HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5511 ORDINANCE NO. 5511 AN ORDINANCE ENACTING ARTICLE XXIV TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (§ 33.360 THROUGH § 33.365) OF CHAPTER 33: DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND AUTHORITIES OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND DEFINING ITS COMPOSITION, AUTHORITY AND DUTIES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby enacts Article XXIV Town and Gown Advisory Committee (§ 33.360 through § 33.365) of Chapter 33: Departments, Boards, Commissions, and Authorities of the Code of Fayetteville, a copy of which is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein as if set out word for word, to provide for the creation of a Town and Gown Advisory Committee, and defining its composition, authority and duties. PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of July, 2012. APPROVED: ATTEST: r By: Du/ By: 4044� 45f O LD JO , Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer aareroPrrP. ®® �✓m9ap� C1 6, o a :FAYETTEVILLE'.- t ARTICLE XXIV TOWN AND GOWN (1) Seven (7) members shall be representatives from ADVISORY COMMITTEE the University of Arkansas, to be selected by the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee, and shall include one (1) representative of the 33.360 Purpose and Establishment Chancellor's Office, one (1) representative of There is hereby established the Town and Gown Government Relations, one (1) representative Advisory Committee. This Committee shall be a from the Division of Student Affairs, one (1) forum for collaboration between the City of representative of Parking and Transit, one (1) Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas on representative of Athletics, one (1) representative mutually relevant issues including, but not limited to, of Facilities Management, and the current campus expansions, the need for student housing Associated Student Government President. both on and off campus, and parking and noise in areas adjacent to or nearby the campus. The Committee is empowered only to advise and make recommendations on a periodic basis to both the City 33.362 Terms Of Office Council and the University of Arkansas on such Members appointed by the City Council shall serve a issues, and to adopt rules for the conduct of its own two(2)year term,. Members appointed by the Mayor, business. with the exception of the City Council member appointed by the Mayor, shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. Members appointed from the University of 33.361 Composition Arkansas shall serve for such period as to be The Town and Gown Advisory Committee shall be determined by the University. comprised of twenty-one (21) voting members, consisting of the following: 33.363 Officers and Quorum (A) One (1) member of the Committee shall be a At the first regularly scheduled Committee meeting of member of the City Council appointed by the each calendar year, the members of the Committee Mayor; shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson and a Secretary, who shall operate as Vice-Chair. A (B) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 1 majority of the whole number of members shall appointed by the City Council; constitute a quorum to conduct business, and a majority vote of those present shall be sufficient to (C) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 2 approve or deny any matter before the Committee. appointed by the City Council; (D) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 3 33.364 Meetings appointed by the City Council; The Town and Gown Advisory Committee shall meet at least once per quarter to conduct regular business, (E) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 4 at a time and place that is mutually convenient to the appointed by the City Council; membership. The Town and Gown Advisory Committee may meet more frequently if needed. (F) One(1) member shall be a business owner in the City or a representative of the City development community appointed by the City Council; (G) One (1) member shall be a University of Arkansas student living in the City appointed by the City Council; (H) Seven (7) members shall be City staff appointed by the Mayor, and shall include one (1) representative of the Mayor's office, one (1) representative of Development Services-Current Planning, one (1) representative of Development Services-Community Services, one (1) representative of Police, one(1) representative of Fire, one (1) representative of Parking, and one (1) representative from either Transportation or Utilities. EXHIBIT City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 7/3/2012 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Julie McQuade Communications&Volunteer Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Approve a resolution establishing a Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee, defining the membership structure and terms for Community representative members. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# a t Director Date Original Contract Date: Original Contract Number: Attorney Date �o...� at- .9LA1h— 6~($'2dtZ 06-115- 12PO4:49 RCVD Fin nee and Internal Services Director Date Received in City x ✓ Clerk's Office Chief of S ff Date Received in Mayor's Office 61 M or Da e Comments: Revised January 15,2009 ;ilk Ta te: THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE AN5 7yr CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Don Marr,Chief of Staff Lindsley Smith,Communication Director From: Julie McQuade, Community Outreach Coordinator Date: June 15,2012 Subject: Establishing a Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee PROPOSAL: Staff proposes a resolution establishing a Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee,defining the membership structure and terms for Community representative members. BACKGROUND: In recent months citizens and City Council members have had discussions around issues found commonly in cities that are home to universities. Issues being discussed in Fayetteville are consistent with many of the typical challenges that many university communities face. To date,the University of Arkansas or City of Fayetteville have attempted to address many of these issues separately. Issues such as campus expansions,need for student housing,parking and noise complaints in areas adjacent to campus, and demands on budgets, services, and infrastructure are expected to continue to increase with the growth of the University of Arkansas's student population as well as the growth of the city's population. RECOMMENDATION: Research has shown that a collaborative relationship between the community(town) and the local college or university(gown) contributes to an overall quality of life for everyone involved. However, issues such as local budget cuts, off-campus student conduct, and campus expansions can often cause strained relations between town and gown. Initiating a dialogue and opening up the lines of communication between the campus and its neighbors can foster a positive relationship based on a common understanding of the role that each plays—or can play—to promote a healthy and thriving community. As such, city staff recommends the creation of a Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee for the purpose of improving communication on town/gown issues and collaborate on solutions. Staff also believes establishing such an Advisory Committee provides a forum for identifying opportunities and facilitating partnerships that can benefit the entire community. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Furthermore, staff recommends that membership of the Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee be structured in order to provide equal representation of city,university, and community interests for productive communication about the unique issues, challenges and opportunities our community faces as home to the state's flagship public university. The recommended membership structure and terms of members follows: The Fayetteville Town Gown Advisory Committee shall be comprised of twenty-one(2 1)members; seven (7)to be appointed by the City Administration, seven(7)to be appointed by the University of Arkansas, one(1) City Council member appointed by the mayor, and the following six(6)to be appointed by the City Council: 1. One(1)member shall be a Ward 1 resident 2. One(1)member shall be a Ward 2 resident 3. One(1)member shall be a Ward 3 resident 4. One(1)member shall be a Ward 4 resident 5. One(1)member shall be a Fayetteville business owner or a representative of the Fayetteville development community 6. One(1)member shall be a university student living in the City of Fayetteville Membership Terms: 1. Members appointed by the City Council and the City Council representative appointed by the mayor shall serve a term of two (2)years. 2. All other members appointed by the City Administration and University of Arkansas shall serve until replaced. Membership structure shall be reviewed every four(4)years and revised as appropriate in regard to any additional town(city) and gown(university and college) stakeholder representation. BUDGETIMPACT: Minimal administrative staff support only. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ENACTING ARTICLE XXIV TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (§ 33.360 THROUGH § 33.365) OF CHAPTER 33: DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND AUTHORITIES OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND DEFINING ITS COMPOSITION, AUTHORITY AND DUTIES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby enacts Article XXIV Town and Gown Advisory Committee (§ 33.360 through § 33.365) of Chapter 33: Departments, Boards, Commissions, and Authorities of the Code of Fayetteville, a copy of which is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein as if set out word for word, to provide for the creation of a Town and Gown Advisory Committee, and defining its composition, authority and duties. PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 2012. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer ARTICLE XXIV TOWN AND GOWN (1) Seven (7) members shall be representatives from ADVISORY COMMITTEE the University of Arkansas, to be selected by the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee, and shall include one (1) representative of the 33.360 Purpose and Establishment Chancellor's Office, one (1) representative of There is hereby established the Town and Gown Government Relations, one (1) representative Advisory Committee. This Committee shall be a from the Division of Student Affairs, one (1) forum for collaboration between the City of representative of Parking and Transit, one (1) Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas on representative of Athletics, one(1) representative mutually relevant issues including, but not limited to, of Facilities Management, and the current campus expansions, the need for student housing Associated Student Government President. both on and off campus, and parking and noise in areas adjacent to or nearby the campus. The Committee is empowered only to advise and make recommendations on a periodic basis to both the City 33.362 Terms Of Office Council and the University of Arkansas on such Members appointed by the City Council shall serve a issues, and to adopt rules for the conduct of its own two(2)year term,. Members appointed by the Mayor, business. with the exception of the City Council member appointed by the Mayor, shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. Members appointed from the University of 33.361 Composition Arkansas shall serve for such period as to be The Town and Gown Advisory Committee shall be determined by the University. comprised of twenty-one (21) voting members, consisting of the following: 33.363 Officers and Quorum (A) One (1) member of the Committee shall be a At the first regularly scheduled Committee meeting of member of the City Council appointed by the each calendar year, the members of the Committee Mayor; shall elect from among themselves a Chairperson and a Secretary, who shall operate as Vice-Chair. A (B) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 1 majority of the whole number of members shall appointed by the City Council; constitute a quorum to conduct business, and a majority vote of those present shall be sufficient to (C) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 2 approve or deny any matter before the Committee. appointed by the City Council; (D) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 3 33.364 Meetings appointed by the City Council; The Town and Gown Advisory Committee shall meet at least once per quarter to conduct regular business, (E) One (1) member shall be a resident of Ward 4 at a time and place that is mutually convenient to the appointed by the City Council; membership. The Town and Gown Advisory Committee may meet more frequently if needed. (F) One(1) member shall be a business owner in the City or a representative of the City development community appointed by the City Council; (G) One (1) member shall be a University of Arkansas student living in the City appointed by the City Council; (H) Seven (7) members shall be City staff appointed by the Mayor, and shall include one (1) representative of the Mayor's office, one (1) representative of Development Services-Current Planning, one (1) representative of Development Services-Community Services, one (1) representative of Police, one(1) representative of Fire, one (1) representative of Parking, and one (1) representative from either Transportation or Utilities. ARTICLE XXIV TOWN AND GOWN (1) Seven (7) members hall be representatives from ADVISORY COMMITTEE the University of ansas, to be selected by the Chancellor or t e Chancellor's designee, and 33.360 Pur O and Establishment shall include ne (1) representative of the p Chancellor's ffice, one (1) representative of There is hereby a ablished the Town and Gown Governme Relations, one (1) representative Advisory Committee. This Committee shall be a from the :vision of Student Affairs, one (1) forum for collaborati between the City of represe ative of Parking and Transit, one (1) Fayetteville and the U 'versity of Arkansas on repre ntative of Athletics, one (1) representative mutually relevant issues in ding, but not limited to, of acilities Management, and the current campus expansions, the ne for student housing As ociated Student Government President. both on and off campus, and arking and noise in areas adjacent to or nearby e campus. The Committee is empowered only to dvise and make recommendations on a periodic basis o both the City 3.362 Terms Of Office Council and the University of Arkan as on such Members appointed by the City Council shall serve a issues, and to adopt rules for the condu of its own two (2) year term, with no limit to the number of terms business. they may serve. Members appointed by the Mayor, with the exception of the City Council member appointed by the Mayor, shall serve at the pleasure of 33.361 Composition the Mayor. Members appointed from the University of P Arkansas shall serve for such period as to be The Town and Gown Advisory Committee shall a determined by the University. comprised of twenty-one (21) voting mem ers, consisting of the following: (A) One (1) member of the Committee s 11 be a 3.363 Officers and Quorum member of the City Council appoint d by the A the first regularly scheduled Committee meeting of Mayor; ea calendar year, the members of the Committee shal lect from among themselves a Chairperson and (B) One (1) member shall be a resi nt of Ward 1 aSec tary, who shall operate as Vice-Chair. A appointed by the City Council; majority of the whole number of members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business, and a (C) One (1) member shall be a esident of Ward 2 majority vo of those present shall be sufficient to appointed by the City Counc'; approve or d y any matter before the Committee. (D) One (1) member shall a resident of Ward 3 appointed by the City C uncil; 33.364 Meetin The Town and Gow Advisory Committee shall meet (E) One (1) member s II be a resident of Ward 4 at least once per qua r to conduct regular business, appointed by the C'y Council; at a time and place tha is mutually convenient to the membership. The T wn and Gown Advisory (F) One(1) memb shall be a business owner in the Committee may meet mor frequently if needed. City or a repr sentative of the City development community pointed by the City Council; 33.365 Selection Proces (G) One (1) member shall be a University of When appointing its members, t City Council shall Arkans s student living in the City appointed by use the Nominating Committee pro ess. the Cy Council; (H) Seven (7) members shall be City staff appointed by the Mayor, and shall include one (1) representative of the Mayor's office, one (1) 'representative of Development Services-Current EXHIBIT Planning, one (1) representative of Development Services-Code Compliance, one (1) a representative of Police, one (1) representative of Fire, one (1) representative of Parking, and one (1) representative from either Transportation or Utilities. FAYETTEVILLE TOWN GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE Proposed Membership- June 12, 2012 Purpose of structure:To provide equal representation of city,university,and community interests for productive communication about the unique issues,challenges and opportunities our community faces as home to the state's flagship public university. CITY ADMINISTRATION (7 SEATS) Mayor appoints city staff seats representing each of the following departments: • Mayor's office • Development services-Current planning M • Development services-Code compliance -- • Police • Fire • Parking • Transportation or Utilities(or other representatry s. s.. eeded for specsc ussions-like City Prosecuting Attorney's office,etc.) h Terms: City Administration members shall serve it - raced s .e"termined byth -_ay r. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS(7 SEAT4211 . - UA appoints representatives for UA sea s • Danny Pugh (Chancellor's Offic.. • Richard Hudson (Government I' -to ns) • Melissa Harwood-Rom (Division 6VStEddent IFaars) . • Gary Smith (Parkingnsit) • Bev Lewis Wg, � ' ." • Mike Johni stiesQd 'gement) • Tori Pohlner SG resident��;. Terms: University of a s � . a ,"ll ve ntil replaced as determined by the university. COMM _LAITY_ ERS 7 �a T)t:` re invite) ly fo he following six(6)seats,applications reviewed by the City Co `n 'r ofninating Co mittee an {;i' ally appointed by the City Council: • " _rn ember e a Ward 1 resident • O epi.Abe a " e a Ward 2 resident • one a b'er "ha 1'be a Ward 3 resident • One(1) Ball be a Ward 4 resident • one ( ) me er shall be a Fayetteville business owner or a representative of the Fayetteville development community • One(1)member shall be a university student living in the City of Fayetteville The seventh (7)Community Member will be a representative from the City Council. • One(1)City Council member to be appointed by the mayor Terms: Members appointed by the City Council shall serve a term of two(2)years. Note:Community Outreach Coordinator will provide staff support for this Advisory Committee. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE NORTHWESTAR�SAS THE MORNING NEWS OF SPRINGDALE THE MORNING NEWS OF ROGERS NEWSPAPE16LLC NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES BENTON COUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE,FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.O.BOX 1607,72702 1 479-442.1700 1 WWW.NWANEWS.COM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION RECEIVED I, Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the JUL 2 6 2012 Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, bona fide circulation, CITY TY CLFAYETTEVILLE' that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of- City of Fayetteville Ordinance 5511 OR No.5511 . Was inserted In the Regular Editions on: ANORDINANCE ENACTING ART,IGLE XXIV July 12, 2012 TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (§33.360 THROUGH§33 365)OF N r CHAPTER 33!DEPARTMENTS,BOARDS, aaKaNsas COMMISSIONS,AND AUTHORITIES OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A TOWN AND GOWN ADVISORY COMMITTEE,AND DEFINING ITS COMPOSITI Publication Charges: $ 77.82 AND DUTIES ON,AUTHORITY BELT ORDAINED ,THE C)TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAY.ETTEy1LLE, ARKANSAS Section 1: That the City Council of'the City of Fay etteville,yArkansas hereby enacts Article xXIV Towrrand Gown Advisory Committee(§,33.360 through:§33.365)of Chapter 33 :Departments;Boards:Commissions,and AuthoMjes of the Code of, Fayetteville a copy of which is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibh`"A,and",incor- porateclherein as rf set out word for-W6rd to provide for he creation of- Ing Town and Gown Advisory Comm tteey and defining its composition,authority artd Karen Caler PASSED and APPROVED this^3ed day of July;2012.. APPROVED ATTEST;•'` By � BY Subscribed and sworn to before me CIONELD JORDAN Mayor SON Rh E SMITH le Subscribed This day Of , 2012. Exhib is for this oldinance may be viewed m the office of the�Crty Clerk/TreasuI Notary Public My Commission Expires: ��r CATHY J.WILES Benton County YU 'c °aur My Commission Expires February 20,2014 **NOTE* Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent.