HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-08 - Agendas WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA TaMEETING �rTe evi �e DATE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, P Bell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Com ittee meeting will be November 8, 2011, 5:15 PM, following the City Council Agenda Session, in room 3 , Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: Agenda Items Reauirina Committee Approval 1. 2012 Wastewater Treatment Contract Amendment with CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. for$6,656,934 for operation, maintenance, management and engineering services in 2012 for the City's wastewater treatment facilities and systems, and approving a $70,000 contingency, is attached. The scope of services provided by CH2M Hill/OMI include: (1) operate and maintain the Noland and West Side Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP); (2) operate and maintain 45 wastewater pump station sites (38 stations); (3) administer the City's NPDES discharge, air, stormwater, and other permits; (4) manage the City's biosolids disposal program; (5) manage the City's industrial pretreatment program; (6) support the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition system) network that monitors water and wastewater facilities; (7) pursue operation economies, efficiencies, and permit compliance; and (8) participate in the construction and post-construction work of the Wastewater System Improvement Project(WSIP). In late 2009, the City underwent a rigorous selection process with three competitive proposals. The selection committee selected CH2M Hill for a five year contract, which expires December 31, 2014. The 2012 contract amendment updates the scope of services from the 2011 contract, reflecting biosolids drying and sales, updated regulatory requirements, and wastewater treatment related engineering services. To encourage cost saving operations, the contract contains an incentive provision whereby budget savings are distributed 87.5% to the City and 12.5% to CH2M HILL. The 2012 contract amendment reflects a $108,290 cost reduction from 2011, primarily due to reduced operations expenses relating to biosolids. The contingency is requested to allow for potential expenses due to increased regulatory requirements with the new NPDES permits. Highlights are below: 1) New USPEA NPDES discharge permits for both wastewater plants. 2) Biosolids drying process coming on line. 3) Beaver Water District sludge land application process coming on line, increasing operating costs that are covered in full by the revenues received for the service. 4) Lake Sequoyah dredging pilot evaluation. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 2. Alum Storage Tank Purchase for the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF)from Associated Fiberglass Enterprise for$ 23,814.16 is attached. The existing 12,000 gallon Alum Storage Tank has was bought in 1988 during the first major upgrade of the Noland WWTF. The tank is badly deteriorated, and has exceeded its 20 year life expectancy. The WWTF occasionally uses Alum (Aluminum Sulfate)as a coagulant to aid in phosphorus and total suspended solids removal. Effective process control has minimized the need of Alum addition significantly in the past twenty year. However, alum use is sometimes required, especially during high flow events. In consideration of current and future needs, including allowing for potential long-term permit limit changes; staff believes we can use the smaller 6,000 gallon tank, which costs less and has a smaller footprint, to replace the existing 12,000 gallon tank. The City received two bids on October 12, 2011. Associated Fiberglass Enterprise submitted the lowest bid, and meets the minimum specification requirements. City and CH2M Hill crews will install the replacement tank when it arrives. Funds for the purchase of the Alum Storage Tank are available in the Wastewater Treatment Plant— Plant Pumps and Equipment project. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 3. Sprinadale Water and Sewer Commission Easement acquisition on the east side of Highway 265 is attached. AHTD is widening Crossover Road (Highway 265) between Joyce Boulevard and the northern City Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 85 W-S-SW CommittecAgenda 8Nov11 WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 limits, and further north into Springdale. They do not allow utilities to remain inside their easement. The area north of Clear Creek receives water service from Springdale. Just like the City of Fayetteville, Springdale is being required to relocate their utility lines, so they need to acquire land owned by the City for their new easements. This land was purchased by the Water Department in the 1940's as part of Lake Fayetteville. Springdale is relocating their water lines on the east side of Highway 265. To move their lines, they require one permanent easement of 0.383 acres on one tract of land valued at$2,400, and one temporary construction easement valued at$600. The values were established by an appraisal performed by Reed & Associates, and are consistent with Springdale's offers for the remainder of this project. The City's land agents have reviewed this easement; it meets all criteria we would apply when acquiring our own easements. Sale of City property must comply with §34.27 of Fayetteville's Code of Ordinances, which the City Attorney is recommending be modified due to its complexity and expense. In this case, the cost of specifically complying with the ordinance as currently written would cost almost as much as the revenues received from the sale. This proposed sale complies with the City Attorney's recommended modification of the ordinance, but does not comply with the ordinance as it exists without the proposed modifications. As the land was purchased by the Water/Sewer fund, revenues received from this sale must be entered into the Water/Sewer fund. This will reflect a $3000 in Water/Sewer revenue. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 4. Swimming Pool Regulations and Best Management Practices are attached for review and comment. Swimming pools can create significant hazards to the environment, both when drained and when filters are backwashed. When drained to the environment, both chlorine and salt can create environmental harm. In Fayetteville, we have experienced fish kills from both sources. ADEQ delegates responsibility for swimming pools to the local authority. They are specifically not addressed within regulations, but discharging them to the environment is a violation if it creates environmental harm or impacts other land owners. Swimming pools can also create sanitary sewer overflows when discharged to the sanitary sewer system, due to the high rate of discharge. Thus, the flow volume must be managed when pools are drained or filters backwashed. Staff requests Committee approval on this item, so staff can begin the resulting ordinance changes. 5. Apartment Recycling Rate Ordinance Modification will be published in a supplemental agenda. This modification will allow the Solid Waste Division to include the cost of apartment recycling in the solid waste rate for the apartment units to which the service is made available. Agenda Items for Committee Information 6. ai3ital Pro'ect U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WL-10a Farmington Gravity Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Ha Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100% CIPP 2011 Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 100% Mt Se uo ah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W/L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valleys $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation & 36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 51.7% WL-13 I Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100.0% WL-14 Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100.0% WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valles $ 591,768 100% 13I0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 100% BIO-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770,280 99.6% BIO-Gast Biosolids Gas Line River Crossing Goodwin&Goodwin $ 119,250 100.0% Canterbury 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & I Inc. $ 1,590,091 100.0% CanterburyWater Lines & Pump Station Sweetser Const $ 1,057,331 41.3% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 7. White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway; fish samples were taken in September with excellent results. Benthic samples were taken in October. The study will be completed in summer 2012. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 2 of 85 W-S-SW CommitteeAgenda 8Nov11 WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 8. Illinois River Phosphorus Evaluation process is continuing, with the EPA developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study for the basin. There is very active conversation between Arkansas, Oklahoma, and EPA Region 6 representatives. The five Northwest Arkansas Cities and the NWA Council continue to evaluate the need and potential cost to collectively hire a consultant to run the model parallel with the EPA consultant in order to validate the model, confirm assumptions, and ensure the model is fully accurate. The City received the McGoodwin, Williams and Yates report on the removal options to modify the West Side WWTF to consistently treat to a 0.1 phosphorus limit. A copy of the recommendations section is attached. 9. Levelized/Averaged Water Bill Evaluation contract with HDR Engineering for $9,950, to advise the City on this issue, is attached. • Task f— Initial Project Meeting. • Task 2— Initial Data Request. • Task 3—Review of Existing Retail Rates. • Task 4—Review of Other Utility's Levelized Billing Programs. • Task 5—Review of the City's Utility Billing System. • Task 6—Review of Policy Issues. o Applicability: Residential only or applicable to all customers (i.e. non-residential, outside City, wholesale). o Qualification: Specific qualifications for the program (e.g. good credit history, 12 months of billing history, etc.). Should college students qualify for the program? o Deposits: The need for an additional deposit for this program o Calculation: Method of calculating the monthly, levelized bill amount o Annual True-Up: Method and timing used to "true-up" bills (e.g. year-end), method of billing for any true-up debits or credits. o Billing System: Billing system contains history of"actual" meter reads and/or levelized billed amount. o Policy Issues: Remain qualified with late payments or non-payment on levelized bills? The above policy issues will be reviewed in detail and our findings summarized for each issue. • Task 7— Technical Memorandum. 10. Goodwin & Goodwin Gas Line Change Order 1 reconciling unit quantities for the biosolids gas line across the White River is attached. Site requirements dictated an additional 12' of gas line be installed by the boring contractor, increasing the cost by $3,180. A$6,000 contingency was approved for the project; the remaining $2,820 will be returned to the project fund. 11. Professional Engineering Selections for Utilities Work were made for the projects below. A. Water Transmission Line Alignment, Easement Definition, and Acquisition negotiations with McClelland Consulting Engineers are underway. This project all actions required to acquire easements for a new water transmission line beginning at the existing 36" water transmission line on Van Asche Drive in Fayetteville and ending at the future Beaver Water District west clearwell/transmission line north of Elm Springs west of the Wagon Wheel exit off 1-540. A copy of the concept alignment map is attached. B. Creek Crossing Repairs for Flood Damage negotiations are underway with Crafton Tull & Associates. This project involves developing detailed designs and specifications for repairing water and sewer creek crossings damaged by spring, 2011 floods, and limited other point type water and sewer projects. Much of this is FEMA reimbursable work, and may include designs for gravel road repairs damaged in the floods. 12. University of Arkansas Agreement for accepting wastewater from the Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor(SEFOR)facility is attached. In recent years, the roof began leaking with the water accumulating in the basement rooms. Through their maintenance efforts, the UofA has sealed the roof, but needs to remove and properly dispose of the water that accumulated in the basement. This water contains minute amounts metals, radioactive material, and asbestos and must thus be disposed of within specific federal and state guidelines. A wastewater treatment facility is the optimum disposal method. The water containing asbestos will first be filtered to ensure no asbestos fibers larger than 1 micron will be place in the wastewater treatment system. Under this agreement, the City will accept the water pumped out of the Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 3 of 85 W-S-SW CommittmAgenda 8Nov11 WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 basement rooms of the UofA SEFOR facility into our wastewater collection system. The water will be discharged by a UofA contracted hauler into the collection system via a manhole on University of Arkansas property on South Razorback Road. The discharges will be time phased to allow City wastewater treatment staff to track plant operations during the process. The wastewater has been tested by multiple laboratories and meets all discharge requirements for being discharged into a wastewater system. The Arkansas Department of Health, who has primacy in Arkansas over radioactive materials, has approved the discharge of this water into our wastewater facilities (letter attached). The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality has also approved this water being discharged to the wastewater treatment facility. 13. Recycling Plastics 3-7 Proposal will be published in a supplemental agenda. 14. Annual Bulky Waste Cleanups are completed; 2011 results are shown below. Ward Date Electronics* Trash (Tons) Metal(Tons) Total (Tons) Tons 4 3/26/2011 0 42.78 7.37 50.15 1 4/9/2011 0 41.20 5.11 46.31 3 4/2/2011 0 25.18 5.27 30.45 2 5/14/2011 0 39.76 5.82 45.58 Flood 5/7/2011 0 5.52 1.17 6.69 4 9/24/2011 0 30.70 5.25 35.95 1 10/22/2011 0 22.54 2.57 25.11 3 10/15/2011 0 24.22 4.14 28.36 2 10/29/2011 0 15.69 2.97 18.66 2011 Spring &Fall Totals 0 247.59 39.67 287.26 2010 S rin &Fall Totals 0 254.98 52.36 307.34 2009 S rin & Fall Totals 18.1 204.83 57.64 280.57 2008 Spring & Fall Totals 17.76 1 282.30 59.27 1 359.33 Electronics were no longer accepted after December 31, 2009. 15. Electronic Waste Recycling for Northwest Arkansas was October 11 - 12 at the Arvest Ballpark. Numerous City divisions recycled 3.71 tons of material. Last year we recycled 4.38 tons of material. 16. Highway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 27 of 29 owners. We are still negotiating. Two new easements were added with the extension north of Joyce; one of these two has been ac uired. Perm Temp Temp Tract Property Owner Parcel Easmnt Easmnt Easement Perm Const Damages Total ft! fN Easement 10 John David Brown 765-13295-000 22,883 9,603 $23,700 $ 3,500 1 $ 400 $27,600 17. Solid Waste Franchise Proaram Alternatives Evaluation is deferred the next Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Committee meeting. 18. Water Treatment Residuals Land Application. Staff submitted the land application permit November 4. Based on the October 10 meeting with ADEQ Director Teresa Marks and members of her staff, we requested ADEQ grant a temporary authorization/guarantee of no enforcement, allowing us to start our process as soon as the required ADEQ permit application is submitted, rather than waiting up to six months for the permit to be issued. Upon receipt of her letter, staff will be able to begin the required capital equipment purchases (truck/tractor, spreader, and loader). 19. Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Committee Meeting is Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 85 W-S-SW CommitteeAgenda 8Nov11 WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Attachments: 1 CI-12M Hill 2012 Contract 2 Alum Storage Tank Purchase 3 Springdale Easement Acquisition 4 Swimming Pool Regulations and Best Management Practices 5 Apartment Recycling Rate Ordinance Modification (to be published in a supplemental agenda) 8 Illinois River Recommendations 9 HDR Engineering Contract 10 Goodwin & Goodwin Change Order 1, Biosolids Gas Line 11 Proposed Water Transmission Line Route 12 U of A SEFOR Facility Agreement 13 Recycling Plastics 3-7 Proposal (to be published in a supplemental agenda) Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 85 W-S-SW CommitteeAgenda 8Nov11 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO aye eel a MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 15,2010 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr,Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Utilities Director G�QJ� Fayetteville Water and Sewer Co t ee Y Date: October 28,2011 Subject: Contract Amendment 2 with CH2M Hill Engineers, Inc. for$6,656,934 for operation,maintenance, management and engineering services for the City's wastewater treatment facilities and systems RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving Contract Amendment 2 with CH2M Hill Engineers,Inc. for$6,656,934 for operation, maintenance,management and engineering services for the City's wastewater treatment facilities and systems,and approving a$70,000 contingency. BACKGROUND When the Noland W WTP upgrade was completed in 1987,the City contracted with ONE(now CH2M Hill-OMI)for W WT services. The scope of services provided by ONE include: (1)operate and maintain the Noland and West Side Wastewater Treatment Plants(W WTP);(2)operate and maintain 45 wastewater pump station sites; (3) administer the City's NPDES discharge, air, stormwater,and other permits; (4)manage the City's biosolids disposal program; (5) manage the City's industrial pretreatment program;(6) support the SCADA(supervisory control and data acquisition system)network that monitors water and wastewater facilities; (7)pursue operation economies,efficiencies, and permit compliance;and(8)participate in the construction and post-construction work of the Wastewater System Improvement Project(WSIP). In late 2009,the City underwent a rigorous selection process with three competitive proposals. The selection committee selected CH2M Hill for a five year contract,which expires December 31, 2014. DISCUSSION The 2012 contract amendment updates the scope of services from the 2011 contract,with evolutionary changes reflecting biosolids drying,updated regulatory requirements, and wastewater treatment related engineering services. To encourage cost saving operations,the contract contains an incentive provision whereby budget savings are distributed 87.5% to the City and 12.5%to CH2M HILL. The 2012 contract amendment reflects a$108,290 cost reduction from 2011,primarily due to reduced operations expenses from biosolids processing.The contingency is requested to allow for potential expenses due to increased regulatory requirements with the new NPDES permits. Highlights of changes are below: 1) New USPEA NPDES discharge permits for both wastewater plants. 2) Biosolids drying process coming on line,reducing hauling and landfilling costs and possibly creating a new revenue stream. 3) Beaver Water District sludge land application process coming on line,increasing operating costs that are covered in full by the charges for the service. 4) Lake Sequoyah dredging pilot program. BUDGETIMPACT The$6,656,934 contract and$70,000 contingency costs are included in the proposed 2012 Budget. Execution of this contract is contingent on approval of the 2012 budget. WWT MM Amend2 CCMemoNovl I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 85 AMENDMENTNO.2 TO AGREEMENT For OPERATIONS,MAINTENANCE,AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS And CH2M HILL ENGINEERS,INC. THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2 to the Agreement for Operations, Maintenance and Management Services between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Wastewater Treatment Facilities and its pertinent systems dated December 15,2009 (the "Agreement"), is made effective on the 1" day of January, 2012, by and between City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, acting by and through its Mayo' (hereinafter "City of Fayetteville")and C112M flILL Engineers, Inc.,(hereinafter"CH2M HILL") NOW THEREFORE,the City and C112M 1IILL hereby amend the Agreement as follows: I. Appendix B is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix B. 2. Appendix C is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix C. 3. Appendix D is deleted in its entirely and replaced with the attached Appendix D. A. Appendix F is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix E- 5. Appendix F is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix F. 6. Appendix G is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix.G- 7. Appendix I-I is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Appendix 11. This Amendment No. 2, together with the Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior oral and written understandings with respect to the subject matter set forth herein. Unless specifically stated all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and efYect. Neither this Amendment nor the Agreement may be modified except in writing signed by an authorized representative of the Parties. The Parties, intending to be legally bound, indicate their approval of the Amendment by their signatures below. Officer have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. C112M HILL ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE.ARKANSAS BY:_���`J � it Nnnw: Natalie L. Eldred 1,'a, Name: Liy aeeld Jordan, Ntayor Dille: Senior DC�iwmled N-I mr er Title: Mayor It���`rC{- t-�--------- - Dale: A I-I EST Nene: Sondra Smith Title: City Clerk Date- Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 85 Appendix A LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A—List of Appendices Appendix B—Definitions Appendix C—Scope of Services Appendix D—Compensation for Services Appendix E—Location of Project Appendix F—Environmental Permits and Project Characteristics Appendix G—Industrial Waste Discharges and Monitoring Program Appendix H—Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Description(Rolling Stock) Appendix I—Base Fee Adjustment AppaxEis 1- I trf I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 85 Appendix B DEFINITIONS B.1 "Adequate Nutrients" means plant influent nitrogen, phosphorus and iron contents proportional to BODS in the ratio of five (5) parts nitrogen, one (1) part phosphorus, and one half(0.5) part iron for each one hundred(100) parts BODS. B.2 `Base Fee" means all costs within the scope of the contract, on an annual basis, including direct costs, labor, utilities,and other allocated costs. B.3 "Biologically Toxic Substances" means any substance or combination of substances contained in the plant influent in sufficiently high concentrations so as to interfere with the biological processes necessary for the removal of the organic and chemical constituents of the wastewater required to meet the discharge requirements of City of' Fayetteville's NPDES permit. Biologically toxic substances include but are not limited to heavy metals, phenols, cyanides, pesticides, and herbicides. B.4 "Capital Expenditures" means any expenditures for(I) the purchase of new equipment or facility items that cost more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000); or (2) major repairs which significantly extend equipment or facility service life and cost more than 'Pon Thousand Dollars ($10,000);or(3)expenditures that are planned,non-routine and budgeted by City of Fayetteville. B.5 "Cost" means the total of all costs determined on an accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles including but not limited to direct labor, insurance, labor overhead, chemicals, materials,supplies, utilities,equipment, maintenance, repair, and outside services. B.6 "Electrical Evaluation" will be limited to amperage draws, winding resistance measurements, thermographic evaluations,and current and voltage imbalance. B.7 "Fixed Asset" means any tangible property that has a value of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or more and is depreciable. This excludes the repair/replacement parts that are components of a greater fixed asset. B.S "Maintenance" means the cost of those routine and/or repetitive activities required or recommended by the equipment or facility manufacturer m C112M HILL to maximize the service life of the equipment, vehicles, and facilities as listed in Appendix E. B.9 "Out of scope" services will include "capital expenditures" (definition B.2 of this .Appendix), added or modified regulatogl requirements (that are not contained in the applicable permits), changes to improve efficiency and/or generate income, or other services not described in the contract and requested by the City of Fayetteville. "these services shall be performed as stated in Appendix C. Should "Out of Scope Services" become a permanent and ongoing requirement, CH2M HILL will submit a change of scope request within a reasonable amount of time in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Agreement. B.10 "Project"means all equipment, vehicles,grounds and facilities described in Appendix F.and where appropriate,the management, operations and maintenance of such. B.I I "Repairs" means the cost of those non-routine/non-repetitive activities required for operational continuity, safety, and performance generally due to lailure or to avert a failure of the equipment, sewer,vehicle, or facility or some component thereof;cost less than ten thousand dollars Appcndia R - I of 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 85 ($10,000);and are not included in definition 6.2 of this Appendix. "Repairs"exclude cost of repair parts caused by storm damage to the supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA) system. Appendix B-2 of 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 10 of 85 Appendix C SCOPE OF SERVICES C.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES—CH2M FILL C-1.1 Perform professional services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. CA.2 Operate and maintain all facilities over a 24-hour per day, 7-day per week period, under full service contract operations and maintenance. Operations may be performed with on site staff and/or remote monitoang/on-call services for all or portions of this time. C.1.3 Within the design capacity and capability of the Project, manage, operate,and maintain the Project so that effluent discharged from the Project meets the requirements specified in Appendix F. C.1.4 Operate and maintain the present Indusuial Pretreatment Program including all monitoring, inspections, sampling, testing, reporting, and record keeping as described in Appendix G. Results of all industrial sampling and testing shall be made available to City of Fayetteville as requested. C.1.5 Provide all Maintenance for the Project. Document as required to continue existing maintenance program and to provide City of Fayetteville requested reporting, including but not limited to updated preventative maintenance schedules. City of Fayetteville shall have full access to preventative maintenance records. C.1.6 Pay all costs incurred within the scope of normal Project operations as defined in this Agreement. C.1.7 Staff the Project with a minimum ofthree(3)Arkansas Class IV Wastewater licensed operators. C.1.8 Preparc all NPDES permit reports, letters, or other correspondence, and submit these to City of Fayetteville for signature and approval. Transmittal to appropriate agencies shall be done by CH2M HILL, except for electronic reporting via NETDMR. Any fines levied because of late reports as a result of CH2M HILL's failure to complete and allow sufficient time for City of Fayetteville's signature and transmittal shall be paid by CH2M HILL. Submittal to the City of Fayetteville by the 15'x'of the month following the reporting period shall be considered timely. C.1.9 Provide for proper disposal of screening, SCmm,grit, and biosolids in compliance with permit and regulatory requirements, as long as a suitable location for such disposal is reasonably available. Should regulations and/or disposal!application options significantly change,projected costs will be revised by mutual agreement. C.1.10 Provide all manufacthn'ers' warranties on new equipment purchased by the City of Fayetteville and assist the City of Fayetteville in enforcing existing equipment warranties and guarantees. C.l.] I Be responsible for all laboratory testing and sampling presently required by the NPDES permits, stonnwater permits,"no discharge"permits,and other related requirements. 0.1.12 Provide an inventory of vehicles and equipment(rolling stock)that are being used at the Project at the beginning of each contract year. C.1.13 Provide twenty four(24) hour per day access to Project for City of Fayetteville's personnel. Visits may be made at any time by any of City of Fayetteville's employees so designated by City of Fayetteville's representative. Keys for Project shall be provided to City of Fayetteville by CH2M Appends C- 1 of 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 11 of 85 HILL. All visitors to the Project shall comply with CH2M HILL's operating and safety procedures. C.1.14 Provide for the maintenance of existing City of Fayetteville rolling stock such as dump trucks, tractors,and trailers that are necessary for the operations and maintenance of the facilities. C.1.15 Provide training for personnel in areas of operation, maintenance, safety, supervisory skills, laboratory, and energy management. Continue the current project safety program with updates as necessary. C.1.16 Provide computerized maintenance, process control,and laboratory management systems. 0.1.17 Comply with the requirements of City of Fayetteville regarding affirmative action provisions for minority hiring. C.1.1 B Provide City of Fayetteville with a full accounting of all expenditures at intervals and in sufficient detail as may be determined by City of Fayetteville and assist City of Fayetteville in preparation of annual operating budgets. City of Fayetteville shall be allowed to conduct or have conducted audits of all accounting records related to the direct contract operations of this Agreement at times tobedetermined by City of Fayetteville. C.1.19 Provide City of Fayetteville with full documentation that preventative maintenance is being performed on all City of Fayetteville equipment in accordance with manafletrner's recommendations at intervals and in sufficient detail as may be determined by City of Fayetteville. Maintenance program shall include documentation of corrective and preventive maintenance and a spare parts inventory. C.1.20 Provide for repairs as described in the Appendix B5. C.1.21 Maintain the SCADA system as described in Appendix E, to include ongoing updates and upgrades of the software and hardware to ensure operational continuity and in accordance with initiatives as agreed upon by the City of Fayetteville and C112M HILL. C.1.22 Verify the capacity and efficiency of each sewer lift station once a year. C.1.23 Provide recommendations for Capital Improvements Program (CIP) with a schedule for improvements and expenditures as requested by the City of Fayetteville. A five (5) year schedule will be presented for all capital improvements and ten (10)year projections will be made for major improvements. These recommendations will be based on requirements determined firm facility operations and does not include detailed engineering studies. In addition, CH2M HILL will prepare the required forms and documentation required during budget and capital improvements budget preparation time each year. Except for the improvements requiring an engineering study, the following will be included for each project: • Improvement needed • Justification of improvements • Cost of improvements • Any projected increase mdecrease in O&M costs created by the CIP • Proposed expenditure schedule • Proposed capital recovery schedule • Impact of early termination Appendix C-2 of 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12 of 85 C.1.24 Perform other services that are related to but not part of the Scope of Services upon written notification by City of Fayetteville. Such services will be invoiced to City of Fayetteville at CH2M HILL's cost plus eighteen percent(13°/,). C.1.25 At the direction of the City of Fayetteville, CH2M HILL is authorized to act in emergency situations outside this Scope of Services, at CH2M HILL's discretion. The costs related to emergency services are riot included in the compensation set forth in this Agreement. CH2M I IILL will nosily City of Fayetteville as soon as reasonably possible, and shall be compensated by City or Fayetteville for any such emergency work at CH2M HILL's costs for the emergency work plus twenty-two percent (22%). C.126 Provide City of Fayetteville with oral and written reports as requested. C.1,27 Operate and maintain all existing wastewater lift station facilities including buildings, grounds, backup power generators. and certain ulher appurtenances within the site fenced area. However, maintenance of inlet and Dattel pipcuvrks shall terminate at the wall of lift station. Should the City of Fayetteville add in excess of three M addilional lilt stations, from the prior contract year's number ol'sites, a correspomlinu choutee of scope will be negotiated. C.1.2S Conduct annual electrical evaluations of electrical units of 25 horsepower or more which operate at supply voltages of 480V or less to ground. C.1.29 CH2M H11.1,will comply will, present federal-state,and local haws in performing their obligations under the terms of thisAgrcenent. CI 12M 1111.1. and City of 1'aycttcville will work cooperatively regarding the application and impact of PmQllial changes in haw, including the potential cost impact on rhe scope of work, and nurtually revise this Agreement as applicable. C.1.30 Coordinate and schedule the use of training rooms at both wastewater treatment facilities. 0.1.31 Conduct community outreach and education activities including cooperative efforts with the University of Arkansas as appropriate. C.132 Maintain compliance with other existing environmental permils as described in Appendix F. C.133 Maintain the industrial surcharge program and provide for monitoring and control of septage deliveries, as provided for in the City of Fayettcville's Code of Ordinances, Discharge and Pretreatment Regulations. C.134 The parties contemplate that minor design/engineering services may be provided by C112M HILL hom time to time. The scope and compensation for such services shall be mutually negotiated by the parties prior to the commencement of work. C.1.35 Operate and maintain the ongoing nutrient removal efforts at the City of Fayetteville's Biosolids Management Site, including managing harvesting and marketing the hay produced on the site. Biosolids Management Site maintenance shall also include compliance with the current "no discharge"permit. C.1.36 Operate and maintain existing onsite power generators at 811 existing sites, including maintaining compliance with off-peak power rate structure monitoring and generation requirements. C.1,37 Operate and maintain the biosolids drying operation, which includes 6 solar houses and a thermal biosolids dryer. Appendix C-3 of 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 13 of 85 C.1.38 Coordinate the marketing and/or disposal of the dried biosolids produced from the drying operations as appropriate. C.139 Coordinate the application of alum sludge from Beaver Water District and invoicing for the services as appropriate. C.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES—CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE C.2.1 Provide for all Capital Expenditures except for the Projects that City of Fayetteville may authorize CH2M HILL to implement subject to mutually agreeable terms and conditions of repayment. C.2.2 Maintain all existing and necessary Project warranties, guarantees, easements, permits, and licenses that have been granted to City of Fayetteville with the proviso that CH2M HILL remains primarily responsible to ensure that the wastewater plants are efficiently, properly and professionally operated so that they will not suffer a loss of permits or licenses. C.23 Pay all property or other taxes or franchise fees associated with the Project. This excludes taxes to be borne by CH2M HILL for equipment owned by CH2M HILL.' C.2.4 May provide CH2M HILL within a reasonable time after request any piece of City of Fayetteville's heavy equipment, subject to availability, so that CH2M HILL may fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in the most cost-effective manner. C.2.5 Provide all licenses for vehicles used in connection with the Project. C.2.6 Provide for CH2M HILL's use all vehicles and equipment presently in use at the Project, including the vehicles described in Appendix H. C.2.7 Pay for all wastewater lift station utilities, with the exception of electricity. C.2.8 Pay for all gasoline, diesel, and propane for backup power generators and all rolling stock provided by City of Fayetteville,except for the biosolids semi-tractors. C.2.9 Pay for all regulatory fees. Appendix C-4 of 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 of 85 Aonendix D COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES D.1 CH2M HILL estimates that Base Fee for services, on an annual basis, under this Agreement for 2012 shall be $6,656,934. Details of said cost are shown in D,4 below. The Base Fee shall he negotiated each year. Should City of Fayetteville and CI 12M I IILL fail to agree, the Base Fee will be determined by the application of the base Pee atijuemtcnt lin't114da shown in Apl+nndix I. Upon each contract year renegotiation. (,I12Nt 1I'LL steall 0111til)nC to invoice City of Payctleville at the previous amount until the new contract year price is;caved upon. tipnn Nriltcn nnlirc,agreement between the parties as to the new contract ye:u- Bnce Pec. Ci 12M 1111-1. shall i.we an invoice retroactively ;1djMU;l,; Tile previous Base pee amount. Should the actual expenditures exceed the total estimated annual expenditures by more than Twenty Thousand Dollars($20,000), in any year of this Agreement, specific approval will be obtained fiom the City of Fayetteville prior to CH2M HILL incurring additional costs. D.2 An administrative fee of liflecn Itcrcenr (I5%)will be added to personnel services and ten percent (10%)to all other direct costs excluding electricity. An annual fixed ntanagentent fee of$116,391 shall be billed in equal numtht),installments and adjusted annually in relation to the Base Fee. D.3 In order to provide an incentive for CH2M HILL to operate in a manner that will result in actual costs below estimated cost, City of Fayetteville will pay CH2M HILL an additional fee when actual costs are below estimated cost. Said fee will be twelve and one half percent(12.5%)of the amount of actual cost are below estimated cost. D.4 Cost Detail-The annualized estimated costs for calendar year 2012 are listed in Table D-1. Appendix D-Page 1 of 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 85 p ' V ( b F V M a N O � N N � tR EA Fff fig H3 f9 69 N O ANO, m En N OCT N N Q � � C N N N N tOO Vf fA fA lA fA f9 N 0 V Q M O N m N N LF M n N W M CO 0. J fA Elf fn EH FA �• N i G 'O r N V O V O ON •O_ O N O V N M t` En O N O r O N O M CO J _ n 1"' .i' CO o o mo N Q 3 o 3 g .s M G a C � Z 0 o 0 _L N N o y Q o 3 � E � v Q v3 69 EH N3 h9 V� 0 0 a e � vcirNi� 1 C o Y N CD ', 12 W N U LL N 4 J Q LL) Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 16 of 85 Appendix E LOCATION OF PROJECT E.] CH2M HILL agrees to provide the services necessary for the management, operation and maintenance of the following: E.2 All equipment, vehicles, grounds and facilities now existing within the present property boundaries of or being used to operate the City of I'ayetteville's Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant located at: 1400 North Fox Hunter Road Fayetteville,Arkansas 72701 E.3 All equipment, vehicles, grounds and facilities now existing within the present property boundaries of or being used to operate the City of Fayetteville's West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant located at: 15 South Broyles Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72704 EA All equipment, grounds, and facilities now existing within the present property boundaries of wastewater IiR stations described as follows: SCADA Site NODE LOCATION Generator Maintenance Only _WW] 978 E Zion Rd Lowe's—Zion PS) _ Y13S WW2 35_00 L Mission Blvd (Tirnbcrcrest PS) Y __ VS_ _ WW3 2805 N Salem Rd (Crystal SPiings PS-ABANDONED) YfS W W4 _ -691 W Poplar St(Poplar PS-ABANDONED) - - YEs W W5 3896 N Greeg Ave(Gregg Ave PS) YES W W6 3021 N Old Wire Rd(Old Wire PS) W W7 2065 N Sunshine Rd I lamestring PS) YES WW8 729 W.Noith Strect(NDith Strcct I'S ABANDONED) YES W W 9 _ 1336 N Porter Rd(Porter Rd PS) _ —WWI 0 716 N Futrall Or(Futra]I Dr PS) _ YIIS WWI 1 _ 4412 W 6th Strcct(Farmington P.uut PS AIIANDONP.D) YES WW 12 571 N Double Springs Road (Farmington West PS) YES _ W W 1 3 878 S Dead Horse Mountain Rd(Stonebridge PS)_ YIf5 WW 14 1820 S Armstrong Ave(Industrial Park PS) YCS _ W W 16 516 W Ernest Lancaster Dr(Airport North PS) _ _YFS _ W W 18 _ _202 N Sandy (Gr_cenland PS) W W 19 5716 F.Norman Murphy Rd(Mal ly Wagnoo PS) YES 32.12 N 1 lighway 112 - ("I"nreker's Drive PS- W W20 ABANDONED) YES W W22 - 630 N Double Springs Rd (Owl Geck PS) YES Appendix E-Page 1 of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 85 SCADA Site NODE LOCATION Generator Maintenance _ Only W W23 440 E Fairway Ln (Masters PS) W W24 265 W Ernest Lancaster Dr(Amort East PS) YES _ W W25 551 W Aster Ave(Willow West PS-Farmington) _ YES _ W W27 1031 River Meadows Dr(Stonebridge Meadow Phase I PS) _ YES W W28 1603 Plantation Ave(heritage Village PS) YES W W29 390 N Cato Springs Rd(Bohannan PS - Greenland) W W32 478 N Durango Place(Silverthorne PSI YES W W 33 A' 4644 N Crossover Rd Stonewood PS -CopperCreek) _ __ YES _ WW34 4572 S School Ave(Airport South PS) YES _ W W35 3083 W 61h St(Lowe's- 6th St PS) YES WW36 1642 N WilIowbruol, Dr(Sky ler Placc[IS) YES W W37 3848 W Edgewater Dr(Clabber Creek PS-ABANDONED) YES WW38 3710 E Zion Rd(Copper Creek Phase 11 PS) YES WW39 2392 N Kenswick Ave(Crofton Manncr P_S) YES WW40 _ 1811 S Cherry Hills Dr(Stone Bridge Meadow_Phase 11 PS) YES WWII] 1608 S S ringlake Dr(Crescent Lake PS) __YES _ 2588 N Firefly Catch Dr(Clabber Creek Phase 3 PS-T — WW42 ABANDONED) _ _ _ YES _W_W43196 S WoodsprinS(Timber Trails PS) W W44 10 Dot Tipton Rd (Legacy Pointe Phase 4 PS) W W45 4451 N Waterside Ct(Timberlake Office Park PS) YES W W46 3788E Spyglass Hill Dr(Stonebridge Mcatiows I)hase V i)S) YES WW47 3601 E Albri ,ht Rd Embry Acres PS) _ __ _ _ YF_S W W48 2435 S Dead Horse Mountain Rd(McDonald PS)_ W W49 3,393 E Goff Fat in Rd (Meadows PS) _ W W 52 485 N Broyles Ave(Broyles Ave PS) YES WW53 1396 Zion Rd(Office Park PS) YES E_5 All equipment, grounds, and facilities now existing within the present property boundaries of or being used to operate the City of Fayetteville's Biosolids Management Site located cast of the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant across the White River. L:.6 All equipment, grounds, and facilities associated with of being used to complete routine O&M activities for the City of Fayetteville's Mitigated Wetlands Site now existing within the present property boundaries located north of the West Side Wastewater '17eatment Plant. The service includes limited herbicide application and site monitoring but excludes burning. Appendix F.-Page 2 of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 18 of 85 E.7 The potable water SCADA system at the following locations: SCADA NODE LOCATION _ DESCRIPTION W 1 215 W 24th St(South Mountain) Pump Station W2 844 N Crossover Rd(Hyland Park) - Pump Station W4 1016 E Ash St _ Pump Station W5 707 E Rogers Dr PUI71P Station _ W6 456 E Baxter Ln Ground Storage Tank(2 each) W7 707 E Rogers Dr Ground Storage Tank(2 each) _ W8 133 N Sang Ave Elevated Storage Tank W9 _ 1170 E South Skyline Dr _ Elevated Storage Tank(Mt. Sequoy_ah) W10 1044 ETownshi2 Rd Elevated Storage Tank W I I 3280 W Judge Cummins Rd _ Ground Storage Tank(2 ea)(Kessler Mnuntain) W12 7001 E Mission(Hiway 45 Valve_ _ Pressure-Red tic ine�Valve Station) W 13 1589 Fire Tower Road (Goshen) Ptnnk Station and Ground Stompe_T:mk _ W14 _ 17301 Lake Se uoyah Rd(Round Mtn)_ Pump Station W15 14360 Round Mt Comm Church Rd Stand Pipe County Rd 855 (Round Mountain)_ W16 22032 Fire Tower Rd County Rd 434 3_ _Stand Pipe(Benson Mountain) _ W17 3265 N Gulley Rd Elevated Store Tank W18 3788 N Gulley Rd _ Pump Station W 19 3370 S Coach Rd _Punp Station W20 2098 WoedcliffRd"(Springdale) SurgcTank W21 2210 N Old Wire Rd Valve W22 2800 N Old Missouri Rd _ Flo_w M_cter _ W23 3385 N Par Ct Valve _W24 3023 E Joyce Blvd _ T _ __Valve _ _ -- W25 2567 E Robinson(Springdale) valve 4 W27 17385 131ue Springs Rd (Goshen) Pump Station W28 17970 Lake Sequovah Rd _ _ Put�Station W29 _Beaver Water District _ _ SCADA Interface _WSOPC -24 _ 35 S Industrial Dr - -_—. Water,V Sewer Ops Center — MTROB 12141 M Edwards Rd Mt. Robinson"Tower Site E.8 Installation of the necessary Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and equipment to acquire flow information from the collection system via SCADA. Flow monitoring devices (up to 17 remote locations) are scheduled to be installed by the City's `Nater and Sewer Division in 2012. E.9 Responsible for the maintenance of Mt. Robinson Tower Site, excluding the road; which includes mowing and maintenance of the backup power generator, building, ground, and collision lamps. Perform annual inspection of guy wire and visual inspection of the tower. Appendix 1:- Page 3 of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 of 85 Appendix F ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS F.1 CH2M HILL will operate Project so that efFluent will meet the requirement of NPDES permit No. AR0020010 and AR0050288. CH2M HILL shall be responsible for meeting the effluent quality requirements of City of Fayetteville's NPDES permit unless one or more of the following occurs: • The Project influent does not contain Adequate Nutrients to support operation of Project biological processes; • Contains Biologically Toxic Substances which cannot be removed by the existing process and facilities; The influent flow, influent BODS, and/or suspended solids exceeds the Project design parameters which are: Noland WWTP West Side WWTP Annual Maximum Annual Maximum Average Monthly Monthly Average Average Average Flow(MGD) _ 11.2 169 10.0 17.8 BOD(Ibs/d) _ 26370_ _ 27,960 14,595 18,853 TSS(Ibs/d)_ 20,620 22,210 — — 14,5931---. .. _ 18,853 F.2 In the event any one of the Project influent characteristics, suspended solids, BODS, or flow, exceeds the parameters listed above, CH2M HILL shall return the plant effluent to the characteristics required by the NPDES permit in accordance with the following schedule after Project influent characteristics return to within design parameters. Characteristics Exceeding Listed Recovery Period Parameters By Maximum 10% or Less 3 days �> I Q. 1107 20% l0 days M%I and Abnve 30 days Not withstanding the above schedule if the failure to meet effluent quality limitations is caused by the presence of Biologically Toxic Substances or the lack of Adequate Nutrients in the influent, then CH2M HILL will have a thirty (30) day recovery period after the influent is free from said substances or contains Adequate Nutrients. F3 CH21A HILL shall not be responsible for fines or legal action as a result of discharge violations within the period that influent exceeds design parameters, does not contain Adequate Nutrients, contains Biologically Toxic Substances (that exceed process inhibiting levels or creates concentrations exceeding application or discharge limitations), and the subsequent recovery period. F 5 The estimate Costs for services under this Agreement are based upon the following Project characteristics: Appendix F- I of 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 20 of 85 Annual Noland West Side Average WWTP WWTP Flow MGD) _ 5.6 5.6 BOD(lbs/d) 10,985 9,679 TSS(lbs/d)` 9,869 11.630 The above characteristics are the actual twelve (12) months average prior to the date services are first provided under this Agreement. Any change of 10 percent (10%) or more in any of these characteristics,based upon a twelve(12)month moving average, may constitute a change in scope. F.6 The current applicable environmental permits are as follows: Permit AFIN No. _ _Permit No. _ _ Expiration Date ES-Noland 72-00102 _ AR0020010 05/31/11 NPDES-West Side 72-01033 AR0050288____ 11/30/10 �NoDischargePermit-Noland 72-00829 4748-WR-1 12/31/13 No Discharge Permit-West Side 72-01033 5028-W 06/30/14 Air-HamestrinF 72-0187 2179-A _N/A Air-West Side 72-01033 2178-A _ _N_ /A _ Stonmwater No Exposure Certification(NEC) Tracking No. -Noland _ 72-00102 ARROOC377 06/30/14 Stormwater No Exposure Certification(NEC) Tracking No. -West Side 72-01033 ARR000390 06/3Of14 Appendix F-2 oF2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 21 of 85 Appendix G INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGES AND MONITORING PROGRAM G.1 CH2M HILL shall: Administer the Industrial Pretreatment Program in accordance with 40 CFR 403. Administration shall include: 0.1.1 Maintain the industrial waste sampling and analysis program for pretreatment and surcharge, as described in G3. G.1.2 Monitor the compliance status of the current Significant Industrial Users (S1U's) through sampling, analysis, inspection, and record reviews. Recommend appropriate enforcement action to City of Fayetteville. G.1.3 Receive,review and act upon reports and notification from industrial users. (3.1.4 Prepare notice of violations and other enforcement documentation for City of Fayetteville signature in accordance with the Enforcement Response Plan in the State approved Industrial Pretreatment Program. GAJ Track,determine,and publish industrial users in significant noncompliance. G.1.6 Issue, revise, and renew industrial waste discharge permits for the SIU's for City of Fayetteville signature. G.1.7 Conduct an Industrial Waste Survey periodically to identify new,or significant, industrial users in Fayetteville and in cities with which Fayetteville has interjurisdictional agreements for waste treatment. 6.1.8 Assist City of Fayetteville with review and revision of local limits, the sewer use ordinances, the pretreatment program,and interjurisdictional agreements. G.1.9 Prepare for City of Fayetteville signature and submit the Industrial Pretreatment annual report. G.I.10 Maintain all industrial monitoring records for at least three(3)years. G.1.]1 Maintain open communication with the SIU's. G.1.12 Keep City of Fayetteville informed of pretreatment activities and chances in regulatory requirements. G.2 Significant costs due to new or changed Federal, State or Iocal regulations shall cause a change of contract scope. G. Industrial Waste Dischargers and Monitoring Program in City of Fayetteville,AR: Industry Parameters Analyzed Ayrshire Electronics, LLC 1101 S. Beechwood Copper, lead,zinc _Fayetteville,AR 72701 Custom Powder Coating Services, Inc. 1629 W. Farmington St. Cadmium, chromium, copper,lead, nickel; Fayetteville, AR 72701 silver, zinc,cyanide Appendix G- I ol'2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 22 of 85 Industry Parameters Analyzed Elkhart Products Corporation 3265 Highway 71 South Chromium,copper,lead, nickel,zinc,oil & Fayetteville,AR 72701 grease Hiland Dairy Company 301 E. 15°i Street Biochemical oxygen demand,total suspended Fayetteville, AR 72701 solids,phosphorus, pH,oil &grease Marshalltown Tools Cadmium,chromium,copper,lead,nickel, Fayetteville,AR 72701 Industrial Drive silver,zinc,cyanide Fa e Pinnacle Foods Corporation 1100 W, 15'"Sheet Biochemical oxygen demand,total suspended Fayetteville,AR 72701 solids,phosphorus, pH,oil &grease Superior Industries International Arkansas,LLC Cadmium,chromium,copper, lead,nickel, 1901 Borick Drive silver,zinc,cyanide Fayetteville,AR 72701 _ Tyson Foods, lnc_ 2615 S.School Biochemical oxygen demand,total suspended Favetteville.AR 72701 solids,phosphorus,pH,oil &grease Appendix Ci-2 of? Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 23 of 85 Apnendix H VEHICLE AND MOBILE EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (ROLLING STOCK) Unit# Unit Description Location Year 320 Ford F350 Super Duty/Crane,Crew Cab West Side 1999 324 Ford F350 Super Duty/Crane. Reg. Cab Paul R Noland _ 1999 325 Ford F350 Super Dutv.Reg.Cab _ Paul R Noland 2000 339 _ Ford F-350,Flatbed Biosolids Management Site 2002 340 _ Ford F-350 _ Biosolids_Manae_ement Site _ 2002 551 Ford-3930 FructorBrushh og _ Biosolids Management Site 9l 95 564 _Ford/New Holland 8160 Load Tractor Biosolids Management Site 1999_ 570 New Holland 8670 Tractor Biosolids Management Site 2000 581 _ New holland TS I OOA Font End Loader Biosolids Management Site 2004 582 _ New Holland 1412 Discbine Mower Conditioner Biosolids Management Site _2004 583 New Holland 740 Round Baler Biosolids Nlana¢ement Site. 2001 588 New Holland 13940A Large Square Baler Biosolids Management Site 2005 _589 _ New 1-Iolland 1412 Discbine Mower Conditioner Biosolids Manaeement Site 2005 644 New Holland 575E Backhoe/Loader _ Maintenance 2000 695 Bobcat Skidsteer-Loader Biosolids Management Site _ 2011_ 727 Dump Truck Paul R Noland 1995 741 Mack Tractor Biosolids M_ ana ement Site 1996 751 _ Sterling LT9500'Fruck _ West Side 2006 7 53, Kenworth Semi Tractor _ _ _ _ Paul R Noland 1999 754 _ Kenworth "1'800 Semi"Tractor _ West Side 1999 _755 1<enworth T800 Semi Tractor _ Paul R Noland _ 2_000 806 Case 11506 Bulldozer _ Biosolids Manaeement Site 1995 818 _ Cater illarP5000LPForklift West Side 2008 . .—_.. - 927 Parker 24' Goosenuck Trailer Biosolids Management Site 1991 959 Bush Hog2620 Cutter _ Biosolids Management Site 1995 966 P.J_Trailer, 18FT _Biosolids Management—Site— _ 199_6 969 _ LO_P,o 2Y 5,T-06F'F Trai1_ei Biosolids Nlanagement Site 1996 988 Hesston Wheel Rake Biosolids Management Site k998 --........--- - - — -- 989 M&W Wheel Rakc Biosolids Management Site 1998 992 ATV-Polaris Sportsman 4X4 Paul R Noland _ 1998 1052 Ford Ex toter _ _ Biosolids Management Site 1999 1092 Ford liaplorcr XLT Paul R Noland 2002 2004 Ford 4X4 Ranger XLT Paul R Noland 1997 —. 2007 Ford 4X4 Ran cr XL"1' West Side __ _ _1997_ _2103 Ford 4X4 F150 Lxtended Cab _ West Side_ 2006 '820 2006 Kawasaki Mue 4x4 West Side 2006 Appendix H - I ol-2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 24 of 85 VEHICLE AND MOBILE EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (ROLLING STOCK) Unit# Unit Description Location Year -43318 _2006 Kawasaki Mule 4x4 _ Paul R Noland 2006_ 5000 New Holland 1412 Discbine Biosolids Management Site 2006 5001 John Deere 6615 Tractor _ Biosolids Management_Site _ _ 20_07 5002 John Deere 6615 Tractor Biosolids Management Site 2007 5003 New Holland 740 Round Baler Biosolids Management Site _ _2007 5012 NHT6030 Biosolids Manapernent Site_ 2009 5022 4X4 Tractor with Loader Biosolids Ntanagement Site 201 5023 H&S Spreader B.iosolids Mauaeanenl Site 201 �.- - ---- — .-- ....... 5024 35'Mobile Litter Conve or T Biosolids Manaigement Site 201 1 5025 35' Mobile Litter Conveyor _ _ Biosolids Manape_ment Site _ _ _201 1 5030 New Holland H5920 Hav Rake- _ Biosolids Management Site 201 1 9021 Volvo Penta 400 KW-Trailer Mounted Generator Litt Station I2N 2001 9025 Volvo Penta 400 KW-Trailer Mounted Generator Lift Station22 _ 20_01 9034 Yale 5000# Pork Lift Paul R Noland _ _ 2002 9083 Lufkin ULD-38 TrailerWest Side _ _ 1999 9088 Lufkin ULD-38 Trailer West Side __ 2006 9104 Lufkin ULD-38 Trailer _ _ _ West Side _2004_ _9105 Lufkin ULD-38 Trailer Paul R Noland _ 2004_ 9106_ LuNin ULD-38 Trailer _ _ _Paul R Noland _ 2004 91 I I Clcmcnt Star Litc'h ailer _ Paul h Noland 2009 9124 _Thompson 6' Diesel P,wer Pump/f7ailer Paul R No _ 2009 9142 _ 42' Belted Trailer Biosolids Management Site 2011 Appendix 11-2 of 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 25 of 85 Auoendix I BASE FEE ADJUSTMENT 1.1 Electrical costs will be adjusted by actual increases from power supplier. 1.2 The Base Fee adjustment formula is as follows: ABF=BF x(1 +AF) Where: BF = Base Fee specified in Appendix D ABF = Adjusted Base Fee AF = Adjustment Factor as determined by the formula: AF = .5(ECI +CPI) ECI = The twelve month percent change(from the third quarter of the prior year to the third quarter in the current year) in the Employment Cost Index for Total Compensation for Civilian Workers, Not Seasonally Adjusted as published by U.S.Department of Labor,Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Detailed Report Series ID:CIU101 O000000000A. CPI = The twelve month percent change (from October of the prior year to October of the current year) in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers,Not Seasonally Adjusted as published by U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics in the CPI Detailed Report Series 1d: CUUROOOSAO. Appendix I - I ul I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 26 of 85 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO aye evo a MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 15,2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordah Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David lurgens, Utilities Director in Fayetteville Water and Sewer Com Date: October 14, 2011 Subject: Approval of the purchase of a 6,000 gallon Alum Storage Tank from Associated Fiberglass Enterprise for $ 23,814.16, Bid 11-61 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the of the purchase of a 6,000 gallon Alum Storage Tank for the Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility from Associated Fiberglass Enterprise for$ 23,814.16 in accordance with Bid 11-61. BACKGROUND The existing 12,000 gallon Alum Storage Tank has was bought in 1988 during the first major upgrade of the Paul R.Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. This tank is badly deteriorated, and has exceeded its 20 year life expectancy. The Wastewater Treatment Plant occasionally uses Alum (Aluminum Sulfate) as a coagulant to aid in phosphorus and total suspended solids removal. Effective process control has minimized the need of Alum addition significantly in the past twenty year. However, alum use is sometimes required, especially during high flow events. In consideration of current and future needs, including allowing for potential long-term permit limit changes; staff believes we can use the smaller 6,000 gallon tank to replace the existing 12,000 gallon tank. This smaller tank costs less and occupies a smaller footprint than the 12,000 gallon tank it replaces. DISCUSSION The City received two bids on October 12, 2011. Associated Fiberglass Enterprise submitted the lowest bid, and meets the minimum specification requirements. City and CH2M Hill crews will install the replacement tank when it arrives. BUDGETIMPACT Funds for the purchase of the Alum Storage Tank are available in the Wastewater Treatment Plant—Plant Pumps and Equipment project. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Alum Tank CC Memo 140ctl l.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 27 of 85 N � m N W N O to O O � m a �. m A O m O a a 3 a I T d N ff D� n n� K x y N fD (fl y n w a D AM W (C C • 3 3 0 o a' a Q 3 GI 'a 90 n m A a 0 3 U c 3 0 � 5 � 3 n N C O C � Z N `y M a N a c 0 o 3 D O g o ,mm � ' n N n N -4 _.o._ m 3 r m I vTmn � Qaw , a T - A M N m N mM> a O O a n N N N 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 28 of 85 A. 3 Bid#11-61 Associated Fiberglass Enterprise Page 6 of 18 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Purchasing Division- Room 306 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone- 479.575.8220 ARKANSAS TDD(Telecommunication Device for the Deaf):479.521.1316 INVITATION TO BID: BID 11-61, Alum Storage Tank DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 before 2:00 PM, Local Time DELIVERY LOCATION: Room 306 — 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, AR 72701 PURCHASING AGENT: Andrea Foren, CPPB, aforen dci.favetteville.ar.us,479.575.8220 DATE OF ISSUE AND ADVERTISEMENT: Thursday, September 22, 2011 INVITATION TO BID Bid 11-61, Alum Storage Tank No late bids shall be accepted. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes labeled "Bid 11-61, Alum Storage Tank" with the name and address of the bidder. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the attached City of Fayetteville specifications and bid documents attached hereto. Each bidder is required to fill in every blank and shall supply all information requested; failure to do so may be used as basis of rejection. The undersigned hereby offers to furnish & deliver the articles or services as specified, at the prices & terms stated herein, and in strict accordance with the specifications and general conditions of bidding, all of which are made a part of this offer. This offer is not subject to withdrawal unless upon mutual written agreement by the Proposer/Bidder and City Purchasing Manager. Name of Firm: ASSoc,gSEi) V,aEeCLASS ENTE-RP?-,&ts Contact Person: 13ra­'r d S}r eJ,r Title: Prcac�k frons erg E-Mail: dgv*�3 PS cx�,4cx<S , C.n Phone: Bt-l- S3B-L.ti s to Business Address: Zytl 63zaicr S\- 'i City: Fo c-y U_ cb�ky, State: T k Zip: Signature: - � l� Date: lo/ +l City of Fayetteville,AR Bid 11-61,Alum Storage Tank Page 1 of 14 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 29 of 85 A.3 Bid#11-61 Associated Fiberglass Enterprise Page 7 of 18 City of Fayetteville Bid 11-61, Alum Storage Tank Bid Form DATE REQUIRED AS A COMPLETE UNIT: 120 calendar days from Date of Order s wte Its 4k- recti p'� A 40 + Appro..ed Qrnwl nSS GUARANTEED DELIVERY DATE: $- IU F.O.B. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1400 N. Fox Hunter Road, Fayetteville, AR 72701 ITEM: DESCRIPTION: QUANTITY: *PRICE EACH: **TOTAL PRICE 1. Purchase of one (1) FRP straight shell,vertical tank, flat bottom, domed top, double wall, vertical vessel as specified. 1 $ Zl,'14-1, Sb $ Z1 , 151. Sly **Price bid shall include all labor, materials,overhead, profit, insurance,shipping,freight, etc.,to cover the products and services presented. Sales tax is not to be included in the bid price. Applicable Arkansas sales tax laws will apply when necessary but will not be considered in award of this project. Please Specify for Unit(s)Bid: *MANUFACTURER: A ssocu4�tp MODEL: N10, TOTAL BID PRICE: $ Bids must be submitted on this bid form in its entirety AND accompanied by descriptive literature on the products being bid. THIS FORM CONTINUES ON THE NEXT PAGE. . . City of Fayetteville,AR Bid 11-61,Alum Storage Tank Page 2 of 14 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 30 of 85