HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5676Doc ID: 015709090003 Type: REL Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 05/05/2014 at 09:05:09 AM Fee Amt: $25.00 Pape 1 of 3 Nashinpton CountV, AR Kyle Sylvester Circuit Clerk File2014-00010751 ORDINANCE NO. 5676 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 14-4618, FOR APPROXIMATELY 9.60 ACRES, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD FROM R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT, TO RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE AND NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the following described property from R-PZD Residential Planned Zoning District to RSF-8, Residential Single Family, 8 Units per Acre and NC, Neighborhood Conservation, as shown on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED this 15ki, day of April, 2014 APDD /1VRr\• By ATTEST: By: �' 4��4 SONDRA E. SMITH, Ciry Ccrk/'�1-0aH6tgr1', RZIN 14-4618 Close Up View Legend FiftUr'd Till] 1s Footprints 2010 Hillside -Hilltop Design Overlay Design Overlay ------ Planning Area EXHIBIT 1"Alf PADDOCK SID 411-00T l CLIFFS BLvj) OtTRINE LNX z MALINE WA,, �i SPINEL LNK SUBJECTPROPERTY . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ING z RMDf NC w0cps I District 47" ST 0 175 350 700 1,050 t'd00 Feel PRIME 301 PRIVATE 399 EXHIBIT "B" RZN 14-4618 AREA TO BE REZONED TO RSF-8: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, ALSO KNOWN AS LOTS 2-24,59,62, A PORTION OF THE PLATTED ALLEY AND PORTIONS OF PADDOCK LOOP, BUSHWACKER DRIVE, FOREST CANYON AVENUE, AND ACACIA CROSSING OF PADDOCK SUBDIVISION, AS PER THE FINAL PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK AND EX -OFFICE RECORDER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PONT WHICH IS S 02046'39" W 20.00', THENCE N87007'06"W 15.00', THENCE S02045'4211W 89.50' THENCE S02045'42"W 279.22', THENCE S87°07'46"E 15.00', THENCE S02°45'42"W 303.19', THENCE N87°06'34"W 147.41', THENCE N87°06'34"W 480.66', THENCE NO2045'50"E 495.30', THENCE S85°53'30"E 108.10', THENCE N04°05'18"E 86.79', THENCE S86022'21"E 371.90', THENCE S02053'26"W 574.99' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 6.17 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY. AREA TO BE REZONED TO NC: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, ALSO KNOWN AS LOTS 25-58,60,61, A PORTION OF ACACIA CROSSING, PADDOCK ROAD, FOREST CANYON AVENUE, AND PADDOCK LOOP, AS PER THE FINAL PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK AND EX -OFFICE RECORDER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PONT WHICH IS S02046'39"W 20.00', THENCE N87°07'06"W 15.00', THENCE S02°45'42"W 89.50' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND RUNNING THENCE S02045'42"W 279.22', THENCE S87007'46"E 15.00', THENCE S02045'42"W 303.19', THENCE N87°06'34"W 147.41', THENCE NO2°53'26"E 574.99', THENCE N86°22'21"W 371.90', THENCE SO4005'18"W 86.79', THENCE N85053'30"W 108.10', THENCE NO2°45'50"E 196.55', THENCE S87008'12"E 460.10', THENCE S02°53'38'W 20.00', THENCE S87°02'47"E 41.68', THENCE S02057'1 3"W 88.22', THENCE S86°23'20"E 111.62' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3.37 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD IF ANY. Washington County, AR I certify this instrument was filed on 05/05/2014 09:05:09 AM and recorded'in Real Estate File Number 2014-00010751 Kyle Sylveste - ircuit Clerk by Jesse Fulcher Submitted By City of Fayetteville Item Review Form 2014-0167 Legistar File Number 04/15/2014 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item Action Required: Development Services Department RZN 14-4618: Rezone (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW RD/PADDOCK SD, 526): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD. The property is zoned R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT and contains approximately 9.60 acres. The request is to rezone 6.17 acres to RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE and 3.37 acres to NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Does this item have a cost? = Cost of this request Account Number Category or Project Budget Funds Used to Date $0.00 Program or Project Name Program or Project Category Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item? = Budget Adjustment Attached? Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Ell 9E i Original Contract Number: Comments: �— 3-3t..Z`,a ®,1 CITY OF ayevi le Y ARKANSAS MEETING OF APRIL 15, 2014 TO: Mayor and City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director FROM: Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner DATE: March 27. 2014 SUBJECT: RZN 14-4618: Rezone (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW RD/PADDOCK SD, 526): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD. The property is zoned R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT and contains approximately 9.60 acres. The request is to rezone 6.17 acres to RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE- FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE and 3.37 acres to NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance to rezone the subject property from R-PZD, Paddock Road to RSF-8, Residential Single-family and NC, Neighborhood Conservation. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Happy Hollow Road and Paddock Road. The Paddock Lane PZD was approved by the City Council in 2006 and allows for the development of 33 single-family units and 25 multi -family units, an overall density of 5.91 units per acre. It took several years for construction to be completed, but the final plat was approved in 2010. Development of the property in conformance with the PZD is permitted, but no units have been constructed. DISCUSSION: On March 24, 2014 the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation of approval with a vote of 6-0-0. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: Draft ordinance, exhibits and staff report Mailing Address: 113 w. Mountain Street wwwfayetteville-acgov Fayetteville, AR 72701 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZN 14-4618, FOR APPROXIMATELY 9.60 ACRES, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD FROM R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT, TO RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE AND NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby changes the zone classification of the following described property from R-PZD Residential Planned Zoning District to RSF-8, Residential Single Family, 8 Units per Acre and NC, Neighborhood Conservation, as shown on Exhibits "A" and `B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby amends the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1. PASSED and APPROVED this APPROVED: By: LIONELD JORDAN, Mayor day of 2014 ATTEST: SONDRA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasurer RZN 14-4618 Close Up View EXHIBIT "A" PADDOCK S/D CITRINE LNH WAY i SPINEL LNK SUBJECT PROPERTY I Legend III PRATE 391 ............. Multi -Use Trail (Existing) +i ^""' Future Trails PRIVATE 395 4TH ST ... : Fayetteville City Limits LUQ ZN 14-46 t 8 ® Footprints 2010 — Hillside -Hilltop Overlay District Design Overlay Di 5trict Design Overlay Di trict 0 175 3s0 700 1,050 1,400 ------ Planning Area FeB1 EXHIBIT °B" RZN 14-4618 AREA TO BE REZONED TO RSF-8: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, ALSO KNOWN AS LOTS 2-24,59,62, A PORTION OF THE PLATTED ALLEY AND PORTIONS OF PADDOCK LOOP, BUSHWACKER DRIVE, FOREST CANYON AVENUE, AND ACACIA CROSSING OF PADDOCK SUBDIVISION, AS PER THE FINAL PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK AND EX -OFFICE RECORDER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PONT WHICH IS S 02046'39" W 20.00', THENCE N87007'06"W 15.00', THENCE S02045'42"W 89.50' THENCE S02045'42"W 279.22', THENCE S87°07'46"E 15.00', THENCE S02°45'42"W 303.19', THENCE N87006'34"W 147.41', THENCE N87006'34"W 480.66', THENCE NO2045'50"E 495.30', THENCE S85°53'30"E 108.10', THENCE N04°05'18"E 86.79', THENCE S86022'21"E 371.90', THENCE S02053'26"W 574.99' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 6.17 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY. AREA TO BE REZONED TO NC: A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, ALSO KNOWN AS LOTS 25-58,60,61, A PORTION OF ACACIA CROSSING, PADDOCK ROAD, FOREST CANYON AVENUE, AND PADDOCK LOOP, AS PER THE FINAL PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT CLERK AND EX -OFFICE RECORDER OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PONT WHICH IS S02046'39"W 20.00', THENCE N87007'06"W 15.00', THENCE S02°45'42"W 89.50' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND RUNNING THENCE S02045'42"W 279.22', THENCE S87007'46"E 15.00', THENCE S02045'42"W 303.19', THENCE N87°06'34"W 147.41', THENCE NO2053'26"E 574.99', THENCE N86022'21"W 371.90', THENCE S04005'1 8"W 86.79', THENCE N85°53'30"W 108.10', THENCE NO2045'50"E 196.55', THENCE S87008'12"E 460.10', THENCE S02053'38"W 20.00', THENCE S8700214711E 41.68', THENCE S02057'13"W 88.22', THENCE S86023'20"E 111.62' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3.37 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD IF ANY. CITY OF ayevi le PLANNING COMMISSION MEMO ARKANSAS TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission THRU: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director FROM: Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner Glenn Newman, Staff Engineer MEETING DATE: MaFGh 1, 2014 March 27, 2014 SUBJECT: RZN 14-4618: Rezone (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW RD/PADDOCK SD, 526): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD. The property is zoned R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT and contains approximately 9.60 acres. The request is to rezone 6.17 acres to RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE and 3.37 acres to INC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 14-4618 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Happy Hollow Road and Paddock Road. The Paddock Lane PZD was approved by the City Council in 2006 and allows for the development of 33 single-family units and 25 multi -family units, an overall density of 5.91 units per acre. It took several years for construction to be completed, but the final plat was approved in 2010. Development of the property in conformance with the PZD is permitted, but no units have been constructed. Surrounding land use and zoning is depicted on Table 1. Table 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Direction from Site Land Use Zoning North Sequoyah Preserve P-1, Institutional South Undeveloped RSF-4, Residential Single-family East Undeveloped R-PZD Timber Trails (Single-family and Two-family) West Undeveloped RSF-4, Residential Single-family Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 DISCUSSION: Request: The request is to rezone 6.17 acres to RSF-8, Residential Single-family, 8 units per acre and 3.37 acres to NC, Neighborhood Conservation. Public Comment: Staff has not received public comment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding RZN 14-4618 to the City Council with a recommendation for approval based on findings stated herein. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required Date: March 24, 2014 O Tabled JForwarded O Denied Motion: Second: Vote: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Required Date: April 15, 2014 OApproved O Denied INFRASTRUCTURE: Streets: The site has access to Happy Hollow Road and Paddock Road, both of which were improved with the Paddock Lane project. No additional street improvements are expected at this time, but will be evaluated when the property is replatted. Water: Public water is available to the property. There is a network of 12" waterlines running through the subdivision. Each of the existing lots has access to public water. Sewer: Sanitary sewer is available to the site. There is a network of sewer mains running through the property. Each of the existing lots has access to public sewer. Drainage: Any additional improvements for drainage will be determined when the property is replatted. This property is not affected by the 100 -year floodplain or the Streamside Protection Zones. Fire: The Fire Department did not express any concerns with this request. Police: The Police Department did not express any concerns with this request. 2 CITY PLAN 2030 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: City Plan 2030 Future Land Use Plan designates this site as Residential Neighborhood Area. Residential Neighborhood Areas are primarily residential in nature and support a variety of housing types of appropriate scale and context, including single-family, multi -family and row houses. Residential Neighborhood Areas encourage highly connected, compact blocks with gridded street patterns and reduced setbacks. It also encourages traditional neighborhood development that incorporate low -intensity non-residential uses intended to serve the surrounding neighborhood, such as retail and offices on corners and along connecting corridors. This designation recognizes conventional setbacks and development patterns that respond to features in the natural environment. FINDINGS OF THE STAFF A determination of the degree to which the proposed zoning is consistent with land use planning objectives, principles, and policies and with land use and zoning plans. Finding: The proposed zoning is very consistent with the future land use designation of Residential Neighborhood Area. The RSF-8 and NC zoning districts will allow a median density similar to the PZD zoning, allowing an efficient use of the existing infrastructure. Further, eliminating the attached dwelling units will likely result in more tree preservation than what was expected with the PZD, particularly along Paddock Road. The proposed zoning also maintains an appropriate zoning transition between the multi -family uses to the east and single-family uses to the west. 2. A determination of whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or needed at the time the rezoning is proposed. Finding: The proposed zoning is not necessarily needed at this time, since the property can be developed under the PZD designation approved in 2006. However, to date no construction has taken place and it appears that a more standardized zoning is needed for developing this property. Rezoning the property will also reduce the complexity of the tree preservation requirements. The original PZD was approved during the adoption of the original Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District, and also included several self- imposed tree preservation requirements. Today, these regulations are very complex, and site development in the HHOD is sufficiently addressed in the current tree preservation and grading ordinances of the Unified Development Code. 3. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would create or appreciably increase traffic danger and congestion. Finding: Overall the change in zoning should result in approximately the same density as was allowed under the PZD designation. Therefore, the zoning change should not appreciably increase traffic danger or congestion. 4. A determination as to whether the proposed zoning would alter the population density and thereby undesirably increase the load on public services including schools, water, and sewer facilities. Finding: As already noted rezoning the property from the PZD designation to RSF-8 and NC should not result in any appreciable change in density and therefore there should not any undesirable increase on public services. Comments from utility and emergency service providers are provided herein. 5. If there are reasons why the proposed zoning should not be approved in view of considerations under b (1) through (4) above, a determination as to whether the proposed zoning is justified and/or necessitated by peculiar circumstances such as: a. It would be impractical to use the land for any of the uses permitted under its existing zoning classifications; b. There are extenuating circumstances which justify the rezoning even though there are reasons under b (1) through (4) above why the proposed zoning is not desirable. Finding: N/A BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: Staff comments, request letter, plans, elevations, maps. J 161.09 District RSF-8, Residential Single - Family — 8 Units Per Acre (A) Purpose. The RSF-8 Residential District is designed to bring historic platted development into conformity and to allow for the development of new single family residential areas with similar lot size, density, and land use as the historical neighborhoods in the downtown area. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses. (E) Setback requirements. Front Side Rear Ij 15 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. (F) Height regulations. Building Height Maximum 45 ft. Unit 1 Git -wide uses b right (G) Building area. The area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 50% of the total lot area, except Unit 8 Sin le-familydwellings when a detached garage exists or is proposed; Unit 41 Accesso dwellin s then the area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 60% of the total lot area. (2) Conditional uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses b conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 12 Limited business Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities IL Unit 44 j Cottage Housing Develo ment (C) Density. (D) Bulk and area regulations. (1) Lot width minimum. Single-family B Ri ht Single-family 50 ft. dwelling units per 8 or less acre (D) Bulk and area regulations. (1) Lot width minimum. Single-family 50 ft. Two-family 50 ft. Townhouse, no more than two attached 25 ft. (2) Lot area minimum. Single-family 5.000 sq. ft. Two-family 5,000 sq. ft. (3) Land area per dwelling unit. Single-family 5,000 s A. Two-family 5,000 sq. ft. Townhouse, no more than two attached 2,500 sq. ft. CD161:8 (Ord. 4783, 10-18-05; Ord. 5028, 6-19-07; Ord. 5128, 4-15- 08; Ord. 5224, 3-3-09; Ord. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. 5462,12-6- 11) 161.26 Neighborhood Conservation (A) Purpose. The Neighborhood Conservation zone has the least activity and a lower density than the other zones. Although Neighborhood Conservation is the most purely residential zone, it can have some mix of uses, such as civic buildings. Neighborhood Conservation serves to promote and protect neighborhood character. For the purposes of Chapter 96: Noise Control, the Neighborhood Conservation district is a residential zone. (B) Uses. (1) Permitted uses. Unit 1 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 1 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 1 Accessory dwellings (2) Conditional uses. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use ermit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 10 Three-family dwellings Unit 12 Limited Business * Unit 24 Home occu ations Unit 25 Offices, studios, and related services Unit 28 Center for collecting rec clable materials Unit 36 Wireless communication facilities Unit 44 Cotta a Housing Development (C) Density. 10 Units Per Acre. (D) Bulk and area regulations. (1) Lot width minimum. Sin le Famil1 40 ft. Two Famil11 80 ft. Three Family90 ft. (2) Lot area minimum. 4,000 Sq. Ft. (E) Setback regulations. Front A build -to zone that is located between the front property line and a line 25 ft. from the front property line. Side 5 ft. Rear 5 ft - Rear, from center line 12 ft. 11 of an alley (F) Building height regulations. 11 Building Height Maximum 1 45 ft. 11 (Ord. 5128, 4-15-08; Ord. 5312, 4-20-10; Ord. 5462, 12-6- 11; Ord. 5592, 6-18-13; Ord. 5664, 2-18-14) CD161:22 SAS Zoning Review To: Jesse Fulcher From: Harley Hunt, Fire Marshal Date: January 27, 2014 Re: RZN 14-4615 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FIRE DEPARTMENT .,d 393 West Center 5treet Fayetteville, AR 72791 916791575-8365 F10791575-0471 This development will be protected by Ladder 3 located at 1050, S. Happy Hollow Rd. It is 2 miles from the station with an anticipated response time of 3 minutes to the beginning of the development. The Fayetteville Fire Department does not feel this development will affect our calls for service or our response times. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Fayetteville Fire Department Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain - Fayetteville, AR 72701 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 8 of 34 Mena To: City of Fayetteville - Planning Commission From: Bart Bauer Date: March 19, 2014 Re: Rezoning of 61 Lots in Paddock Subdivision from RPZD to RSF-8 and Neighborhood Conservation (a) Current Owner & Pending Sale This parcel is currently owned by Bauer Holdings, I.I.C. This is a single -member LLC owned by Bart Bauer. (b) Reason for Zoning Change The current PZD zoning was put in place in January, 2006, and was for a very specific set of buildings. The market at that time was booming, and the philosophy was that buyers would purchase anything regardless of architectural design. The market has changed substantial since then. Multi -family housing has exploded, and buyers in Fayetteville are drawn to a more modern or contemporary style of architecture. In addition, the buildings required under the current PZD are not conducive to the topography of the site which is extremely steep and rocky in areas. (c) Use, Traffic, Appearance, Signage The rezoning is in keeping with the surrounding properties which are all residential with the exception of the City Park to the north. The current PZD has a higher density to the site overall, so the zoning change will actually reduce projected traffic in the area. The single-family homes that we plan to build will have a modem design and will be an enhancement to the Happy Hollow Road area. A monument sign is planned at the entrance to the subdivision. The proper approvals and permit will be obtained prior to installing any such sign. (d) Availability of Water/Sewer Water and sewer lines were already approved by the City and are installed on the site. (e) Consistency With Land Use and Zoning Plans The rezoning of the parcel would be 100% consistent with the neighboring parcels and with Fayetteville's Master Plan. Adjoining properties are currently zoned either residential or multi -family, with the exception of the City of Fayetteville parcel to the north that is a City Park. (f) Zoning Justified? The subdivision has already been developed with water and sewer lines and roadways in place, so the rezoning of the property would actually change very little beyond the architectural style of the homes. The lots that we are requesting be rezoned to RSF-8 will keep their current dimensions. Taking them out of the PZD will simply allow us to change the architectural style of the homes on those lots. The change to Neighborhood Conservation zoning for the remaining areas that were previously multi- family lots within the PZD will reduce the overall density of the site. Again, it will also allow us to change the architectural style of the homes. And lastly, I feel that parking was not sufficiently addressed under the existing PZD. The reduction in the density of the site will allow for off-street parking. (g) Traffic As mentioned above, the rezoning would reduce the overall density of the site and will actually decrease traffic in the area. (h) Public Services My rezoning request would result in less homes and population in the area than the previous PZD that the City of Fayetteville has already approved, thus reducing the load on public services. (i) Impracticality of Current Zoning The current PZD is impractical because it restricts the architecture of buildings that can be constructed on the site. The current market trends would make selling such homes nearly impossible. 0 Page 2 7 of 34 0 IA f I l f t I w 'E Y r EL Lt 1 z 0 IA f I l f t I w Paddock PZD Project 2005028 E. Proposed Planning Areas. Bruce Kemmet, P.E. January 18, 2006 • This development is proposed to offer three types of residential living (in 8 different Planning Areas) including conventional single family homes; long, narrow, two story style single family homes; and town homes. The town homes are proposed along Happy Hollow Road and adjacent to the park land to the north. PLANNED AREA 1 (PA -1) SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 1 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE LARGER SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A LOW DENSITY. ARCH. STYLE IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 4A,4B & 4C. (B) USES: Permitted Uses UNIT I CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING Conditional Uses UNIT 2 1 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 24 J HOME OCCUPATIONS (C)DENSITY: UNITS/ACRE 15 or less D BULK AND AREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 16,700 sq ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 166 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 16,700 sq ft (F) SA TBA CK RE^UIREMENTS FRONT I SIDE REAR 20ft 1 8ft 25ft Lot 19 Side Setback on the west side is 25 ft (F) MAXHEIGHT: 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 40% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 3.50 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS: 15 PDC, Inc. 3 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 10 of 34 Paddock PZD Bruce Kemmet, P.E. Project 2005028 January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 2 (PA -2) SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 1 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE LARGER SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A LOW DENSITY. ARCH. STYLE IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 4A,4B & 4C. (B) USES .• Permitted Uses UNIT 1 CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING Conditional Uses UNIT 2 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 24 HOME OCCUPATIONS (C)DENSITY- UNITS/ACRE 16 or less D) BULK AND AREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 6,119 sq ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 66 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 16,119 sq ft E) SETBACK RE UIREMENTS FRONT I SIDE REAR 43ft 8 ft loft Lot 6 is 15ft Front Setback along west property line Lot 2 is 15ft Side Setback along alley (F) MAX HEIGHT. • 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 40% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS. Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 1.15 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS: 5 PDC, Inc. 4 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 11 of 34 i -rf I Irk '-I r I sr I f I -• I y 'I�r S - . 3 It -,•!_ II. }ice _ ��:� 'fuH� .1 ` I � • h • ti l irrl-i- , ` I , 6 irrl-i- , i a ii','I,I�..��: r J } V 11 rLn J O II 7��' 7 tyil`i ,i'1� Ii `� SI i'j �11111��±P � 4 r�•R"1 r.,o4� L...:ij'1 ���� orn�� r u LU g FV r+l iI � Jr 4B '.!. :<rs�sA�zee„^::.,.�r..:.�r.'It•Dyt+l,�:w;:•>•-',. I ,_.r- I� FeAmary 24, 2054 --- -- piannmg Commission oc u ivlsion Agenda Item 7 13 of 34 At {Z 4' , I Id Ln ' Lw 4• ' _ a Oki I I Et •.,1�1, �. I r wu vj8�_ a4 'lilt tee r I1 ��( ��`�� i.fi��l�� r�������a���xEl � 11! I�i�•; I ,+ ��1 . s Wit r� J� I ri 4C. Ln fil ON • \�M i - lk � NFY_ ruary 24,14 y -- Planning Commission 9�(�i — �_ 7iJ'i 444818 P3aaac ubdiviklon Agenda Item 7 14 of 34 Paddock PZD Bruce Kemmet, P.E. Project 2005028 January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 3 (PA -3) SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 3 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE SMALLER TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT MODERATE DENSITY, WITH LESS YARD SPACE. ARCH. STYLE AND STREETSCAPES IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 6A, 6B & 6C (B) USES - Permitted Uses UNIT 1 CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING Conditional Uses UNIT 2 1 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I UNIT 24 1 HOME OCCUPATIONS I C DENSFrY.- UNITS/ACRE I 11 or less (D) BULKANDAREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 3,400s ft MIN, LOT WIDTH AT R/W 131ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 13,400 s ft E SETBACK RE "rrREMENTS FRONT SIDE JREAR 20ft 4ft 1 15ft Front Setback is from Happy Hollow Street side Rear Setback is on west side of lots (F) MAX HEIGHT- 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 50% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 0.32 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS: 3 PDC, Inc. 5 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 15 of 34 Paddock PZD Bruce Kemmet, P.E. Project 2005028 January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 4 (PA -4) SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 4 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE SMALLER TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT MODERATE DENSITY, WITH LESS YARD SPACE. ARCH. STYLE AND STREETSCAPES IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 6A, 6B & 6C (B) USES: Permitted Uses UNIT 1 CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING Conditional Uses UNIT 2 [ CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LuNIT.241 HOME OCCUPATIONS (C)DENSITY: UMTS/ACRE 1 12 or less (D) BULKANDAREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 3,100s ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT EASEMENT 31 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 3,100 s ft (E) SETBACK RE UIREMENTS FRONT SIDE REAR 15ft 411 15ft (F) MAX HEIGHT.- 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 55% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 0.54 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS: 6 PDC, Inc. 6 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 16 of 34 1• I 4 I '. I ` � rl, • r � r�,l IJ �Vf'. i•.'l#��:+t��' ±". iF` n. 14 11 6 :• r t1 yk qA `+•' I it i,' , 1N., .I , I.` rr ., �._ I� �..�. ' a' e �e , EI'�� lift, f I `I�� II1III�r�il III, 1. iIp j.4,:��' 1 5��Y49Yj14�fi, , ;Ij �.,_.;f...�.i. � � •I � 1` _ I '4 �Si� 6 -Mm LLJ ' k 4TI,o-1,1 ��11. l�`I ��IfR•�I III ! Q m I � � N � - • � III ' , ' I I' f l f �� ' I' � W , I UI O , 4 �� 'I 1t i,`1 f �I l — riiIi I _rI 1 I II i I�I, Ol�,l al'iy .:1'cy 91I� i I •�11 lI I I ( I� i 1 Ut p- yriF II r r, +;.�iLttl,l i�(I 1 F x�-�?;`,'•-r$i 'l j { 1 ���Irf i�rlt��33�,11.~Ili Y -,:r i'tll',l Illy I I �l�.l[i ' I 3I I �I a,— lit ' + a - 1 ' .,+ '� � ' d •� {f AL1 ['! � Illi*. i I i 1 _ ��.� r. fl ��.ri�rF�,� 4f �� �3if��l�f .J� �I.�11�r +'�•` ar i AA r tli •��i • .�j�1 , t i'. 4`�t i1i4Y�•fr '�r �; ��11 i i�7'•�' ��°i '� lir �!,� Fj I= � I�r ;�,'�. If ]1I .�u"jy1•y' r'47�F ':l Itf.. ` j, I�7�4i.�a}l �'{ val • ,� �;yg71If ',;t�'!•II R' � I I 'F,r• 4•..,I 1 �,�'1 •, i•A,4. �r1,� ' � �� hY•Y l f�i I , fir! ,. , 3 f if lSr r -"} - r February24A4 Plann'no Gomnlussion RZN 14-4618 P k 48 8 addoc Subdivision 17 of 34 iff, df f•', . ;.. i � fig 'p ''a "� Ir)I I� ! ''''�5�� ' ,�`�'��j:,,' � �•: ,a /1i?1i� ft011i'll IINU �'�;t�7,'!NI'11�ElkEl fry" IF qrm �s� I.._. ... !! a 1'�.. t r•i r } I ruary 24, min Im6 ,a /1i?1i� ft011i'll IINU �'�;t�7,'!NI'11�ElkEl fry" IF RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 18 of 34 I.._. ... !! a 1'�.. t r•i r } 1 _ .{ - ruary 24, min Im6 tLt1. _ p .j'f • Commi ss4'I n RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 18 of 34 E RZN 1 w O �z LL LU J z Ln February 24, 2014 Planning Co{i,prt,sion Paddock S inion Agenda Item 7 19 of 34 Paddock PZD Project 2005028 PLANNED AREA 5 (PA -5) MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING Bruce Kemmet, P.E. January 18, 2006 (A) PURPOSE: AREA 5 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWN HOMES WITH A MODERATE DENSITY WITH SOME SHARED YARD/PARKING SPACE ARCH. STYLE AND STREETSCAPES M SKETCHES ON PAGES 9A & 9B (B) USES. Permitted Uses UNIT 1 I CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 26 1 MULTI -FAMILY Conditional Uses UNIT 2 I CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 241 HOME OCCUPATIONS C DEN.SITF.• UNITS/ACRE 1 13 or less D) BULK AND AREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 2,000 sq ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 123 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 12,000 s fr SETBACK RE UIREJVENTS FRONT I SIDE I REAR 1011* 14ft**1 1011 * Front Setback is 15 feet on the west side of Lot 34. ** Refers to building side that is detached. Setback is 0 feet where attached Lot 46 Side Setback shall be 15 feet on the east side (F) MAX HEIGHT: 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 95% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 1.07 MAXNUMBER OFDWELLINGS: 13 PDC, Inc. 7 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 20 of 34 Paddock PZD Bruce Kemmet, P.E. Project 2005028 January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 6 (PA -6) MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 6 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWN HOMES WITH A MODERATE DENSITY WITH SOME SHARED YARD/PARKING SPACE ARCH, STYLE AND STREETSCAPES N SKETCHES ON PAGES 9A & 9B (B) USES: Permitted Uses UNIT 1 CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 26 MULTI -FAMILY Conditional Uses UNIT 2 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 24 NOME OCCUPATIONS (C)DENSITY.- UNITS/ACRE 112 or less (D) BULK AND AREA REGULATIONS. LOT AREA MINIMUM 2,875s I3 MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 25 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 2,875 s R (E) SETBACK RE UIREMENTS FRONT SIDE REAR 20 ft 4 ft* 1 20 ft * Refers to building side that is detached. Setback is 0 feet where attached (F) MAXREIGHT: 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 65% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 0.25 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS. 3 PDC, Inc. 8 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 21 of 34 Paddock PZD Project 2005028 PLANNED AREA 7 (PA -7) MULTI -FAMILY DWELLING Bruce Kemmet, P.E. January 18, 2006 (A) PURPOSE: AREA 7 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWN HOMES WITH A MODERATE DENSITY WITH SOME SHARED YARD/PARK[I�IG SPACE ARCH. STYLE AND STREETSCAPES IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 9A & 9B (B) USES: Permitted Uses UNIT 1 I CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 26 MULTI -FAMILY Conditional Uses UNIT 2 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 24 HOME OCCUPATIONS (C)DENSITY: UNITS/ACRE 1 12 or less D) BULKAND AREA REGULATIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 2,400 s ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 23 It LAND AREA PER DWELLING 2,400 s ft (E) SETBACK REOUIREMENTS FRONT I SIDE I REAR 20 ft* 14 ft** 1 15 ft * Front Setback is 15 ft along Acacia. * * Refers to building side that is detached. Setback is 0 feet where attached Front Setback is from Happy Hollow Road side Rear Setback is on west side of lots (F) MAX HEIGHT: 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 76% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES: 0.82 MAX NUMBER OF DWELLINGS. 9 PDC, Inc. y February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 22 of 34 Aw" law IV W EA 2 OR 0 ry24, commiag : Subdivision lf� 23 of 34 A r IV W EA 2 OR 0 ry24, commiag : Subdivision lf� 23 of 34 r F , .r y �Ir Paddock PZD Project 2005028 Bruce Kemmet, P.E. January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 8 (PA -8) COMMUNITY GREEN SPACE/COMMON AREA (A) PURPOSE: AREA 8 IS DESIGNED FOR COMMUNITY GREEN SPACE AREA AND TO ENCOURAGE THE SENSE OF COMMUNITY THROUGH THE USE OF THESE NATURAL AREAS ALLOWING SPACE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION. (B) USES: Permitted Uses UNIT 1 I CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT I UNIT 4 1 CULTURAL AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES I C DENSITY; UNITSIACRE NO UNITS ALLOWED INTENSITY- 0 NO PERMITTED STRUCTURES ACRES: 1.20 LOTS: 59 — 0.52 AC 60 — 0.27 AC 61— 0.16 AC 62 — 0.22 AC PDC, Inc. 10 February 24. 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 25 of 34 Paddock PZD Bruce Kemmct, P.E. Project 2005028 January 18, 2006 PLANNED AREA 9 (PA -9) SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (A) PURPOSE: AREA 9 IS DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE LARGER SINGLE FAMILY HOMES AT A LOW DENSITY. ARCH. STYLE IN SKETCHES ON PAGES 4A,4B & 4C. (B) USES. Permitted Uses UNIT I CITY WIDE USES BY RIGHT UNIT 8 SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING Conditional Uses UNIT 2 CITY WIDE USES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNIT 24 HOME OCCUPATIONS C DEN,517T. [JNITS/ACRE 5 or less D BULK AND AREA REGULA TIONS: LOT AREA MINIMUM 8,900:s ft MIN. LOT WIDTH AT R/W 66 ft LAND AREA PER DWELLING 8,900 s ft E) SETBACK RE UIREMENTS FRONT SIDE REAR 20ft 8 f 65 ft Rear setback area is for tree preservation easement area (F) M9XHEIGHT: 35 FEET BUILDING AREA: THE AREA OCCUPIED BY ALL BUILDINGS SHALL NOT EXCEED 30% OF THE TOTAL LOT AREA MATERIALS: Brick, Driv-it(Stucco), Hardy Panel, Hardy Board, Cedar shake siding and Asphalt shingle roofing to be used in different proportions to allow for slightly different looks on individual homes. ACRES. 0.92 MAX NUMBER OFDPPELLINGS: 4 PDC, Inc. 11 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 26 of 34 Paddock PZD Project 2005028 F. Proposed Zoning and Development Standards. Bruce Kemmet, P.E. January 18, 2006 • Zoning and Development Standards are listed below and in Section E. • Building Elevations are attached in the planning area at the back of this booklet. • Each lot shall be stepped by use of stem walls to avoid retaining walls at lot lines. G. Comparison Chart. Standards PA -1 PA -2 PA -3 PA -4 PA -5 PA -6 I PA -7 PA -9 RSF-4 Density 5 6 ll 12 13 12 12 5 4 Min. Lot Width 66 66 31 31 23 25 23 66 70 Min. Lot Area 6700 6119 3400 3100 2000 2875 2400 8900 8000 LandArea/Dwelling 6700 6119 3400 3100 2000 2875 2400 8900 8000 Max. Building Height 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 None Front Setback 20 43 20 15 10` 20 20 20 25 Rear Setback 25 10 15 15 10 20 15 65 20 Side Setback 8 8 4 4 4' 4' 43 8 8 Max. Lot Coverage 40% 40% 50% 1 55% 1 95% 65% 1 76% 30% 40% 1. Subject to existing utility easement. 2. Front setback is 15' along west side. 3. Front setback for Lot 50 is 15' along Acacia Drive. 4. Rear setback is designated for tree preservation area. 5. Refers to building side that is detached. Setback is 0 feet where attached. Overall proposed density for the development is 5.94 units per acre. H. Description of the Recreational Facilities. • There are no proposed recreation facilities within this development. • The property to the north is city park land reserved for nature recreational purposes such as nature trails. • In lieu funds are required for park lands fees for this development and the developer has offered paved parking with decorative stone columns and lighting to the Parks Department along the southern boundary of the park land immediately north of this site. I. Reason For PZD Request. • To provide a variety of affordable housing in a modern development integrated into the natural landscape and terrain of the area. • The development offers a mixed use of residential housing in an "in -fill" situation avoiding urban sprawl. PDC, Inc. 12 February 24, 2014 Planning Commission RZN 14-4618 Paddock Subdivision Agenda Item 7 27 of 34 -1 VAT OR- L 7d 11�;J 4�5� � I"jA10IS1Aiaa,,s-YDo TyRMa T I N I I w 15. 'i I W I FWV', 1111 MON 1 Ip I 'N:ill MR; INO ITH iff 77-- 9�al 111 K. 6w ' 71 L 1: ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF FayetVi CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AANSAS ' MEETING�F APRIL 15, 2014 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director FROM: Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner DATE: March 27, 2014 SUBJECT: RZN 14-4618: Rezone (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW RD/PADDOCK SD, 525): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PADDOCK LANE AND HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD. The property is zoned R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DISTRICT and contains approximately 9.60 acres. The request is to rezone 6.17 agees to RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE- FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE and/3.37 acres to NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION. RECOMMENDATION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of an ordinance to rezone the subject property from R-PZD, Paddock Road to RSF-8, Residential Single-family and NC, Neighborhood Conservation. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located north of Alberta Street and contains approximately 10.22 acres within an expired R-PZD (08-3170) The Coves. The property has some partial development improvements, including grading and gravel base for the planned Springfield Drive. The property is adjacent to the Fayetteville/Farmington City Limit on its west and south boundaries. DISCUSSION: On March 24, 2014 the Planning Commission forwarded this item to the City Council with a recommendation of approval with a vote of 6-0-0. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: None Attachments: • Draft ordinance, exhibits and staff report Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-argov Fayetteville, AR 72701 NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT -GAZETTE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS THE MORNINGMORNING EWS ALE SPRINGDERS N�:WSPAPERSLLC THE MORNING NEWS OF ROGERS NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES BENTON COUNTY DAILY RECORD 212 NORTH EAST AVENUE, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 1 P.O. BOX 1607. 72702 479-44&17001 WWW.NWANEWS.COM AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION I, Karen Caler, do solemnly swear that I am the Legal Clerk of the Northwest Arkansas Newspapers, LLC, printed and published in Washington and Benton County, Arkansas, bona fide circulation, that from my own personal knowledge and reference to the files of said publication, the advertisement of: City of Fayetteville - Ordinance 5676 Was inserted in the Regular Editions on: April 24, 2014 Publication Charges: $77.82 qa46 .c �� 0,�/� Karen Caler Subscribed and sworn to before me This I day ofn2014. N& NNW, Notary Public My Commission Expires:?�lA`ZT7Z`` CATHY WILES E kansas - SaMon County Public • Comm* 12397118mission Expires Feb 26, 2024 **NOTE** Please do not pay from Affidavit. Invoice will be sent. ORDINANCE NO. W76 "CITY OF AN-'ORDINANCE.REZONINO THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED) IN REZONIND PETITION VNI 14 -: ill F ARJOIr MATELY g§0 ACffES�,, � LOCATE T' rfi�E�OUT E§d"CQ N s $ ,00 PAI7 01 E AND P.Y,.r,? `10 � _ rr�` ROAD FROM R•PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZCNINO DISTRICT, TO RSF-S, RESIpDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, S'UNITS PER ACRE AND NO, NEIGHBORHOODi. `. I �B,SE�FEA26A 4�-x^ v' '� $` 1 ;BE IT ORDAI 9610 Tai CITY C wo , OF;,THE'LIjM OF'`FAYETTE1YIlLE ARKANSAS .as- - O �Op J3 `{itet',�YMe.Ctyr ernol�� Tiha ¢j i o + �'pitayltA.,ke�aee here9Y' - ehpngea the�r`6lgaelflcet�o�o}�.ttae`}nllging �b�gd�Prop,�, Jr y1N�am R P,ZD� Reiildentlel an�pali Zo4dng DI6GIct "', 13 en lel SrfgleTEamlry S'Unite per acre and NC Nelghborhootl CeCB4'rvaton, ""T,ehD n at Ezhibite A Ind B attecFlatl her@tG�ehk1 d - pqt; l roof 't - 4� rE ix Section 2 M th6 i Cr uticilyM-ihe Cxtof, ' 9 sylQef ACkeneee� he(e}�y ' em9n,a the oflcial zoning nota of e City o Pe�aBal eJetleet the zoning eit hgeprovi3ed Irt'90gon l PA88ED8hQAPPAQVED tbis 15t`(y�gy of Ap511 2p14 > aI AFPROVED, £g ATTEST By; 6Y LIONELD JORDAN Mayor ONDM E. SMITH Clry Clerk/[raesurer rat uirerEilbhs Por�