HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5337 ORDINANCE NO. 5337 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND CHAPTER 177: LANDSCAPE REGULATION IN ORDER TO MODIFY EXISTING REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS THAT ADDRESS PERIMETER LANDSCAPING FOR DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that the Unified Development Code should be revised to apply the requirement for 15 feet of greenspace to all commercial and office developments in the City; and WHEREAS, certain sections of the City of Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 177.04(D) Perimeter landscaping requirement do not work toward achieving the intent to screen parking lots from the view of the public right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that the Unified Development Code should be revised to eliminate unnecessarily repetitive information that is included in another chapter; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(2)(b) of the Unified Development Code and renumbers the sub-section accordingly. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(4)(a) of the Unified Development Code and enacts a replacement §177.04(D)(4)(a) as follows: The requirement for a continuous planting of shrubs is intended to lessen the effect of extensive paving. Parking lots that require screening shall have shrubs that are spaced so as to create a seamless row of hedging. A minimum 50% of shrubs shall be evergreen. Page 2 Ordinance No. 5337 Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(4)(b) of the Unified Development Code and renumbers the sub-section accordingly. PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of August, 2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: I NELD j.1,06AN,Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer 40`1011PPPPPBB!!p �oa��FtK/TR' s, z \1Y OF ®® FAYETTEVILLE s °do, G�0 Ga,®` City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 7/6/2010 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Dara Sanders Planning Development Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: ADM 10-3568: (UDC CH. 177 LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS): Submitted by City Planning Staff. The request is to amend Chapters 177.04 of the Unified Development Code (UDC) to revise the perimeter landscaping requirements. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Depart e ector 0ate Original Contract Date: Q Original Contract Number: orneyU Date Q �, (- 19.ZG t a Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in City Clerk's Office 06-11 -10PO4 :48 R C V D fitn', .0 kk==== t. _ig(id XMaor ff Date E„ Received in Mayor's Office Date Comments: 444 77 Revised January 15,2009 41 Y ad F .y9 ; C.. , dlV^ THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS leye DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE ARKANSAS - s � CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director From: Dara Sanders Current Planner Date: June 11, 2010 Subject: UDC Chapter 177 Amendments (ADM 10-3568) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to Chapters 177 of the UDC. This item was heard at the May 10, 2010 Planning Commission meeting and forwarded to the City Council with a unanimous recommendation for approval (7-0-0). BACKGROUND The City of Fayetteville adopted Chapter 177, Landscape Regulations, in 2006 to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Fayetteville and to reduce the environmental impact of development. City Planning staff and the Urban Forester have administered the regulations in Chapter 177 for almost four years and find that the shrub planting section under the perimeter landscaping requirements are inconsistent with and rarely achieve the intent and purpose - to provide a continuous vegetative screen that will minimize the visual impact of a parking lot from the public right-of-way. Chapter 177.04(D)(4) requires a property owner to plant a minimum of eight (8) shrubs for every one (1) street tree planted. However, depending upon the type of shrub, this specific requirement may not be sufficient to provide a continuous row of screening and to effectively buffer parking lots from the street. Most developments planted with screening shrubs in accordance with code have large gaps in between the shrubs, even after several years of growth. Additionally, staff proposes to remove the requirement for 25 feet of greenspace in the I-540 Design Overlay District (DOD). In staff's opinion, the 15 feet of greenspace and 15% open space now required throughout the City as part of the Commercial Design Standards have proven to be effective and adequate in preserving pervious surface and providing a greenspace buffer between parking lots and streets. L THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS PROPOSAL Staff proposes to amend Chapter 177.04 of the UDC to revise the perimeter landscaping requirements as summarized below and attached in full to this staff report: UDC Subject Proposed Changes 177.04(D)(2)(b) Design Overlay Strike the requirement for 25 feet of greenspace in the DOD District 177.04(4)(a)-(c) Shrub Planting Remove the minimum shrub number and spacing requirement. Insert the requirement for a"seamless row of hedging" The ordinance amendments are highlighted and attached to the staff report. BUDGET IMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XV: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND CHAPTER 177: LANDSCAPE REGULATION IN ORDER TO MODIFY EXISTING REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS THAT ADDRESS PERIMETER LANDSCAPING FOR DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that the Unified Development Code should be revised to apply the requirement for 15 feet of greenspace to all commercial and office developments in the City; and WHEREAS, certain sections of the City of Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 177.04(D) Perimeter landscaping requirement do not work toward achieving the intent to screen parking lots from the view of the public right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that the Unified Development Code should be revised to eliminate unnecessarily repetitive information that is included in another chapter; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(2)(b) of the Unified Development Code and renumbers the sub- section accordingly. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(4)(a) of the Unified Development Code and enacts a replacement §177.04(D)(4)(a) as follows: "The requirement for a continuous planting of shrubs is intended to lessen the effect of extensive paving. Parking lots that require screening shall have shrubs that are spaced so as to create a seamless row of hedging. A minimum 50% of shrubs shall be evergreen" Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals §177.04(D)(4)(b) of the Unified Development Code and renumbers the sub- section accordingly. TITLE XV. UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE PASSED and APPROVED this the day of ) 2010. APPROVED: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk Nftft Ile 1 10 Faye PC Meeting of May 10, 2010 ARKi,NSAS 125 W. Mountain St. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Fayetteville,AR 72701 Telephone:(479)575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Dara Sanders, Current Planner THRU: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director DATE: ra.,. 4-0 Updated May 11, 2010 ADM 10-3568: Administrative Item (UDC AMENDMENT CH. 177 LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS): Submitted by CITY PLANNING STAFF for revisions to Fayetteville Unified Development Code, Chapter 177 Landscape Regulations. The proposed code changes clarify the specification for shrub plantings to screen parking lots from the street. Planner:Dara Sanders Background and Proposal:The City of Fayetteville adopted Chapter 177,Landscape Regulations,in 2006 to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Fayetteville and to reduce the environmental impact of development.City Planning staff and the Urban Forester have administered the regulations in Chapter 177 for almost four years and find that the shrub planting section under the perimeter landscaping requirements are inconsistent with and rarely achieve the intent and purpose - to provide a continuous vegetative screen that will minimize the visual impact of a parking lot from the public right-of-way. Chapter 177.04(D)(4)requires a property owner to plant a minimum of eight(8)shrubs for every one(1) street tree planted. However, depending upon the type of shrub, this specific requirement may not be sufficient to provide a continuous row of screening and to effectively buffer parking lots from the street. Most developments planted with screening shrubs in accordance with code have large gaps in between the shrubs, even after several years of growth. Staff finds that requiring an exact number of shrubs under the current ordinance is counterproductive to the purpose of forming a continuous vegetative buffer.Therefore,staff proposes to remove the minimum number and to simply require that the shrubs form a"seamless row of hedging".The Urban Forester and the species list in the Landscape Manual will be relied upon to ensure that the spacing and size of shrubs at planting are the minimum needed to provide the desired hedgerow effect, which is dependent on the shrub species. Summary: The proposal to amend sections of Chapter 177.04 Site Development and Parking Lot Landscape Standards is summarized below and attached in full to this staff report: Chapter Section Description 177.04(D)(2)(b) Landscape - Strike the Design Overlay District requirement for 25 Regulations feet of green space. (a general clean-up that was overlooked in a previous code change) Modify the language from"continuous rows"to 177.04(D)(4) Landscape "seamless row of hedging and strike the specified Regulations number of shrubs. Strike the spacing requirement. G.IETCIDEVELOPMENT SERVICES REVIER 120101DEVELOPMENT PEVIElM IO-3568 ADM LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS103-PLANNING COMMSSIOM05-10-10110-3568 ADM LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS.DOC The ordinance amendments are shown in highlight and strikeeat and are attached to the staff report. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends forwarding ADM 10-3568 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: ves Required Planning Commission Action: ❑ Forwarded ❑ Tabled ❑ Denied Motion:Winston Second: Chesser Vote: 7-0-0 Meeting Date: May 10,2010 G:IETCIDEVELOPMENT SERVICES REVIEWI20101DEVELOPMENT REVIEMIO-3568 ADM LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS103-PLANNING COMMISSIOM05-10-10110-3568 ADM LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS.DOC UDC Amendments for Chapter 177: Landscape Regulations (Mark Up) 177.04 Site Development And Parking Lot (0(d)Shade. All tree planting locations shall Landscape Standards attempt to achieve shade for parking lots, cars,benches,pedestrian walkways, etc., by utilizing aspect and locating trees (D) Perimeter landscaping requirement. Proposed along the south and west boundary of development shall be landscaped meeting the these areas. following requirements: (f)(e) Screening. Parking lots containing five(5) (1) Side and rear property lines. All parking lots or more spaces shall be screened from shall have five feet (5') of landscaped area the public right-of-way and adjacent between the property line and parking lot. properties, where said parking areas are The two foot(2')vehicle overhang option may adjacent to residential zones,with shrubs be included to meet this requirement. and/or graded berms. If graded berms Depending on the use and location,additional are used,shrubs are also required. landscaped area and screening may be required along property lines. (g)(f) Perimeter planting location. All plantings noted herein shall be installed within the (2) Property lines adjoining street right-of-way. required landscape area. Subject to approval by the Urban Forester, required (a) Landscape area required. A fifteen(15) trees and shrubs may be planted within foot wide landscaped area shall be the right-of-way or outside the required provided along the front property line landscape area parallel to the street right- exclusive of and adjacent to the Master of-way only in extenuating Street Plan right-of-way. Points of circumstances. access (entrance drives, exit drives) and sidewalks are allowed to cross the fifteen (3) Tree Planting. (15) foot landscaped area provided the integrity of the landscaped area is (a) Large species trees shall be planted in maintained. the required fifteen (15) foot landscaped area containing one (1) tree per thirty (,b) (30) linear feet along the front property es.taD^'' + `` u'daF of —gin '! line. Trees along the perimeter may be Overlayn'+. + + -, f„ ,o grouped to allow flexibility in design. The WOO-landspal-ed -"-I! be pr4DVOdod maximum allowed grouping may be up to twenty-five(25%) percent of the required 09M efway z -=nom—pe +c.• 'r number of street trees. i + and Wdlawai4tore (b) Species selection shall be chosen from five�(26)4pot the approved list of trees for landscaping found in the appendices of the City of Fayetteville Landscape Manual Alternate tree species selections may be (s) Residential zones. Except for permitted approved by the Urban Forester. No entrance drives, every development shall more than 25% of trees planted to meet be landscaped for an equal and uniform perimeter landscaping requirements may width of 15 feet parallel to the front be evergreen. property line(s)street right-of-way. Single family residential uses shall be exempt (c) Planted trees shall have a two (2) inch from this requirement. caliper (diameter) measured six (6) inches above ground level at the time of (d)(c) Nonresidential zones. Except for planting. permitted entrance drives, every development shall be landscaped for an (d) At the request of the ,developer, the equal and uniform width of 15 feet Urban Forester may exempt specific parallel to the front property line(s) street areas from required tree planting where right-of-way. Properties developed with the terrain, existing trees or other an urban streetscape, utilizing urban tree physical limitations make the planting of wells as defined herein, shall be exempt new trees impracticable. In cases of from this requirement. existing overhead power lines, small trees shall be planted that will not interfere with the existing power lines. Fayetteville Code of Ordinances Species selection shall be approved by the Urban Forester. (4)Shrub Planting. 0djaGeRt tO. a StFeet Fight —The requirement for a continuous planting of shrubs is intended to lessen the effect of extensive paving. r i as _11106U§,PlaRtiRg Will be M!. Parking lots that require screening =shall, have "shrubs that are spaced so,'as°to create a seamless row of hedging . A minimum 50%of shrubs shall be evergreen. (b) QM1 69-QP AARti O Shrub size at the time of planting shall be a minimum of three (3) gallon containers with an expected height of three (3) feet or more in=a' seamless row of hedging within two(2)years of installation,,.., (5)Ground Cover Planting. All landscape 'areas U shall be re-vegetated withapprophate,", perennial groundcover. Prior to certificate of occupancy, all bare soil shall be adequately covered in accordance with the Unified Development Code. CD277: NORTHWEST ARKANSAS NEWSPAPERSuz Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette The Morning News of Springdale The Morning News of Rogers :CEIVED Northwest Arkansas Times A11r 2 6 2010 Benton County Daily Record By, 212 North East Avenue, Fayetteville Arkansas 72701/ PO Box 1607, 72702 PHONE: 479-571-6421 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Cathy Wiles, do solemnly swear that I am Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers LLC. Printed and published in Washington & Benton County, (Lowell), Arkansas and that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville - Ordinance 5337 August 19, 2010 Publication Charge : $ 155.64 Signed: l/C1 Subscribed and sworn to before me ThisJ4 day of Ni j, , 2010. Notary Public _� ____ Jim CU+ears Washington County Commission plumber 12374647 N Public-Arkansas My Commission Expires: �Y Cammissian Ekpiras Jan.20,2020 Do not pay from Affidavit, an invoice will be sent