HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5565ORDINANCE NO.5565 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 50.01 DEFINITIONS, 50.20 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AND 50.40 RATES FOR SERVICES OF CHAPTER 50: GARBAGE AND TRASH OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends Sections 50.01 Definitions, 50.20 Service Requirements and 50.40 Rates for Services of Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash of the Code of Fayetteville so that after amendment, each of the sections shall read as presented in the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED and APPROVED this 19th day of February, 2013. tog —Well ATTEST: By: A&k'— e 4,u, SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer 01 Y OF ;FAYETTEVILLE; J' .9�'kgNS��• 50.01 Definitions For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning: Biodegradable bag. A bag capable of being decomposed by natural micro -organic processes, to be used for the disposal of yard waste; and having a capacity of no more than thirty-five gallons. Brush. Shrubbery, bush, and tree trimmings under three inches in diameter. Bulk brush. Brush, under three inches in diameter, that is cut in lengths of four feet or less and tied in bundles that one person can handle. Bulky waste. Items too large for collection in city -issued residential garbage carts, such as appliances, furniture, large limbs, etc. Customers should contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division for specific requirements. Commercial service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from any establishment other than single- family residences, duplexes or multi -family complexes. Commercial service shall include, but not be limited to: office buildings, private institutions, professional buildings, restaurants, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Curbside. The edge of the public roadway directly in front of a residence. On corner lots curbside may be construed as the edge of the roadway directly alongside of the residence. In areas where garbage and trash collection is provided along alleys, curbside shall refer to the edge of the pavement of said alley. In either case, placement shall be no more than six feet from the public roadway. Garbage and trash placed at curbside must not impede the flow of traffic on the roadway or public sidewalk in any way. Exemption to curbside. Exemption to the mandatory curbside placement of garbage and trash will be granted to persons who are disabled to the extent that they cannot reasonably meet the curbside requirement, and that have no one residing on premises greater than 12 years of age that can meet the requirement for them. Garbage. All waste accumulations of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter that attend the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storage of meat, fowl, fish, fruits, or vegetables, tin cans, or other containers originally used for food stuffs. The term "garbage" shall not include mineral wastes or manufacturing or processing wastes. Garbage disposal area. A place or places designated by the city for the purpose of disposing of refuse, including incinerator and other dumping areas. Limbs. Tree trimmings over three inches in diameter. Person. Any individual, firm, or corporation. Premises. Any flat, dwelling, rooming house, apartment house, hospital, school, hotel, club, restaurant, boardinghouse, eating place, shop, church, place of business, manufacturing establishment, courthouse, jail, city hall, post office or other building. Operations Department Director. The Director of Solid Waste and Recycling. Residential multi -family service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from all residential multi -family complexes of three or more units, mobile home parks, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Residential single-family/duplex service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from all single-family residences and duplexes located on public roadways within the City of Fayetteville, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Collection of garbage and trash from residents on private roadways will be at the discretion of the city. The city shall only collect garbage and trash contained in city -issued carts and bags with the appropriate city permit sticker attached. Sanitation service. The collection, removal, and disposal of waste, refuse, garbage, trash, and rubbish; the insecticidal fogging and/or spraying performed by the city; animal control and such other functions contained herein that are necessary for the preservation of health, safety, and welfare of the community. Specialized customer. A customer that requires specialized services for the collection of garbage and trash and/or cardboard recycling that the city cannot provide. EXHIBIT Trash. All nonputrescible solid wastes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, cardboard, glass, crockery, excelsior, cloth and similar materials. The term "trash" shall not include mineral waste or manufacturing or processing wastes. 50.20 Service Requirements (A) Commercial service. (1) Containers required. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee using or occupying any house, building, structure or portion thereof shall provide and maintain containers of sufficient number and size to contain the garbage and/or trash that will accumulate on the premises. This obligation begins upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or upon actual occupancy. In the case of multiple dwellings or multiple occupancy, this duty shall be upon the owner of the premises. Said containers shall be covered at all times except when refuse is being placed in or removed from them. The city shall not be required to remove garbage or other litter not placed in containers or that is placed on top of or around the containers. (2) Container specifications. Such containers shall meet specifications and be of such size as set forth by the operations director, and shall be compatible for automated commercial collection by city vehicles. Containers of volume less than two cubic yards shall be issued through the city for a purchase price of container cost plus taxes and delivery charges. (3) Maintenance of containers. It shall be the duty of such person to replace unserviceable containers and to keep them dean at all times. Notice of unserviceable or unsanitary condition of containers will be served upon such person by the city, at which time such person shall take prompt action to correct the existing conditions. (4) Location of containers. The placement and location of containers for commercial service and for apartments and apartment buildings shall be negotiated between the user and the operations director. The city assumes no liability for the loss of items placed on or near the containers; the owner and/or occupant assumes the risk of loss of such items. Further, the city assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen containers. (B) Residential single-family/duplex service and Residential multi -family service. (1) Residential garbage carts required. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee of any house, building, structure or portion thereof in the city limits shall obtain containers from the City of Fayetteville of sufficient size, as determined by the Operations Director, to contain garbage and/or trash. This obligation begins upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or upon actual occupancy. Customers receiving residential single-family/duplex service shall use only the residential garbage carts provided by the city. Customers receiving residential multi -family service shall only use the garbage or trash container provided by the city. The City shall only collect garbage and trash placed in residential garbage carts and containers or bags with the appropriate city permit sticker attached. (a) Additional garbage bag pickup. On the collection day, an additional garbage bag (not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, or 50 pounds in weight), with an attached city permit sticker may be left beside the garbage cart, and shall be picked up without additional charge. Each residential garbage cart customer shall receive four free city permit stickers per year. (b) Additional collection. Residential customers may request additional garbage cart collection by appointment. Again, trash shall be placed in the garbage cart, and an additional bag, not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, may be placed beside the garbage cart. An additional collection fee of $6.00, plus the actual disposal cost based on carts size, shall be billed to the customer at the next billing cycle. Bags placed outside of the garbage cart without city permit stickers shall not be collected. (2) Location of residential garbage carts. Residential garbage carts shall be placed at a single collection point within three feet of the curb, street, or alley line, where applicable, by 6:00 a.m. on mornings regularly scheduled for garbage and trash collection, provided however, that garbage carts shall not be placed at the curb, street, or alley more than 12 hours before regular pickup, and shall be removed within 12 hours thereafter. Alternate collection points may be specified at the discretion of the city. (3) Exemptions. Residential customers who wish to apply for an exemption of the required location of residential garbage carts may contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division for an application. Final determination of exemption status shall be made by the Operations Director, or his designated representative. (4) Rental property cart service. Rental property owners listed on major owner list maintained by the City of Fayetteville Business Office, shall be permitted 10 days of service immediately following the vacation of the rental property for Y. the normal monthly rate for the cart at the residence. The landlord shall be responsible to contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division if the cart is discovered missing during cleanup activities. The landlord shall be responsible for the cart during these 10 days and shall be required to contact he Solid Waste and Recycling Division to arrange for cart pickup. (5) Storage/maintenance. Residential garbage carts shall be stored and maintained in a manner not likely to create a fire hazard, provide nesting space for rodents and other vermin, or breeding sites for insects. (C) Yard waste. Only biodegradable bags, as defined herein, shall be acceptable for the disposal of yard waste. (D) Determining Classification of Required Service. Certain properties have mixed -uses or otherwise have certain specific conditions, lease agreements between the landlord and tenant, land ownership arrangements, geography, topography, street layout, sidewalk access, private drive conditions, access and/or general layout of structures or individual units, or number thereof, particularly multi -family residential buildings, or cottage developments, or a combination of any of the above, which make the provision of the service the property would otherwise qualify for impossible or impractical to provide. In such circumstances, the Operations Director shall make an objective determination, based on the above -listed factors and other factors which directly bear on the provision of solid waste and recycling service, as to whether a particular customer must be served by commercial service, residential single-family/duplex service or residential multi -family service. 50.40 Rates For Services (A) Residential single-family/duplex service. Garbage and trash shall be collected from residential single- family/duplex customers one time each week for the following rates: Garbage/Trash User Fee Schedule Container Fixed Graduated Cart Monthly Volume Fee Volume replace- Rate Fee ment 32 64 $6.13 $6.68 $0.54 $13.35 96 $6.13 $12.13 $0.70 $18.96 (1) There shall be no charge for the collection of residential yard waste. (2) Residential single-family/duplex service customers shall receive bulk collection at no charge one time per year. (3) If a residential single-family/duplex customer wishes to exchange to a larger residential garbage cart size, the customer shall be assessed a twenty dollar ($20.00) cart exchange fee. No fee shall be assessed for customers wishing to exchange to a smaller cart. (4) The Garbage/Trash User Fee shall be adjusted annually based upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as published by the U.S. Department of tabor, unless specifically waived by City Council resolution. (B) Residential multi -family service. Trash shall be collected from residential multi -family customers one time each week at a rate of $9.25 per dwelling unit per month unless the owner of the multi -family complex requests greater volumetfrequency of service than the minimum required service as determined by the Operations Director. Additionally, when recycling service is provided to a residential multi -family service customer, an additional rate of $0.95 per dwelling unit per month shall apply. When requests for greater volume/frequency of service by an owner are made, rates shall be determined by the prevailing commercial service rate divided by the number of dwelling units. (C) Commercial service. Trash shall be collected from commercial customers as shown below. (1) The monthly commercial rate shall be: Commercial User Fee Schedule Commercial Container Size Rate per Pickup 95 Gallon Cart 15.90 2 cubic yards $32.76 4 cubic yards $65.52 6 cubic yards $98.28 8 cubic yards $131.04 (2) Commercial 95 gallon carts have a maximum of four pickups per week, Monday through Thursday. Larger commercial containers shall be serviced a minimum of once per week and a maximum of six times per week, Monday through Saturday, except authorized holidays for City employees and unavoidable inclement weather. (3) The rate for providing extra collection of any 95 gallon cart shall be twice the monthly collection rate based on the number of collections per week as established by §50.40(B)(1). The rate for providing extra collection of any commercial loadall type container shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (4) The rate for providing cardboard and paper recycling service shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (5) Container rental is a flat fee per month. ContainerRentablDum star Lease Fee Schedule Container Size 1 Cubic Yards Monthly Rate 2 yd $12.89 4 yd $14.73 6 yd $17.14 8 yd $20.24 (6) A residential multi -family complex office shall pay an additional $0.95 per month to its solid waste bill as if it were an individual unit when the residential multi -family complex is receiving recycling service. (D) Loadall type container service. The monthly rate for one pickup per week for any commercial establishment using loadall type containers for collection of garbage shall be $16.38 per cubic yard collected. (E) Commercial Recycling. Limited commercial recycling is offered per the table below. Size Once Per Week 4 yd cardboard $32.76 6 yd cardboard $49.14 8 yd cardboard $65.52 4 yd paper $32.76 18 gal recycle bin (up to five bins $5.88 (F) Use of composting facility. (1) Businesses, including commercial landscapers and tree trimmers, and nonresidents that bring brush to the City's composting facility for disposal will be charged as follows: Composting User Fee Schedule Size Rate Compact pickup trucks $5.00 Full size pickup trucks $8.00 Trailers up to 14 feet Ion $10.00 Trailers greater than 14 feet Ion $15.00 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form Don Marr Submitted By City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements 2/19/2013 City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Solid Waste Transportation Division Department of an Ordinance Amendaing Sections bu.U1 uetmnions, bD.zU of Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash of the Code of Fayetteville Cost of this request Category / Project Budget Account Number Project Number Budgeted Item Funds Used to Date Remaining Balance Budget Adjustment Attached m Program Category / Project Name Program / Project Category Name Fund Name 2/6/2013 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Date Original Ordinance Date: 2 -7- 13 Original Contract Number: Date Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in City Clerk's Office Received in Mayor's Office ENT 4765 20-Sep-05 Revised January 15, 2009 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE OF OCTOBER 16, 2012 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee From: Don Marr, Chief of Staff e11--- Date: February6, 2013 Subject: Approval Amending Sections 50.01 Definitions, 50.20 Service Requirements and 50.40 Rates for Service of Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash of the Code of Fayetteville RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of an ordinance Amending Sections 50.01 Definitions, 50.20 Service Requirements and 50.40 Rates for Service of Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash of the Code of Fayetteville The current ordinance combines classes of services that are may be collected with different collection methods, or requested to be designed differently than the ordinance defines the service/rates. Additionally the current ordinance refers to a position (Operations Manager) that no longer exist within the City Organizational Structure, and restricts the Division manager's ability to designate a class of service (Residential vs. Commercial) that currently is defined within the ordinance definitions — even though the City currently evaluates certain criteria such as: space allowances, street frontage, etc to determine the collection method best used for certain tri & quad plex locations. Lastly, the Ordinance does not properly designate a multi -family per unit price that was established by rate study in 1992 and enacted in prior ordinances dating back to 1999. This ordinance amendment is to update the ordinance to address these issues. 1. Monthly residential rates are set by Ordinance are as shown below. These rates will remain unchanged. Residents receive trash, recycling, and yardwaste collection included with the monthly rate. 32 gallon cart - $ 9.07 64 gallon cart - $ 13.85 96 gallon cart - $ 19.66 However, the multi -family per unit rate of 9.25/per unit needs to be identified within the rates section of the ordinance per the 1992 rates study. This is currently used for billing purposes and needs to be specifically identified for the service class offered. 2. The Division Manager of the Solid Waste Division is often asked to class a type of collection service from Residential (Cart/Recycling) collection to Commercial (dumpster/dump frequency) as well as a multi -family unit (often tri-plex or quad-plex) where the ordinance designates the class of service as commercial and the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521-1316 - 113 West Mountain -Fayetteville, AR 72701 ordinance Revision 02-19-13 Multi -Family & definitons request is that it be serviced with residential cart service. This ordinance amendment allows the Director of Solid Waste and Recycling to evaluate the situation and make a determination of Classification based on certain criteria. This criteria is outlined in 50.20 Section D (highlighted here) Determining Classification of Required Service. Certain properties have mixed -uses or otherwise have certain specific conditions, lease agreements between the landlord and tenant, land ownership arrangements, geography, topography, street layout, private drive conditions, access and/or general layout of structures or individual units, or number thereof, particularly multi -family residential buildings, or cottage developments, or a combination of any of the above, which make the provision of the service the property would otherwise qualify for impossible or impractical to provide. In such circumstances, the Operations Director shall make an objective determination, based on the above listed factors and other factors which directly bear on the provision of solid waste and recycling service, as to whether a particular customer must be served by commercial service, residential single- family/duplex service or residential multi -family service. Solid Waste and Recycling Service Definitions have been broken out to more clearly delineate the services provided. There are no changes in the Residential/Single Family rates or service offerings. The newly defined Residential Multi -Family Services also remain the same as currently provided. These services are Weekly Trash pick-up; Recycling service can be added for $0.95 per unit per month which is not a change in service or rates, No Yard Waste and No Bulky Waste Services are provided to Residential Multi -Family Classifications — also not a change from the current ordinance). The Residential Multi -Family rate was established using the 1992 rate study and first charged as a rate beginning in ordinance 3993 in 1999. A rate of 9.25/per unit per month unless the owner of the multi -family complex requests a greater number of containers or more frequent service weekly than the minimum required service as determined by the Division Manager of Solid Waste & Recycling. When request for greater volume/frequency of service by an owner is made, rates shall be determined by the prevailing commercial service rate. When this service is paid by the tenant a unit rate is then calculated. The cost of the total service divided by the number of multi -family units will establish the per unit rate. BUDGETIMPACT None. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD (479) 521-1316 113 West Mountain - Fayetteville, AR 72701 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 50.01 DEFINITIONS, 50.20 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS AND 50.40 RATES FOR SERVICES OF CHAPTER 50: GARBAGE AND TRASH OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends Sections 50.01 Definitions, 50.20 Service Requirements and 50.40 Rates for Services of Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash of the Code of Fayetteville so that after amendment, each of the sections shall read as presented in the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED and APPROVED this By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor day of ATTEST: L-2 2013. SONDRA E. SNHTH, City Clerk/Treasurer 60.01 Definitions For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning: Biodegradable bag. A bag capable of being decomposed by natural micro -organic processes, to be used for the disposal of yard waste; and having a capacity of no more than thirty-five gallons. Brush. Shrubbery, bush, and tree trimmings under three inches in diameter Bulk brush. Brush, under three inches in diameter, that is cut in lengths of four feet or less and tied in bundles that one person can handle. Bulky waste. Items too large for collection in city -issued residential garbage carts, such as appliances, furniture, large limbs, etc. Customers should contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division for specific requirements. Commercial service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from any establishment other than single- family residences, duplexes or multi -family complexes. Commercial service shall include, but not be limited to: office buildings, private institutions, professional buildings, restaurants, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Curbside. The edge of the public roadway directly in front of a residence. On corner lots curbside may be construed as the edge of the roadway directly alongside of the residence. In areas where garbage and trash collection is provided along alleys, curbside shall refer to the edge of the pavement of said alley. In either case, placement shall be no more than six feet from the public roadway. Garbage and trash placed at curbside must not impede the flow of traffic on the roadway or public sidewalk in any way. Exemption to curbside. Exemption to the mandatory curbside placement of garbage and trash will be granted to persons who are disabled to the extent that they cannot reasonably meet the curbside requirement, and that have no one residing on premises greater than 12 years of age that can meet the requirement for them. Garbage. All waste accumulations of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter that attend the preparation, use, cooking, dealing in, or storage of meat, fowl, fish, fruits, or vegetables, fin cans, or other containers originally used for food stuffs. The term "garbage" shall not include mineral wastes or manufacturing or processing wastes. Garbage disposal area. A place or places designated by the city for the purpose of disposing of refuse, including Incinerator and other dumping areas. Limbs. Tree trimmings over three inches in diameter. Person. Any individual, firm, or corporation. Premises. Any flat, dwelling, rooming house, apartment house, hospital, school, hotel, club, restaurant, boardinghouse, eating place, shop, church, place of business, manufacturing establishment, courthouse, jail, city hall, post office or other building. Operations Department Director. The Director of Solid Waste and Recycling. Residential multi -family service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from all residential multifamily complexes of three or more units, mobile home parks, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Residential single-family/duplex service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from all single-family residences and duplexes located on public roadways within the City of Fayetteville, or as otherwise determined by the Operations Director. Collection of garbage and trash from residents on private roadways will be at the discretion of the city. The city shall only collect garbage and trash contained In city -issued carts and bags with the appropriate city permit sticker attached. Sanitation service. The collection, removal, and disposal of waste, refuse, garbage, trash, and rubbish; the insecticidal fogging and/or spraying performed by the city; animal control and such other functions contained herein that are necessary for the preservation of health, safety, and welfare of the community. Specialized customer. A customer that requires specialized services for the collection of garbage and trash and/or cardboard recycling that the city cannot provide. Trash. All nonputrescibie solid wastes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, cardboard, glass, crockery, excelsior, cloth and similar materials. The term "trash" shall not include mineral waste or manufacturing or processing wastes. ' 50.20 Service Requirements (A) Commercial service. (1) Containers required. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee using or occupying any house, building, structure or portion thereof shall provide and maintain containers of sufficient number and size to contain the garbage and/or trash that will accumulate on the premises. This obligation begins upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or upon actual occupancy. In the case of multiple dwellings or multiple occupancy, this duty shall be upon the owner of the premises. Said containers shall be covered at all times except when refuse is being placed in or removed from them. The city shall not be required to remove garbage or other litter not placed in containers or that Is placed on top of or around the containers. (2) Container specifications. Such containers shall meet specifications and be of such size as set forth by the operations director, and shall be compatible for automated commercial collection by city vehicles. Containers of volume less than two cubic yards shall be issued through the city for a purchase price of container cost plus taxes and delivery charges. (3) Maintenance of containers. It shall be the duty of such person to replace unserviceable containers and to keep them clean at all times. Notice of unserviceable or unsanitary condition of containers will be served upon such person by the city, at which time such person shall take prompt action to correct the existing conditions. (4) Location of containers. The placement and location of containers for commercial service and for apartments and apartment buildings shall be negotiated between the user and the operations director. The city assumes no liability for the loss of items placed on or near the containers; the owner and/or occupant assumes the risk of loss of such items. Further, the city assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen containers. (B) Residential single-family/duplex service and Residential mufti -family service. (1) Residential garbage carts required. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee of any house, building, structure or portion thereof in the city limits shall obtain containers from the City of Fayetteville of sufficient size, as determined by the Operations Director, to contain garbage andfor trash. This obligation begins upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or upon actual occupancy. Customers receiving residential single-family/duplex service shall use only the residential garbage carts provided by the city. Customers receiving residential multi -family service shall only use the garbage or trash container provided by the city. The City shall only collect garbage and trash placed in residential garbage carts and containers or bags with the appropriate city permit sticker attached. (a) Additional garbage bag pickup. On the collection day, an additional garbage bag (not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, or 50 pounds in weight), with an attached city permit sticker may be left beside the garbage cart, and shall be picked up without additional charge. Each residential garbage cart customer shall receive four free city permit stickers per year. (b) Additional collection. Residential customers may request additional garbage cart collection by appointment. Again, trash shall be placed in the garbage cart, and an additional bag, not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, may be placed beside the garbage cart. An additional collection fee of $6.00, plus the actual disposal cost based on carts size, shall be billed to the customer at the next billing cycle. Bags placed outside of the garbage cart without city permit stickers shall not be collected. (2) Location of residential garbage carts. Residential garbage carts shall be placed at a single collection point within three feet of the curb, street, or alley line, where applicable, by 6:00 a.m. on mornings regularly scheduled for garbage and trash collection, provided however, that garbage carts shall not be placed at the curb, street, or alley more than 12 hours before regular pickup, and shall be removed within 12 hours thereafter. Alternate collection points may be specified at the discretion of the city. (3) Exemptions. Residential customers who wish to apply for an exemption of the required location of residential garbage carts may contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division for an application. Final determination of exemption status shall be made by the Operations Director, or his designated representative. (4) Rental property cart service. Rental property owners listed on major owner list maintained by the City of Fayetteville Business Office, shall be permitted 10 days of service immediately following the vacation of the rental property for'/J the normal monthly rate for the cart at the residence. The landlord shall be responsible to contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division if the cart is discovered missing during cleanup activities. The landlord shall be responsible for the cart during these 10 days and shall be required to contact he Solid Waste and Recycling Division to arrange for cart pickup. (5) Storage/matntenance. Residential garbage carts shall be stored and maintained in a manner not likely to create a fire hazard, provide nesting space for rodents and other vermin, or breeding sites for insects. (C) Yard waste. Only biodegradable bags, as defined herein, shall be acceptable for the disposal of yard waste. (D) Determining Classification of Required Service. Certain properties have mixed -uses or otherwise have certain specific conditions, lease agreements between the landlord and tenant, land ownership arrangements, geography, topography, street layout, private drive conditions, access and/or general layout of structures or individual units, or number thereof, particularly multi -family residential buildings, or cottage developments, or a combination of any of the above, which make the provision of the service the property would otherwise qualify for Impossible or Impractical to provide. In such circumstances, the Operations Director shall make an objective determination, based on the above -listed factors and other factors which directly bear on the provision of solid waste and recycling service, as to whether a particular customer must be served by commercial service, residential single-family/duplex service or residential multi -family service. 50.40 Rates For Services (A) Residential single-family/duplex service. Garbage and trash shall be collected from residential single- family/duplex customers one time each week for the following rates: Garbaae/Trash User Fee Schedule Container Fixed Graduated CartVolume replace- Monthly Volume Fee Fee merit Rate 32 $6.13 1 $2.19 $0.43 1 $8.75 64 $6.13 $6.68 0.54 $13.35 96 $6.13 $12.13 $0.70 $18.96 (1) There shall be no charge for the collection of residential yard waste. (2) Residential single-family/duplex service customers shall receive bulk collection at no charge one time per year. (3) If a residential single-family/duplex customer wishes to exchange to a larger residential garbage cart size, the customer shall be assessed a twenty dollar ($20.00) cart exchange fee. No fee shall be assessed for customers wishing to exchange to a smaller cart. (4) The Garbagefrrash User Fee shall be adjusted annually based upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, unless specifically waived by City Council resolution. (B) Residential multi -family service. Trash shall be collected from residential multi -family customers one time each week at a rate of $9.25 per dwelling unit per month unless the owner of the multi -family complex requests greater volumetfrequency of service than the minimum required service as determined by the Operations Director. Additionally, when recycling service is provided to a residential multi -family service customer, an additional rate of $0.95 per dwelling unit per month shall apply. When requests for greater volume/frequency of service by an owner are made, rates shall be determined by the prevailing commercial service rate divided by the number of dwelling units. (C) Commercial service. Trash shall be collected from commercial customers as shown below. (1) The monthly commercial rate shall be: Commercial User Fee Schedule Commercial Container Size Rate Par Pickup 95 Gallon Cart 15.90 2 cubic yards $32.76 4 cubic yards $65.52 6 cubic yards $98.28 8 cubic yards $131.04 (2) Commercial 95 gallon carts have a maximum of four pickups per week, Monday through Thursday. Larger commercial containers shall be serviced a minimum of once per week and a maximum of six times per week, Monday through Saturday, except authorized holidays for City employees and unavoidable inclement weather. (3) The rate for providing extra collection of any 95 gallon cart shall be twice the monthly collection rate based on the number of collections per week as established by §50.40(B)(1). The rate for providing extra collection of any commercial loadall type container shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (4) The rate for providing cardboard and paper recycling service shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (5) Container rental is a flat fee per month. ContainerRBntaVDum star Lease Fee Schedule Container Size Cubic Yards Monthly Rate 2 d $12.89 4 yd $14.73 6 yd $17'A4 8 d $20.24 (6) A residential multi -family complex office shall pay an additional $0.95 per month to its solid waste bill as if it were an individual unit when the residential multi -family complex is receiving recycling service. (D) Loadall type container service. The monthly rate for one pickup per week for any commercial establishment using loadall type containers for collection of garbage shall be $16.38 per cubic yard collected. (E) Commercial Recycling. Limited commercial recycling is offered per the table below. Size Once Per Week 4 yd cardboard $32.76 6 yd cardboard $49.14 8 yd cardboard $65.52 4 yd paper $32.76 18 gal recycle bin (up to five bins $5.88 (F) Use of composting facility. (1) Businesses, including commercial landscapers and tree trimmers, and nonresidents that bring brush to the City's composting facility for disposal will be charged as follows: ComoosNna User Fee Schedule Size Rate Compact pickup trucks $5.00 Full size pickup trucks $8.00 Trailers up to 14 feet Ion $10.00 Trailers greater than 14 feet Ion $15.00 Cvwr,4PrpviS imes FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE V PUBLIC WORKS CHAPTER 50: GARBAGE AND TRASH* ARTICLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS 50.01 Definitions For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly Indicates or requires a different meaning: Biodegradable bag. A bag capable of being decomposed by natural micro -organic processes, to be used for the disposal of yard waste; and having a capacity of no more than thirty-five gallons. Brush. Shrubbery, bush, and tree trimmings under three inches in diameter. Bulk brush. Brush, under three inches in diameter, that is cut in lengths of four feet or less and tied in bundles that one person can handle. Bulky waste. Items too large for collection in city - issued residential garbage carts, such as appliances, furniture, large limbs; etc. Customers should contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division for specific requirements. Commercial service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from any establishment other than single-family residences. Commercial service shall include, but not be limited to: office buildings, private institutions, professional buildings, restaurants, apartments, duplexes and trailer parks, Curbside. The edge of the public roadway directly in front of a residence. On corner lots curbside may be construed as the edge of the roadway directly alongside of the residence. In areas where garbage and trash collection is provided along alleys, curbside shall refer to the edge of the pavement of said alley. In either case, placement shall be no more than six feet from the public roadway. Garbage and trash placed at curbside must not impede the flow of traffic on the roadway or public sidewalk in any way. Exemption to curbside. Exemption to the mandatory curbside placement of garbage and trash will be granted to persons who are disabled to the extent that they cannot reasonably meet the curbside requirement, and that have no one residing on premises greater than 12 years of age that can meet the requirement for them. Garbage. All waste accumulations of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter that attend the preparation, CD50:3 use, cooking, dealing in, or storage of meat, fowl, fish, fruits, or vegetables, fin cans, or other containers originally used for food stuffs. The term "garbage" shall not include mineral wastes or manufacturing or processing wastes. Garbage disposal area. A place or places designated by the city for the purpose of disposing of refuse, including incinerator and other dumping areas. Limbs. Tree trimmings over three Inches in diameter. Person. Any individual, firm, or corporation. Premises. Any flat, dwelling, rooming house, apartment house, hospital, school, hotel, club, restaurant, boardinghouse, eating place, shop, church, place of business, manufacturing establishment, courthouse, jail, city hall, post office or other building. Operations Department Director. The Operations Department Director of the city. Residential service. The collection and removal of garbage and trash from all single-family residences located on public roadways within the City of Fayetteville. Collection of garbage and trash from residents on private roadways will be at the discretion of the city. The city shall only collect garbage and trash contained in city -issued carts and bags with the appropriate city permit sticker attached. Sanitation service. The collection, removal, and disposal of waste, refuse, garbage, trash, and rubbish; the insecticidal fogging and/or spraying performed by the city; animal control and such other functions contained herein that are necessary for the preservation of health, safety, and welfare of the community. Specialized customer. A customer that requires specialized services for the collection of garbage and trash and/or cardboard recycling that the city cannot provide. Trash. All nonputrescible solid wastes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes such as paper, cardboard, glass, crockery, excelsior, cloth and similar materials. The tens "trash" shall not include mineral waste or manufacturing or processing wastes. (Code 1955, §10-1; Ord. No. 1194, 4-6-59; Ord. No. 1619, 8- 19-88; Ord. No. 3581, 12-3-91; Ord. No. 3755, lit, 2, 12-21- CAOrft, PnVlstv�nV3 Fayetteville Code of Ordinances 93; Ord. No. 3842, §t, 11-16-94; Ord. No. 4111, §§ 13, 84- 98; Om. No. 4341, ID-2-01; Om. No. 4415, § 1, 2, 9-17-02; 60.06 Burning Of Garbage And Trash Code 1991, §50.01) It shall be deemed a violation of this Code for any State law references) -Solid Waste Management Act, person to bum trash or garbage except in Incinerators A.C.A. §U-201 et seq. that have been approved by the County Health Department, Solid Waste and Recycling Division, and 50.02 Solid Waste And Recycling Fire Department of the city. Division To Administer Collection And Removal (Code 1965, §10-17; Ord. No. 1194, 4-6-59; Om. No. 1619. 8-19-68: Code 1991, §50.06) (A) In order, among other functions, to satisfactorily tolled and remove garbage and trash and accomplish the other purposes of this chapter, there is hereby created a Solid Waste and Recycling Division for the city. (S) The Solid Waste and Recycling Division shall be under the direction of the operations director who in turn is subject to the general direction of the mayor. (Code 1965, §10-2; Ord. No. 1194, 4-6-59; Ord. No. 1619, 8- 19418; Code 1991, §50.02) 60.03 Dumping Prohibited; Garbage Disposal Areas Dumping within any area within the city, except garbage disposal areas as defined by §50.01, is prohibited. (Code 1965, §10-6; Ord. No. 1194, 46-59; Ord. No, 1619, 8- 19-68; Code 1991, §50.03) Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §10.99. 50.04 Depositing On Vacant Lots It shall be unlawful for any person to dump, throw or otherwise deposit any garbage or trash or accumulations of the same on any vacant lot in the city. (Code 1965. §10-12; Ord. No. 1194, 4-6-59; Code 1991, §50.04) Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §70.99. 50.06 Depositing On Streets, Alleys, Or Sidewalks It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, place, dump, litter, or otherwise deposit any garbage, trash, or refuse upon any public street, alley, or sidewalk of this city, except in receptacles placed upon such streets, alleys or sidewalks without approval of the city Solid Waste and Recycling Division. (Code 1965, §10-13: Ord. No, 1149, 10-14.57; Ord. No. 1194, 4.8.69; Code 1991, §50.05) Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §10.99. CD50:4 Cross reference(s)—Penalty, §10.99. 60.07-50.19 Reserved ARTICLE II COLLECTION PROCEDURE 60.20 Service Requirements (A) Commercial service. (1) Containers required. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee using or occupying any house, building, structure or portion thereof requiring commercial service shall provide and maintain containers of sufficient number and size to contain the garbage and/or trash that will accumulate on the premises. In the case of multiple dwellings or multiple occupancy, this duty shall be upon the owner of the premises. Said containers shall be covered at all times except when refuse Is being placed in or removed from them. The city shall not be required to remove garbage or other litter not placed in containers or that Is placed on top of or around the containers. (2) Container specifications. Such containers shall meet specifications set forth by the operations director, and shall be compatible for automated commercial collection by city vehicles. Containers of volume less than two cubic yards shall be issued through the city for a purchase price of container cost plus taxes and delivery charges. (3) Maintenance of containers. It shall be the duty of such person to replace unserviceable containers and to keep them clean at all times. Notice of unserviceable or unsanitary condition of containers will be served upon such person by the city, at which time such person shall take prompt action to correct the existing conditions. (4) Location of containers. The placement and location of containers for commercial service and for apartments and apartment buildings shall be negotiated between the user and the TITLE V PUBLIC WORKS operations director. The city assumes no liability for the loss of items placed on or near the containers; the owner and/or occupant assumes the risk of loss of such items. Further, the city assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen containers. (B) Residential service. (1) Residential garbage carts required. Customers receiving residential garbage and trash service shall use only the residential garbage carts provided by the city. The City shall only collect garbage and trash placed in residential garbage carts or bags with the appropriate city, permit sticker attached. (a) Additional garbage bag pickup. On the collection day, an additional garbage bag (not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, or 50 pounds in weight), with an attached city permit sticker may be left beside the garbage cart, and shall be picked up without additional charge. Each residential garbage cart customer shall receive four free city permit stickers per year. (b) Additional collection. Residential customers may request additional garbage cart collection by appointment. Again, trash shall be placed in the garbage cart, and an additional bag, not to exceed 35 gallons in capacity, may be placed beside the garbage cart An additional collection fee of $6.00, plus the actual disposal cost based on carts size, shall be billed to the customer at the next billing cycle. Bags placed outside of the garbage cart without city permit stickers shall not be collected. (2) Location of residential garbage carts. Residential garbage carts shall be placed at a single collection point within three feet of the curb, street, or alley line, where applicable, by 6:00 a.m. on mornings regularly scheduled for garbage and trash collection, provided however, that garbage carts shall not be placed at the curb, street, or alley more than 12 hours before regular pickup, and shall be removed within 12 hours thereafter. Alternate collection points may be specified at the discretion of the city. (3) Exemptions. Residential customers who wish to apply for an exemption of the required location of residential garbage carts may contact the Solid Waste and Recycling CD50:5 NMVA W3i&V>-- Division for an application. Final determination of exemption status shall be made by the operations director, or his designated representative. (4) Rental property cart service. Rental property owners listed on major owner list maintained by the City of Fayetteville Business Office, shall be permitted 10 days of service immediately following the vacation of the rental property for % the normal monthly rate for the cart at the residence. The landlord shall be responsible to contact the Solid Waste and Recycling Division if the cart is discovered missing during cleanup activities. The landlord shall be responsible for the cart during these 10 days and shall be required to contact he Solid Waste and Recycling Division to arrange for cart pickup. (5) Storage/maintenance. Residential garbage carts shall be stored and maintained in a manner not likely to create a fire hazard, provide nesting space for rodents and other vermin, or breeding sites for insects. (C) Yard waste. Only biodegradable bags, as defined herein, shall be acceptable for the disposal of yard waste. (Code 1965, §10.3; Ord. No. 1194, 4-"9; Ord. No. 1619, 8- 19.BB; Ord. No. 3681, 123.91; Ord. No. 3842, §2, 11-16-94; Ord. No. 4111, §4, 8-4-98; Ord. No. 4270, 9-5-00; Ord. No. 4341, 10-2.01; Ord. No. 4415, §3, 9-17.02; Code 1991, §50.20) Cross ro%rence(s)--Pe Ity, §110.99. 60.21 Access To Ga age And Trash Containers (A) In the event that exemption to curbside placement of garbag and trash is granted, it shall be incumbent on the tenants, lessees, occupants, or owns of the premises where garbage or trash is g erated to provide a safe and convenient an ce to and through the premises for the purpo s of collecting some. (1) All viclous animal shall either be confined, or garbage and tr h containers placed at a point where Coll ors may service same without attack to aid animals. (2) Where commerc collections are made from alleys an access ways, said approaches shall a maintained in such manner as not to b a hazard to Solid Waste and Recycling ivision personnel or the corporate limits of subject to all the provis (Code 1965, §10.16; §50.28) 50.29 Private Collet City Required No person, except a employee of the city, sh receptacles, or convey of on the streets or public without a written contract, (Cade 1965, §10-46; Ord. §50.29) Cross referencstst-F 50.30 Bulky (A) Bulky waste pickup. entitled to one but Customers shall arr by contacting the Division to reserve home parks and apE of four or more units (B) Community cleanups. (1) City-wide Earth Earth Week of c dispose of norm) Solid Waste and charge. (2) Neighborhood a; Each City Council up to four coma provided however be coordinated by association, under the ward's alderr collect everything garbage and hi charge. (Ord. 4415, §4, 9.17-02; Code 50.31-60.39 Reserved TITLE V PUBLIC WORKS city, such service shall be of this chapter. 1194, 4-6-59; Code 1991, Contract With y authorized agent or empty garbage or trash ansport garbage or trash oroughfares of the city, 1 the city. 1194, 4-"9; Code 1991 §10.99. munity Cleanups Each customer shall be vaste pickup per year. for bulky waste pickup Waste and Recycling ;oliection data. Mobile !nt complexes consisting I not be eligible. 9ek cleanup. During ;h year, customers may residential waste at -the tecycling Facility free of ciation/ward cleanups. and shall be eligible for fly cleanups per year, tat each cleanup shall least one neighborhood a sponsorship of both of lon(s). The city shall cept normal residential rdous waste free of §50.30) ARTICLE III COLLECTION CHARGES; BILLING 50.40 Rates For Services (A) Residential service. Garbage and trash shall CD50:7 be collected from residential customers one time each week for the following rates: GarhaaarTrash tlar Faa Srhwrlula Container Fixed Graduated Volume Cart replace- Volume Fee Fee Mont 32 $6.13 $2.19 $0.43 N$13 64 $6.13 $8.88 $0.54 96 $613 $1213 $070 (1) There shall be no charge for the collection of residential yard waste. (2) Residential service customers shall receive bulk collection at no charge one time per year. (3) If a residential customer wishes to exchange to a larger residential garbage cart size, the customer shall be assessed a twenty dollar ($20.00) cart exchange fee. No fee shall be assessed for customers wishing to exchange to a smaller cart. (4) The Garbage/Trash User Fee shall be adjusted annually based upon the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as published by the U.S. Department of Labor. (B) Commercial service. Trash shall be collected from commercial customers as shown below. (1) The monthly commercial rate shall be: rnmmprr4al 1lear Faa Rrhadula Commercial Container Size Rate Per Pickup 95 Gallon Cart 15.90 2 cubic yards $32.76 4 cubic yards $65.52 6 cubic yards $98.28 8 cubic yards $131.04 (2) Commercial 95 gallon carts have a maximum of four pickups per week, Monday through Thursday. Larger commercial containers shall be serviced a minimum of once per week and a maximum of six times per week, Monday through Saturday, except authorized holidays for City employees and unavoidable Inclement weather. (3) The rate for providing extra collection of any 95 gallon kart shall be twice the monthly collection rate based on the number of Fayetteville Code of Ordinances collections per week as established by §50.40(B)(1). The rate for providing extra collection of any commercial loadall type container shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (4) The rate for providing cardboard and paper recycling service shall be $8.19 per cubic yard. (5) Container rental is a flat fee per month. ContalnerRentaNDumD Lease Fee Schedule Container Size Cubic Yards Monthly Rate 2 yd $12.89 4 d $14.73 6 d $17.14 8 yd $20.24 (6) The rate for providing multi -family recycling is $0.95 per month per unit in an apartment complex or multi -family residential complex receiving recycling service. The complex office shall have this same $0.95 per month per unit added to its solid waste bill as if it were an individual unit in the complex. Customers residing in multi -family complexes which do not receive recycling service will not be charged for recycling service. (C) Loadall type container service. The monthly rate for one pickup per week for any commercial establishment using loadall type containers for collection of garbage shall be $16.38 per cubic yard collected. (D) Commercial Recycling. Limited commercial recycling is offered per the table below. Size Once Per Week 4 yd cardboard $32.76 6 yd cardboard $49.14 8 d cardboard $65.52 4 yd paper $32.76 16 gal recycle bin (up to five bins $5.88 (E) Use of composting facility. (1) Businesses, including commercial landscapers and tree trimmers, and nonresidents that bring brush to the Clty's composting facility for disposal will be charged as follows: Com ostin User Fee Schedule SizeI Rate CD50:8 C r,-.ei'4 �vt o-w'- Compact pickup trucks $5.00 Full size pickup trucks $8.00 Trailers up to 14 feet Ion $10.00 Trailers rester than 14 feet Ion $15.00 (Code 1966, §§10-28, 10-29, 10-29.1; Ord. No. 1194. 4.6-59; Ord. No. 1443, 4-26.65; Ord. No. 2567, 12-18.79; Ord. No. 2751. 8-18-81; Ord. No. 2767, 10-20-81; Ord. No. 2865. 9- 21-82; Ord. No. 2886, 1-18-83: Ord. No. 3626, 8.492; Ord. No. 3755, §§3, 4, 12-21-93; Ord. No. 3841, §1, 11-16-94; Ord. No. 3842, §3, 11-16-94; Ord. No. 3993, %1-5, 9-17-96; Ord. No. 4111, §5, 8-4-98: Ord. No. 4349, 11.E-01; Ord. No. 4382, 3.19-02; Ord. No. 4415, §5, 9-17-02; Code 1991, §50.40, Ord. 4457 §50.40, 01-21-03; Ord. 4765, 09.20-05; Ord. 5278. 10-05.09: Ord. 5299. 12-15.09; Ord. 5470, 12- 20-11) 60.41 Rates For S rvice Outside City Limits In the event garbage d trash collection and removal service is rendered b the city for buildings, structure or premises located tside the corporate limits of the city, as providedfor1 §50.28, the monthly charge for such service shall b as prescribed in §50.40(A) and (B), plus 50%. (Code 1966, $10.30; - . No. 1194, 4-6-59; Code 1991, §50.41) 60.42 Higher R To Control In Case Of Uncertainty, Co tradiction Or Duplication In case of uncertain , contradiction or duplication of rates prescribed in is article, the higher rate shall control. (Code 1965, §1031; rd. No. 1194, 4-8-59; Code 1991, §50.42) State law refe ce(s) Rate schedules -Greater or. lesser rate not to be rged, A.C.A. § 23-4-107. 50.43 Adjustor t Of Rates; Exemptions Appeal for adjustm t of rates for charges prescribed by this article m be directed in writing to the operations director nd the mayor. Appeal from their decision shall be di ctly to the City Council, and shall be in writing and fil d With the city clerk within 30 days of the date writte notice of the decision of the operations direct and the mayor is given. Exemptions from nitation charges may be granted by the City Coun upon written request only, for a just cause. (Code 1965, §1032; Ord. No. 1194, 4.0.59; Ord. No. 1619, 8-19-68; Code 1991, §50.43) NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT -GAZETTE NORTHWESTARKANSAS THE MORNING NEWS OF SPRINGDALE THE MORNING NEWS OF ROGERS SPME-JD[%OcLLC NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMESP4EW BENTON COUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE, FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.o. sox 1607, 72702 1 479-442-1700 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Benton County and Washington County, Arkansas, of bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ordinance No. 5565 RECEIVED Was inserted in the regular edition of MAR 1 1 2013 The Northwest Arkansas Times CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERKS OFFICE on: February 28, 2013 Publication Costs: $557.71 44 a.rt l odf i L Kare Caler Subscribed and sworn to before me (See Attached) This �, day of Mo, . , 2013. Notary Public e CATHY J, v , Viol?� 'LEs My Commission ExpiresI r M Benton county �wrr:�ts:� yCommissian Exp;res FenruBrry 20, 2014 @) Ad "or co' an. ResIdongaI ous:mers may request adddional garbage Cart collection appoimmen, Agate trash shall be placeOf In If garbage cart, and an atldidonat bag, nm to exo 35 gallons in capacity, may he placetl beside me 9amage sari An eddi6ohal collectipnfee of $fi. plus me¢ctiral tliap"O ccet !lased on carts size, shall be billed tome customer atMe next bill cygle; ea9s placep.guside of me gamage cart wabout city permit stickere shall not he collect (2)7.ocahan Of'leaderldsl gemega on flesitlelmal garbage carts shall be pled m a sir collection point wahin mrea he of mecum, street, or alley line, where applicable, by 6;00'.a on mornings regularly scheduled far garbage and bash Wisciian, provitled howev"er, mat garb carts shall not he psoed at me curb, sheet, or. alley more;mao 12 hours aeidre"regularpid and shall be removed wlifiin 12 houfb meresttor. A11ema: collection points may be,specif en me discretion m ttia city. (3) EremOaona. accounts customers who wish W aped tar aoexemDfr000fineYequired,laca a read mbal garbe9e cars may concoct me Soild Waste mM Ropycling grviaion for an applicat Faal determination al exemption stab atelitde made by Me ON Has! or tale thiefni (Al Remal drocem cart servrce: Rental oreceM owners listed on malty owner I'Sf maiemicer nd shall be m froIre to conduct me Solid Waste and ROXI ng Oivislan to srrznge.. denarree.,Residential garbage carts shall he shored and maintained In a manner its a fire hazard, provide nesting space for indents and other wrimm, or breeding Only biodegretlable bags,, as defined hemin„shall be acceptable forme disposal. or a combination on SO30 Rates Far Serviees (A) Resi t slRga tamrYy/dpplex seMse. each di and train,Chan lreJcpl�ec(etl from residential, sing: -fa My duplex, customers one time each week for me folickin9 rajas` : 6sc oge/Fresh User Fear Schedule` Container Fixed Fee Graduated. Cat1 Monthly Rate Volume Volume Ree Repfacemard 32 $6.13 $2..19 .$0:43 $8.:76 64 $$6613 $6 fi99 $054 $13.35 98 $653 $12d3 $1.�-$40.98 �c (1)Thom shall be no charge [of mecallegtlonm residential Yard waste "- (2) fiesidenhal sfngle4amily/duplex sdi4e customers shall redewe balk collection at no chargE" one time per year, '_ (3) If a resitlentlalsingle-family/duplex Wstomerw:h�s to ezenap¢e foalargerresidelNal gamega,, cart site; the customer shall beaseessed a twemy tlollar ($ZO.Ot))'Uhe7u2tange fee. f4otee ehBBli`. be assessed'" customers wishingto exchange:asmaller deR: is The Oame9eyflash Uses Fae shall he adjusted'annuaity based Won core Consumer Price Index (CPb as published by me US. Oepa[tment of labor, unless speciflcalty waNad by City Coueen. resolution . - (B)Resia'elme/mWU-fao ilYsary T sh • wlle<ded dermal multi-familycostomers one tlme each week 8I a re:D " L'IC; unless ma owner of me muni- familycompick requests g mumrequired service as con in byme Operations 0l ed, anal recycling service s mpvidedtod real - fish tial muM-famityservicecus:met anatldNonal rate of $0.95per tlwellalg antt permmtm shelf apply. when fail .d torgrea:r vglgmplheyupnsy of service ay en made, mfes shall be almond e8 ti me pmvalfingebmmemlal'semice re: divitled by me~admbeYaf dwelling unlm. (C) Lb(nrtlere(a/seglca_IwahAhalS a�ppllacfiedfrom cammemlal wsmmels as shown below. It) gfle mmRhfymmmem:l cote s FCC: '.Wlddief1,W U11 Fee Schedule C%aI INAlaIMf $I;a `�, $159D u f i , r! dal lot 2cubic yards $3270 4 cubmXXams - �55z 6 atiiryard$sx ' .. 4 - - $98&df ` ; .' to�brjiafnerRen(ffi/Oymp'dterfPasa'FkwiShc@drila; v COMalrierpgMc Y,¢Ns) MomMy Rate r 2ytl ` `'" $1289 9ydd ; r rd $1473 fiy.. .. $1714 , - e.m yarp l»neccea ,,.: •' r: 1�.< f do @j'Eornmem%alRecycang.,l(mUed commatd'yAl resycfin9Ys per table loBew, Sim 4 yd cardboard -6 yd cardboeM' $3276 $49.14 .�6iYA�grduoar4 ,ti .:'sl; $65.522.76 18 galfecybfelHn ' $5.88 eMns) .laQhty .. - (M(Vpto (1) Raslnassas uUllfg'commemial IandsCapers and tree trimmers, and nommisldards malt ng brushto maOdY{compgstiny fpetlity,jor gisposel wgl be ch"edas folgm: ' Cohrliposbn011sateee$ChedUM Size' -' Rate _ Gompactpicauphucks .. $5.00 Full. size pickup trucks` -- $8.06 ' 7r@ilers.uPto 14 fern la!9. _ $10,00 ..,. .._