HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-08-12 - Agendas CITY OF Ta, ■ L � l AGENDA ARKANSAS Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste Committee August 12, 2014 5:30 p.m. (or immediately after City Council Agenda Session) City Hall — Room 326 Committee: Chairman Mark Kinion; Aldermen Sarah Marsh, Martin Schoppmeyer, Alan Long Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Peggy Bell, CH2M Hill, Brian Pugh, Jeff Coles From: Tim Nyander, Interim Director for Water& Sewer Functions 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Approval of Meeting Agenda 5. Old Business a. White River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) During the meeting with ADEQ in June attended by Don Marr and Billy Ammons, ADEQ agreed to perform their own set of calculations, based on the data provided by the City, to ascertain whether or not they feel any changes to the Noland WWTP NPDES permit are required. ADEQ promised to share their results as well as their calculations by the middle of July or so. We have not yet received that information, although our technical team is attempting to follow up with ADEQ on that issue. We did receive a summary of the water quality standards which ADEQ now feels that they can support in the reach of the White River that the Noland WWTP discharges into. Those standards are significantly more stringent than what we originally proposed to the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APCEC). These newly proposed standards may or may not be an issue for the WWTP, depending upon how ADEQ uses them to calculate permit limits for the Noland plant. If ADEQ recommends final effluent permit limitations that the WWTP cannot meet, we may be forced to request that the APCEC approve in-stream water quality standards that are slightly higher than those currently supported by ADEQ. b. Lake Sequoyah Sediment Removal Project Several discussions were held with the land owner along Highway 16 East where the new discharge line from the sediment removal project will need to be placed, as well as City staff from Parks, Engineering, the City Land Agents, and the City Attorney office. These conversations have resulted in verbal agreements among all parties and Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville,AR 72701 draft documentation to describe and affect a land swap in conjunction with acquisition of additional easement along Highway 16. The land swap of approximately equal parcels will allow correction of some long standing issues that affect both the current land owner's residence and our proposed sedimentation basin construction areas, while the easement will allow a much less complicated installation of the pipeline we need. While we do not yet have fully executed contracts, we would appreciate the support of the Committee to move ahead with this action at the first available Council meeting. c. Illinois River Phosphorus • The stressor-response study to be performed by Ryan King of Baylor University has been put in motion. This will be a two year study of water quality in the area. We will provide brief updates periodically throughout the timeframe of the study as information becomes available. (NO CHANGE) • Illinois River Phosphorus EPA Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) process is theoretically still moving, although we have no confirmed update to the previous schedule issued by EPA. NO CHANGES KNOWN. The following schedule for TMDL-related activities is still the latest information we have been given: Milestone Timeline Calibration/Validation Modeling March 2014 Peer Review of the modeling May 2014 Sensitivity Analyses of the Modeling May 2014 Uncertainty Analyses of the Modeling June 2014 Load Reduction Scenarios Modeling July 2014 Draft TMDLs Development Dec. 2014 d. Water/Sewer Ordinance Article III — Discharge and Pretreatment Regulations within the Water and Sewer Chapter was updated with inputs from the City Attorney office and sent to ADEQ for their review. No formal response has been forthcoming thus far, other than a verbal indication that we should not expect a formal reply for a while. When this response arrives, we would either respond to any questions/comments from ADEQ or to recommend taking the ordinance forward. (NO CHANGE) e. West Fork Sewer Connection plans and the draft contract are being developed. Staff is working to identify design requirements for the West Fork lines and impacts on Fayetteville's system. We continue to work with McClelland Consulting Engineers, West Fork's consultant. 1. New Business a. 2015—2019 Utilities Department Capital Improvement Plan Presentation of the capital projects proposed for the next 5 years b. Recycling Education Update Discussion of educational efforts concerning recycling. 2 2. Reports a. Capital Project Update Number Project Description Contractor Cost % Complete 1 Greenland Gravity Sewer Improvements Fors ren, Inc. $1,242,968.30 5% Suncoast 2 SE Fayetteville/Elkins Outfall CIPP Part 2 Infrastructure $76.995.00 10% In Design 3 White River Streambank Restoration Design WCRC $ 577,221 ETA 2015 4 Swr Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 20% Design/Const In- 75% 5 South Mountain Pump Station Rehab House $ 200,000 6 Water Transmission Line Easements I McClelland En rs I Prelim Surveys I Completed 8. Presentations 3. Attachments Utility Department CIP Proposal. Recycling Education Materials 4. Adjourn Next Water, Sewer, Solid Waste Committee meets on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 5:30 p.m., room 326 3 4 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Caital Improvements Program CIP2015-2019 CIP Requested Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Total for 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015-2019 2300-IMPACT FEE FUND Water&Sewer Improvements Utilities Director(D900) Wastewater Impact Improvements 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 2,000,000 Street/Highway Projects 400,000.00 Water Impact Improvements 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 Street/Highway Projects 500,000.00 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 4,500,000 5400-WATER&SEWER FUND Wastewater Treatment Improvements Utilities Director(D900) Phosphorus Standards Management 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Watewater Treatment Plant(D930) Plants Pumps and Equipment-WWTP 270,000 305,000 295,000 405,000 355,000 1,630,000 Stage 1-Noland motor control replacemnt for basin aeratros,mixers,influent pumps ect.. 270,000.00 Upgrade/Replace Lift Stations-WWTP 67,000 125,000 130,000 50,000 100,000 472,000 Replacement of aging pumps 67,000.00 Building Improvements-WWTP 410,000 30,000 45,000 30,000 30,000 545,000 Catwalk for silo at Biosolid Management Site 260,000.00 Breakdown: Catwalk for silo 60,000.00 Ethernet 50,000.00 Westside Clarifiers-Lining 300,000.00 150,000.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 Filter Cell Replacement-WWTP-Accrue$$ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 4,000,000 1,747,000 1,797,000 1,510,000 1,520,000 1,535,000 535,000 6,897,000 Water&Sewer Improvements Water&Sewer Maintenance(D910) Sewer Rehabilitation Ramsey and Overcrest 2,340,000.00 2,340,000 0 0 0 0 2,340,000 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 1,400,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 7,900,000 CIPP Term Contract-2015 330,000.00 CCTV 36 Inch Interceptor 117,000.00 Permanent Flow Meter Telemetry(17) 51,000.00 Purchase 10-Rain Gauges with Telemtry 17,350.00 Conduct SSES om SFM-05 Drainage Area 185,000.00 Design Rehab Improvements in SFM05-Area 225,000.00 Conduct SSES in SFM18/19 Drainage Area 556,000.00 1,481,350.00 Water/Sewer Relocate for Street Bonds 1,300,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,800,000 Maple St-Garland Ave to Razorback Road Zion Road Vantage Dr to Hwy 265 1,400,000.00 1,400,000.00 Water/Sewer Impact Fee Cost Sharing 275,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,075,000 Water/Sewer Equipment Expansions 150,000 145,000 168,000 21,500 20,000 504,500 Tadem Axle Dump Truck 110,000.00 Leak Detection Equipment 40,000.00 150,000.00 Water Meters 300,000.00 315,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 1,615,000 Backflow Prevention Assemblies 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 Water/Sewer Rate Study 30,000 0 170,000 0 0 200,000 Water System Rehabilition&Replacement 2,095,000 1,825,000 2,055,000 1,885,000 2,065,000 9,925,000 Hwy 62(MLK Drive)and 1-49 Interchange May Use some impact fee$$$ Hwy 16(Wedington Dr)and 1-49 Interchange May Use some impact fee$$$ Ed Edwards Line Replacement 1,200,000.00 Replace galvanized pipe 400,000.00 1,600,000.00 Water Storage&Pump&Ground Maint 85,000 0 0 0 0 85,000 Maintenance at Pump Stations 85,000.00 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Caital Improvements Program CIP2015-2019 Water/Sewer Building&Office Improvements 170,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 370,000 New heated building for vac-truck 120,000.00 Additonal Bunkers for Material Storage 50,000.00 170,000.00 Billing and Collections(D520) Business Office Improvements 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Cashier Area Improvements 20,000.00 Utilities Technology Improvements 12,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 102,000 Kiosks for the deposit center 10,000.00 7,556,350 8,202,000 5,595,000 5,018,000 4,531,500 4,720,000 28,066,500 Total Water&Sewer Fund 10,203,350 9,999,000 7,105,000 6,538,000 6,066,500 5,255,000 34,963,500 SurveyMonkey Analyze-Ed program evaluation Page 1 of 2 Upgrade washcaea • — +Create Survey Home My Surveys Survey Services Plans&Pricing Upgrade for more meaningful results:View all your responses and gel powerful analysis Get startedl Ed program evaluation Design Survey Collect Responses Analyze Results CURRENT VIEW RESPONDENTS:47 of 47 Export All share All +FILTER +COMPARE +SHOW Question Data Individual No rules applied A Rll Summaries O Trends L Responses Responden1929 Rules.1.1 yor;to FILTER COMPARE end SHOW I----- ---- --L_.: results to see(rends and pallerns Learn rr•ue r #29 COMPLETE Edll Doteto Export Collector:New Link(Web Link) SAVED VIEWS(1) © Started:Tuesday,December 17,2013 2:49:22 PM Last Modified:Tuesday,December 17,2013 2:53:48 PM ■ Original View(No rules applied) Time Spent:00:04:26 IP Address:174 79.102 220 +Save as EXPORTS lO PAGE1 SHARED DATA O Q1:What was the name of the program(or the topic)and who was the presenter? No shared data Mr Can Man Elizabeth Hill Sha-g al'—you to share your su-vey results vo!h Q2:The material presented was very useful. olhers You can share all data,a saved view or a sngle quesli�;""orra'y Learn r—n Agree Share All Please tell how you will use this We were currently working on a unit about Community,leaching children material In your olasa orvdth about making responsible choices. your group. 03:The session met my needs for covering the Arkansas education frameworks. Agree Q4:Material presented was appropriate for this audience. Agree 05:The tools or displays used by the Instructor engaged the audience. Agree QS:The Instructor was knowledgeable about the subject at the appropriate level. Agree Q7:The Instructor effectively related to and communicated with the students/audience. Agree QB:The Instructor Involved studentslaudience in the learning process. Agree Q9:Which part of the presentation did you find most beneficial?Please provide any additional comments or suggestions. https://www.surveymonkey.com/analyze/browse/NSAT1zEZsLbRTNukV 9Kk7e 1 Sc57YOY1... 6/5/2014 SurveyMonkey Analyze-Ed program evaluation Page 2 of 2 E)talnkrp to the children what recycling is and Involving them in the process of sorting and identifying different types of materials. 010:Please list any changes In attitude or behavior as a result of this presentation. Rncpondenr skipfwW this ynccrinn Community: Developers • Facebook • Twitter • IJnkedln • Our Blog • Google- • YouTube About Us: Management Team • Board o1 Directors • Partners • Newsroom • Contact Us • Jobs • Sdsmap • Help Policies: Terms of Use Privacy Policy • Anti-Spam Policy • Security Statement • Email Opt-In 11. Language: English Espanol Portugues Deutsch Nederlands Fraixais Pycattut Italiano Dansk • Svenska !4<;rfl gra a 11,A:(V9) TLAsa Norsk • Suomi Copyright©199&2014 SurveyMonkey, https://www.surveymonkey.com/analyze/browse/NSATIzEZsLbRr[NukV9Kk7el Sc57YOY1... 6/5/2014 i i 1 1 3 Science Activity Report Page 1 of 2 3 Science Activity Report Class: 3 Science Activity: Test Date: 5/14/2014 �— r Points: 14.0(Questions 14) Class Average: 9.1/14.0(65.3%) Student Summary Student Name Student ID# Questions Points Score DANA MOSLEH ALHARBI - - - - EMILY MARIE ARNOLD - 9 9 64.3% LEE NOLA MAY BARKER - 7 7 50.0% KARLIFAYTH BERRY - - - - JACOB FRANK BOWERS - 8 8 57.1% MALIK MICHEAL BROOKS - 10 10 71.4% JORDAN WADE CARPENTER - 8 8 57.1% RICHARD CHAGOLLA - 11 11 78.6% SHALIN ANN CHARLES - - - COREY IAN CHURCH - 10 10 71.4% RADARIAN ANTWON COBBS - 9 9 64.3% KAYLA BETHANY CUMMING - 8 8 57.1% KAYLEE MARIE EBERLEY - - - - NATHANIEL ALEXANDER ELDRIDGE - - - - ERIC NATHANIEL THOMA HEDGES - 10 10 71.4% KENNEDY RUTHANN KERN - 9 9 64.3% MEICA LEE KYLES - 10 10 71.4% ANNA CLAIRE LAMBERT - 13 13 92.9% MATTHEW CRAWFORD LAWRENCE - 7 7 50.0% NATALY MARGARITA PEREZ - 10 10 71.4% ERIKA NAOMI POINTER - 11 11 78.6% RELEIGH CHEYENNE SKIDMORE - 5 5 35.7% KALIEY NICHOLE SUTHERLAND - 9 9 64.3% CHLOE ANABELLE THOMPSON - - - - FLOYD TYLER TREASH - - - - JASON HENRY TULLIS - 10 10 71.4% TEAGHAN JEWELL WHARRY - 10 10 71.4% SARAH PEARL MAGALINE WILLIS - 7 7 50.0% ABBY KELLY - 10 10 71.4% Question Summary # Question Weight Answers Correct Class Answer Average file:///C:/Users/Justin.Leflar/AppData/Local/Temp/mimio_Ox0000290c/mimio_report_2.html 5/22/2014 3 Science Activity Report Page 2 of 2 1 What country in the world creates the most trash? (A) China (B) United 1.0 States B 0.0% (C) Russia (D) Mexico 2 What country in the world creates the most trash? (A) China (B) United 1.0 States B 72.7% (C) Russia (D) Mexico 3 The average American makes and throws away how many pounds of trash (A) .5 each day? (B) 1 0 1.0 (C) 4 C 63.6/o (D) 8 4 If you looked at all of the trash thrown away in one year,you would find the (A) Plastic most... 1.0 (B) Metal C 27.3% (C) Paper (D) Glass 5 The government takes away the trash that we make for free. 1.0 (T) True F 54.5% (F) False 6 People can save money in Faytetteville by producing less waste and 1.0 (T) True T 77.3% getting a small green curbside trash can instead of a large one. (F) False 7 What kind of plastic can be collected for recycling by the city of (A) #1 Water Faytetteville? Bottles (B) Yogurt Tubs 1.0 (C) To go A 86.4% boxes (D) Bubble Wrap 8 What kind of plastic can be collected for recycling by the city of (A) CD Cases Faytetteville? (B) Pickle Buckets 1.0 (C) To go D 95.5% boxes (D) #2 Milk Juggs 9 A landfill is different than a dump. 1.0 (T) True T 40.9% (F) False 10 Compost is bad for you and the environment. 1.0 (T) True F 59.1% (F) False 11 In Arkansas,what do most people do with their waste? (A) Recycle 1.0 (B) Landfill B 68.2% (C) Burn (D) Compost 12 The landfills in Arkansas will always have plenty of room for the trash we 1.0 (T) True F 86.4% produce. (F) False 13 I want to send less of my own waste to the landfill. 1.0 (T) True T 95.5% (F) False 14 1 know how to reduce the amount of waste I make. 1.0 (T) True T 86.4% (F) False file:///C:/Jsers/Justin.Leflar/AppData/Local/Temp/mimio_Ox0000290c/mimio_report_2.htm1 5/22/2014 2 Science Activity Report Page 1 of 2 2 Science Activity Report Class: 2 Science Tr Activity: Test � �' , t Date: 5/16/2014 Points: 13.0(Questions 13) Class Average: 11.3/13.0(86.6%) Student Summary Student Name Student ID# Questions Points Score ABAGAIL MCKENZIE BAUGHER - 13 13 100.0% CAMERON MICHAEL BOYD - 12 12 92.3% AZYA RENA BROWN - 13 13 100.0% MADISON SANDRA CAMPBELL - 9 9 69.2% BRISA ESPERANZA CASAS-GUERECA - 11 11 84.6% CLAUDIA MARIE GILLARD - 7 7 53.8% KALYN PAIGE DANIELLE HARRIS - 13 13 100.0% KENTRELL SEVON JUNE HULL - 11 11 84.6% QUINCY TRAVON ISRAEL - - - - STEVEN SHAMAR JOHNSON - 9 9 69.2% KENNETH NJUGUNA KURIA - 12 12 92.3% KENNEDY CANTRELL MAHONE - 11 11 84.6% DALVIN DESHAWN MASSEY - 8 8 61.5% BENJAMIN CHARLES MORGAN - 12 12 92.3% GAGE AUSTIN REID - 13 13 100.0% PILO ARMANDO REYES MORA - 10 10 76.9% GRACE ELIZABETH SALMONSEN - 12 12 92.3% NEVEAH CZARINA SMITH - 12 12 92.3% CARTER THOMAS SONE - 12 12 92.3% ZACHARY E C SPENCER - 11 11 84.6% SHAUNESI MICHAELA THOMAS - 9 9 69.2% CHRISTIAN MCKELLEN TUCKER - 12 12 92.3% ARIANNA NICOLE WALTER - 12 12 92.3% ABIGAIL PRISCILLA L WOLLMAN - 13 13 100.0% PRESTON HENRY YANDELL - 11 11 84.6% SYERRA BURRIS - 11 11 84.6% KALEB MUNDELL - 13 13 100.0% TIFFENY RAZ - 12 12 92.3% Question Summary # Question Weight Answers Correct Class Answer Average 1 What country In the world creates the most trash? (A) China (B) United file:///C:/Users/Justin.Leflar/AppData/Local/Temp/mimio_Ox0000290c/mimio report_I.btml 5/22/2014 2 Science Activity Report Page 2 of 2 States 1.0 (C) Russia B 92.6% (D) Mexico 2 The average American makes and throws away how many pounds of trash (A) .5 each day? (B) 1 ° 1.0 (C) 4 C 88.9/° (D) 8 3 If you looked at all of the trash thrown away in one year,you would find the (A) Plastic most... (B) Metal 1.0 (C) Paper C 77.8% (D) Glass 4 The government takes away the trash that we make for free. 1.0 (T) True F 66.7% (F) False 5 People can save money in Faytetteville by producing less waste and (T) True ° getting a small green curbside trash can instead of a large one. 1'0 (F) False T 88.9/o 6 What kind of plastic can be collected for recycling by the city of (A) #1 Water Faytetteville? Bottles (B) Yogurt Tubs 1.0 (C) To go A 92.6% boxes (D) Bubble Wrap 7 What kind of plastic can be collected for recycling by the city of (A) CD Cases Faytetteville? (B) Pickle Buckets 1.0 (C) To go D 92.6% boxes (D) #2 Milk Juggs 8 A landfill is different than a dump. (T) True 1.0 (F) False T 85.2% 9 Compost is bad for you and the environment. 1.0 (T) True F 96.3% (F) False 10 In Arkansas,what do most people do with their waste? (A) Recycle 1.0 (B) Landfill B 74.1% (C) Burn (D) Compost 11 The landfills in Arkansas will always have plenty of room for the trash we 1 0 (T) True F 88.9% produce. (F) False 12 1 want to send less of my own waste to the landfill. 1.0 (T) True T 85.2% (F) False 13 I know how to reduce the amount of waste I make. 1.0 (T) True T 96.3% (F) False file:///C:/Users/Justin.Leflar/AppData/Local/Temp/mimio Ox0000290c/mimioreport_l.html 5/22/2014 eb-r rvlf h ad do &/I v 1ha lf ry I ga') ek P 7 + + .7 It tt 43 whm Lua4er �q ab -1��r� . Thee ►- a�:) (r)�Jcb i-o �.t r b c abls Cjc Cb t Lk_)CU � on ly eke o� aboui 3_o 5e-L D.P rn H-ax vi DJ�CL eve. 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