HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-07-14 - Agendas a e evl le Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of July 14, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, on arr, Paul Becker, Chris Brown, Jeremy Pate, Tom Hubbard, Lynn Hyk annon Jones, Peggy Bell, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee meeting ill e h d July 14, 2009, 5:30 PM, room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, following the Agenda S s ion. Proposed topics include: 1. Amendment to the Wastewater Services Contract betwe n Fayetteville and Farminciton is attached. Staff has met with Stephen Davis and Terry Yop regarding changes and updates to the Fayetteville Farmington wastewater agreement. The key points changed are: (1) Changing from a single point of connection from the Farmington to the Fayetteville systems to multiple points of connection, allowing for multiple points of connection from Farmington's system to Fayetteville's. This allows for intelligent system design in current and potential future annexed areas. (2) Farmington guarantees Fayetteville a set percentage of the operational capacity of Farmington's system (19.73% for WL-10 and WL-10a -gravity lines through Farmington- and 28.39% for WL-12 -lift station- based on the population breakdown from the original agreement and the cost share used in WSIP work. (3) Impact fee changes including (a)Who pays impact fees from "new developments" to "new connections." This change is consistent with changes in the Fayetteville impact fee ordinance eliminating a loophole. (b) Eliminates the Farmington impact fee for new connections within Fayetteville that flow through the Farmington system where Fayetteville paid for its share of the construction. Fayetteville "owns" that capacity, so it is not appropriate for Fayetteville residents to pay the Farmington impact fee. Fayetteville residents could pay the Farmington impact fee if they someday tie to another portion of the Farmington system other than those lines where Fayetteville paid for its share of the work. (4) Increases the amount Farmington will reimburse Fayetteville for engineering by $70,000 from the original number of $480,000 to the new number of$550,000, due to the increased engineering costs associated with separating WL-10 and WL-10a gravity lines into two projects. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 2. Water Meter Collaborative Evaluation with Elkins will be discussed with Elkins representatives. The cities are working together to evaluate using fixed network meter reading systems to potentially replace drive-by and hand meter reading. This capability could significantly increase meter reading efficiency and provide real time meter data. The system interfaces with a variety of fixed network systems, including cell and radio towers, and remote electric meter systems. 3. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line Construction contract with Seven Valley's Construction for$1,757,232.00. is attached. This is the first phase of the larger project, and includes the installation of approximately 4,462 feet of 36-inch water main on Township between Crossover Road and Old Wire Road. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. Contractor Bid Amount Contractor Bid Amount Seven Valles Construction $1,757,232.00 Goodwin & Goodwin $2,151,930.00 Crossland Heavy Contractors $1,789,789.60 Henley Construction $2,284,960.00 Gamey Companies $1,796,249.00 Coakley Company $2,289,259.00 S.J. Louis Construction $1,849,972.00 Redford Construction $2,294,232.00 Sweetser Construction $1,905,437.50 Fochtman Enterprises $2,444,670.00 Rosetta Construction $2,046,866.00 1 KAJACS Contractors 1 $2,821,549.00 W&S conuninee agenda 14Ju109 a e evlle Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA 4. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line Engineering contract Amendment 1 with McClelland Consulting Engineers for$74,993.08 for construction phase services for the Township 36-Inch Water Main project is attached. The original design contract was awarded in December, 2008 to relocate water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas Highway Department(AHTD) and City widening of Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Mission and Joyce, upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36" transmission line. The original contract did not include construction phase services. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 5. Noland WWTP Electric Buss Replacement Contract with Oil Capital Electric(OCE) for $27,750 is attached. The electrical buss in a critical part of the secondary power feed to the Noland WWTP aeration basin. In the event that the secondary power source fails, the treatment facility will be unable to treat wastewater and comply with its NPDES discharge permit. This work will replace the existing electrical buss that went out in April 2009. Only one bid was received. OCE was the lead electrical contractor for the West Side WWTP and for many of the renovations at the Noland WWTP. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 6. Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract. RFP planning discussions are underway. The bidding schedule is as follows: July/August Advertise RFP August/September Open proposals, interview, negotiate contract October Award contract November/December Transition to new contract 7. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 5:30, room 326, following the agenda session. Attachments: 1. Contract Amendment for Wastewater Service between Fayetteville and Farmington 3. Seven Valleys Construction Contract, 36" Water Line, Township 4. McClelland Consulting Engineers Amendment 1 for Township 36-Inch Water Main 5. Oil Capital Electric Bid, Electric Buss Replacement W&S committee agenda 14Ju109 A.1.Contract Amdmt for WW Svc:Fayetteville&Farmington Page I of 5 Ta'yetWle Special City Council CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville City Council Thru; Don Mau,Chief of Staff ............. ............. ....................................... From David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: July 2,2009 S"Nect: Approval of an amendment to the wastewater collection and treatment services contract between the Cities of Fayetteville and Farmington RECOM3MNDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of an Amendment to the wastewater collection and treatment services contract between the Cities of Fayetteville and Farmington. BACKGROUND Fayetteville and Farmington have a 32 year partnership in wastewater collection and treatment,the conditions for which have been agreed upon in three consecutive contracts. The current contract,adopted in April 2007, needs some minor modifications due to system upgrades,growth,construction changes,and ordinance updates. Over the last 3 years,the cities have worked together with unprecedented teamwork executing over$7 million worth of joint work in the Farmington portion of the Wastewater System Improvement Project. DISCUSSION This amendment,developed cooperatively by staff and elected officials,and reviewed by the Water/Sewer Committee,updates several specific items within the 2007 contract. Key changes are: (1) Changing from a single point of connection from the Farmington to the Fayetteville systems to multiple points of connection,allowing for multiple points of connection from Farmington's system to Fayetteville's.This allows for intelligent system design in current and potential future annexed areas. (2).Farmington guarantees Fayetteville a set percentage of the operational capacity of Farmington's system(19.73%for WL-10 and WL-10a-gravity lines through Farmington-and 28.39:0/o for WL-12-lift station- based on the population breakdown from the original agreement and the cost share used in WSIP work. (3) Impact fee changes including(a)Who pays impact fees from"new developments"to"new connections." This change is consistent with changes in the Fayetteville impact fee ordinance eliminating a loophole. (b) Eliminates the Farmington impact fee for new connections within Fayetteville that flow through the Farmington system where Fayetteville paid for its share of the construction. Fayetteville"owns"that capacity,so it is not appropriate for Fayetteville residents to pay the Farmington impact fee. Fayetteville residents could pay the Farmington impact too if they someday tie to another portion of the Farmington system other than those lines where Fayetteville paid for its share of the work. (4) Increases the amount Farmington will reimburse Fayetteville for engineering by$70,000 from the original number of$480,000 to the new number of$550,000,due to the increased engineering costs associated with separating WE-10 and WL-I Oa gravity lines into two projects. BUDGETIMPAC The amendment acknowledges that Farmington is reimbursing up to an additional$70,000 for the actual design and construction phase engineering costs incurred for Farmington WSIP work,for a total maximum engineering cost of$550,000. Pam Aolmd I CCM=o U09 A.1.Contract Amdmt for WN Svc:Fayetteville&Farmington Page 2 of 5 ...,_...,._..................._,...... . .._..._....... ... ....._. . ........ .. ............. ... . . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SERVICES CONTRACT WrM THE CITY OF FARMINGTON,ARKANSAS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETT'EVILLE,ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an Amendment to the Wastewater Collection and Treatment Services Contract between the City of Fayetteville and the City of Farmington, Arkansas. A copy of the Amendment,marked Exhibit"A,"is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 21st day of July,2009. APPROVED: ATTEST: By: By: LIONELD JORDAN,Mayor SONDRA E.SMITH,City Clerk/Treasurer A.1.Contract Amdmt for WW Svc:Fayetteville&Farmington Page 3 of 5 AMENDMENT I TO SEWER CONTRACT The Sewer Contract (hereinafter "Contract") dated April 3, 2007 between the City of Fayetteville (hereinafter "Fayetteville") and City of Farmington (hereinafter "Famnington") shall be amended and modified by this amendment (hereinafter "Amendment') as-follows: WHEREAS: Under the Contract, Fayetteville receives wastewater from Farmington and then transports and processes the wastewater in Fayetteville's wastewater treatment facility and discharges treated wastewater effluent under Fayetteville's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit;and Fayetteville must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens on Fayetteville's retail customers for which Fayetteville's retail customers receive no benefit;and Farmington must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens on Farmington' retail customers for which Farmington'retail customers receive no benefit; and City of Fayetteville and City of Farmington desire to amend said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Fayetteville and Farmington do hereby agree to amend the Contract as follows: The Contract and the terms and conditions therein shall remain unchanged except for the sections listed below: 1.9 Farmington Wastewater Collection System— Farmington Publicly Owned.Treatment Works including any device or system used in the collection,transportation,or treatment of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature that is owned by Farmington. This definition shall include, but is not limited to, the gravity sewer pipes, collector sewers, transmission mains, force mains, . manholes, and all appurtenances within the corporate boundaries of Farmington, the Farmington Branch Interceptor, Lift Station #12 and relocated Lift Station #12; Lift Station #12 Force Main located within the corporate boundaries of Farmington and Fayetteville and all other appurtenances which are being financed and constructed.This will include appurtenances not yet constructed as of the date of this agreement. The Farmington Wastewater Collection System may connect to the Fayetteville Wastewater Collection System at multiple locations. Service laterals are generally the responsibility and ownership of the Retail Customer and are thus excluded from this definition. 3.3 Operational Capacity Farmingtm>_Contract Addendum_22June69 7/28009,11:34 AM A.1.Contract Amdmt for WW Svc:Fayetteville&Farmington Page 4 of 5 Throughout the term of this contract, Farmington customers shall be granted 8.2% of the Operational Capacity of the Fayetteville West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant. Until such time as the construction of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant is completed, Farmington retail and industrial customers shall continue to utilize the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant and present facilities. Throughout the term of this contract; Fayetteville customers shall be granted Operational Capacity in Farmington's Wastewater Collection Systdh As'deflned in Paragraph 1,20 and ibith'er deSiied as: 19.73% of WL-10 and WL-10A, and 28.39% of WL-11 and WL-12 and as set forth with Section 12.10 of the original contract dated April 3,2007. 3.4 Farmington Connections to Fayetteville's Wastewater Collection System and Westside Treatment Plant. Farmington is authorized multiple connections to Fayetteville's Wastewater System. 9.1 Fayetteville Wastewater Impact Fee Change"development"to"connections". 9,2 Farmington Wastewater Impact Fee Upon completion of the study referred to in Section 9, Farmington may adopt a development impact fee ordinance and shall assess and collect impact fees from new sewer connections within the corporate boundaries of Farmington. Farmington may also assess and collect impact fees from new sewer connections in areas of Fayetteville served by the Farmington Wastewater Collection System when Fayetteville's use of its guaranteed capacity exceeds the limits set forth in Paragraph 3.3 as measured by the Exhibits referenced in Paragraph 12.10. Fayetteville shall pass any necessary ordinance to ensure Farmington may legally collect this wastewater impact fee in the part of Fayetteville served by Farmington's sewer collection system. 9,4 Developments and Property Owners The parties agree to provide each other, on a quarterly basis, a report that list new developments and new connections of individual property owners which utilize operational capacity granted to the other party. 10.2 Cost of Construction The Parties agree that additional engineering fees were required due to relocation of Lift Station #12 and phasing the construction of the Farmington Gravity Sewer. The parties agree engineering fees, including the cost of additional engineering services shall not exceed a total of$550,000. Fannington_Conimct Addenduin_221une09 72/2009,11:34 AM A.1.Contract Amdmt for WW Svc:Fayetteville&Farmington Page 5 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day of 2009. CITY OFFARMINGTON CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ernie Penn,Mayor Lioneld Jordan,Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: Kelly Thomas,City Clerk Sondra Smith,City Clerk Famllngton Contract Addendum_22June09 7/2x2009,11:34 AM A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 1 of 21 - ray"" City Council Meeting or July Ll,2ou`J CITY COUNCIL AGENDA To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee _.. Don Marr,Chief of Staff David Jurgen,Utilities Director From: Shannon Jones,Water and Wastewa Engines / Date: 2 July 2009 Subject: Approval of Bid #09-45 for a construction contract with Seven Valleys'Construction Co. in the amount of $1,757,232.00 with a contingency of $90,000.00 for construction of Township Street 36-inch Water Main. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Bid #09-45 for a construction contract with Seven Valleys Construction Co. in the amount of $1,757,232.00 with a contingency of $90,000.00 for construction of Township Street 36-inch Water Main. BACKGROUND The total project relocating water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas Highway Department(AHTD) and City widening of Crossover Road(Hwy 265)between Mission and Joyce,upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36"transmission line. Work will include installing a 36"and 24"transmission main along Crossover from Joyce to connect to the existing 24"main on Crossover at Mission and to connect to the existing 36"main oil Old Wire Road. This work will complete the eastem portion of the loop that was initially constructed when the southern section of Crossover Road between Mission and Huntsville was widened by the AHTD. This is the first phase of the project and includes the installation of approximately 4,462 feet of 36-inch ductile iron water main and related facilities along Township Street between Old Wire Road and Crossover Road. DISCUSSION The City received twelve responsive bids on July 2,2009. Contractor Bid Amount. Contractor Bid Amount Seven Valleys Construction $1,757,232.00 Goodwin&Goodwin $2,151,930.00 Crossland Heavy Contractors $1,789,789.60 Henley Construction $2,284,960.00 Gamey Companies $1,796,249.00 Coakley Company $2,289,259.00 S.J.Louis Construction $1,849,972.00 Redford Constmction $2,294,232.00 Sweetser Construction $1,905,437.50 Fochtman Enterprises $2,444,670.00 Rosetta Construction $2,046,866.00 KAJACS Contractors $2,821,549.00 The Engineer's estimate was$2,036,900.00. The bid has been reviewed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. MCE's letter of recommendation is attached. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available within the W&S Relocations—2009 Bond Proceeds project budget. A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 2 of 21 MEEMCCLE1L4ND CONSULTING Fayetfevllfe,Ark0Ma5 72703172702-1229 PHONE: 479.443-2377 or=r�HFD,a sER�E ENGINEERS, /NC. FAX, 4779-443-9241 July 2,2009 Mr.Shannon Jones,P.E. Engineering Department City of Fayetteville 113 W.Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 Re: Bid Tabulation Township Street 36-Inch Water Main Dear Mr.Jones: Bids were opened at 11:00 am,July 2,2009 on the referenced project. Twelve bids were received,eleven of which appear to be in order,other than a few minor math errors. The high bidder listed the extended price in words, instead of the unit price. The low bidder was Seven Valleys Construction Co.,of Cassville,Missouri,with a bid total of$1,757,232. Our Engineer's estimate totaled $2,036,900. Five of the bids were below our estimate and seven were above. Seven Valleys recently completed a 24-inch water main project in Springdale for us. They were a subcontractor to McClinton-Anchor on this project. Their water and sewer main work totaled approximately$2.8 million on this job. They also have completed a water sewer relocation project along Highway 72 in Bentonville for us. They were the prime contractor and the contract amount was approximately$1,242,000 for this Bentonville project. We have found Seven Valley's to be competent and cooperative,and recommend that the Contract he awarded to them in the amount of$1,757,232.00. Very Truly Yours, Robert W.White,P.E. Project Engineer Encl: Bid Tabulation J:2008/082146/Correspondence/Jones7-2,doc A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 3 A 21 �Das $ss$s��sa$&�sss.$ss ss s a�$s g$s� V ��8g g8g888,gg 888m8$$ 4m 8 8 $' . g� mgbg $gE�Sg38 a8 888 N It � u U gg gym$ 9Ys aim g s sI$aKIN x$�&$$o�ogo$gsss sesgg ax & $oe $Y at3o;€ �•�$ 8n�°$$�$�amo88S888888 $88 �S�&$$'8.� S N N O.Mangq '3' W4.ee N aLL�B�r u 888 NFTA NL°i $NLS GbYF pw m UNLLW youe g88'a 8�88$8'o88gg$g $$ 8 8g$g°gg$o s � ^ mizi; N M m � q O V R }£ 6 tl wygs am a 2d�� $1 c s O aak��m��eNN ��d Sm81 �'�,��� m � � nNaNmnWm,°.+-aNvmmnNm� F.,y � ABnRAR.4« A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 4 of 21 - s fra $ ssaSit �s{segg$sgs88 aSSgsq � q�3a�N wBAgaN 8sg 011M0Rsssa as $ 824 a &� 8 aQ 8 gRSto Hp 8 ag88s$a 88ssa 8 8s s ag8sa� a Is 9 as s�BaNgRk� s s88880 I s 8ggs8 s asses 1 0 as 89o98e19 I 2 I ^ p �i N r�r%�y N T9 7O Z;, 5 V g g p p _fr-aaaaa v� oaagB a,Y 4�Yaa S8 6 baa M; 116 E Ell S93 m X38 eawa g �$s� sses$eeasgs8gsss 8s a aosea8as� B�gygy,gag �gg.�((g$�n��a �a gs 8 s 80 ��as pa aO MNN M wONN �iL`1 Ny NN V1 L)41 Z6s 3=g $"ss sea ese as s &e s gTy u�4 gSa88a R 88 .g °8ee $g a e'E8$80= w y y$wNEa. o Ila N mut �w 8� a $ 88 8 8 ate$ 8= ILLf �s$s�a�s's��$ gm J' qurlNB w$w$R'�$$m$$$�$wn,k tdw $Gn1 0 Vq mFo�gg gab g'a$d RgRg saSl � 5uJUJ 4S lli Is u�wls t�i u�u��rt�u��J� �� llS N of m FOS O �F�van -�avvd�N ro �Q�a SAM Jilh�g�Nm VAN l tl$ qy RIM x.4.6 ro 7aok �h��m GSbfrbad34u�n�w a4 � x p e C ^ E eN MYtlVnON B�NMVF"F.N..a.R Fla tV [�eh�l Fl�aC Fi A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 5 of 21 = gNFgass $gssoa $ s sg$ ess jug t m ug u 3 t2 AMA t is m�P ma @c y �as$ �ys{gsysysgsoaa.�e 's�aass ass. s $qeasas�o � s' y g_ 3'S ."i'S�u5 u5 u5 ffi��3u5 u�9u�ug'S'S'S :u4 w u5 w'm'e�aom. � � a U j 3 T 3 ~ n 12 �& n x xxms�a 6��g� g:,-$2 t:mWR &p A 4b4n R°°M'm A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 6 of 21 DOCUMENT 00300 BID FORM UNIT PRICE NOTE TO BIDDER: Please use BLACK ink for completing this Bid form. To: T c of Favetx v�ille ArY kir Address: 113 Vest Mountain F�xrriteVlile �t 72721 Project Title: Township Street 36-Inch Water Main Engineer's ProjectNo.: FY082146 Arkansas Contractor's Date: 7- License No.: 00 #7S'�0 10 BiddevSet/60 �I�i ' �y� CouSTR.CO•Snx• Address: 9.0in% g g k Contact Person for additional information on this Bid: Name: QO(3�`,�CNWE.S Telephone: 4 J7 Fax: _ Lll)D1:iNDA 'Hic Bidder hereby acknowledges that he has received Addenda Numbers: . �O 1-11t b 11 Al�j �� to these Specifications. Q3idder insert No,of each Addendum received.) e4 1 Section 00300.1 PY00146 Township Street 36"Water Main A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 7 of 21 - in Is � n M = � (N�...�.. :..........p1.w . . .. . . . .... . . ..... ...... .. .. . . . .. ... _. .... ,d4 TA CLaj }}�.. O Z a a v 0 V) y �3a �, oz � N ' { M N °. aflte. C �L N 0 14 ' amicvN U0 Hcy a-SrooWlu G) p S' Q CO U C @TT L wQd amZ � ? Sol Adm �i14 � +Z cM 6n dhp tiV N� W A X 81 uj , i d7 N z3 L i 0 cz E LU CO I% U- N 2 fn t� � f LU LU A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 8 of 21 BIDDER'S DECLARATION AND UNDERSTANDING I'lie undersigned,hereinafter called the Bidder,declares that the only persons or parties interested in this Bid are those named herein,that this Bid is,in all respects,fair and without fraud,that it is made without.collusion with ar>y_officlal.of the Owner,and that the B}d,is_made without any connection or, collusion with.any person submitting another Bid on this Contract. The Bidder further declares that he has carefully examined the Contract Documents for the construction of the project,that he has personally inspected the site,that he has satisfied himself as to the quantities involved,including materials and equipment,and conditions of work involved, including the fact that the description of the quantities of work and materials,as included herein,is brief and is intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents,and that this Bid is made according to the provisions and under the terms of the Contract Documents,which Documents are hereby made a part of this Bid. The Bidder further agrees that-he has exercised his own judgement and has utilized all data which he believes pertinent from the Engineer, Owner,and other sources in arriving at his own conclusions. flic Bidder states that he has experience in and is qualified to perform the work herein specified and, i the does not have craftsmen experienced and qualified in any phase of the work for which this Bid is offered,that he will subcontract the work under said phase to a contractor who does have the ncecssary experience and qualifications. (Y)N'I'I2ACT EXECUTION AND BONDS The Bidder agrees that if this Bid is accepted,he will,within 15 days after notice of award,sign the C'untracl in the form annexed hereto,and will at that time,deliver to the Owner the Performance I Ionil and Payment Bond required herein,and will,to the extent of his Bid,furnish all machinery, fools,apparatus,and other means of construction and do the work and furnish all the materials )jceessary to complete all work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. (;l f�:111'1CATES OF INSURANCE PA'Y'MENT BOND AND PERFORMANCE BOND '17tc 13iddcr further agrees to furnish the Owner,before executing the Contract,the certificates of insurance, Payment Bond,and Performance Bond as specified in these Documents. CONSTRUCTION CON'TpACTCOMPLETIONTIME,AND LIQUIDATED IBrt ofConstruction,Contract Completion Time,and Liquidated Damages are stated in Document 00000-Contract. liVlltt�1,1 0 Township Sleet 36"Water Main Section 00300-2 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 9 of 21 - SALES AND USE TAXES The Bidder agrees that all£edoral,state,and local sales and use taxes are included in the stated bid prices for the work. UNIT PRICE BASE BID The Bidder agrees to accept as full payment for the work proposed herenl'the amount computed under the provisions of the Contract Documents and based on the following unit price amounts,it being expressly understood that the unit prices are independent of the exact quantities involved. The bidder agrees that the unit prices represent a true measure of the labor and materials required to perform the work,including all allowances for overhead and profit for each type and unit of work called for in the Contract Documents. The amounts shall be shown in both words and figures. In ease of discrepancy,the amount shown in words shall govern. }k,, �y:,v.ri:;•'�<'h3 a K' a V �w,RtM1`+,461+i2�fy" 9 � <eRON�,yv.�fq '(. r � :Y t•• r'4�''` i ,� i� yh'n'}.l - w-'!.. ''�.{� l')f. ♦.. '�T"C'+'"n��\'!� �'t 'r�}(�,y�-P��ry'Yi itT:'..: lif ;�'r.'�i�.N 'i ',ei �,yQ' 4�r�.-y..�.e;.i 1 1 LS Mi.' wench and Excavation Safety Syste TZ{SiL'T)'$SX Tl{OVSPtJt'JDollars/LS Words 2 3,778 LF 36-Inch Ductile Iron Pipe,Class 350 with Op Double Polywrap00 Double am� Q t1UtJQ�E9 t•SYac�7`� Dollars/LF Wards !. 3 684 LF 36-InchRestrained 350 with Joint Ductile Iron Pipe,Class 350 with Double Polywrap ($ Z t g•off TWO E %JA16QZQ t" boilars/LF Words �. : 4 140 LF 8-Wh Ductile Iron.Class 3 5 0 with OE) Lt7O�p Double Polywrap '"('({mTy Dollars/LF 5 90 LF 6-1nch Ductile Iron,Class 350 with Oa Double Polymp {$--g—1 (� 1 646PTY C"3'G 2: Dollars/LF Wolds R " i'Y08214Townshlp Street 36"Water Main Secfion 00300-3 6 . . 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($A(W ($� {00• ) wewxy 000 {�Jbi0D—eC> Dollars/FA Words x000•°�' Sa oa°a 14 1 EA 36"x 36 Connection twx1r� NOUSAtiea Dollars/EA Words pY'Mi2 f do TowmAip Street 36"Water Main Section 00300-4 ?ti ' A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 11 of 21 •�: t ..'a."1p.' ntnW�g., o ,t ,,yt. t a `\. •S .I. .,,��'�''4.'rw, .� d �' A.`,iS�,'4e. y;���•'� 'LT `� , T9: �r 1S 16.100.. LB Epoxy Coated Ductile Iron Tt[tings S K DollardLB Words 16 4 EA 36"x 8"Outlet (s2 10 5b 1 ($ gt)-60 4�) 'r'wo" T44bysp -10, MFrt Dollars/EA Words 17 4 EA 3�6.r"x 6"Outlet ($1 S_r 76il ) r—J�`T��i� NVNQt2:ESD ,5 vgclaTY PVC Dollars/BA Words 18 145 LF 48-Inch Bored Steel Casing ' pt7ETHouSRtta.S¢y�7'i�lDollats/LF Words 19 40 LF 48-Inch Direct Bury Steel Casing ($ �bao Nvu.�a TW C''/J-I"/ llollarslLF Words 20 23 LF 16-Inch Direct Bury Casing at Existing Sanitary Sewer Sn eTy Dollars/LF Words 21 1 LS Remove and Replace 26-ft of 6"VCP Sewer with 6"PVC Sewer,Connect 6" PVC Sewer to Existing Manhole ($2tSG0e) ($ :2 $-fa04Oj rWeu'r`f 1=tve Haaat�o S7X't`/ Doflars/LS Words 22 2 EA Concrete Thrust Collar on 36"DIP 9wGwrj SCvef,) Nvutuaez ($ FS(s?X Dollars/LF Words 23 1 EA &Inch Combination Air Valve Assembly Including Air Valve Vault, Piping,Outlet on 36-Inch Main ($ 31(s. p9 Po'JATG,e/J TIP64-SAP A 4rHArc t4rt.1 Wo dFn 7-Red Dollars/EA Words I1>'08>7H0 Township Street 36"Water Main Section 00300-5 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 12 of 21 •x , •-! ..-,t;i K�s ,z�l -Ppb� � � a i 24 1 EA 6-Inch Combination Air Valve Assembly Including Air Valve Vault,Piping,Outlet ° on 36-Inch Main .7isq TttonswNn (S 10 W- Sr�t l�V►10Rft� Dollars/EA Words 25 25 SY Asphalt Surface Restoration ($ 4Q°; (S 2tz5'A a o} Q's M G i`f Dollars/Sy 26 5,350 SY Concrete Surface Restoration ($ 3T,6..) ($lQ7r THS:PS T`t sEy&o Dollars/sY Words 27 45 SY Concrete Sidewalk Restoration SRT`/ Dollars/SY Words 28 3,120 LF Curb and Gutter Re ' Restoration ($ 9'10 ) ($ '�$ 704 NSWE. ( 2'Ot/teo Dollars/LF Words 29 8,400 TON Granular Fill ea p° FOuRTCCf-) Dollar&TON Words ' 30 60 TON Trench Stabilization Materials F iTtrY Dollars/TON Words 31 1 LS Erosion Control eo ea ($ A-0 0-0') (s 2 7w�wtY Sx>< Tl-leusa�la Dovars/Ls Words TOTAL mi)S 17 3 7 23 Z DO 14%109'?i doTownship Street 36"Water Main Section 00300-6 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 13 of 21 -. BUT'AMERICAN The Bidder hereby acknowledges the Buy American requirements in SECTION 00100, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS,Paragraph 26. DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES .... Not used. BASIS OF AWARD The Bidder understands that the Contract will be awarded to the responsive,responsible bidder with Me lowest Base Bid. MAJOR EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE Not used. PAYMENT SCHEDIJ Not used. 511I3CONTRACTORS The Bidder further certifies that proposals from the following subcontractors were used in the preparation of this Bid;and if awarded a contract,Bidder agrees to not enter into contracts with whets for these divisions of the Work without written approval from the Owner and Engineer. �3OR.ING SUBCONTRACTOR Arkansas Contractor License# MA M ©ej �-I DSRC� TSora iltM Qo2Si✓G XA7C Name r_ tz�t mAu v t,1t�c, t�o�l 9011 �et-� �i�--�T�a. Sweet Address,City, kate,Zip Code J!A_yING SUBCONTRACTOR Arkansas Contractor License# Sircet Address,City, State,Zip Code z' iNOIta 461 ownship Street 36'Water Main Section 00300-7 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 14 of 21 " } _. SUBCONTRACTOR Afkniisas Contractor License# iltcxil Address,City,State,Zip Code FORMANCE OF WORK BY CONTRACTOR Chu Bidder shall perform at least 70 percent of the work with his own forces(refer to Paragraph 23, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. Bids from so called "Brokerage Contractors"will not be ctoaddered.) l,ial below the items that the Bidder will perform with his own forces,if awarded this Contract,and lil l in the blank showing the estimated total cost of these items. I:iflinxited total cost of the above items the Bidder states that will be performed with his own forces, Wowarded Contract: i" i�ii. .a�s�u.zol Srx (a�iana�ra 6JSftf`7�p�+r` Sevd3 Nuup2g,Dollars($_l.CoQ9 f X107•o p } t' (Words) SbxTy SEvea j?( 211:;NCE OF BIDDER Tlie Bidder states that he is an experienced Contractor and has completed similar projects within the iuxt 5 years. (List similar projects,with types,names of clients,construction costs,and references wilii telephone numbers. Use additional sheets if necessary.)....�S9G�w. �JBa`t66Z U"CSJL�cT�'e-5 a(oeo,oan•°p mr�Rk oN,Jsor.7 t fJTOr31 tGE lj.,'rei'` P SEtaet� 2,000,bo0°' MR �tl _ fNi)(0 I 46Township Street 36"Water Main Section 00300-8 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 15 of 21 = SS If the Bidder is awarded a construction Contract on this Bid, the Surety who provides the Porrformance and Payment Bond will be: t�61tt1 SEY K Rd P R SGL Lens T oc, whose address is:.. p0. Rbc 2EIS-to Lzruz 42Qc(ttAR. -tziiS- _ Street,City, State,Zip,Code INSURANCE The Bidder acknowledges that he is familiar with the insurance requirements on this Project and.,if awarded a construction contract,agrees to furnish the required insurance certificates within fifteen t (15)days of the date the award is made. A BIDDER 'Phe name of the Bidder submitting this Bid is: �CJE+J V FSI Ey S (foras'1-R. C4- S►,3C doing business at: p•©. T)O-1c g% CISSN'SL LE, Mb Q5T*—is= Street, City, State,Zip, Code which is the address to which all communications concerned with this Bid and with the Contract shall be sent. Phe names of the principal officers of the corporation submitting this Bid,or of the partnership,or of till persons interested in this Bid as principals are as follows: Sole Proprietor or Partnership IN WITNESS hereto the undersigned has set his(its)hand this day of ,2009. Signature of Bidder Title 6 iU82,146 Township Street 36"Water Main Section 00300-9 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 16 of 21 �f„1;grporation IN W ITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned corporation has caused this instrument to be executed and in seal affixed by its duly authorized officers this 2- day of.. ut_Y 12009, SEV�I� Ut�U.EYS CotJSTR. CO.St�C. Name of Corporation (8 RAL) By� Title_ - Attest f\V\ C-mRE S Secretary 1'Y int 7l a15 Township Street 36”Water Main Section 00300.10 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 17 of 21 wa THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH AIA Document A370 _... BM Bon KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Seven valleys Construction Co.,Inc. More insert full name and address or ittal title of Unmoor) P.O.Box 88,Cassville,Missouri 65625 IPrincipal, hereinafter called the Principal, and We Cincinnati Insurance Company mate inset full nam*and addras or legal vile of$..try) P.O.Boz 145496,Cincinnati,Ohio 45250-5496 a corporation duty organized under the laws of the State of Ohio as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety,are held and firmly bound unto City of Fayetteville,Arkansas fNtre inion full come and address or Ieaal tine of O"on 113 W.Mountain Street,Payettevilke,Arkansas 72701 as Obligee,hereinafter called the Obligee,in the sum of Five Percent of Bid Amount Dollars (S% ), " for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for (Nett insert fvit namb Address and dns[ripnoh pl pmjeU) Township Street 3611 Water Main NOW, THEREFORE, If the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shaft enter into a Contract with the Obligee In accordance with the forms of such bid,and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in The prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter such Contrut and give such bond or bonds,if the Principal shall pay to the Oblisee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in gcon flood faith tract with another parry to perform the Work covered by said bid,then this obligation shaft be null and void,othetwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 30th day of ,lune,2009 seven ValleysC truc[ )Inc. (Principal) (Wfiness) v �+ S(cali (Tide) _,.F.te'.C , � TheCinain ti lnsm•ancB_Compauy /( [Surety) (Seal) Doren Wise (Title) Attorney-In-Fact AIA DOCUMEMf A-M •BID BOND•AIA O•FEBRUARY 1970 ED•THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITEC7S, 1735 N.Y. AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20OD6 1 Prirtft[l otr RecytteQPaper 9M3 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 18 of 21 - Fahfield,Ohio POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in the City of Fairfield,Ohio,does hereby constitute and appoint Michael Halter; Kevin Bruick; Charles Allen; Rolfe Kennedy; Sylvia A. Young; Dorena Wise and/or Carolyn Hunter of Little Rock, Arkansas its tmo and lawlid Attomey(s)-in-Fact to sign, execute, seat and deliver on its behalf as Surety,and as its act and deed,any and all bonds,l�ohoies,undertakings,or other like inslniments,as follows: Any such obligations in the United States, up to Ten Million and No/L00 Dollars ($10;000,800'.00) --This-appointment isanade-under=and by authoriry ofthe foAttwing'tcSTluti'on passed by rile Board of Directors of said Company �~at a meeting held in the principal office of the Company, a.quorum being present And voting,on the 6i6 day of December, 1958, which resolution is still in effect: "RESOLVED, that the President or any Vice President be hereby authorized, and empowered to appoint Attomeys-in- Fact of the Company to execute any and all bonds, policies,undertakings, or other like instruments on behalf of the Corporation, and may authorize any officer or any such Attomey-in-Fact to affix the corporate seal; and may with or without cause modify or revoke any such appointment or authority.Any such writings so executed by such Attorneys-in- Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly caged and held on the 711 day of December, 1973. "RESOLVED, that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted,and the signature of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power of certificate beating such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company.Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall,with respect to ally bond or undertaking to which it is attached, continue to be valid and binding ou the Company." IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPAIW has caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal, duly attested by its Vice President this 104 day of October,2008. J a*a°tatro,etr°; THE Ci�IN�t'tCTI INSURANCE COMPANY G $eat ? �' ie,,dWen - COUNTY STATE OF OHIO )ss: Vice OF BUTLER ) On this 1016 day of October, 2008, before me came the above-named Vice president of THE CMCINNATf INSURANCE COMPANY,to me personally known to be the officer described herein,and acknowledged that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company and the corporate seal and the signature of the officer were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument ' by the authority and direction of said corporation. rtpturrryy. •••p•A(ttAl 49 0, It,ez Of MARK J.H LLER,Attorney at Law. NOTARY PUat1O•STATS OP OHIO date.Section 147.03 O.R.C. I texpiration 1,the undersigned Secretary or Assistant Secretary of THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY,hereby certify that the above Is a true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attorney issued by said Compatty,and do horeby further certify that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect. GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Company at Fairfield,Ohio. this 3(7 . day of .Y msroxstt `� �/ S E a L 3 'Secretary xw ' - BN-100S (10/08) A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 19 of 21 DOCUMENT 00500 CONTRACT THIS A'GME1. ENT,made and entered into ori the i day of_ by'and between Seven-Valleys Construction Co.. Inc herein called the Contractor,and the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas, Owner: WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out,hereby agrees with the City of Fayetteville as follows: 1. That the Contractor shall furnish all the materials, and perform all of the work in mariner and form as provided by the following enumerated Drawings,Specifications,and Documents,which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, as if fully contained herein and are entitled Township Street 36-Inch Water Main,dated May 2009. Advertisement for Bids Maintenance Bond Instructions to Bidders General Conditions Bid and acceptance thereof Supplemental Conditions Performance Bond Specifications Payment Bond Drawings(See Sheet Index below) SHEET_INDEX SHEET NO. SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 Cover 2 Water Sheet Layout Plan Index&Legend PP-1 Water Main Plan and Profile Sta. 0+00 to Sta. I 1+00 PP-2 Water Main Plan and Profile,Sta. 11+00 to Sta.21+00 PP-3 Water Main Plan and Profile,Sta.21+00 to Sta. 32+00 PP-4 Water Main Plan and Profile Sta.32+00 to Sta.43+00 PP-5 Water Main Plan and Profile Sta. 43+00 to Sta.44+82 AP'-1 Water Main Aerial Photo Plan,Sta.0+00 to Sta. 21+00 AP-2 Water Main Aerial Photo Plan Sta 21+00 to Sta 43+00 WD-1 Water Details WD-2 I Water Details WD-3 Water Details 2. That the City of Fayetteville hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the faithful performance of this Agreement,subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Specifications or Bid, in lawful money of the United States,the amount o£ FY082146 Township Street 36"Water Main Section 00500-I A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract . Page 20 of 21 3. The Work will be completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within 120 calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run, as provided in the Notice to Proceed. 4. Liquidated Damages: The City of Fayetteville and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreeiiient and the City of F'ettevilfe will aaffer financial loss ifthe W&kis not_____ = completed within the times specified in above,plus any extensions thereof allowed inaccordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays,expense,and difficulties involved in proving the actual loss suffered by the City of Fayetteville if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly,instead ofrequiring any such proof,the City of Fayetteville and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for delay(but not as a penalty)Contractor shall pay the City of Fayetteville One Thousand Dollars($1,000.00)for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 3 for completion and readiness for fmal payment. S. That within 30 days of receipt of an approved payment request,the City of Fayetteville shall make partial payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified and approved estimate of work performed during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor, LESS the retainage provided in the General Conditions,which is to be withheld by the City of Fayetteville until all work within a particular part has been performed strictly in accordance with this Agreement and until such work has been accepted by the City of Fayetteville. 6. That upon submission by the Contractor of evidence satisfactory to the City of Fayetteville that all payrolls, material bills, and other costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with the construction of the work have been paid in full,final payment on account of this Agreement shall be made within 60 days after the completion by the Conti-actor of all work covered by this Agreement and the acceptance of such work by the City of Fayetteville. 7. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if,at any time after the execution of this Agreement and the Surety Bond hereto attached for its faithful performance and payment, the City ofFayetteville shall deem the Surety or Sureties upon such bond to be unsatisfactory or if, for any reason such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work,the Contractor shall, at his expense, within 5 days after the receipt of notice from the City of Fayetteville,furnish an additional bond or bonds in such form and amount and with such Surety or Sureties as shall be satisfactory to the City of Fayetteville. In such event,no further payment to the Contractor shall be deemed to be due under this Agreement until such new or additional security for the faithful performance of the work shall be furnished in manner and form satisfactory to the City of Fayetteville. 8. No additional work or extras shall be done unless the same shall be duly authorized by appropriate action by the City of Fayetteville in writing. 9. Freedom of Information Act. City contracts and documents prepared while performing city contractual work are subject.to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. If a Arkansas Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the City of Fayetteville,(Contractor)will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely maturer as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act(A.C.A. §25-19-101 et. Seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying cost pursuant to the FOIA maybe assessed for this compliance. FY082146 Township Street 36"Water Main Section OO500-2 A.3.Seven Valleys Construction Contract Page 21 of 21 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written,in three(3)counterparts,each of which shall,without proof or accounting for the other counterpart be deemed an original Contract. SEAL: CONTRACTOR WITNESSES: By President Secretary Title ATTEST: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS OWNER By City Clerk Mayor FY082146 Township Street 36"Water Main Section 00500-3 A.4. McClelland Amdmt 1 for Township 36"Water Main Page 1 of 4 aye ev nrtxxsu City Council Meeting OI iufy L7;LUUV CITY COUNCIL AGENDA To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor hioneid Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee Don Mair, Chief of Staff _. _. .. .. 15avid Jurgens;tl'tilities D�recfor t From. Shannon Jones,Water and Wastewater Engineer S Date: 2 July 2009 Subject: Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to the engineering services agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers in the amount o€$74,993.08,for construction phase services for the Township 36-inch Water Main project,and approval of a$15,000 contingency. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to the engineering services agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers in the amount of$74,993.08,for construction phase services for the Township 36-inch Water Main project, and approval of a$15,000 contingency. BACKGROUND The original design contract was awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers in December, 2008 to design relocated water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas ITighway Department(AHTD) and City widening of Crossover Road(Hwy 265)between Mission and Joyce,upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36"transmission line. Work will include installing a 36"and 24"transmission main along Crossover from Joyce to connect to the existing 24"main on Crossover at Mission and to connect to the existing 36"main on Old Wire Road. This work will complete the eastern portion of the loop that was initially constructed when the souther section of Crossover Road between Mission and Huntsville was widened by the AHTD. This contract did not include construction phase services. DISCUSSION This amendment covers construction phase engineering services that includes one full time construction observer,attending preconstruction conference,review of contractor's schedules, submittals,monthly progress meetings,reports to the City of Fayetteville,partial pay requests, intermittent site visits,change order processing,final inspection,final pay request review, and related activities. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the W&S Relocations—2009 Bond Proceeds project budget A.4. McClelland Amdmt 1 for Township 36"Water Main Page 2 of 4 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT For .. . -. . . ..... _ .._. . .. .. _..... PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS And MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC The December 16, 2008 AGREEMENT between the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., is hereby amended to include McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., providing Construction Phase Services for the Township Street 36-Inch Water Main Project. Said Construction Phase Services shall include: 1. Construction Phase Engineering Services to include attend preconstruction conference, review of contractor's schedules, submittals,monthly progress meetings, reports to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,partial pay requests, intermittent site visits,change order processing,final Inspection,final pay request review,and related activities. 2. Post Construction Phase Engineering Services to include assistance in startup, preparation of Record Drawings,warranty inspection services,and related activities. 3. Resident Services During Construction to include providing one full time resident construction observer for the 120 calendar days scheduled for completion of the Township Street 36-inch Water Main for the purpose of maintaining job site records and completing field checks,to assist in determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. Services proposed are based on 40 hours per week,52 weeks per year,less 6 holidays. Overtime during week days,weekends or holidays shall be justification for additional compensation at the basic hourly rates listed in Attachment A. Compensation for the Township Street 36-Inch Water Main construction phase services shall be made in accordance with the hourly rates listed in Attachment A, plus overhead factors and direct expenses as detailed in Attachment A. Compensation shall not exceed$74,993.08, as listed in Attachment A,without prior written approval of the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 1:2008!082146/Amendment No.l.doc -