HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5667Doc ID: 015655550003 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 03/31/2014at 10:13:57 AM Fee Amt: $25.00 Page 1 of 3 Washington County, AR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk Fi1e014-00007300 ;I] R 11 Qr.11041II►` -WITiS AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 13-4538, FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.09 ACRES, LOCATED AT 731 S RAZORBACK ROAD FROM I-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, TO UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the following described property from I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial to UT, Urban Thoroughfare, as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of March, 2014. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: l.A?L- (&7 �fylc- SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer — °fAY:.TIi... rV�Rrun�ttin�,��`\ EXHIBIT "A" RZN13-4538 VICTORY COMMONS Close Up View I Q zim VENUSST� P•1 Q Irl z SUBJECT PROPERTY FARMINGTONSS CAPELLA ST =••�, •• OFFICE DR O - STORAGE DR 1.1 Z WAREHOUSE OR V a Q O O z RPZD. ' z ,4'pLp LegendATHLETIC DR u ... ... .......Multi -Use Trail (Existing) C� iPICPL Future Trails W Fayetteville City Limits _ _ ^ _ Ztd 13-4538 ® Footprints 2010 - Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Design Overlay Di trict Design Overlay Di trict ---- Planning Area 0 ME 250 500 T50 1,000 Feel EXHIBIT "B" RZN 13-4538 A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID FORTY ACRE TRACT AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40.12', THENCE S87°02'22"W 68.57' TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RAZORBACK ROAD (ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY #112) SAID POINT BEING 15' SOUTH OF AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY'S FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE MAIN TRACK AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING: S02'3 1'07"W 160.59', S06°55'32"W 43.15', S02°47'03"W 304.09', SO4°08'22"W 68.30', S09°46'05"W 56.53' TO THE INTERSECTION WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND A POINT THAT IS 15' NORTH AND EAST OF AND PARALLEL AND OR CONCENTRIC TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE SOUTH LEG OF THE WYE CONNECTING TRACK OF SAID RAILROAD COMPANY'S FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE, THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG SAID CONNECTING TRACK ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1057.14' FOR A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N55034'56"W 959.98' TO A FOUND IRON PIN WITH CAP WHICH IS 15' SOUTH OF AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY'S FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE MAIN TRACK, THENCE N06°03'38"W 23.64', THENCE N83027'03"E 176.43' TO AN EXISTING REBAR, THENCE N00°24'08"E 18.62',THENCE N84000'06"E 666.13' TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID RAZORBACK ROAD, THENCE S0203 1'07"W 43.67' ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT- OF-WAY AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR NOT. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 03/31/2014 10:13:57 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2014-00007300 Kyle Sylvester- Circuit Clerk by "��� City of Fayetteville Item Review Form 2013-0197 Legistar File Number 12-17-2013 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only NIA for Non -Agenda Item Quin Thompson Development Services Submitted By Department Action Required: RZN 13-4538: Rezone (RAZORBACK ROAD/VICTORY COMMONS, 560): Submitted by PARADIGM DEVELOPMENT for property located at 731 RAZORBACK ROAD. The property is zoned 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 5.09 acres. The request is to rezone the property to UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE. Does this item have a cost? = Cost of this request Account Number Category or Project Budget Funds Used to Date $0.00 Program or Project Name Program or Project Category Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item? = Budget Adjustment Attached? Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: 15` ti 14d 444 q rhh� 'I •l V20130812 �i0✓ 21, Z�1-3 / 5 ti:;! -y �, V�C' iL� /-�cv}.rid }14_ji ?'i CtdL4llft�'it1'a1�. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS RK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Jordan, City Council Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Director of Development Services From: Quin Thompson, Current Planner Date: November 25, 2013 Subject: RZN 13-4538: Rezone (731 S Razorback Road/Victory Commons) RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission and Staff recommend approval of an ordinance to rezone the property to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at 731 S Razorback Road. The property is within the I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial zoning district and contains multiple lots totaling approximately 5.09 acres. The property contains an existing warehouse building of approximately 12,500 square feet, built in 1972. CITY PLAN 2030 FUTURE LAND USE MAP: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as Urban Center Area. Urban Center Areas contain the most intense and dense development patterns within the City, as well as the tallest and greatest variety of buildings. They accommodate rowhouses, apartments, local and regional retail, including large-scale stores, hotels, clean tech industry and entertainment uses. These areas are typified by their location adjacent to major thoroughfares with high visibility, usually automobile -dependent customers and large areas dedicated to parking. It is expected that vacant properties will be developed into traditional mixed-use centers, allowing people to live, work and shop in the same areas. Additionally, infill of existing development centers should be strongly encouraged, since there is greater return for properties already served by public infrastructure. COMPATIBILITY: This property is currently in various uses typical of light industry, such as warehousing and industrial use. The neighborhood has, however, been developing recently with multi- family housing and a variety of commercial and office buildings. The proposal to rezone the property to UT, Urban Thoroughfare, will allow the property to be used for commercial or residential opportunities that are consistent with surrounding land uses and the City Plan 2030 designation as an Urban Area. The UT zoning district is a significant downzone from I-1, and will provide opportunity for re- development that is more compatible with recent residential and commercial development than the current zoning allows. As discussed, with the recent rezoning and re -development of the adjacent properties to the west from I-1 to CS, Community Services, the rail line spur in this immediate vicinity THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS has not been used for many years and market demand for industrial use in this neighborhood is not anticipated. DISCUSSION: On November 25, 2013, the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation of approval with a vote of 8-0-0. BUDGET IMPACT: None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 13-4538, FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.09 ACRES, LOCATED AT 731 S RAZORBACK ROAD FROM I-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, TO UT, URBAN THOROUGHFARE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the following described property from I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial to UT, Urban Thoroughfare, as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED this APPROVED: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor day of 2013. ATTEST: SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer RZN 13-4538 Close Up View EXHIBIT "A" VICTORY COMMONS VENUS STf-1: ti pi a i IV SUBJECT PROPERTY —_ -- _ — , I J I _ W I K I w1 I •I a — FARMINGTON Sj m t CAPELLA STK61 ANTR I+ R-0 OFFICE OR STORAGE DR 1.1 WAREHOUSE OR Legend -•-• •••••• Multi -Use Trail (Existing) Future Trails - - - Fayetteville City Limits� LUUVZN13-4538 Footprints 2010 — Hillside -Hilltop Ov rlay District Design Overlay Di trict Design Overlay Di strict ❑ 0 O W W J 1;2 r o FCrzo ATHLETIC DR LL l %VPICPL i 0 125 250 500 750 1.000 ------ Planning Area Feel rq -.,- ^ice L= . A -4 EXHIBIT `B" RZN 13-4538 A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID FORTY ACRE TRACT AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 40.12', THENCE S87°02'22"W 68.57' TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RAZORBACK ROAD (ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY #112) SAID POINT BEING 15' SOUTH OF AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY'S FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE MAIN TRACK AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY THE FOLLOWING: S02°31'07"W 160.59', S06°55'32"W 43.15', S02°47'03"W 304.09', SO4°08'22"W 68.30', S09°46'05"W 56.53' TO THE INTERSECTION WITH SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY AND A POINT THAT IS 15' NORTH AND EAST OF AND PARALLEL AND OR CONCENTRIC TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE SOUTH LEG OF THE WYE CONNECTING TRACK OF SAID RAILROAD COMPANY'S FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE, THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG SAID CONNECTING TRACK ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1057.14' FOR A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE OF N55034'56"W 959.98' TO A FOUND IRON PIN WITH CAP WHICH IS 15' SOUTH OF AND PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTERLINE OF THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY'S FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA BRANCH LINE MAIN TRACK, THENCE N06°03'38"W 23.64', THENCE N83027'03"E 176.43' TO AN EXISTING REBAR, THENCE N00°24'08"E 18.62',THENCE N84000'06"E 666.13' TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID RAZORBACK ROAD, THENCE S0203 1'07"W 43.67' ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 5.09 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO ALL EASEMENTS, RIGHT- OF-WAY AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD OR NOT. wo Ty evi le J ARKANSAS PC Meeting of November 25, 2013 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone: (479) 575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Quin Thompson, Current Planner THRU: Andrew Garner, Planning Director DATE: November 18, 20" UPATED 11-26-2013 RZN 13-4538: Rezone (RAZORBACK RD.NICTORY COMMONS, 560): Submitted by PARADIGM DEVELOPMENT for property located at RAZORBACK ROAD. The property is zoned I-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 5.17 acres. The request is to rezone the property to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. Planner: Ouin Thompson BACKGROUND: Property and Background: The subject property is located west of Razorback Road near Martin Luther King Boulevard. The property is within the I-1 zoning district and contains multiple lots totaling approximately 5.17 acres. The property contains an existing warehouse building of approximately 12,500 square feet, built in 1972. The north edge of the property shows a multi -use trail according to the Fayetteville Alternative Transportation and Trails (FATT) plan. On the south property line there is an existing rail corridor. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted on Table 1. Table 1 Surrnundinn Land 1Jse and Zonina Direction Land Use Zoning from Site North Filling Station, Franchise C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial Restaurants South State ofAkansas(DMV), Rail 1-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial corridor R -O, Residential Office/RMF-24, Residential Multi -family 24 units East Undeveloped per acre 1-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial(to be rezoned CS) West Commercial Warehouse Request: The request is to rezone the property from I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial, to UT, Urban Thoroughfare. Public Comment: Staff has not received public comment. C: IETCI Development Services RevieM20130evelopmenl Reviewll3-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning CommissionIll- 25-2013ICommenfs and Redlines RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 13-4538 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval based on findings stated herein. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: November 25, 2013 O Tabled X Forwarded O Denied Motion: CHESSER Second: WINSTON Vote: 8-0-0 Notes: HOSIGNS RECUSED CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required YES O Approved O Denied Date: INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The site has access to Razorback Road, a fully improved five lane city street in this location. Street improvements will be evaluated at the time of redevelopment. Water: Public water is available to the property. There is both an 8" main along Razorback Road and a 12" water main within the property boundary. Sewer: Sanitary sewer is available to the site. There is an 8" sewer main along Razorback Road which joins a 24" sewer main along the subject frontage. Drainage: Standard improvements and requirements for drainage will be required for any development. This property is not affected by the 100 -year floodplain and the Streamside Protection Zones. Fire: This development will be protected by Engine 6 located at 900 S. Hollywood Dr. It is 2 miles from the station with an anticipated response time of 4 minutes to the beginning of the development. Police: The Police Department made no comment. G: IEXIDevelopmeni Services Review120131 Development Review)/3-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commissionlll- 25-20131Comments and Redlines CITY PLAN 2025 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as Urban Center Area. Urban Center Areas contain the most intense and dense development patterns within the City, as well as the tallest and greatest variety of buildings. They accommodate rowhouses, apartments, local and regional retail, including large- scale stores, hotels, clean tech industry and entertainment uses. These areas are typified by their location adjacent to major thoroughfares with high visibility, usu- ally automobile -dependent customers and large areas dedicated to parking. Although Urban Center Areas recognize the conventional big -box and strip retail centers developed along major arterials, it is expected that vacant properties will be developed into traditional mixed-use centers, allowing people to live, work and shop in the same areas. Additionally, infill of existing development centers should be strongly encouraged, since there is greater return for properties already served by public infrastructure. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: This property is currently partly developed with a warehouse built in 1972. The proposal to rezone the property to UT, Urban Thoroughfare, will allow the property to be developed with commercial and/or residential uses that are consistent with City policies and goals for the neighborhood. The City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Map designates this area as Urban Center. This designation encourages height, density, and variety of use in order to create compact urban neighborhoods. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: The proposed rezoning is justified due to the fact that the area's current industrial zoning designation is becoming incompatible with surrounding properties as redevelopment occurs. The proposed zoning will allow the owner to utilize the property for residential and commercial uses, which are compatible with the City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Map. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: The site access has access to Razorback Road, a fully improved five lane street. The proposed zoning would allow uses likely to increase traffic, but it is unlikely that traffic danger or congestion would be appreciably increased. Street improvements will be evaluated at the time of development. C:I ETCI Development Services Review120130evelopmeni Review113-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commissionl t 1- 25-20131Comments and Redlines 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: Rezoning the property from industrial to mixed use will allow for the development of residential and commercial uses, however development should not undesirably increase the load on public services. The Police and Fire Departments have expressed no objections to the proposal. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A 161.27 District I-1, Heavy Commercial and Light Industrial (A)Purpose. The Heavy Commercial District is designed primarily to accommodate certain commercial and light industrial uses which are compatible with one another but are inappropriate in other commercial or industrial districts. The Light Industrial District is designed to group together a wide range of industrial uses, which do not produce objectionable environmental influences in their operation and appearance. The regulations of this district are intended to provide a degree of compatibility between uses permitted in this district and those in nearby residential districts. G:IETCIDevelopment Services ReviewW 131 Development Review113-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commission ll1- 25-20131Comments and Redlines (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government Facilities Unit 6 Agriculture Unit 13 Eating laces Unit 17 Transportation trades and services Unit 18 Gasoline service stations and drive-in/drive through restaurants Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale Unit 22 Manufacturing Unit 25 Offices, studios and related services Unit 27 Wholesale bulk petroleum storage facilities with underground store a tanks Unit 42 Clean technologies (2) Conditional uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 19 Commercial recreation, small sites Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable materials Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Unit 38 Mini -storage units Unit 43 Animal boarding and training (C) Density. None. (D)Bulk and area regulations. None. (E) Setback regulations. Front, when adjoining A or R districts 50 ft. Front, when adjoining C, I, or P districts 25 ft. Side, when adjoining A or R districts 50 ft. Side, when adjoining C I, or P districts 10 ft. Rear 25 ft. (F) Height regulations. There shall be no maximum height limits in I-1 District, provided, however, that any building which exceeds the height of 25 feet shall be set back from any boundary line of any residential district a distance of one foot for each foot of height in excess of 25 feet. (G) Building area. None. (Code 1965, App. A., Art. 5(VIII); Ord, No. 2351,6-2-77; Ord. No. 2430,3-21-78; Ord. No. 2516,4-3-79; Ord. No. 1747,6-29-70; Code 1991, §160.039; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No, 4178, 8-31-99; Ord. 4992, 3-06-07; Ord. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. 5195, 11-6-08; Ord. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. 5339,8-3-10; Ord. 5353, 9-7-10; Ord. 5472; 12-20-11) G: IETCI Development services Review120130evelopment Reviewll3-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commission111- 25-20131Commenis and Redlines 161.21 Urban Thoroughfare (A)Purpose. The Urban Thoroughfare District is designed to provide goods and services for persons living in the surrounding communities. This district encourages a concentration of commercial and mixed use development that enhances function and appearance along major thoroughfares. Automobile -oriented development is prevalent within this district and a wide range of commercial uses is permitted. For the purposes of Chapter 96: Noise Control, the Urban Thoroughfare district is a commercial zone. The intent of this zoning district is to provide standards that enable development to be approved administratively. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 8 Single-family dwellin s Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit Three-family dwellings 10 Unit Eating places 13 Unit Hotel, motel and amusement 14 services Unit Shopping goods 16 Unit Transportation trades and services 17 Unit Gasoline service stations and drive - 18 in/drive through restaurants Unit Commercial recreation, small sites 19 Unit Home occupations 24 Unit Offices, studios, and related 25 services Unit Multi -family dwellings 26 Unit Liquor store 34 Unit Accessory Dwellings 41 Note: Any combination of above uses is permitted upon any lot within this zone. Conditional uses shall need approval when combined with pre -approved uses. G:IETCIDevelopmenl Services ReviewQ0131Development Reviewll34538 RZN Razorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commissionlll- 25-20131Comments and Redlines (2) Conditional uses Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable materials Unit 29 Dance halls Unit 33 Adult live entertainment club or bar Unit 35 Outdoor music establishments Unit 36 Wireless communication facilities Unit 38 Mini -storage units Unit 40 Sidewalk cafes Unit 42 Clean technologies Unit 43 Animal boarding and training (C) Density. None (D) Bulk and area regulations. (1) Lot width minimum Single-family dwelling 18 feet All other dwellings None EEE Non-residential None (2) Lot area minimum. None (E) Setback regulations. Front: A build -to zone that is located between 10 feet and a line 25 feet from the front property line. Side and rear: None Side or rear, when 15 feet contiguous to a single- family residential district: G:1 ETCI Development Services Review120131Development Reviewll3-4538 RZN Razorback Rd (VictoryCommons)103 Planning Commission Ill- 25-20131Comments and Redlines (F) Building height regulations. Building Height Maximum j 56/84 ft.- *A building or a portion of a building that is located between 10 and 15 ft. from the front property line or any master street plan right-of-way line shall have a maximum height of 56 feet. A building or portion of a building that is located greater than 15 feet from the master street plan right-of-way shall have a maximum height of 84 feet. Any building that exceeds the height of 20 feet shall be set back from any boundary line of a single-family residential district, an additional distance of one foot for each foot of height in excess of 20 feet. (G)Mininuan buildable street frontage. 50% of the lot width. (Ord. 5312,4-20-10; Ord. 5339, 8-3-10; Ord. 5353, 9-7-10; Ord, 5462, 12-6-11; Ord. 5592, 06-18-13) G-IETCIDevelopmenl Services Review12013I Development Review113-4538 RZNRazorback Rd (Victory Commons)103 Planning Commissionli1- 25-20/31Comments and Redlines A written description of this request addressing the following items: a. Current ownership information and any proposed or pending property sales. The Property to be rezoned is currently owned by Tracy Hoskins, Victory Commons, LLC, and Allied Bank. No sales are pending. b. Reason (need) for requesting the zoning change. Changes due to market conditions and the property is currently zoned 14 Industrial. The property is better suited for mixed-use commercial/residential — as designated in our CityPlan 2030. C. Statement of how the proposed rezoning will relate to surrounding properties in terms of land use, traffic, appearance, and signage. Proposed Zoning will be very compatible to the existing zoning of the surrounding neighborhood in terms of intensity and uses. The immediate area is a redeveloping area of student housing and commercial. The property is located just off of MLX and along the recently widened blvd Razorback Road— two major arterial roads. The requested zoning should not negatively impact existing traffic conditions. This is currently a brown field site. With the appropriate UT zoning, the property can be redeveloped into an attractive and useful enhancement to the community. Signage will be as allowed within the UT regulations. d. Availability of water and sewer (state size of lines). This information is available from the City Engineering Division. The property is currently served by a 12" water main along the street frontage (Razorback Road) and 8"and 24" sewer main also along the street frontage (Razorback Road) e. The degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. The properly will be rezoned from Industrial to formed -based zoning Urban Thoroughfare — consistent with the 2030 Future Land Use designation of Urban Center Area f. Whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time of the request. The Proposed Zoning is justified and needed as the property is currently zoned for Industrial use which is not a desirable or practical zoning for the property, nor is it the highest and best use of the property. g. Whether the proposed zoning will create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. The property is located just off of MLK and along the recently widened blvd Razorback Road. The requested zoning should not negatively impact existing traffic conditions. h. Whether the proposed zoning will alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. We expect that the properly will eventually somewhat increase the population density in the immediate area. However, this is the type of land use and density we as a city are trying to promote. Why it would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classification. Currently, there are no uses permitted other than those relative and permitted un Industrial zoning. While industrial zoning does include some permitted uses such as limited multifamily, eateries, etc.; the zoning also permits undesirable uses as well — by right. 7avuJ+iC:iiS L I� Ci �.it: �lY!Cf 1lihlti�i(TG:(.q ! I i !�$3YI'Ed4TX YSn'/iE�C"1 FrEX:rti'Mj;12 } VICTORY COMMONS II, LLC_ ALLIED BANK Zoning Review To: Quin Thompson From: Harley Hunt Date: October 30, 2013 Re: RZN 13-4538 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT l...i 101 Won Gntor Stmt Fay Mlll4 AR 72701 P (479) 5754365 F 14791575-0171 This development will be protected by Engine 6 located at 900 S. Hollywood Dr. It is 2 miles from the station with an anticipated response time of 4 minutes to the beginning of the development. The Fayetteville Fire Department does not feel this development will affect our calls for service or our response times. Battalion Chief H. Hunt Fire Marshal Fayetteville Fire Department Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 Wert Mountain -Fayetteville, AR 72701 y1aY Wl-4 -. _ Yom « /•��,3 I 'nl a� �I Yee-w�a'^aril J �e , ! I I 1 �4 lyY ib�µli� L I � C( p G IviP L�. wl U PUBLIC 1260 G ,� �'_ I f�� IfLI[G�L 1 nt Gl.�•, V � ��� Cn 41Si _.A i►ri'i `,•� ��— 1 III }_ � �Fi. 1 � �I{ � IO .AGI• - '• � � I ISI S'• I JY pY `'IL ' _,� i • I� � _ r •t 1 .h 4G f yL' J / �Q1l,1 � • qq3.3 �h I 1 - RZN 13-4538 Close Up View ST VICTORY COMMONS Pd — _ - SUBJECT PROPERTY - FARMINGTONSS CAPELLA ST a -_- - -- _ 'al iA, ... ........ .. ....•�......... •.....•... ........... IJ i�..�.: `Nol NTRL 1 R-0 OFFICE DR 13 STORAGE DR o O z W WAREHOUSE -DR 0 O U m Legend Multi -Use Trail (Existing) Future Trails Fayetteville City Limits "2 Sia -f Laaj, RZN 13-4538 — Footprints 2010 Hillside -Hilltop Ov rlay District Design Overlay Di strict Design Overlay Di strict 1• 1 1 HPZD oI ATHLETIC OR r—'! pr I w =� f711PICPL 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 ------ Planning Area Feel RZN 13-4538 Future Land Use i■ . VICTORY COMMONS CAPELLA ST OFFICE DR O 2 STORAGE DR WAREHOUSE DR Lu Legend o 0 ••••••••• Multi-gse Trail (Existing) •.•... FuturiTrails r - - Faye i6ville City Limits FUTURE LAND USE 2030 CLASS - Natural Area _ Rural Area Residential Neighborhood Area - City Neighborhood Area _ Urban Center Area Industrial ��Ie4o fVni �Wvic and Private Open Spa a/Park! _ Civic Institutional Non -Municipal Government ROW Q RZN13-4538 Design Overlay District D I O I D 9 SUBJECT PROPERTY 1 esgn veray IStr o 125 25D 500 750 1.000 ----• Planning Area Feet - c_ A h[j�.tll i - 1 : � If LWJPZN13-4538 McCoy, Dee From: City -Clerk Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 4:33 PM To: Adams, Rhonda; Branson, Lisa; Broyles, Lana; Eads, Gail; Gray, Adella; Johnson, Kimberly; Mayor; Kinion, Mark; Long, Alan; Marr, Don; Marsh, Sarah; McCoy, Dee; Mulford, Patti; Petty, Matthew; Roberts, Gina; Schoppmeyer, Martin; Smith, Lindsley; Smith, Sondra; Tennant, Justin; Williams, Kit Subject: FW: RZN 13-4538 (Razorback Road/Victory Commons) Dear City Clerk - Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to attend tonight's City Council meeting. Due to this and other issues, I respectfully request that my application for rezoning, RZN - 4538 for Razorback Road/Victory Commons, be tabled for three weeks, or the closest City Council meeting a minimum of three weeks away. Thanks! 7ral-y X 76skiJ7s I'717 gas. qic nd Lane. ra}a P,ry„Ile, FrY.anses 7?]:y r. S-Ja McCoy, Dee From: Tracy Hoskins <tkhoskins@paradigmnwa.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 10:38 AM To: City -Clerk Subject: RZN 13-4538 Categories: Completed Dear City Clerk — Unfortunately, we STILL don't have our issue worked out and I must again request RZN 13-4538 (Razorback Road/Victory Commons) to be tabled until the next City Council meeting. Please let me know if there is any problem with tabling the rezoning again. Thanks! \1 PA I 1907 Beef Fnend Lane, Fayeltenlle, Arkansas 72701 (!797521.7007 erme (09)236-169:" - HEIS iVEW LEAs= HOMES NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT GAZETTE NORTHWESTARKANSAS THE MORNING NEWS OF SPRINGDALE N�SPAPERSLLC THE NORTH ESTNG ARK OF ROGERARKANSAS TIMES NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES BENTON COUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.O. BOX 1607, 72702 1 479-442-1700 1 WWW.NWANEWS.COM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville - Ord. 5667 Was inserted in the Regular Editions on: March 27, 2014 Publication Charges: $64.85 Karen Caler Subscribed and sworn^ t�o before me N This ZX day of . 2014. Ngit,wl('6 Notary Public My *a�idW--'WP* :>JV CATHY WILES Arkansas - Benton County Notary Public - Comml 12397118 My Commission Expires Feb 20, 2024 RECEIVED MAR 28 2014 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERICS OFFICE A�1Q.,NC+: 567 yN . AN ORDINANCE3RBZANIjJG THAFPROPERTY ''DESCRIBED .,IN ET1710JJ REZ,ONJNG PJ1ZN.,- . P.^. 13.4538 ;FOR AP_P,ROXIMA7ELJ 508 ACAESir= LOCATED A '731 S RAZORBACK ROAD ARKANSAS FROM 1 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT ",1ND113TR!AR Yffl ,THORG.Uk RE ��'I �g Ea 3 a,BEATARb�A1N BY :THEefi17Y1 ;:00U G OF,TNE GIT! OF2FAY TTE LILLE,7'r ARKANSAS: Section 1 That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas hereby:- oi gess ;4he"zone da ?ificeggW9rthe'followmg ,,iris klgd opeygi 9rolr) I -i,. H ,Cho" nmemjalendgM Irldustnal,}o UT, Urban Thoroughfare as shown on E> bas' fifid -B -at[ached her4toohd made,a part hereof eotibolIv gTbwthic6ity C4uncfL.of Ity the Ctof Fa atlevill 1S 6, ArkansaB hdreby,:1 am3annda l�ieTQigal, zo�lipg rRap ofTtha�Clty of Fayei yule th r"ect the zoning, cI hange provIO Tr�-$'eogon 1 P�1S�Ep`TeriC }iFP�iOV"ED"this'1Biti Aa`yof Ma&h. 0141 I" 1'5 !ARPROVFA 5 3 -02 .�-u U k s ATTEST s t Byr k"Q v z By^ 40NELD J QD s Mayo[ .$�O}1DFiA E SMITR F74y Olek(freesyrer i ^>s xTzr!ms Exhibds for this ordinance may be Viewed in the office of thC e d'y Clerk/heesurer. **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent.