HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-13 - Agendas WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF FEBRUARY 13, 2012 TRele—da THE CIN OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Aa KANSAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, n M rr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, eg E ell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Comm! ile me ing will be February 13, 2012, 5:30 PM, in room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics includ Agenda Items Requiring Committee Approval 1. Insituform Technologies Contract Extension for $330,000 for cured-in-place sanitary sewer linings and $185,595 for sewer rehabilitation in the vicinity of the Elkins Outfall gravity sewer project. In 2008, the City of Fayetteville accepted bids, information attached, for sanitary sewer main line and service lateral lining services with Insituform for a five year renewable term contract. The bid schedule includes specific unit prices for various items of work; with the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program then using the pricing to complete the annual rehabilitation program. The exact needs of each rehabilitation activity cannot be explicitly defined until the final design is completed, hence the unit price bid schedule is used to correlate costs to final project scopes. This direct contracting with Insituform Technologies allows Fayetteville to execute its sanitary sewer rehabilitation program effectively and efficiently. Pipes being lined under this contract are either identified by City forces through normal maintenance operations or by consultants executing Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Studies. Either way, engineering and administrative costs are held to a bare minimum as formal plans and specifications are not required. This work is an integral part of the City's ongoing program to maintain its sewer system in the most long-term yet cost effective fashion, with cured-in-place linings being by far the lowest cost strategy for applications where it is appropriate. This will be the 5th year of a 5-year renewable contract with Insituform. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. 2. Elkins Gravity Sewer Outfall Line bids were opened on January 31, 2012, and are attached. Under this contract, we will replace approximately 4,500 feet of sewer line that serves as the gravity outfall from the Elkins sewer force main and construct 26 manholes. Six bids were received. Rosetta Construction, LLC $ 692,223.00 T-G Excavating, Inc. $ 1,070,707.00 Building & Utility Contractors $ 1,201,500.00 Goodwin & Goodwin, Inc. $ 1,297,825.00 Horseshoe Construction, Inc. $ 1,448,500.90 Redford Construction, Inc. $ 1,638,300.00 Engineers Estimate $ 1,300,000.00 Staff recommends awarding the contract to Rosetta Construction, LLC. The contractor has completed past sewer projects to the satisfaction of the City of Fayetteville. Construction will begin this spring and will be completed this fall. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL for the March 6 meeting. 3. Elkins Cost Share Agreement for $150,000 to pay for the Elkins gravity sewer outfall line is attached. As we now know the cost of the project, it is time to finalize the agreement between the cities specifically identifying the amount of and agreeing to the cost share. Fayetteville's portion will also include any contract changes, and construction supervision, with the majority being funded by an EPA STAG grant that was awarded to Fayetteville for this project. Fayetteville already paid for the preliminary engineering and final design. When this construction contract is completed, Elkins' new west pump station will be able to operate at its peak capacity, rather than in the restricted capacity it currently operates. Additionally, the sewer line will Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 59 W-S-SW CommitteeAgenda 13Febl2 final WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF FEBRUARY 13, 2012 ultimately allow service to a larger area south of Highway 16, with most of this larger area expected to ultimately be within Fayetteville. The new pipeline is being sized with adequate capacity for this basin. As a result, both Cities benefit. Per previous discussions and agreements, Fayetteville and Elkins are responsible for cost share of 50% of the construction and design costs, with the Elkins total project share not to exceed $150,000. The Elkins City Council adopted Resolution 2010-19 on May 20, 2010, confirming Elkins'financial commitment to this project. The total cost breakdown is shown below. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL for the March 6 meeting. STAG $ 380,723 Elkins $ 150,000 Fayetteville $ 161,500 Total $ 692,223 4. McClelland Engineers Amendment 3 for $68,515 for construction phase services for the northern section of the Hwy. 265 Water and Sewer Relocation project (Joyce to Albright), is attached. The original design contract was awarded to McClelland in December, 2008 to design relocated water and sewer lines as a result of the combined AHTD and City widening of Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Mission and Joyce, upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36" transmission line. Design work for relocating and/or upgrading water and sewer lines for Phase II of the widening of Hwy 265 from Joyce to Albright was authorized and awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers in April, 2011. The design for relocating water and sewer lines on both sides of the highway is complete. This amendment covers the construction phase engineering services for the Highway 265 water/sewer relocations from Joyce to Albright. The work includes one full time construction observer, and all construction phase work including stormwater compliance monitoring, pay requests, regular site visits, developing as-builts, and related activities. Construction is anticipated to begin this summer and be completed by March 2013. STAFF REQUESTS THIS BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Agenda Items for Committee Information 5. Ca ital Prollect U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-10a Farmington Gravity Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Ha Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100% CIPP 2011 Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 100% Mt Se uo ah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W/L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valles $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation &36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 82.0% WL-13 Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100% WL-14 Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100% WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valles $ 591,768 100% BI0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 100% BI0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770 280 99.6% BIO-Gast Biosolids Gas Line River Crossing Goodwin&Goodwin $ 119,250 100% Elkins Gravity Sewer Outfall Line Rosetta Const $ 692,223 0% West Side Recycling Drop Off Bid Open Januar 20, 201 100% Canterbur 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & I Inc. $ 1,590,091 100.0% Canterbur Water Lines & Pum Station Sweetser Const $ 1,057,331 96.0% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 6. White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway; fish samples were taken in September with excellent results. Benthic samples were taken in October. The study will be completed in summer 2012. 7. Illinois River Phosphorus Evaluation process is continuing, with the EPA developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study for the basin. There is very active conversation between Arkansas, Oklahoma, and EPA Region 6 representatives; ADEQ Director Teresa Marks and ANRC Director Randy Young met with NWA representatives in Springdale January 6 to provide an update. The five Northwest Arkansas cities, Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning, and the NWA Council have been joined by Washington and Benton Counties and Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 2 of 59 W-S-S W CommitteeAgenda 13Febl2 final WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF FEBRUARY 13, 2012 the Farm Bureau to continue to evaluate the need and potential cost to collectively hire a consultant to run the model parallel with the EPA consultant in order to validate the model, confirm assumptions, and accuracy. 8. Solid Waste & Recycling Resource Management Plan, developed by the Strategic Planning team in cooperation with Solid Waste, is attached and has been published for public comment. Staff will incorporate public comments and present the document to the Committee for the March Water/Sewer/ Solid Waste Committee meeting. This document identifies short, medium, and long range diversion goals with methods of achieving the goals. 9. Highway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 28 of 29 owners. The trial for Mr. Brown is currently scheduled for April 24, 2012, but this may be deferred due to timing of the AHTD case on the same pro oerty. Perm Temp Perm Temp Tract Property Owner Parcel # Easmnt Easmnt Easement Const Damages Total ft ft Easement $ 10 John David Brown 765-13295-000 22,883 9,603 $ 23,700 $ 3,500 $ 400 27,600 10. Solid Waste Franchise Program Alternatives Evaluation is deferred the next Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Committee meeting, as information within the Resource Management Plan is relevant to the franchise discussion. 11. Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Committee Meeting is Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Attachments: 1 Insituform Technologies Contract Extension 2 Elkins Outfall Sewer Contract, Rosetta Construction 3 Elkins Cost Share Agreement 4 McClelland Engineers Amendment 3 8 Solid Waste & Recycling Resource Management Plan Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 3 of 59 W-S-SW CommitteeAgenda 13Feb 12 final • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO Fay e rLvl le MEETING DATE OF FERRIJARY 21,2012 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE.ARKANSAS nsns To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of St all David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayottcvillo Water and Sewer Con tittce From: Shannon JOL1l'5, Utilities Gnginccr j. �. Date: February 3,2012 Subject: Resolution approving a contract extension with Insituforrr Technologies, Inc. for cured-in-place sanitary sewer linings. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approving a contract extension with Insitufonn Technologies, Inc., and approving an authorization totaling $330,000 for scheduled lining services for cured-in-place sanitary sewer linings and $185,595 for sewer rehabilitation in the vicinity of the Elkins Outfall gravity sewer project. BACKGROUND On April 16, 2008, the City of Fayetteville accepted sealed competitive bids for sanitary sewer main line and service lateral lining services with Insitufonn Technologies submitting the successful bid proposal (see attached materials). The bid schedule includes specific unit prices for various items of work; with the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program then using the pricing to complete the annual rehabilitation program. The exact needs of each rehabilitation activity cartnot be explicitly defined until the final design is completed, hence the unit price bid schedule is used to correlate costs to final project scopes. DISCUSSION The direct contracting with Insituform Technologies allows the City of Fayetteville to execute its sanitary sewer rehabilitation program effectively and efficiently. It is effective as the administrative delays and costs are minimized due to the annual contract and pre-established pricing. Pipes being lined under this contract are either identified by City forces through normal maintenance operations or by consultants executing Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Studies. Either way, engineering and administrative costs are held to a bare minimum as formal plans and specifications are not required. This work is an integral part of the City's ongoing program to maintain its sewer system in the most long-tern yet cost effective fashion, with cured-in-place linings being by far the lowest cost strategy for applications where it is appropriate. This will be the 5a' year of a 5-year renewable contract with Insitufonn. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the 2012 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project budget and Elkins Outfall sewer line project. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AB 72701 Insitufonn Cmmxut Renewal-CC-2012.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 59 4.0 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL 4.1 ITEMIZED DESCRIPTION OF BID PRICING TO: City of Fayetteville Fayetteville, Arkansas GENTLEMEN: The undersigned bidder, having examined the specifications and contract documents, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, propose to furnish all equipment and to perform all labor and work necessary for the completion of the work described by and in accordance with the specifications and contracts for the following prices to wit. Item Amrox. Unit price NIo. Item Description Qty, 11il In FigUre Total 6"x 4.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 1 mainline,complete in place 'T1 WY 5►x augdet 3500 LF $ X.60 $ 123; 756. o0 vim r t¢ 8"x 6.0mm trenchless reha ilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 2 mainline,complete in place 2 TftT �O dollarsL 1500 LF $ JZ•Cl'O $ 148r fid• oo 10"x 6.0mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 3 mainline,complete in place _TI�MTY FouR dollars t 500 LF $ 3!4,co $ lit c500. c>o 2CTo CtOOT'> 12"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 4 mainline,complete in place 1 FO T T , TWO dollars t 500 LF $ LIT- CPO, $ Ztt Opp ,on Zeno cEH Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 59 Item Approx. Unit Price No. Item Descriptic, QW. Unit In Figures Total 15"x 7.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIDP of existing sewer pipe 5 mainline,complete in place y _FI�N 5 1(ZVC dollars Z 100 LF $ �T 00 $ S� 4CtJ. t5p Zr7i:o CEu7� 18"x 9mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe li mainline,complete in place Si QjTY jf&a dollar Z 100 LF s 75•zo $ :7 300 . 00 'Zero CSPB -- — Internal reinstatement of Service 7 Laterals 6NO QOY-r .delima 60 EA $ .OI i ' (00 Trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of 8 existing 4"Service Lateral dollars 30 EA $ ZOOO.co $ <aL3(oo0. 00 Zelia Standard Mobilization(within 15 9 working days) T.ro mubmio dollars 2 EA $ Zfto.am $ H Coo. 00 7.rrW C"TS - Emergency Mobilization(within 3 10 working days) ftef -IrfausAosi dollars I EA $SWO.00 $ o00. 00 Zt3. ' t'B.Ofy CIPP Point Repair,6"- 12" 11 Diameter, 10 LF CAAff 't"A601,El0 dollars{ 5 EA $ JOt90.Op $ $ ak"c , op ZW4 Coto Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 59 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $ Zc1$r 7.50. (00 two NupDR.ED Nrjry '91riHl {ouS4uD SCVE�1Jiuu➢2CD FIFf`[�tt r�._�JS9 fv TY C4 (In Writing) The undersigned understands that this bid is for a term maintenance contract for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mainlines throughout Fayetteville, Arkansas and that the City here may choose to purchase more, less, or none of the rehabilitation, depending upon its needs.The City is under no obligation to purchase a minimum amount of any item awarded. This contract is generally for miscellaneous and unidentified rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains and service connections using the cured-in-place pipe method. The bidder understands that the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive informalities in the bidding. The undersigned further agrees that the proposal guaranty may be retained by the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, provided the undersigned is one of the lowest and most advantageous bidders, and that said proposal guaranty shall remain with the City until the contract has been signed, and the bond required for the faithful performance of the contract has been made by one of the lowest responsible bidders;otherwise, proposal guaranty may be obtained from the City after forty-eight hours from the time of opening of the bids. The undersigned hereby declares that he has had sufficient time to make all test and investigations to arrive at an intelligent estimate of the cost of doing the work, and has carefully examined the specifications and documents relating to the work covered by his bid or bids, that he agrees to do the work, and that no representation made by the City are in any sense a warranty, but are mere estimates for guidance of the CONTRACTOR. Upon receipt of notice of the acceptance of the bid, we will execute the formal contract attached in quintuplicate,within ten days,and will deliver a Surety Bond for the faithful performance of the contract,and such other bonds as may have been required in the specifications.The bid security attached in the sum of 5%of the greatest amount of the total bid is ($5%) is to become the property of the City if a cashier's check, and if a bond, the principal amount shall be paid to the City of Fayetteville, in the event the contract and bond are not executed within the time set forth, and to be considered as liquidated damages because the delay and additional work caused thereby are incapable of accurate ascertainment. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED : Insituform Technologies, Inc. Bidder s Seat(If bidder Is o cor oraflon 51GNA1nREANOWU H. Douglas Thomas V.P.-Global Procurement/Ops.Support SIGNARYREANDnnE Business Address 17988 Edison Avenue Chesterfield, MO 63005 Telephone Number 636-530-8000 FAX Number 636. 530-0751 Arkansas Contractors License Number 0072030409 NOTE: DO NOT DETACH BID FROM OTHER PAPERS BOUND IN THIS DOCUMENT.Fill Bid Form In with ink and submit complete with all other papers bound in this document Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 59 4.2 GENERAL INFORMATION • Representatives from the CITY will contact the CONTRACTOR with their specific work items. The estimate will reflect and be based on the listed bid items. Upon notification and approval by the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall start work on the project within fifteen (15) working days. In the event of an Emergency Response project, the CONTRACTOR shall start work on the project within three (3) working days of notification by the CITY, and the CONTRACTOR and Owner shall agree to a final cost for the project no later than 24 hours after the completion of the project. • Payment for work on a particular project shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the work by the CITY. There will be no partial payment made for any project. • Invoices shall be sent to the CITY. They shall be itemized to include: The specific bid items utilized. - The quantities of those bid items. - The total cost for that project. - The total billing to date under the annual contract, including any change orders. • The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for all signing and barricading and will comply with those portions of the "Arkansas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" which pertain to construction. • The CONTRACTOR shall take precautions and use care to avoid damaging, disturbing, or disrupting existing private facilities on private or public property, i.e., fences, sprinkler facilities, shrubs, landscaping, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall restore, to the CITY's satisfaction, any damaged property at the Contractor's expense. • Completion of a particular project is defined to include the satisfactory performance of all minor and non-pay work items such as clean-up and restoration/replacement of all damaged private and public property, etc. POST LINING VIDEOING • After lining, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the City television results of the lining showing all taps made upon the new line. Upon completion of the video, a DVD shall be supplied to the CITY. UTILITIES COORDINATION • During the construction of this project, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for contacting Arkansas One Call for locating any utilities that may be involved in any excavations. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 59 5.0 CONTRACT AND BOND DOCUMENTS 5.1 AGREEMENT 2008 ANNUAL SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE AND SERVICE LATERAL REHABILITATION, CURED IN PLACE PIPE METHOD THIS AGREEMENT, made this ()-04k day of 1�1j�, 2008, by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and Insituform Technologies Enc_ ........ _ doing business as a Corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor", WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned: 1. The Contractor will commence and complete the projects selected for rehabilitation under this Term Maintenance Contract at the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas and all incidental and ancillary work in accordance with the conditions and at the prices stated in the Bid Proposal which are a part of these Contract Documents attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The Contractor will furnish all materials,supplies,tools,equipment,labor,and other services necessary for the construction and completion of the projects selected for rehabilitation. 3. The Contractor will commence the work required under this term maintenance contract for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mainlines throughout Fayetteville,Arkansas in a timely manner as projects are selected.The Contractor shall furnish City of Fayetteville a timeline for each project as preparation for the work begins. 4. The timeline for this contract shall end December 31,2008. Upon approval of the City of Fayetteville, the contract may be extended on a yearly basis for up to four years, through December 31,2012. 5. The Contractor shall be entitled to receive up to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($330,000). City of Fayetteville is under no obligation to purchase a minimum amount of any item awarded and City of Fayetteville may choose to purchase more, less,or none of the rehabilitation,depending upon its needs.This contract is generally for miscellaneous and unidentified rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains and service connections using the cured-in-place pipe method.The City of Fayetteville will pay the Contractor in the manner and at such times as set forth in the General Conditions such amounts, as required by the Contract Documents. 6. The Contractor agrees to perform the work described in the Contract Documents and comply with the terms therein for the amounts shown in the Bid Proposal. 7. The term "Contract Documents" means and includes the Advertisement for Bids,Information for Bidders,Technical Specifications, Bid Proposal, Agreement, General Conditions, Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Change Orders and Addenda prepared or issued by the City of Fayetteville. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon all parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 59 9. It is mutually agreed that should it appear to the City of Fayetteville or to the Authorized Agent in charge, at any time during the existence of this Contract, that the sureties on the Contractor's bond have become insolvent, bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to protect the City of Fayetteville under the terms of the Contract,the City of Fayetteville may demand the Contractor furnish additional security in some approved surely company satisfactory to the City of Fayetteville.The acts of the City of Fayetteville or the Agent with reference to demanding new or additional security shall never be construed to relieve the original sureties of their obligations under the contract, or to relieve the Contractor.The City of Fayetteville may stop performance under the Contract until additional security has been furnished by the Contractor,and the City of Fayetteville shall in no case be liable to the Contractor on account thereof. In the event of the refusal or failure of the Contractor to comply with the demands of the City of Fayetteville with reference to furnishing additional security,the City of Fayetteville may exercise its right as provided herein to stop all payments under the Contract and to arrange for completion of the Contract requirements obligating the Contractor for any and all additional expenses incurred. 10. Changes,modifications,or amendments in scope,price or fees to this contract shall not be allowed without a prior formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City council In advance of the change in scope, cost or fees. 11. City contracts and documents prepared while performing city contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville,the (contractor) will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A.§25-19-101 et. sec.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed, or caused to be executed by their duly authorized officials,this Agreement in four (4) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original on the date first above written. THE CITY OF FAYETFEV .CE .'�Gxs'4t�tV7�R r�r4r% //< tiV �r�Y Oc'SG�' By:_ Aliesi:, - Yt _(� jlAftt c Title: Mayor File: ;FAYU-- VILLE 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 /x- 74,KANs phr �T 0 f1 C; 0P CONTRACTOR: By: Allesi ?I. I)os Joan n Smith Title:V.P.-Global Procurement/ops. SupAort . lille: _ _ntracting .& Attesting-officer Company insitirf'orm Technologies,_-Inc._ (Corporate Seal) Address 17988 Edison Avenue Chesterfield, MQ 63005 *If a corporation,the Secretary of the Corporation should Attest. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 10 of 59 2008 CIPP Bid Tabulation April 16,2008 at 2:00 p.m. Insimfonn Technoloeics Suncoasl Infrastructure Item ;AO'T',y. Unit Price I Unit Pricc til Nn. Item Descri tion niy Unit Fi ores "101111 Figures Total 6"x 4.5nun henchless rehabilitation by CIPP I of existing sewerpipe mainline,complete in ilace 3506 LF $ 36.50 $ 127.750.00 $ 3460 $ 107.100.00 8"x 6.0mm henchless rehabilitation by CIPP 2 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in lace 1500 LF 5 32 00 $ 48,000.00 $ 3030 $ 45,450.00 10"x 6.Omm trenchlcss rehabilitation by CIPP 3 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in dace 500 LI $ 34.00 $ V,0W.U0 $ 31.00 $ 15.500.00 12"x 6.0nun henchless rehabilitation by CIPP 4 of existingsewer pipe mainline,complete in place 500 LP $ 42.00 $ 21,000.00 .$ 32.80 $ 16,400.00 15"x 7.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 5 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in place 100 LF $ 57.00 $ 5,700.00 % 5000 $ 5,000.00 18"x 9nnn trenchlcss rehabilitation by CIPP 6 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in lace 100 Ll 1 $ 73.00 $ 7,300.00 $ 60.50 $ 6,050.00 7 Internal reinstatement of Service Laterals 60 EA $ 0.01 $ 0.60 $ 150.00 $ 9.000.00 8 Trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing 4"Service Lateral 30 EA S 2.000.00 $ 60.000.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 87.000.00 9 Standard Mobilization(within 15 working days) EA $ 1000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 10 Emergency Mobilization(within 3 working days) I EA $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 9.060.00 $ 9.060.00 11 CIPP Point Re air,6"-12"Diameter,10 LF 5 EA $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3320.00 $ 16,600.00 'fatal Bid I 1 1$ 298,750.60 $ 322,160.00 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 11 of 59 fayLeevi lle CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE OF FEBRUARY 21,2012 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS AHXANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Doti Marr, Chief of Stuff David Jurgens, Utilities Directll Fayetteville Water and Sewer C'un mitice From: Shannon Jones, Utilities Engilleer . Date: February 3, 2012 Subject: Resolution approving a construction contract with Rosetta Construction, LLC for$692,223, Bid 12- 16, to construct Elkins Outfall Gravity Sewer Improvements. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Staff recommends approval of a construction contract with Rosetta Construction,LLC for$692,223,Bid 12-16, with a contingency of$50,000 10 construct Elkins Outfall Gravity Sewer Improvements, recognize a cost share from the City of Elkins for$150,000,and a budget amendment. BACKGROUND The City of Fayetteville was awarded a State and 'Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) in 2010 for $485,000. The grant funding is matched 55% federal to 45% local. The City's thatching funds are $396,818. The City of Elkins is going to cost-share $150,000 towards the project, per the attached City of Elkins resolution passed in 2010. This Fayetteville owned line carries Elkins' wastewater flow in addition to Fayetteville water from that area. The purpose of the grant is help fund the rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer system in the area of and including the Elkins outfall sewer line. The available STAG grant will fund $380,723 of this contract; the balance of the grant will be used to line approximately 6,000 feet of sewer line with a cured-in-place-pipe(CIPP)under our current contract with Insituform Technologies. DISCUSSION Under this contract, we will replace approximately 4,500 feet of sewer line that serves as the gravity outfall from the Elkins sewer force main and construct 26 manholes.The City opened six bids on January31,2012. Rosetta Construction,LLC $ 692,223.00 T-G Excavating, Inc. $ 1,070,707.00 Building&Utility Contractors $ 1,201,500.00 Goodwin&Goodwin. Inc. $ 1,297,825.00 IIorseshoe Construction.Inc. $ 1.448.500.00 Redford Construction,Inc. $ 1,638.300,00 Engineer's Estimate $ 1,300,000.00 Staff reviewed the bids and recommends awarding the contract to Rosetta Construction, LLC. The contractor has completed past sewer projects to the satisfaction of the City of Fayetteville. Construction will begin this spring and will be completed this fall. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available in the sewer impact fees budget and sewer rehabilitation budget. The budget adjustment transfers funds from the impact fee fund to the water/sewer fund,recognizes a cost-share with the City of Elkins in the amount of $150,000,and creates a contingency of$50,000. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,As 72701 Elkins Outfall-Rosetta Construction-CCMenm-2012.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12 of 59 P's, b tnlBudgetW ,1 i1 budget Year I Division Utilities Director' Department: Utilities Director ` s , s s 1u: t 20'12 22'11201�- f ILI BUDGET ADJUSTMENTyOESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION,,; ' '' rjt v*�� `.qf 5416;81t1 is requested in tMe Sewer Replacement:Ellans out fgll Ltne;capital projectu,$9 1 COQ,it�Lund1 g II t4; y i, .I ]recd lize transfer fto Im ctFee Funds $1p5 38 fro'm'theanitryL Sewer1 R;eh5a ltlf't3atpidn �^ 'Inj dtoq kjERinswrecognize$150,000 inshare revenue foh Iia,Cii,I.ir {�� .tit IJ jt rel : •, - i' ii4 I �4M X'{ jws.l S, 5� .41:�'a•' : } i,� ( v 11 LS�r''�: h p i�Wx_ ,�iJv Prepared , DWI9TO�n,•HBed �D� a-t�BJ, ?� �f- 'r J �-, r' rl • • :.. i 1rr i' � � .1?',lh '.s % - :'1 jl ,-i,' ,L • 1 . ,n 'i �'or. r ".t- 1 T J F Su t;, ctOr bate; � I? ,•pp Budget 8 Reaea�rch-U 041y . . T 'L De a?f ht D ' ctor S,_ bale i. T. l < Qe erai:LedgerDate _.'IL r c. c. rr_�i,! ..@LZs +L =, , _ L � I Posted to General Ledger. F l r at1� t , t Chief of Staff Date . r r L i,i,nt i -moi 7'i ori fi r J ,� e 11C LYerffied 4 Mayor Date: t 4° �� i X191 D f. l TOTAL BUDGEIIADJUSTMENT I' ^ 311 500C. 1, J.314'500 sr v .` c fid^ ��a6y Lj ti' lis _5�pea�e- � froJ lSbak Account Nam@ ': Account Number E ense f�elren a "-Num er u: Sewer Improvemon 540U157Q0 5815.00 :: 4x a �4 Trans from Impact Fee Fnd 5400:094q 0 02.30 151 1 Q 0; 795,4 x y ri' fw,Transfer to.Water&Stweri , 230Q93kQ7592:40i , <' 161500,; p , 1? �Qplq�s IY 02 �'-. -: '$Baler IfilprOVBLneftte Lt a 1 ctc-• w' wA�, ?�3Q0.9$00$595,00 - (161,600)" �t �� �. Q(t�.0 90 ' SewerJrriprovemehts` 1 5490:57005815:lJ0 (105318)' a- ,6y c �02Q1Tr 4 1r" State/M-uni'60i hire," 5400.09404303:00 ; - 150;0041 `„10g1�01' he. L pi r - r J .L 1.L 1 ` .H9BudgetlBudget Adjustments@012 BudgetWevin%BA2012_ELKINS_SEWER.xIs Of I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 13 of 59 - „4 I I= N ' OI a g s II I i � 3 ro0 H b0 w C tz x W vi� Ian s Is '18 LL w o i I ED IrE oc:l of I flu ra .nVn S ` HK21 4 II I i1. „I W.: !.w vi ,c $ til 1 = "� I . l.$-. ❑.. Z'. � I,_ I � 5- m vj � ❑ _ u Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 of 59 SECTION 0310 BID PROPOSAL LOCATION: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ROOM 306 113 W.MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE,AR 72701 DATE: January 31,2012 at 2:00 pm.LOCAL TIME Proposal of; limos .y s� r�ccrio.✓ ��C' Address: R o, �3ox f 902 cS'PrPi.✓�F/�ze�_. fil0, IvSS/St Bid For:ELKINS OUTFALL-GRAVITY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Bid Submitted to: The City of Fayetteville Andrea Foren,Purchasing Agent—Room 306 113 W.Mountain Fayetteville,AR 72701 BIDDER will complete the Work for the unit prices as listed in the Bid Form. Total Base Bid as outlined on Bid Form: ,7rx Hsra+ AWK0 ^'~A ry-/V a 7Locff!/N� 7tity6YyY 7/fal4rt Q�� ,�' U//�.��3.00 Amount in Words Figures The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees,if this Bid is accepted,to enter into an Agreement with CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in the form included in these Contract Documents to complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in these Contract Documents.BIDDER accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to Liquidated Damages in the event of failure to complete the Work in the Contract Time specified. 0310.doc I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 59 1 BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Information for Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of BID SECURITY. This Bid will remain open for sixty(60)days after the day of Bid Opening. BIDDER will sign the Agreement required by these Contract Documents within ten(10)days after the date of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE'S Notice of Award. In submission of this BID, BIDDER represents, as more fully set forth in the Agreement, that ' BIDDER HAS EXAMINED ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (including but not limited to Invitation to Bid,Information for Bidders and Supplemental Information for Bidders)and the I following ADDENDA:_ ---dV Failure to list all necessary Agenda issued by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or the ENGINEER r could mean the BID submitted by the BIDDER may be deemed unresponsive and not read publicly. In submission of the BID,BIDDER represents,that they have examined the site and locality where I the Work is to be performed, the legal requirements (Federal, State and Local Laws, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations) and the conditions affecting cost,progress or performance of the Work and has made such independent investigations as BIDDER deems necessary. In submission of the BID,BIDDER represents,that this BID is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation. The BIDDER represents that they have not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other BIDDER to submit a false or sham BID. The BIDDER represents that they have not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding and have not sought by collusion to obtain for themselves any advantage over any other BIDDER or over the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. All terms used in the BID are defined and have the meanings assigned to them in the General I Conditions of these Contract Documents. I Attached to this BID FORM is the required Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond or Certified I Check in the amount of five(5)percent of the Total Bid Amount. I 0310.doc 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 16 of 59 BIDDER submitting this BID is: FRI A Corporation,incorporated in the State of 1$,f13 s oes.e 1 A Partnership,consisting of the following partners,whose full names are: An individual whose full name is: General Contractor(Firm Name) Signed By Title / _ f 231//2 Date F, CD. fox /moi dZ Address Telephone Number&Fax lb/7Z5'9ox} 12 A,f Contractor's License Number 0310.doe 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 59 SECTION 0310-BID PROPOSAL Item Approx. Unit Price In Nu, heln Descrinlion Qtk Unit IFiin Total I Mobilization I is Tff/.4Ts��.S+.PEsw T.5/odSNnNJ Jolles $ 3�.�✓'(XX�. $ $3 000.-•� 2 Trench& Safety Systems 1 LS '7 4! w 9.s-e zc4r Wo dollars $ 5/J�a- $ 4J:000- 3 „/—' Erosion Control 1 LS T�aat.,r�r �a✓sao-sy..•o aonare $,70�L » $ ,mGL•-f3-. 4 6"SDR-26 PVC, Gravity Sewer Pipe 20 LF ,<!s'r� TiY.r�.! donors $ y3.'" $ 5 8" SDR-26 PVC, Gravity Sewer Pipe 50 LF 5�" JL7�'y'1 F7+.7rc dollars r 6 Force Main Reroute, 12"DR-14 PVC Pipe&DI Fittings I LS 8/X TlY6ri�.7 dollars $ 7 18"PVC(P.S. 115), Gravity Sewer Pipe 2600 LF �itcDfT}' --;P 'd3 dollars $ �Z� $ 8 Pipe Bursting From Existing 10" Sewer to 20"DR-17 HDPE(IPS) 1900 LF Qom^ dollars $ $��5�/C/•ee /,flit' 0A•7•r/ To 0--AW 4'CC7' �•v .4/4C-a o� P/A�2• k3URr9��irF 0310.doc 5 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 18 of 59 SECTION 0310-BID PROPOSAL Item Al,lLox. Unit Price In No. ItemDescrintion ( 4v. Hilil Figures Total 9 Point Repair 3 1'.A p,yAl2F dollars $ I �n $ 10 Install 30" Steel Encasement 1 Pipe 420 LF ON¢,!lu.H9A"' T�OS.✓>•Y.17✓� dallars $ 2, ^you $ �Eop'SQO.co 11 Service Reinstatement 20 EA 2WjM fe4- Zr - dollars $ 12 Service Laterals 200 LF 7T//.QTY dollars $ �'Q $ 13 Standard Manhole, 4'Dia. 0'-6' 26 EA �JO 7�uaseaavYJ dollars $ �" $ Sz 1000,�o 14 Standard Manhole, =��0• 4'Dia.Extra Depth 80 VF 10.©0©.'° 15 Manhole,Existing,Remove 25 EA 1/.QHdf9 dollars 16 Reconstruct Invert in Existing Manhole 2 EA dollars $ // .Cjy�F ,lX��saataaFG CW Rao 0310.doc 6 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 of 59 SECTION 0310-BID PROPOSAL Item Annrox. Unit Price In No. Item DescriMio ON. Unit Figures Total 17 Tie Into Existing Manhole 1 EA �f 7W'rMW dollars $ $ 18 Additional Trench Bedding 160 CY dollars 19 Asphalt Pavement Repair 75 SY 0.VZ60WL-j-r $ 56Z5.ee 20 Epoxy Coating System, 4'Diameter 240 VF �} L11.rrHGWrO.fta 77}T�Y✓</T✓✓ars dollars $ -s 21 Mitigation Dam 5 EA 4yyse�i.srr r.�r r.+ro t„pxry dollars $ 750 $ �750 22 Stream Bank Stabilization 4000 SY ,�yfrllAE+✓ _ dollars $ �� $ 23 v' Acceptance Inspection by CCTV 4500 LF .011fag dollars $ , son $ C/CiC� co 24 Site Restoration 1 LS )=70r Y.fdG Owep dollars $ d/� $ L j 0310.doc 7 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 20 of 59 SECTION 0311 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRACTORS The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this BID is accepted, to use the following proposed subcontractors on this Work: NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS WORK TO BE PERFORMED SJ' I. fitt'E1� � .f. Carr /+ltd' (fIiW, 2.61 3. 4. 5. 6. The undersigned BIDDER agrees that seventy percent (70%) of the Work will be required to be performed with his own forces unless a variance is requested and granted from the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Dater Signed: e: CZ) l 0311.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 21 of 59 SEWER COST SHARE AGREEMENT The Sewer Main Cost Share Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") dated 2012 between the City of Fayetteville (hereinafter "Fayetteville") and the City of Elkins (hereinafter"Elkins")hereby agree: WHEREAS: Fayetteville and Elkins have an existing Contract by which Fayetteville receives wastewater from Elkins and then transports and processes the wastewater in Fayetteville's Noland wastewater treatment facility and discharges treated wastewater effluent under Fayetteville's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit; and Fayetteville must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens on Fayetteville's retail customers for which Fayetteville's retail customers receive no benefit; and Elkins must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens on Elkins' retail customers for which Elkins' retail customers receive no benefit; and It is to the mutual benefit of both cities that the gravity sewer line, sometimes referred to as Elkins outfall line, be replaced with a larger line to increase capacity for both Elkins and for this sewer basin of Fayetteville; and Fayetteville has received a $485,000 State Tribal and Assistance Grant (STAG) grant for use on this sewer line and the Fayetteville sewer basin flowing thereto which requires a 45% local funding match; and Fayetteville has received bids wherein the construction cost is established as $692,223. NOW,THEREFORE, Fayetteville and Elkins agree as follows: 1. Upon the City Council and/or the Mayor approving this Sewer Main Cost Share Agreement, Elkins agrees to: A. Pay 50% of the estimated construction costs,up to but not to exceed$150,000, for the replacement of Elkins outfall sewer line, in accordance with Elkins Resolution 2010-19 passed on May 20, 2010. B. Provide payment in full to Fayetteville within thirty(30) days after receipt of the invoice. Elkins Outfall Cost Share Agmt Febl2.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 22 of 59 2. Fayetteville agrees to: A. Provide the necessary and normal design,project management, inspection, and testing as necessary for a complete and acceptable sewer main installation. B. Apply$380,723 of STAG grant funds to the contract. C. Pay all construction costs above those covered by the STAG funding and the $150,000 Elkins cost share, including those created by change orders, if any. D. Create an invoice within 30 days of the award of the construction contract. 3. By executing this Agreement, the persons signing on behalf of Elkins and Fayetteville each acknowledge and covenant that they have full legal authority to enter into this Agreement and bind the parties they represent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day of 12012. CITY OF ELKINS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Bruce Ledford,Mayor Lioneld Jordan,Mayor ATTEST: Sondra Smith, City Clerk Elkins Outfall Cost Sbare Agmt Feb]2.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 23 of 59 • CI"1'Y COUNCIL AGIsNUA Mb:hlO Taye evl e Y �E THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS nrsr:n�usns To: Fayetteville City Council Thio: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr,Chief of Staft' David Jurgens, Utilities Director From: Shannon Jones, Utilities Enginecrviz,_ Fayetteville Water and Sewer Comini'ace Date: January 31, 2012 Subject: Amendment No. 3 to the McClelland Consulting Engineers agreement for $68,515 l6r construction phase services of the Hwy. 265 Water and Sewer Relocation project. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 3 to the McClelland Consulting Engineers agreement for $68,515 for construction phase services for the second phase of the Hwy. 265 Water and Sewer Relocation project from Joyce to Albright, maintain a $20,000 contingency, and approve a budget adjustment. BACKGROUND The original design contract was awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers in December, 2008 to design relocated water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas Highway Department (AHTD) and City widening of Phase I of Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Mission and Joyce, upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36" transmission line. Work includes installing a 36" and 24" transmission main along Crossoviz from Joyce to connect to the existing 24" main on Crossover at Mission and to connect to the existing 36" main on Old Wire Road. This work will complete the eastern portion of the loop that was initially constructed when the southern section of Crossover Road between Mission and Huntsville was widened by the AHTD. Construction phase services were added by amendment. Design work for relocating and/or upgrading water and sewer lines for Phase 11 of the widening of Hwy 265 from Joyce to Albright was authorized and awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers in April, 2011. The design for relocating water and sewer lines on both sides of the highway is complete, DISCUSSION This amendment covers the construction phase engineering services for the Highway 265 water/sewer relocations from Joyce to Albright. The work includes one full time construction observer, attending preconstruction conferences, reviewing contractor schedules and submittals, monthly progress meetings, weekly stormwater compliance monitoring, reports to the City and the AHTD, partial pay requests, regular site visits, change order processing, final inspection, final pay request review, developing as-builts, and related activities. Construction is anticipated to begin this summer and be completed by March 2013. BUDGET IMPACT This project is partially reimbursable by AHTD. The City's portion will be funded from Water and Sewer revenue bonds; the remainder will be paid by the AHTD. The cost share split is approximately 1/3 City of Fayetteville and 2/3 AHTD. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 Mc 113 West Mountain Fayetteville,AR 72701 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 24 of 59Clelland Amendment 3 CCMemo 30Jmt2012.doc AMENDMENT NO. 3 To AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINFH? INC SI?RVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS And McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEL.RS, INC. FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS For The HIGHWAY 265 (CROSSOVER ROAD) WATER& SEWER IMPROVEMENTS The December 16, 2008 Agreement between the CITY OF FAYE TI VILLI;and McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. is hereby amended to provide for engineering services during the construction phase of Phase It of the Crossover Road Water and Sewer Improvement Project from the vicinity of Joyce Boulevard to the vicinity of Albright Road (AHTD Job 040518). The Scope of Services for the Phase Il (AHTD Job 040518,Joyce to Albright) Construction Phase Services shall generally include resident construction observation services, conduct and attend a preconstruction conference, preparation and/or review of monthly progress payments, construction administration assistance, periodic and final inspections, final punch list preparation and follow up,preparation of record drawings,coordinate as appropriate with AHTD, and project closeout. The total estimated compensation for the previously approved engineering services, including Amendment No. 1 and No. 2, and these additional services will be increased from $719,627.08 to$788,141.84 as further defined in Appendix A to this Amendment No. 3. All other provisions, covenants, recitals,terms and conditions of the Agreement,which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. The parties hereby have executed this Amendment No. 3 on this date, the__ day of 2012. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. By: By:_ Mayor President ATTEST: ATTEST: By: By: City Clerk EXHIBIT FYI 12118 Amendment No. 3 A— Page I Water,Sewer and Sol a Committee A enda P e 25 of 59 APPENDIX A TO AMENDMENT NO. 3 HIGHWAY 265 WATER & SEWER IMPROVEMENT'S NOVEMBER 22, 2011 Phase II Project (AHTD Job 040518, Joyce to Albright) Construction Phase Services, Fee Proposal Labor Classification Hours Labor Rate Extended Construction Observer II 920 $16.22 $14,922.40 Construction Observer III 70 $20.70 $1,449.00 Project Manager 140 $46.59 $6,522.60 Draftsman II 24 $16.94 $406.56 Chief Draftsman 16 $22.25 $356.00 Clerical 20 $17.79 $355.80 Subtotal $24,012.36 Payroll Expense (96.10%) $23,075.88 Indrect Costs (58.66%) $14,085.65 Subtotal $61,173.89 Profit 12% $7,340.87 Total Construction Phase Services $68,514.76 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 26 of 59 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas V1 1.0425 Budget Adjustment Form Budget Year Division: Utilities Director Request Date Adjustment Number 21112 Department: Utilities Director 113012012 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION Move funds for Amendment#3- McClelland - Hwy. 265 W&S construction oversight for Joyce to Albright(North). There are two funding sources, one is a grant from AHTD and one is City bond funds. Prepared By: Division Head / Date kspringer Reference: J-B ��� Date Budget& Research Use Only Type: A B C D E P or n {' Date � Q- y�,,1� I-101-t General Ledger Date Date -__._ -/ -/r}- Posted to General Ledger DateInitial Date Checked/Verified 41, ate Initial Date TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 41,110 41,110 Increase/(Decrease) Project.Sub Account Name Account Number Expense Revenue Number Federal Grants-Capital 5400.0940.4309.00 41,110 08072 . 1102 Professional services 5400.5600.5314.00 41,110 08072 . 1102 5_"�)r, ;)0 **ADD**Water line improvements 5400.5740.5808.00 (27,405) 09018 . 0902 Professional services - - 5400.5640.5314.00 27,405 08072 . 1102 - - - - EXHIBIT • J9EXCEL1Proj 08072 McClellandlBudggV&&t@t9@ WO]SdgdcNd ru 3AAk*AeAgedeg8'Qowxm 59 1 Of 1 W C; a+ c i m y v �- 7 O • k „�a V I'LL �H Water,Sewer . Solid Waste CommitteeAgenda •..• 28 . n m a k 3 \ V ICL § M I J / § § L A 2 \9 ` CL 2 « ' - ) . ■ ' ) 44 m _ Ln LA � r� 1� M g q e « Q a m 3 ¢ 2 � | \ ■ 0 2 M $ / T ) 0 f ® CL / ) § 0 ) 2 k ftxo 0 o 2 . I © .- § k ■ 2 2 / ) t 2 ) \ © / k a � k \ D W e ■ 3 ® 2 t c | me q — § TA vi § 3 2 p@ t 2 u 0 a • § e a 0 / a j [ f ) ƒ 2 e 2 J § E 3 % — - 2 ■ o f i a ) ] 7 { § k ■ . I . , u � • _ 0 2 e O 2 � I | u ) 0 § {` , Jc 2 O 2 2 J 3 0 2 a 2 J a _ / _«_r__Waste Committee Agenda Page a,m w 0 L C a tp FOLC j 0 L W L U c a N N eU a J L Y U 7 w wC u1 00 w -00 O L H N m 7 a) a H C Lu o c -> no ° a o c F v J c�' 'L Ul Y VI ° O C L �U.. VI aw+ uwi J L w n U U w m a 0 v� > U Um w E w o L u c U C o w > m m wm w 'uci aL a '° ' m .� c a � y 3 u Y Y c 0 0 7 b0 w w m m L O 0 C 'F+> M c c13 a) r u �^ m >o a v o v v w E Q 'x N m aci m a aE m m m �° o a w t E c° o m .° >w ^ c L° d y 'u E en m Z ate+ m Y U m J m L ui O y 0 E ,N C V >E J u w e c a w m c E E m w n — w L m O 0 O 0 y w y e0 t O m N F �' '� a p w w V > C c w U m 0 U a w w LL m > 7 y a m t w w a 0 E C C J L n n a O ` Y C c O 'C O T U W d U c L a , m u L 00 H a J n n m J L0 7 N W w aw+ a L m n W m a a W ° c ao E m w ° ono :� u ° E C ° 7 J c m m m E ° w + m j W L n c c E ° Y m G CIL m a a ° m aw+ 0 O uJ c ' C v w C O O � w C am_ am d c7 7 y C O m w w L m O C a N w i� w o c m w N u ^ E o m o Y '� w c a> m w w m ? 0 3 d a > 7 7 a e0 L J +•' C n ;E U 'O W v a W L v0i _� o `1 d N C L m U y 'C L C m w N N y+ n u >' Y w in r M a t N m 3 E m ° c °° a c `w c oE 5- "v N 3 Y v w n .w 0 L E � m e C O C w a c 7 O m L0 a°+ O j m c m m m 0 •E 0 m C 0 N G ,F 'L'' n 4) m al h N > Y 1" N a n (0 m X ; 0 o 'N w fe -L^ 0 -0 m ,C }; N ) ` 'o U W N 0 C C Y w a (U O r a +' U ; W W m o v (U c -c 'o w " o v m ai E H ° v ° w w v E 5 a y Y a . E IA -O '^ c w 90 0 Y w >. J C c a Y w E o °• w i w mc J m n m w uCU ° -° w CU Cuw -6 3 >' Y w neo Y w o o ° +� a — mc ° > L J n w C G L C a m C v L U Y c w d W C m 'r+ m e .- m O 7 C �n 'y, O 0 C w tioL O u w w 0 w Q v E v 3 m w ' v o > E c +w m M u m 0 o E MO v Y w tD jto u m Y m a r- CL cy ° Y o V1 vc� Cu e u N w E 3 Z m c y A v i a w � N H cu a �i�I m L aw+ IF 3 aU+ w m O O G N •> L w s o C e0 Cu 0 0 in w G G,I IG Q e y 3 „° E v L ruo E v a o r v u `c° v v o YL° r c r� U w Y m o O m 3 Y o > -o E Y „ u E > - - >• m o •- V� f: E o c ci o c w - c � o w . m w a w w c • 0 a W e .,w w cL c " ° Y c r -o m y u t E o o u a s E o c w o w N O 'L� Z' U Y G Y m Y ii — 'Y^ > Oma' 0 -p U 2 7 c N W N m .N N I••I m CO m w C J e0 Y vl ."' +' �n m >• °V Ln d ° w G 0 eo U w 0 a `a .Zri v o >� E t c t u r o ,L ° M Qj v aj w y Cu ° E y w V m ' u J C L Y > E L w $ '^ ° bo � v _� v a, w a -0 C ° E c v u " y c 0 7 O m O w n d w .0 O Z .'^ a O N O T u a w u n = a C m C °n ami t M 3 to o rna l.2 c a Y 0) 3 n LL .c v $ owc v 3 ° E m u c2S O r O N O O 2e E v' n 3C 'e h° m ho c u O Ln o ` Nm a0•� OL U w Mf fe C a0 N o 0 Vr. C � C °Y' E to m N C y Y M m O C n y 0 G n 0u m u E 0 C7 C j, N h C a H C li 70 c U 0 in C y C �/ d C u O w m y w w m a N O 0 d .� y C wo .F°� CI aO m C CO o .' O c. w E n a 0 Y am �' a w E a d F F ° v E 'o u � a � v -o c v m - m a) E > c v m Y w m u O u m m Gc0. amCaw2Eu a � � na � ra ¢ o -wo � � u° u° � rr • • • • • • N • • • • M N !V N N Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 30 of 59