HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5818113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Ordinance: 5818 File Number: 2015-0474 AMEND CHAPTER 167 AND 177 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL § 167.04 (J)(5) MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AND LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT GUARANTEE, TO ENACT § 167.10 TREE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS AND TO AMEND § 177.05 (A)(2)(f) BY DELETING A PORTION OF THIS SUBSECTION AND ENACTING § 177.10 TREE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS TO IMPROVE MAINTENANCE AND SURVIVABILITY OF MITIGATION TREES AND TO PASS AN EMERGENCY CLAUSE WHEREAS, Fayetteville's Urban Forrester believes that requiring a tree maintenance contract with an approved landscaping company will improve the amount of mitigation trees that survive three years as required by the Tree Ordinance and be more cost effective for developers. NOW THREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby repeals § 167.04 (J)(5) Maintenance Agreement and Landscape Establishment Guarantee and enacts § 167.10 Tree Maintenance Agreements to improve tree maintenance and survivability as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends § 177.05 (A)(2)(0 by deleting a portion of this subsection and enacting § 177.10 Tree Maintenance Agreements to improve tree maintenance and survivability as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto. Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that this ordinance should become effective without delay so that pending large developments will be able to plant, better maintain and ensure the survival of numerous required mitigation trees which are necessary for the health and safety of Fayetteville citizens. Therefore, the City Council hereby declares an emergency exists suclh%,fllailutri i this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSEDa APPROVED on 10/20/2015 = Approv Attest: Lioneld // iii i t 6-A Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page 1 Printed on 10123115 TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 167: TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION 167.01 PURP0SE.......................................................................................................................................3 167.02 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TREE PRESERVATION, PROTECTION, AND LANDSCAPE MANUAL.........................................................................................................................................3 167.03 TREE REGISTRY AND URBAN FOREST ANALYSIS...................................................................3 167.04 TREE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION DURING DEVELOPMENT......................................4 167.05 TREE PROTECTION MEASURED AND C0NSTRUCTION........................................................... 13 167.06 TREE PLANTING, MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL ON STREET RIOHT"F-WAY AND OTHERPUBLIC GROUNDS......................... .......... .... .............. ............ ......................................... 13 167.07 COMMERCIAL TREE PRUNERISERVICE; CERTIFICATE AND INSURANCE REQUIRED 14 187.08 HAZARDOUSTREES..................................................................................................................... 14 167.09 LOCAL DISASTER EMERGENCY.................................................................................................15 167.10 TREE MAINTPJIARCE AORkIMENTb.............._........ .:.::._._._.,.:-.:..:_.;;-�:.._.:..._...A6 167.4011.167.90 RESERVED............................................................... .........,..,.......................................... 15 Co167 I Fayetteville Code of Ordinances refund becomes due, The sending by regular mall of the notices to the Applicant shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of nmtce. (h) The refund shall be made on a pro rata lifill' basis, and shall be paid In full no later 000. 4g4 than ninety (90) days after the date Igg�r certain upon which the refund becomes IMM:Nal fit" due. (I) At the time of the contribution to the Tree Escrow Account the Urban forester shall provide the Applicant with written notice of those circumstances under which refunds of such fees will be made Failure to deliver such wilted notice shall not invalidate any contrbution to the Tree Escrow Account under this Ordinance. r?aw� _ Vs��b'RM9�gK, I!!0?N4MiRfK .... (K) Tree preservelicn plan review farm The urban forester shall use a standardized form for all recommendations or aalministrell" delerminallons made regarding an applicant's tree preservation plan. (1) The form shall clearly indicate whether the urban forester is making a final administrative determination, or a recommendafion to the Planning Commission or City Council 12) The form shall also clearly Indicate the applicant's plan Is 'APPROVED,' 'DISAPPROVED,' or "CONDITIONALLY APPROVED," and explain the reasoning therefore (9) A statement shall appear on the form explaining The process by which a final administrative determination may be appealed In accordance with Chapter 155 of the Unllied Development Code (4) The urban forester shall sign and date the form, and ensure That a copy becomes pad of the permanent file for the project (L) Continuing preservation and protection under approved free pfeservellon plans. (1) In order to ensure that an applicant's helrs, successors, assigns, or any subsequent purchasers of the subject properly are put on notice as to the existence and extent of an approved tree preservation plan. tree preservation areas shall be clearly depicted on the easement plats for large scale developments and the final plats for nonresidential subdivisions This shall be accompanied by a narrative statement describing the nature of the protection Manisa. and bearing the signalure of The urban forester. Lots in residential subdivisions are expressly exempt from these requirements. If It Is Impractical to include the actual depiction of the canopy to be preserved on the easement plat, or final plat itself, a note cross referencing an accompanying document shall suffice CD187.12 Cnmmenbd Lp):INa leWgm pxr nenWp da k ry e rmlWrnvlon! mal cbady eppseabbNa onarb ARO elf•sao tar»IAgon ImNk1M werM make rrroo aenw and Ilew mpe A[c Wel41y d tl ware in rb rdn WRstctpe. goo nuw )87,70 cS\'IN IL'vIsC,I P,its(. of I.XIIIko IA TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE (D) Removal by city. If the conditions described in a notice given, as set forth above, are not removed or connected within 20 days after such notice given, the mayor, or his/her duly authorized representative, is hereby authorized to enter upon the property and do whatever Is necessary to correct or remove the conditions described in the notice. The costs of correcting said conditions shall be charged to the owner or owners of the property and the city shall have a lien against such property for the costs. Enforcement of the lien shall be set forth in §95,03 of the Fayetteville Code or Ordinances, Such action shall not be taken if the owner has evidenced a willingness to comply by hiring a qualified tree service before the expiration of the 20 day period. (Cade 1991, §162 0Q Ord No 3699, §6. 4-20-93; Ord No, 3963, §4. 4-16-96; Ord Na. 4100, §2 (Ex A), 6-16-98; Ord No 4340.10-241) 167.09 Local Disaster Emergency If it becomes necessary for the mayor to declare a local disaster emergency pursuant to A.C.A. §12-75- 108(b)(2), the provisions of this chapter may be suspended for up to 30 days, if strict compliance with its provisions would prevent, hinder, or delay actions necessary to cape with the disaster emergency. (Ord No 4316, 6-601; Ord. No 4340; 10-2-01) 167.10,Tree Mainteliance'Agreemerits (a MCMdenence agmemenf - and lend¢cepe establishmentguamntee. Al plans requesting oft - age mitigation or of"Ite forestation shag include a binding three year mebdenance said mbngmatg f�wthe health of allan. which shall planted ed � responsible ix (11 7lppraaM #'4ir plwl :r bi• a (3) In the; absence, of Such amMding, the applicant shall. De, notified to; repface any idih y-bf-deed'vesa m,take,oMer app_mpdaroaction`,ae approved by the urbah forester., -6`thelepp11carlt, tibia nofttake remadlel • daps;to; brklp: the'. propeily'- into compliance, the Elly eliell_uae me,necesaary rronles •hdn'1he',landsceq. estebllehment guaraneetodoao. (4) In the event bees are Injured ordesboyed by ,natural tlleasteml - l idNp liutlrat lkigged to, tomedaee,l atrapht-lneivdntle; Ira storms, fad; go'otlg 16'aM; or. lightning+;ahlkes, or Iflmugh- Ns,' Independent ecdons , 01 -third pedlea; Ute aPplkant anal be rellevaU of the responalblllry, of-replenUp.gla Into or;trees So enacted. (5) However. In Ileu: of ga9h surety, leper Vf dredlt, or, bond, tib manitodng and inaintenance'requlremard mey. also' be met through pool -of. a those..year time mmMalBnce-corr"d.�wlh.ia "Scope iwmiaclor, epproved[by the Urban. Foreakr. They cermabt• shal•'name,'the,.CHy ,of Fayettevlle a a Na'd:p`arty benefclary: This fulty` exealted'contrala�shalt.cbrltaln: (e)� gemked-proof"o6paymenkor charge for 3ryeeB of watang'and maintenance for each requlred_hie. (b) a clause,:Mat requital that N the spproved 'contract Is• breached, the developer. shall OMei, trnmailikeb supply an . acceptable . replacement nlaintanance,00nbect• or ehalldepoag elto�th! Citys_hee'ascrow'account the normal original amouia set- ford in sermon 167.1*JX4). (c): @�4L"d 'aAfa oi'e1 aid Idea 167.4911-167.99 Reserved t DTa B IEC' .t sugl i�➢rt��1(ah�F5ria ii;'aEBoni :Wil , CD167715 'Provided in lieu of original, as correction. ] TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 177: LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 177.01 PURPOSE........................„,.......... ...... I ................. I ..... I ................................ . .... .................... 3 177,02 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TREE PRESERVATION, PROTECTION AND LANDSCAPE MANUAL. ........................ ........... - .............. .................. I ............... I ............ ......... —1-1-1 ..... 3 177.03 LANDSCAPE PLAN REQUIREMENTS ......... . .......... ....................................................... . . — ..... 4 177.04 SITE DEVELOPMENT AND PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE STANDARDS_...............................6 177.06 STREET TREE PLANTING STANDARDS ... .............................. I ......... .. I .. ........ I ........ 11, .... . ..... a 177.06 STORMWATERFACILITIES ......................... .................................. - ............... I ...... I ... . ............ 10 177.07 LANDSCAPING FOR EROSION CONTROL .............. ....... . 11 ............... I ....... I ....... 11 ...... 1— ......... 11 177.06 TIMING OF INSTALLATION . ............. .. . ............ ......................................................... 12 177.0 tREP MAINTENANCE ADROWENTS . ..... .........«..................,_....................................._.. 177.14 -177.00 RESERV ED ... ................ ............ ... ... ............... .............. I .... CD177A Fayetteville Code of Ordinances 177.08 Timing Of Installation Required landscaping shall be installed prior a the Issuance of a Mal Certificate of Occupancy or flung of the Final Plot. whichever development procedure Is most applicable. A 90 -day temporary cenldcale of occupancy may be esued or a final plat may be filed once me owner deposits, Wth the city, U.S. currency or an Irrevocable letter of eredlt In an amount equal to 150% or the estimated mel of the unlnelalled plant material. The latter of credit must be from a bank or banking InrthuMn doing business within the State of Arkansas which Is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 977.10 Tree Maintenance Agreements W os Mdaeswra guskwue M Plana rasing abeal.oaw pea 777.06 shall Include a baldrp Dna yaw mananeuoa and me ININ pion, which old hold an appdurd rupMft far to he MofolglaredVette. (1) Approval be =or real m aravocat n oma raw wan a Mffd o" (2) upon sarrWholool of Use atr« tayaw,irdmso. esabwwd asked, gra raban areal dbwkhope elleata'am daemons weedw 90% of die rue are. OW V and have ■ Upon such Meso a arly at p b musty. Upon aueh rdd , to coy ro& ralssN the eulnmy, bad, a I e1Wf of aradt. (S) In M abaaram of such. a drdeg, tin appaawd old be del)*:to npI any &&*Ory or dead uter asa, a UM at she &00 bow If ria" �attliCMd!dodo appow b notaRa rskaP IM fasps: pe bile dis"tNiPdf add compliance, the bay area use On secdaeary monbs from'tn.14dildes" od&k nwt guarrdu to m ail. (4) In Use awry baker era blind ardefooned by natural doodwe, kwkW g but lot MWAd to, assroldeek 401ficaria .*oft Is. toms,. hold. m Wbitp ajil es a drimgh to Independent oder. of Wd W.M. the appkrd alrag u mlaked ams opdraNaY apes. , no am tree or aw m alerted (5) Massenet. in lieu of ooh our", saw of m if1. r(d ,hnpd.'. add. elo*Av', ant maational m*.*~ mry_ all: ea mal rpt rove., w Al ,h�r �F p WA,,IeEan',Fftm' 711E awMadl aeell me" Ura -a" d F'ayallavlp' .:4:y�,e�1 EMt81Y1aY-Te\ kA¢adn11��6onYYYM. (a) kwnhad proof ofd"Wit or charW ON Xy"ops t!�MaMnl�Mdmllallwtskwa�br each reginfi d tat. (b) 6 WIN& INK -rowlas to 6 tna approved aonbacl a onedud ata dWMop_er am slmw bnmwwoal)' supply an acceptable, replSeerlterd mWdsrrw rea ml•or ala dspoat Ma' do We beo:eoom nomm the mmol broad amara art Intel In 96640167.04Wt4? (a) alar kepMm by dw Umwt Fwuaral to and Cf,tw,t0ea III fiefed, 0 do INb6n ydhNar rid nkm ddt lase I)tea'y611'r)fi reps tI6r'RA!ddtb 6110 'wltlry a.r neaawteMa N" Of el IIureft lebede'*A be hp�imtlg'bpl:-rid iiiailrr. so :t= --ib to p„IyFMd would reaovarklsan as maned In the corirw 17TAg11.177.99 Reserved C0177:12 CaemeeMd [lol)t 177.09 nos been fasou as for the 177.09Inv&" Plant Spades 4msrdneot moglpsW for kdmduallon IO Ca sd at 14 lbwmbst T nodes by 6aaln W illy S Ihsaklmes Nab.