HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-02-10 - Agendas aye evl le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of February 10, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul B ker, Ron Petrie, Jeremy Pate, Tom Hubbard, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jon s, gy Bell, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is planned f r eb uary 10, 2009, at 5:30 PM, in room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immediately folio ing the City Council Agenda Session and Equipment Committee meeting. Propos d to include: 1. Approve Minutes of the November 13, 2008 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1 &3 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St—Poplar—Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,433,820 100% WL-3 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 Gregg Ave—Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,970,164 100% WL-5 Force Mains Hamestring—West Plant Gamey Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield &Gorrie $ 7,082,133 100% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Crossland Heavy $ 1,527,000 100% WL-9a Tieover-Critical Items OMI $ 65,000 100% WL-9 Tieover-Non Critical Items Goodwin&Goodwin $ 1,546,400 5% WL-10 Farmington Gravity Line Redford Const $ 335,967 100% WL-10a Farmington Gravity Line In Town Portion Gamey Const $ 1,664,231 PreCon11Feb WL-11 Farmington Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,367,314 100% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Bryson $ 1,703,216 75% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,336,886 100% EL-1 Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,398,357 100% EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,464,082 100% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/47' Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 7.3% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,836,631 100% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 43.3% EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 100% WP-1 b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,826,874 100% BWD-1 Geos ntec Consultin Geos mec $ 199,883 99% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Multiple Contractors $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side (WL-6&WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 100% WP-3 Elec Electric Line Relocation, Broyles Rd Ozarks Electric $ 264,818 100% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 60,936,574 100% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. Biosolids Handling preliminary results from the site surveys will be discussed. b. McGoodwin, Williams and Yates Contract Amendment Number 3 for WSIP West Side WWTP engineering design work reducing the contract by $947,298 is attached. This change order is a reduction to the work and costs required by MW&Y to complete all work related to the West Side WWTP Broyles Road, wetlands, and other related design, construction phase and post construction pORM work. This significant cost savings is due primarily to two things: (1) the work performed by city staff instead of the Engineer during this project, and (2) how smooth the project execution went W&S committee agenda 10Feb09 due to the excellent teamwork between the contractor, engineer, operator, and the City. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. c. RJN Group Contract Amendment Number 5 for WSIP west line design and construction supervision in the amount of$597,704, is attached. The change order reflects a savings of$294,888 within the existing scope of work, adds the work required for the WL-8 (Owl Creek basin) lift station at Broyles road and the related sewer lines, identifies the final construction phase work required for the Farmington area, and reconciles work performed to date. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. d. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 3. Water Master Plan and Model Update engineering change order number 1 with McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates in the amount of$63,800 is attached. This change order allows MW&Y to update the water model to current conditions, calibrate the same, and then turn the model over to the City for in-house forces to run and maintain in the future. They will also update the long range master plan. The model is key for evaluating impacts of developments and new demands on the system, identifying system weak points, determining pipe line sizes, determining storage requirements, and prioritizing future work. The model and master plan were last updated in 2004. The City is required to maintain an updated master plan in order to be eligible for ANRC and EPA funding. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. 4. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line Engineering work is being executed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. This contract is for the design, AHTD coordination, easement identification and description, and bidding work required for the project, which includes utility relocations and installation of the 36" and 24" water lines. This project will be a cost share with the AHTD. The City's portion is intended to be funded with Water/Sewer revenue bonds; the bond issue will be processed in the next few months. 5. Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Upgrades involves installing approximately 7,420' of water and 1,200' of sewer line in the Mount Sequoyah area. The objective is to replace existing, old water and sewer mains that are undersized and/or located underneath houses built after the original lines were installed. Where this is the case, new meters and services will be installed. Staff recommends approval a construction contract with LaRue Contractor, Inc. for $947,628.99, and a $50,000 Contin enc , as attached. The Cit 'received ten bids on Janua 18, 2009, Total Bid Deductive Deductive Deductive Contractor all work Alternate No. 1 Alternate No. 2 Alternate No 3 Tri-Built Construction $787,417.90 $35,868.60 $72,506.98 $150,808.70 Total Site Development $898,912.78 $30,700.03 $54,056.17 $121,700.97 LaRue Contractor $947,628.99 $42,204.72 $97,004.23 $170,582.08 Seven Valles Const $1,376,775.00 $59,580.00 $90,950.00 $166,310.00 Arco Excavation $1,439,080.00 $57,900.00 $105,220.00 $264,870.00 Fayette Tree &Trench $1,525,628.40 $73,539.00 $126,524.00 $255,487.00 Sweetser Const $1,535,690.00 $66,845.00 $136,850.00 $292,860.00 Fochtman Const $1,602,130.00 $86,500.00 $148,580.00 $285,470.00 N.E.C. $2,035,223.50 $61,904.00 $189,344.00 $404,128.50 Goodwin & Goodwin $2,166,470.00 $89,520.00 $201,120.00 $376,630.00 .Engineer's Estimate $1,511,725.00 $66,050.00 $147,075.00 $252,550.00 Garver Engineers' opinion of materials cost to complete the project is $420,000. While it is possible (but very difficult) that any of the three lowest bidders can complete the work for their bid amount, Garver Engineers found no evidence that Tri-Built Construction or Total Site Development has any work experience similar to the Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvement Project. The third lowest bidder, LaRue Contractor, Inc., has been a General Contractor and performed work similar to this project for 37 years. In addition, they provided similar work experience for the Cities of Mountain View, Mountain Home, and Marshall, Arkansas, and they have worked with McClelland Engineers, ESI, and Garver Engineers. The two lowest bidders do not meet qualifications stated on pam 00200-2 Section 1.03 Part C of the attached Invitation to Bid As a result, the Engineer and W&S committee agenda IOFe609 Staff recommends awarding the contract to LaRue Contractor, the third lowest bidder. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. 6. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville is underway with Kim Construction rehabilitating over 800 manholes in the southern and the Hamestring basin areas of Fayetteville. Work began in July 08 and is currently 95% complete. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract work is 97% complete for the 2008 work order for 8,725' of 6"— 12" cured in place lining; one last 250' long line segment remains to be lined. c. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES)flow monitoring, manhole inspections and smoke testing is underway by RJN ($395,109). The study involves inspecting approximately 810 manholes and 175,000 feet of sewer mains. The work began in May 08 and should be completed in Feb 09. All field data has been collected. A draft report should be available within 30 days. 7. Water/Wastewater Ice Storm Impact summary will be discussed at the meeting. 8. 2008 STAG Grant Award for $286,000 for sanitary sewer rehabilitation was received from USEPA Region 6 has been received. All Council action is complete. 9. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 19, 2009, 4:30, room 326. Attachments: McGoodwin, Williams and Yates Contract Amendment Number 3 RJN Group Contract WSIP Amendment Number 5 McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates Water Master Plan and Model Update contract change order number 1 Mount Sequoyah W/S Upgrade Contract LaRue Contractor Mount Sequoyah W/S Invitation to Bid Extract WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update (to be distributed at meeting) 3 of 46 W&S committee agenda IOFebO9 A.J McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Say-Me le Amendment No 3 Page 2 of 6 ANSAS City Council Meeting of February 17, 2009 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens,.Water and Wastewater Director Date: 30 January 2009 Subject: Approval of Contract Amendment Number 3 to the engineering contract with McGoodwin,Williams and Yates, Inc., reducing the contract amount by$947,298, for Design and Construction Phase Services of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant,Broyles Road, and the Mitigation Wetlands of the Wastewater System Improvement Project RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Contract Amendment Number 3 to the engineering contract with McGoodwin,Williams and Yates, Inc., reducing the contract amount by$947,298, for Design and Construction Phase Services of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant,Broyles Road, and the Mitigation Wetlands of the Wastewater System Improvement Project, WSIP Subproject WP-1 through WP-3. BACKGROUND This project involves design, construction phase, and post-construction evaluation services for the new West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant, Broyles Road, the Broyles Road water line, and the wetlands mitigation site. The original design contract was awarded in July, 2003; the construction and post construction phase services Amendment 1 was approved in June, 2006; Amendment 2, reducing the contract by$56,395,was approved in June, 2007. DISCUSSION This amendment is required to reflect the significant cost savings the City has realized due to the excellent execution of the West Side W WTP construction by all parties involved, and to release the encumbered funds saved as a result thereof. Work on the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility and Broyles Road was substantially complete in May, 2008. The contract is billed on the actual work performed; sufficient funds remain in the contract to allow for unexpected circumstances that may arise through the remainder of the post construction warranty period and the development of the operations manual. BUDGETIMPACT No change. Funds shall be retained in the WSIP contingency. 4 of 46 MWY CO3 CCMemoJan09 Ctodwin Williams & Oates 41 Engineering Confidence January 29, 2009 Mr. David Jurgens, P. E. Water and Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Re: Amendment No. 3 to Agreement for Professional Engineering Services Wastewater System Improvement Project Fayetteville, Arkansas MWY Projects No. Fy-315, Fy-316, Fy-317 Dear Mr. Jurgens: Reference is made to our previous conversations regarding the level of effort required to complete the Construction Phase services of our contract dated July 15, 2003 as amended. Due to the coordinated efforts of our firm and your WSIP project team, it has been possible for us to complete the majority of our services during construction at a significant cost savings to the city. We therefore offer Contract Amendment No. 3 for reducing the not-to-exceed amount of our contract by $947,298. While there was a reduction of effort prior to the issuance of Certificates of Substantial Completion, there remains additional engineering effort consistent with our scope of services in Post-Construction Phase services. Approximately half of the warranty period remains on both the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Broyles Road projects. We do anticipate additional effort during this phase of the project. In addition, with the remaining funds available and our scope of services, we will complete Plans of Record for the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Wetlands Mitigation Site, and Broyles Road. We will also complete the development of an Operation and Maintenance Manual for the WWTP and two Project Performance reports with the remaining funds in our contract. We trust this contract amendment meets with your approval and can be forwarded to the City Council for their approval. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. rdially y urs ames C. U mer, P. E. Chief Operating Officer JCU:sc kii e H,II s e . FdUelr�yille, yR 727p3 0 479-443-3494 0 479-443-4340 WWW•MWYUSO.CO� A. J McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No. 3 Page 5 of 6 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND McGOODWIN, WILLIAMS AND YATES,INC. WHEREAS, on July 15, 2003, the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas(CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) and McGoodwin,Williams and Yates,Inc.of Fayetteville,Arkansas(MWY)entered into an Agreement for engineering services in connection with the Wastewater System Improvement Project; and in particular the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant,Broyles Road Improvements,Effluent Line,and Wetlands Mitigation Site on the wastewater treatment plant property(the "Project').The scope of these services included the final design and bidding services; and WHEREAS,MWY has proceeded with and successfully completed these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the Agreement; and WHEREAS,the contract provided for three separate construction contract sections consisting of the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, Broyles Road Improvements,and Wetlands Mitigation Site; and. WHEREAS, on the 2151 day of June, 2005, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY entered into Amendment No. 1 providing for Construction and Post-Construction Services for the Project; and WHEREAS, under the authority of Act No. 1989 passed by the Arkansas Legislature in 2005 (Ark. Code Ann. § 14-58-1001) the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE determined to negotiate a contract for the construction of the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and the earthwork for Wetlands Mitigation Site; and WHEREAS, MWY provided assistance in this negotiation process and a cbnstruction contractor was selected and placed under contract; and WHEREAS,the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE eliminated the involvement of a Program Manager and decided not to utilize RLF funds for the project,thereby eliminating oversight by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission(formerly Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission); and WHEREAS,on the 19`h day of June, 2007, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY entered into Amendment No. 2 providing for the reduction of scope concerning certain project elements and adding the scope of other project elements; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE has provided additional staff to assist in the project administration; and WHEREAS, the services of additional administrative city staff has resulted in the reduction of effort required by MWY; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY,the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated July 15, 2003, amended on June 21,2005,and amended on June 19,2007, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Fy-63116Amendment 3 Page 1 A.J McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No.3 Page 6 of 6 SECTION 6—PAYMENTS TO MWY 6.1 Compensation Replace the text of Section 6.1 of Amendment No. 2 with the following text: For the scope of services as set forth in the Final Design and Bidding Phase as amended by Amendments No. 1 and No. 2,plus the Basic Services and Additional Services set forth in this Amendment No. 3, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees to pay MWY the amounts indicated for each phase of the Work. The total payment for the work set out in Amendments No. 1,No. 2, and this Amendment No. 3 to MWY shall not exceed Three Million Six Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Four Dollars($3,676,944), except as provided for in Section 3 of the Agreement.This reduced total payment is based on anticipated reduced costs of engineering due to services provided by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE staff. Delete the text of Section in Amendment No.2 and insert the following in its place: The cost for the scope of services during the Construction Phase for the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant,Broyles Road Improvements,and the Wetlands Mitigation Site described herein as amended by this Amendment No. 3,is estimated to be Three Million Two Hundred Eight Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars($3,208,572). This reduced total payment is based on anticipated reduced costs of engineering due to services provided by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE staff. Delete the text of Section of Amendment No.2 and insert the following in its place: The scope of services during the Post-Construction Phase for the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant, Broyles Road Improvements, and the Wetlands Mitigation Site described herein as amended by this Amendment No. 3,is estimated to be Four Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Two Dollars($468,372). All other provisions of the original Agreement and Amendments No. 1 and No. 2 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this day of 20_ CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS By: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor ATTEST: By: Sondra Smith,City Clerk McGOODW , WILLIAMS AND YATES,INC. By: 1 s, ief x ti fficer A By: J es C. Ulmer, e Operating Officer END OF AMEND NT NO. 3 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIO AL ENGINEERING SERVICES Fy-3-447 9Vmendment 3 Page 2 �evl A.6 RJN Gr�ro,,,,u,pp Amendment No.5 ayee City Council Meeting of Februarypl& 2,9MP CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Date: 30 January 2009 Subject: Approval of contract amendment 5 to the Enginee "ng contract with RJN Group in the amount of$597,704, for WSIP West Side Collection System Design and Construction Phase Services RECOMMENDATION Approval of contract amendment 5 to the Engineering contract with RJN Group in the amount of $597,704, for WSIP West Side Collection System Design and Construction Phase Services, using $597,704 of WSIP project funding and a savings of$294,888 within the existing scope of work. BACKGROUND RJN Group has developed all engineering design and on site inspection for all WSIP West Line projects. Under their design and supervision, contractors working for the City have completed over $37.4 million in work. All west line work required to bring the West Side WWTP on line attained substantial completion in time. The pipes and pump station performed excellently during the real world test of Hurricane Ike. DISCUSSION This amendment covers three primary work tasks: ■ Full-time inspection of WSIP Subproject WL-10a in the amount of$218,651. The original Scope of Services anticipated that WL-10, WL-11, and WL-12 would all be bid and constructed in the same time frame. During the final design,it was determined that the cost of constructing a portion of the WL-10 interceptor could be substantially reduced by delaying construction until the new lift station was in operation and the old force main was no longer in use. WL-10 and WL-11 are now substantially complete. • Full-time inspection of the WL-9 construction contract includes tasks associated with the cutover of the gravity system from the East Side Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)to the new Westside WWTP in the amount of$143,010.This project was not included in the original scope of services. ■ Engineering design,bidding and full-time inspection for the Broyles Road Lift Station and Owl Creek Lift Station Force Main in the amount of$530,931. BUDGET IMPACT This change order increases the contract amount by$597,704. The scope of work will cost$892,592, with$294,888 from savings in the actual cost of work already completed. 8 of 46 RIN AmdmtS CCMemoWan09 A. 6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 Page 4 of 16 AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS RJN GROUP INC. WHEREAS, On July 15, 2003, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (City of Fayetteville) and RJN Group, Inc. of Dallas,Texas entered into an Agreement for engineering services in connection with the Wastewater System Improvement Project, and in particular the Westside Collection System Improvements (the"Project"). The scope of these services included the final design and bidding services, and WHEREAS, RJN Group, Inc. has proceeded with these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the Agreement, and WHEREAS, City of Fayetteville requests that the scope of RJN Group, Inc.'s services to be amended to accommodate additional design and construction phase services requested by the City of Fayetteville; and WHEREAS, RJN Group Inc. agrees to provide the amended scope of services for a lump sum fee increase of$892,592. A total of$294,888 is remaining in the July 15, 2003 Agreement leaving$597,704 to be included in this Amendment No. 5. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained, City of Fayetteville and RJN Group Inc.,the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated July 15, 2003, is hereby amended in the following particulars: SECTION 3 -ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF ENGINEER SECTION 3, 3.2.2—Revisions to drawings, specifications or other documents made necessary by adjustments in the City of Fayetteville's program,more specifically as defined in Attachment A attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. SECTION 6-PAYMENTS TO RJN GROUP INC For the scope of additional services set forth in this Amendment No. 5 Fayetteville shall pay RJN the amended lump sum amount of EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO DOLLARS (US $892,592). The total amount of the Agreement including final design,bidding phase services, and construction phase services shall not exceed FIVE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO DOLLARS ($5,883,592.00). All other provisions of the original Agreement remain in full force and effect. Amendment No. 5 1 1/30/2009 A.6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 Page 5 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this_day of 2009. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas RJN Group,Inc. By: By: Lioneld Jordan Hugh Kelso Mayor Vice President ATTEST: ATTEST: Sondra Smith City Clerk Attachments: Attachment A: Scope of Services Attachment B: Cost Estimate AnIgAgent No.3 2 1/30/2009 A.6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 Page 6 of 16 City OF FAYETTEVILLE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES APPENDIX A—SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR FINAL DESIGN PHASE This is Appendix A,consisting of 6 pages,referred to in and part of the Agreement For Professional Engineering Services between City of Fayetteville,Arkansas hereinafter referred to as City,and RJN Group,Inc.hereinafter referred to as RJN Group,Inc.dated The following contains additional Scope of Services tasks for the Final Design Phase. Generally,the project will include the final design of sewer improvements including an interceptor sewer,pump station,and force main necessary to reroute a portion of the area tributary to the Owl Creek Lift Station to the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project will also include the design of replacement of a portion of the Owl Creek Lift Station Force Main. A summary of the sewer improvements is presented in Table A-1. Construction Phase services are also provided for WL-9 and WL-10A. PHASE I PART A-PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 1. Project Administration a) Perform Project Initiation activities b) Perform general administration and project management activities. c) Finalize agreements with subconsultants. d) Perform RJN's internal project control including budgeting,scheduling,and quality control activities. e) Prepare and submit monthly work progress reports to the City and confirm compliance with final design schedule. f) Develop and maintain project Completion schedule throughout project. g) Incorporate and maintain City's design standards and CADD standards throughout project. 2. Coordination Meetings a) Attend project kickoff meeting with City staff involved in project. b) Meet with ANRC,AHTD,and ADHHS as necessary to obtain permits for construction of project. c) Prepare for and attend one City Council meeting with City of Fayetteville to provide update on the progress of the final design as requested by the Water and Wastewater Director. PART B—DESIGN SURVEY 1. Surveys for Design a) RJN Group,Inc.will perform field surveys to collect horizontal and vertical elevations and other information which will be needed for use by RJN Group,Inc.in design and preparation of plans for the project. Information gathered during the survey shall include topographic data,elevations of all sanitary and adjacent storm sewers,rim/invert elevations of existing sewers,location of buried utilities where possible,structures,and other features relevant to the final plan sheets. The location of buried utilities will be based on information provided by utility companies and/or utility locates by Arkansas Call-One. RJN Group,Inc. will not be responsible for actual location of buried utilities and contract documents will require the Contractor to locate utilities prior to construction. The location of trees will be in accordance with the City's current specifications. b) RJN Group,Inc.will provide all plans,field notes,plats,maps,legal descriptions,or other specified documents prepared in conjunction with the requested services in a digital format. 11 of 46 AA-1 A.6 RJN Group Amendment No. 5 Page 7 of 16 All text data suchas plan and profile,coordinate files,cut sheets,etc.,shall be provided in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange(ASCII)format;all drawing files shall be provided in AutoCad(DWG or DXF)format. The minimum information to be provided in the pians shall include: 1) A Project Control Sheet showing ALL Control Points used or set while gathering data, generally on a scale of not less than 1"=40'. 2) Coordinates on all P.C.'s P.T.'s,P.I.'s,manholes,valves,etc.,in the same coordinate system as the Control. 2. Public Notification Prior to conducting design survey,RJN Group,Inc.or its Subconsultant will notify affected residents of the project in writing. The notification letter shall be on company letterhead and shall include the following: project name,limits,Consultant's project manager and phone no.,scope of survey work,and design survey schedule. PART C—PERMITS AND EASEMENTS 1. Permits During the design phase,RJN Group,Inc.shall coordinate with all utilities and other agencies affected by the Project. These entities shall also be contacted,if applicable,to determine plans for any proposed facilities or adjustment to existing facilities within the project limits. The information obtained shall be shown on the plan sheets. RJN Group,Inc.shall show the location of the proposed utility lines,and existing utility lines within the project limits. City shall be responsible for forwarding the forms to the affected agencies for execution. A total of one(1) permit is anticipated. 2. Right-of-Way/Easement Preparation and Submittal a) RJN Group,Inc.will conduct research for availability of existing easements where construction is probable. Temporary and permanent easements will be prepared based on available information. The City will negotiate and obtain the necessary easements. A total of 30 temporary and 4 permanent easements are anticipated. b) Revise easements as required to obtain approval from property owners. A total of 9 revisions are anticipated. 3. 404/Phase II Stormwater Permitting All required 404 permits(Wetland delineation and mitigation)and Phase II Stormwater permits will be prepared by a Consultant to the City. The City will coordinate permitting activities with Consultant and RJN Group,Inc.will incorporate all requirements into project specifications. Consultant shall provide Technical Specifications to address environmental,archeological,and other environmental permitting requirements as necessary.These specifications will be incorporated into the Construction Documents. 3. City Construction Permits RJN Group,Inc.will collect information and prepare and submit applications for City Construction permits. PART D—CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS It is anticipated that the project will be bid as one construction project containing three separate units or contracts. 1. Final Engineering Pipelluing Design Sewers WL-13(Interceptor and WL-14(Force Main)—RJN Group,Inc.will conduct final engineering as follows: 12 of 46 AA-2 A. 6 - RIN Group Amendment No.5 Page 8 of 16 a) Conduct geotechnical investigations as necessary to design the project. The extent of the geotechnical investigation is summarized in Table A-2. b) Prepare overall sanitary sewer layout sheets and overall easement layout sheet(s). c) Prepare preliminary project plans and profile sheets which show the following: Proposed sanitary sewer plan/profile and recommended pipe size,water service lines and meter boxes, gate valves,and all pertinent information needed to construct the project. The plan and profile sheets will be prepared on a 1"=40' scale horizontally and 1"=4'vertically. d) Existing utilities and utility easements will be shown on the plan and profile sheets based on information obtained during the design survey or from information provided by Utility companies.RJN Group,Inc.will coordinate with utility companies and the City to determine if any future improvements are planned that may impact the project. e) RJN Group,Inc.will prepare standard and special detail sheets for sewer line construction. These may include connection details between various parts of the project,tunneling details, boring and jacking details,waterline relocations,and details unique to the construction of the project. f) RJN Group,Inc.will consult with the City and OMI to develop a cut-over and startup plan to bring the new sewer system on line. 2. Lift Station Design-WL-15 Broyles Road Lift Station RJN Group,Inc.will conduct engineering design as follows: a) Lift Station 1) Prepare detailed Basis of Design for Lift Station force main hydraulics,basic pump/wet well layout,alarms and instrumentation plan,hoist,flow meter/vault,and standby power requirements. 2) Conduct Mechanical design including pump and piping configuration. Prepare Mechanical Drawings including lower level plan and section drawings,odor control equipment,plumbing,and miscellaneous Mechanical details. 3) Conduct Structural design. Prepare Structural drawings including foundation plan,lower level plan and sections,and typical structural details. 4) Conduct Electrical design including selection/sizing of Motor Control equipment,lift station standby generator and switchgear. Prepare Electrical drawings including site plan,MCC and switchgear one-line diagrams,lower level plan,generator details,and odor control equipment. 5) Conduct Instrumentation design. Prepare Instrumentation drawings including Control system functionality,control narrative schematics for power,HVAC,fault monitors, pump controllers,liquid levels,gas(hydrogen sulfide)monitors,and general instrumentation details. 6) Prepare Lift Station specifications including site work,concrete,masonry,metals,wood, thermal and moisture protection,doors and windows,finishes,specialties,equipment, conveying systems,mechanical,electrical,and control end devices. b) It is anticipated that instrumentation design including SCADA,Human Machine Interface (HMI),telemetry and Programmable Logic Control(PLC)controls will be provided by others for all lift stations. 3. Specifications Using RJN Group,Ine.'s basic technical and City's General Conditions Project Manual specifications,prepare project specifications which shall include,but not be limited to: 1)bidding documents,2)contractual documents,3)conditions of the contract,4)standard project forms,and 5)technical specifications. Project Manual shall be based on Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)Master Format and Section Format and shall incorporate City of Fayetteville's standard general conditions and forms. Bid documents shall include required forms for State Revolving Fund funding. 4. Preliminary Construction Document Submittal a) RJN Group,Inc.shall deliver five(5)sets of conceptual design plans(30%complete)for design review. Plan sets shall include alignment plans,survey data,existing utility 13 of 46 AA-3 A. 6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 Page 9 of 16 information,and available environmental data. Opinions of probable cost and major component material selections will also be provided as part of the submittal. b) RJN Group,Inc.shall meet with City to discuss review comments for preliminary submittal. Two review meetings each plan set submittal is anticipated. 5. Final Construction Document Submittal a) Following City approval of the preliminary documents,RJN Group,Inc.shall prepare final plans and specifications and contract documents(each sheet shall be stamped,dated,and signed by RJN Group,Inc.)and submit five(5)sets of plans and construction contract documents for City's final approval. PHASE II-BIDDING SERVICES The following is the Scope of Services for the Bidding Phase. 1. Arrange for bidding notices to be sent to contractors publishing services and direct mailing to contractors of record. Notices shall comply with requirements of City and Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)administered by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission,and the Arkansas Development Finance Authority(ADFA). The legal notice to be placed in legal notices section of a local newspaper shall be coordinated with City purchasing agent and an affidavit of publication secured. 2. Prepare addenda for drawings and Bid Documents as required and submit to City in timely manner such that addenda can be issued in accordance with Construction Contract General Conditions. 3. Secure updated state and federal wage rate decisions and incorporate by addenda into the Bid Documents. 4. Assist City in issuing and tracking Bid Documents,addenda and communications during bidding and maintain list of plan holders. Provide additional copies of plans and specifications for prospective bidders. RJN Group,Inc.shall be responsible for costs of additional copies. 5. RJN Group,Inc,shall organize,convene,and conduct a Pre-Bid Conference. RJN Group,Inc. shall explain the project requirements and receive questions from prospective bidders. RJN Group,Inc.shall consider the questions received and issue necessary clarifications and changes to the Bid Documents through the use of addenda. 6. Assist City in obtaining and evaluating bids and preparing construction contracts. Provide four (4)copies of the bid tabulation for the project. 7. Consult with and advise City as to the acceptability of subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime construction contractor(s),hereinafter called"Contractor(s)", for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bid Documents. 8. Make recommendations regarding award of construction contracts. 9. Attend Water and Sewer Committee meeting and the ensuing City Council meeting to recommend action by the respective bodies. Prepare and present a recommendation complete with such supporting information as necessary for the bodies to make an informed decision on the action recommended. 14 of 46 AA-4 A. 6 RJN Group Amendment No. 5 Page 10 of 16 PHASE III-CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1. Consult with and advise City of Fayetteville and act as City of Fayetteville's Engineer as provided in City of Fayetteville's General Conditions of the Construction Contract. The extent and limitations of the duties,responsibilities,and authority of RJN Group Inc.as assigned in said General Conditions shall not be modified without RJN Group Inc.'s written consent. 2. Conduct Construction Phase Services in accordance with the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission Rules Governing the Arkansas Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program and as directed by the City of Fayetteville. 3. Review and accept Submittals of Contractor(s)for conformance with the design concept and intent of the Contract Documents. 4. Resident Services During Construction a. A Resident Project Inspector(s)and assistants shall be fianished and shall act as directed by RJN Group Inc.in order to provide more extensive representation at the Project site during the Construction Phase. The cost estimate is based on the assumption that each resident Project Inspector/Assistant will be responsible for overseeing the construction of the two pipe line and one lift station projects. A total of 1,400 hours of resident inspector hours are included in the cost estimate attached hereto as Attachment A. b. The Resident Project Inspector,through more extensive on-site observations of the work in progress,field checks of materials and equipment,and maintenance of jobsite records on conditions and activities,shall assist RJN Group Inc in determining that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents,but the furnishing of such resident project representation shall not make RJN Group Inc.responsible for construction means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures,or for safety precautions or programs,or for Contractor(s')failure to perform the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5. Issue all instructions of City of Fayetteville to Contractor(s);prepare routine Change Orders as required;act as initial interpreter of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and judge of the performance there under by the parties thereto,and make recommendations to City of Fayetteville on claims of City of Fayetteville and Contractor(s)relating to the execution and progress of the Work and other matters and questions related thereto;but RJN Group Inc,shall not be liable for the results of any such recommendations,interpretations,or decisions rendered.by RJN Group Inc.in good faith. 6. Review Contractor(s)'applications for payment and supporting data,determine the amounts owing to Contractor(s),and recommend approval in writing to City of Fayetteville of all payments to Contractor(s)in accordance with the Contract Documents. 7. Conduct an inspection to determine if the Project is substantially complete and a final inspection to determine if the Project has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents,and if each Contractor has fulfilled all of his obligations there under so that RJN Group,Inc.may recommend approval,in writing to City of Fayetteville,of final payment to each Contractor. 8. Prepare a reproducible Record Set of drawings revised to show significant changes made during construction of the Project in accordance with records provided by Contractor and RJN Group Inc.'s Resident Project Inspector. 15 of 46 AA-5 A. 6 KIN Group Amendment No.5 Page I I of 16 Table A-1 LIMITS OF DESIGN Diameter Length Sewer Pipeline (in) !) WL-13 Broyles Road Interceptor Sewer 10-12 4,610 WL-14 Force Main from Broyles Road LS to WS W WTP 12 2,290 Owl Creek Force Main 12 6,200 Total 13,100 Lift Stations Extent of Improvements WL-15 Broyles Road Lift Station New Station A-1 16 of 46 A.6 ® RJN Group Amendment No.5 ringroup Page 12 w•rjn.eom Excellence through Ownership January 20, 2009 Mr.David Jurgens,P.E. Water and Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 Subject: Broyles Road Lift Station,Force main,Interceptor,and Additional Construction Engineering Dear Mr.Jurgens: Please find enclosed the requested Amendment No. 5 for engineering services in connection with the Westside Collection System Improvements. A summary of the additional services requested in this amendment are as follows: 1. Additional Resident Engineering for Farmington Sewer Improvements. The original Scope of Services anticipated that WL-10, WL-11, and WL-12 would all be bid and constructed in the same time frame. During the final design, it was determined that the cost of constructing a portion of the WL-10 interceptor could be substantially reduced by delaying construction until the new lift station was in operation and the old force main was no longer in use. This portion of the interceptor referred to as WL-10A was recently bid and the low bid was over$1,000,000 lower than the anticipated cost. The additional cost to provide full-time inspection of this project is estimated at$218,651. 2. Resident Engineering services for WL-9. The WL-9 construction contract includes tasks associated with the cutover of the gravity system from the East Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (W WTP)to the new Westside W WTP. It also includes upgrades to the Old Wire Road Lift Station to allow it to be used as a flow control station. WL-9 was not included in the original scope of services. The estimated cost to provide construction inspection services is$143,010. 3. Engineering Design,Bidding,and Construction Inspection for the Broyles Road Lift Station and Owl Creek Lift Station Force Main. This includes the design of a new lift station at Broyles Road and Persimmon Place,a force main from the station to the Westside W WTP, upgrading the gravity sewer between Broyles Road and Rupple Road,and replacement of a portion of the Owl Creek Lift Station force main. The additional cost to complete these services is$530,931. A. 6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 r,n roU Page 13 of 16 Excellence through Ownership Mr.David Jurgen,P.E. January 20, 2009 Page Two A summary of the increased cost and amount requested in Amendment 5 is provided below. 1. WL-10A Resident Engineering $218,651 2. WL-9 Resident Engineering $143,010 3. Broyles Road/Owl Creek Improvements $530,931 Total $892,592 Existing Contract Amount $5,285,888 Amount Expended Through December 2008 $4,991,000 Amount Remaining $ 294,888 Additional Amount Requested $597,704 The Scope of Services and fee schedule is included in the attached Amendment. We look forward to providing these services to the City of Fayetteville. If you should have any questions,please call. RJN GROUP,INC. Hugh M.Kelso Vice President HMK/kb/1875 Enclosure 18 of 46 A.6 RJN Group Amendment No. 5 Page 14 of 16 Fayetteville- Broyles Rd/Owl Creek Item Quantity Unit $/Unit Total Mobilization 1 LS $95,000.00 $95,000.00 Site Preperation, Clearing&Grubbing 13100 LF $6.00 $78,600.00 Construction Staking 13100 LF $2.00 $26,200.00 Construct 48"Diameter Manhole 20 EA $3,500.00 $70,000.00 12"Sewer Pipe and embedment 4610 LF $80.00 $368,800.00 15"Sewer Pipe and embedment LF $0.00 12" Ductile Iron FM and embedment 8465 LF $95.00 $804,175.00 16" Ductile Iron FM and embedment LF $110.50 $0.00 Ductile Iron Fittings 16 TON $9,445.00 $151,120.00 Trench Excavation and Backfill (0-8 ft) 13100 LF $13.50 $176,850.00 Filter Air/Vacuum Valve&Vault Assembly 4 EA $12,000.00 $48,000.00 Epoxy Coating of Air Valve Vault 28 VF $250.00 $7,000.00 Rock Excavation 1950 CY $150.00 $292,500.00 30"Steel Encasement By Open Cut 50 LF $200.00 $10,000.00 Trench Compaction Test 44 EA $250.00 $11,000.00 Seeding and Mulching 7280 SY $2.00 $14,560.00 Erosion Control 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 Trench Safety 13100 LF $2.00 $26,200.00 Surface Video Documentation 13100 LF $1.25 $16,375.00 Broyles Road Lift Station 1 LS $650,000 $650,000.00 Total $2,881,380.00 19 of 46 A.6 RJN Group Amendment No.5 Page 15 of 16 MACECONSULTING McCLELLAND Po aax,229 AWetteft Arkansas 72702.1229 k'45 s ENGINEERS, INC. MATER/ALS LABORATORY FAX. 479443.9241 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SCOPE AND FEE SCHEDULE WEST SIDE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS(Broyles Road) FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS for RJN, INC. DALLAS,TEXAS January 19,2009 Item No. Rem Description I ASTM Designation Quantity Units Unit Price Extended 1 Equipment Mobilization and Demobilization($2.t0/mi each way) 1 LS $200.00 $200.00 TechnkJen Time(ARKNASAS ONE-CALL LOCATES) 3 HR $45.00 $135.00 Subtotal $335.00 2 Boring Setup Charges 10 EA $35.00 $350.00 Boring Layout 2 HR $80.00 $120.00 Subtotal $470.00 3 Soil Drilling and Sempting,ASTM D-1586 8 ASTM D•1587 Sall Drilling (2 Borings-20 feet mex.) 30 LF $8.50 $255.00 Scu Drilling (8 Borings-10 feel max.) 80 LF $8.550 $880.00 Sailing Casing through Overburden,as required 20 LF $8.00 $180.00 Rock Diamond Core Drilling 5 LF $12.00 $24.00 $35.00 $525.00 Subtotal $1.844.00 4 Soil and Rock Laboratory Testing ASTM D•2216,Moisture Content Determknetim 30 EA $12.00 $360.00 ASTM D-4318.Liquid and Plastic Limit of Solis 0 EA $50.00 $300.00 ASTM D-422, Gradation Anntyala of Sous (8 Slaves) 8 EA $50.00 $300.00 ASTM D-2188.Unconfined Compressive Strength of Soils 6 EA $40.00 $240.00 ASTM D-2188,Dry Unit Weight of Soil Specimens 8 EA $12.00 $72.00 Subtotal $1,272.00 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report and Recommendations Engineering Supervision(Project Manager) 2 HR $145.00 $290.00 Engineering Analysis 8 Recommendations(Project Engr.) 8 HR $100.00 $800.00 Boring Plot Log Preparation(Senior Dreflsman) 6 HR $70.00 $420.00 Boring Plot Plan Preparation(Draftsman) 2 HR $80.00 $120.00 Report Preparation(Ciericaq 1 HR $45.00 $45.00 Subtotal $1,875.00 ESTIMATED GE0701WICAL INVETION AND ENGINEERING $6,396.00 SUBMITTED BY: !A 2�. m=xpJ S, RJN-Bross Road.bs 20 of 46 ayeevi le City Council Meeting of February 17, 2009 RN l CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, P.E., Water and Wastewater Director Date: 30 January 2009 r Subject: Approval of Amendment 1 to the Engineering Services greement with McGoodwin, Williams &Yates in the amount of$63,800 and approval of a$5,347 contingency to update Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and Master Plan RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Amendment 1 to the Engineering Services Agreement with McGoodwin, Williams &Yates in the amount of$63,800 and approval of a$5,347 contingency to update Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and Master Plan BACKGROUND This engineering contract was awarded in 2002 to develop the City's updated water master plan and computer model. A draft of the plan was delivered in 2004; the model software was delivered in 2007. Due to staff's focus on the WSIP, neither the plan nor the model were completed. Individual evaluations were accomplished on a case by case basis by McGoodwin. The model proves a detailed fire flow and pressure analysis for the present and in the future, and provides a prioritized project list based on system needs. DISCUSSION This Amendment is to update the plan and the model to the 2009 conditions. Essentially, it is becoming a new 5 year plan. There have been many system upgrades, to include 18"water lines on Wedington and Gregg that significantly change the system flow characteristics. The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. This model is calibrated by a system-wide evaluation of actual flows from hydrants, pump stations, and other system assets. This field calibration assures an accurate product, and requires close coordination between the Engineer and City staff. BUDGETIMPACT This change order increases the contract price by $63,800, and establishes a $5,347 contingency due to the uncertainties of field calibration. A budget adjustment is attached, using funds from those budgeted for the Water/Sewer Operations Study which is not required. These funds were included in the 2008 to 2009 rebudget for this project. 21 of 46 M WY Amd I WS CmtyMemo 6Feb09 A.µ McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No. 1 Page 3 of 8 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS AND McGOODWIN,WILLIAMS AND YATES,INC. WHEREAS, on August 6, 2002, the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas(CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) and McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. of Fayetteville, Arkansas (MWY)entered into an Agreement for engineering services in connection with a Water Transmission and Distribution System Master Plan Study, and WHEREAS,MWY has proceeded with these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the Agreement, and WHEREAS,MWY submitted an engineering report to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE on June 28, 2004, and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE has experienced extraordinary growth in its water distribution system since the submission of the report, and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE requests that the scope of MWY's services be amended to provide an Update of the Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and perform analyses as directed to respond to the needs created by recent significant growth and demands in the water system. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY,the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated August 6, 2002, is hereby amended in the following particulars. SECTION 2.0.A1 —DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 1 MWY shall perform the necessary engineering studies to create an Updated Water Transmission and Distribution System Model to be furnished to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. MWY will perform system analyses as directed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. SECTION 3.0.A1 —SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY MCGOODWIN WILLIAMS AND YATES UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 1 3.7 The model developed in the Master Plan will be updated in the following particulars: 3.7.1 The digital map base for the model will be updated using the latest digital mapping available for the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 22 oras Fy-309A1 - 1 of 4 A.4 McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No. I Page 4 of 8 3.7.2 New pipes,nodes,pump stations and tanks will be added to the model based on data submitted to MWY by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. This data will consist of revised mapping and newly-developed infrastructure created by developers. 3.7.3 The model will be updated using current usage data from CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's billing system. 3.7.4 The usage data will be geo-coded and placed into the model at the geographic location that the usage occurs based on the most recent street centerline file created by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.5 The model will be calibrated with the assistance of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE personnel performing pressure tests in the field and supplying said data from the tests to MWY. MWY will perform limited field assistance as required by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.6 MWY shall provide water system analyses of problem areas identified by the updated model as directed in writing by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.7 MWY will provide a written report to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE setting out the changes to the updated model. SECTION 7.0.A1 —MASTER PLAN UPDATE FINAL REPORT UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 1 MWY shall submit the following documents to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE for their review and use: 7.1.A1 Four copies of the engineering report setting out the findings of the Master Plan Update. 7.2.A1 One set of the digital Water Model Update on a CD or DVD media. 7.3 (Not Amended.) 7.4.A1 An electronic copy of the report including charts, data and graphs. The files will be delivered in one of the following electronic formats: Microsoft Word; Microsoft Excel; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Visio; or AutoCad 2002. SECTION 10.1.A1 —FEES AND PAYMENTS FOR THE MASTER PLAN UPDATE UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 1 In consideration of the performance of the foregoing services, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall compensate MWY as follows: 10.1.A1 For Engineering Services set out under Section 3.0.A1,payment shall be based on actual time required to perform the work by the various classifications of employees at the hourly rates set out in Attachment LAI,plus reimbursable expenses. 23 of 46 Fy-309A1 -2 of 4 A.4 ' McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No. I Page 5 of 8 10.2.A1 MWY agrees to keep an accurate record of the hours of the personnel working on the project. The schedule of Hourly Rates shown in Attachment LAI will be revised on January 1 of each calendar year. 10.3.A1 MWY shall be reimbursed for expenses as hereinafter set out when the expense to be incurred is approved in advance by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's representative. Reinbursable expenses shall include: 1) travel costs when traveling outside of Northwest Arkansas in connection with the project, 2)rental expenses for special equipment needed for completion of the work, 3)purchase of material, and 4)other expenses directly attributable to the project, including any work performed by subcontractors. MWY shall charge CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE for reimbursable expenses at actual cost plus ten percent(10%). 10.4.A1 The estimated total compensation for the services set out under Section 3.0.A1 is $63,800. The basis of this cost estimate is shown in Attachment 2.A1. This total compensation will not be exceeded without prior authorization from CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Subject to the City Council of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's prior approval, adjustment of this upper limit may be made should MWY and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agree that there has been a significant change in scope, character or complexity of the services to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the total compensation cost ceiling does not cover unforeseen contingencies such as litigation or other events not normally anticipated. 10.5.A1 The breakdown of costs between the various work tasks as given in Attachment 2.A1 is a convenience and is not intended to set a maximum cost for any of the work tasks. Costs may be transferred from one work task to another so long as the maximum cost as given above is not exceeded. Billing shall be submitted monthly and shall include all costs accrued plus reimbursable expenses. The City of Fayetteville will make every effort to approve and pay such invoices Within 30 days of the date of the invoice. SECTION 19.0.A1—LIST OF ATTACHMENTS FOR MASTER PLAN UPDATE UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 1 The following attachments are hereby made a part of this contract: Attachment LAI - MWY 2009 Schedule of Classification and Rates Attachment 2.A1 - Estimate of Engineering Costs SECTION 20.0—ORIGINAL AGREEMENT PROVISIONS All other provisions of the original Agreement remain in full force and effect. 24 of 46 Fy-309A 1 -3 of 4 A.4 McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No. I Page 6 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed this day of 2009. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS McGOODWIN, WILLIAMS AND YATES, INC. By: By: . Lioneld Jordan,Mayor arl Yates, Chic . ,cecutive Officer ATTEST: AT ST: Sondra Smith, City Clerk )Jes C. Ulmer,C ' perating Officer END OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 25 of 46 Fy-M9A1 -4 of 4 A.4 McGoodwin,Williams&Yates,Inc. Amendment No, I Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 1.A1 TO AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES FOR 2009 Classification Hourly Rate Engineer 7................................................................ $202.00 Engineer6................................................................ 163.00 Engineer5................................................................ 143.00 Engineer4................................................................ 128.00 Engineer3................................................................ 109.00 Engineer2................................................................ 96.00 Engineer1 ................................................................ 84.00 Architect3 ............................................................. $ 121.00 Architect2 .............................................................. 112.00 Architect1 .............................................................. 84.00 Technician6.......................................................... $ 106.00 Technician5............................................................. 90.00 Technician4............................................................. 81.00 Technician3............................................................. 65.00 Technician2............................................................. 55.00 Technician1 .........................................................:... 44.00 Admin5................................................................... $ 88.00 Admin4................................................................... 78.00 Admin3................................................................... 63.00 Admin2................................................................... 44.00 Admin1 .................................................................... 35.00 GPS Surveying Equipment (when utilized)............. $ 71.00 Hourly rate schedules will be adjusted annually each January 1. McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Fayetteville, Arkansas January 1, 2009 26 of 46 McGoodwin,Williams a Yates,+ _+_ + , , Page#zs ------------ ! � , | § ; ! | --------------- ---------------------- § . ) . . § § -------------------- / (| | < / ( | ! ;! | ; ! § | s „ , , ,« /! . . z/ § ` / . �) § City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form `- Budgetar Department: Operations Date'Reques"ted AdjusunentNumber. Y Divion; Weter&Sewer Maintenance 2009 Progearm - C Plttsl Water Mains 2/4/2009 PrBject or Item"Acidedllnereased: Protect or ItetmDoleted%Reiluced: Water System Master Pian Stagy. Etter/Sewer operations'Study. Ittstrficatton i flus Tticrease Iustificationxif thts Decrease: The Water Master Plah and'system,model nerds to be The WatedSewer.Oparations Stu ffy is no longer"requiretl oompieted Ihyestfjatlotts were,done and the,pian was to meet bond requirethents; and the same ii formatiors is amtially deyetoped'and pu_Hs _p m tlreft if 2004.-This revalu tt;d arld present6d in the Citys periodtc rate sludies work wiff.trin0 tt uls tp date for X009 both With respect to - ; The la'sf rate study was jYublisheo earlier"in 2008; bdrreht;fieltl conditions on, q t re piens. s Increase;] xpetise B udgot(Decrease Itewertue Budgef) f fv AabutrtName Account Number Amount Prt leetutnber ! w PCotesstonaluioes ? 5400 1840 531d 00 60,000 0218 y f Decrease Bxpeiise B,tidget(Increase ReveituelBitdge"t) s Accbant Name Aecounf Number Amount Polecf Nuttl5er Professional server es 4 6400 1840 5374 QO 50,000 0205�F 1 ! h Approval Sijitatares Budget Office Ilse Outy Ttequeate By _ Date c pager Date- Posted-to General or, Initial Date D, ar "fit it ctbr, Date Posted.to Protect AccoUriting initial... bate Fina Itttetm t Sbrvices Director Date Entered in Category Log' cf / Initial Date, a ate .. .. r, / L.G Bid N 09-12 City Council Meeting of February 17 a$Ngontractor,Inc., Fay"'O"e Page 2 of 48 APKA NSAS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee David Jurgen,Water and Wastewater Director From: Shannon Jones,Water and Wastewater Engineer Date: 30 January 2009 Subject: Approval of a construction contract with LaRue Contractor, Inc. for $947,628.99 for Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements,Bid#09-12,and a$50,000 contingency RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Bid 409-12 for a construction contract with LaRue Contractor, htc. for $947,628.99 for Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements, Bid #09-12, and a $50,000 contingency. BACKGROUND The project includes installation of approximately 7,420 feet of new 8"water line and approximately 1,200 feet of new 8"gravity sewer line,and relocation of water services. This difficult contact is in the area around the hilltop of Mount Sequoyah, with most of the work taking place in the street rights of way. DISCUSSION The City received ten bids on January 13,2009. Total Bid Amount Deductive Deductive Alternate Deductive Alternate all work Alternate No.1 No.2 No 3 Tri-Built Construction $787,417.90 $35,868.60 $72,506.98 $150,808.70 Total Site Development $898,912.78 $30,700.03 $54,056.17 $121,700.97 LaRue Contractor Inc. $947,628.99 $42,204.72 $97,004.23 $170,582.08 Seven Valleys Const.Co $1,376,775.00 $59,580.00 $90,950.00 $166,310.00 Arco Excavation $1,439,080.00 $57,900.00 $ 105,220.00 $264,870.00 Fayette Tree&Trench $1,525,628.40 $73,539.00 $126,524.00 $255,487.00 Sweetser $1,535,690.00 $66,845.00 $136,850.00 $292,860.00 Fochtman Construction $1,602,130.00 $86,500.00 $148,580.00 $285,470.00 N.E.C. $2,035,223.50 $61,904.00 $189,344.00 $404,128.50 Goodwin&Goodwin Inc $2,166,470.00 $89,520.00 $201,120.00 $376,630.00 Garver Engineers'opinion of materials cost to complete the project is$420,000.While it is possible that any of the three lowest bidders can complete the work for their bid amount,Garver Engineers found no evidence that Tri-Built Construction or Total Site Development has any work experience similar to the Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvement Project.The third lowest bidder,LaRue Contractor,Inc., has been a General Contractor and performed work similar to this project for 37 years. In addition,they provided similar work experience for the Cities of Mountain View,Mountain Home,and Marshall, Arkansas,and they have worked with McClelland Engineers,ESI,and Garver Engineers. As a result, Staff recommends awarding the contract to LaRue Contractor,the third lowest bidder. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvement Project budget. 29 of 46 ti L.L Bid#09-12 LaRue Contractor,Inc. Page 4 of 48 Garver Engineers,LLC 1088 East Mllsap Road Fayetteville,Arkansas 72703 479527.9100 FAX 479-627-9101 vAYW.98rverongineero.wm GARNER ENGINEERS MEMORANDUM To: City of Fayetteville Date: January 26, 2009 Attn: David Jurgens From: Chris Buntin 60 RE: Mount Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements Bid Number 09-12 Copies To: Project File 0396-1000 A total of 10 bids were received by the City of Fayetteville for the referenced project at City Hall, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701, at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, January 13, 2009. The amount that was certified by the City of Fayetteville was $1,040,000. Our opinion of probable construction cost was $1,511,725. The majority of the bid amounts were close to our estimate of probable construction cost. However, three bid amounts were significantly low and two bid amounts were significantly high. The low bid was submitted by TriBuilt Construction Group, LLC of Fort Smith, Arkansas in the amount of$787,417.90, the second lowest bid amount was submitted by Total Site Development, LLC of Prairie Grove, Arkansas in the amount of$898,912.78, and the third lowest bid amount was submitted by LaRue Contractor, Inc. of Harrison, Arkansas in the amount of$947,628.99. The following table summarizes all bids opened which included three deductive alternates, and enclosed is a detailed tabulation of all the bids received. Total Bid Amount Deductive Deductive Alternate Deductive Alternate all work Alternate No.7 No.2 No 3 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE $1,511,725.00 $66,050.00 $147,075.00 $252,550.00 TRI-BUILT CONSTRUCTION $787,417.90 $35 868.60 $72,506.98 $150,808.70 TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT $898912.78 $30,700.03 $54,056.17 $121,700.97 LARUE CONTRACTOR, INC. $947,628.99 $42,204.72 $97,004.23 $170,582.08 SEVEN VALLEYS CONSTRUCTION CO. $1,376,775.00 $59,580.00 $90,950.00 $166,310.00 ARCO EXCAVATION $1,439,080.00 $57,900.00 $105 220.00 $264,870.00 FAYETTE TREE &TRENCH $1,525,628.40 $73,539.00 $126,524.00 $255,487.00 SWEETSER $1,636,690.00 $6618-45-0-0- $136 850.00 $292,860,00 FOCHTMAN CONSTRUCTION $1,602,130.00 $86,500.00 $148,680.00 $28547000 N.E.C. $2,035,223.50 $61904.00 $189 344.00 $404,128.50 GOODWIN& GOODWIN INC. $2166,470.00 $89,520.00 $201,120.00 $376,630.00 30 of 46 Florence,AL•Huntsville,AL.Fayetteville,AR•Hot Springs,AR•Little Rock,AR•Brendon,MS•Norman,OK-Tulsa,OK Franklin,TN.Frisoo,TX