HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-22 - Agendas a e Wille Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of October 22, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Chris Brown, Jeremy Pate, Tomrtlutlhard, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Peggy Bell, OMI, Will Winn FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director (A� A Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee meeting will be held October 22, 2009, 5:30 PM, room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics inc ude: 1. Capital Proiect Update. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-9 Tieover- Non Critical Items Goodwin&Goodwin $ 1,546,400 90% WL-10a Farmington Gravity Line In Town Portion Gamey Const $ 1,664,231 28.3% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/42" Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 67% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 100% 13I0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying In Desi n BI0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying In Desi n Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. WL-9 Change Order 4 for $20,000 is attached. It involves replacing an 8" sewer line that connects the previously existing system to the new sewer interceptor WL-1 flow at Front Street. With the completion of this work, there may be one last reconciliation change order to close out the contract. b. EP-3 Change Order 4 for$7,760 is attached. It involves the injection of 80 linear feet of HH Foam Resin for the exterior portion of four expansion joints located in the exterior walls of the aeration basin. The foam resin is being utilized to provide further exterior stabilization to the waterstop in the joint. This is the final change order for the project, covering additional items identified in the course of construction and reconciling all contract quantities. c. Biosolids design is underway. Research has identified several new configurations that may allow using the biosolids (and other sources) as supplemental fuel sources for the thermal heater units, reducing the long term need for natural gas. Additionally, Arkansas Western Gas has indicated that there may be challenges providing sufficient gas for the drier. Staff intends to have bid documents published within the next 45 days for the first phase of the project. d. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 2. Mt Seguovah Water and Sewer Improvements a. LaRue Contractor Change Order 2 reducing the contract by $10,027.17 is attached. This change order reconciles unit quantity changes to date, and adjusts certain water and sewer line segments within the contract to match what was actually identified underground in the field. b. Garver Engineers Amendment 2 for $35,000 is attached. This amendment adds fourteen days of construction inspection for the water and sanitary sewer improvements to cover the last construction for this project. 3. 36" Water Transmission Line Rehabilitation Study Amendment 3, with no change to the contract price, for professional engineering services with Black and Veatch, is attached. The amendment reconciles the scope of work, balancing the work performed by Black and Veatch and City staff. 4. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line design work is being executed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. The contract for the first phase was awarded to Seven Valleys Construction for$1,757,232.00, covering 4,462 feet of 36-inch water main on Township between W&S CommitteeAgmda 220aWdoc ae 111le Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Crossover and Old Wire Road. The Notice to Proceed was issued on August 10; construction is expected to be completed by year end. Bond funds have been acquired for the project. The second phase of the project, 24" - 36" water line from Mission to Joyce along Highway 265 is nearing final design. Easement acquisition will commence as soon as the Highway Department has acquired their right-of-way. 5. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 preliminary design is underway based on the sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) for the 810 manholes and 175,000 feet of sewer mains. That work that is appropriate for lining is being added into the Insituform CIPP lining project. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract 2009 work has been designed. The maintenance work is being combined with work identified in the SSES completed earlier this year. The CIPP process involves lining existing sewer pipes with a new pipe that saves digging, costs less than traditional dig and replace work, and essentially installs a new water tight pipe within the existing pipeline. Under this work order, approximately 17,000' of pipe will essentially be replaced for a cost of approximately $622,256.00. 6. Canterbury Water Tank, pump station and lines are being designed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. Bid documents are expected to be completed this fall, and a construction contract awarded by year end. Work is expected to take approximately one year to complete. Staff met with neighborhood representatives was held on October 3rd regarding site work, gate type and tank colors. McClelland Consulting Engineers has incorporated the resulting decisions in the plans. 7. Wastewater Treatment Contract has been awarded to CH2M Hill OMI. Contract negotiations are ongoing and the anticipated date of negotiation completion is this month. A summary of major contract changes will be distributed at the Committee meeting. Staff anticipates that the negotiated contract be ready for presentation to the City Council on November 17, 2009. 8. Backflow Prevention Ordinance Update will be discussed prior to the end of the year. The City Attorney had some questions regarding the ordinance. Staff will bring forward a compilation of major issues, discussion, and any resulting changes to the ordinance. 9. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 5:30, room 111. Attachments: 1a. WL-9 Change Order 4 1 b. EP-3 Change Order 4 2a. LaRue Contractor Change Order 2 2b. Garver Engineers Amendment 2 4. 36" Water Transmission Line Amendment 3, Black and Veatch W&S CommitteeAgenda 220ctMdoc 1a.WL-9 C04 1 of 2 Ta`yZ elle Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Public Utilities Director D Date: September 25, 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 4 to the constru tion contract with Goodwin&Goodwin Inc for $20,000.00, for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system,WSIP Subproject WL-9 RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of Change Order 4 to the construction contract with Goodwin & Goodwin Inc for$20,000.00, for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP Subproject WL-9. BACKGROUND The project involves abandoning 8 manholes, cutting and plugging approximately 29 sanitary sewer lines,reconditioning manholes and approximately 10 force mains, and abandoning 8 lift stations. Approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines will be installed and 2 manholes will be constructed. The project essentially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines and lift stations to the new transmission lines. Construction on this complex project is proceeding very well. DISCUSSION This change order allows for replacing an 8"sewer line that connects the previously existing system to the new sewer interceptor WL-1 flow at Front Street. With the completion of this work, there may be one last reconciliation change order to close out the contract. BUDGETIMPACT A$77,000 contingency was approved with this contract, of which $29,025.60 remains after Change Order 3. $9,025.60 will remain in the contingency after Change Order 4. WL-9 C04 CCMemo 25Sep109.d0e 1a.WL-9 C04 2 oft Change Order No. 4 Page I of 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Contract Schedule Section Date 9/22/2009 ANRC Project No.: CS-050803-03 Owner Project No.: 72903 Project Name: Westside non-critical cutover plan Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Conhactor: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 3503 Free Ferry Road Fayetteville,AR 72701 Fort Smith,AR THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Correct backpitched 8"sewer line and line angled into WL-I interceptor flow at Front Street incorrectly installed by Oscar Renda Company $20,000 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $20,000.00 NET CHANGE ORDERI $20,000.00 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,543,600.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) (net) $47,974.40 $47,974.40 Net Amount This Change Order $20,000.00 $20.000.00 'TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1,611.574.40 $1.611,574.40 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Date 3-Aug-09 Previous Adjusted Completion Date 17-Aug-09 (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order 60 Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: I6-Oct-09 RECOMMENDED: RJN GROUP + ' -D Engineer BY: �Y"�`` I"f /44yue. V y 2Q' v ry Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Contractor BY: Jujan Qy ,ciao, 91401 Signature T Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAY EVILLE ` ne /X i atme itic Date 1b. EP-3 C04 1 of 2 Ta*y**eo le CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Utilities Director L Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committ Date: September 21,2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 4 to the contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for $7,760.00 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 4 to the contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for$7,760.00 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3. BACKGROUND The project includes the installation of denitrification pumps,non-potable water pumps, final clarifier drives, structural repairs, roofing replacement and other miscellaneous improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is the final of four WSIP contracts to be executed at Noland. The majority of this work could not be completed prior to the West Side W WTP becoming fully operational. DISCUSSION Change Order four,for$7,760, involves the injection of 80 linear feet of HH Foam Resin for the exterior portion of four expansion joints located in the exterior walls of the aeration basin. The foam resin is being utilized to provide fiuther exterior stabilization to the waterstop in the joint. This is the final change order for the project, covering additional items identified in the course of construction and reconciling all contract quantities.Black and Veatch,the Engineer,recommends approval of this change order. The project is substantially complete. BUDGETIMPACT This change order uses $7,760.00 of the remaining$151,581.60 contingency. A balance of $143,821.60 in contingency will be returned to WSIP funds after this change order. 1b. EP-3 C04 2 of CHANGE ORDER P ayeTVIe ro eKA NSAS j ct Number: EP-3 Contract Title: Noland W WTP Improvements Change Order No 4 Date of Issuance September 18,2009 TO CONTRACTOR:CrQs-aht He_ary C2ntrectors Inc ORDINANCE NO:/RESOLUTION NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE Item C04-1. Installation of Foam Resin on the Exterior of Aeration Basin Joints. Initiated by:OMI Due to unforeseen conditions,the injection of HH Foam Resin was needed for the exterior portion of four expansionjoints located in the exterior walls of the aeration basin. The foam resin is being utilized to provide further exterior stabilization to the waterstop in thejoint. A total of 80 linear feet of foam resin at a cost of$97 per linear foot will be required. This change results in an increase of$7,760.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was..........................................................................................................$ 2.439.646.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .........................................................................$ 92,419.40 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ......................................_. ............................$ 2.532,065.40 The Contract Price will be(X increased)(O decreased)(O unchanged)by......................................$ 7.760.00 _ The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be.............................................................$ 2.539.825.40 The Contract Times will be(O increased)(E]decreased)(X unchanged)by ....................................( 0 ) days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ................ Aueust 4,2009 NOTE: 'Phis summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. q EJ 101 WEER: ack&Veatch Corporation DATE Katie Funderbur ,PE CONCT r ssland cavyContractors DAT 13 Mark IS s Wl ER: Mayor reldlordan DATE f Aondra Smith,City Clerk DATE Distribution: 0Owner(3) =���G;G�-�Y opo. ❑Contractor ' ❑Engineer :U 'FAYETTEVILLE• r4 0 o qs gRKAN`�P�J�,^ 00940 change order4.doc '�";,I,NGITO1194V,4tP 1 Project No. 135045 2a. LaRue Contractor CO2 1 of 4 Item Requiring Mayor's Approval To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff David Jurgens, Utilities Director From: Sid Norbash, Staff Engineer Date: October 13, 2009 Subject: (1) Change Order No.2 for Mt. Sequoyah W/S Improvements Project / Construction Contract (2) Related Engineering Contract Amendment# 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND This is a budgeted project under construction. In the past Change Order#1 has been executed. This Change Order did not change the cost of the contract but did add 14 calendar days to the time of the contract. There were two under ground concrete tanks at Mt. Sequoyah Garden Parks that needed to be filled-in. Staff worked out an agreement with the contractor to use the excavated dirt from this project to fill these tanks at no cost to the City. This change order added 14 calendar days to the contract time, to allow for the demolition of the top of the tanks. DISCUSSION The circumstances in the field determined that it was not necessary to construct one segment of the water lines designated as Line "D". Also not to be constructed was Sewer Line "1" (300 feet) and three manholes. At this time Staff recommended to construct a much needed 8" water line in this project area to extend from Dogwood Ln. to Lafayette St. to allow the Water & Sewer Division to construct a 2" water line in place of the existing inadequate and leaky 1 1/4" galvanized line. This line serves 10 residences, which have extremely low water pressure. 2a. LaRue Contractor CO2 2 of Because of weather related delays, unexpected changes in the field, and addition of 225 feet of 8" water line to the contract, 48 additional days are being added to the contract time. For more information please refer to attached Change Order#2 to the construction contract. Although Change Order#2 decreases the contract amount by$10,027.17, because of the addition of 48 extra days the Engineering Contract is being amended to adjust for the cost of daily inspections and other services. This addition is in the amount of$35,000, which is an average daily inspection of 4 hours per day. (Please see attached Engineering Contract Amendment#2 for details). BUDGETIMPACT This is a reduction of$10,027.17 to the construction contract, however, it does affect the Engineering fees for the construction management because additional days are granted to the contractor for construction of the added water line. A separate Engineering Contract Amendment is attached for approval as well. This Amendment will increase the cost by $35,000. Council has approved a project contingency of$50,000, which has not been used at all. Net affect of the change is a project cost increase of$24,972.83 DJ/sn Attachment: 2 2a. LaRue Contractor CO2 CHANGE ORDER 3 of 4 aye evl le Bid Number 09-12 ARI(ANSAS Contract Title Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements Change Order No. 2 Date of Issuance September 23,2009 To Contractor: LaRue Contractor,Inc. Contract Date: February 17,2009 The Contract is changed as follows: I. Omit installation of water line"D"because it was verified by the Contractor that it was previously installed by others. 2. Revise the connection of proposed water line"A"to the existing water line at the intersection of East Texas Way and South Skyline Drive as directed by the Engineer as required to abandon a portion of an existing water line. The existing water line was approximately 20 feet further east than expected,under an existing gravity sewer,and parallel to the existing gravity sewer. The revised connections will abandon the existing water line that is a health risk because of its proximity to the existing gravity sewer. Install a two 8"gate valves on an existing water line at the locations as directed by the Engineer to avoid significant water line shut downs to customers when abandoning existing water lines. ___________ ____ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Omit installation of sanitary sewer line"1"because it was verified that it was prevously relocated by others. The existing sanitary sewer was prevouly believed to be under an existing house. The existing water line will still be abandoned and the water service line switchovers will be required as shown on the sewer line"1"construction drawing. 4. Extend the water line along Dogwood Lane to Lafayette Street as shown on enclosed revised sheet number I I. ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. An additional 48 calandar days will be added to the contract time for the additional work associated with the items above and delays due to abnormal rainfall amounts in May,July,and August. ----------------------------------------------------_--------------------------------------------------------------------______________________________ Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quantity Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost 5 8"PVC C-900 DR-14 Water Line 6,020 LF $42.75 6,300 $42.75 $257,355.00 $269,325.00 13 8"Gate Valve 10 EA $985.89 11 $98.5.89 $9,858.90 $10,844.79 14 2"Ball Valve I EA $395.46 2 $395.46 $395.46 $790.92 19 Water Service Line 2,900 LF $30.98 3,000 $30.98 $89,842.00 $92,940.00 20 Water Meter Setting 50 EA $429.56 53 $429.56 $21,478.00 $22,766.68 22 Ductile Iron Fittings for Water Line 5,300 LB $9.10 5,500 $9.10 $48,230.00 $50,050.00 28 8"PVC SDR-26 Gravity Sewer Pipe 300 LF $57.16 0 $57.16 $17,148.00 $0.00 29 4'ID Sanitary Sewer Manhole,0'to 6' 3 EA $1,321.05 0 $1,321.05 $3,963.15 $0.00 Depth 30 4'ID Sanitary Sewer Manhole 20 VF $185.02 0 $185.02 $3,700.40 $0.00 Additional Depth,Over 6'Depth 31 Concrete Anchor for Gravity Sewer 2 EA $1,086.25 0 $1,086.25 $2.172.50 $0.00 Line 32 Undercut and Backfill for Sanitary 10 CY $22.44 0 $22.44 $224.40 $0.00 Sewer 33 4"Sanitary Sewer Service Line 100 LF $31.80 0 $31.80 $3,180.00 $0.00 34 4"Sewer Service Tap 5 EA $159.00 0 $159.00 $79.5.00 $0.00 35 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer I EA $454.50 0 $454.50 $454.50 $0.00 Manhole 36 Demolish Existing Manhole 2 EA $204.50 0 $204.50 $409.00 $0.00 37 Rock Excavation for Sewer Line 25 CY $210.85 0 $210.85 $5,271.25 $0.00 1 of 2 2a. LaRue Contractor CO2 CHANGE ORDER 4 of 4 aye eIe Bid Number 09-12 ANKANSAS Contract Title Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements Change Order No. 2 Date of Issuance September 23,2009 To Contractor: LaRue Contractor,Inc. Contract Date: February 17,2009 The Contract is changed as follows: 70 Pavement repairs and compacted 0 LS $0.00 1 $2,200.00 $0.00 $2,200.00 backfill for Water Line Ty' investigation 71 Additional compacted backfill for 0 LS $0.00 1 $533.00 $0.00 $533.00 Water Line"A"extra work 72 8"Gate Valve Installation on an 0 EA $0.00 2 $2,500.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 Existing Water Line including all Materials and Labor Summation of Cost $464,477.56 $454,450.39 Net Cost for this Change Order ($10,027.17) Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was ............................................................................................................................................ $ 947,628.99 . Net change by previously authorized change orders ............................................................................................................................................ $0.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ............................................................................................................................................ $947,628.99 The Contract Price will be decrease by ................................................................................... .. ...... . .... .... .. . .. . ......... . ......................... ($10,027.17) The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be _ ______ $ 937,601.82 The Contract Time(s)will increase ,,,,,,.,............................................... 48 calendar days Required date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is: .......................................................................................... Substantial Completion(212 Calandar Days) .......................................................................................... 4-Nov-09 Final Completion(242 Calandar Days) 4-Dec-09 VER,L4 City of Fayetteville BY DATE BY magor DATE e Contraalo J I ZN 0 BY V DATE 2 of 2 2b.Garver Engineers Anndnnt 2 1 of 4 Item Requiring Mayor's Approval To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff David Jurgens, Utilities Director From: Sid Norbash, Staff Engineer Date: October 13, 2009 Subject: (1) Change Order No.2 for Mt. Sequoyah W/S Improvements Project / Construction Contract (2) Related Engineering Contract Amendment # 2 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND This is a budgeted project under construction. In the past Change Order#I has been executed. This Change Order did not change the cost of the contract but did add 14 calendar days to the time of the contract. There were two under ground concrete tanks at Mt. Sequoyah Garden Parks that needed to be filled-in. Staff worked out an agreement with the contractor to use the excavated dirt from this project to fill these tanks at no cost to the City. This change order added 14 calendar days to the contract time, to allow for the demolition of the top of the tanks. DISCUSSION The circumstances in the field determined that it was not necessary to construct one segment of the water lines designated as Line "D". Also not to be constructed was Sewer Line "I" (300 feet) and three manholes. At this time Staff recommended to construct a much needed 8" water line in this project area to extend from Dogwood Ln. to Lafayette St. to allow the Water & Sewer Division to construct a 2" water line in place of the existing inadequate and leaky 1 1/4" galvanized line. This line serves 10 residences, which have extremely low water pressure. 2b.Garver Engineers Anndnnt 2 2 of Because of weather related delays, unexpected changes in the field, and addition of 225 feet of 8" water line to the contract, 48 additional days are being added to the contract time. For more information please refer to attached Change Order 112 to the construction contract. Although Change Order #2 decreases the contract amount by $10,027.17, because of the addition of 48 extra days the Engineering Contract is being amended to adjust for the cost of daily inspections and other services. This addition is in the amount of$35,000, which is an average daily inspection of 4 hours per day. (Please see attached Engineering Contract Amendment#2 for details). BUDGETIMPACT This is a reduction of$10,027.17 to the construction contract, however, it does affect the Engineering fees for the construction management because additional days are granted to the contractor for construction of the added water line. A separate Engineering Contract Amendment is attached for approval as well. This Amendment will increase the cost by $35,000. Council has approved a project contingency of$50,000, which has not been used at all. Net affect of the change is a project cost increase of$24,972.83 DJ/sn Attachment: 2 .. 2b.Garver Engineers Amdmt 2 3 of STANDARD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Project No. 0396.1000 CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.2 This Contract Amendment No. 2, dated , 2009 shall amend the original contract between the City of Fayetteville (Owner) and Garver Engineers, LLC (Engineer), dated December 2, 2003 referred to in the following paragraphs as the original contract. This contract amendment changes the original contract party from Garver Engineers, LLC to Garver, LLC. This Contract Amendment No. 2 increases the time of construction phase services for the water and sanitary sewer improvements located in Fayetteville, Arkansas for the Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements described in Amendment No. I to the original contract dated June 5,2007. The original contract is hereby modified as follows: SECTION 2—BASIC SERVICES OF GARVER Appendix B, Part D — Construction Phase Services of Amendment No.I to the original contract is hereby amended as follows: 6. Revise"180-calendar-day" to"280-calendar-day" at the two locations in the first and second sentence of the paragraph. SECTION 6—PAYMENTS TO GARVER Section 6.L4 Construction Phase Services of Amendment No.I to the original contract is hereby amended as follows: 6.1.4 Revise"$87,000" to "122,000" in the first sentence of the paragraph. Contract Amendment No.2 1 of 2 0396-1000 Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements 2b.Garver Engineers Anndnnt 2 4 of i This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original,but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. OWNER ENGINEER CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE GARVE LLC By. By: — Title: Magor Title: GjfL VIS �C2F1i1D�tIT ATTEST: ATTEST% Contract Amendment No. 2 2 of 2 0396-1000 Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements 4.36 In.Water Transm. Une Amdmt 3, B&V 1 of 5 aye evgle CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities DirectorD Fayetteville Water and Sewer Commi e Date: October 20, 2009 Subject: Approval of Amendment 3 to the agreement for professional engineering services with Black and Veatch Corporation with no change in the cost, for construction inspection of Fayetteville's 36-inch Water Transmission Line Rehabilitation Study RECOMMENDATION Approval of Amendment 3 to the agreement for professional engineering services with Black and Veatch Corporation with no change in the cost, for construction phase services of Fayetteville's 36- inch Water Transmission Line Rehabilitation Study. BACKGROUND Black and Veatch provided engineering services related to the construction management of the project with Alpha Utilities to construct the 36" & 42" Existing Transmission Main Modifications. Delays related to the Contractor resulted in a suspension of the work during periods of high water usage during the summer and fall months of 2007, and extended the substantial date from April 15, 2008 to August 11, 2009. The Engineering fees related to construction management were based on the original contract times. DISCUSSION Contractor Alpha Utilities did not meet the revised construction substantial completion date of April 15, 2008, and Amendment 2 to this Agreement allowed for additional construction phase services by Black and Veatch through May 6, 2008. The actual substantial completion date for the Hwy 412 vault work was August 11, 2009. Per discussions between Staff and Black and Veatch engineer Katie Funderburk, the scope of post-construction phase services is reduced to offset the additional construction inspection that resulted due to the delays. This cooperative work effort has resulted in no additional cost to the City. BUDGETIMPACT None. B&VAmdmB CCMemo190ct09.doc 4.36 In.Water Transm. Une Amdmt 3, B&V 2 of AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND BLACK & VEATCH CORPORATION WHEREAS, On April 16,2003,the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE)and Black &Veatch Corporation of Kansas City,Missouri (BLACK&VEATCH)entered into an Agreement for engineering services in connection with the Fayetteville Existing 36-inch Water Transmission Line—Rehabilitation Study (the"Project"). The scope of the services for the Agreement included a Study. On September 20, 2005, Amendment No. I was issued to amend the scope of services to include Final Design Phase, Bidding Phase, Construction Phase, and Post Construction Phase Services. On May 6, 2008, Amendment No. 2 was issued to amend the scope of services to include Additional Office Support and Field Support Services for Construction Phase of the Project, and WHEREAS, BLACK & VEATCH has proceeded with these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the Agreement, and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE requests that the scope of BLACK &VEATCH's services to be amended to provide Additional Construction Phase Services and to deletion Post-Construction Phase Services for the Project,and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and BLACK &VEATCH, the parties hereto,stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated April 16, 2003 and as modified by Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2, is hereby amended in the following particulars: SECTION 2- BASIC SERVICES OF BLACK&VEATCH 2.4 SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES Add the following tasks to Appendix D of the Agreement and as modified by Amendment No. 2. D.3.9 ADDITIONAL OFFICE SUPPORT SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION. Supplemental construction phase services include additional office support services due to the Contractor's delay in meeting the revised construction Substantial Completion Date of April 15, 2008 that Fayetteville Amendment No 3.doc 1 10/6/2009 4.36 In.Water Transm. Une Amdmt 3, B&V 3 of was based on an eleven month extension in the original construction period. Additional tasks include: D.3.8.1 MANAGEMENT. Additional supervision and coordination of the services provided by BLACK& Veatch, including the scheduling and assignment of personnel, coordination with CITY OF AYETTEVILLE, and monitoring of the work progress. D.3.8.2 OFFICE SUPPORT. Perform additional reviews of Contractor submittals required by the construction contract documents, including the following: • Additional drawings and other shop drawings data submitted by the Contractor • Additional Contractor monthly payment applications and supporting data. D.4.8 ADDITIONAL FIELD SUPPORT SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION. D.4.8.2 PERIODIC SITE VISITS. Additional site visits by BLACK &VEATCH's Project Engineer and Resident Engineer to observe the work being performed at Highway 412 site. It is anticipated that up to five (5)additional site visits will be required, with each site visit consisting of up to eight(8) manhours to observe the work. 2.5 Post Construction Phase Revise the scope of services for Post-Construction Phase by deleting the following tasks in Appendix E of Amendment No. 1 to the original Agreement: E.1.2 Review and evaluate distribution system flow data received from the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE that was measured by the new insertion-type, flow meter installed on the existing 36-inch transmission main. The evaluation will determine those flow conditions that could be used to detect when a major break has occurred in the 36-inch transmission main. Submit proposed flow conditions to the City of Fayetteville for its consideration in defining when automatic isolation of that portion of the existing 36- inch transmission main between the Township Road and Joyce Boulevard, using electric actuated butterfly valves, is to occur. E.1.3 Meet with CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's project manager and representatives of Operations Management International to discuss the proposed flow conditions. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will provide the selected flow conditions to Operations Fayetteville Amendment No 3.doc 2 10/6/2009 4.36 In.Water Transm. Une Amdmt 3, B&V 4 of Management International for programming the operation of the isolation valves based on flow meter output data. SECTION 5- PERIOD OF SERVICE Modify SECTION 5.3 of Amendment No. 2 to include an additional 535 calendar days to the completion date for Construction Phase Services as established by the Notice to Proceed to Contractor: 5.3 The services described in this Amendment No. 3 and previous Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2 are expected to be completed in accordance with the following schedule: Construction Phase Services Completed within 995 days From Notice to Proceed to Contractor by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Post Construction Phase Services Completed within 60 days after Contractor's Final Completion of the Work SECTION 6- PAYMENTS TO BLACK& VEATCH 6.1 Compensation Delete the first subparagraph of SECTION 6.1.3 of the Agreement and replace with the following: For the scope of Additional Services set forth in this Amendment No. 3, including Additional Services for Construction Phase and deletion of Post-Construction Phase Services,the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees to no adjustment in Black&Veatch's not-to-exceed maximum upper limit of the Agreement as amended by Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2. The total payment to BLACK&VEATCH for all services defined in the original agreement, and as Amended by Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 2, and this Amendment No. 3 shall not exceed four hundred sixty two thousand three hundred dollars ($462,300)except as provided for in Section 3 of the Agreement. All other provisions of the original Agreement and as modified by Amendment No. 1, Amendment No. 2 remain in full force and effect. Fayetteville Amendment No 3.doc 3 10/6/2009 4.36 In.Water Transm. Une Amdmt 3, B&V 5 of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this day of 20_. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS By: Mayor ATTEST: By: City Clerk BLACK& VE TC CYATION _ �. By: Michael G. Orth Title: Vice President END OF AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Fayetteville Amendment No 3.doc 4 10/6/2009