND NON RESIDENTIAL USES IN R DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville encourages infill, historic preservation, adaptive reuse of buildings and revitalization; and WHEREAS,the regulations of the City of Fayetteville should encourage the survival and creative reuse of nonconforming structures,but existing ordinances currently discourage their survival and reuse; and WHEREAS,the regulations of the City of Fayetteville should permit development of single- family homes on existing lots of record to encourage reinvestment in neighborhoods and appropriate infill development. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code Chapter 151: Definitions by replacing the definition for Nonconforming use with the following term: Nonconforming structures, uses, and lots. A structure or building, use or activity, or lot which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision, or amendment of the zoning ordinance but that fails by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment to conform to the present requirements of the zoning district. Section 2.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby repeals §164.12 Nonconforming Uses and Structures and §164.13 Non Residential Uses in R Districts and enacts a replacement§164.12 and §164.13, shown as Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a part hereof. TR PASSED and APPROVED this 18 `day of October,2011. 6'`° �°��°SG m a APPROVED: ATTEST: ;FAYETTEVI LLE GG• ° 0y9h -ANSA'JQ 6 'off®Bm® ®o 0�9a �V'GTOT4 Gme��a By: C_ By: QzY1 � �, ��uaa9a�eee�' IONELD JO AN, ayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer Exhibit "A" Page 1 of 3 CHAPTER 164: SUPPLEMENTARY ZONING REGULATIONS 164.12 Nonconforming Structures, Uses requirements of the underlying zoning And Lots district, along with all other applicable zoning It is the intent of this section to regulate and development ordinances. nonconforming structures, uses or lots that are (7) For nonconforming structures located in created when zoning designations or regulations are zoning districts utilizing build-to zones and created or changed such than an existing lawfully requirements for a minimum buildable street established structure, use, or lot no longer conforms frontage, all new construction that increases to the regulations of the Unified Development Code. It the existing building(s)footprint or volume of is also the intent of this section to permit habitable space by 50% or more shall nonconformities to continue as they exist presently comply with the standards of the underlying and to guide future uses and development to be zoning district. Building additions/expansions consistent with the City's planning policy and that increase the existing building(s)footprint regulations. or volume of habitable space on a property (A) Nonconforming structures. by less than 50% may be located outside of the build-to zone, so long as they are (1) Nonconforming structures are permitted to compliant with all other applicable zoning exist for continued and creative reuse to and development ordinances. contribute to the surrounding character, diversity, and services in the neighborhood (8) Should a nonconforming structure be moved until such structures are removed. for any reason for any distance whatever, it shall thereafter conform to the regulations for (2) Repairs to nonconforming structures or the district in which it is located after it is portions thereof are permitted, so long as the moved. nonconforming portion of the structure is not (g) A structure or portion thereof within any enlarged in volume, area or footprint. zoning district may be altered to decrease its (3) Reconstruction of nonconforming structures nonconformity. or portions thereof amounting to less than (10)Owners of nonconforming structures are 50%of the existing square feet are permitted so long as the nonconforming portion of the encouraged to keep such structures in good structure is not enlarged in volume, area or condition by regular maintenance and footprint. prompt repairs when necessary. If the City's Building Official notifies the owner of any (4) Voluntary removal, damage or destruction of unsafe or unlawful condition of the building, a nonconforming structure or portion thereof the owner must repair such unsafe or amounting to 50% or more of the existing unlawful condition promptly. The Building square feet shall require either complete Official may impose a reasonable time limit removal of the structure or its reconstruction for the repairs to be complete. Failure of the in conformance with existing regulations. owner to promptly and satisfactorily complete the necessary repairs may result in (5) Involuntary damage to or destruction of a the City Council ordering a raze and removal nonconforming structure (from fire, winds or of the structure. other calamity) shall permit the owner to (11)A nonconforming structure may be brought rebuild, reconstruct or restore the structure into conformity by way of an approved on the same footprint of the original structure variance from the Board of Adjustment, a plus any addition or expansion that is rezoning action, or by altering the structure allowed by the underlying zoning district. Such reconstruction is permitted as long as it to comply with the standards the begins within 18 months of the loss and underlying zoning district. A structure constructed unlawfully shall not be complies with all other applicable zoning, development and building codes. considered a nonconforming structure for the purposes of this chapter and is a prohibited (6) For nonconforming structures located in a structure unless it is brought into compliance zoning district utilizing conventional building as provided herein. setbacks, building additions/expansions are (B) Nonconforming uses. Nonconforming uses are permitted so long as the addition is in declared by the underlying zoning district to be compliance with all current setbacks, incompatible and are regulated to further restrict building area and building height actions that would make the uses more permanent in their location or expand their (e) Superseded by permitted use. Any nonconformity. land, structure, or structure and land in combination, in or on which a (1) Nonconforming uses of land, structures or of nonconforming use is superseded by a structures and land in combination. Where a permitted use, shall thereafter conform permitted or otherwise lawful use of land or to the regulations for the district, and the of structure and land in combination exists nonconforming use may not thereafter which would not be permitted by subsequent be resumed. regulations imposed by the Unified Development Code, the use may be (f) Abandonment of use. When a continued as long as it remains otherwise nonconforming use of land, a structure, lawful, subject to the following provisions. or structure and land in combination is discontinued or abandoned for six (a) Enlargement. No use of land or an consecutive months, (except where existing structure devoted to a use not government action impedes access to permitted in the district in which it is the premises), the land, structure, or located shall be enlarged, extended, structure and land in combination, shall constructed, reconstructed, moved or not thereafter be used except in structurally altered except in changing conformity with the regulations of the the use of the land or structure to a use district in which it is located. permitted in the district in which it is located or as required by other (g) Destruction. Removal or destruction of a ordinances. structure with a nonconforming use shall eliminate the nonconforming status of (b) Extending use. Any nonconforming use the land. Destruction for the purpose of may be extended throughout any parts this subsection is defined as damage to of the building which were manifestly an extent of more than 50% of the arranged or designed for such use, but existing gross square feet of the no such use shall be extended to structure. occupy any land outside such buildings. (2) A nonconforming use may be brought into (c) Change of use. Any nonconforming use conformity through a rezoning action by the of land, structure, or structure and land City Council or by Conditional Use Permit by in combination may as a conditional use the Planning Commission, as applicable. A be changed to another nonconforming use established unlawfully shall not be use provided that the Planning considered a nonconforming use for the Commission, either by general rule or by purposes of this chapter and is a prohibited making finding in the specific case, finds use unless it is brought into compliance as that the proposed use is equally provided herein. appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the existing nonconforming (C) Nonconforming Lots. Lots that do not fully meet use. In permitting such change the the requirements of the Unified Development Planning Commission may require Code to be considered a conforming lot for appropriate conditions and safeguards development, and thus are considered in accord with the provisions of the nonconforming lots, may be utilized for Unified Development Code. development in accordance with the following provisions: (d) Conditional use provisions not nonconforming uses. Any use which is (1) A proposed structure must meet all permitted as a conditional use in a applicable building setbacks, height and lot district under the terms of this chapter coverage requirements and other applicable and has been approved by the Planning zoning and development codes, with the Commission (other than a change specific exception of the reason for which the through Planning Commission action lot is nonconforming. from a nonconforming use to another use not generally permitted in the (2) Such lot shall have frontage onto a public district) shall not be deemed a street, and water and sewer shall be nonconforming use in such district, but provided to the lot at the time of shall be without further action development. considered a conforming use. (3) Such lot shall have at least 50% of the required lot width and area of the underlying zoning district. (4) A nonconforming lot that does not meet the provisions above may be brought into conformity by way of an approved variance from the Board of Adjustment, a rezoning action, or by combining a lot(s) in order to meet the standards of the underlying zoning district. A lot that was established unlawfully shall not be considered a legal lot of record for the purposes of this chapter and no building or development permit may be granted until the lot is legally established as provided herein. 164.13 Non Residential Uses In RSF Districts The following requirements apply to specific nonresidential facilities where permitted in or abutting an RSF District. The Planning Commission may reduce these requirements after receiving and reviewing a development plan under the provisions of §166. For the uses listed, the minimum separation shall be measured from the actual nonresidential use or structure to the closest single-family residential structure. Type of Structures or Element of the Minimum Facility Separation ft. Outdoorspectator facilities 50 ft. Outdoor sports area without spectator 100 ft. facilities Tool orequipment stora a 50 ft. Air conditioning tower or dispenser unit 1 50 ft. (Code 1965,App.A.,Art.7(14);Ord.No. 1747,6-29-70; Code 1991,§160.088;Ord.No.4100,§2(Ex.A),6-16-98; Ord.5296,12-15-09) City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 10/18/2011 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Jesse Fulcher Sustainability and Strategic Planning Submitted By Department Action Required: ADM 11-3934: (UDC CHAPTERS 164.12 AND 164.13): Submitted by CITY PLANNING STAFF. The proposal is to amend Chapters 164.12 Nonconforming Uses and Structures and 164.13 Non Residential Uses in R Districts. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Department Di ctor Date Original Contract Date: �- 3,3'2)tOriginal Contract Number: City Attorney Date Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in City 09-30-1 1 PO 1 :4 5 R C V D Clerk's Office Chief o Staff Date ENT EDj Received in 3u/ Mayor's Office Mayr to Comments: Revised January 15,2009 ly, THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE ARKANSAS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Jordan, City Council Thru: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director From: Jesse Fulcher, Current Planner Date: September 30, 2011 Subject: ADM 11-3934 UDC 164.12 Nonconforming uses and structures & 164.13 Non Residential uses in R Districts RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommends approval of an ordinance amending Chapters 164.12 Nonconforming Uses and Structures and 164.13 Non Residential uses in R Districts of the Unified Development Code. BACKGROUND The City of Fayetteville first began regulating nonconforming uses in 1951 with the adoption of Ordinance 1002, which "regulated and restricted the use of land and location of buildings." This same general use restriction continued until 1970 when the city expanded these regulations and adopted a comprehensive zoning ordinance. Article 4 of this ordinance set out regulations concerning nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, nonconforming uses of structures and premises, and nonconforming characteristics of use. These regulations have continued almost unchanged for 40 years. The intent of the ordinances was to allow lots, structures, and uses established prior to the zoning ordinance to continue ("grandfather clause"), but "not to encourage their survival." This position was appropriate for nonconforming uses. Regulating nonconforming uses was intended to, as in many urban areas around the country, to prevent the encroachment of industrial and heavy commercial uses into residential districts, and to regulate such uses that had already been established. However, applying this same rigid standard to nonconforming structures has created an additional burden for property owners, and is fundamentally in conflict with the city's current policy, which is to revitalize older neighborhoods and creatively adapt old structures for new uses. Staff proposes to repeal and replace all of section 164.12 Nonconforming uses and structures. These changes are intended to reduce the number of restrictions applied to nonconforming structures. The regulations governing nonconforming uses, or uses and land in combination will remain relatively unchanged. A new definition for nonconforming structures, uses and lots is being provided for clarification, and a few minor changes to section THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 164.13 are also being proposed to clarify separation requirements between certain residential and nonresidential uses. Summary of changes: • Revised intent. "Nonconforming structures are permitted to exist for continued and creative reuse to contribute to the surrounding character, diversity, and services in the neighborhood until such structures are removed." • No limitation on building repairs and maintenance. • Building expansions are permitted in compliance with current setbacks. • Structures removed by fire, winds or other calamity are permitted to be reconstructed on same footprint. • Voluntary removal requires conformance with code. • Two or more nonconforming lots with continuous frontage (adjacency) in single ownership shall be considered separate lots as long as each lot has at least 50% of the required lot width required by the underlying zoning. • Clarified separation requirements between specific nonresidential facilities and single-family zoning districts. DISCUSSION On September 26, 2011 the Planning Commission voted 8-0-0 in favor of a recommendation of approval for ADM 11-3934. Staff will present these proposed amendments to the Board of Adjustment on October 3, 2011. BUDGET IMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RELATED TO NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES AND NON RESIDENTIAL USES IN R DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville encourages infill, historic preservation, adaptive reuse of buildings and revitalization;and WHEREAS,the regulations of the City of Fayetteville should encourage the survival and creating reuse of nonconforming structures,but existing ordinances currently discourage their survival and reuse; and WHEREAS,the regulations of the City of Fayetteville should permit development of single- family homes on existing lots of record to encourage reinvestment in neighborhoods and appropriate infill development. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code Chapter 151: Definitions by replacing the definition for Nonconforming use with the following term: Nonconforming structures, uses, and lots. A structure or building,use or activity, or lot which was lawful prior to the adoption,revision, or amendment of the zoning ordinance but that fails by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment to conform to the present requirements of the zoning district. Section 2.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby repeals §164.12 Nonconforming Uses and Structures and §164.13 Non Residential Uses in R Districts and enacts a replacement §164.12 and §164.13, shown as Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this day of ,2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN,Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasure EXHIBIT "A" �`���CH�k�FT�ErR�164.SUPPLEMENTARY'ZONING REG�ILATIONS y 164.01 ACCESSORY COMMERCIAL USES................................................................................................3 164.02 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND USES.......................................................................................3 164.03 ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL USES IN NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS......................................3 164.04 ANIMALS AND FOWL......................................................................................................................4 164.05 MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR...............................................................................................................5 164.06 RESERVED.......................................................................................................................................5 164.07 ERECTION OF MORE THAN ONE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE ON A LOT OF RECORD..............5 164.08 EXTRACTION....................................................................................................................................5 164.09 FENCES,WALLS,AND VEGETATION...........................................................................................6 164.10 GARAGE SALES..............................................................................................................................6 164.11 HEIGHT OR SETBACK REGULATIONS; EXCEPTIONS................................................................6 164.12 NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES.............................................................................7 164.13 NON RESIDENTIAL USES IN R DISTRICTS...................................................................................9 164.14 PARKING AND STORAGE OF CERTAIN VEHICLES.....................................................................10 164.15 PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION..............................................................................................10 164.16 STRUCTURES TO HAVE ACCESS.................................................................................................10 164.17 VISIBILITY AT INTERSECTIONS IN RESIDENTIAL/NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS..................11 164.18 SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS.......................................................................................11 164.19 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS(ADU).........................................................................................12 164.20 APPROVAL OF VITAL MUNICIPAL FACILITIES............................................................................14 164.21 LIMITED BUSINESS.........................................................................................................................15 164.22-164.99 RESERVED............................................................................................................................15 CD164:1 EXHIBIT "A" Fayetteville Code of Ordinances CHAPTER 164: SUPPLEMENTARY ZONING REGULATIONS 164.12 Nonconforming Uses And requirements of the underlying zoning Structures district, along with all other applicable zoning It 'is the intent of this section to regulate and development ordinances: nonconforming structures, uses or lots that are (7) For nonconforming structures located in created when zoning designationsor regulations are zoning districts utilizing build-to zones and created or changed such than an existing lawfully requirements for a minimum buildable street established structure, use, or lot no longer conforms frontage, all new construction that increases to the regulations of the Unified Development Code. It the existing building(s)footprint or volume of is also the intent of this section to .permit habitable space by 50% or more shall nonconformities to continue as they exist presently comply with the standards of the underlying and guide future uses and development to be zoning district. Building additions/expansions consist ent with the City's planning ;policy and regulations. that increase the existing building(s)footprint or volume of habitable space on a.:property (A) Nonconforming structures. by less than 50% may be located outside of the` build-to zone, so long as they are (1)_Nonconforming structures are permitted to compliant with all other applicable zoning exist for 'continued and creative reuse to and development ordinances. contribute to the surrounding character, (8) Should a nonconforming structure be moved diversity, and services in the neighborhood for any reason for any distance whatever, it until such structures are removed. shall thereafter conform to the regulations for (2) Repairs to nonconforming structures or the'district in which it is located after it is portions thereof are permitted,so long as the moved. nonconforming portion of the structure is not (g) A structure or portion thereof within any enlarged in volume,area or footprint. zoning district maybe altered to decrease its (3) Reconstruction of nonconforming structures nonconformity. or portions thereof amounting to less than (10)Owners of nonconforming; structures are 50%of the existing square feet are permitted so long as the nonconforming portion of the encouraged keep such structures good structure is not enlarged in volume, area or condition byy regular maintenance and footprint. prompt repairs when necessary. If the City's Building Official notifies the owner of any (4) Voluntary removal, damage or destruction of unsafe or unlawful condition of the building, a nonconforming structure or portion thereof the owner must repair such unsafe or amounting to 50% or more of the existing unlawful condition promptly. The Building square feet shall require either complete Official may impose a reasonable time limit removal of the structure or its reconstruction for the repairs to be complete.Failure of the in conformance with existing regulations. owner to promptly and satisfactorily complete the necessary repairs may result in (5) Involuntary damage to or destruction of a the City Council ordering a raze and removal nonconforming structure (from fire, winds or of the structure. other calamity) shall permit the owner to (11)A nonconforming structure may be brought rebuild, reconstruct or restore the structure on the same footprint of the original structure into conformity by way f an approved plus any addition or expansion that is variance from the Board of Adjustment, a allowed by the underlying zoning district. rezoning action, or by altering the structure Such reconstruction is permitted as long as it to comply with the standards begins within 18 months of the loss and underlying zoning district. A structure of the constructed unlawfully shall not be complies with all other applicable zoning, development and building codes. considered a nonconforming structure for the purposes of this chapter and is a prohibited (6)r;,For nonconforming structures located in a structure unless it is brought into compliance zoning district utilizing conventional building as provided herein. setbacks, building additions/expansions are (B) Nonconforming uses. Nonconforming uses are permitted so long as the addition is in declared by the underlying zoning district to be compliance with all current setbacks, incompatible and are regulated to further restrict building area and building height actions that would make the uses more CD 164:2 EXHIBIT "A" permanent in their ;location or expand their (e) ,Superseded by permitted use. Any nonconformity. land, structure,,or structure and land in combination, in or -on which a (1) Nonconforming uses of land, structures or of nonconforming use is superseded by a structures and land in combination. Where a permitted use,'shall thereafter conform permitted or otherwise lawful use of land or to the regulations for the district,and the of`structure and land in combination exists nonconforming use may not thereafter which would not be permitted by subsequent be resumed. regulations' imposed by the Unified Development Code, the use may be (f) Abandonment of use. When a continued as long as it remainsotherwise nonconforming use of land, a structure, lawful,,subject to the following provisions. or structure and land in combination is discontinued or abandoned for six (a) Enlargement. No use of land or an consecutive months, (except where existing structure devoted to a use,not government action impedes access to permitted in the district in which it is the premises), the land, structure, or located shall be enlarged, ,extended, structure and land in combination, shall constructed, 'reconstructed, moved or not thereafter be used except in structurally altered except in changing conformity with the regulations of the the use of the land or structure to a use district in which it is located. permitted in the district in which it is located or as required by other (g) Destruction.Removal or destruction of a ordinances.: structure with a nonconforming use shall eliminate the nonconforming status of (b) Extending use. Any nonconforming use the land. Destruction for the purpose of may be extended throughout any parts this subsection is defined as damage to of.the building which were .manifestly an extent of more than 50% of the arranged or designed'for such use, but existing gross square feet ` of the no such use shall be extended to structure. occupy any land outside such buildings (2) A nonconforming use may be brought into (c) Change of use. Any nonconforming use conformity through,a rezoning action by the of land, structure, or structure and land' City Council or by Conditional Use Permit by in combination may as a conditional use the Planning Commission, as applicable. A be changed to another nonconforming use established unlawfully shall not be use ;provided that the Planning considered a nonconforming use for the Commission,either by general rule or by purposes of this chapter and is a prohibited making finding in the specific case,finds use unless it is brought into compliance as that :the proposed use is equally provided herein. appropriate or more appropriate to the district than the existing nonconforming (C) Nonconforming Lots. Lots that do not fully meet use. in permitting such change the the requirements of the Unified Development Planning Commission 'may require Code to be considered a conforming lot for appropriate conditions and safeguards development, and thus are considered in accord with the provisions of the nonconforming lots, may be utilized for Unified Development Code. development in accordance with the following provisions: (d) Conditional use provisions not nonconforming uses. Any use which is (1) A proposed structure must meet all permitted as a conditional use in a applicable building setbacks, height and lot district under the terms of this chapter coverage requirements and other applicable and has been approved by the Planning zoning and development codes, with the Commission (other than a change specific exception of the reason for which the through Planning Commission action lot is nonconforming. from a nonconforming use to another use not generally permitted in the (2) Such lot shall have frontage onto 'a public district)`_ shall not be deemed a street, and water and sewer shall be nonconforming use in such district, but provided to the lot at the time of shall be without further action development. considered a conforming use. EXHIBIT "A" Fayetteville Code of Ordinances (3) Such lot shall have at ,least 50% of the required lot width and area of the underlying (Code 1965,App.A.,Art.7(14);Ord.No.1747,6-29-70; zoning district. Code 1991,§160.088;Ord.No.4100,§2(Ex.A),6-16-98; Ord.5296,12-15-09) (4) Anonconforming lot that does not meet the provisions above may be brought into conformity by way of an approved variance from the-Board of Adjustment, a rezoning action, or by combining a lot(s) in order to meet the standards of the,underlying zoning district. A lot that was established unlawfully shall not be considered a legal lot of record for the purposes of this chapter and no building or development,permit may be granted'until the lot is legally established as provided herein. 164.13 Non Residential Uses In RSF Districts The following requirements apply to charitable, specific nonresidential facilities where permitted in or abutting an RSF District. The Planning Commission may reduce these requirements after receiving and reviewing a development plan under the provisions of §166. shall be as lelle1^•gs For the uses listed, the minimum separation shall be measured from the actual nonresidential use or structure to the closest single- family residential structure. Type of Structures or Element of the Minimum Facility Separation ft.) Outdoor FaGilky-GFUs494 a 8041- €Atranse driveway 20-#- 744. 290-#- Outdoor spectator facilities 50 ft. Outdoor sports area without spectator 100 ft. facilities Tool or equipment storage 299 50 ft. Air conditioning tower or dispenser unit 50 ft. mere than 1,200 square feet,game beverages are served,SpeGtate If f6illy air GgRditiGROGI 100 ft- If not fully air_GgRdifinnorl 2444- Buildirig of a general hospital or 50 ft Building of a 299 ft All Othpr Fanolmima If fUlly air Ge-difiAPI.Ad If ROt fully air GGRd#iGne4 CD 164:4