HomeMy WebLinkAboutORDINANCE 5336 ORDINANCE NO. 5336 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 169: PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF LAND AND CHAPTER 170: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL OF TITLE XV OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE(UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE), TO CLARIFY STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS, REQUIRE PHASED CONSTRUCTION FOR SITES LARGER THAN 20 ACRES, CLARIFY RE-VEGETATION REQUIREMENTS, CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS FOR CUT AND FILL SLOPES AND RETAINING WALLS, DEFINE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, RESTRICT LOCATION OF DIRT AND TOPSOIL STORAGE AND DEFINE STABILIZATION PRACTICES FOR DIRT AND TOPSOIL STORAGE, DEFINE A QUALIFIED INSPECTOR FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, AND REQUIRE SITE PLANS FOR ONE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENCES TO CONTAIN A PLAN FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND FINAL ON-SITE DRAINAGE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That Chapter 169: Physical Alteration of Land of Title XV of the Code of Fayetteville (Unified Development Code), is hereby repealed,and Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a part hereof, is inserted in its stead. Section 2. That Chapter 170: Stormwater Management, Drainage, and Erosion Control, Title XV of the Code of Fayetteville (Unified Development Code), is hereby repealed, and Exhibit "B," attached hereto and made a part hereof, is inserted in its stead. PASSED and APPROVED this 3`d day of August, 2010. APPROVED: ATTEST: r B ` t—� By: , RIIM W dplcmmnvy LI NELD JO Mayor SON RA E. SMITH, City Clerk/Treasur$t66\,. .. .f4S'% CCY O;c°G al. � :FAYETTEVILLE: %ysr9RKANSP�J�'"` a,,N TON a p/llllSlt111 ' Exhibit"A" TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 169: PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF LAND 169.01 INTENT.............................................................................................................................................3 169.02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................3 169.03 PERMITS REQUIRED/EXCEPTIONS.............................................................................................3 169.04 MINIMAL EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................4 169.05 ONE-TIME APPROVALS.................................................................................................................4 169.06 LAND ALTERATION REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................5 169.07 GRADING PLAN SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................8 169.08 GRADING PLAN SUBMITTAL........................................................................................................9 169.09 MINOR MODIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................10 169.10 APPROVAL....................................................................................................................................10 169.11 DISCOVERY OF HISTORIC RESOURCES..................................................................................10 169.12 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.................................................................................................10 169.13 OWNER RESPONSIBILITY...........................................................................................................10 169.14-169.99 RESERVED.........................................................................................................................10 CD169:1 Exhibit W CD169:2 Exhibit"A" CHAPTER 169: PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF LAND 169.01 Intent 169.03 Permits Required/Exceptions (A) It is the city's intent to safeguard the health, (A) Permit required. No grading, filling, excavation, safety, and welfare of Fayetteville citizens by or land alteration of any kind shall take place implementing standards and procedures for the without first obtaining: physical alteration of land. It is not the city's intent to supersede federal or state regulations (1) A grading permit pursuant to this chapter such as, but not limited to, the Occupational except as specified in§169.03(B); Health&Safety Act. (2) A stormwater management, drainage and (B) The purpose of this chapter is to control grading, erosion control permit(hereinafter referred to clearing, filling, and cutting (or similar activities) as a"drainage permit")except as specified in which alone or in combination cause landslides, §170.03(C)and§170.03(D);and flooding, degradation of water quality, erosion and sedimentation in storm sewer systems and (3) An Arkansas Department of Environmental water storage basins. It is also the intent of this Quality Stormwater Construction Permit and chapter that through the implementation of the incorporated Stormwater Pollution guidelines and regulations contained herein, the Prevention Plan, if required by state law. existing scenic character and quality of the neighborhood and city as a whole not be (4) A grading permit is required by the City for diminished. any development occurring within the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District boundaries. If (Code 1991,§161.01;Ord. No.3551,6-4-91;Ord. No.4100, a parcel of land is divided by the §2(Ex.A),6-16-98;Ord.No.4113,§1,8-18-98) Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District boundary, then only that portion of land lying within the 169.02 General Requirements boundary is subject to the requirements of (A) Protection. Persons engaged in land alteration this chapter. activities regulated by this chapter shall take (B) Exceptions where no grading permit is required, measures to protect public and private properties Grading permits are not required for the from damage by such activities. following: (B) Site conditions. Development shall generally (1) Excavation below finish grade. Excavations conform to the natural contours of the land, below finished grade for basements, natural drainage ways, and other existing site swimming pools, hot tubs, septic systems, conditions. retaining walls under 4 feet in height, and (C) Adjacent properties. All developments shall be like structures authorized by a valid building permit. constructed and maintained so that adjacent properties are not unreasonably burdened with (2) Cemetery graves. Cemetery graves. surface waters as a result of such development. More specifically, new development may not (3) Refuse disposal. Refuse disposal sites unreasonably impede water runoff from higher controlled by other regulations. properties nor may it unreasonably channel water onto lower properties. (4) Single-family/duplex. Construction of one single-family residence, or duplex not (D) Restoration. Land shall be revegetated and located within the 100 year flood plain, the restored as close as practically possible to its Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District, or on a slope original conditions so far as to minimize runoff 15%or greater. and erosion are concerned. Previously forested areas shall follow the City's Landscape Manual (5) Building additions. Building additions of less for mitigation of forested areas. than 2,000 square feet where associated land alteration activities are not beyond the (Code No. 1991, §161.02; Ord. No. 3551, 6-4-91; Ord. No. scope of what is necessary to construct said 4100, §2 (Ex.A),6-16-98; Ord. No. 4113, §1, 8-18-98; Ord. 4855,4-18-06) addition and are not located within the 100 year flood plain, the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District,or on a slope 15%or greater. (C) Grading permit application and approval. No grading permit shall be issued until the grading CD169:3 Exhibit"A" plan, endorsed by a registered architect, (2) Where construction activity will resume on a landscape architect, or engineer, is approved by portion of the site within 21 days from when the City Engineer. A separate permit shall be activities ceased, (e.g. the total time period required for each site; it may cover both that construction activity is temporarily excavations and fills. Grading permits may be ceased is less than 21 days) then issued jointly for parcels of land that are stabilization measures do not have to be contiguous, so long as erosion control measures initiated on that portion of the site by the 14th are in place until project completion. Any day after construction activity temporarily application for a required grading permit under ceased. this chapter shall be submitted concurrently with the application and calculations for a drainage Stabilization practices may include: temporary permit if such a drainage permit is required by seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, §170.03., coordination with Chapter 167. Tree geotextiles, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer Preservation and Protection is required. strips, protection of trees, and preservation of mature vegetation and other appropriate (D) Permit posted. A copy of the grading permit measures. See Chapter 167 of the UDC for tree cover page shall be posted at or near the street protection requirements. right-of-way line and shall be clearly visible from the street. (C) Intermittent(perennial streams. No intermittent or perennial stream, including a 25 foot perimeter (Code 1991,§161.03;Ord. No.3551,6-5-91;Ord.No.4100, strip measured from the top of the bank, shall be §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4113, §1, 8-18-98; Ord. No. graded, developed, channeled, or physically 4313,5-15-01;Ord.4855,4-18-06) altered unless adequate guarantees are made for 169.04 Minimal Erosion Control erosion and sedimentation control both during construction and post construction. Likewise, Requirements cuts or fills shall be setback sufficiently from If exempt under 169.03, a grading permit is not intermittent and perennial streams and other required. However, exempt as well as non-exempt stormwater drainage systems to guarantee that activities shall be subject to the following minimal there will be no damage from erosion or erosion and sedimentation control measures. sedimentation. Final erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be approved by the City (A) Natural vegetation. The potential for soil loss Engineer. shall be minimized by retaining natural vegetation wherever possible. Development in the (D) Excavation material. Excavation material shall Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District should comply not be deposited in or so near streams and other with the recommendations of the Hillside/Hilltop stormwater drainage systems where it may be Best Management Practices Manual with regard washed downstream by high water or runoff. All to the retention of natural vegetation on excavation material shall be stabilized Hillside/Hilltops. immediately with erosion control measures. (B) Stabilization. A record of the dates when grading (E) Fording streams. Fording of streams with activities occur, when construction activities construction equipment or other activities which temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of destabilize stream banks shall not be permitted. the site, and when stabilization measures are initiated shall be included in the erosion and (F) Debris, mud, and soil in public streets. Debris, sediment control plan. Except as provided in (1) mud and soil shall not be allowed on public and (2) below, stabilization measures shall be streets but if any debris, mud, or soil from initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the development sites reaches the public street it site where construction activities have shall be immediately removed via sweeping or temporarily or permanently ceased, but in no other methods of physical removal. Debris, mud, case more than 14 days after the construction or soil in the street may not be washed off the activity in that portion of the site has temporarily street or washed into the storm drainage system. or permanently ceased. Storm drainage systems downstream of a development site should be protected from (1) Where the initiation of stabilization measures debris, mud, or soil in the event that debris, mud, by the 14`" day after construction activity or soil reaches the drainage system. temporarily or permanently ceases is precluded by snow cover, stabilization (Code 1991, §161.04;Ord. No. 3551,6-5-91;Ord. No.3947, measures shall be initiated as soon as §1, 2-6-96; Ord. No. 4100, §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. practicable. 4113,§1,8-18-98;Ord.4855,4-18-06) 169.05 One-Time Approvals CD169:4 Exhibit"A" the City Engineer for purposes of assessing (A) Utilities. Public and private utility organizations safety, stability, and drainage problems: may obtain a one-time approval from the City (See illustrations). Engineer for all routine underground electric, water, sewer, natural gas, telephone, or cable (a) Setback from top or toe of cut or fill. facilities. The approval will include a utility Buildings shall be setback from the top organization and its contractors, agents, or or toe of a cut or fill in accordance with assigns and will be permanent in nature as long Zoning, Chapters 160 through 165; as the original approved procedures are followed. Building Regulations, Chapter 173; or the approved grading plan, whichever is (B) Stockpiling materials. One-time approval may be greatest. obtained by public or private entities for the stockpiling of fill material, rock, sand, gravel, (b) Setbacks from property lines. The aggregate, or clay at particular locations, subject required setback of retaining walls, cut to Zoning, Chapters 160 through 165. slopes, and fill slopes from property lines shall be as given in the (Code 1991,§161.05;Ord.No. 3551,6-4-91;Ord. No.4100, illustrations. Property lines may be filled §2(Ex.A),6-16-98) over or cut if a grading plan for the cut or fill is submitted jointly by the owner of 169.06 Land Alteration Requirements both properties or with written permission from the adjacent property (A) Grading plan evaluation. Grading plans shall be owner and if no utility easements are evaluated by the City Engineer for conformance involved. If utility easements are with the minimal erosion control requirements of involved, approval is required as given §169.04 and the following requirements. in (c) below in addition to the joint (B) Requirements varied. Variances of this chapter's submittal requirement. requirements may be approved by the City (c) Setbacks from the edge of an Engineer. The extent to which variations may be easement. The required setback of made will depend on the soil types encountered, retaining wall, cut slopes, and fill slopes planned slopes, planned vegetation, and from the edge of easements shall be as investigative engineering reports. In no case given in the illustrations. Where no shall the City Engineer waive or modify any of the utilities are present in an easement, or minimum erosion control requirements as given where utilities are planned to be in§169.04. relocated, and where such action is approved by all in(C) Cut or fill slopes. easements may falll(with n ancut orh fill (1) Finish grade. Cut or fill slopes shall have a section. finish grade no steeper than 33% (3.00 (d) Setbacks from structures. The required horizontal to 1 vertical), unless otherwise setback of retaining walls, cut slopes, approved by the City Engineer. Land and fill slopes from structures shall be located within the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay as given in the illustrations. If a District may have cut or fill slopes with a structure farms an integral part of the finish grade no steeper than 50% (2.00 retaining wall, then the setbacks do not horizontal to 1 vertical) unless otherwise apply to that structure. approved by the City Engineer. (e) Calculating setbacks. For the purpose (2) Maximum length. The maximum length of of calculating setbacks, any cut or fill any cut or fill slope without a terrace (as section which is on a slope of one to described in 169.06 (D) below) shall be 100 one or greater shall be considered a feet as measured along the ground. The retaining wall. terrace shall be at least six feet(6)wide. (f) Administrative variance. Setbacks from (3) Existing topography. Cut or fill slopes shall easement lines and structures may be be constructed to eliminate sharp angles of varied administratively by the City intersection with the existing terrain and shall Engineer if geotechnical and/or be rounded and contoured to blend with the structural information is provided that in existing topography. the opinion of the City Engineer justifies (4) Setback requirements. The following the variance. '.. setback requirements shall be reviewed by CD169:5 Exhibit"A" (g) Additional information required. The (5) Terraces. Terraces shall be required for fills City Engineer may require further greater than 10 feet in height. It is geotechnical and/or structural recommended that terracing be at a information to show that setbacks maximum ratio of one foot of horizontal greater than those given are not needed terrace for every foot of vertical surface. to protect property, utilities, or the integrity of property lines. (F) Erosion and sedimentation control. (D) Cuts. (1) Permanent improvements. Permanent improvements such as streets, stone (1) Vertical height. Cuts shall be limited to 10 sewers, curb and gutters, and other features feet in vertical height unless information for control of runoff shall be scheduled demonstrating slope stability, erosion coincidental to removing vegetative cover control, and drainage control is provided from the area so that large areas are not left together with a re-vegetation plan. For exposed beyond the capacity of temporary nonsolid rock cuts, terraces shall be required control measures. for cuts greater than 10 feet in height. It is recommended that terracing be at a (2) Phased Construction. The area of maximum ratio of one foot of horizontal disturbance onsite at any one time shall be terrace for every foot of vertical surface. limited to 20 acres. An additional 20 acres (a maximum of 40 acres of disturbance at (2) Maximum vertical cut. In solid rock, as any one time) may be stripped with the determined by geotechnical and engineering permission of the City Engineer in order to data approved by the City Engineer, the balance cut and fill onsite. No additional maximum vertical cut shall be 30 feet. area may be open without the permission of the City Engineer until the previously (3) Fill material. In no case shall a cut be disturbed areas have been temporarily or allowed primarily for the purpose of obtaining permanently stabilized. fill material to a different site, unless the exporting site is located within an extraction (3) Stockpiling of top soil. Top soil shall be district. stockpiled and protected for later use on areas requiring landscaping. All storage (E) Fills. piles of soil, dirt or other building materials (e.g. sand) shall be located more than 25 (1) RocksAY1. All imported fill shall be free of feet from a roadway, drainage channel or rocks greater than 12 inches in diameter and stream (from top of bank), wetland, and any detrimental organic material or refuse stormwater facility. The City Engineer may debris. also require top soil stockpiles to be located up to fifty (50) feet from a drainage channel (2) Compaction. Fill shall be placed and or stream, as measured from the top of the compacted as to minimize sliding or erosion bank to the stockpile, for established TMDL of soil. Fill compaction shall equal the water bodies; streams listed on the State compaction of undisturbed, adjacent soil, 303(d) list; an Extraordinary Resource except fills covered by Building Regulations, Water, Ecologically Sensitive Waterbody, Chapter 173, or other structural fills. The and/or Natural and Scenic Waterbody, as City Engineer may require soil tests during defined by Arkansas Pollution Control and compaction work or upon its completion at Ecology Commission Regulation No. 2; the expense of the permittee. and/or any other uses at the discretion of the City Engineer. (3) Grade. Fill shall not be placed on existing slope with a grade steeper than 15% (6.67 Topsoil piles surfaces must be immediately horizontal to 1 vertical) unless keyed into stabilized with appropriate stabilization steps in the existing grade and thoroughly measures. Stabilization practices may stabilized by mechanical compaction. include: temporary seeding (i.e. annual rye or other suitable grass), mulching, and other (4) Vertical height. Fills shall be limited to 10 appropriate measures. Sediment control feet in vertical height unless information measures such as silt fence shall be demonstrating slope stability, erosion provided immediately for stockpiles and control, and drainage control is provided remain in place until other stabilization is in together with a re-vegetation plan. place. Storm drain inlets must be protected from potential sedimentation from storage CD169:6 Exhibit"A" piles by silt fence or other appropriate uniform ground cover. Sod, erosion barriers. fabric, herbaceous groundcover (in wooded areas),and/or a hydroseed with (4) Existing vegetation. Every means shall be warm season grasses is required. Re- taken to conserve and protect existing vegetation requirements shall be met vegetation. prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Cut and Fill tie-back slopes (5) Re-vegetation. Re-vegetation shall be shall be re-vegetated with appropriate required to meet the following performance tree species to achieve a minimum of standards (sediment controls shall remain in 25%tree canopy at maturity. place until re-vegetation is established) unless otherwise allowed by the City (6) Plant/water. Plant materials shall be Engineer: watered or irrigated and tended. Where irrigation or regular watering is not available, (a) Topsoil. A minimum of 4 inches of only native or acclimated plant species shall topsoil shall be required to be either be used. If the soil cannot properly sustain existing or installed in areas to be re- vegetation, it must be appropriately vegetated. Any application of topsoil amended. If re-vegetation is not firmly and seeding under the drip line of a tree established and healthy after one year, the should be minimized to 3 inches so as urban forester shall require that it be redone not to damage the trees root system. in part or total. (b) Zero to 10%grade: Re-vegetation shall (7) Plant/terrace bench. Plant materials shall be be a minimum of seeding and mulching. planted along terrace benches. Said Said seeding shall provide complete and plantings shall be spaced as necessary to uniform coverage that minimizes erosion thoroughly stabilize the terrace bench. The and runoff in no more than two growing remainder of the terraced slope shall be re- seasons. vegetated and stabilized according to (c) 10:1 up to 4:1 grade: Re-vegetation §169.06(F)(5)above. shall be a minimum of hydro-seeding (8) Permanent erosion control. The developer with mulch and fertilizer, sod, or shall incorporate permanent erosion control groundcover. Said planting shall features at the earliest practical time. provide complete and uniform coverage Temporary erosion control measures will be in no more than two growing seasons. used to correct conditions that develop during construction that were unforeseen (d) 4:1 to 3:1 grade: The slope shall be during the design stage, that are needed covered with landscape fabric and prior to installation of permanent erosion hydro-seeded with mulch and fertilizer, control features, or that are needed or staked sod, or groundcover. Said temporarily to control erosion that develops planting shall provide complete and during normal construction projects, but are uniform coverage in no more than two not associated with permanent control growing seasons. features on the project. (e) More than 3:1 grade: Any finish grade (G) Undisturbed land requirements. In the over 3:1 shall be stabilized with one or development of residential subdivisions, more of the following: allowable grading of slopes shall be in 1) Retaining walls; accordance with this table. 2) Cribbing with landscape fabric; 3) Terracing with groundcover; 4) Riprap; Average Grade Minimum Undisturbed Area 5) Staked Sod (up to 2:1 slope) 10 to 15 percent 40 percent If Cribbing, Terracing, or Riprap is used, 15 to 20 percent 50 percent the slope's stability and erodibility must >20 ercent 60 ercent be equivalent to or better than its predevelopment state. In the development of Large Scale Developments, Large Site Improvement Plans, and lots within the (f) Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District. Re- Hillside Overlay District, the minimum amount of vegetation of lands within the undisturbed land shall equal the percent minimum Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District shall be tree canopy pursuant to§167.04(C). Planned Zoning planted immediately after the physical Districts shall show undisturbed areas, but may be alteration of the land with complete and CD169:7 Exhibit"A" approved by the City Council with lesser percentages (4) Identify land to be disturbed. Land areas to of undisturbed area than required above. be disturbed shall be clearly identified. (H) Required retaining wall and rock cut design. (5) Engineedarchitect. Seal of a registered engineer, architect, or landscape architect (1) Designlnspection. Any retaining wall more certifying that the plan complies with this than four feet in height shall be designed by chapter. a registered professional engineer, and shall be field inspected by the design engineer. (6) Cuts and fills. All cuts and fills, including The design engineer shall provide proof of height and slope, shall be clearly shown on inspection and certify that the wall was the plan. constructed in conformance with the design. The City Engineer may require retaining (7) Streets and rights-of-way. Location and walls less than four feet in height to be names of all existing or platted streets or designed by a professional engineer. rights-of-way within or adjacent to tract and location of all utilities and easements within (2) Investigation/report. All proposed rock cuts or adjacent to the property shall all be and any cut or fill 10 feet or greater will indicated. require a geotechnical investigation and a formal report submitted by a registered (8) Lot/building, etc. identification. The professional engineer qualified to make such proposed location of lots, buildings, streets, investigations. parking lots and parks, playgrounds or green space shall be indicated. Also to be (3) Safety railings. Safety railings may be indicated is any existing or proposed building required on any retaining wall 2.5 feet or within 100 feet of the site. higher. The decision as to whether to require safety railing shall be based on (9) Soil type. Soil types shall be identified potential pedestrian and public access to the according to the Unified Soil Classification retaining wall and applicable building codes. System. This requirement for safety rails shall also apply to vertical or near vertical rock cuts (10)Natural features. Location of natural and to steep (greater than 3:1) cut or fill features such as drainage ways, ponds, rock slopes.p outcroppings, and tree cover. Indication of (Code 1991,§161.07;Ord. No.3551,6-4-91; Ord.No.4100, 100 year floodplains as defined by FEMA. §2 (Ex. A), 6-16-98; Ord. No. 4113, §1, 8-18-98; Ord. No. (11)Streets and drainage ways. Profiles and 4855,a-16-06) cross sections for proposed streets and 769.07 Grading Plan Specifications drainage ways. (12)Acreage/zoning. Total acreage and zoning (A) Grading plan. The applicant shall prepare a classification. grading plan as follows: (13)Surface water. Provisions for collecting and (1) Site plan. Site plan at a scale no smaller discharging surface water. than one inch equals 50 feet, showing property lines; vicinity map; name of owner, (14)Underground utilities. Profiles and cross developer and adjacent property owners. sections of streets, drainage systems, and underground utilities, if they are necessary to (2) Existing grades. Existing grades shall be clarify the grading plan in terms of potential shown with dashed line contours and erosion or runoff,or if the grading on site has proposed grades with solid line contours. the potential of disturbing the utility line. Grading plans shall be required to show both the proposed grade and the undisturbed (15)Treatment of slopes and benches. The area. Contour intervals shall be a maximum method of treatment for all slopes and of two feet. Spot elevations shall be benches shall be indicated. indicated. (16)Natural vegetation preservation. Proposals (3) Designation of grade. Areas with 0 to 10%, for preserving natural vegetation and 10 to 15%, 15 to 20% and more than 20% description of re-vegetation or other grade shall each be identified in a permanent erosion control strategy. distinguishing manner. CD169:8 Exhibit"A" (17)Runoff/sedimentation. Specification of (B) Preliminary grade plan. The preliminary grading measures to control runoff and plan shall include all the above items except (5), sedimentation during construction indicating (7), (11), (13), and (14) above. In addition to the what will be used such as straw bales, silt above items,the city may require a cross section dams, brush check dams, lateral hillside through the property showing existing and ditches,catch basins,and the like. proposed grades as part of the preliminary submission. (18)Preliminary plat master build-out grading plan. The applicant shall prepare a master The following additional required information may grading plan to be followed during individual be reported in text rather than shown on the lot development to convey runoff to a public grading plan. drainage easement or right of way. In addition to the requirements of 169.07 A, the (1) Time schedule. A time schedule indicating following shall be required for individual lot the anticipated starting and completion dates drainage design: of the development sequence and time of exposure of each area prior to stabilization a. Identify lot lines and conceptual foot measures. print of residence. (2) Description / rill material / compaction. b. Establish the minimum finish floor Description of quantity (in cubic yards), and grading adjacent to the source, and composition of imported fill residential structure in accordance material and compaction specifications. with Chapter 173 Building Also, note the quantity (in cubic yards) and Regulations and the Arkansas Fire destination of excavation materials to be Prevention Code. removed from the site. c. Indicate individual lot drainage with (3) Dust. Where excessive dust may become a the use of spot elevations and flow problem,a plan for spraying water on heavily arrows. traveled dirt areas shall be addressed. i. The minimum slope of the (4) Soils engineering study. The City Engineer flow path from the top of may require a soil engineering study, or soil curb, top bank, or loss calculations if site conditions so warrant. approved drainage inlet to the high point of the final (Code 1991,§161.08;Ord. No.3551,6-4-91;Ord. No.4100, graded lot shall be at a §2 (Ex. A),6-16-98; Ord. No. 4113, 8-18-98; Ord. No.4855, minimum of 2% for 4-18-06) grassed surfaces. ii. In general, drainage should be routed on the shortest practicable 169.08 Grading Plan Submittal flow path to the public right of way or drainage easement. (A) Preliminary grading plan. A preliminary grading plan shall be submitted at the time of preliminary d. Non structural grassed swales for plat submission for subdivisions or plat rear lot drainage concentration is submission for large scale development, discouraged and shall not be whichever is applicable. installed in combination with a utility easement. (B) Final grading plan. No subdivision may be finalized, nor large scale development plat e. Utility Easements shall be graded approved before a final grading plan has been and shaped in accordance with the submitted to the City Engineer and approved. master build-out grading plan The final grading plan and the final plat of land during preliminary plat construction. located within the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District shall have the following plat note stating: L Provisions will be `Property and lot owners of lands located within considered to the Hillside/Hilltop Overlay District shall have accommodate positive foundation plans designed, approved and sealed drainage until build-out by a professional architect or engineer. occurs. CD169:9 Exhibit"A" (C) A copy of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention the property is fully stabilized. If property is Plan (SWPPP) is required to be submitted with transferred anytime between the onset of the grading plan for sites one acre or larger. development and at the time it is fully stabilized, all responsibility and liability for meeting the terms of the (D) In cases where neither subdivision plat, nor LSD chapter shall be likewise transferred to the new plat is applicable, proof of notification of adjacent property owner. property owners and grading plan must be submitted simultaneously with the application for (Code 1991,§161.16;Ord. No.3551,6-4-91;Ord. No.4100, a grading permit §2(Ex.A),6-16-98) (Code 1991,§161.09;Ord.No.3551,6-4-91; Ord. No.4100, 169.14-169.99 Reserved §2(Ex.A),6-16-98;Ord.No.4855,4-18-06) Cross reference(s)--Notification and Public Hearings, Ch.157. 169.09 Minor Modifications Finish grades shall be allowed no more than a 0.50 foot tolerance from the grading plan. However, the City Engineer may authorize in writing minor modifications so long as they do no alter the direction of run-off and otherwise comply with the intent of this chapter. When applicable, major modifications must be brought before the Subdivision Committee for their approval. 169.10 Approval Approval of a grading plan is contingent on meeting all the requirements of this ordinance plus any set of varied requirements approved by the Planning Commission. (Code 1991, §161.10;Ord. No. 3551,6-4-91; Ord. No.4100, §2(Ex.A),6-16-98;Ord.No.4113,8-18-98) 169.11 Discovery Of Historic Resources Whenever, during the conduct of grading any historical, pre-historical, or paleontological materials are discovered, grading shall cease and the City Engineer shall be notified. (Code 1991, §161.21;Ord. No.3551,6-4-91;Ord.No.4100, §2(Ex.A),6-16-98) 169.12 Certificate Of Occupancy All re-vegetation and grading plan improvements shall be in place before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued. When a property owner has finished building construction but has yet to install plant material, said owner may apply for a temporary certificate of occupancy. In evaluating whether or not to grant a temporary certificate of occupancy, the City Engineer shall consider weather conditions and temporary stabilization measures. (Code 1991,§161.15;Ord.No. 3551,64-91;Ord. No.4100, §2(Ex.A),6-16-98) 169.13 Owner Responsibility The property owner shall be responsible both for his or her employees and for all contractors and subcontractors from the onset of development until CD169:10 Exhibit"B" TITLE XV UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 170: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL 170.01 INTENT..............................................................................................................................................3 170.02 ADOPTION OF DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL ..........................................................................3 170.03 PERMITS REQUIRED ......................................................................................................................3 170.04 DRAINAGE PERMIT CONDITIONS.................................................................................................4 170.05 DRAINAGE PERMIT APPLICATION...............................................................................................5 170.06 SUBMISSION, REVIEW, AND APPROVAL OF PLANS.................................................................5 170.07 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA............................................................................................................6 170.08 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY.................................................................................................7 170.09 DRAINAGE PERMIT PROCESSING................................................................................................9 170.10 STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ........................................9 170.11 PRELIMINARY PLAT, LOT REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................12 170.12 1 &2 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................12 170.13 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION................................................................................12 170.14-170.99 RESERVED.........................................................................................................................13 CD170:1