HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5333 ORDINANCE NO. 5333 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 171: STREETS AND SIDEWALKS TO AMEND AND CLARIFY SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. WHEREAS, the construction standards for sidewalks and driveway approaches located in City owned right-of-way was last amended in 1998, and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that changes in sidewalk construction standards will improve the durability and life of sidewalks and driveway approaches, and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that improved construction standards will reduce the need for sidewalk replacement in the future, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code Chapter 171: Streets and Sidewalk by repealing and replacing in its entirety §171.13(A), 171.13(B) and 171.13(C), as shown in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 6`" day of July, 2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: " I gy. �, L4014ELD JO ,Mayor SO DRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Tre � TR O`G� E9SG \TYpF o :FAYETTEVILLE• 9s'9RKANSP� J %T09 "Exhibit A" 171.13 Sidewalk, Driveway and Trail Specifications (a) Sidewalks. The minimum thickness of sidewalks shall be four (4) (A) Sidewalks. inches. Any fill materials required for residential or commercial (1) Grades; establishment of property lines. sidewalks shall consist of approved All sidewalks, access ramps, and compacted material. driveway approaches shall be constructed in grades as approved by (b) Residential driveway approaches. the City Engineer. It shall be the The minimum thickness of responsibility of the owner to establish residential driveway approaches property lines by competent survey at shall be six (6) inches with four his/her own expense. inches of compacted base material or six-inch by six-inch 10-gauge (2) Minimum width of sidewalks. The reinforcing steel mesh. minimum width of sidewalks shall follow (c) Commercial driveway approaches. the guidelines of the Master Street Plan, of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The minimum thickness of In all cases, the effective width of the commercial driveway approaches sidewalk shall be a minimum of 4 feet. shall be six (6) inches with six (6) Effective sidewalk width is the actual inches of compacted base material sidewalk width, less: or six-inch by six-inch 10-gauge reinforcing steel mesh. A shy distance of 2 feet where vertical (7) ADA guidelines. Sidewalks shall barriers (walls, fences, signs, etc) greater than 3.5 feet in height are conform to ADA guidelines. adjacent to the sidewalk and extend (8) Continuous through driveway approach. more than 4 feet in length parallel to the Sidewalks shall be continuous through sidewalk. A shy distance of 1 foot is required for all other fixed obstacles. driveways with an expansion joint at the edge of the sidewalk opposite the street. (3) Sidewalk distances from the curb. The (9) Edge adjacent to street. The sidewalk sidewalk setback distance from the curb edge adjacent to the street shall have at shall follow the guidelines of the Master least one (1) inch deep grooved joint Street Plan, of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. mark (cannot be a saw cut, however it can be a cold joint) to clearly define the (4) Minimum distance between sidewalk sidewalk through the driveway and and slopes. There shall be a minimum approach. of one (1) foot between the sidewalk (10)Sidewalk elevation. The back of and the beginning of a slope as shown on the typical section detail. sidewalk elevation shall such that the sidewalk slope from the back of sidewalk to the top of curb is 2%, unless otherwise (5) Cement-concrete requirements. All approved by the City Engineer. This sidewalks, access ramps, and concrete elevation shall be continuous through driveway approaches shall be the driveway approach. constructed of a Portland cement (11)Cross Slope. Sidewalk cross slopes concrete mixture that includes at least 5.5 bags of cement per cubic yard and shall be a minimum of one (1) percent contains 4 to 7 percent air entrainment and a maximum of two (2) percent. and that will produce a concrete of a Sidewalks that are to be constructed compressive strength of 3,500 pounds adjacent to the curb shall be so located per square inch after 28 days set under at their intersection with the driveway standard laboratory methods. approach the ADA requirement of the two (2) percent maximum cross slope is (6) Minimum thickness of sidewalks and met. driveway approaches. (12)Joint material. Wood shall not be acceptable in sidewalks for expansion (3) No vertical curb cut. If no vertical curb joints. The joint material shall be cut is made, complete curb and gutter asphalt impregnated fiberboard meeting removal is required. the requirements of AASHTO M213, or other joint material meeting the (4) Concrete removal. All concrete to be requirements of the latest version of the removed shall be saw-cut. Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Standard (5) Driveway approach. The area Specifications. remaining between the sidewalk and the flow-line of the gutter, called the (13)Expansion joint. Full depth expansion approach to the driveway, shall slope up joints (four inches) shall be provided at to the elevation of the sidewalk. intervals not greater than 50 feet, and where sidewalks abut drainage (6) Broken edges of saw-cuts. Broken structures, retaining walls, building edges of saw-cuts caused by demolition faces, and all other fixed objects. One- require a new saw-cut. quarter depth (one inch) weakened plane joints, or saw-cut joints, shall be (C) Access ramps. placed in sidewalk at regular intervals not greater than the width of the (1) ADA requirements. Access ramps shall sidewalk. Maximum joint spacing shall conform to ADA requirements, including not be greater than two times the detectable warning devices such as thickness of the sidewalk. Saw joints truncated domes. shall be filled with self leveling sealant such as Sonnebom SLI or equivalent. (2) Sidewalk intersections. Access ramps shall be installed at all sidewalk (14)Inspection. All sidewalks and curb cuts intersections with the street. made for driveway approaches require an inspection prior to the concrete placement. (3) Raised crosswalk. The raised or built- up access ramp shall not be installed on (15)Materials. The material used for public streets without the approval of the sidewalk construction shall be Portland City engineer. cement concrete having a broom finish. The use of other materials must have (4) Minimum width. The minimum width of the approval of the Sidewalk/ADA a curb ramp shall be Forty-eight (48) Administrator or the City Engineer. inches. Sixty (60) inches is recommended,exclusive of flared sides. (16)Edges. All sidewalks shall have one- half(1/2) inch rolled edges. (5) Slope. The slope of the ramp shall not be greater than 8.33%(1:12). (17)Removal/replacement. Removal and replacement of broken sidewalks require (6) Slope of flared sides. The slope of the vertical saw-cuts on both ends of the flared sides shall not be greater than sidewalk being replaced. 10% (1:10). (18)Curing compound. All sidewalks and (7) Broom finish. Access ramps shall have driveway approaches require the a broom finish. application of a concrete curing compound or the concrete is to be kept moist for seven(7)days. (B) Driveway approaches. (1) Curb removal. Curb, if existing, shall be removed for full width of the drive approach. (2) Vertical curb cut. Vertical curb cutting along the flow-line of the gutter is allowed. City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form City Council Agenda Items and Contracts, Leases or Agreements /2010 q4— to Citytouncil Meeting Date Agenda Items Only Leif Olson Development Services Submitted By Division Department Action Required: ADM 10-3567 Submitted by Staff for revisions to Fayetteville Unified Development Code Section 171.13:Sidewalk, Driveway and Trail Specifications to amend sidewalk and driveway approach construction standards. Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name Account Number Funds Used to Date Program I Project Category Name Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached I ( �' 05-a-1140 Previous Ordinance or Resolution# Depaa tmer"irect Date CC Original Contract Date: 20 ZAIV Original Contract Number: City Attorney ate — �, C)L U7111180 Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in CityClerks Office C of St Date - QEt Received in Mayors Office d�o yor Date Comments: 7ay � �1811C THE CITY OFFAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE ARKANSAS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director Chris Brown, City Engineer From: Leif Olson,Associate Planner Date: May12, 2010 Subject: Unified Development Code amendments to Chapters 171.13 Sidewalk Driveway and Trail Specifications PROPOSAL: The Development Services Division is bringing forward an ordinance to amend the Unified Development Code Chapter 171: Streets and Sidewalks to amend and clarify sidewalk and driveway approach construction standards. The City of Fayetteville last amended this section of the Unified Development Code Chapter 171: Streets and Sidewalks in 1998. The proposed amendments will update construction standards in order to strengthen and clarify the current requirements. Planning staff worked closely with the Engineering Division and the City's Sidewalk Administrator on developing these standards.Primarily the changes deal with construction standards and methods such as: • Sidewalk concrete thickness, compressive strength, reinforcement, etc. Staff proposes to increase the concrete compressive strength standard from 3,000 psi to 3,500 psi, and to increase the thickness of the concrete pour. The additional thickness of driveway approaches is recommended to provide additional resistance to cracking and failure of the approach due to settlement of the base below the concrete and due to impact loads from vehicles that other parts of the driveway are not subjected to. • Requirement for a sidewalk setback or"shy"distance from vertical obstacles such as walls or fences. • Sidewalk and driveway approach elevations and cross-slopes. • Expansion joints and saw cuts specifications and spacing requirements. • Crosswalk ramp specifications. The Planning Commission reviewed and tabled this ordinance amendment at its May 10,2010 meeting.The Planning Commission amended section 171.13(A)(2)by changing the effective sidewalk width from 5 feet to 4 feet and forwarded this item with a recommendation for approval to the City Council by vote of 7-0-0. RECOMMENDATION: The Development Services Division recommends approval of this ordinance. BUDGETIMPACT: No budget impact. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 171: STREETS AND SIDEWALKS TO AMEND AND CLARIFY SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAY APPROACH CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. WHEREAS, the construction standards for sidewalks and driveway approaches located in City owned right-of-way was last amended in 1998, and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that changes in sidewalk construction standards will improve the durability and life of sidewalks and driveway approaches, and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville recognizes that improved construction standards will reduce the need for sidewalk replacement in the future, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1.That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the Unified Development Code Chapter 171: Streets and Sidewalk by repealing and replacing in its entirety §171.13(A), 171.13(B) and 171.13(C), as shown in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this day of ,2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN,Mayor SONDRA E. SMITH,City Clerk "Exhibit A" 171.13 Sidewalk, Driveway and Trail Specifications (a) Sidewalks. The minimum thickness of sidewalks shall be four (4) (A) Sidewalks. inches. Any fill materials required for residential or commercial (1) Grades; establishment of property lines. sidewalks shall consist of approved All sidewalks, access ramps, and compacted material. driveway approaches shall be constructed in grades as approved by (b) Residential driveway approaches. the City Engineer. It shall be the The minimum thickness of responsibility of the owner to establish residential driveway approaches property lines by competent survey at shall be six (6) inches with four his/her own expense. inches of compacted base material or six-inch by six-inch 10-gauge (2) Minimum width of sidewalks. The reinforcing steel mesh. minimum width of sidewalks shall follow (c) Commercial driveway approaches. the guidelines of the Master Street Plan, of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The minimum thickness of In all cases, the effective width of the commercial driveway approaches sidewalk shall be a minimum of 4 feet. shall be six (6) inches with six (6) Effective sidewalk width is the actual inches of compacted base material sidewalk width, less: or six-inch by six-inch 10-gauge reinforcing steel mesh. A shy distance of 2 feet where vertical (7) ADA guidelines. Sidewalks shall barriers (walls, fences, signs, etc) greater than 3.5 feet in height are conform to ADA guidelines. adjacent to the sidewalk and extend (g) Continuous through driveway approach. more than 4 feet in length parallel to the sidewalk. A shy distance of 1 foot is Sidewalks shall be continuous through required for all other fixed obstacles. driveways with an expansion joint at the edge of the sidewalk opposite the street. (3) Sidewalk distances from the curb. The (g) Edge adjacent to street. The sidewalk sidewalk setback distance from the curb shall follow the guidelines of the Master edge adjacent to the street shall have at Street Plan, of the Comprehensive Land least one (1) inch deep grooved joint Use Plan. mark (cannot be a saw cut, however it can be a cold joint)to clearly define the (4) Minimum distance between sidewalk sidewalk through the driveway and and slopes. There shall be a minimum approach. of one (1) foot between the sidewalk (10)Sidewalk elevation. The back of and the beginning of a slope as shown sidewalk elevation shall be such that the on the typical section detail. slope from the back of sidewalk to the top of curb is 2%, unless otherwise (5) Cement-concrete requirements. All approved by the City Engineer. This sidewalks, access ramps, and concrete elevation shall be continuous through driveway approaches shall be the driveway approach. constructed of a portland cement (11)Cross Slope. Sidewalk cross slopes concrete mixture that includes at least 5.5 bags of cement per cubic yard and shall be a minimum of one (1) percent contains 4 to 7 percent air entrainment and a maximum of two (2) percent. and that will produce a concrete of a Sidewalks that are to be constructed compressive strength of 3,500 pounds adjacent to the curb shall be so located per square inch after 28 days set under at their intersection with the driveway standard laboratory methods. approach the ADA requirement of the two (2) percent maximum cross slope is (6) Minimum thickness of sidewalks and met. driveway approaches. (12)Joint material. Wood shall not be acceptable in sidewalks for expansion (3) No vertical curb cut. If no vertical curb joints. The joint material shall be cut is made, complete curb and gutter asphalt impregnated fiberboard meeting removal is required. the requirements of AASHTO M213, or other joint material meeting the (4) Concrete removal. All concrete to be requirements of the latest version of the removed shall be saw-cut. Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Standard (5) Driveway approach. The area Specifications. remaining between the sidewalk and the flow-line of the gutter, called the (13)Expansion joint. Full depth expansion approach to the driveway,shall slope up joints (four inches) shall be provided at to the elevation of the sidewalk. intervals not greater than 50 feet, and where sidewalks abut drainage (6) Broken edges of saw-cuts. Broken structures, retaining walls, building edges of saw-cuts caused by demolition faces, and all other fixed objects. One- require a new saw-cut. quarter depth (one inch) weakened plane joints, or saw-cut joints, shall be (C) Access ramps. placed in sidewalk at regular intervals not greater than the width of the (1) ADA requirements. Access ramps shall sidewalk. Maximum joint spacing shall conform to ADA requirements, including not be greater than two times the detectable warning devices such as thickness of the sidewalk. Saw joints truncated domes. shall be filled with self leveling sealant such as Sonnebom SL1 or equivalent. (2) Sidewalk intersections. Access ramps shall be installed at all sidewalk (14)Inspection. All sidewalks and curb cuts intersections with the street. made for driveway approaches require an inspection prior to the concrete placement. (3) Raised crosswalk. The raised or built- up access ramp shall not be installed on (15)Materials. The material used for public streets without the approval of the sidewalk construction shall be Portland City engineer. cement concrete having a broom finish. The use of other materials must have (4) Minimum width. The minimum width of the approval of the Sidewalk/ADA a curb ramp shall be Forty-eight (48) Administrator or the City Engineer. inches. Sixty (60) inches is recommended,exclusive of flared sides. (16)Edges. All sidewalks shall have one- half(1/2)inch rolled edges. (5) Slope. The slope of the ramp shall not be greater than 8.33%(1:12). (17)Removal/replacement. Removal and replacement of broken sidewalks require (6) Slope of flared sides. The slope of the vertical saw-cuts on both ends of the flared sides shall not be greater than sidewalk being replaced. 10%(1:10). (18)Curing compound. All sidewalks and (7) Broom finish. Access ramps shall have driveway approaches require the a broom finish. application of a concrete curing compound or the concrete is to be kept moist for seven(7)days. (B) Driveway approaches. (1) Curb removal. Curb, if existing, shall be removed for full width of the drive approach. (2) Vertical curb cut. Vertical curb cutting along the flow-line of the gutter is allowed. "Exhibit A" mnrx-� 171.13 Sidewalk, Driveway and Trail Specifications (6) Minimum thickness of sidewalks and driveway approaches. (A) Sidewalks. (a) Sidewalks. The minimum thickness (1) Grades; establishment of property lines. of sidewalks shall be four (4) inches. Any fill materials required All sidewalks, for residential or commercial 9 access ramps, and driveway sidewalks shalt consist of approaches shall be constructed in approved compacted base material. grades as esfapkshet#approved by the C v e€ficya),.Molneer- It shall be the (b) Residential driveway approaches. responsibility of the owner to establish The minimum thickness of property lines by competent survey at his/her own expense. residential driveway approaches shall be"feur-{4)`siz(6) inches with (2) Minimum width of sidewalks. The four inches of compacted base minimum width of sidewalks shall follow material or six-inch by,six-inch 10- the guidelines of the Master Street Plan, gauge reinforcing steel menti. of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. (c) Commercial driveway approaches. In all cases, the effective width of the The minimum thickness of sidewalk shall be a minimum of 54 feet. Effective sidewalk width is the actual commercial driveway approaches sidewalk width,less: shall be six (6) inches with six (6) inches of compacted base material A 'shy distance of 12 ,feet where or six-inch by six-inch 10-gauge �ertical,barrieTs'(Walls, fences; signs; reinforcing steel mesh'. etcj.greater:fhan&$feefin;heightere (7) ADA guidelines. Sidewalks shall adljacernt.to the Sidewak and extend mare then14 feet m I'll1¢ngth -paralleltoconform to ADA guidelines. thR-sidew�Ikr A shy distance a foof (g) Continuous through driveway Is,.,,required >-X..,7 aIP.'-other fix_e_d approacfi. Sidewalks shall be obeta...0, continuous through driveways with an (3) Sidewalk distances from the curb. The said jeint-er expansion joint at the edge sidewalk setback distance from the curb of the sidewalk opposite the street. shall follow the guidelines of the Master (g) Edge adjacent to street. The sidewalk Street Plan, of the Comprehensive Land edge adjacent to the street shall have at Use Plan. least one (1) inch deep grooved joint (4) Minimum distance between sidewalk mark(cannot be a saw cut,however it and slopes. There shall be a minimum can be a cold joint) to clearly define the of one (1) foot between the sidewalk sidewalk through the driveway and and the beginning of a slope as shown approach. on the typical section detail. (10)Sidewalk elevation. The sidewalk (2) PeFGeRt above (5) Cement-concrete requirements. All the top Of the GUF13, SIGPiRg IPWO POFE;eAt- sidewalks, StFe6t GUFNIR9 and qUttsfiffl each feeo. The back of sidewalk access ramps, and concrete driveway elevation shall be such that the slope approaches shall be constructed of a from the back of sidewalk to the top portland cement concrete mixture that otherwise includes,at least 5.5 baof curb is 2%, unless othe gs of cement approved s the CityEoche This per cubic yard,and contains 4 to 7 elevation shall be continuous through percent air entrainment.'and that Will produce a concrete of acompressve the driveway approach. strength of 4,999 3,500 pounds per (11)Cross Slope. sidewalk cross slopes square inch after 28 days set under shall be a minimum of one(1)percent standard laboratory methods. and,a maximum.of two (2) percent.. vertical saw-cuts on both ends of the Sidewalks that are to be constructed sidewalk being replaced. adjacent to the curb shall be so located at their intersection with the driveway (18)Curing compound. All sidewalks and approach aadthe-driveway that the ADA driveway approaches require the requirement of the two (2) percent application of a concrete curing maximum verlisat cross slope is met. compound or the concrete is to be kept moist for seven(7)days. 499f flow lip�e ;perr 4,94*e'olov2fins of the sidewalk 4S"3:1 (,I, Joint material. Wood shall not be acceptable in sidewalks for expansion joints. The joint material shall pe asphalt impregnatgd, fiberboardmeeting theI reAwre111, 11ine1­1nts of/�HT6therjoint materiameefifig the requiteinents of thetatest versittr! Sidewalk Details xif`tfieArkansas State°ltghway and `transportation DepsXtment Standarzj Specrficationsi (B) Driveway approaches. (See; Illuskationj (1) Curb removal. Curb, if existing, shall be (13)Expansion joint. Full depth expansion removed for full width of the drive joints (four inches) shall be provided at approach. intervals not greater than 50 feet, and where sidewalks abut drainage (2) llerizer�tal Vertical curb cut. l4eriZeatal structures, retaining walls, building Vertical curb cutting along the flow-line faces, and all other fixed objects. One- of the gutter is allowed. quarter depth (one inch) weakened plane joints, or saw-cut joints, shall be (3) No ho4zonfa! vertical curb cut. If no placed in sidewalk at regular intervals hwr+zeatal.vertical curb cut is made, not greater than 104eet apart the width complete curb and gutter removal is of the sidewalk. Maximum joint required. spacing shall not be greater than two times the thickness of the sidewaik'j (4) Concrete removal. All concrete to be Saw joints shall be filled with self removed shall be saw-cut. leveling sealant such as Sonnebom SLI or equivalent. (5) Driveway :approach. The area remaining between the,sidewalk and (14)Inspection. All sidewalks and curb cuts the flow-line of the gutter, called the made for driveway approaches require approach to the driveway, shall slope an inspection prior to the concrete pew up to the elevation of the sidewalk. placement. (6) Broken edges of saw-cuts. Broken (15)Materials. The material used for edges of saw-cuts caused by demolition sidewalk construction shall be Portland require a new saw-cut. cement concrete having a broom finish. The use of other materials must have (7` —zones Safety zones tweet; the approval of the sidewalk And tFail ditiveway appFgaGheS Shall Met 19A 1996 . seerdiaater Sidewalk/ADA thenthe distance ',a.- Administrator or the City Engineer. distaw;es between Gurb nuts in the 9R. OR stpeets (16)Edges. All sidewalks shall have one- half(1/2)inch rolled edges. lector streets �;hall apply. Curbs shall be installed t (17)Removal/replacement. Removal and replacement of broken sidewalks require safi* Agnes. The ba•^^" line neareses' R;antial Standard Driveway Approach the — Y W Y : ofCuroj ow Udge GudefPlan Y WYUN Facebw Uk Section A-A ( Standard Driveway Approach Residential (C) Access ramps. . F'n A (1) ADA requirements. Access ramps shall ul conform to ADA requirements; including to warning devices ,;. such as truncated domes. (2) Sidewalk intersections. Access ramps os W R shall be installed at all sidewalk intersections with the street. thecopper-, pra��l d4;9P69F4 AGGASS ramps shall _.. to tke sidewalk amp (43) Raised asses- amp crosswalk. The raised or built-up access ramp shall not be installed on public streets without the approval of the stFeet seper niendent City engineer. (64)Minimum width. The minimum width of a curb ramp shall be 36 Forty-eight (48) inches,aad 43 sixty(60) inches is recommended,exclusive of flared sides. (65)Slope. The slope of the ramp shall not be greater than 8.33%(1:12). (7-6)Slope of flared sides. The slope of the flared sides shall not be greater than 10%(1:10). (37)Broom finish. Access ramps shall have a broom finish.