HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5642ORDINANCE NO. 5642 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 166.08 STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO CLARIFY OR ALTER SEVERAL DESIGN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that access management standards are necessary for the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, prohibiting double -street frontage lots where possible should reduce both a developer's cost and the City's maintenance costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 166.08 Street Design and Access Management Standards of the Unified Development Code in its entirety and enacts a replacement § 166.08 Street Design and Access Management Standards as shown as Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 3rd day of December, 2013. APPROVED: ATTEST: r By: SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer ����ttti►i�rr�rrrrr FAYELii E VR P, EXHIBIT "A" CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT 166.08 Street Design And Access (1) Block Length. Block lengths and street Management Standards intersections are directly tied to the functional hierarchy of the street pattern that exists or is proposed. (A) Intent. These standards are intended to ensure that development is designed to be inherently (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. safe, walkable, and efficient for the facilitation of Signalized intersections should be traffic and pedestrian movements. located at a minimum of one every 2,640 feet (half a mile) along principal (B) Fitness for development. Based on topographic and minor arterials and should be based maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department on traffic warrants. of Agriculture and drainage information from the Future Land Use Plan and the Hillside/Hilltop (b) Collectors. Intersections should be Overlay District, the Planning Commission may located at a minimum of one every require that steep grades, unstable soil and flood 1,320 feet (quarter of a mile) along plains be set aside and not subdivided until collector streets. corrections are made to protect life, health, and property. (c) Local and residential. Intersections shall occur at a minimum of one every 900 (C) Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall 660 feet. apply to land which is proposed to be developed or redeveloped where the creation of public (d) Variances. Block length standards may streets are required, or proposed, or in which be varied by the Planning Commission new or existing access is created or modified. when terrain, topographical features, (D) Street design principles. existing barriers or streets, size or shape of the lot, or other unusual conditions justify a departure. (1) Extensions. All street extensions shall be constructed to Minimum Street Standards. (2) With the exception of corner lots, double - Street extension stub -outs to adjacent street frontage lots are prohibited except properties are required to meet block where such lots front on access restricted or layout/connectivity standards unless existing discouraged roadways such as expressways development or physical barriers prohibit or arterials. Alleys are not considered as such. frontage. Double frontage lots may also be permitted by the Planning Commission for (2) Substandard widths. Developments that topographical problems, feasibility issues adjoin existing streets shall dedicate relating to the parcel's dimensions, or other additional right-of-way to meet the Master good cause which must be established and Street Plan. proven by the developer. The Planning (3) Street names. Names of streets shall be Commission may impose additional landscape requirements along the back of consistent with natural alignment and such double -frontage lots. extensions of existing streets, and new street names shall not duplicate or be similar to (3) Connectivity. Wherever a proposed existing street names. Developers shall development abuts undeveloped land, street coordinate the naming of new streets stub -outs shall be provided as deemed through the GIS Office during the plat review necessary by the Planning Commission to process. abutting properties or to logically extend the street system. (4) Pedestrian. Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points should be controlled through (4) Topography. Local streets should be signalized intersections and proven traffic designed to relate to the existing topography calming design principles. and minimize the disturbance zone. (5) Street standards. All street requirements (5) Dead-end streets. Dead end streets are shall be met as set forth in the City of discouraged and should only be used in Fayetteville Master Street Plan and adopted situations where they are needed for design Minimum Street Standards. and development efficiency, reduction of necessary street paving, or where proximity (E) Block Layout / Connectivity. to floodplains, creeks, difficult topography or CD166:1 EXHIBIT "A" Fayetteville Code of Ordinances existing barriers warrant their use. All dead (c) Local and Residential Streets. Curb cuts end streets shall end in a cul-de-sac with a shall be located a minimum of 50 feet radius of 50 feet, or an alternative design from an intersection or driveway. In no approved by the City and the Fire case shall a curb cut be located within Department. The maximum length of a dead the radius return of an adjacent curb cut end street (without a street stub -out) shall be or intersection. 500 feet. (3) Separation for single-family homes. (F) Access Management. Safe and adequate vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access shall be (a) For all street classifications, curb cuts provided to all parcels. Local streets and shall be located a minimum of 10 feet driveways shall not detract from the safety and from another driveway. Driveways efficiency of bordering arterial routes. Property serving corner lots shall be located as that fronts onto more than one public streets shall far from the street intersection as place a higher priority on accessing the street possible while still meeting a 5 foot with the lowest functional classification, ex. Local separation from an adjoining property and Collector. In a case where the streets have line. In no case shall a curb cut be the same classification, access shall be from the located within the radius of an adjacent lower volume street, or as determined by the City curb cut or street intersection. Engineer. (b) Arterial and Collector Streets. Individual curb cuts for along arterial and collector (1) Curb cut separation. For purposes of streets shall be discouraged. When determining curb cut or street access necessary, curb cuts along arterial and separation, the separation distance shall be collector streets shall be shared measured along the curb line from the edge between two or more lots. of curb cut to the edge of curb cut/intersection. The measurement begins at (4) Variance. In order to protect the ingress and the point where the curb cut and intersecting egress access rights to a street of an street create a right angle, i.e., the abutting property owner, a variance to the intersection of lines drawn from the face -of- curb cut minimums shall be granted by the curb to face -of -curb. The measurement ends Planning Commission to allow an at the point along the street where the ingress/egress curb cut at the safest closest curb cut or street intersection occurs; functional location along the property. Such again, measured to the point where the curb a curb cut may be required to be shared with cut or intersecting streets create a right an adjoining parcel if feasible. If a parcel on angle at the intersection of face -of -curb. In the corner of an arterial or collector street all cases curb cuts shall be a minimum of - provides such short frontage along a major five (5) feet from the adjoining property line, street that there is no safe ingress/egress unless shared. functional location on that street, the Planning Commission may deny the curb cut (2) Separation for two-family, three-family, multi- or may limit such curb cut to ingress or family and nonresidential development. egress only. (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. (5) Speed. All streets should be designed to Where a street with a lower functional discourage excessive speeds. classification exists that can be accessed, curb cuts shall access onto (G) Non -conforming Access Features. those streets. When necessary, curb cuts along arterial streets shall be (1) Existing. Permitted access connections in shared between two or more lots. place on the date of the adoption of this Where a curb cut must access the ordinance that do not conform with the arterial street, it shall be located a standards herein shall be designated as minimum of 250 feet from an nonconforming features and shall be brought intersection or driveway. into compliance with the applicable standards under the following conditions: (b) Collector Streets. Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an (a) When new access connection permits intersection or driveway. When are requested; necessary, curb cuts along collector streets shall be shared between two or (b) Upon expansion or improvements more lots. greater than 50% of the assessed CD166:2 EXHIBIT "A" TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE property value or gross floor area or volume; (c) As roadway improvements allow. (H) Easements. Utility and drainage easements shall be located along lot lines and/or street right-of- way where necessary to provide for utility lines and drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. (Code 1965, App. C., Art. IV, §§C, D, F--H: Ord. No. 1750, 7-6-70; Ord. No. 1801, 6-21-71; Ord. No. 2196, 2-17-76; Ord. No. 2353, 7-5-77; Code 1991, §§159.45, 159.58, 159.51--159.53; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. 4757, 9-6-05; Ord. 4919, 9-05-06; Ord. 5156, 8-5-08; Ord. 5296, 12-15-09; Ord. No. 5546, 12-04-12) Cross reference(s)--Bonds and Guarantees, Ch. 158; Variances. Ch. 156; Notification and Public Hearings, Ch. 157. CD166:3 Jesse Fulcher Submitted By City of Fayetteville Item Review Form 2013-0183 Legistar File Number 12/03/2013 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Action Required: Development Services Department ADM 13-4510 Administrative Item (CHAPTER 166.08 ACCESS MANAGEMENT). Submitted by CITY PLANNING STAFF for revisions to the Unified Development Code, Chapter 166.08. The proposal is to amend block layout and connectivity requirements. Does this item have a cost? NO Cost of this request Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item? Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: J-A"I di *"IA' Category or Project Budget Funds Used to Date $0.00 Remaining Balance Budget Adjustment Attached? Program or Project Name Program or Project Category Fund Name V20130812 l:li �i:ll Zayleevie AHSAM CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Jordan, City Council Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director From: Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner Date: November 14, 2013 Subject: ADM 13-4510 (CHAPTER 166.08 ACCESS MANAGEMENT) RECOMMENDATION THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE The Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of an ordinance to amend the block layout and connectivity requirements in Chapter 166.08. BACKGROUND Chapter 166.08, Street Design and Access Management Standards, were adopted by the City Council on August 5, 2008 by Ordinance No. 5156. These standards were created to ensure that new development provides safe and efficient movements for vehicular and pedestrian traffic and greater connectivity and openness. Over the last several years these standards have improved public safety and roadway efficiency by limiting the number of curb -cuts and conflicting turning movements, especially along busy roadways and near congested intersections. Further, the ordinance provides clear development standards, in most cases. In a few areas, further clarification would be helpful, which is the primary purpose of this ordinance update. Staffls proposal is to amend Chapter 166.08 to restate and/or revise several existing regulations and add one new section, as follows: (C) Applicability. The section regarding private street design is being removed. Private streets may only be permitted through a Planned Zoning District application and are subject to the development standards of 166.05. (D)(4) Tangents. Tangent requirements are already a part of the Minimum Street Design Standards Manual. (E) Block Layout/Connectivity. The code currently has two different block lengths for local and residential streets, 800 and 600 feet respectively. This is a very clear standard. However, deciding when to utilize a local street or residential street is not a clear requirement. Often the decision is based on the need for on -street parking, or number c;l:- houses per block. Changes to the street width or block length create obvious challenges for the designer and developer, and often these issues continue into the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission meetings. To address this, staff is recommending that the maximum block length be the same for both street types, 600 feet. This will create greater certainty for a developer during the design phase. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS (E)(2) Double frontage lots. With the exception of corner lots, double -street frontage lots are prohibited except where such lots front on access restricted or discouraged roadways such as expressways or arterials. Alleys are not considered as frontage. Double frontage lots may also be permitted by the Planning Commission for topographical problems, feasibility issues relating to the parcel's dimensions, or other good cause which must be established and proven by the developer. The Planning Commission may impose additional landscape requirements along the back of such double -frontage lots. (F) Access Management. A statement has been added for instances when a lot has frontage on two streets of the same classification. (F)(1) Curb cut separation. A statement has been added to clarify that a 5 foot separation is required between a curb cut and an adjacent property. (F)(2) Separation for two-family, three—family, multi -family and nonresidential development. This is a new title to clarify that the separation requirements are specific to these types of developments. A separate section has been created for single-family homes. The existing tables are being removed, since this information is already stated and they have been found to be confusing. (F)(3)(a) Separation for single-family homes. The separation requirements for a driveway serving a single-family dwelling were 5 feet from the property line and 10 feet from another driveway even before the adoption of the Access Management Ordinance. However, the section title, "Residential Subdivisions" together with other management standards were confusing. The intent is to create a clear standard for single-family homes. (F)(3)(b) Arterial and Collector Streets. This section was a part of the original Access Management Ordinance and applied to all development along arterial streets. It has been restated here to cover the development of single-family subdivisions along arterial roads. DISCUSSION On October 14, 2013 the Planning Commission tabled the request to allow time for Planning staff and the City Attorney to create variance requirements for double -frontage lots. On October 28, 2013, the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation of approval with a vote of 8-0-0. BUDGET IMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND § 166.08 STREET DESIGN AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT STANDARDS OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO CLARIFY OR ALTER SEVERAL DESIGN REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that access management standards are necessary for the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, prohibiting double -street frontage lots where possible should reduce both a developer's cost and the City's maintenance costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 166.08 Street Design and Access Management Standards of the Unified Development Code in its entirety and enacts a replacement § 166.08 Street Design and Access Management Standards as shown as Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 3d day of December, 2013. APPROVED: ATTEST: I0 LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer ■ Tay e A R K A N S A S PC Meeting of October 28, 2013 125 W. Mountain St. THE CITY OF FAY E"1'TF;VlI,L ,. ARKANSAS Fayetteville, AR72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE 'Telephone: (479) 575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Jesse Fulcher, Current Planner THRU: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director DATE: October 24, 2013 Updated November 14, 2013 ADM 13-4510 Administrative Item (CHAPTER 166.08 ACCESS MANAGEMENT). Submitted by CITY PLANNING STAFF for revisions to the Unified Development Code, Chapter 166.08. The proposal is to amend block layout and connectivity requirements. Planning Staff. Jesse Fulcher BACKGROUND Chapter 166.08, Street Design and Access Management Standards, were adopted by the City Council on August 5, 2008 by Ordinance No. 5156. These standards were created to ensure that new development provides safe and efficient movements for vehicular and pedestrian traffic and greater connectivity and openness. Over the last several years these standards have improved public safety and roadway efficiency by limiting the number of curb -cuts and conflicting turning movements, especially along busy roadways and near congested intersections. Further, the ordinance provides clear development standards, in most cases. In a few areas, further clarification would be helpful, which is the primary purpose of this ordinance update. PROPOSAL Staff s proposal is to amend Chapter 166.08 to restate and/or revise several existing regulations and add one new section, as follows: (C) Applicability. The section regarding private street design is being removed. Private streets may only be permitted through a Planned Zoning District application and are subject to the development standards of 166.05. (D)(4) Tangents. Tangent requirements are already a part of the Minimum Street Design Standards Manual. (E) Block Layout/Connectivity. The code currently has two different block lengths for local and residential streets, 800 and 600 feet respectively. This is a very clear standard. However, deciding when to utilize a local street or residential street is not a clear requirement. Often the decision is based on the need for on -street parking, or number of houses per block. Changes to the street width or block length create obvious challenges for the designer and developer, G:\ETC\Development Services Review\2013\Develop ment Review\13-4410 ADM UDC 166.08 Access Management Ordinance\17 Planning Commission\ 10- 1 4-2013\Comments and Redlines and often these issues continue into the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission meetings. To address this, staff is recommending that the maximum block length be the same for both street types, 600 feet. This will create greater certainty for a developer during the design phase. (E)(2) Double frontage lots. With the exception of corner lots, double -street frontage lots are prohibited except where such lots front on access restricted or discouraged roadways such as expressways or arterials. Alleys are not considered as frontage. Double frontage lots may also be permitted by the Planning Commission for topographical problems, feasibility issues relating to the parcel's dimensions, or other good cause which must be established and proven by the developer. The Planning Commission may impose additional landscape requirements along the back of such double -frontage lots. (F) Access Management. A statement has been added for instances when a lot has frontage on two streets of the same classification. (F)(1) Curb cut separation. A statement has been added to clarify that a 5 foot separation is required between a curb cut and an adjacent property. (F)(2) Separation for two-family, three—family, multi family and nonresidential development. This is a new title to clarify that the separation requirements are specific to these types of developments. A separate section has been created for single-family homes. The existing tables are being removed, since this information is already stated and they have been found to be confusing. (F)(3)(a) Separation for single-family homes. The separation requirements for a driveway serving a single-family dwelling were 5 feet from the property line and 10 feet from another driveway even before the adoption of the Access Management Ordinance. However, the section title, "Residential Subdivisions" together with other management standards were confusing. The intent is to create a clear standard for single-family homes. (F)(3)(b) Arterial and Collector Streets. This section was a part of the original Access Management Ordinance and applied to all development along arterial streets. It has been restated here to cover the development of single-family subdivisions along arterial roads. The proposed changes are shown in strikeout/highlight in the attached document. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward ADM 13-4410 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. Planning Commission Action: Q Forwarded ❑ Denied O Tabled Motion: Pennington Second: Chesser Vote: 8-0-0 Meeting Date: October 28, 2013 WETC\Development Services Review\2013\Development Review\13-4410 ADM UDC 166.08 Access Management Ordinance\17 Planning Commission\10-14-2013\Comments and Redlines CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT 166.08 Street Design And Access Management Standards (A) Intent. These standards are intended to ensure that development is designed to be inherently safe, walkable, and efficient for the facilitation of traffic and pedestrian movements. (B) Fitness for development. Based on topographic maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department of Agriculture and drainage information from the Future Land Use Plan and the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District, the Planning Commission may require that steep grades, unstable soil and flood plains be set aside and not subdivided until corrections are made to protect life, health, and property. (C) Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall apply to land which is proposed to be developed or redeveloped where the creation of public streets are required, or proposed, or in which new or existing access is created or modified. (D) Street design principles. (1) Extensions. All street extensions shall be constructed to Minimum Street Standards. Street extension stub -outs to adjacent properties are required to meet block layout/connectivity standards unless existing development or physical barriers prohibit such. (2) Substandard widths. Developments that adjoin existing streets shall dedicate additional right-of-way to meet the Master Street Plan. (3) Street names. Names of streets shall be consistent with natural alignment and extensions of existing streets, and new street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names. Developers shall coordinate the naming of new streets through the GIS Office during the plat review process. (4) Tangents. A stfa:g ;t +.,.,, eRt at IGAF a 100 (5) Pedestrian. Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points should be controlled through signalized intersections and proven traffic calming design principles. CD166:1 (6) Street standards. All street requirements shall be met as set forth in the City of Fayetteville Master Street Plan and adopted Minimum Street Standards. (E) Block Layout / Connectivity. (1) Block Length. Block lengths and street intersections are directly tied to the functional hierarchy of the street pattern that exists or is proposed. (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. Signalized intersections should be located at a minimum of one every 2,640 feet (half a mile) along principal and minor arterials and should be based on traffic warrants. (b) Collectors. Intersections should be located at a minimum of one every 1,320 feet (quarter of a mile) along collector streets. (c) Locals and residential. Intersections shall occur at a minimum of one every 800 660 feet. (d) Variances. Block length standards may be varied by the Planning Commission when terrain, topographical features, existing barriers or streets, size or shape of the lot, or other unusual conditions justify a departure. (2) With the exception of comer lots, double - street frontage lots are prohibited except where such lots front on access restricted or discouraged roadways such as expressways or arterials. Alleys are not considered as frontage. Double frontage lots may also be permitted by the Planning Commission for topographical problems, feasibility issues relating to the parcel's dimensions, or other good cause which must be established and proven by the developer. The Planning Commission may impose additional landscape requirements along the back of such double -frontage lots. (3) Connectivity. Wherever a proposed development abuts undeveloped land, street stub -outs shall be provided as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission to abutting properties or to logically extend the street system. Fayetteville Code of Ordinances (4) Topography. Local streets should be designed to relate to the existing topography and minimize the disturbance zone. (5) Dead-end streets. Dead end streets are discouraged and should only be used in situations where they are needed for design and development efficiency, reduction of necessary street paving, or where proximity to floodplains, creeks, difficult topography or existing barriers warrant their use. All dead end streets shall end in a cul-de-sac with a radius of 50 feet, or an alternative design approved by the City and the Fire Department. The maximum length of a dead end street (without a street stub -out) shall be 500 feet. (F) Access Management. Safe and adequate vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access shall be provided to all parcels. Local streets and driveways shall not detract from the safety and efficiency of bordering arterial routes. Property that fronts onto twee, more than one public streets shall place a higher priority on accessing the street with the IeweF lowest functional classification, ex. Local and Collector. In a case where the streets have the same classification, access shall be from the lower volume street, or as determined by the City Engineer. (1) Curb cut separation. For purposes of determining curb cut or street access separation, the separation distance shall be measured along the curb line from the edge of curb cut to the edge of curb cut/intersection. The measurement begins at the point where the curb cut and intersecting street create a right angle, i.e., the intersection of lines drawn from the face -of - curb to face -of -curb. The measurement ends at the point along the street where the closest curb cut or street intersection occurs; again, measured to the point where the curb cut or intersecting streets create a right angle at the intersection of face -of -curb. In all cases curb cuts shall be a minimum of five (5') feet from the adjoining property line, unless shared. (2) Separation for two-family, three-family, multi- family and nonresidential development. (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. Where a street with a lower functional classification exists that can be accessed, curb cuts shall access onto those streets. When necessary, curb cuts along arterial streets shall be shared between two or more lots. Where a curb cut must access the arterial street, it shall be located a minimum of 250 feet from an intersection or driveway. - - - ... . .. .. . .. (b) Collector Streets. Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an intersection or driveway. When necessary, curb cuts along collector streets shall be shared between two or more lots. Guts 0409-#-. 9 Mere than 500 ft. 4 (c) Local and Residential Streets. Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from an intersection or driveway. In no case shall a curb cut be located within the radius return of an adjacent curb cut or intersection. minimum of fi#een (15') feet #am the Num-ber of Curb Cuts- Permitted Guts 9-594. 4 2 4 to the Ease-eresidential 66119diViGiGRG, GUrb Guts shall tetall StFe8tG Shall 198 shared (3) Separation for single-family homes. (a) For all street classifications, curb cuts shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from another driveway. Driveways serving comer lots shall be located as C D 166:2 TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE far from the street intersection as (Code 1965, App. C., Art. IV, §§C, D, F--H; Ord. No. 1750, possible while still meeting a 5 foot 7-6-70; Ord. No. 1801, 6-21-71; Ord. No. 2196, 2-17-76; separation from an adjoining property Ord. No. 2353, 7-5-77; Code 1991, §§159.45, 159.58, line. In no case shall a curb cut be 159.51--159.53; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. located within the radius of an adjacent 4757, 9-6-05; Ord. 4919, 9-05-06; Ord. 5156, 8-5-08; Ord. curb cut or street intersection. 5296, 12-15-09; Ord. No. 5546, 12-04-12) (b) Arterial and Collector. Streets. Individual curb cuts for along arterial and collector streets shall be discouraged. When necessary, curb cuts along arterial and collector streets shall be shared between two or more lots. (4) M Variance. In order to protect the ingress and egress access rights to a street of an abutting property owner, a variance to the curb cut minimums shall be granted by the Planning Commission to allow an ingress/egress curb cut at the safest functional location along the property. Such a curb cut may be required to be shared with an adjoining parcel if feasible. If a parcel on the corner of an arterial or collector street provides such short frontage along a major street that there is no safe ingress/egress functional location on that street, the Planning Commission may deny the curb cut or may limit such curb cut to ingress or egress only. (5) Speed. All streets should be designed to discourage excessive speeds. (G) Non -conforming Access Features. (1) Existing. Permitted access connections in place on the date of the adoption of this ordinance that do not conform with the standards herein shall be designated as nonconforming features and shall be brought into compliance with the applicable standards under the following conditions: (a) When new access connection permits are requested; (b) Upon expansion or improvements greater than 50% of the assessed property value or gross floor area or volume; (c) As roadway improvements allow. (H) Easements. Utility and drainage easements shall be located along lot lines and/or street right-of- way where necessary to provide for utility lines and drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. Cross reference(s)--Bonds and Guarantees, Ch. 158; Variances. Ch. 156; Notification and Public Hearings, Ch. 157. CD166:3 CHAPTER 166: DEVELOPMENT 166.08 Street Design And Access (1) Block Length. Block lengths and street Management Standards intersections are directly tied to the functional hierarchy of the street pattern that exists or is proposed. (A) Intent. These standards are intended to ensure that development is designed to be inherently (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. safe, walkable, and efficient for the facilitation of Signalized intersections should be traffic and pedestrian movements. located at a minimum of one every 2,640 feet (half a mile) along principal (B) Fitness for development. Based on topographic and minor arterials and should be based maps, soil surveys prepared by the Department on traffic warrants. of Agriculture and drainage information from the Future Land Use Plan and the Hillside/Hilltop (b) Collectors. Intersections should be Overlay District, the Planning Commission may located at a minimum of one every require that steep grades, unstable soil and flood 1,320 feet (quarter of a mile) along plains be set aside and not subdivided until collector streets. corrections are made to protect life, health, and property. (c) Local and residential. Intersections shall occur at a minimum of one every 8W660 (C) Applicability. The standards set forth herein shall feet. apply to land which is proposed to be developed or redeveloped where the creation of public (d) Variances. Block length standards may streets are required, or proposed, or in which be varied by the Planning Commission new or existing access is created or modified. when terrain, topographical features, existing barriers or streets, size or (D) Street design principles. shape of the lot, or other unusual conditions justify a departure. (1) Extensions. All street extensions shall be constructed to Minimum Street Standards. (2) With the exception of corner lots, double - Street extension stub -outs to adjacent street frontage lots are prohibited except properties are required to meet block where such lots front on access restricted or layout/connectivity standards unless existing discouraged roadways such as expressways development or physical barriers prohibit or arterials. Alleys are not considered as such. frontage. Double frontage lots may also be permitted by the Planning Commission for (2) Substandard widths. Developments that topographical problems, feasibility issues adjoin existing streets shall dedicate relating to the parcel's dimensions, or other additional right-of-way to meet the Master good cause which must be established and Street Plan. proven by the developer. The Planning (3) Street names. Names of streets shall be Commission may impose additional landscape requirements along the back of consistent with natural alignment and such double -frontage lots. extensions of existing streets, and new street names shall not duplicate or be similar to (3) Connectivity. Wherever a proposed existing street names. Developers shall development abuts undeveloped land, street coordinate the naming of new streets stub -outs shall be provided as deemed through the GIS Office during the plat review necessary by the Planning Commission to process. abutting properties or to logically extend the street system. (4) Pedestrian. Pedestrian -vehicular conflict points should be controlled through (4) Topography. Local streets should be signalized intersections and proven traffic designed to relate to the existing topography calming design principles, and minimize the disturbance zone. (5) Street standards. All street requirements (5) Dead-end streets. Dead end streets are shall be met as set forth in the City of discouraged and should only be used in Fayetteville Master Street Plan and adopted situations where they are needed for design Minimum Street Standards. and development efficiency, reduction of necessary street paving, or where proximity (E) Block Layout /Connectivity. to floodplains, creeks, difficult topography or CD166:1 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances existing barriers warrant their use. All dead (c) Local and Residential Streets. Curb cuts end streets shall end in a cul-de-sac with a shall be located a minimum of 50 feet radius of 50 feet, or an alternative design from an intersection or driveway. In no approved by the City and the Fire case shall a curb cut be located within Department. The maximum length of a dead the radius return of an adjacent curb cut end street (without a street stub -out) shall be or intersection. 500 feet. (3) Separation for single-family homes. (F) Access Management. Safe and adequate vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access shall be (a) For all street classifications, curb cuts provided to all parcels. Local streets and shall be located a minimum of 10 feet driveways shall not detract from the safety and from another driveway. Driveways efficiency of bordering arterial routes. Property serving corner lots shall be located as that fronts onto more than one public streets shall far from the street intersection as place a higher priority on accessing the street possible while still meeting a 5 foot with the lowest functional classification, ex. Local separation from an adjoining property and Collector. In a case where the streets have line. In no case shall a curb cut be the same classification, access shall be from the located within the radius of an adjacent lower volume street, or as determined by the City curb cut or street intersection. Engineer. (b) Arterial and Collector Streets. Individual curb cuts for along arterial and collector (1) Curb cut separation. For purposes of streets shall be discouraged. When determining curb cut or street access necessary, curb cuts along arterial and separation, the separation distance shall be collector streets shall be shared measured along the curb line from the edge between two or more lots. of curb cut to the edge of curb cut/intersection. The measurement begins at (4) Variance. In order to protect the ingress and the point where the curb cut and intersecting egress access rights to a street of an street create a right angle, i.e., the abutting property owner, a variance to the intersection of lines drawn from the face -of- curb cut minimums shall be granted by the curb to face -of -curb. The measurement ends Planning Commission to allow an at the point along the street where the ingress/egress curb cut at the safest closest curb cut or street intersection occurs; functional location along the property. Such again, measured to the point where the curb a curb cut may be required to be shared with cut or intersecting streets create a right an adjoining parcel if feasible. If a parcel on angle at the intersection of face -of -curb. In the corner of an arterial or collector street all cases curb cuts shall be a minimum of provides such short frontage along a major five (5) feet from the adjoining property line, street that there is no safe ingress/egress unless shared. functional location on that street, the Planning Commission may deny the curb cut (2) Separation for two-family, three-family, multi- or may limit such curb cut to ingress or family and nonresidential development. egress only. (a) Principal and Minor Arterial Streets. (5) Speed. All streets should be designed to Where a street with a lower functional discourage excessive speeds. classification exists that can be accessed, curb cuts shall access onto (G) Non -conforming Access Features. those streets. When necessary, curb cuts along arterial streets shall be (1) Existing. Permitted access connections in shared between two or more lots. place on the date of the adoption of this Where a curb cut must access the ordinance that do not conform with the arterial street, it shall be located a standards herein shall be designated as minimum of 250 feet from an nonconforming features and shall be brought intersection or driveway. into compliance with the applicable standards under the following conditions: (b) Collector Streets. Curb cuts shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an (a) When new access connection permits intersection or driveway. When are requested; necessary, curb cuts along collector streets shall be shared between two or (b) Upon expansion or improvements more lots. greater than 50% of the assessed C D 166:2 TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE property value or gross floor area or volume; (e) As roadway improvements allow. (H) Easements. Utility and drainage easements shall be located along lot lines and/or street right-of- way where necessary to provide for utility lines and drainage. The Planning Commission may require larger easements for major utility lines, unusual terrain or drainage problems. (Code 1965, App. C., Art. IV, §§C, D, F--H; Ord. No. 1750, 7-6-70; Ord. No. 1801, 6-21-71; Ord. No. 2196, 2-17-76; Ord. No. 2353, 7-5-77; Code 1991, §§159.45, 159.58, 159.51--159.53; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. 4757, 9-6-05; Ord. 4919, 9-05-06; Ord. 5156, 8-5-08; Ord. 5296, 12-15-09; Ord. No. 5546, 12-04-12) Cross reference(s)--Bonds and Guarantees, Ch. 158; Variances. Ch. 156; Notification and Public Hearings, Ch. 157. CD166:3 IOU 200 400 BOO 900 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT -GAZETTE NORTHWESTARKANSAS THE MORNING NEWS.OF P EWSRM- EIRS OF RG ERS THE MORNING NEWS OF ROGERS NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES BENTON COUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE, FAYETTEVIH E, ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.O. BOX 1607, 72702 1 479.442.1700 1 WWW.NWANEWS.COM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Holly Andrews, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville - Ordinance 5642 Was inserted in the Regular Editions on: December 12, 2013 Publication Charges: $ 64.85 Holly Andrews Subscribed and sworn to before me This day of `�2C� , 2013. Notary Public My Commission Expires: **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. L.EC 2 6201 C't `s ,,F FAYETTEVILLE CLERKS OFFICE