HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5620ORDINANCE NO.5620 AN ORDINANCE TO WAIVE FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING, TO APPROVE A TWO YEAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH THE FAYETTEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $330,000.00 AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce was selected through a competitive bidding process in 2009 to provide economic development services for the City of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, because of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce's excellent performance during the difficult years of the substantial national recession, the City of Fayetteville exercised its two year option to renew this contract on September 6, 2011, by the City Council Resolution No. 163-11; and WHEREAS, because of the excellent performance by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce during the last four years, because of the specialized and valuable information and understanding of the economic development needs and potentials learned by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce during the last four years and because only a single other entity applied during the initial selection process for a supplier of economic development services, formal competitive bidding is not feasible and practical. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that due to the exception circumstances noted above, formal competitive bidding is deemed not practical and feasible and therefore waives formal competitive bidding and approves the attached two year contract (with the two year option to renew) with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce to furnish economic development services for the annual cost of $165,000.00 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this contract. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the attached budget adjustment to fund this contract. ui y or I-ayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form V13.0107 Budget Year Division: Chief of Staff 2013 Department: Chief of Staff Request Date Adjustment Number 9/4/2013 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION $330,000 is requested in the Economic Development Services account. These funds will be used for a 2-year contract renewal with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. The funds are being taken from the Use of Designated Fund Balance and are from the proceeds of the sale of Wilson Springs. Divis n He d Date dget Di ector Date Department Director Date /Date, r'"' •-0 Date ate Prepared By: Kevin C Springer Reference: Budget & Research Use Only Type: A B C L__./ E P General Ledger Date Posted to General Ledger Checked / Verified TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Account Name Account Number Contract Services 1010.6600.5315.00 Use of Designated Fund Balance 1010.0001.4999.98 Initial Date Initial Date 330,000 330,000 Increase / (Decrease) Project.Sub Expense Revenue Number 330,000 59027.901 330,000 59027.901 H:IBudgeMudget Adjustments12013_Budget\KevinIsA2013_CHAMBER—ECON DEV CONTRACT.xlsm - 1of1 Page 2 Ordinance No. 5620 PASSED and APPROVED this 17'h day of September, 2013. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: "' dyz IO VELD , Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer F , _ : FAYETTEVILLE �= ti '''���ii iO1N1oo`,`` l� d City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 9/17/2013 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Don Marr Administration Administration Submitted By Division Department muuvn inance to waive competitive bidding and to approve a two year contract for Economic Development Service Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce; and a budget adjustment for $330,000 ($165,000 per year for a 2 year od) with the option to renew for two additional years. $ 330,000.00 Cost of this request 1010.6600.5315.00 Account Number 0901 2009-2010 Project Number Budgeted Item Category / Project Budget $ 330,000.00 Funds Used to Date Remaining Balance Budget Adjustment Attached �X %�>3 Date 05-as.?PtS r ^ j Date Finance and Internal Services Director Date Date 91Z /i Economic Development Services Program Category / Project Name Wilson Springs Proceeds Program / Project Category Name Use of Designated Fund Balance Fund Name Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Date: Original Contract Number: '9-05 j3P0S:i5 „CVJ Received in City - I1 Clerk's Office Received in EN7 Mayor's Office Revised January 15, 2009 a e i evle Y ARKANSAS Council Aaenda Memo To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Don Marr, Chief of StafE/%i�ii/ / ICJ® Thru: Mayor Jordan Date: 09/4/2013 Subject: Economic Development Consulting Services Recommendation: City Council Meeting Date: September 17, 2013 The City Staff and Administration recommend on behalf of the Mayor's office that the City of Fayetteville, AR waive competitive bidding and continue contracting terms with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for Economic Development Services. Backaround: During the Fayetteville Forward Economic Development Summit it was recommended by the Economic Breakout group for the City to evaluate and if feasible move towards contracting an entity to provide ongoing economic development services on behalf of the City of Fayetteville. The City of Fayetteville has done so since 2009. Four years ago the city solicited request for proposals (RFP 09-14) seeking Economic Development Consulting Services, and chose to contracted with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce the past four years, for economic development services. The Chamber's performance over the last contract period (4 years) has been excellent In the past four (4) years, the Chamber successfully fulfilled the deliverables set up in our Scope of Work and more. Some of our successes include: 1.) Competed with sister plants of Tyson's Mexican Original, Pinnacle Foods, and American Air Filter to not only keep local jobs, but actually expanded their production and number of employees here in Fayetteville. 2.) Brought more than $2 million of incentives to Fayetteville manufactures and businesses 3.) Established a since point of contact for all economic development efforts in the City of Fayetteville when it was not previously established. 4.) Created and implemented an up and running economic development website now utilized by numerous site selection consultants and the State AEDC. 5.) Marketed the City to Site Selection Consultants from around the County increasing opportunities to promote Fayetteville in economic development opportunities from outside of our community. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 575-8323 accessfayetteville.org TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) (479)-521-1316 It is now time to renew the contract for another period. Based on the results of the Chamber over the last 4 year contract period, the City Administration is recommending the waiving of competitive bidding and renewing a contract with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. Their knowledge of city practices over the last 4 years, the past and current economic development activities and work with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, provide an advantage to the Citizens and Businesses of our community. There have been three options presented by the Chamber of Commerce based on their recent working meeting with the City Council. Those options are attached to this agenda item. The Administration is recommending Option 1 with the attached Contract and Scope of Work/Performance Standards exhibit attached. Budget Impact: We are submitting a budget adjustment request seeking approval of $330,000 ($165,000 per contract year) funding the Wilson Springs Economic Development Fund to pay for this two year contract period. The contract allows for one additional renewal period of two years and the budget for the renewal period must be identified and approved by the City Council at the time of the contract renewal. If the Council approves a contract amending to selection either option two for a contract amount of $180,000 or option 3 for a contract amount of $196.000 then the amount of funding required for the contract period will need to be raised to $370,000 or $390,000 respectively. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 575-8323 accessfayetteville.org TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) (479)-521-1316 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE TO WAIVE FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING, TO APPROVE A TWO YEAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH THE FAYETTEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $330,000.00 AND TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce was selected through a competitive bidding process in 2009 to provide economic development services for the City of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, because of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce's excellent performance during the difficult years of the substantial national recession, the City of Fayetteville exercised its two year option to renew this contract on September 6, 2011, by the City Council Resolution No. 163-11; and WHEREAS, because of the excellent performance by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce during the last four years, because of the specialized and valuable information and understanding of the economic development needs and potentials learned by the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce during the last four years and because only a single other entity applied during the initial selection process for a supplier of economic development services, formal competitive bidding is not feasible and practical. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that due to the exception circumstances noted above, formal competitive bidding is deemed not practical and feasible and therefore waives formal competitive bidding and approves the attached two year contract (with the two year option to renew) with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce to furnish economic development services for the annual cost of $165,000.00 and authorizes Mayor Jordan to sign this contract. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the attached budget adjustment to fund this contract. PASSED and APPROVED this 17d day of September, 2013. APPROVED: ATTEST: LE Page 2 Ordinance No. LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer CONTRACT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND THE FAYETTEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas wishes to contract for Economic Development Consulting Services, and; WHEREAS, the Fayetteville, Arkansas Chamber of Commerce wishes to provide Economic Development Consulting Services to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and; WHEREAS, the Fayetteville, Arkansas Chamber of Commerce was selected to perform Economic Development Consulting Services for the City of Fayetteville utilizing the competitive Request for Proposal selection process in 2009 (via RFP 09 14, Economic Development Consulting Services), and; WHEREAS, the City Council of Fayetteville, Arkansas has waived competitive bidding and approved a contract for Economic Development Consulting Services with the Fayetteville, Arkansas Chamber of Commerce, NOW THEREFORE: In consideration of the mutual promises contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, 1. Agreement is made this 111b' day of 2013 by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas located at 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 and the Fayetteville, Arkansas Chamber of Commerce located at 123 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. Term: This Agreement shall be for a term of two (2) years. This contract may be canceled by either party within thirty days written notice. 2. Renewals: This agreement may be renewed for one additional term of two (2) years with mutual agreement of the parties. 3. Appendix & Attachments: The Contract documents which comprise the contract between the City of Fayetteville and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce consist of this Contract and the following documents attached hereto, and made a part hereof: a.) Appendix A - Schedule Detail for Deliverables and Performance Measures * The City of Fayetteville shall coordinate with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for modifications to this schedule. Any modifications shall be agreed upon by both the City and Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce; however, any changes affecting price shall have prior approval by the Fayetteville City Council. In the event Appendix A is revised and price is not modified, such revised document shall be provided to the City Council at the next regularly scheduled quarterly update. Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 1 of 7 4. Services to be Provided: During the terms of this Agreement, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce Shall: • Serve as the first point of contact for economic development services; and maintain good relations with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and other economic development partners locally, nationally and internationally; • Ensure that the City of Fayetteville is competitive locally, nationally and internationally in attracting prospective companies; • Maintain and manage social media presence for the City of Fayetteville Economic Development activities. Produce materials that market Fayetteville including (but not limited to) an Economic Development website that caters to existing and prospective businesses and information packets for targeted industries, Facebook and other pertinent social sites; • Continue to work on the four (4) pillars of economic development — business attraction, business retention and expansion, local entrepreneurship development and infrastructure including workforce development; • Monitor and report matrices such as the number of new jobs created, jobs lost, new businesses created, businesses lost (each with dates), workforce skills inventory, new inquiry details, and any other pertinent reports relating to the economic development services requirements; • Provide a diversity of opportunity in business types, job wages, & skill sets with a focus on jobs with living wages; and • Provide all deliverables and performance measures outlined in Attached scope of work 5. Fees and Expenses: The City of Fayetteville agrees the consulting fee shall be paid upon invoice as follows: Consultation Services shall be invoiced for each quarter in the amount of $41,250 per quarter. Total fees for consultation services shall not exceed $165,000 annually, from date of contract. The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall track, log and report hours and expenses directly related to this Agreement along with invoice for payment for each quarter. Invoices shall be itemized. 6. Notices: Any notice required to be given under this Agreement to either party to the other shall be sufficient if addressed and mailed, certified mail, postage paid, delivery, fax (receipt confirmed), or overnight courier. 7. Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accord with the laws of the State of Arkansas. 8. Entire Agreement: This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties on the subject matter of this Agreement. Neither party shall be bound by any conditions, definitions, representations or warranties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement other than those as expressly provided herein. 9. Amendments and Waivers: Changes, modifications, or amendments in scope, price or fees to this contract shall not be allowed without a prior formal contract amendment Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 2 of 7 approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, cost or fees. No modification of this Agreement shall be binding unless made in writing and executed by both parties. No waiver by either party or any breach or obligation of the other party under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other prior or subsequent breach or obligation. 10. Performance Measures: The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall provide the following deliverables. Performance measures are included (with examples) for each item and will be used to evaluate the work performed throughout the entire term of the contract. One: Economic Development Infrastructure The City wants to develop appropriate infrastructure necessary to foster economic development opportunities for the City of Fayetteville. The Arkansas Economic Development Commission has suggested that Fayetteville work to have more spade - ready building sites available for responses to new facility inquires. The Economic Development team will work to identify future development sites, and work to complete necessary tasks so that sites are more "ready" for immediate business opportunity availability. Performance measures: • Positive relationship with AEDC and appropriate communicated vision for Fayetteville. • Marketing Materials Directed Toward Target Industries, and Social Media Sites, Website, etc. • Work with the City and Community on creating an Economic Development Fund without raising new taxes. • Real Estate Development —prepare sites and buildings ready for development. • Establish market statistics and demographics • Develop State and Regional partnerships by working with the state AEDC & regional economic development council. • Support City's development of Quality of Life Programs • Work with existing employers to develop workforce, attract quality employees to the City • Conduct Economic Development training to ensure that the economic development team is knowledgeable and professional by attending at least 2 economic development related conferences & training classes a year. Maintain updated information, highlights, available site locations, and any possible incentives, containing highlights on why companies should locate in Fayetteville, and maintain the State of Arkansas Site Availability listings Two: Business Retention and Expansion The City wants to ensure existing businesses thrive and remain or expand in Fayetteville. The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall solicit continual feedback from the more than 3000 existing businesses to determine how they can best be served and how programs can be developed to leverage their assets and the assets of other similar businesses and the assets of the City of Fayetteville. The Chamber of Commerce shall develop concepts which promote existing business. For example, businesses located on the Fayetteville Square and in the Downtown are Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 3 of 7 sponsoring a First Thursday event with extended store hours and additional attractions. Performance measure: • Development of business community data o Retention rate for existing businesses o Existing employee headcount o Other data as requested by and coordinated with the City • Provide technical assistance to existing businesses to assist them to retain jobs and/or expand. • Continued Support of Local Purchase programs (like "Find it in Fayetteville") • Bring or organize appropriate seminars and training to Fayetteville, AR, or within NWA Training Opportunities offered within the Region that would benefit Fayetteville Specific Companies. • Develop business opportunities o Through GreeNWAy initiatives, Programs, promotion of international trade, and development of trade directories. • Analysis of existing businesses by utilizing Business License Data to evaluate growth, decline, establishment, or closure of existing businesses within the City of Fayetteville. • Develop or recommend training & education opportunities to start up businesses. • Provide resources to entrepreneurs as requested. Three: Business Attraction The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall take steps necessary to ensure that Fayetteville competes at local, state, national and international levels for prospective businesses. ARTP incubates companies that are developing new technologies and products. As these companies scale up and consider permanent locations, the Chamber of Commerce shall coordinate programs, procedures, policies and promotional materials that make the City an attractive and competitive option. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce shall actively promote the City of Fayetteville at the state, national and international levels, particularly to companies in the clean tech, healthcare, hospitality and tourism and nonprofit sectors. The Economic Development website will have, as a minimum, a graphically engaging design, relevant demographic information, a comprehensive list of awards and distinctions received by the City, identification of publicly -owned, shovel -ready sites, incentive packages and materials for targeted industries, and opportunities and support services for existing businesses. Performance measure: • Develop Site Selector visits to the City of Fayetteville, AR • Evaluate, and recommend trade shows to attend and meet perspective companies. Attendance will utilize Senior Administration Staff and Elected Officials. Identify up to two trade shows or similar events to attend and coordinate attendance. • Number of home grown businesses locating in Fayetteville • New businesses in Fayetteville • Employee headcount attributed to new businesses Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 4 of 7 • Assistance in the coordination and development of a regional economic development council • Listing of contacts or potential businesses obtained through serving as the lead contact • Implementation of business registry • Active website, updated content, and easy -to -find content as provided by other cities • Number of monthly unique visitor hits on the website • Maintain & review community profile with AEDC These organizations are assets to the City's economic development efforts. They can provide free marketing for the City and expand our contact base and opportunities. Fostering relationships with these organizations will provide a competitive advantage at the state and regional level and ensure that the City receives feedback from prospective companies about what Fayetteville can do to provide an attractive business package. The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall serve as the primary point of contact for the City of Fayetteville for economic development related purposes. Performance measure: • Regular meetings with AEDC staff and commissioners, ARTP staff and other relevant organizations • Documented efforts and participation in regional partnership • Positive relationship with AEDC and appropriate communicated vision for Fayetteville • AEDC understanding of firm's primary contact responsibility Five: Market Statistics and Demographics The City of Fayetteville is interested in receving up to date market statistics and demographics for existing businesses and labor shed and market data for businesses interested in locating in Fayetteville AR. Performance measure: • Utilize and provide updated market, trend, and demographic analysis through current studies. Six: Reports and Presentations to the Mayor and City Council The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall provide a written report and prepare a brief presentation for the Mayor and City Council on a quarterly basis. Reports and presentations should outline the tasks accomplished and include statistics for each performance measure outlined herein. Performance measure: Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 5 of 7 • Written report and presentation on a quarterly basis to Mayor and City Council • Timely updates to Mayor and City Council on potential and ongoing projects as necessary The City recognizes that the overall economy will affect some of the performance measures and success will be outside the control of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. The City also recognizes that some of the needed statistics are not currently collected in a systematic way. However, the City expects the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce to show evidence of experience in conducting comparative market and trend analyses and due diligence in amassing the detailed information necessary to support the Economic Development effort. 11. Contract Administration The Mayor or his/her Designated Representative shall be the Contract Administrator for this contract. The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce President and CEO or his/her Designated Representative shall be the primary contact for all matters pertaining to this contract. While it is understood that many facts pertaining to projects must be held in the strictest confidence, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce President and CEO will insure that the Mayor is kept abreast of details and progress made pertaining to Economic Development prospects considering development in Fayetteville to the greatest extent possible. 12. Freedom of Information Act City contracts and documents prepared while performing city contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville, the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce -will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A. §25-19-101 et. seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 6 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement. Fay Date: Witness: Date: � The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Attest: 4- S .� Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk/Treasurer bT Y pF FAYETTEVILLE 0rRU��� Economic Development Consulting Services Contract Page 7 of 7 Date: 7/O� ��3 Date: City of Fayetteville, Arkansas & Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce Appendix A- Schedule Detail for Deliverables and Performance Measures Scope of Work SECTION 1: Deadline Identification Schedule Quarter Dates per Quarter Deadline for Quarter Update Deadline to Admin Update Deadline to City Council Qtr 1 October 2013 - December 2013 Monday, January 13, 2014 Wednesday prior to January Agenda Session City Council meeting in January, 2014 Qtr 2 January 2014 - March 2014 Monday, April 14, 2014 Wednesday prior to April Agenda Session City Council meeting in April, 2014 Qtr 3 April 2014 -June 2014 Monday, July 14, 2014 Wednesday prior to July Agenda Session City Council meeting in July, 2014 Qtr 4 July 2014- September 2014 Monday, October 13, 2014 Wednesday prior to October Agenda Session City Council meeting in October, 2014 Qtr 5 October 2014 - December 2014 Monday, January 12, 2015 Wednesday prior to January Agenda Session City Council meeting in January, 2015 Qtr 6 January 2015 - March 2015 Monday, April 13, 2015 Wednesday prior to April Agenda Session City Council meeting in April, 2015 Qtr 7 April 2015 - June 2015 Monday, July 13, 2015 iWednesday, prior to July Agenda Session City Council meeting in July, 2015 Qtr 8 jJuly 2015 - September 2015 1 IMonday, October 12, 2015 lWednesday prior to October Agenda Session lCity Council meeting in October, 2015 SECTION Il: Details of Deliverables and Performance Measures Category Category Description Performance Measure Deadline (Quarter) Notes Promote Fayetteville to Site 4 visits in 2 years; include both inbound 1 Business Attraction A Selection Consultants, Intermediary Quarters 1- 8 and outbound visits Agencies, and Direct Clients Operate and manage social media tools such as Economic B Development webpages, Facebook, Quarters 1- 8 Provide quarterly statistics etc. to keep businesses and social community informed and updated Evaluate trade shows/conferences; 2 Operate and manage an inbound/outbound visits which could C international trade and investment Quarters 1- 8 include city staff and elected officials; program Target sectors:Education/Research & Dev, Healthcare, and Manufacturing Respond to inquiries, Request-For- 0 Be the Point -Of -Contact for Quarters 1- 8 Proposals (RFPs) and Request -For - economic development purposes Information (RFIs) Economic Development Contract: Appendix B Fayetteville Chamber City of Fayetteville 9/5/2013 Develop, Assist and Support home Develop and implement programs to E grown businesses Quarters 1- 8 support this activity Support and Assist New Businesses F Coming to Fayetteville Quarters 1- 8 Employee headcount attributed to G new businesses Quarters 1- 8 Development of business Include information and statistics on businesses closed and/or jobs lost from 2 Business Retention & Expansion A community data, retention rate for Quarters 1- 8 the community; analysis of existing existing businesses, existing businesses utilizing the Business employee headcount License data Provide technical assistance to B existing businesses to assist them to Quarters 1- 8 retain jobs and/or to expand C Support "Find It in Fayetteville" Quarters 1- 8 campaign Bring or organize appropriate D seminars and training to Fayetteville or NWA Quarters 1- 8 Through GreeNWAy Initiative Program E Develop business opportunities for Quarters 1- 8 and promotion of local, national and existing businesses international trade Provide technical assistance to 3 Development of Local Entrepreneurs A Quarters 1- 8 perspective entrepreneurs Economic Development Contract: Appendix B Fayetteville Chamber City of Fayetteville 9/5/2013 Develop or recommend training and B education opportunities to start up Quarters 1- 8 businesses C Provide resources to entrepreneurs as requested. Quarters 1- 8 Managed Relationships and Regular interactions and 4 Infrastructure A wherever possible, partner with the Quarters 1- 8 communications with AEDC and other AEDC and Relevant Partners relevant organizations; partner on projects together Development of an Economic B Development Fund for the City of Quarters 1 - 8 or till Fund is created Work with City and Community and Fayetteville without raising taxes Work on attracting/creating jobs C with a focus on jobs with living Quarters 1- 8 Both business attraction and entrepreneurship start-ups wages Monitor and manage internal and external environments to be sure Report findings, make D that City is competitive in recommendations and so on to the City developing, attracting and retaining leadership businesses Support and Assist Development of Include establishing statistics and E the NWA Region for economic Quarters 1- 8 development purposes demographics Economic Development Contract: Appendix B Fayetteville Chamber City of Fayetteville 9/5/2013 Include managing of real estate Development of marketing materials inventory, preparing sites and buildings F for economic development purposes Quarters 1- 8 ready for development, and maintaining the Arkansas Site Selection site for Fayetteville Work with existing employers to G Workforce Development Quarters 1- 8 develop existing workforce; attract quality employees through quality of life programs Team to attend at least 2 economic H Economic Development Training Quarters 1- 8 development related conferences and training classes a year Provide written reports and prepare S Reports and Presentations A a brief presentation to the Mayor Every quarter and City Council The Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce shall provide a written report and prepare a brief presentation for the Mayor and City Council on a quarterly basis. Reports and presentations should outline the tasks accomplished and include statistics for each performance measure outlined herein. Performance measures include: * Written report and presentation on a quarterly basis to Mayor and City Council *Timely updates to Mayor and City Council on potential and ongoing projects as necessary The City recognizes that national and international economies could affect some of the performance measures and success and that they are outside the control of the Fayetteville Commerce. The City also recognizes that some of the needed statistics are not currently collected in a systematic way. The City expects the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce to show evidence of experience in conducting comparative market and trend analyses and due diligence in amassing the detailed information necessary to support the Economic Development effort. Economic Development Contract: Appendix B Fayetteville Chamber City of Fayetteville 9/5/2013 Proposed Scope of Work for Economic Development Services October 1, 2013 — September 30, 2017 Option 1 Operate and manage the infrastructure of economic development 1.0 which includes: • Maintaining good relations with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and other economic development partners locally, nationally, and internationally • Maintain and manage social media presence for the City of Fayetteville. Tools include but not limited to webpages and Facebook. • Continue to be the Point of Contact for Economic Development activities • Continue to work on the 4 pillars of economic development —business attraction, business retention and expansion, local entrepreneurship development, and infrastructure including workforce development • Monitor and report matrices such as number of new jobs and new businesses created as well as jobs and businesses lost when they are closed. PLUS Economic Development 2.0 1) Work with the City and the Community on creating an Economic Development Fund without raising new taxes. Contract Amount Requested: $165,000 a year Option 2 Operate and manage the infrastructure of economic development 1.0 which includes: • Maintaining good relations with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and other economic development partners locally, nationally, and internationally • Maintain and manage social media presence for the City of Fayetteville. Tools include but not limited to webpages and Facebook. • Continue to be the Point of Contact for Economic Development activities • Continue to work on the 4 pillars of economic development —business attraction, business retention and expansion, local entrepreneurship development, and infrastructure including workforce development • Monitor and report matrices such as number of newjobs and new businesses created as well as jobs and businesses lost when they are closed. PLUS Economic Development 2.0 1) Work with the City and the Community on creating an Economic Development Fund without raising new taxes. 2) Create an entrepreneurship center that will sponsor and provide on -going programs to raise/create entrepreneurship awareness, provide entrepreneurship training, leadership training for the founders, and infrastructure support to improve the survival rates of the new enterprises Contract Amount Requested: $180,000 a year Option 2 Operate and manage the infrastructure of economic development 1.0 which includes: • Maintaining good relations with the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and other economic development partners locally, nationally, and internationally • Maintain and manage social media presence for the City of Fayetteville. Tools include but not limited to webpages and Facebook. • Continue to be the Point of Contact for Economic Development activities • Continue to work on the 4 pillars of economic development —business attraction, business retention and expansion, local entrepreneurship development, and infrastructure including workforce development • Monitor and report matrices such as number of new jobs and new businesses created as well as jobs and businesses lost when they are closed. PLUS Economic Development 2.0 1) Work with the City'and the Community on creating an Economic Development Fund without raising new taxes. 2) Create an entrepreneurship center that will sponsor and provide on -going programs to raise/create entrepreneurship awareness, provide entrepreneurship training, leadership training for the founders, and infrastructure support to improve the survival rates of the new enterprises 3) Create in conjunction with the Fayetteville Public Library and other partners, a "digital commons" and a collaborative "Dream Lab" designed to serve both novices looking to learn and experts who need access to softwares like Adobe CS6, Skype stations, SMART boards, 3D printers, etc. We will also look at the feasibility of creating a digital and dream space for the creators to work on their projects. Contract Amount Requested: $195,000 a year fFayetteville Chamber of Commerce To: Don Mart, Chief of Staff City of Fayetteville From: Steve Clark, CEO & President Date. August 30, 2013 Subject: Economic Development Contract Renewal Thank you for arranging our meeting with the City Council on Thursday, August SS`" to present our Build Fayetteville Action Agenda proposal for the City of Fayetteville. We are certain that this program, if fully implemented over 7 years (2014-2020), will propel our community to the next level with its action oriented activities. As we approach the successful completion of our contract with the city for Economic Development services on September 30, 2013, we are pleased to submit the attached proposed Scope of Work for the next four (4) years, effective October 1, 2013 with annual reviews. In the past four (4) years, the Chamber successfully fulfilled the deliverables set up in our Scope of Work and more. Our successes included: 1) Competed with sister plants ofTyson's Mexican Original, Pinnacle Foods, and American Air Filter to not only keep local jobs but actually expanded their production and number of employees. 2) Brought more than $2 million of incentives to Fayetteville manufacturers and businesses. 3) Being the Point of Contact for all economic development efforts in the City of Fayetteville when it was not there before. 4) Created and implemented an up and running economic development website which also was not there before 5) Marketed the City to site selection consultants around the country. We viewed the first four years as Economic Development 1.0. Now, we see our City ready to move to the next level which is Economic Development 2.0. To roll this out, we are proposing the attached time frame and scope of work. We are available to meet next week to discuss this contract proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the fine City of Fayetteville. 123 W. Mountain/PO Box 4216, Fayetteville, AR 72702 Tel: (479) 521-1710; Fax: (479) 521.1791; www.fayettevillear.com NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT -GAZETTE NORTHWESTARKANSAS THE MORNING NEWS OF SP NEWSPAPE16LLC THE MORNING NEWS OFF ROGERS ROGERS RTHWEST ARKANISASTIMES B NTONCOUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.O. BOX 1607, 72702 1 479-442-1700 1 W WW.NWANEWS.COM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Holly Andrews, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville - Ordinance 5620 Was inserted in the Regular Editions on: September 26, 2013 Publication Charges: $ 103.76 Holly Andrews Subscribed and sworn to before me This q j day of $e,& 2013. O.D& Notary Public My Commission Expires: A' r .fi 0, G liV b My rm Is ),j ° liras **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. Y 061NA!( }� AN4 QRDIJJAN TM .1 FOR FORMAL CORE ONO BIDD?NO TO PRO A YEAR.`ECANOMIGHLIE.VELL9RMEFR';SERVICESa ,ONTRA,CT „,tjTH, T,,yyiiE FAY�jTEVILLE CHA16 ER_ bF tbkl�t. EFFCE IN Tf E TOTAL ' v A 04'„NrsOF.$SSg,00gp AND,Tp7APROVE �_; 0 i , 1' A UDGETADJUSThjEf '. EAS, tfi`e Fayetteville C�ia`mber*of Commerce was selec tf�rough�a com tPe I he cie,lxdtlin9 pror. raHn 2009..t° oMvide economic deyi, inewifdonim for the Ciry �q(FayeUevrll@; ead WHEREAShec'auaetof theFay`e f§vii a Chamber of Commerce s exllelrt t"" mawndlk daledng=the dnoUtt y m,cif the"substertturni llon4l redeaslon; 7ha C oY s zoii,bYN,ec��ir^c'ou�n ed �'Rye§o, 'I'r5o°'.isa f'andg'C�illOnt�a°°n,septem?er ; WHEHEAB, tiecau .of the%ekc'ellikt 6edonnibAde{Cy theWF,ayetteGijle Chainbe"u` ` oL,Coipmerca �unn9,iM§lastttou4ra because ofstpasp ci=,I§,�irgd�entltvalueble� in'io`rtnaTion and antleratentlIng of the ecodomm`de`G"lopment needs"and p77 oten> rule Ieametl by the Fayetteyflle"Ghamtier M Commerce during the lest four ye`era and beCaussupplier econe only a single.o h supplier ant plied d}idng; a Ipdiel selection PfOC?as for a er of dmic deUelo services `Fdhnal co'mpetdNe bitltling is noEteasiple andip�cpsal , '-d,a r x* je VOW,"EREF E, BE / P P OF FAViTiEVILLLL`E ; A' SA$., t E BY THE CPItY C�pU CIL 5 THE C1 Y 9ectioN T%atihfl�Clt Cound[PPiN b"Ity of Fayett&ill ArRen'Eas'here'"by tleter �`°. mines that due to the ezoapdon cl%urgetancea n .' ie fo al comQet¢Ive,.r , bitldtng is deemed not-prOldal an01lble eno vraives formal com- petltivqhbitltling andsa rovesthe aliached tvro yeartn,x,tract (wi(h itha tiro yeerr . optiongtoenev�wah tire,Fayev�fg,Ghember of Conimaice€to flimiah econotpio, deve7bpided[ aervlces7oS'the e i 427 coat of ®i85,000 DO end autRonzes`Mayo r' Jordamao sign this contact ,- a s � .� _ r aSacdo�2 t the,C�ry Counpil gfthe CRy �f,Fayetteville Arkansas hereby apprp`ves thecheil patlge[ adjustment to fund thk'aoMrect. ' PASSED and}APTp01/ED this ihfh`day of Seplemfer 2079 � , ilOb1ELD JDADAN, Ma or Y--`TT''613 Y SONDRA E.SMITH City ClerlJTreasurer