HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-08 - Agendas Sy-Me v le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of September 8, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Chris Brown, Jeremy Pate, To u bard, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Peggy Bell, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director'' V A Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee meeting wi be held September 8, 2009, 5:30 PM, room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, following the A enda Session. Proposed topics include: 1. Capital Pro'ect Update. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-9 Tieover- Non Critical Items Goodwin &Goodwin $ 1,546,400 90% WL-10a Farmington Gravity Line In Town Portion Garney Const $ 1,664,231 28.3% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/42" Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 67% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 100% 13I0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying In Design 13I0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying In Design Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. WL-9 Change Order 3 for $29,600 is attached. It involves project reconciliation and completing small miscellaneous tasks required to finalize west side collection system work. b. EL-3 & 5 Change Order 3 for$89,736 is attached. It reconciles the contract to match underground conditions discovered to date, involving several specific items: 1) removing large volumes of poured in place concrete manhole structures (much larger than normal) in the vicinity of manholes 60 and 67; 2) additional work and surface restoration due to ditch caving because of an existing (unknown) abandoned sewer line near Industrial Place; 3) removing an old, poorly designed underground concrete junction box, replacing the box with new pipeline, and raising manholes to higher grade Pier Span 3; and 4) rip rap bank stabilization at multiple creek crossings, with most of the work at Duncan Avenue to stabilize an eroding creek bank. d. EP-3 Change Order 3 for $38,530 is attached. It involves five items: (1) installation of wafer style check valves at Aeration Basin; (2) installation of additional fittings at the Effluent Pump Station; (3) additional joint repair at aeration basin; (4) repair of the aeration basin's floor slab; and (5) programming the adjustable frequency drive. The project is nearly complete. This change order also reconciles work to date, and is the final change order. e. WL-10a Change Orders 2 and 3 are attached. Change order 2, for $14,670, provides for installing a 24" steel encasement across a Centerpoint Energy gas transmission line easement. We were originally going to encase across the existing gas line. Centerpoint just notified the City that they intend to install a second gas transmission line, and they are requiring we install the encasement across the entire easement. Change Fayetteville Farmington Fayetteville Farmington Order Fayetteville Farmington Contingency Contingency Contingency Contingency Amount Share Share Before CO Before CO After CO After CO CO2 $14,670.00 $2,894.83 $11,775.17 $31,026.70 $157,973.30 $28,131.87 $146,198.13 CO3 $43,350.00 $0.00 $43,350.00 $28,131.87 $146,198.13 $28,131.87 $102,848.13 Change order 3, for$43,350, provides removal of an inverted siphon at Manhole #14. All costs associated with this change order are the City of Farmington's because no City of Fayetteville wastewater flows through this pipe If. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. W&S CommitteeAgenda Mept09 a e le Y ey WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA 2. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line design work is being executed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. The contract for the first phase was awarded to Seven Valleys Construction for$1,757,232.00, covering 4,462 feet of 36-inch water main on Township between Crossover and Old Wire Road. The Notice to Proceed was issued on August 10; construction is expected to be completed by year end. Bond funds have been acquired for the project. The second phase of the project, 24" - 36"water line from Mission to Joyce along Highway 265 is nearing final design. Easement acquisition will commence as soon as the Highway Department has acquired their right-of-way. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 preliminary design is underway based on the sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES)for the 810 manholes and 175,000 feet of sewer mains. That work that is appropriate for lining is being added into the Insituform CIPP lining project. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract 2009 work has been designed. The maintenance work is being combined with work identified in the SSES completed earlier this year. The CIPP process involves lining existing sewer pipes with a new pipe that saves digging, costs less than traditional dig and replace work, and essentially installs a new water tight pipe within the existing pipeline. Under this work order, approximately 17,000' of pipe will essentially be replaced. A contract amendment will becoming to the Council in October. 4. Canterbury Water Tank pump station and lines are being designed by McClelland Engineers. All actions relating to the lot purchase are completed. Bid documents are expected to be completed this fall, and a construction contract awarded by year end. Staff expects to have the neighborhood meeting in early to mid October regarding site work and tank colors. Elevated water tanks generally take approximately one year to construct. The design and construction of the offsite pump station and additional water line improvements necessary to connect the pump station to the new water tank will be ready before the tank completion. 5. Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract site visits and question and answer session are completed. Teams from four potential submitters participated in the process. Statements oaf Qualification will be opened on 16 September. 6. Solid Waste Ordinance 7. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Thursday, October 22, 2009, 5:30, room 111. Attachments: 1 b. WL-9 Change Order 3 1c. EL-3 & 5 Change Order 3 1d. EP-3 Change Order 3 1e. WL-10a Change Orders 2 and 3 W&S CommitteeAgenda Bept09 1 b.WL-9 Change Order 3 Page 1 of 2 aye edle ARKANSAS Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Don Marr,Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Public Utilities Director -� Date: August 12,2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 3 to the construction contract with Goodwin&Goodwin Inc for $9,300.00,for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system,WSIP Subproject WL-9 RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 to the construction contract with Goodwin& Goodwin hic for$9,300.00,for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP-Subproject WL-9. BACKGROUND The project involves abandoning 8 manholes,cutting and plugging approximately 29 sanitary sewer lines,reconditioning manholes and approximately 10 force mains,and abandoning 8 lift stations. Approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines will be installed and 2 manholes will be constructed.The project essentially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines and lift stations to the new transmission lines. Construction on this complex project is proceeding very well. DISCUSSION This change order allows for 1)the construction of a fence around Old Wire lift station; 2) eliminating contract items 29-32, which were not required; and 3)the removal of manholes and an aerial crossing on Paradise Valley golf course,and subsequent restoration. There may be one last reconciliation change order to close out the contract. BUDGETIMPACT A$77,000 contingency was approved with this contract,of which$38,325.60 remains after Change Order 2. $29,025.60 will remain in the contingency after Change Order 3. WL-9 CO3 CCMemo10Aug09 1 b.WL-9 Change Order 3 Page 2 of 2 Change Order No. 3 Page I of 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Contract Schedule Section Date 7/3 112 0 0 9 ANRC Project No.: CS-050803-03 Owner Project No.: 72903 Project Name: Westside non-critical cutover plan 'Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 3503Free Ferry Road Fayetteville,AR 72701 Fon Smith,AR - THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM N DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE I. Construct Fence around Old Wire Lift Station $11,600 2 Remove manholes and arial crossing on Paradise Valley Golf Course and restore area $18,000 3 Eliminate Balance of items 39.30- $20,300 �9-32 vtp-, �t�Y TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT I L $20;300.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $29,600.00 NET CHANGE ORDER $9,300 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1.543.600.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) (net) S38,674.40 $38.674.40 Net Amount This Change Order $9.300.00 $9,300.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1.591.574.40 $1.591.574.40 - CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Date 3-Aug-09 Previous Adjusted Completion Date n/a (Inerease)(Dccrease)This Change Order 14 Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: 17--Aug-09 RECOMMENDED: RJN GROUP gineer Signaa e Title Date ACCEPTED: Goodwin&Goodwin.Inc. Contractor Signature Title Date APPROVED: 'ITY OF_ FAYETTEVILLE S' stareY Title ate 1c.EL-3&5 Change Order 3 10 Page 1 of 2 aye ev e ARKANSAS Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee Thru: Don Marr,Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Utilities Director Date: August 17, 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 3 to t!he with SJ Louis Construction Inc. for $89,736.00,for the construction of the gravity sewer main from Happy Hollow Road to Razorback Road,WSIP Subproject ELr3 and 5 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 to the contract with SJ Louis Construction Inc. for$89,736.00,for the construction of the gravity sewer main from Happy Hollow Road to ----Razorback Road WSIP Subproject-EL-4-and 5. BACKGROUND This contract provides for construction and installation of approximately 18,000' of 8"—42" gravity sewer line and 70 manholes. The EL-3 portion is parallel to 15 Street from Razorback Road to Happy Hollow Road;the EL-5 portion is from the South Mountain pump station on 291h Circle east to the Water/Sewer Operations site. Work began in November,2008 and is now approximately 65%complete. DISCUSSION This change order reconciles the contract to match underground conditions discovered to date, involves several specific items: 1)removing large volumes of poured in place concrete manhole structures (much larger than normal)in the vicinity of manholes 60 and 67;2) additional work and surface restoration due to ditch caving because of an existing(unknown) abandoned sewer line near Industrial Place; 3)removing old,poorly designed underground concrete junction box; replacing the box with new pipeline, and raising manholes to higher grade Pier Span 3; and 4)rip rap bank stabilization at multiple creek crossings, with most of the work at Duncan Avenue to stabilize'an eroding creek bank. Garver Engineers recommends approval of this change order. BUDGET IMPACT This change order increases the contract price by $89,736. A $420,000 contingency was approved with the contract; $331,397 remains after Change Order 2. A balance of$241,661 will remain after Change Order 3 is executed. EL-3&5 003 CCMemo 17Aug09 gy< CHANGE ORDER 1c.EL-3&5 Change Order 3 7a'yZ��y, i Contract Number EL-3 and ELr5 Page 2 of 2 - - ARKANSAS Contract Title EL•3 and EL-5 Gravity Sewer Lines Change Order No. 3 Date of Issuance August 12,2009 To Contractor: S.J.Louis Construction,Inc. - The Contract is changed as follows: Description: Added additional base and removal of spoil because of ditch caving between EL-3 station 18+70 and 20+50 due to previous, unknown relocation of 21"sewer. Added additional retrieval of reinforced concrete because the existing 30".HDPE sewer was encased at the EL,3 proposed manhole 60 location. Added additional concrete removal required to core drill and connect to an existing manhole adjacent to proposed ELS manhole 67 because the existing manhole had excessive amounts of concrete at the base. Added additional work new EL-3 pier span 3 per request for proposal number 7. Request for proposal number 7 includes all items except an appropriate decrease in price for acceptance of defective work. Request for proposal number 7 incorporates an additional 4 days previously requested because of abnormal rainfall in May 2009. Added additional rip rap for stream bank stabilization. Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quantity Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost 82 Ditch Caving New Industrial Place 0 LS $0.00 1 $4,462.81 $0.00 $4,462.81 83 Concrete Removal Near Manhole 60 0 LS $0.00 1 $13,068.60 $0.00 $13,068.60 84 Concrete Removal Near Manhole 67 0 LS $0.00 1 $2,205.00 $0.00 $2,205.00 85 Work Near Pier Span 3 0 LS $0.00 1 $4Q000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00 86 Rip Rap and Bank Stabilization 0 SY $0.00 500 $60.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 Summation of Cost $0.00 $89,736.41 Net Cost for this Change Order $89,736.41 Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was $ 5,253,795.00 Net change by previously authorized change orders ,,,,.,,,,.... ..,,,. ........ $88,603.30 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was _ :_ $ 5,342,398.30 The Contract Price will be increased by ......... ........................,. .., ... • $89,736.41 ,, The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be ..,_, •,,.....1...„•,,,••,,,•,_,,,... ____ $ 5,432,134.71 The Contract Time(s)will increase 29 calendar days Required date of Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is: Final Completion 24-Oct-09 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Time(s)which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in is or previous Change Orders. S1ER City of I hyeueville BY DATE Y 45ATE S.J.Louis Construction,Inc. ATTEST / 8 i3 0 �i,P� IVIAA.!/6-�r���G•G\"(Y pF SG,p., BY DATE Sondra Smith, City Clerk 'L'?eesurer �p ;FAYETTEVILLEe 9:QKANSPC° ° Ta*y* Me vi le 1d.EP-3 Change Order 3 Page 1 of 3 XANIA5 CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director „I Fayetteville Water and Sewer Com i Date: August 28, 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 3 to the Construction Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for$38,530 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3 Correction Memorandum RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 Order to Construction Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for$38,530 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3. The change order was previously staffed and signed with an incorrect dollar amount in the memorandum and staff review form. The change order attached to those documents did reflect the correct amount. This memorandum now contains the correct cost. BACKGROUND The project includes the installation of denitrification pumps, non-potable water pumps, final clarifier drives, structural repairs, roofing replacement and other miscellaneous improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is the final of four WSIP contracts to be executed at Noland. The majority of this work could not be completed prior to the West Side WWTP becoming fully operational. DISCUSSION This change order is already signed for$38,530. The original memorandum and staff review form incorrectly stated $15,084. This is the final change order for the project, covering additional items identified in the course of construction and reconciling all contract quantities. Major items include: (1) installation of wafer style check valves at Aeration Basin; (2) installation of additional fittings at the Effluent Pump Station; (3) additional joint repair at aeration basin; (4) repair of the aeration basin's floor slab; and (5) programming the adjustable frequency drive. Black and Veatch, the Engineer, recommends approval of this change order. The project is substantially complete. BUDGETIMPACT This change order uses $38,530.00 of the remaining$190,110.60 contingency. A balance of $151,580.60 in contingency will be returned to WSIP funds after this change order. EP-3 CO3 CCMemo 4Aug09 1d.EP-3 Change Order 3 Page 2 of 3 CHANGE ORDER 40" Project Number: EP-3 ARKANSAS Contract Title: Noland WWTP Improvements Change Order No 3 ---Date of Issuance-August 3.2009 TO CONTRACTOR:Crossland IA,,,,y Can,,,os'-Inc ORDINANCE NO:/RESOLUTION NO The Contract is changed as follows. EFFECI(VE____ Item CO3-1. Installation-0—rWafer_StYlc_ChecLV_aJves.a_(Acralion Basin. Initiated by:Contractor At the recommendation of the Contractor,a wafer style check valve was installed it, lieu of the standard swing check valve shown on the drawings. These valves were installed to allow the reuse of the existing concrete slab openings and reduce the overall I length of the denitrification pump discharge.This change results in an increase of$9,242.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Item CO3-2. Installation of Additional Fittingsat fifluentPumping station. Initiated by:Contractor Due to unforeseen conditions,an additional reducer was required for the discharge piping at the Effluent Pumping Station. In order to have the discharge of the pump connect to the existing discharge piping at the pumping station an additional reducer was needed. The additional cost for the fittings was$4,000. The Contractor will pay llalfof this additional cost.This change results in all increase of$2,000.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Item CO3-3. Additional Aeration Basin Joint eoair. Initiated by:Contractor Due to unforeseen conditions in the Aeration Basin,additional expansion joint repairs were required in the exterior walls of the Aeration Basin. A total of 8 joints required additional repair. This repair included a full injection of the depth of the joint on the interior and exterior of the expansionjoint and concrete repair using corrosion resistant repair mortar on the exterior s joint. This change results in an increase of$15,084.00 in Contract Price.This change represents an increase in Contra side of the calendar clays, Contract of 35 Item CO3-4. Aeration Basin Floor Slab Repair. Initiated by:Owner Due to unforeseen conditions in the Aeration Basin,concrete and waterstop repairs were required in two location on the cast side of the Aeration Basin. The original concrete surrounding twojoints had broken away from the floor of the basin. These repairs were done on a cost per linear foot basis. The cost for concrete repair is 58 dollars Per linear foot and 52 dollars per linear for waterstop repairs. A total of 150 feet of concrete repair was required and 75 feet of waterstop repair. This change results in all increase of$12,600.00 in Contract Price.This change represents an increase in Contract of 21 calendar days. 00940 change order 3.doc .00940- 1 Project No. 135045 1d.EP-3 Change Order 3 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 00940 -CHANGE ORDER FORM(continued) Item CO3-5. Adjustable Prequencv Drive Prae rammine Initiated by:Contractor To expedite the start up of the Effluent Pumping Station Pumps.OMI staff programmed the adjustable frequency drives for both effluent pumps. This programming was removed from Contractor's scope of work. This change results in a decrease of$396.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was....................... $ 2.439.646.00 .................................................................................. Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .-......................................................................$ 53:889.40 T The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ................................... . ...... . $ 2.493.535.40 ........... ................. ... e Contract Price will be(X increased)(❑decreased)(O unchanged)by ............... . .......................$ . The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be..................................... _38.53000........................$ 2-532A65.40 A '3000 __ The Contract Times will be(X increased)(❑decreased)(O unchanged)by ....................................( 56 ) days Required date of Substantial Completion as ofthe date of this Change Order therefore is ..._........... Aueust 4 2009 _ NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. B1_�c__ -k Yeo,.`{61..�,Z r1— CONTRA . EN NEER Y n DATE LTO BY DA 1 certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit Abe apt ropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to t1 e c it f the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the above obligation. — Distribution: ❑Owner(3) -- --- — ❑Contractor Engineer / x7y O ner: M r Lioneld Jordan Da e ATTEST Sondra Smith, City Clerk / Date ,.��RtVbLq'11, .U' -'O :FAYETTEVILLE• ? c�z••9R SP5 J��`_ Gip(V1"s'p� 00940-CHANGE ORDER FORM 00940-2 ayMe e 1e.WL-10a Change Order 2 Page 1 of 4 ANSAS CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff n From: David Jurgens, Utilities Department Director J C Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Y Date: September 4, 2009 Subject: Approval of Fayetteville's portion of the Cost Share of Change Order 2 to the Purchase Order to Farmington for the Construction Contract with Gamey Construction, for $2,894.83, for construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer Line, WSIP Subproject WL-10a RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Fayetteville's portion of the cost share of Change Order 2 to the purchase order to Farmington for the construction contract with Gamey Construction, for$2,894.83 for construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer Line, WSIP Subproject WL-10a. BACKGROUND This project involves constructing roughly 11,133 linear feet of 8 - 21" gravity sewer main and 23 manholes mostly by open cut construction. The line is being installed along Farmington Branch through the length of Farmington from Double Springs Road to the eastern City limits. The new lift station # 12 at the confluence of Goose Creek and Farmington Branch, to which this pipe carries water, was placed in service in March, 2009. DISCUSSION This change order, for$14,670, provides for installing a 24" steel encasement across a Centerpoint Energy gas transmission line easement. We were originally going to encase across the existing gas line. Centerpoint just notified the City that they intend to install a second gas transmission line, and they are requiring we install the encasement across the entire easement. RJN, the Engineer, recommends approval of the change order. The cost share between Farmington and Fayetteville is below. Change Fayetteville Farmington Fayetteville Farmington Order Fayetteville Farmington Contingency Contingency Contingency Contingency Amount Share Share Before CO Before CO After CO After CO CO2 $14,670.00 $2,894.83 $11,775.17 $31,026.70 $157,973.30 $28,131.87 $146,198.13 CO3 $43,350.00 $0.00 $43,350.00 $28,131.87 $146,198.13 $28,131.87 $102,848.13 BUDGET IMPACT Shown above. WL-IOa CO2CCMerno4Sept09 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 1e.WL-10a Change Order 2 City Council Agenda Items Page 2 of 4 and Contracts, Leases or Agreements Mayor's Approval City Council Meeting Date Agenda Items Only David Jurgens Wastewater System Impry Project Water/Wastewater Submitted By Division Department Action Required: Approval of Fayetteville's portion of the Cost Share of Change Order 2 to the Purchase Order to Farmington for the Construction Contract with Garvey Construction, for$2,894.83, for construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer Line, WSIP Subproject WL-10a $ 2,895 $ 33,000 Wastewater System Imp Project Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category/Project Name 4520.9520.5315.00 $ 1,973.00 Water and Wastewater Account Number Funds Used to Date Program/Project Category Name 02133.0415 $ 31,027 Water/Sewer Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name Budgeted Item XX Budget Adjustment Attached Previous Ordinance or Resolution# 09-09 Depa m nt Dir for Date Original Contract Date: 1/20/2009 7 Original Contract Number: 2073 City Attorney Date Finance and Internal Services Director Date Received in City Clerk's Office Chief of Staff Date Received in Mayor's Office Mayor Date Comments: Revised January 15,2009 le.WL a'q�e Gr� je rarnifngton. y Change Order No. 2 Page I of 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER citycentraetu schedule City Resolution it Date 9/1/2009 City Project No.: WL-10a ANRC Project No.: 00584-CWRLF-L Project Name: Fannington Cavity Main Location: Fannington,Arkansas Owner: City of Fannington Contaclol Garney Construction,Inc. Address: 354 West Main Street Address: 1333 NW Vivian Road Fannington,AR 72730 Kansas City,MO,64118 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE I Change Order to install 90 linear feet of 24-inch steel encasement across Centepoint Energy high pressure gas line easennent. $14,670 See Attached for Cost Breakdown TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUN $14,670.00 NETCHANGEORDER1 I $14,670.00 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,664.231.00 5000 Total Previous Change Ordet(s) it O 000.00 $j�00 Net Amount This Change Order 414 670.00 $14.670.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1688901.00 $145 670.00 CHANGE TO CONTRACT_COMPLETION-DATE: Original Completion Date Januaay 7,2010 Previous Adjusted Completion Date (hncrease)(Deerease)'Hus Change Order 60 Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: March 8,2010 RECOMMENDED: PON Group Engineer BY: Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Cont actw' BY: Signature Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner BY: Not Applicable Signature Title Dzte APPROVED: CITY OF FARMINGTON Owncr BY: Si nature Title Date 1e.WL-10a Change Order 2 Page 4 of 4 Cost Breakdown for Change Order Item Description Unit Unit cost Qty Amount t 24"Steel Encasement By Open Cut LP 5163.00 90.00 514,670.00 Total Contract Chane $14,670.06 Fay`e*tte�-Vllle1e.WL-10a Change Order 3 Page 1 of 3 KANSAS MAYOR'S REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Department Director Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee ' Date: September 4, 2009 Subject: Review of Change Order 3 to Farmington's Construction Contract with Gamey Construction, for$43,350, for construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer Line, WSIP Subproject WL-10a RECOMMENDATION Staff is providing, for Mayor Jordan's review, Change Order 3 to the Purchase Order to Farmington for the Construction Contract with Gamey Construction, for$43,350, for construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer Line, WSIP Subproject WL-10. BACKGROUND This project involves constructing roughly 11,133 linear feet of 8 - 21" gravity sewer main and 23 new 4-foot diameter manholes mostly by open cut construction. The line is being installed along Farmington Branch through the length of Farmington from Double Springs Road to the eastern City limits. The new lift station # 12 at the confluence of Goose Creek and Farmington Branch, to which this pipe carries water, was placed in service in March, 2009. DISCUSSION This change order, for$43,350, provides removal of an inverted siphon at Manhole#14. All costs associated with this change order are the City of Farmington's because no City of Fayetteville wastewater flows through this pipe. RJN, the Engineer, recommends approval of the change order. BUDGET IMPACT None. WL-10a CO3CCMerno4Sept09 1e.WL n Ord®r , � „hvtoll ay e �.� Ely hange Order No. 3 Page I of 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ty Contract# Schedule Resolution It Date 9/1/2009 City Project No.: WL-10a ANRC Project No.: 00584-CWRLF-L Project Name: Farmington Gravity Main Location: Famun ton,Arkansas Owner: City of Farmington Contractor: Gamey Constniction,Inc. Address: 354 West Main Street Address: 1333 NW Vivion Road Farmington,AR 72730 Kansas City,MO,64118 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE I Change Order to remove inverted siphon at Manhole#l4 See Attached lot Cost Breakdown $43,350.00 All costs associated with this change order are the City of Fanningtoli s. The City of Fayetteville does not participate in cost sharing. No City of Fayetteville wastewater Flows through this pipe. TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT 543,350.00 NETCHANGEORDERI 1 $43,350.00 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACTAMOUNT: TOTALAMOUNTELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,664,231.00 0.00 Total Previous Change Ordelts) 524,670.E So.00 Net Amount This Change Order 343.350,00 543,350.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1,732,251.00 $43 350.00 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION_DATE: Original Completion Dale January 7,2010 Previous Adjusted Completion Date March 8,20W (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order Calendar Day NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: RECOMMENDED: ION Group Engineer BY: Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Contractor BY: Signature Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAYE'ITEVILLE Owner BY: Not Applicable Signature Title Date APPROVED: CI'T'Y OF FARMINGTON Owner BY: Si nature 'title Date 1e.WL-10a Change Order 3 Page 3 of 3 Cost Breakdown for Change Order Item Description Unit Unit Cost Qty Amount I 12"Sewer Pipe and embedment LF $34.00 150.00 $5,100.00 2 Construct 48"Dia.Drop Manhole EA $4,500.00 1.00 $4,500.00 3 Construct 48"Dia.Manhole,Extra Depth VF $300.00 3.00 $900.00 4 Trench Excavation and Backfill(0-8 feet) LF $30.00 120.00 $3,600.00 5 Trench Excavation and Backfill(8-12 feet) LF $35.00 30.00 $1,050.00 6 24"Steel Encasement By Open Cut LF $135.00 120.00 $16,200.00 7 Concrete Anchors on Casings EA $750.00 2.00 $1,500.00 8 Rock Rip-Rap CY $40.00 250.00 $10,000.00 9 Clay Dam EA $500.00 1.00 $500.00 Total Contract Chane $43,350.0