HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5359 ORDINANCE NO. 5359 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS AND APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH THE ILLINOIS RIVER WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000.00 FOR WATERSHED EDUCATIONAL AND PLANNING SERVICES WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership possesses unique expertise and resources ideally suited to meet the City of Fayetteville's federal mandate for Watershed Educational and Planning Services as part of the Stormwater Management Program, Phase II; and WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership has very successfully performed such necessary educational and planning services for Fayetteville in previous years; and WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership can perform this work at a significant savings to the citizens of Fayetteville. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that an exceptional situation exists where requiring competitive bids for contracts under $20,000.00 is not feasible or practical and,therefore,waives the requirements for bids as allowed by §34.26(F) of the Fayetteville Code, approves the contract attached as Exhibit "A" in the amount of$10,000.00 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership for educational and planning services, and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this contract. PASSED and APPROVED this 5d'day of October, 2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: 4`aavaaeaFrror,f v`G��®®acoalj'ovo ® ®r $C�r ° o o o ® a By: By; a FAYETI EVILLE O VELD JO N,Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/TreasureF-.z; a` e. CONTRACT The Illinois River Watershed Partnership,Inc. and the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas agree to enter into the following contract on this 15th day of September,2010. WHEREAS, The Illinois River Watershed Partnership, Inc. is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to improve the health of the Illinois River Watershed through the implementation of best management practices,water quality monitoring, public education,community outreach and ecosystem restoration;and WHEREAS, The City of Fayetteville has responsibilities to educate its citizens about these water quality and restoration issues through mandates of the Clean Water Act and has budgeted funds for such education activities. NOW,THEREFORE,the Illinois River Watershed Partnership and the City of Fayetteville agree as follows: 1. The City of Fayetteville agrees to purchase educational, ecosystem monitoring and restoration, and community outreach services for its citizens from the Illinois River Watershed Partnership,Inc. for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). 2. The Illinois River Watershed Partnership agrees to furnish a year long; extensive community outreach and educational services program to Fayetteville's citizens during the period of December 1,2010 through December 1,2011,and further to provide implementation of and education about best management practices for storinwater management and ecosystem restoration in the Illinois River watershed. 3. The Illinois River Watershed Partnership agrees to provide an annual written report about its programs and activities to the Fayetteville City Council due on September 30, 2011. ILLINOIS RIVER CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP,INC. RKANSAS By: s �C -15=�� B �v—• Executive Director Mayor Lioneld Jordan Illinois River Watershed Partnership, Inc. EEXHIBIT b a a City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items or Contracts October 5, 2010 City Council Meeting Date Sarah Wrede Engineering Development Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: An ordinance to waive requirements for bidding for services costing less that$20,000 and to approve a contract for $10,000 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership to assist in the improvement of water quality in the Illinois River Watershed. $ 10,000.00 $ 412,066.00 Storm Water Quality Mgmt./Nutrient Reduction Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name 4470.9470.5314.00 $ 98,279.13 Professional Services Account Number Program/Project Category Name 02097.1 $ 313,786.87 Sales Tax Capital Improvement Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item �X Budget Adjustment Attached NQ`�. �O10 Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Dep2ttorney Director Date Original Contract Date: v Original Contract Number: Date �� CL- -20~Zcpp Received in City Clerk's Office Finan e and Internal Service Director Date 09-17-10 Al 1 : 16 R C V D Chief f S Date Received in Mayor's Office cfj ayo Da e Corr}ments: a PrLv 1• µ V 1 V THE CITYOF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS NSAS www.accessfayetteville.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO council Meeting of October 5,2010 To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director Chris Brown, City Engineer From: Sarah Wrede, Staff Engineer Date: September 15, 2010 Subject: An ordinance to waive requirements for bidding for services costing less that $20,000 and to approve a contract for $10,000 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership to assist in the improvement of water quality in the Illinois River Watershed. PROPOSAL According to their website, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership (IRWP) formed when"a diverse group of Northwest Arkansas leaders organized an Upper Illinois River Summit in September 2005 with 65 watershed stakeholders committing to personal action and agreeing that public education is the number one priority to improve and protect water quality in the Illinois River." The IRWP officially formed in December 2005 as a non-profit organization with a board that is representative of the various stakeholders in the watershed including government, business, agriculture, conservation, construction/development, and academia. The mission of the IRWP is to improve the integrity of the Illinois River through public education and community outreach, water quality monitoring, and the implementation of conservation and restoration practices throughout the Illinois River watershed. A large portion of the City of Fayetteville contributes stormwater flows into the Illinois River Watershed including Clear Creek, Hamestring Creek, and Owl Creek. The new wastewater treatment plant discharges treated effluent into Goose Creek which also flows into the Illinois River. The City of Fayetteville continues to receive great benefit from the watershed education campaigns and the watershed management planning processes that have been implemented by the IRWP. This will be the fifth year the City has contracted with the IRWP for these services. The last contract was also for$10,000 for watershed education and planning services. Dr. Delia Haak will provide a summary of accomplishments for 2010 and plans for 2011 at the agenda session meeting on September 28th. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 0 qie THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Tay DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE NSAS • . RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of an ordinance to waive the procurement requirements for services costing less than $20,000 and to approve a contract for$10,000 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership to assist in the improvement of water quality in the Illinois River Watershed. BUDGET IMPACT The City of Fayetteville currently has adequate funds remaining in the Storm Water Quality Management/Nutrient Reduction Project for this contract. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE BIDS AND APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH THE ILLINOIS RIVER WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000.00 FOR WATERSHED EDUCATIONAL AND PLANNING SERVICES WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership possesses unique expertise and resources ideally suited to meet the City of Fayetteville's federal mandate for Watershed Educational and Planning Services as part of the Stormwater Management Program, Phase II; and WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership has very successfully performed such necessary educational and planning services for Fayetteville in previous years; and WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership can perform this work at a significant savings to the citizens of Fayetteville. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that an exceptional situation exists where requiring competitive bids for contracts under $20,000.00 is not feasible or practical and, therefore, waives the requirements for bids as allowed by §34.26(F) of the Fayetteville Code, approves the contract attached as Exhibit "A" in the amount of$10,000.00 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership for educational and planning services, and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this contract. PASSED and APPROVED this 5th day of October, 2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer NO ILLINOIS WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP August 10, 2010 Mayor Lioneld Jordan City of Fayetteville 113 W.Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mayor Jordan, Thank you for your contract for stakeholder public education and community outreach services through the Illinois River Watershed Partnership(IRWP)for the residents of Fayetteville. Contract services of$10,000 to be provided from December 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010 were received on December 28,2009. We want to provide this summary report as an update from the mid-year January 2010 report and share events scheduled for the remainder of 2010. From January 1 to July 31, 2010 the IRWP accomplished the following as part of our contract for services: • 54 Public Education and Community Outreach Projects • 11 Conservation and Restoration Projects • 11 Water Quality Monitoring Projects • $236,606 in Volunteer Project Labor,education and training • 11,814 hours of Volunteer Time and Labor • 1,773 Volunteers • Over$400,000 for specific project grants • $100,000 matching grant from the Walton Family Foundation • Over 60 volunteer organizations A comprehensive watershed management plan for the Upper Illinois River Watershed in Arkansas is recently completed and in the process of reviews by Region 6 EPA. The UIRW Management Plan follows EPA's Nine Minimum Elements Plan and has been the focus of the Partnership for over three years. A Handbook of Best Management Practices for the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Other Regional Watersheds was also completed as part of the management plan process. Stakeholder meetings and workshops are planned for the Fall and we would very much like to review the findings and recommendations of the Watershed Management Plan with you at your convenience. The recommendations for action will offer each county and city within the watershed, as well as each individual,business, industrial,or educational enterprise, access to information for a healthy, sustainable watershed. Thank you for contracting for services with the IRWP. We are asking for your continued support for services from December 1,2010 to December 31, 2011. Your contract is matched by a commitment from the Walton Family Foundation to continue their support of the IRWP and our joint efforts to improve the integrity of the Illinois River Watershed. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and the City of Fayetteville. Everything we can do together multiplies direct cost savings and leverages support for our environment, our rich water resources and our watershed. Thank you for your commitment to the education of stakeholders and the conservation of our natural resources. Working together is the only watershed model that will"stand the test of time". Sincerely, Delia Haak,Ed. D. Executive Director ILLINOIS1 141!r;1 2010 IRWP Education and Outreach Events February Arkansas Game and Fish Water Quality Monitoring Hach Kit Training March The Riparian Project—3,000 seedlings in six cities, 350 volunteers April Rain Garden Workshop and Installation at Horsebarn Trail May Clean Water Rainger's Kids Club launched — 10 schools, 3,000 students, 600 members Watershed Festival hosted at Sam's Club June Watershed Camp at Lake Fayetteville Environmental Study Center Invasive Species Eradication workday at Wilson Park, Fayetteville July Texas Watershed Coordinators Roundtable — IRWP Funding Presentation EPA Managing Wet Weather conference, Fayetteville August AR Forestry Commission Riparian and Tree City Workshop Illinois River, Mud Creek, Scull Creek, Spring Creek, Osage Creek cleanups Dr.Doug Tallamy: "Bring Nature Home" presentation and book signing September Rain Garden at Springdale Public Works with Cargill volunteers October Golden Paddle Award nominations.due World Water Monitoring Day on Lake Wedington Partners: USGS, Arkansas Canoe Club, Sam's Club, Lewis & Clark November Rain Garden Academy and Low Impact Development Workshop IRWP Annual Membership meeting —Arvest Ballpark, Springdale 2010 Golden Paddle Awards and IRWP Sponsorship Reception Arkansas Watershed Advisory Group annual conference, Mountain View http://www.awag.oEg/conferences.html#2010 Jet Stinger conservation project Tree Farm preparation December 31 Rain Barrel Ball — New Year's Eve 8 pm. to 1 am. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDI CE WAIVING THE REQUI NTS OF §34.23, (PURCHASES CONTRACTS NOT IN EX SS OF $20,000.00), OF THE FAYETTEMLLE CODE OF ORDINAN S AND APPROVING A CONTRACT WI THE ILLINOIS RIVER W TERSHED PARTNERSHIP (IRWP) IN THE IUNT OF $10,000.00 FO WATERSHED EDUCATION AND PLANNING SE VICES. WHEREAS, the Illinois Riv r Watershed P ership (IRWP) possesses unique expertise and resources ideally suited to meet the Ci of Faye ille's need for Watershed Education and Planning Services as part of the Stormwater Management P ogram,Phase II;and WHEREAS,the Illinois River Wa is ed Partnership (IRWP) can perform this work at a significant savings to the citizens of Fayette e. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT O A D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City uncil of the ity of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby waives the requirements of§34.23, (Purchase and Contracts No in Excess of$20,000.00),of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances and approves a ntract with the Illin is River Watershed Partnership (IRWP) in the amount of $10,000.00 for wat rshed education and plakning services, and authorizes Mayor Jordan to execute this Contract. A co of the Contract, marked bit A, is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and ROVED this Of 52010. APPROVE ATTEST: By By Mayor Lioneld Jordan City Clerk NORTHWEST ARKANSAS RECEIVED NEWSPAPERS= OCT 2 7 2010 Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette CITY OF FAYET EVILI E The Morning News of Springdale CITY CLERK'S O FFICE The Morning News of Rogers Northwest Arkansas Times Benton County Daily Record 212 North East Avenue, Fayetteville Arkansas 72701/ PO Box 1607, 72702 PHONE: 479-571-6421 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. Printed and published in Washington & Benton County, (Lowell), Arkansas and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville- Ordinance 5359 ORDINANCE NO.5359 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS 1• FOR.COMPETITIVE BIDS AND APPROVING AK e evl 1e CONTRACT WITH THE It11NOIS RIVER WATERSHED October 21, 2010 PARTNERSHIP IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000.00 FOR WATERSHED EDUCATIONAL AND PLANNING ANKAN SAS SERVICES. WHEREAS, the Illinois River Watershed Partnership possesses unique expertise and resources ideally suited to meet the.City of Fayetteville's federal mandate for.Watershed Publication Charge $ 71.33 Educational and Planning Services as part of the Stormwater Management Program,Phase 11;and �L i� WHEREAS,the Illinois River Watershed Partnership Fa has l e successful) p very y performed such necessary educational and planning services for Fayetteville in previous years;and Signed: WHEREAS,the Illinois River Watershed Partnership can perform this work at,a significant --------- --------------- savings to the citizens of Fayetteville NOW,THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereby determines Subscribed and sworn to before me thatan exceptional situation exists where requiring competitive bids for contracts under $20,000.00 is not feasible or practical and,therefore,waives the requirements for bids as This.2 f day of 2010. allowed by§34.26(F)of the Fayetteville Code,approves the contract attached as Exhibit"A" in the•amount of$10,000.00 with the Illinois River Watershed Partnership for educational and planning services,and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this contract. PASSED and APPROVED this 5th day of October,2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN,Mayor SONDRA E.SMITH,City Clerk/Treasurer Notary Public JOSHUA M LYNCH Notary PUUIIC-Arkonsos Washington County My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires 10-28-2018 Commission # 12366414 Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent