HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-14 - Agendas aye t Mvle WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of October 14, 2008 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jones, T m Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is p n d fo October 14, 2008, at 5:15 PM, in the Fayetteville Town Center, immediately fol wing the City Council Agenda Session. Proposed topics include: DECISION ITEMS 1. Approve Minutes of the August 26 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. 2008 State and Tribal Assistance Grant Acceptance. Formal City Council approval is required for the City to accept this $286,000 USEPA grant, which is due to arrive any day. The grant acceptance packet must be signed and returned very quickly to USEPA, so I am obtaining this approval prior to the grant's arrival. A sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES) is underway with a study being executed in the southern portions of Fayetteville and in Greenland. It is anticipated that these grant funds will be combined with the existing sewer rehabilitation project budget, and used for the rehabilitation design and construction based on this SSES. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 3. WSIP Non-Critical Tieover WL-9 contract provides for abandoning, cutting and plugging sewer lines, reconditioning manholes and force mains, abandoning 8 lift stations, and installing approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines and 19 manholes. The project substantially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines to the new transmission lines. There will be one last contract in the cutover process that will involve reconfiguring the lift stations at Old Wire Road, North Street, Poplar Street, and Porter Road. The City received two bids on 30 October, 2008 for this project: Goodwin & Goodwin $ 1,546,400 (low bid) T-G Excavating $ 1,777,777 Engineer's Estimate $ 1,501,988 Staff is reviewing the bid, and negotiating wit the contractor to remove certain items from the contract. These items will then be executed later with in-house crews. This negotiation will likely create a reduction in the final cost of this contract. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 4. Mt. Seguovah Pressure Plane Change Order# 1 with McClelland Engineers, for$29,290, and approve a $20,000 contingency, is attached. This is the change order for design work on the Mt. Sequoyah water pressure plane storage tank. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 5. South Pass Sewer Cost Share information relating to the City's willingness to share the costs of extending sewer service to the South Pass development is attached. W&S cotmnittee agenda 140ct08-I INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 6. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WL-1 & 3 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St—Poplar—Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,433,820 100% WL-3 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 Gregg Ave—Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,970,164 100% WL-5 Force Mains Hamestring—West Plant Garney Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield &Gorrie $ 7,082,133 100% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Crossland Heavy $ 1,527,000 100% WL-9a Tieover- Critical Items OMI $ 65,000 100% WL-9 Tieover- Non Critical Items Goodwin &Goodwin $ 1,546,400 CC 21 Oct WL-10 Farmington Gravity Line Redford Const $ 335,967 100% WL-11 Farmington Force Main Garney Const $ 1,367,314 89.0% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Bryson $ 1,703,216 40.2% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,336,886 100% EL-1 Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,398,357 1000/. EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,464,082 100% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/42" Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 NTP 140ct EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,836,631 100% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 1.4% EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 100% WP-1b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,826,874 100% BWD-1 Geos ntecConsultin Geos ntec $ 199,883 81.41% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Multiple Contractors $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side (WL-6 &WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 100% WP-3 Elec Electric Line Relocation, Broyles Rd Ozarks Electric $ 264,818 100% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield &Gorrie $ 60,936,574 100% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. West Side WWTP Change Order Number 6 with Brasfield & Gorrie will be published soon. This will be the final reconciliation of all costs associated with the West Side WWTP. b. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update is attached. 7. Mount Seguoyah Water and Sewer Upgrades involves installing approximately 6,900' of water and 600' of sewer line in the Mount Sequoyah area. The objective is to replace existing, old water and sewer mains that are undersized and/or located underneath houses built after the original lines were installed. Where this is the case, new meters and services will be installed. Design is complete; the project will be bid upon receipt of all right of entry and easement documents. Work is scheduled to be completed 180 days from the start of construction. We are waiting on one easement before advertising this work. 8. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville is underway by Kim Construction rehabilitating over 800 manholes in the southern and the Hamestring basin areas of Fayetteville. Work began in July 08 and is currently 50% complete. Final completion is targeted for 20 January 09. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract: work is underway for the the 2008 work order for approximately 10,000' feet of 6" - 12" cured in place lining. Work is approximately 10% complete and will be finished by year end. c. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) flow monitoring, manhole inspections and smoke testing is underway by RJN ($395,109) . The study involves the inspection of approximately 810 manholes and 175,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains. The work began in May 08 and should be completed in Feb 09. Smoke testing is underway. W&S committee agenda 140etO8-1 9. Biosolids Update. The City is currently hauling biosolids to both the Sand Springs and Russelville landfills. We do not have functional contracts with either landfill at this time. For the long term solution, a $19.900 contract was awarded in September to Camp Dresser and McKee to determine viable alternatives, identifying relative advantages and disadvantages and rough costs for each. That report is due to the City in early December. 10. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36"Water Line Engineering contract with McClelland Consulting Engineers is being staffed and will be brought forward at the next Water/Sewer Committee meeting. This contract is for the design, AHTD joint work, easement identification and description, and bidding work required for the relocations and installation of the 36" and 24" water lines to be executed concurrently with the relocation. This project will be a cost share with the AHTD. The City's portion is intended to be funded with Water/Sewer revenue bonds, as identified in the Water/Sewer Rate Study. 11. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is proposed for Tuesday, November 13 2008, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session). Attachments: 2008 State and Tribal Assistance Grant Memo WSIP Non-Critical Tieover WL-9 contract Goodwin & Goodwin$ 1,546,400 Mt. Sequoyah Pressure Plane Change Order# 1, McClelland Engineers, $29,290 South Pass Sewer Cost Share information WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update W&S committee agenda 140etO8-I A.5 ® _ State and Tribal Assistance Grant(STAG) Faye evl le Page 2 of 8 NSAs City Council Meeting of October 21, 2008 CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgens,Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: October 3, 2008 Subject: Resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept a$286,000 State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) from the US Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewer system improvements and approving a budget adjustment effective upon receipt of the grant RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept a$286,000 State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) from the US Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewer system improvements and approving a budget adjustment effective upon receipt of the grant. BACKGROUND Fayetteville has been notified that it will be the recipient of$286,000 in USEPA Grant Assistance from the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program for 2008. This is the fifth of six years that the City has received similar grants. This EPA grant funding was requested for sanitary sewer rehabilitation and is proposed to be merged into the City's ongoing sewer rehabilitation funding to accelerate the program. The EPA grant provides a maximum of 55%of the costs, with the remaining 45%($234,000)being the required local match. The 2003 - and 2004 grant funds are committed to the Basin 1-5 sanitary sewer rehabilitation construction that is currently underway. 2005 grant funds were spent in the Farmington rehabilitation. 2006 grant funds are being spent in the manhole rehabilitation project currently underway. By Resolution 125-08 on 17 June 2008, the City Council approved application for this grant and designating the Mayor as the City's Authorized Representative in all matters relating thereto. DISCUSSION A sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES)is underway with a study being executed in the southern portions of Fayetteville and in Greenland. It is anticipated that these grant funds will be combined with the existing sewer rehabilitation project budget, and used for the rehabilitation design and construction based on this SSES. BUDGETIMPACT Sanitary sewer rehabilitation is a budgeted project. The 2008 EPA Grant proceeds will be combined with the City's budgeted funds. A budget adjustment recognizing$286,000 in grant revenue is attached and will be finalized when the actual grant approval is received. STAG Giant 08 Accept CC Memo W08 A.5 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas State and Tribal Assistance Grant(STAG) Budget Adjustment Form Page 4 of 8 Budget Year Department: Operations Date Requested Adjustment Number 2008 Division: Water&Sewer MaintenanceI I Program: Sewer Mains Construction 10/3/2008 Project or Item Added/Increased: Project or Item Deleted/Reduced: $286,000 is requested in the Sewer Improvements None. This action is required to recognize receipt of account of the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation-EPA $286,000 in the Federal Grants account. Rehabilitation Grant Project. Justification of this Increase: Justification of this Decrease: Funding will be used for sanitary sewer rehabilitation to A grant was received from the Environmental Protection include repairs to sanitary sewer mains and manholes. Agency for the purpose of sanitary sewer rehabilitation. Increase Expense Budget(Decrease Revenue Budget) Account Name Account Number Amount Project Number Sewer improvements 5400 5700 5815 00 286,000 02017 ORo 1 Decrease Expense Budget(Increase Revenue Budget) Account Name Account Number Amount Project Number Federal grants-Capital 5400 0940 4309 00 286,000 02017 , c)SOI Approval Signatures Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C E Requested By Date 131'd t age Date Posted to General Ledger Initial Date Dep a nt D ector Date Posted to Project Accounting Initial Date Finan &Internal Services Director Date T Entered in Category Log Initial Date Mayor ---- - ---- -._.__._Date • l \ aye eV 1 le City Council Meeting of November 4, 2008 P.AN1R1 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Date: 9 October 2008 Subject: Approval of a construction contract with Goodwin & Goodwin Inc in the amount of $1,546,400, for construction services for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP Subproject WL-9, and approve a 5% contingency of$77,000. RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of a construction contract with Goodwin & Goodwin Inc in the amount of$1,546,400, for construction services for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP Subproject WL-9, and approve a 5% contingency of$77,000. BACKGROUND The project involves abandoning 8 manholes, cutting and plugging approximately 29 sanitary sewer lines, reconditioning manholes and approximately 10 force mains, and abandoning 8 lift stations. Approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines will be installed and 19 manholes will be constructed. The project substantially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines to the new transmission lines. There will be one last contract in the cutover process that will involve reconfiguring the lift stations at Old Wire Road, North Street, Poplar Street, and Porter Road. DISCUSSION The City received two bids on 30 October, 2008 for this project, as follows and shown on the attached bid tab: Goodwin& Goodwin $ 1,546,400 (low bid) T-G Excavating $ 1,777,777 Engineer's Estimate $ 1,501,988 The bid has been reviewed by RJN Group, the Engineers; their letter recommending award is attached. Goodwin& Goodwin Inc has performed good work for the City in the past, most recently executing the Razorback Road Water and Sewer Relocations. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the WSIP project budget. WL-9 CCMemo2I W08 ringroup www.rjn.com Excellence through Ownership October 2, 2008 Mr. Dave Jurgens, P.E. City of Fayetteville Director Water and Wastewater 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Subject: Fayetteville Westside Wastewater Improvements -WL-9 RJN#18187501 Dear Mr. Jurgens: RJN has reviewed and processed the Contractor Bids for the above referenced project. Goodwin &Goodwin's total bid was totaled incorrectly as $1,581.500.00. The correct total bid should be $1,546,400.00. In addition, three bid items from T-G Excavating's bid had the total bid for the item also written into the unit price column. The total price bid for these items was divided by the quantity to arrive at the correct unit price on the bid tabulation form (attached); and, when extended provides a total project bid price as written in the bid document. Goodwin &Goodwin, Inc. is certified to be the low bidder with a total bid amount of one million five hundred forty-six thousand four hundred dollars and zero cents ($ 1,546,400.00). RJN has checked references supplied by Goodwin &Goodwin, Inc. All references checked have stated that Goodwin & Goodwin's work has been good and completed on time. Goodwin & Goodwin has completed projects with a total cost of over$12 Million in the past five years, several projects comparable in size to this one, and has completed several water line projects for the City of Fayetteville. RJN recommends that the contract for WL-9 in the amount of$ 1,546,400.00 be awarded to the low bidder, Goodwin & Goodwin, Inc. Should you have any further questions, please call me at (972)437-4300. RJN Group, Inc. Thomas A. Harris, P. . 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ARTICLE .- . ERMS AND CONDITIONS 2.01 1 Ndder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and nstructions to Bidders,including without limitation those dealing with the iounterparts lisposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for 90 days fterthedayofBidopening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of of the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the lidding Requirements within 15 days after the date of Owner's Notice of Award. 00400-13id Fo -Revised 09/24108.doc 00400-1 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 06/21 DOCUME IVT 00400-BID FORM (continued) ARTICLE ;- BIIDDER'S RFPRFSF,. TATX0NS 3.01 ;n submitting this Bid,Bidder represents,as more fully set forth in the Agreement, hat: 1. Bidder has examined and carefully studied the Bid Documents,and the following Addenda,receipt o£all wluch is hereby acknowledged: umber Date Z 3. Bidder has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general,local,and Site conditions that may affect cost,progress, performance,and furnishing of the Work. C. Bidder is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal,state,and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost,progress,performance,and.fumishing of the Work. ). Bidderhas carefully studied all: (1)reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of . physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site;and(2)reports and drawings of a.hazardous environmental condition,if any,at the Site. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for die accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bid Documents with respect to Underg mmd Facilities at or contiguous to the Site. E. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied(or assumes responsibility for having done so)all such additional or supplementary examinations, 00400—Bid Fi mn-Revised 09/24/08 00400-2 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 08/21 ROCU NT 00400-BID FORM (continued) Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner- L. Bidder will perform the Work in compliance with all applicable trench safety standards set forth in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Part 1926-Subpart P-Excavations. ARTICLE L- AID PRICV Bidder will :omplete the Wotk in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following prices: Unit Price Sabedulc: BASF,LUMP SUM BID i.TlEMS ya p ..w s t�� i•�; f%"yj�j� � a•i� ' '.�fJ.- � h �f ^u,Yu it njtt,M 'i df•n 4 'v t- 1 LS Mobilization(Not to Exceed 5%of All Other _�Contract Items) /. ]. Dollars/LS Words 2. 1 LS Erosion n Control and BBMP� &,,ke ¢Unj CSN �jam- � � L 1A•t/1�x,p Dollars/LS Words 3- 1 LS Project NC-1 �lzeen-T knW$N� _ Dollars(LS ($ C7o ($l O yb Words 00400-Bid orm-Revised 09/24/08 00400-4 09/24/2000 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 09/21 AO NT 00400—BID FORM (continued) ,Y''�p(5 h. 3 � Z� •. µ�� �,�,e r��^�t, �r��<�� �� I '.G L' - p r1x p�zS�z a''� ��9 � °5� � .�` r s � .j �..r. i� ".r t'?'�`✓Sr,k tz 9i::4,.,,..i. so . � x...a�x�' t�ytzs 4. 1 LS Project NC-2 DollacsB 5 ($ 6�jv (R L� Words 5. 1 LS ProjectNC-3 �g,A Vt� Dollars/LS ($ Words 6. 1 LS PmjcctNC-4 Sw-Teet�, Dollars/Ls ($ k(o ip6 0 ) ($ { moa Words 7. 1 LS ProjectNC-5 Dollars/LS Words $. 1 LS hojectNC-6n f k�-AA k�K 7 CYij(yt s�rnoL,-V ,p Doll=/LS ($ IZapt�o Words 00400-13id Pomr-Rcvised 09/24/08 00400-5 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 10/21 DOCU I.NT 00400—RID MRM (continued) ��7„'r' ��j���ti�"y}.x ,r'�Y✓y,-�a,�a�`" x�}mt� 1:'�9� �br .1. j r_{��y�+�.},�r }'�� ' x . - A n �E,�. �.G . �:'��� `'S T.+ab�?�'. � �+�J�f'�'�•. $��r�,������AF4l!k.F +W,i ��`��:� 9. 1 LS Project NC-6 PPiin�ch,Valve t1 Dollars/LS ($ 646CFO Wordy 70. 7 LS Project NC-7 Dollars/LS ($ ) t$ ) Words 1 t. 1 LS Project,NC-7 MR Station Demo Dollars/LS ($/oO�D ) ($0]000 ) Words 12• 1 LS Project NC-8 Dollars/LS Words 13. t EA Project NC-8 Junction Box#1 .5'IJ.� �771�f l KaJ)Z11J{ Dollars/EA ($(�j a 7' ) ($ 65,J6e0 ) Words 00400—Did °orm-Revised 0924/08 00400-6 ! 89/24/2808 15;57 9724372787 RJHGROUP INC PAGE 11/21 DOCUME NT 00400—:BID FORM. (continmed) ` VT 14. Words 15. 1 LS FrqjectNC-10 16. 1 LS Prmoject NC-1 Words Dollars/LS LS ProjectNC-12 18. 1 LS ProjectNC-13 Dollars/LS ($'u,61is-0 Words i ' ' ` ' ' ` ' ` ' � ' ` ' � / 00400—I3id -Revised 09/24/08 00400-7 � 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 12/21 170 N7'00400-BID I+oRIV[ (continued) ` ZZ k a,`1"S• n � '-r s " „ Sy�T�''-2tV� '��c s'4,,�,' �J� , Si'�1'F L Ur�rN V21., SQL tlG. .i�:'[ 11 � 1. :. t e F y 1} -f('L 2 �>✓ S.. } 'yy''R 19. 1 LS Project NC-14 words Dollars/LS (� l «�© ) ($74 60 20. 1 LS Project NC-15 Dollars/LS t9 -words 21• 1 LS Project NC-15 Junction Box �J DoUats/LS Words 22, 1 LS Project NC-15 Lift Station Demo Words Dollars/LS ($ate) (0O 01-13 � 23. 1 LS ProjectNC-16 Words Dollars/LS ($a� 0zl) (A - 6w } 00400-Bid gorm-Revised 09/24/08 00400-8 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 13/21 DOCUM .NT 00400-BID FORM (continued) k ��OucietcttTtttotr[{T�ay� ��; f ,WI133U1t# 'I;"d ,5 l 24. 1 LS Project NC-17 Lift Station Refurbishment Words ' 25. 1 LS Project NC-18 Dollars/Ls ($'f "6Lr->) ($a8 $ ) Words 26. 19 EA Project NC-19 4 Ft.Dia.Std.Manhole,0- 6 Ft.Deep r, Dollars/FA ._) (SA/i Oa j Words 27, 30 VF Project NC-19 4 Ft.Dia.Manhole Extra Depth,Over 6 Ft. (Deep ( ' Dar Dollars/VF Words 28. 1 LS Project NC-20 Fish Ladder Words Dollars/LS a-0 ) ($ 00400—Aid form-Revised 09/24/08 00400-9 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 14/21 DOCUME NT 00400-BID.FQPM. (continued) ADDITIONAL DID ITE,MS The following bid items are to be used for additional work that is not shown on the eonstrnetio a drawings to be completed at the direction of the City and are not considered payment f work tinder the lump sum bid items. ..�e R -� :,.r$ } a�lax. '� iT� "� ✓`4.3 rl5� yy ap'1, x'g°Sxr @ z �� h 1vr'. w� � � ,i ��rca 'lF ? +� k� +> •Jq?+ 4d.1t -�iyt Bti �'s. �.it Y�'f �'��r„� by »�a'irr�i 7�F4� `4 efet' i «,�2 .\r ..s� � L T < 2 Zy '.q✓, '”' Irl.fw 7 > Fa Y�, ti 3 r 4- r iy�¢,Ty,� xLt'.75 tl aCS e �3 iS. �i tidi.... 29. 1 EA 4 Ft.Dia,Std.Manhole,0-6 Ft.Deep RKE:= -t�O� �W' �! K Dollars/EA ($ 6 U ) ($ Words 30. 1 EA 4 Ft.Dia.Drop Manhole,0-6 Ft.Deep melte `rdbQ Dollars/EA �joov Words ($S000 ) (g ) 31• 20 VF 4 Ft.Dia.Manbole Extra Depth,Over 6 FLDeep -N,v, YtyrvQJ Dollars/VF �$J5 ) (s Z0� ) Words 32, I EA 5 Ft.Dia.Std.Manhole,0-6 Ft.Deep r'� �v rx/,Q CI5 Words Dollars/EA (S -1/9 ($ 00400-Bid F orm-Revised 09/24/08 00400-10 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 15/21 DOCUNH NT 00400—SID FORM (continued) 1 A", W.,G"'6�'i4�lz�[��4Ct .�,>�t✓t">f'r{ y,.'`� +4 °`�u�'�tr', 4. 3�r... 33. 1 EA 5 Ft.Dia.Drop Manhole,0-6 Ft.Deep jAve Dollars/EA ($—<ad words 34, 10 VF 5 Ft.Dia.Manhole Extra Depth,Over 6 Ft.Deep Dollars/VF Words 35. 20 LF 12"Sewer pipe and embedment 61 � Dollars/LF ($.6J Words 36. 40 LF 8"Sewer pipe and embedment 7' c Dollars/J.F ($ Words 37. 40 SY Asphalt Surface Restoration one Dollars/SY ($ 7Q Words 00400—Aid corm-Rovised 09/24/08 00400-11 09/24/2006 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 16/21 DOCUME VT 00400—BID FORM (continued) �r,>7�, i -i�1 �Y1'N� �Il�Y1'✓,Y�M1�fr�yj�A15S'�¢.w�i�3`�i Lf"�u 3,�tl WL`-JZt � � �r�!yx !��`Ir �yyyy �; 51 a7' 'fa N^-"ta. "t.. k '2fFv'[°ifi RANw`r . n 38, 40 SIT Concrete Sin-face Restowtion Dollars/SY Words 39. 20 SY Sidewalk Replacement Dollars/SX ($ Words 40, 20 CY Trench Foundation Material Dollars/CY ($ Words 41, 10 TN Granular Backfill,(Class 7 Base) -fv y � VQ Dollars ITN ($ 5 ($ Words 42. 10 TN Ripmp Dollars ITN Words 00400—Bid lorm-Revised 09/24/08 00400-12 09/24/2006 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 17/21 '00CUM NT 00400 BID FORM (continued) �[1� ��r �r F . � 54�.y�,p�4 .� tipsf^✓�4.. �;�IJV.".�yyrn lyl �y�.y�f <E yrr .. ya ��'. y ,r.y yit ��aw;:e .t +^5�,'a:'193.y„i�£'x,try'y� i`SNS 271V;x• ..r.�'tsSl "f�'dFr:1S i ' i miiRe UF s { v lYi� f "). ''� �a".`Yk� i���`(�'(_ � ��'. yak`:.��PI'.�; • < �E° .. . ����u: 43. 1 EA Clay Dam p� Dollars IEA words 44. 1 EA Permanent Plug in Exist.Sewer at Manhole R n,B4UtG+�� Dollars/EA ($ ($ o<,:> Words 45. 1 EA Temporary Plug in Exist.Sewer at Manhole t k s (A Q Dollars/EA Words 46. 1 LS Trench Compaction Tests Dollars/LS ($.3,6fO Words 47. 2 EA Tree Protecti on Dolls"/EA Words 00400—Bid lorm-Revised 09/24/08 00400—I3 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 18/21 DOCUME NT 00400-BID FORM (continued) -Y � r. { [� +$+��}y'- I. Y/.y- l) "�['�Y^.1Ay��F�.4pJt��`l♦tM� �„�°sd{yt�ol��,�1 yvy'[.snr,��,.p�yYcl�-� �' r' "r [ ...rAxl . 1 :A1Y.Iir 2 -JS�J.3 1 4�-'� � cy LF�����Y� y�(i 'zryr{'�"1 f,'Fry�i���r ii�in' k`5�.t'�.✓+,x�p.,y4�y � r � ;> y�, , :: 48, 100 SY Ilydromnleh Seeding \UQ Dollar/SY Words 49. 100 SY Sod Replacement Dollar/SY ($. U Words 50. 100 LF Trench Excavation and Safety System Dollars/LF Words 51. 14,100 LF Clean aid TV 12"Forec Main Dollars/1,17 ° Words BID TOT T,PRICE: TOTAL PRI : $ M.A'��1�\Un {�\Ve. wt,�, j(,( 'ow lyr"U-ter" -1-6 t7 Inu�.Xs��. 00400-Aid 'orm-Revised 09/24/08 00400-14 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 19/21 DOCUM NT 00400--BID FORM (continued) 1. Bidder acknowledge$that quantities are not guaranteed and final payment will be based on actual quantities determined as provided in the Contract Documents. 2- Bidder must provide pipe material as indicated on the plan sheets. No substitutions of type of pipe will be allowed, ARTICLE i- CONTRACT TIMES $,01 Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially completed and completed and ready or final payment within the number of calendar days indicated in the.Agreement, 5-02 Bidder aecepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event )f failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement. ARTICLE 6- BID CONTENT 6-01 fbe.following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: A- Required,Bid security,not less than 5%of the Bid total,in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check or a Bid Bond and in the amount of *0� C�wknQ Dollars IL Required Bidder's Qualifieation Statement with supporting data (DOCUMENT 00140)_ List of Subcontractors(DOCUMENT 00430) 1 r (RC2. �LQe Cledr�irw� z SvnCca5T --n,feo-wWAC 00400—Bid Frnn-Revised 09/24/08 00400-15 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 20/21 I)QCUW NT 00400—BID FORM (continued) ARTICLE 7- COMMUNICATIONS 7.01 Communications//concerning this Bid shall be addressed to the Bidder as follows: Phone No-.-W-0- FAX o. W-0 FAX No. ARTICLE. 3-- TERMINOLOGY 8.01 The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the GENERAL CONDITIONS or Instinetions to Bidders will have the meanings assigned to them. SUBMITTFDon Sz: 3" 200 Arkansas Statc Contractor License No.ne> If Bidder is: An Indivich al Name(type or printed): By: (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) Doi ig business as: _ Business address: Plic ne No.: FAX No.: 00400—Bid 'oim-Revised 09/24/08 00400-16 09/24/2008 15:57 9724372707 RJN GROUP INC PAGE 21/21 DOCU ;NT 00400-SID FORM (continued) A—P=mhip Par nership Name: (SEAL) By: (Signature of general partner–attach evidence of authority to sign) Nit re(type or printed):_ Bits iness address: Phone No.: FAX No.: A L-orp. nation ,�/ Co torationName; �e<dr. n1 /�e�/t rn -�rr'c- (SEAt,) Stat.of Incorporation: T ;(General Busincss,Professional,Service,Limited Liability): 2Pt/t By: A (Signature–attach evidence of authority to sign) Nan is(type or printed) TitR eSt�uC� 0J� (CMPORATE SEAL) (Signature of Corporate Secretary) Buciaess address: ✓ -y� Ste& Eli LL -7x913 PAX No.: �W- 78 3,-75r15'- END 5r1fEND OF DOCUMENT o040o 00400–Bid jxrn-Reviscd 09/24/09 00400-17 GOODWIN & GOODWIN, INC. General Contractor • Plumbing Contractor • Utility Contractor 3503 Free Ferry Road Fort Smith, AR 72903 Cell (479) 651-7321 • Fax (479) 783-7555 glzge) \u.W L� �uvltiedSl �m c� 71 ooa,, N.C. b� )eD- X5- 06 Zo 3 CCty 3fy2tteutlt: Crq o-F TC)(ut7vcw^ Co� pt C{tv cX'w/�I' �I•UCdTW n� ��- 1A.C�te{� �2n�� G7u,�� waw cvznni� Zon4, Mum Brown•Hiller•Clark&Aesociatea 5500 Euper Lane,Ft.Smith,AR 72903 (479)452-4000 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. 3503 Free Ferry Road Fort Smith,AR 72903 as Principal,(hereinafter called the"Principal"), and the The Cincinnati Insurance Company 6200 S.Gilmore Road Cincinnati,Ohio 45014-5141 a corporation duly organiwd under the laws of the State of Ohio ,as Surety,(hereinafter called the"Surety"),are held and firmly bound unto City of Fayetteville,Arkansas - as Obligee,(hereinafter called the"Obligee'),in the sum of-----FIVE PERCENT(5%)TOTAL AMOUNT BTD------------ --- Dollars(S(5%)),for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,the said Principal and the said Surety,bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally, finely by these presents. WHEREAS,the Principal has submitted a bid for Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvements/Project Westside Collection System Non—Critical Cutover Plan W L I-Wl.2-344,in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by RJN Group,Inc. NOW,THEREFORE,if the Obligee shalt accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material famished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 30th day of September A.D.,2008. ------- Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Principal ` ( (SEAL) Witness Title The Cinci ati Insurance Company P Y ure i EY (SEAL) Witness Becky Trptonomcy-in-F at Conforms to American Institute of Architects Document A-310, February 1970 Edition THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY Fairfield,Ohio POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY,a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Ohio, and having its principal office in the City of Fairfield, Obio,does hereby constitute and appoint Marty C. Clark; Sam B. Hiller; Larry R. Clark; Thomas L. Cooley; Scott R. Clark; Janice A. Butler; Becky Tipton and/or Lynne Stinson Of Fort Smith, Arkansas - its true and lawful Attomey(s)-in-Fact to sign, execute, seat and deliver on its behalf as Surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds,policies, undertakings, or other like instruments, as follows: Any such obligations in the United States, up to Ten Million and No/100 Dollars ($10,000,000.00) . This appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution passed by the Board of Directors of said Company at a meeting held in the principal office of the Company, a quorum being present and voting, on the 6th day of December, 1958, which resolution is still in effect: "RESOLVED, that the President or any Vice President be hereby authorized, and empowered to appoint Attorneys-in- Fact of the Company to execute any and all bonds, policies, undertakings, or other like instruments on behalf of the Corporation, and may authorize any officer or any such Attomey-in-Fact to affix the corporate seat; and may with or without cause modify or revoke any such appointment or authority.Any such writings so executed by such Attorneys-in- Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if they had been duty executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company." This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the - Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duty called and held on the 7th day of December, 1973. - "RESOLVED, that the signature of the President or a Vice President and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney granted, and the signature of the Secretary or Assistant Secretary and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any certificate of any such power and any such power of certificate bearing such facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding on the Company.Any such power so executed and sealed and certified by certificate so executed and sealed shall,with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, - continue to be valid and binding on the Company." IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be sealed with,its corporate seat, duly attested by its Vice President this 1st day of April, 2007. _ - ,`' '•• TIIE C TI INSURANCE COMPANY v CORPoMIE 3 — Vice Presider STATE OF OHIO ) ss: COUNTY OF BUTLER ) On this lst day of April, 2007; before me came the above-named Senior Vice President of THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY,to me personally known to be the officer described herein,and acknowledged that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company and the corporate seal and the signature of the officer were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of said corporation. ` R%ALlaryn. 4 qy •p MARK J.H LLER,Attorney at Law NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF.OHIO si4,gr Cj @° My commission has no expiration 0 y�N` - date.Section 147.03.O.R4. I,the undersigned Secretary or Assistant Secretary of THE CINCINNATI INSURANCE COMPANY,hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and do hereby further certify that the said Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect. GIVEN under my band and seal of said Company at Fairfield, Ohio. this c ' 30th day Of September - 2008- / ��efORPoRATf•3 --- i SEAL Secretary nNie BN-1005 (4/07)- Ta'yfte-t e N S le City Council Meeting of November 4, 2008 APNANSA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody David Jurgens, Water& Wastewater Director, Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: Shannon Jones, Water& Wastewater Engineer Date: October 10, 2008 Subject: Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the engineering services agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers in the amount of$29,290, for design services for the Mt. Sequoyah Pressre Plane Improvements, approval of the elevated storage tank placement, and approval of a$20,000 contingency. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 to the engineering services agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers in the amount of$29,290, for design services for the Mt. Sequoyah Pressure Plane Improvements, approval of the elevated storage tank placement, and approval of a$20,000 contingency. BACKGROUND The original design contract was awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers in October, 2004 to evaluate and design the water storage tank and related piping and pump stations in the Mt. Sequoyah water pressure plane. This contract does not include construction phased services. DISCUSSION This amendment covers increased hourly rates and the potential for increased work, including but not limited to attendance at public meetings, by McClelland Consulting Engineers relating to the design and bidding phase work for this project. There will be a future amendment for construction phase inspection services. BUDGET IMPACT There is currently $2,078,549 in the impact fee fund and $128,549 in the Water/Sewer fund are budgeted for this project. McClel CCMemo Amedment I May08 AMENDMENT NO. I To AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS And McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS For The MOUNT SEQUOYAH PRESSURE PLANE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT June 12, 2008 The October 5, 2004 Agreement between the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. is hereby amended to provide for including current billing rates for engineering and geotechnical services, and to adjust the total estimated compensation for previously approved engineering services from $142,310 to $171,600. The updated billing rates and estimated billing amounts are further defined in Appendix A to this Amendment No. 1. All other provisions, covenants, recitals, terms and conditions of the Agreement, which are not expressly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. The parties hereby have executed this Amendment No. 1 on this date, the day of 2008. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Mayor ATTEST: By: City Clerk McClelland Consulting Engineers Inc. By: /dim ,<i/� Title: President ATTEST: J By: Gc/ Title: Vice President W:\2004\042150 Fay Mt. Sequoyah Water\Amendment\Amendment No. 1 revised 6-12-08.doc Page 1