HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5393 IIIIIII IIIIII III IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII I III VIII IIII VIII II(I(IIII IIII IIII Doc ID: 013934670004 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 03/23/2011 at 03:21:38 PM Fee Amt: $30.00 Paae 1 of 4 Washinaton Countv. AR Bette Staws Circuit Clerk File201110000 /7 9 7(�7 7 ORDINANCE NO. 5393 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND §113.02 REGULATIONS TO ABATE NUISANCE, AND §113.03 JURISDICTION OF THIS ORDINANCE OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE AND TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance (B) Operation of Rock Quarry by repealing and deleting the following language "or within one mile beyond the city limits of Fayetteville" from both subsections (1) and (2). Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance (C) Dust, Mud and Rock Control Measures by repealing and deleting the following language "or within one mile beyond the city limits of Fayetteville" and by repealing and deleting subsections (2), (4) and (5) and renumbering subsection(3) as (2). Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02(D)(2) by repealing the first sentence of this subsection. Attached as Exhibit A is §113.02 as amended. Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.03 Jurisdiction of This Ordinance by repealing and deleting this section in its entirety and enacting the following replacement §113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. "§113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. The Jurisdiction of The Rock Quarry Operating License Article shall be applicable to any and all rock quarries located within the corporate limits of Fayetteville." Page 2 Ordinance No. 5393 Section 5: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that to ensure the validity and operation of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article of the Fayetteville Code within the city limits of Fayetteville which is necessary to preserve the public health, peace and safety of Fayetteville citizens, this ordinance needs to take effect immediately. Therefore the City Council of the City of Fayetteville hereby declares that an emergency exists and that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from the date of its passage and approval. `t((t111111P��1 TR ''% PASSED and APPROVED this 22°d day of March, 2011. A`. G�G�Ay•pF•SG ,% F; =CJ• •:vim • FAYETTEVILLE; APPROVED: ATTEST: 7�1 ••es0 • Qp By: By: dY� G� l�N� KOALD JO , Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer EXHIBIT "A" CHAPTER 113: ROCK QUARRIES AND DIRT MINING FACILITIES ARTICLE I a.m. until noon on Saturday. No major noise ROCK QUARRY OPERATING LICENSE producing activities shall occur before 8:30 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. on a weekday or anytime on Saturday or Sunday. No rock 113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance quarry shall be allowed to operate on a federally recognized holiday or Sunday. (A) Rock Blasting/Use of Explosives. (2) All rock quarries within the city limits of (1) No rock blasting shall be allowed within 60 Fayetteville shall be prohibited from any yards of any house within the city limits of operations until the owner/operator of such Fayetteville. quarry has obtained a valid, annual Rock Quarry Operating License. This license to (2) No rock blasting explosive charge or location operate shall be issued by the Fayetteville shall exceed the most restrictive limitations Planning Department on a fiscal year(July 1 within federal, state and Washington County through June 30) schedule with no fee regulations or laws. assessed. (3) All rock blasting within the permitted quarry (C) Dust, Mud and Rock Control Measures. All rock shall only be allowed between the hours of quarries within the city limits of Fayetteville shall 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the first and only be allowed to operate with the following third Wednesday of each month unless such safeguards and measures to ensure that dust, Wednesday is a federal or city holiday. If dirt, mud, loose rock and gravel, and all other such Wednesday is a holiday, the permitted possible irritants or nuisance substances do not blasting day will be moved to the next day adversely affect Fayetteville residents. It is the (Thursday). If the permitted blasting day express continuing duty of the licensed rock would be unsafe or not feasible or practical quarry operator to ensure all of these safeguards, because of inclement weather or other requirements and measures are constantly condition beyond the reasonable control of enforced. the quarry operator, the Director of Development Services may designate (1) Dust control measures. Water or other another weekday during the next five substances or measures must be fully weekdays as a permitted blast day. effective during the operation of the rock quarry to ensure the quarry is in full and (4) Upon timely request by the rock quarry continual compliance with the requirements operator, the Director of Development of the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Services or designee is empowered to grant Control Act as administered by the Arkansas a variance of the time limitations for rock Department of Environmental Quality. A blasting if inclement weather or other violation of the permit conditions required by condition beyond the reasonable control of the Arkansas Department of Environmental the operator has caused a safety issue that Quality can be grounds for a suspension or requires rock blasting outside the 10:00 a.m. revocation of the City's Rock Quarry until 3:00 p.m. permitted period. Re- Operating License. (See§133.05) notification is not required unless the blasting is moved to another day. (2) Loose rock and gravel. The rock quarry (5) The rock quarry operator shall notify by operator is responsible to ensure that all telephone the Director of Development dump trucks leaving the rock quarry site that Services and any Fayetteville neighbor may utilize any city street and are carrying within a mile of his quarry who has more than half a truck load of gravel, rocks requested such notification at least two or dirt have their load fully and properly hours prior to rock blasting. covered. (B) Operation of Rock Quarry. (D) Control of Dump Truck Tailgate Banging. (1) All rock quarries within the city limits of (1) It is the express duty of the rock quarry Fayetteville shall only be allowed to operate operator to prevent a dump truck delivering during the period of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. anything to the quarry or receiving rock from Monday through Friday, and during 7:00 the quarry to engage in Dump Truck Tailgate Banging as defined in §113.04 (E) at any time upon its property. (2) No dump truck which has banged its tailgate shall be loaded or otherwise serviced for a full operational day of the quarry after the incident to include all day Monday if the tailgate banging occurs after 4:30 p.m. Friday or anytime on Saturday or Sunday. Loading or servicing such dump truck during' this suspension shall constitute a violation of this ordinance and the Rock Quarry Operating License. 113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. The Jurisdiction of The Rock Quarry Operating License Article shall be applicable to any and all rock quarries located within the corporate limits of Fayetteville. Washington County,AR I certify this instrument was filed on 03/23/2011 03:21:38 PM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2011-00007977 Bette Stamps-Circuit Clerk AGENDA REQUEST FOR: SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 22, 2011 FROM: KIT WILLIAMS, City Attorney ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION TITLE AND SUBJECT: An Ordinance To Amend §113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance, And §113.03 Jurisdiction Of This Ordinance Of The Fayetteville Code And To Declare An Emergency APPROVED FOR AGENDA: (Z City Attorney Date AM- J141� 13-X-// Chief of Staff Date i` L a-t / yor Date 03-21-11A10: 14 RCVD Il a e ea Departmental Correspondence ARLEGAL www.accessfayetteville.org ]DEPARTMENT Kit Williams City Attorney TO: Mayor Jordan Jason B.Kelley y Assistant City Attorney City Council CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services:Director FROM: Kit WilliamsCity Attorney �_ �- - DATE: March 18, 2011 RE: Amendment of Rock Quarry Operating License Article I recommend immediately amending the Rock Quarry Operating License Article of the Fayetteville Code to maintain the operation and effectiveness of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article to any rock quarry that is now or may in the future operate within the Fayetteville city limits. Although the Arkansas Attorney General and the State Court (which confirmed the legality of the Motor Vehicle Racing Facility Ordinance) determined that the City Council had statutory power to cause a nuisance on the doorstep (within one mile) of the city limits to be abated, the Federal Courts have questioned this statutory power unless the City first sues the business. By passing these amendments at the Special City Council Meeting called by Mayor Jordan and passing the Emergency Clause, this Rock Quarry Operating License Article will immediately be amended to remove the only parts of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article which were questioned in this litigation. In fact, since the Rogers Group, Inc. only operates a rock quarry beyond the city limits, it cannot complain about an ordinance which affects only rock quarries inside the city limits. Amending a challenged ordinance is what the City Council did in 2002 when the City Council promptly amended the Fayetteville Sign Ordinance to ensure its continued constitutionality after it had been fully examined during the Federal Court case. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND §113.02 REGULATIONS TO ABATE NUISANCE, AND §113.03 JURISDICTION OF THIS ORDINANCE OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE AND TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance (B) Operation of Rock Quarry by repealing and deleting the following language "or within one mile beyond the city limits of Fayetteville" from both subsections (1) and (2). Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance (C) Dust, Mud and Rock Control Measures by repealing and deleting the following language "or within one mile beyond the city limits of Fayetteville" and by repealing and deleting subsections (2), (4) and (5) and renumbering subsection(3) as (2). Section 3: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.02(D)(2) by repealing the first sentence of this subsection. Attached as Exhibit A is §113.02 as amended. Section 4: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends §113.03 Jurisdiction of This Ordinance by repealing and deleting this section in its entirety and enacting the following replacement §113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. "§113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. The Jurisdiction of The Rock Quarry Operating License Article shall be applicable to any and all rock quarries located within the corporate limits of Fayetteville." Section 5: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that to ensure the validity and operation of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article of the Fayetteville Code within the city limits of Fayetteville which is necessary to preserve the public health, peace and safety of Fayetteville citizens, this ordinance needs to take effect immediately. Therefore the City Council of the City of Fayetteville hereby declares that an emergency exists and that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from the date of its passage and approval. PASSED and APPROVED this 22nd day of March, 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer CHAPTER 113: ROCK QUARRIES AND DIRT MINING FACILITIES ARTICLE I major noise producing activities shall occur ROCK QUARRY OPERATING LICENSE before 8:30 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. on a weekday or anytime on Saturday or Sunday. No rock quarry shall be allowed to operate 113.02 Regulations To Abate Nuisance on a federally recognized holiday or Sunday. (A) Rock Blasting/Use of Explosives. (2) All rock quarries within the city limits of Fayetteville shall be prohibited from any (1) No rock blasting shall be allowed within 60 operations until the owner/operator of such yards of any house within the city limits of quarry has obtained a valid, annual Rock Fayetteville. Quarry Operating License. This license to operate shall be issued by the Fayetteville (2) No rock blasting explosive charge or location Planning Department on a fiscal year(July 1 shall exceed the most restrictive limitations through June 30) schedule with no fee within federal, state and Washington County assessed. regulations or laws. (C) Dust, Mud and Rock Control Measures. All rock (3) All rock blasting within the permitted quarry quarries within the city limits of Fayetteville shall shall only be allowed between the hours of only be allowed to operate with the following 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the first and safeguards and measures to ensure that dust, third Wednesday of each month unless such dirt, mud, loose rock and gravel, and all other Wednesday is a federal or city holiday. If possible irritants or nuisance substances do not such Wednesday is a holiday, the permitted adversely affect Fayetteville residents. It is the blasting day will be moved to the next day express continuing duty of the licensed rock (Thursday). If the permitted blasting day quarry operator to ensure all of these safeguards, would be unsafe or not feasible or practical requirements and measures are constantly because of inclement weather or other enforced. condition beyond the reasonable control of the quarry operator, the Director of (1) Dust control measures. Water or other Development Services may designate substances or measures must be fully another weekday during the next five effective during the operation of the rock weekdays as a permitted blast day. quarry to ensure the quarry is in full and continual compliance with the requirements (4) Upon timely request by the rock quarry of the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution operator, the Director of Development Control Act as administered by the Arkansas Services or designee is empowered to grant Department of Environmental Quality. A a variance of the time limitations for rock violation of the permit conditions required by blasting if inclement weather or other the Arkansas Department of Environmental condition beyond the reasonable control of Quality can be grounds for a suspension or the operator has caused a safety issue that revocation of the City's Rock Quarry requires rock blasting outside the 10:00 a.m. Operating License. (See§133.05) until 3:00 p.m. permitted period. Re- notification is not required unless the blasting is moved to another day. (2) Loose rock and gravel. The rock quarry operator is responsible to ensure that all (5) The rock quarry operator shall notify by dump trucks leaving the rock quarry site that telephone the Director of Development may utilize any city street and are carrying Services and any Fayetteville neighbor more than half a truck load of gravel, rocks within a mile of his quarry who has or dirt have their load fully and properly requested such notification at least two covered. hours prior to rock blasting. (B) Operation of Rock Quarry. (D) Control of Dump Truck Tailgate Banging. (1) It is the express duty of the rock quarry (1) All rock quarries within the city limits of operator to prevent a dump truck delivering Fayetteville shall only be allowed to anything to the quarry or receiving rock from operate during the period of 7:00 a.m. until the quarry to engage in Dump Truck Tailgate 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Banging as defined in §113.04 (E) at any during 7:00 a.m. until noon on Saturday. No time upon its property. EXHIBIT, (2) No dump truck which has banged its tailgate shall be loaded or otherwise serviced for a full operational day of the quarry after the incident to include all day Monday if the tailgate banging occurs after 4:30 p.m. Friday or anytime on Saturday or Sunday. Loading or servicing such dump truck during this suspension shall constitute a violation of this ordinance and the Rock Quarry Operating License. 113.03 Jurisdiction of the Rock Quarry Operating License Article. The Jurisdiction of The Rock Quarry Operating License Article shall be applicable to any and all rock quarries located within the corporate limits of Fayetteville. � • a e PIjT e Departmental Correspondence Z17 LEGAL ARKANSAS • • DEPARTMENT Kit Williams City Attorney TO: Mayor Jordan Jason B.Kelley y Assistant City Attorney City Council CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: March 11, 2011 RE: Federal Court Rejection of City's Petition for Certification of Question to Arkansas Supreme Court On March 10, 2011, the Federal District Court for the Western District of Arkansas issued its Order which denied Fayetteville's request to allow the Arkansas Supreme Court to interpret the state statute upon which the Rock Quarry Ordinance was enacted. The Order stated: "the Court believes that the law of the case doctrine prevents it from reconsidering the issue of whether the City has statutory authority to declare nuisances for activities that are operated outside the city limits." (Page 7 of Order) The City of Fayetteville certainly agrees with the Court that the "(1)aw of the case doctrine is a doctrine of discretion, not a command to the courts." (Page 7 of Order quoting a 1986 Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals case) In our request to allow the Arkansas Supreme Court to decide the meaning of the contested state statute, the City acknowledged that any referral of this issue rested within the Federal District Court's discretion which it has now exercised to deny our request. The City of Fayetteville's Answer to the initial Complaint of the Rogers Group, Inc. questioned whether this case should be brought in State rather than Federal Court. Because Rogers Group, Inc. is a foreign corporation, it could sue