HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5415 Iiflilllifilllilffiil0lnlifllllllilfilllllililllililiiiliillllllllllllllllll :Doc ID: "014104950003 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 07/13/2011 at 10:45:55 AM Fee Amt: $25.00 Pace i of 3 Nashincton Countv. AP BetteeStaws Circuit Clerrk(�I�f Q F11e2011-000192 V ORDINANCE NO. 5415 AN ORDINANCE REVOKING R-PZD 05-1635 (FALLING WATERS) AND REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 11-3805, FOR APPROXIMATELY 136.70 ACRES, LOCATED EAST OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, FROM R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT 05-1635, TO R- A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That R-PZD 05-1635 (Falling Waters) is hereby revoked because the developer failed to obtain development permits in accordance with the approved phased development schedule. Section 2: That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-PZD, Residential Planned Zoning District 05- 1635 to R-A, Residential Agricultural, as shown on Exhibits "A" and `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 2 above. PASSED and APPROVED this 21"day of June 21,2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By d By: 7 /v ,,"aaanm,nq If NELD J N,Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, CityClerk/Tre��.. G��y �F U& _ ZU• A� ;FAYETTEVILLE' x 5 '9syN TONPO? «uu O a EXHIBIT "A" RZN11-3805 FALLING WATERS Close Up View .. .......... SONOMA FALLS ST .CWFFARMRO — - Ry BLACK CANYON sr Oy TROON OR SUBJECT PROPERTY Q�,a OAKMONTDR Y, •,,��. 1•••i. '•RSFd p let •• ji I ' Legend - - RZN 11-3805 --•• Muti-Use Trail (Existing) Future Trails o� Footprints 2010 - Hillside-Hilltop O erlay District Design Overlay C Istrict Design Overlay C istrict ------ Planning Area Fayetteville 0 450 900 1.800 2,700 3.6Fee1 EXHIBIT `B" RZN 11-3805 A PART OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY,ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS S02°29'13"W 354.52' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 AND RUNNING THENCE S02029'13"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 25, 2272.20- TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25, THENCE S02°46'19"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 25, 1985.66', THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE N87°28'15"W 1331.05', THENCE NO2°43'19"E 661.13' TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25, THENCE NO2°43'19"E 661.12', THENCE N87°30'44"W 1322.72'TO THE CENTERLINE OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAID ROAD CENTERLINE NO1°21'03"E 147.71', NO2-10'27"W 113.47', N12°37'57"W 70.78', N26023'56"W 183.58',N40°16'50"W 110.50', THENCE LEAVING SAID ROAD CENTERLINE S87009'05"E 339.76', THENCE S55°59'34"E 68.39', THENCE S78°35'33"E 64.66', THENCE N68026'18"E 50.69', THENCE N40°49'47"E 119.42', THENCE N67°48'02"E 111.83', THENCE N46030'37"E 129.81', THENCE N63019'19"E 81.77', THENCE N34000'43"E 82.98', THENCEN41°59'59"E 127.02', THENCEN28°49'13"E 153.99', THENCEN31°14'42"E 104.87', THENCE N22°20'43"E 149.96', THENCE N23052'34"E 226.37', THENCE N17°26'58"E 85.55', THENCE N36°21'17"E 103.73', THENCE S66°57'06"E 223.03', THENCE N84019'20"E 226.46', THENCE N55°07'03"E 80.92', THENCE N66006'39"E 126.81', THENCE N54014'44"E 137.60', THENCE N59°50'18"E 212.34', THENCE N73°17'36"E 182.83', THENCE N05055'44"W 74.86', THENCE N61°42'53"W 143.18', THENCE N54°57'40"E 216.60', THENCE N62°50'36"E 152.12', THENCE N34°36'21"E 95.96', THENCE N06059'40"W 119.49', THENCE N42044'46"E 440.66' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 136.70 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO THAT PORTION IN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE WEST SIDE OF HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT AND EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 07/13/2011 10:45:55 AM and recorded in Real Estate File Number 2011-00018278 Bette Stamps- irc it C rk City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements rxn City Council Meeting Data Agenda Items Only Andrew Garner Planning Development Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: RZN 11-3805: (East of Dead Horse Mountain Road/Falling Waters, 685): Submitted by The City of Fayetteville for property located east of Dead Horse Mountain Road. The property is zoned R-PZD, Residential Planned Zoning District 05-1635 and contains approximately 136.70 acres. The request is to revoke the PZD pursuant to 166.06(C) and rezone the subject property to R-A, Residential Agricultural. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached ,tyy., [ygk ' 4.110 Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Deparlmen Director Date \ Original Contract Date: i� 1 201 l Original Contract Number: City AttorneyyQ , An Date U 0. - 'dam - i6- Z1411 Finance 6 Internal Services Director Date Received in City 05-1 2-1 1 P 0 4 : 18 R C V D Clerk's Office Chief of S Date �� i• Received in Mayor's Office Ma r { Dgtiu< / Comments: Revised January 15,2009 Taye eve le THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE ARKq NSpS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Jordan, City Council Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director From: Andrew Garner, Senior Planner Date: May 11, 2011 Subject: RZN 11-3805 (Falling Waters PZD Revocation) RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of an ordinance to revoke the expired Falling Waters Planning Zoning District and rezone the property from R-PZD 05-1635 Falling Waters to R-A,Residential Agricultural, BACKGROUND The subject property consists of approximately 137 acres located south of Stonebridge Meadows Golf Course and east of Dead Horse Mountain Road. The south, east and western limits of the subject property extend to the city limits. The property is an undeveloped, heavily tree canopied hillside with frontage on Dead Horse Mountain Road. It is currently zoned R-PZD 05-1635, Falling Waters. The property is located within the Hillside Hilltop Overlay District. On November 15, 2005 the City Council approved the Falling Waters Residential Planned Zoning District on the subject property (R-PZD 05-1635). The property was originally zoned R-A, Residential Agricultural. The R- PZD zoning permitted a total of 258 single family lots with a density of approximately two units per acre. Construction permits for the project were never obtained and the R-PZD approval has expired. If an approved PZD expires the property does not automatically revert back to the original zoning. The property is unable to be developed or subdivided until the old PZD zoning is revoked and a new, valid zoning district is assigned. In an effort to establish a valid zoning district on the subject property the City Planning Division has initiated the PZD revocation process following the requirements Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 166.06(C). An initial letter was sent to the property owners on October 21, 2010 notifying them of the expired PZD, discussing options for establishing a valid zoning district, and the intent of the City to revoke the PZD and rezone the property if the owners did not initiate a rezoning. On April 7, 2010 the City Planning Division sent an official PZD revocation letter to the property owner via certified mail notifying them that the City Planning Division was proposing to revoke the PZD and rezone the property to R-A, Residential Agricultural, DISCUSSION On May 9, 2011 the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation for approval with a vote of 8-0-0. BUDGETIMPACT None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REVOKING R-PZD 05-1635 (FALLING WATERS) AND REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 11-3805, FOR APPROXIMATELY 136.70 ACRES, LOCATED EAST OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, FROM R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT 05-1635, TO R- A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1: That R-PZD 05-1635 (Falling Waters) is hereby revoked because the developer failed to obtain development permits in accordance with the approved phased development schedule. Section 2: That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From R-PZD, Residential Planned Zoning District 05- 1635 to R-A, Residential Agricultural, as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3: That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED and APPROVED this day of 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer EXHIBIT "A" RZN11-3805 FALLING WATERS Close Up View .............. SONOMA FADS ST - - - .(SOFF.FARMRO. - - �. 104y, BLACK CANYON ST 'J P., �N O 0 W F a TROON OR 0 SUBJECT PROPERTYOAKMONTOR 1 Y,. i R •O �•., NP2P .1 Legend - - RZN11-3805 ......... Muti-Use Trail(Existing) Future Trails 0 Footprints 2010 - Hillside-Hilltop O erlay District Design Overlay District Design Overlay 0 Istrict ------ Planning Area 0 450 900 1,800 2,]00 3,600 Fayetteville Fee, EXHIBIT `B" RZN 11-3805 A PART OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS S02°29'13"W 354.52' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 25 AND RUNNING THENCE S02029'13"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 25, 2272.20' TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25, THENCE S02°46'19"W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 25, 1985.66', THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE N87028'15"W 1331.05', THENCE NO2°43'19"E 661.13' TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25, THENCE NO2-43'1 9"E 661.12', THENCE N87°30'44"W 1322.72' TO THE CENTERLINE OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAID ROAD CENTERLINE N01 021'03"E 147.71',NO2°10'27"W 113.47',N12-37'57"W 70.78', N26023'56"W 183.58',N40°16'50"W 110.50', THENCE LEAVING SAID ROAD CENTERLINE S87009'05"E 339.76', THENCE S55°59'34"E 68.39', THENCE S78°35'33"E 64.66', THENCE N68°26'18"E 50.69', THENCE N40°49'47"E 119.42', THENCE N67°48'02"E 111.83', THENCE N46°30'37"E 129.81', THENCE N63°19'19"E 81.77', THENCE N34°00'43"E 82.98', THENCEN41°59'59"E 127.02', THENCEN28°49'13"E 153.99', THENCE N31°14'42"E 104.87', THENCE N22°20'43"E 149.96', THENCE N23°52'34"E 226.37', THENCE N17026'58"E 85.55', THENCE N36°21'17"E 103.73', THENCE S66°57'06"E 223.03', THENCE N84019'20"E 226.46', THENCE N55°07'03"E 80.92', THENCE N66°06'39"E 126.81', THENCE N54014'44"E 137.60', THENCEN59°50'18"E 212.34', THENCEN73°17'36"E 182.83', THENCE N05055'44"W 74.86', THENCE N61°42'53"W 143.18', THENCE N54°57'40"E 216.60', THENCE N62°50'36"E 152.12', THENCE N34°36'21"E 95.96', THENCE N06059'40"W 119.49', THENCE N42°44'46"E 440.66TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 136.70 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO THAT PORTION IN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE WEST SIDE OF HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT AND EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. Ta ye evi Ie AAKANSAS PC Meeting of May 9, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone:(479)575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Andrew Gamer, Senior Planner THRU: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director DATE: Undated May 11, 2011 RZN 11-3805: Rezone (FALLING WATERS, 685): Submitted by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PLANNING DIVISION for property located EAST OF DEAD HORSE MOUNTAIN ROAD.The property is zoned R-PZD,RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT 05-1635 and contains approximately 136.70 acres. The request is to revoke the PZD pursuant to 166.06(C)and rezone the subject property to R-A, RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL. Planner:Andrew Gamer BACKGROUND: Property Description: The subject property consists of approximately 137 acres located south of Stonebridge Meadows Golf Course and east of Dead Horse Mountain Road. The south, east and western limits of the subject property extend to the city limits. The property is an undeveloped, heavily tree canopied hillside with frontage on Dead Horse Mountain Road.It is currently zoned R- PZD 05-1635, Falling Waters. The property is located within the Hillside Hilltop Overlay District (HHOD). Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted in Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Zoning and Land Use Direction Land Use Zoning North Stonebridge Meadows Golf Course R-A South Undeveloped; woods Planning Area East Undeveloped; pasture;woods Planning Area West Undeveloped; rural residential; Stonebridge RSF-4; R-A; Planning Area Meadows Golf Course History: On November 15,2005 the City Council approved the Falling Waters Residential Planned Zoning District on the subject property(R-PZD 05-1635).The property was originally zoned R-A, Residential Agricultural.The R-PZD zoning permitted a total of 258 single family lots with a density of approximately two units per acre. Construction permits for the project were never obtained and the R-PZD approval has expired. PZD Revocation: If an approved PZD expires the property does not automatically revert back to the original zoning. The property is unable to be developed or subdivided until the old PZD zoning is revoked and a new,valid zoning district is assigned. In an effort to establish a valid zoning district on the subject property the City Planning Division has initiated the PZD revocation process GrIETCIDevelopmenl Services RevieM201II1)evelopment Reviewlll-3805 RZNEast of Dead Horse Mowdain Rd(Fallingwaters)W3 Planning Commission105-09-10111Catmnents and Redlines following the requirements Fayetteville Unified Development Code Chapter 166.06(C). An initial letter was sent to the property owners on October 21, 2010 notifying them of the expired PZD, discussing options for establishing a valid zoning district, and the intent of the City to revoke the PZD and rezone the property if the owners did not initiate a rezoning. On April 7, 2010 the City Planning Division sent an official PZD revocation letter to the property owner via certified mail notifying them that the City Planning Division was proposing to revoke the PZD and rezone the property to R-A,Residential Agricultural.The section of the Fayetteville Unified Development Code covering PZD revocation and copies of letters sent to the property owners are attached to this report. Proposal: The City Planning Division proposes to rezone the approximately 137-acre property from R-PZD 05-1635 Falling Waters to R-A, Residential Agricultural. Public Comment: Staff has not received public comment on this particular request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 11-3805 (Falling Waters) to the City Council with a recommendation for approval based on the findings stated herein. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES Date: May 9,2011 ❑ Tabled X Forwarded ❑ Denied Motion: Kennedy Second: Chesser Vote: 8-0-0 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required YES ❑ Approved ❑ Denied Date: L-- CITY PLAN 2025 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2025 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as Residential Neighborhood Area.Residential Neighborhood Areas are almost exclusively residential in nature with conventional setbacks. This designation may have large blocks and irregular roads to accommodate natural conditions. A primary guidingpolicy ofResidential Neighborhood Areas is to, "Site new residential areas accessible to roadways, alternative transportation nodes, community amenities, schools, infrastructure, and retail and commercial goods and services. "Due to a lack of adequate public infrastructure and retail goods and services in this area staff recommends a low density zoning designation of R-A, Residential G:IETCIDevelopment Services Review1201I Development Reviewl11-3805 RZN East of Dead Horse Mountain Rd(Fallingwalers)103 Planning Commission05-09-10111Comments and Redlines Agricultural.At some point in the future when there is adequate infrastructure and services in this area this property maybe suitable for a more dense zoning and residential development, but not at this time. INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The site has access to Dead Horse Mountain Road, a Minor Arterial. Dead Horse Mountain Road is currently an unimproved, primarily chip and seal, two-lane road that intersects Black Oak Road to the south(also an unimproved two-lane road) and Huntsville Road to the north. Water: Public water is adjacent to the site. There is a 6-inch main along Dead Horse Mountain Road. Water service will need to be extended within the property at the time of development. Additional connections may be required to complete a looped system. Sewer: The site does not have access to sanitary sewer. There is an 8-inch sewer system in the development to the north. Portions of this site may require a lift station for sewer service when it develops. Sewer service will need to be extended within the property at the time of development. A study of the downstream sewer system would be needed at the time of development. Drainage: The site is mostly on a hillside of mostly areas that contain 15% or greater slopes. Runoff from the site flows overland to the west to an existing swale and then north to a tributary of the West Fork of the White River. Police: Staff did not receive objections from the Police Department to this rezoning. Fire: Staff did not receive objections from the Fire Department to this rezoning. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF 1. A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: Staff finds that the R-A zoning district is consistent with the Future Land Use designation of Residential Area on the property and the existing and surrounding natural features, land uses and infrastructure. This site is on the periphery of the City and the surrounding land uses and zonings are predominantly undeveloped and rural residential. The property is steep, wooded, and is not conducive to development under a standard lot-and-block single family zoning district. The proposed R-A zoning would be compatible with the surrounding large undeveloped parcels,rural residential,agricultural, and golf course uses. The proposed zoning would also be compatible with the surrounding R-A and RSF-4 zoning in the City and Washington County G_IETCIDevelopment Services Review1201111)evelapnenl Reviewl11-3805 R%N Eaci of Dead/Horse Mountain Rd(Palhngwale)s)103 Planning Cmmni.rs7on105-09-20111Canmenis and Redlines