HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5391 ORDINANCE NO. 5391 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF $715,560.00 FOR THE PROVISION OF NATURAL GAS SERVICE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF NECESSARY PIPING AND INFRASTRUCTURE EXTENSIONS FOR BIOSOLIDS DRYING OPERATIONS AT THE NOLAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY WHEREAS, the City desires to increase the amount of natural gas service provided by Arkansas Western Gas Company to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility in order to operate biosolids drying operations; and WHEREAS, extension of the service will require infrastructure in the form of natural gas pipe extensions of approximately two and three-quarters miles (14,500 feet); and WHEREAS,entering into a cost-sharing agreement with Arkansas Western Gas Company is the most cost-effective manner of obtaining both the utility service and the needed infrastructure extension; and WHEREAS,the method proposed in the cost-sharing agreement is the standard method for paying for Public Service Commission utility extensions; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby determines an exceptional situation exists in which competitive bidding is deemed not feasible or practical and therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves a contract with Arkansas Western Gas Company in the minimum amount of$715,560.00 for the provision of natural gas service and the construction of necessary piping and infrastructure extensions for biosolids drying operations at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility. A copy of the contract is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit"A". Page 2 Ordinance No. 5391 PASSED and APPROVED this 15`" day of March, 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: Qq"A.'l O ELD JO A , ayor S014DRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer �Wjl9FFFFlepp"P ®G�TY 0``1 •G��`= ems . •�� mV. •fie . • FAYETTEVILLE: p m S ° TOA E�ee,o aAl6plEA6FZp ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY MAIN EXTENSION AGREEMENT This Main Extension Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this lrJ day of 1ja4ZA`, Z�, ("Effective Date") by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Arkansas Western Gas Company (hereinafter referred to as "AWG"). WHEREAS, City is desirous of securing an increase in the amount of natural gas service provided by AWG to the City's Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility (the "Wastewater Treatment Facility"); and WHEREAS, AWG is desirous of furnishing that increased amount of natural gas service to the City at the Wastewater Treatment Facility, in accordance with the rates, terms and conditions set forth in AWG's Tariff filed with the Arkansas Public Service Commission ("Commission"); and WHEREAS, in order to supply the increased amount of natural gas service to the Wastewater Treatment Facility, AWG will be required to extend its gas mains by constructing a gas distribution main from its P-228A pipeline located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Highway 16 East and Cunningham Road in Fayetteville, to the Wastewater Treatment Facility, a distance of approximately 14,500 feet (hereinafter referred to as "the Extension"); and WHEREAS, AWG is willing to construct the Extension, but the expected increased revenue from the increased amount of natural gas service to the Wastewater Treatment Facility is insufficient to justify the necessary investment on the part of AWG to construct the Extension; and WHEREAS, City is willing to pay part of the cost of the Extension, by paying to AWG a minimum of$715,560.00, in the form of Delivery Charges pursuant to AWG's Tariff filed with the Commission and/or Construction Charges (as described below), over a period of 120 months. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PROMISES AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION HEREIN ACKNOWLEDGED, CITY AND AWG AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. City will pay AWG a non-refundable amount in aid of the construction of the Extension. For the month after the Extension is completed and in operation, and for each of the next 119 months (this 120 month period will hereafter be referred to as the "Repayment Period"), City will pay to AWG a minimum of$5,963.00 per month in the form of a Delivery Charge, pursuant to the Rate Schedule of AWG's Tariff under which City is being supplied natural gas service at the Wastewater Treatment Facility, and/or a Construction Charge. For any month during the Repayment Period during which City's usage of natural gas service at the Wastewater Treatment Facility is such that the Delivery Charge from AWG for that month is equal to or greater than $5,963.00, City shall pay no Construction Charge to AWG. However, for any month during the Repayment Period during which City's usage of natural gas service at the Wastewater Treatment Facility is such that the Delivery Charge from AWG for that month is less than $5,963.00, City shall pay to AWG the difference between $5,963.00 and the amount of the Delivery Charge for that month as a Construction Charge. During the Repayment Period, City will pay to AWG a minimum of $715,560.00 ($5,963.00 x 120 months) in Delivery Charges and/or Construction Charges. All Delivery Charges and Construction Charges will be billed to City on City's regular bill for natural gas service from AWG. During the Repayment Period, City will pay each month, in addition to the Delivery Charge and/or Construction Charge, all additional applicable charges, taxes and fees pursuant to the Rate Schedule of AWG's Tariff under which City is being supplied natural gas service at the Wastewater Treatment Facility (for example, the Customer Charge, the Cost of Gas Charge, any applicable rate adjustment charges, any applicable taxes and fees). If City ceases using natural gas service from AWG at the Wastewater Treatment Facility prior to the end of the Repayment Period, then City will pay to AWG the difference between $715,560.00 and the total amount of Delivery Charges and/or Construction Charges which City has paid to AWG during the Repayment Period prior to City ceasing the use of natural gas service from AWG at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. 2. AWG has computed the above-stated minimum amount of$715,560.00 in Delivery Charges and/or Construction Charges based on the construction conditions at the site of the Extension as currently known by AWG. Should AWG encounter any construction conditions of which AWG is presently unaware, including, but not limited to, the need for: the excavation of rocks, the clearing of a right of way, the payment of right of way acquisition costs, and the need to perform boring of a road as part of a road crossing, then City will pay AWG, in addition to the sum set forth earlier in Paragraph 1 above, an amount equal to the additional costs incurred by AWG as a result of the construction condition(s) of which AWG was unaware at the time of the execution of this Agreement. AWG will adjust upward the above-stated minimum amount of $715,560.00, and the corresponding.monthly minimum Delivery Charge and/or Construction Charge payments to reflect the additional costs of construction of the Extension. AWG will provide City with a written explanation for any additional costs for 2 which City is being billed. Should the amount of the additional costs described in this paragraph exceed $72,000.00, the amount in excess of that $72,000.00 must be approved for payment by City's Mayor and City Council. 3. City hereby grants AWG a right of way license and permission to install and operate utility facilities on or across City's property as shown on the approved plans or sketch maps attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. Prior to AWG beginning work on the Extension, City will, at no cost to AWG, furnish AWG with all necessary easements, rights of way and permits pertaining to land owned by City. Those easements, rights of way and permits must release.AWG from any and all claims for damage done to streets, land, fences and crops arising out of the construction of the Extension, except for damages caused by AWG's gross negligence. 4. AWG will use its best efforts to obtain all necessary easements, rights of way and permits pertaining to land owned by persons other than City. 5. AWG will install the Extension. AWG plans to begin installation of the Extension on April 25, 2011. However, AWG will not begin the installation of the Extension until City has: a) provided to AWG all necessary easements, rights of way and permits, pertaining to land owned by City, in a form acceptable to AWG; b) caused the right of way for the Extension to be clearly staked on land owned by City; c) caused the right of way on land owned by City to be reduced to final grade and cleared of all obstructions of any kind, to the satisfaction of AWG; and d) satisfied all the terms and conditions for service in accordance with AWG's Tariff. Moreover, AWG will not begin the installation of the Extension unless and until it has obtained all necessary easements, rights of way and permits, pertaining to land owned by persons other than City, in a form acceptable to AWG. The projected completion date of the Extension is September 30, 2011. AWG shall not be liable for delays in commencing or performing the installation of the Extension caused by the requirements of.governmental authorities, lack of necessary easements, rights of way or permits, the unavailability of materials and supplies, accidents, strikes,. acts of God, or any other event or condition of whatever nature beyond the control of AWG. AWG reserves to itself the unqualified discretion in dealing with any labor dispute that might delay the commencing or performing of the installation of the Extension 6. Title to and ownership of the Extension, including the main, pipes and appurtenances, connections thereto and extensions thereof and laterals off of, and including the right to use, operate, maintain and remove same, shall forever be and remain exclusively and unconditionally vested in AWG. City understands, acknowledges and agrees that City shall have no title to, interest in, or ownership of the Extension, including the main, pipes and appurtenances, connections thereto and extensions thereof and laterals off of the Extension. 7. City understands, acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement shall not limit AWG's right to use, extend or change its facilities in any manner or obligate AWG to render any particular service except in the regular conduct of its business as a gas 3 utility and in accordance with its applicable Tariff and the rules and regulations of the Commission. 8. City's obligation to pay the amounts stated in this Agreement shall not be affected by any other customers of AWG being connected to and served off of any future extensions or laterals coming off the Extension. City specifically understands, acknowledges and agrees that AWG has the right to make further extensions to or laterals off of the Extension, including any extensions or laterals that extend beyond the physical boundaries covered by this Agreement, without any reduction of obligation whatsoever on the part of City. 9. The decision to make further extensions to or laterals off of the Extension, or to serve other customers from such further extensions or laterals, shall be at the sole discretion of AWG, in accordance with its Tariff and the rules and regulations of the Commission then in effect. 10. If an engineering study has been performed in connection with the Extension, a summary of that study is attached to, and made a part of, this Agreement. 11. AWG and City acknowledge that there are no agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the parties related to the Extension other than as set forth in this Agreement, and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto. This Agreement may not be amended except by written amendment signed by both parties. 12. This Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the.laws of the State of Arkansas, the rules and regulations of the Commission, and the Tariff of AWG. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any such laws, rules, regulations or Tariff, such laws, rules, regulations or Tariff shall control. 13. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns; provided, however, that City shall not have the right to assign this Agreement without the express prior written consent of AWG. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 14. Contracts to which City is a party and documents prepared in connection with work performed under such contracts, which are in City's possession, are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (Ark. Code Ann., Section 25-19-101 et seq.). 4 15. City acknowledges that it has been afforded an opportunity to have its attorney review and explain the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date stated above. -Ha�( ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY CITY OFF YETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By:_ By: s• Its: �U 1� Its: Attest: yg9GSYiPFP(pF. \:0VTRq e ®®o���®®.9av FAYETTE`/ILLE g 5 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 15-Mar-11 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only David Jurgens Utilities Capital Projects Utilities Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Approval approval of a cost share agreement with Arkansas Western Gas(AWG)to extend gas service to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF), and approval of a bid waiver. N/A 78,454 Utilities Cost of this request Program Category/Project Name 5400.5110.5310.00 8,211 East Side WWT Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name N/A 70,243 Water/Sewer Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item 0 Budget Adjustment Attached Q 23 p4)l Previous Ordinance or Resolution# N/A Depa rr ent Dir for Date Original Contract Date: 2•2 y Original Contract Number: ney Date Q• LJ, 2-23-7.61L Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in City 02-23-1 1 P01 4 9 R CV D Clerk's Office Aor Date Received in Mayor's Office D to Comments: Revised January 15,2009 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO TayMEETING DATE OF MARCH 15,2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSASS www.accessfayetteville.org To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayetteville Water and Sewer Co i t e Date: February 22, 2011 Subject: Approval of a cost share agreement ' h Arkansas Western Gas to extend gas service to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a cost share agreement with Arkansas Western Gas (AWG)to extend gas service to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF), and approval of a bid waiver. BACKGROUND The City currently hauls an average of 15 tractor trailer loads of biosolids weekly to either the Prairie View Landfill in Lamar, or the Ozark Ridge Landfill in Russellville. Fuel prices and tipping fees make the current landfill operation much more expensive than when selected in 2003. There are also significant risks inherent in landfilling, as demonstrated by the American Environmental Landfill's sudden refusal to accept biosolids on 26 August, 2008. Finally, landfilling represents a waste of a potentially valuable biosolids product. Six solar dryer units currently under construction are expected to dry the material to a range of 40—70% solids, depending upon weather conditions. The thermal dryer, also under construction, will dry the biosolids to over 90% solids, and allow for virtually unrestricted and unlimited use of product. We are currently investigating a number of possible beneficial reuses for the dried biosolids after the first batch is processed. DISCUSSION The thermal dryer requires natural gas for operation. The current AWG pipeline lacks capacity. This agreement provides for the construction of a 14,500 foot pipeline that has sufficient capacity for current and all future anticipated natural gas requirements. In this agreement, the City agrees to pay a minimum charge of $5,963.00 per month for 120 months for gas service to the Noland WWTF, including the new biosolids thermal dryer. If the monthly consumption charge is below $5,963.00, then the City pays the minimum of$5,963.00. If the consumption meets or exceeds $5,963.00, then the City only pays for the volume consumed. This is a standard method of paying for Public Service Commission utility extensions. We intend to evaluate possible use of other fuels in the future to supplement natural gas. These require extensive evaluation and air permitting approvals, and will be evaluated after the initial process is in operation. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available in the Wastewater Treatment operations budget. AWG CCMemo 22Febl Ldoc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS COMPANY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF $715,560.00 FOR THE PROVISION OF NATURAL GAS SERVICE AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF NECESSARY PIPING AND INFRASTRUCTURE EXTENSIONS FOR BIOSOLIDS DRYING OPERATIONS AT THE NOLAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY WHEREAS, the City desires to increase the amount of natural gas service provided by Arkansas Western Gas Company to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility in order to operate biosolids drying operations; and WHEREAS, extension of the service will require infrastructure in the form of natural gas pipe extensions of approximately two and three-quarters miles (14,500 feet); and WHEREAS,entering into a cost-sharing agreement with Arkansas Western Gas Company is the most cost-effective manner of obtaining both the utility service and the needed infrastructure extension; and WHEREAS,the method proposed in the cost-sharing agreement is the standard method for paying for Public Service Commission utility extensions; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby determines an exceptional situation exists in which competitive bidding is deemed not feasible or practical and therefore waives the requirements of formal competitive bidding and approves a contract with Arkansas Western Gas Company in the minimum amount of$715,560.00 for the provision of natural gas service and the construction of necessary piping and infrastructure extensions for biosolids drying operations at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility. A copy of the contract is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit"A". PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of March,2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NEWSPAPERS-Lc Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette RECEIVED The Morning News of Springdale MAR 31 2011 The Morning News of Rogers CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Northwest Arkansas Times CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Benton County Daily Record 212 North East Avenue, Fayetteville Arkansas 72701/ PO Box 1607, 72702 PHONE: 479-571-6421 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. Printed and published in Washington & Benton County, (Lowell), Arkansas and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville- Ordinance 5391 March 26, 2011 Publication Charge : $ 142.02 Signed: Subscribed and sworn to before me Thisas-day of Mori , 2011 . Notary Public Jim Mears Washington County Commission Number 12374647 My Commission Expires Notary Public-Arkansas My Commission Expires Jan.20,2020 Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent