HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5408 ORDINANCE NO. 5408 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND §72.58 OFF-STREET PARKING FACILITIES; RULES AND RATES OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE TO ADD EVENT PARKING FOR LARGE WALTON ARTS CENTER EVENTS WHEREAS, the Walton Arts Center Staff has requested that the City amend our parking regulations to allow an event parking option when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the Walton Arts Center; and WHEREAS, an event parking option may increase customer satisfaction with parking in the Walton Arts Center parking lot during large events by allowing a more rapid exit from the lot after a performance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §72.58 Off-Street Parking Facilities (H) City parking lots and paid on-street parking spaces within the Entertainment District Parking Zone of the Fayetteville Code by enacting a new subsection(5)Event Parking as shown below: "(5) Event Parking. The Parking Manager may approve a request from the Walton Arts Center staff to implement Event Parking when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend an event at the Walton Arts Center. Such Event Parking will require a person desiring to park their vehicle in the Walton Arts Center Parking Lot to pay a fee of $5.00. The Walton Arts Center shall provide sufficient personnel to staff any Event e`gy9PPPEYEp Parking it requests." ®`oa``��R /TR: dsP., Y OF®SGS oa PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of May, 2011. :FAYETTEVILLE: APPROVED: ATTEST: 89A, By: - Ry: lcl�,dAoj LAD , Mayor SO RA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 5/3/2011 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Don Marr Administration Administration Submitted By Division Department Action Required: A Ordinance to amend Parking Ordinance 5324 to add Event Parking in Section _enabling the Walton Arts Center to request approval from City Staff to utilize an event parking program on nights when 600 or more patrons are expected at the Walton Arts Center for an event. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item 0 Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Department Direct Date L)k Original Contract Date: " C I Original Contract Number: City rney Date -IS20tl 4_l3-1 1 PO4:36 RCVD Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in Cit Clerk's Office - Chief of St Date ERE Received in Mayor's Office M 4or Difte Comments: Revised January 15, 2009 City Council Meeting Date: Tayve ele May 3, 2011 ARKANSAS City Council Agenda Memo To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Thru: Mayor Jordan From: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Date: 4/18/2011 Subject: Amending Ordinance 5324 to add Event Parking as an Option for Large WAC events Recommendation: The City Staff recommends on behalf of the Mayor's office that the City Council amend Parking Ordinance 5324 Pay Parking Program to allow for an Event Parking Program which would enable the Walton Arts Center to request approval from City Staff to utilize an event parking model on nights/matinees when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the Walton Arts Center. Background: The Walton Arts Center Executive Management Team has requested the Mayor to bring to the City Council an ordinance amendment to enable the City Parking Staff to approve an Event Parking Program. The goal of the event parking model is to increase customer satisfaction with parking in the large Walton Arts Center Lot(on the Corner of Dickson Street and West Street) . Event parking model will facilitate mass exodus from the main Walton Arts Center parking lot after WAC performances, something that the current parking systems are not designed to handle in mass numbers. The key to the scenario is the ability to move back and forth between event parking and hourly parking. The Walton Arts Center will request approval to use the event parking model for all events when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the WAC for an event. This will include evening and matinee shows. For evening shows the Event Parking model would begin at 4 pm. For matinee shows the event parking model would begin at 12 noon. In both instances the event parking model would remain in effect through 30 minutes (max.) past curtain time. The City will investigate numerous operational processes(such as provide handheld devices to accept cash/credit cards and issue an all in one parking receipt/ticket with a QR code that our current equipment will read and allow exiting at any time before 2 pm the next day without a gate attendant, or the use of other manual cash/and manual validating ticket dispensing options.)The final option selected will have to provide some type of receipt/tickets that will allow unattended exit from the lot for those individuals that would have to leave early, or for those individuals who stay after performances to attend business establishments on Dickson Street,and who do not wish to leave immediately following the shows. Event parking would be utilized either until the lot is full or until 30 minutes post curtain time. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479)575-8323 accessfayetteville.org TDD(Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)(479)-521-1316 When the WAC show ends and when heavy traffic begins flowing out of the lot, all exit gates (2 on West Ave., and 1 on Dickson)will be raised allowing traffic to exit freely by presenting their receipt/tor special ticket upon exit until the heavy volume of those individuals leaving immediately following the show have exited. Then the gates will be lowered and hourly parking will resume. The Walton Arts Center Management expects event parking o be utilized approximately 120 to 150 events per calendar year. The fee for event parking will be a flat fee of$5.00 and would raise proportionately with any adjustments made by the City Council to the maximum daily rate. The City Staff(Internal Auditor, Senior Director of Finance&Internal Services, Division Manager of Parking &Telecommunications, Senior Director of Transportation Services, Police Staff and the Chief of Staff)will work with the WAC executive management staff to ensure Cash Controls, Timely Reporting of weekly revenues, ensuring timely deposits, establishing event parking protocols to reduce any loss of revenue due to hourly parkers who entered the lots prior to the Event Parking hours beginning; attempting to exit during the mass show exit period, and to establish an event parking ticket processes, and management of automobile traffic during mass exit period. Budget Impact: The event parking model will be staffed fully by the Walton Arts Center staff contracted for Parking Services by the City of Fayetteville at no additional cost to the current contract for this budget year. There are two options being considered at this time. The current budget has$31,000 for improvements in Entertainment District Parking program (equipment,software, lots, etc) available for additional equipment, programming and lot improvements Option One: The City would provide up to 4 hand held "roaming cashier" devices for accepting payment at entry and providing receipts/tickets for individuals entering during the event model period and allowing exit at any time without a gated attendant, is at a cost to the City of$ 59,000 for equipment,software, and programming. Option two: The purchase of validating equipment and special ticket stock costing up to$20,000 in equipment and software and supplies. There would be additional staff time to program & validate show tickets for up to 150 events not included in this new equipment cost. Depending on the options selected—which will be based on ensuring sound audit controls, and operational/customer satisfaction success, and lower overall cost the parking budget impact could result in an additional expense which would have to be brought back to the City Council for approval. This will be evaluated against the benefit to the program, customer service and cash control requirements. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479)575-8323 accessfayetteville.org TDD(Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)(479)-521-1316 WAC Main Lot Event Parking Plan The goal of the event parking model is to increase customer satisfaction with parking on Dickson Street by facilitating mass exodus from the main WAC lot after WAC performances, something that the current automated system is not set up to do. The key to our scenario is the ability to move back and forth between event parking and hourly parking. It is dependent on the technological capabilities of the machines and the ability of Amano's technicians to adapt them for this specific purpose. If this is not possible, an alternative scenario laid out below bypasses the equipment as much as possible. Event Parking-Key stars Event Parking Hours: 4pm evening/noon matinees through 30 minutes (max.)past curtain time Lots utilized: WAC main lot Cost: $S Event parking happens when: 600 or more patrons expected at WAC for an event Estimated # of event parking times: 120-I50 events/yr General Procedures Prior to the event, signs would be posted to advise parkers that event parking will be in effect at the given time. At the onset of event parking, the lot would be staffed by two entrance gate attendants (provided by WAC)and a rover to monitor available space and troubleshoot. All would be under the supervision of the WAC parking team lead. The two attendants would greet entering patrons, collect the fee($S, cash only , and give them a machine-validated ticket or "pass" of some kind. The pass would be a validated and time- coded ticket that would work with the machine and allow unattended exit from the lot any time before 2:00pm the next day(like a pre-paid ticket). Event parking would continue until the lot is full or until 30 minutes post curtain. At that time, the attendants would remove signage and hourly parking would resume. Anyone parked in the lot prior to event parking or entering the lot after it could exit the lot at any time following normal hourly procedures. At the end of the show when heavy traffic begins flowing out of the lot, all four gates would be opened allowing traffic to exit freely until the flow stops. The gates would be lowered and any event parkers who linger could use the pass in the machines to exit the lot. Up to four WAC staff would be used to monitor the exits during the immediate post-show exit(approximately IS minutes . Once the crowd has subsided, the gates would be lowered and remaining parkers would use their validated pass to exit when they leave. Event parking would take place when it is anticipated that the lot will be full. More specifically, event parking would be utilized when there are performances on the WAC campus with an anticipated attendance near 600. WAC will provide the City with a list of potential events at the beginning of each season and update it frequently as programming changes and ticket sales trends dictate. Generally, we expect I20-1 SO events per year will meet the event parking criteria. Issues/Solutions: I) Parking Machine tickets -The pass needs to be valid only for the day of the event as it will not be collected from cars exiting during the post-show rush. If the machine can be set to allow tickets to be dispensed without driving through,perhaps they can be validated in some way. 2) Shrinkage -Small loss of revenue due to hourly parkers exiting during the post-show rush could happen, although we anticipate this would be less than what currently is lost due to "prox outs" at the end of show. Revenue flow will be monitored by city staff to ensure that revenue intake remains steady or higher than pre-event parking. 3) Cash Controls -A system of cash controls will be established with points of accountability along the chain of custody. This system would require a controlled inventory of passes or tickets(such as sequentially numbered receipts). The City would control the tickets/passes by issuing them to WAC staff prior to each Season. Attendants would be issued a fixed amount of passes with a dollar value and cash for change. At the end of the shift,unused passes and all cash would be returned in a dollar amount equal to the initial amount. A flash report could be issued by WAC each evening to City on sales. WAC could deposit the money and issue the city a check monthly or quarterly. 4) Parking Fees—Event parking will be a flat fee of$5. If$5 is maximum set by City ordinance, we would like to include language that would raise it proportionately with any adjustments made by the City Council to hourly rates. 5) Traffic Control—To successfully clear the lots as quickly as possible,utilizing the existing Dickson Street police officers to help manage traffic flow and time the light at Dickson/West will be useful. Alternative Scenario If securing validated tickets/passes that work with the machines upon exit proves impossible, we would modify the above plan to provide color-coded passes (not readable by the machines)to patrons who enter the lot. WAC would staff the exits from the start of event parking until tam. Cars with tickets who parked before or after event parking could leave as usual, cars who received a color-coded pass would be let out manually by the attendant. This is a workable solution, however, it would require some additional labor to staff the exits longer. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND §72.58 OFF-STREET PARKING FACILITIES; RULES AND RATES OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE TO ADD EVENT PARKING FOR LARGE WALTON ARTS CENTER EVENTS WHEREAS,the Walton Arts Center Staff has requested that the City amend our parking regulations to allow an event parking option when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the Walton Arts Center; and WHEREAS, an event parking option may increase customer satisfaction with parking in the Walton Arts Center parking lot during large events by allowing a more rapid exit from the lot after a performance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §72.58 Off-Street Parking Facilities (H) City parking lots and paid on-street parking spaces within the Entertainment District Parking Zone of the Fayetteville Code by enacting a new subsection(5)Event Parking as shown below: "(5) Event Parking. The Parking Manager may approve a request from the Walton Arts Center staff to implement Event Parking when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend an event at the Walton Arts Center. Such Event Parking will require a person desiring to park their vehicle in the Walton Arts Center Parking Lot to pay a fee of $5.00. The Walton Arts Center shall provide sufficient personnel to staff any Event Parking it requests." PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day of May, 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer c FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE VII TRAFFIC CODE (2) This section shall apply everyday between the (a) 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. -- hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except $.50 per hour Sundays and legal holidays. (b) 5:00 p.m.until 2:00 a.m.the following (G) Gated parking lots,parking decks and parking day--$1.00 per hour meters outside the Entertainment Parking District Zone. For all the parking lots identified (c) 2:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. — in subsection (A) and all parking meters free parking outside the Entertainment Parking District Zone. (d) 2:00 p.m.until 2:00 a.m.the following day—the owner or The following parking fees are established and operator of any vehicle shall shall be required to be paid by the owner or have the option to choose a operator of any vehicle parked in those spaces maximum day rate of$5.00 or parking lots: (2) Saturday and Sunday (1) Long-term metered spaces(red- capped parking meters) -- $.15 (a) 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. per hour. $.50 per hour (2) All other parking meters--$.25 (b) 6:00 p.m.until 2:00 a.m.the per hour. following day -- $1.00 per hour (3) Gated lot(per space) --$30.00 per month. (c) 2:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. — free parking (4) Long-term parking permits(hang tags) for use only at long-term (d) 2:00 p.m.until 2:00 a.m.the following (red-capped) meters -- $30.00 day — the owner or operator of any per month. vehicle shall have the option to choose a maximum day rate of$5.00 (5) City Parking Deck at Meadow Street -- $45.00 per month for (3) Motorcycle and motor scooter first and second levels, $30.00 parking in specially designated per month for third level, plus motorcycle/motor scooter paid single day usage fee of not more parking spaces. than$4.00 if space is available. The above parking rates for normal, (6) Town Center Parking Deck — not more than passenger car sized paid parking $70.00 per month nor more than$4.00 per day spaces shall be reduced by 50%for if space is available. all specially designated motorcycle/motor scooter paid (H) City parking lots and paid on-street parking spaces. All motorcycles and parking spaces within the Entertainment motor scooters will have to pay the District Parking Zone. normal full rate if parked within a normal, passenger car sized parking For parking in the WAC Lot, South Lot, space. East Lot, North Lot and all paid on-street parking spaces within the entertainment (4) Discounted parking rates for employees. District Parking Zone, the following (Employee Parking Cards or coupons)In order parking fees are established and shall be to assist employees working in the required to be paid by the owner or Entertainment District Parking Zone,the Mayor operator of any vehicle parked in those is authorized to sell and issue Employee spaces or lots: Parking Cards that can be used for certain more distant parking spaces at a highly (1) Monday through Friday discounted rate of up to 90% off the normal CD72:13 000 Pspp PA"IlLa3 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NEWSPAPERSw Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette The Morning News of Springdale RECEIVED The Morning News of Rogers Northwest Arkansas Times MAY 2 5 2011 Benton County Daily Record CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 212 North East Avenue, Fayetteville Arkansas 72701/ PO Box 1607, 72702 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PHONE: 479-571-6421 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. Printed and published in Washington & Benton County, (Lowell), Arkansas and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville- Ordinance 5408 ORDINANCE NO.5408 AN ORi?IPlM DE To MIEND§72M OFF-STREET PARKING FACILRULES AND OF jkFAILIEC E TO ET PARUNQPublished May 19, 2011 FOR LARGE WAtTON As CENTER EVENTS W HIEREW the Wellon Arta Caister Staff lies request• A R R R H S A S Ertl that tl*Cilyart-d Aur per"$QgrllalWns 1000W a1s avant p n9 O}11Io11 when 6W 6r mOIA PaVOM era oxPeded t0 attend the Walmn Arts Publication Charge : $ 71 .33 �t'N:� WHEN EAS,an event parking option may increase customer satisfaction with parking in the Walton Ads Cen[er parking lot during large events by allowing a more rapid exit from the lot after a performance. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYMEVILLE,ARKANSAS: �/ SB0t1Ot11,11sa1 the City Camo9 Of IheClty Of F8MlaAk%Arkansas tWeby amort ,§72.58 Signed: _ _ -------- Off-treat PaSrMhB Fac1111165"CAy loaft g Ms 016 Pfd W-street parldng epam within the FiflrRta WUM D(stf101 PaWng dorig Of the FayeltevNfe ODde by enacting a reaw subsec- lion(5)Event PsrMnp as Mom beTew. 16) Event Pei"'Ing P&Wng,Marlagar may approve a requesl from the the Walton Arts Center staff to wnI�t Emn,t Perking wt,an 800 Or rn°f°pau«m ate exmied to Subscribed and sworn to before me atfend an evwl al 1318 Wallon Ads t;erstor,SuW)Event ParWng mill mqulre a parson deskirlg 10 Park 010[r v01110110 In"Walton Arts Cantor Parking Lot to pay a.fes of SS.00. This l� day of Marter 7 , 2011 . The Wall,Arta catlall prohdA 8 jrKtlt pefsannel tt,staff any Even,Pant"It PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of May,2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN,Mayor SONDRA E.SMITH,City ClerWTreasurer Notary Public ��� My Commission Expires: Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent ORDINANCE NO. 5408 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND §72.58 OFF-STREET PARKING FACILITIES; RULES AND RATES OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE TO ADD EVENT PARKING FOR LARGE WALTON ARTS CENTER EVENTS WHEREAS, the Walton Arts Center Staff has requested that the City amend our parking regulations to allow an event parking option when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the Walton Arts Center; and WHEREAS, an event parking option may increase customer satisfaction with parking in the Walton Arts Center parking lot during large events by allowing a more rapid exit from the lot after a performance. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §72.58 Off-Street Parking Facilities (H) City parking lots and paid on-street parking spaces within the Entertainment District Parking Zone of the Fayetteville Code by enacting a new subsection(5)Event Parking as shown below: "(5) Event Parking. The Parking Manager may approve a request from the Walton Arts Center staff to implement Event Parking when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend an event at the Walton Arts Center. Such Event Parking will require a person desiring to park their vehicle in the Walton Arts Center Parking Lot to pay a fee of $5.00. The Walton Arts Center shall provide sufficient personnel to staff any Event e`gy9PPPEYEp Parking it requests." ®`oa``��R /TR: dsP., Y OF®SGS oa PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of May, 2011. :FAYETTEVILLE: APPROVED: ATTEST: 89A, By: - Ry: lcl�,dAoj LAD , Mayor SO RA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 5/3/2011 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Don Marr Administration Administration Submitted By Division Department Action Required: A Ordinance to amend Parking Ordinance 5324 to add Event Parking in Section _enabling the Walton Arts Center to request approval from City Staff to utilize an event parking program on nights when 600 or more patrons are expected at the Walton Arts Center for an event. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item 0 Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Department Direct Date L)k Original Contract Date: " C I Original Contract Number: City rney Date -IS20tl 4_l3-1 1 PO4:36 RCVD Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in Cit Clerk's Office - Chief of St Date ERE Received in Mayor's Office M 4or Difte Comments: Revised January 15, 2009 City Council Meeting Date: Tayve ele May 3, 2011 ARKANSAS City Council Agenda Memo To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Thru: Mayor Jordan From: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Date: 4/18/2011 Subject: Amending Ordinance 5324 to add Event Parking as an Option for Large WAC events Recommendation: The City Staff recommends on behalf of the Mayor's office that the City Council amend Parking Ordinance 5324 Pay Parking Program to allow for an Event Parking Program which would enable the Walton Arts Center to request approval from City Staff to utilize an event parking model on nights/matinees when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the Walton Arts Center. Background: The Walton Arts Center Executive Management Team has requested the Mayor to bring to the City Council an ordinance amendment to enable the City Parking Staff to approve an Event Parking Program. The goal of the event parking model is to increase customer satisfaction with parking in the large Walton Arts Center Lot(on the Corner of Dickson Street and West Street) . Event parking model will facilitate mass exodus from the main Walton Arts Center parking lot after WAC performances, something that the current parking systems are not designed to handle in mass numbers. The key to the scenario is the ability to move back and forth between event parking and hourly parking. The Walton Arts Center will request approval to use the event parking model for all events when 600 or more patrons are expected to attend the WAC for an event. This will include evening and matinee shows. For evening shows the Event Parking model would begin at 4 pm. For matinee shows the event parking model would begin at 12 noon. In both instances the event parking model would remain in effect through 30 minutes (max.) past curtain time. The City will investigate numerous operational processes(such as provide handheld devices to accept cash/credit cards and issue an all in one parking receipt/ticket with a QR code that our current equipment will read and allow exiting at any time before 2 pm the next day without a gate attendant, or the use of other manual cash/and manual validating ticket dispensing options.)The final option selected will have to provide some type of receipt/tickets that will allow unattended exit from the lot for those individuals that would have to leave early, or for those individuals who stay after performances to attend business establishments on Dickson Street,and who do not wish to leave immediately following the shows. Event parking would be utilized either until the lot is full or until 30 minutes post curtain time. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479)575-8323 accessfayetteville.org TDD(Telecommunications Device for the Deaf)(479)-521-1316