HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-07-29 - Agendas aye evle WATEMEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of July 29, 2008 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Joe om Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is pla ed for July 29, 2008, at 5:15 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immediately folio 'ng the City Council Agenda Session. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the June 10 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1 Porter—Hamestring &Old Wire—Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St—Poplar—Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,433,820 100% WL-3 Porter— Hamestring &Old Wire—Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 Gregg Ave—Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,970,164 100% WL-5 Force Mains Hamestring—West Plant Garrey Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield &Gorrie $ 7,082,133 100% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Crossland Heavy $ 1,527,000 100% WL-9a Tieover- Critical Items OMI $ 65,000 100% WL-10 Farmington ravity Line Redford Const $ 335,967 100% WL-11 Farmin ton Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,324,485 39.0% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Bryson $ 1,697,881 14.0% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,336,886 100% EL-1 Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Garney Const $ 1,393,880 100% EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,431,995 91.13% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,836,631 100% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work $ 2,439,646 CC 5Aug08 EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluefnGreen $ 66,460 100% WP-1b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,737,966 100% BWD-1 Geos ntec Consulting Geos ntec $ 199,883 67.0% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scalping $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side(WL-6 &WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 100% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 60,398,785 100% This contract is being cancelled due to the natural restoration of the site. The overall completion percentage for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 85%. z Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. West Side WWTP Change Order Number 5 with Brasfield & Gorrie will be distributed soon. This change order will include most items identified in the startup process. There will likely be one final change order with a final reconciliation of all costs associated with the West Side WWTP. b. Noland WWTP EP-3 Contract with Crossland Heavy in the amount of$2,439,646 is attached. The work includes installation of denitrification pumps, non-potable water pumps, final clarifier drives, structural repairs, roofing replacement and other miscellaneous improvements. This is the final of four WSIP contracts to be executed at Noland. The majority of this work could not be W&5 committee agenda 29M08 a completed prior to the West Side WWTP becoming fully operational. The City received bids on 19 June, 2008 for this project: Contractor. Bid Crossland Heavy Contractors (low bid) $2,439,646 J. L. Bryson $2,470,000 VEI General Contractors $2,867,000 Engineer's Estimate $2,019,000 This bid is higher than the Engineer's estimate but is within the amount that allows the City to award the contract. Discussions with Crossland Heavy indicate that increased fuel and electrical component costs are the major contributor to the higher costs. Given this and the small difference between the first and second bidders, staff and the Engineer feel this is a fair and valid bid for this work. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. c. EL-2 Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Rosetta Construction for WSIP Subproject EL-2 in the amount of $32,086.87 is attached. This change order is required to add an interconnection between the parallel 36" and 42" sewer lines, and to make a modification to the junction box at the upstream end of the pipeline as underground field conditions differed from what was expected. d. EL-3 Discussion about alternatives for executing the EL-3 contract. e. WL-12 Change Order 1 in the amount of$5,335.00, is attached. It is to install three each 70' long 4" PVC conduits by directional drilling. The conduit is required for the utility lines to cross Double Springs Road. It is much more cost effective for JL Bryson to install the conduit rather than to have the utilities subcontract it out. The cost share between Farmington and Fayetteville is below. Change Fayetteville Farmington Fayetteville Farmington Order Fayetteville Farmington Contingency Contingency Contingency Contingency Amount Share Share Before CO 1 Before CO 1 After CO 1 After CO 1 $ 5,335.00 $ 1,514.76 $ 3,820.24 $ 30,000.00 $ 60,790.00 $ 28,485.24 $ 56,969.76 f. WL-6 Change Order Number 5 increasing the WL-6 contract with Brasfield & Gorrie by $8,896.90, is attached. This is the final change order for this project, including all work related to both the lift station and the channel grinder. It includes the replacement of a 30 amp breaker and # 10 wire with a 40 amp breaker and #8 wire on the channel monster, and the installation of additional valve controls. These changes were identified and very strongly recommended by JWC, the channel monster manufacturer, after the original plans were completed. If we did not make these changes, JWC would not honor the channel monster warranty. g. Broyles Road Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Crowder Construction for WSIP Subproject WP-1 b in the amount of$88,908.25 is attached. This is a final change order to reconcile unit quantities throughout the project. Broyles Road is open to full traffic; final cleanup is underway. h. Mally Wagnon Lift Station EL-1 Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Garvey Construction for WSIP Subproject EL-1 in the amount of$4,477.77 is attached. This change order is a final reconciliation of unit quantities through the project. The new lift station is in full operation and final cleanup is underway. i. Ozarks Electric Line Relocation work at the West Side WWTP site is complete. Ozarks Electric refunded the City $35,143.20. j. EL-3 Condemnation Packets are attached. k. WSIP Easement Update is attached. I. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 3. Impact Fee Discussion. Based on Committee guidance, revised impact fee tables will be provided at the meeting. 4. Sloan West Side WWTP Property Purchase discussion. 5. Mount Seguoyah Water and Sewer Upgrades involves installing approximately 6,900' of water and 600' of sewer line in the Mount Sequoyah area. The objective is to replace existing, old water and sewer mains that are undersized and/or located underneath houses built after the original lines were installed. Where this is the case, new meters and services will be installed. Design is W&S committee agenda 29Ju108 a complete and is awaiting Arkansas Department of Health Approval. Work is scheduled to be completed 180 days from the start of construction. 6. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville is underway by Kim Construction rehabilitating over 800 manholes in the southern and the Hamestring basin areas of Fayetteville. Work began in July 08 and is currently 10% complete. Final completion is targeted for 20 January 09. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract: the 2008 work order for approximately 10,000' feet of 6" - 12" cured in place lining has been issued. Work should begin in August and be completed by year end. c. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) flow monitoring, manhole inspections and smoke testing is underway by RJN ($395,109) . The study involves the inspection of approximately 810 manholes and 175,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer mains. The work began in May 08 and should be completed in Feb 09. 7. Sludge Projected 2009 Costs and Alternative Discussion with staff and OMI regarding the 2009 budget, sludge alternatives, and the risks of our current system. 8. Mt. Seguovah Pressure Plane Water Storage update on latest discussions with area residents. 9. 36" Water Line Improvements installation work is complete. Final "punch list" items are anticipated to be completed by the end of July. Final completion should be achieved in August. Change Order 3 with Alpha Utilities deducting $36,000 from the contract is attached. This change order reduces the contract amount as required to cover the excess engineering charges incurred due to the contract running long. 10. Greenland Contract Neciotiaion Letter in which Greenland states their desire to renegotiate for sewer services and/or the potential sewer system transfer of ownership is attached. 11 Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is proposed for Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session and Equipment Committee meeting). Attachments: Noland WWTP EP-3 Contract, Crossland Heavy EL-2 Change Order 2 WSIP WL-12 Change Order 1 WSIP WL-6 Change Order Number 5, Brasfield & Gorrie WSIP WP-1 b Change Order 1 WSIP EL-1 Change Order 2 EL-3 Condemnation Packets WSIP Easement Matrix 36" Water Line Improvements Change Order 3 Greenland Contract Negotiation Letter WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update (To be distributed at meeting) Impact Fee Discussion Tables (To be distributed at meeting) W&S committee agenda 291u108 a DOCUMENT 00400-BID FORM Projeclt Name: Wastewater System Improvements Project Contract Name: Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Contract No.: EP-3 Bid No.: 08-50 BID TO: Owner: The City of Fayetteville,Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 BID FROM: Bidder: Tb ?�Ip� X. S RJ�V_Y_Y_lry�Jt KS lol o—I VE Xm— gant- t 4tD ARTICLE I - INTENT 1.01 The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted,to enter into an agreement with Owner in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid price and within the Bid time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2.01 Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the day of Bid opening. Bidder will sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by tine Bidding Requirements within 15 days after the date of Owner's Notice of Award. 00400-Bid Formaddl.doc 00400 ADD] — 1 ProjectNo135045 DOCUMENT 00400-BID FORM (continued) / ARTICLE 3- BIDDER'S REPRESENTATIONS 3.01 In submitting this Bid, Bidder represents,as more fully set forth in the Agreement,that: A. Bidder has examined and carefully studied the Bid Documents,and the following Addenda,receipt of all which is hereby acknowledged: Number Date B. Bidder has visited the Site and become familiar with and is satisfied as to the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost,progress, performance,and furnishing of the Work. C. Bidder is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal,state,and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress,performance,and furnishing of the Work. D. Bidder has carefully studied all: (1)reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site;and (2)reports and drawings of a Hazardous Environmental Condition, if any,at the Site. Bidder acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Bidder's purposes. Bidder acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Bid Documents with respect to Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site. E. Bidder has obtained and carefully studied(or assumes responsibility for having done so)all such additional or supplementary examinations, investigations,explorations, tests,studies,and data concerning conditions(surface,subsurface,and Underground Facilities)at or contiguous to the Site or otherwise which may affect cost,progress, 00400-Bid Formadd I.doc 100400ADD 1 —2 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00400- BID FORM (continued) performance,or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods,techniques,sequences, and procedures of constriction to be employed by Bidder and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. F. Bidder does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations,tests,studies,or data are necessary for the determination of this Bid for performing and furnishing of the Work in accordance with the times, price,and other terns and conditions of the Contract Documents. G. Bidder is aware of the general nature of work to be performed by Owner and others at the Site that relates to Work for which this Bid is submitted as indicated in the Contract Documents. H. Bidder has correlated the information known to Bidder, information and observations obtained from visits to the Site,reports,and drawings identified in the Contract Documents, and all additional examinations, investigations,explorations;tests, studies,and data with the Contract Documents. 1. Bidder has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts,errors,ambiguities,or discrepancies that Bidder has discovered in the Contract Documents,and the written resolution thereof by Engineer is acceptable to Bidder. J. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work for which this Bid is submitted. K. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm,or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group,association,organization,or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person,firm,or a corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. 00400-Bid Formaddl.doc 00400ADDl -3 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00400-BID FORM (continued) L. Bidder will perform the Work in compliance with all applicable trench safety standards set forth in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSI-]A) Part 1926-Subpart P-Excavations. ARTICLE 4- BID PRICE 4.01 Bidder will complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following price: A. Lump Sum Price: lJd6 m7y//"' TZs eu�.��/�/l�dGsn t .Si G �) ✓ n� / 1X 410br1 Dollars If the required quantities of the items listed below are increased by Change Order due to unforeseen conditions, the adjustment unit prices named shall apply to such quantities: Item Unit Unit Price Horizontal Expansion Joint if $ „?00V Repair at Aeration Basin Per Specification 03711 Excavation Per Sections 02200 cy tx� and 02202 $ _ Backfill Per Sections 02200 cy ov and 02202 $ Q Asphaltic Concrete Paving Per cy Section 02512 $ G�v Concrete- Slab on Grade Per cy $ '✓j 7�oy Section 03302 Concrete- Walls Per Section cy 03302 $ AJC LJ Flanged In Building Ductile if oa Iron Pipe-6 inch Per Section $ gl 1506] Restrained Buried Ductile Iron If 00 Pipe- 6 inch Per Section $ �. 15061 00400-Bid Formaddl.doc 00400ADD1 —4 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00400.-BID FORM (continued) I If time charges are required by the Contractor's employees listed below as a result of a Change Order due to unforeseen conditions, the hourly wage rate ranges named shall apply to such time charges: Title Hourly Wage Rate Ranee Laborers _ $ AoZ 1°✓ Carpenters $2�(°r' _ $—J Welders 00 V Foreman $ Operators $'� Supervisors $ l ARTICLES- CONTRACT TIMES 5.01 Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially completed and ready for final payment within the number of calendar days indicated in the Agreement. 5.02 Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work within the times specified in the Agreement. ARTICLE 6- BID CONTENT 6.01 The following documents are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: A. Required Bid security in the form of a certified or bank cashier's check or a Bid Bond and in the amount of 590 a Dollars B. Required Bidder's Qualification Statement with supporting data (DOCUMENT 00140- Bidder's Qualification Statement). C. Manufacturer's data where called for in Specifications(DOCUMENT 00450- Equipment Questionnaire). D. DOCUMENT 0.0430-List of Subcontractors. 00400-Bid Ponnaddl.doc 00400ADDI —5 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00400-BID FORM (continued) ARTICLE 7- COMMUNICATIONS 7.01 Communications concerning this Bid shall be addressed to the Bidder as follows: M55\ftna_W�UtAI T�� enc. �� ?L-J2x 35-D i X�?) S fd�!A Phone No. FAX No. ARTICLE 8- TERMINOLOGY 8.01 The terms used in this Bid which are defined in the GENERAL CONDITIONS or Instructions to Bidders will have the meanings assigned to them. SUBMITTED on �� �O. 1q Arkansas State Contractor License No. If Bidder is: An Individual Name(type or printed): By (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) Doing business as: Business address: Phone No.: FAX No.: 00400-Bid Formaddl.doc 00400ADDI —6 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00400-BID FORM (continued) AlPartnershio Partnership Name:_ (SEAL) By: (Signature of general partner-attach evidence of authority to sign) Name(type or printed): Business address: Phone No.: FAX No.: A Corporation Corporation Name:b% ya ��`vY yl tSEAL) State ofIncorporation: Vn�� Type(General Business, Professional, Service,Limited Liability): By:_ (Signature-attach evidence of authority to sign) id Name(type or printed): NaVIC cP\ Title: �(QS1�211't (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: M�SEgnature of Corporate Secretary) Business address: Phone No.: FAXNo.: (0 -42a=_ZJ END OF DOCUMENT 00400 00400-Bid FormaddLdoe 00400ADDI -7 Project No. 135045 's. DOCUMENT 00410-BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that we Crossland Heavy Contractors,Inc. PO Box 350 Columbus,KS 66725 as Principal,hereinafter called the Principal,and Fidelity&Deposit Co. of Maryland 1400 American Lane,Tower 1, 19th Fl. Schaumburg,IL 60196-1056 a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of MD as Surety, hereinafter called Surety,are held and firmly bound unto City of Fayetteville,Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street %W Fayetteville,Arkansas 72701 as Obligee,hereinafter called Owner,in the sum of Five Percent of Amount Bid --- Dollars ($ 5% I for the payment of which sum,well and truly to be made,Principal and said Surety,bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. WHEREAS,Principal has submitted a Bid for the construction of Contract No.EP-3,Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project. NOW,THEREFORE,if the Owner shall accept the Bid of Principal.and the Principal shall enter into a Contract with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such Bid,and give such Bond or Bonds as may be specified in the Bidding or Contract Documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such Contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of Principal to enter such Contract and give such Bond or Bonds,if the Principal shall pay to the Owner the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said Bid and such larger amount for 00410-bid bond.doc 00410-1 Project No.135045 i I i DOCUMENT 00410-BID BOND(continued) which the Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by said Bid,then this obligation shall be null and void,otherwise to remain in full force and effect Signed and seated this 19th day of June 3aYg PRAICIPAL (CORPORATE SEAL) Crossland H av$ factor ,ulna ` By �V K- �2t14 �Yr SURETY Fi6e-rh&Deposit Co.of Marylan id 3 By Pamela K.Hays,Resident Agent&Atty-i fact ATTORNEY-IN-FACT (CORPORATE SEAL) F See above f . (This Bond shall be accompanied with .. Attomey-in-Fact's authority from Surety) END OF DOCUMENT 00410 00410-bid bond.doc 00410-2 froject No.135045 Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY KNOW ALI.MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,corporations of the S �aryland,by FRANK E. MARTIN JR.,Vice President,and GREGORY E.MURRAY,Assistant Secretar tt u thority granted by Article VI,Section 2,of the By-Laws of said Companies,which are se tt se s ?cf and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof,do i ,co Benson A. CASHION,Matthew K.CASHION,JR.,Willlmi a ynthia L.TRICKEY,Pamela K.HAYS and Nick W.PETERS,all an a and lawful agent and Attorney-in-Fact,to make,execute,seal and deli r, �eh tis act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings,and �t� uc n�mgs in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding upon said Companies,as fully Fitt x purposes,as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected offk a ny at its office in Baltimore,Md.,in their own proper persons. This power of attorney revokes that issued o W of Benson A.CASHION,Matthew K.CASHION,JR.,William H. GRIFFIN,Judy SCHOGGF,N,Cynthia L.TRICKEY,Pamela K.HAYS,Nick W.PETERS,Karen W.FREELAND,dated January 4,2005. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,this 6th day of March,A.D.2007. ATTEST: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY �p OE4pS a' > r4'h,�,w r--, �l'✓i.i�-� '_-�/;4iC��1���`.. U..11 By: Gregory F.Murray Assistant Secretary Frank E.Marlin Jr. Vice President State of Maryland City of Baltimore ss: On this 6th day of March, A.D. 2007, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came FRANK E. MARTIN JR., Vice President, and GREGORY E. MURRAY, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith,that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid,and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Constance A.Dunn Notary Public My Commission Expires: July 14,2007 - POA-F 164-2520 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2.The Chairman of.the Board,or the President,or any Executive Vice-President,or any of the Senior VicePresidentsor Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power,by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of.the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY "Article VI,Section 2.The Chairman of the Board, or the President,or any Executive Vice-President,or any of the Senior Vice-Presidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power,by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, - policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto" CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing Power of Attorney is still in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever,appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, thisl9th day of ____T,ure X008— AL J, Assistant Secretary DOCUMENT 00430-LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS in compliance with the instructions to Bidders and other Contract Documents,the undersigned submits the following names of Subcontractors to be used in performing the Work for Contract No.EP-3,Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. Bidder certifies that all Subcontractors listed are eligible to perform the Work. Work. --/, o f Subcontractor's Comp. Contract Work Subcontractor's Name License No. EMR Value Roofing Arps 23 Mechanical eke e Electrical a to a fo NOTE:This form must be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bidder's ignature FkarK `cell END OF DOCUMENT 00430 00430-List of Subcontractors 00430- 1 Project No. 135045 DOCUMENT 00450—EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The Bidder shall enter in the spaces provided the names of the manufacturers of equipment which Bidder proposes to furnish,and shall submit this Questionnaire with its Bid. Owner will review and evaluate the information before award of the Contract. Only one manufacturer's name shall be listed for each item. Upon award of a contract,the named equipment shall be furnished. Substitutions will be permitted only if named equipment does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents,the manufacturer is unable to meet the delivery requirements of the construction schedule,or the manufacturer is dilatory in complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Substitutions shall be subject to concurrence of Owner and shall be confirmed by Change Order. Preliminary acceptance of equipment listed by manufacturer's name shall not in any way constitute a waiver of the specifications covering such equipment;final acceptance will be based on full conformity with the Contract Documents. Failure to furnish all information requested or entering more than one manufacturer's name for any item in this Equipment Questionnaire may be cause for rejection of the Bid. E ui ment Manufacturer 1. Denitrification Pumps -,rl, 2. W3 Pumps _ eReer le S 3. Clarifier Drives oew — Oliva, END OF DOCUMENT 00450 00450-Equipment Questionnaire.doc 00450- 1 Project No. 135045 (B119/2008)Lana Broyles Fax 001 pdf Page 1 a JUN-19-2008 THU 01:12 PH CROSSLAND HEAVY FAX NO. 16204292977 P. 01 2008/IUI/19/Tl1U 01:04 Ali OIL CAPITAL ELECTRIC FA% 1,0,479 361 9835 P,002 06/19/2000 01:03 .9IB25419569ALPW�-IN's7RUAtENT PAGE 01 i i Section 0.94&2 - INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMSUPPLIER QUESTIONNAIRE The Bidder shall submit with its Bid a copy of this 1pstrumentation and Control System Supplier Questionnaire completed by Bidders Intended instrumentatlon and Control System Supplier. Owner will review and evaluate the information before awardof the Contract. Upon award of a contract,the nerved Instrumentation and Control System Supplier shall be employed to perform the work,Kniest changes are specifically authorized by Owner. - Failure to furnish all information requested in this Instrumentation and Control System Supplier Questionnaire may,bo cause for:mjodion of the Bid,. 1. Instrumentation system supplier. 6ioulnari Instrument Oorporatlon . Address P:;0;Box 470583 Tulsa,OK 74147.0583 Telephone number (918)254-2424 2. Number offull•time Oj Design personnel on Staff 3. Number of full-11me 6! Service personnel on Staff(not including Personnel In item 2 above). 4. Geographic location of Tulsa,OK service personnelfor this Pr*dt S. Number afyears Supplier . 23 ' has aucoessfully provided elmllerwork ,a. Reference—Projectowner's City of Springfield,SouthvreutVAWP Npmo .� Address 3302 S.FF Hwy. . Springfield,MO 05802 00452-IC SS OuabomVe.dw n0462.1 51212008 (IAMTeVILM AIR I (NOIANowwrp' I '. (CONTRACT EP.91PN 19504$) - , i l (6/1912008)Lina Broyles Fax 001.pdf zz LL Page�2� JUN-19-2008 THU 0112 PM OROSSLAND HEAVY FAX NO. 16204292977 P. 02 2006/JUN/19/THU 01:04 AV OIL CAPITAL ELECTRIC FAX 11a. 479 361 9835 P.003, 06/19/2908 01:93 9182541966 PAWN INSTRUNM PA8E 82 Cordaot person's name Charlie Smith,Charlie Young Telephone number' 4171681-1600 General deacriptlon of Southweat W WTP improvements,Ph'a project b. Reference—Project owner's Board of Public Utllffles Name Nearman Water Treatment Plant Address 4301 BrerincirR'd. Kew%City,KS 66104 Contact person's name Q.J.Johnson Telephone number. 013157"200 General description of Instrumentation for new water Project treatment plant o. Reference—Project owner's 9piingdaleWWTP Name .. Address Springdale,AR . . Contact parson's name .Loren Sharp Telephone number 4791671.1366 General description of Instrumentation and 50ADA Sgstem for proloet l3anovation of Waste Water Treatment Plant _ End of Sect(on • DOW-1c SS quariorrarra.daC 0D462.2 6210008. (PAYV TEMLLE,AR' ) ' (NOIAND WfM ) (CONTRACTEn4mN 75845) - NS Meeting of August 5, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: 15 July 2008 Subject: Approval of a construction contract in the amoun of$2,439,646 for a contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors for improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP Subproject EP-3, Bid 08-50, and approve a 10% contingency of$244,000. RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of a construction contract in the amount of$2,439,646 for a contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors for improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP Subproject EP-3, Bid 08-50, and approve a 10% contingency of$244,000. BACKGROUND This project includes the construction of installation of denitrification pumps, non-potable water pumps, final clarifier drives, structural repairs, roofing replacement and other miscellaneous improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is the final of four WSIP contracts to be executed at Noland. The majority of this work could not be completed prior to the West Side WWTP becoming fully operational. DISCUSSION The City received bids on 19 June, 2008 for this project: Contractor Bid Crossland Heavy Contractors (low bid) $2,439,646 J. L. Bryson $2,470,000 VEI General Contractors $2,867,000 Engineer's Estimate $2,019,000 This bid is higher than the Engineer's estimate but is within the amount that allows the City to award the contract. Discussions with Crossland Heavy indicate that increased fuel and electrical component costs are the major contributor to the higher costs. Given this and the small difference between the first and second bidders, staff and the Engineer feel this is a fair and valid bid for this work. Crossland Heavy has executed a number of projects in this area, including WSIP subproject WL-7, the Gregg Avenue Lift Station. Their work on this job was excellent. Black and Veatch, the Engineer, has verified the bid and recommends approval. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the WSIP project budget. $50,000 is being paid out of the WWTP Clarifier Maintenance project, # 02069-1, as this work had to be executed after the West Side WWTP came on line and bundling the work together created a savings to the City due to economy of scale. EP-3 CCMemo Aug08 BLACK & VEATC Building a world of difference° City of Fayetteville, Arkansas B&V Project 135045 Noland WWTP Improvements B&V File B-1.1 Contract EP-3 July 1, 2008 Mr. David Jurgens Director of Water and Wastewater 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Subject: Bid Results and Recommendation Dear Mr. Jurgens: Bids were received and opened on June 19, 2008 in the City of Fayetteville City Council Chambers, for the above mentioned project. The following is a list of the Contractor's lump sum bids. Lump Sum Bid Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. $2,439,646 J.L. Bryson, Inc. $ 2,470,000 VEI General Contractors, Inc. $ 2,867,000 The low bid was submitted by Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for $2,439,646. The Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost was $2,019,000. A Bid Tabulation is attached. Additionally, a detailed breakdown of the lump sum bid was requested from Crossland Heavy and has been included as an attachment to this letter. There was a discrepancy between the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost and Contractor's bid pricing for the instrumentation and electrical work. This would account for the majority of the difference between the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost and Contractor's bid price. The discrepancy could have been caused by the volatile current market conditions and rising material prices. The other line items are similar- to the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost. Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. has provided information about their firm, financial performance, a list of key personnel in the corporation, and project experience. A Dun & Bradstreet report was run on the Crossland Heavy. Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc has a credit score of 3 and Financial Stress score of 1. These scores indicate that Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc is a financially stable firm. Their Workman's Compensation Experience Modifier is less than 1.0 which indicates a good safety history. According to Mark Sell of Crossland Heavy, a project specific team has not been assigned at this time. Once we receive this information, we will review their qualifications to make sure appropriate staff has been assigned. Black&Veatch corporation•8400 ward Parkway•P.O.Box 8405•Kansas City,MO 64114 USA-Telephone:913.458.2000 Page 2 Mr. David Jurgens B&V Project 135045 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas B&V File 13-1.1 Contract EP-3 July 1, 2008 We have contacted five (5) references from past projects performed by Crossland Heavy. The projects ranged in price from $1.5 million to $26 million. The Owners interviewed were satisfied with the work that Crossland Heavy had performed and commented that Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. maintained their schedule, were organized, and communicated well with the Engineer and Owners. Safety had not been an issue on the projects discussed with the references. Change orders were also kept to a minimum and the staff felt their prices were fair when a change order was required. Furthermore, Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. has completed and submitted a "Bidder's Qualification Statement". The form has been included for your information and review. Crossland Heavy has provided their Arkansas Contractor's license number. Based on their bid and past work performance, we recommend that Contract EP-3 be awarded to Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for $2,439,646. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above information, call me at (913) 458- 3147. Very Truly Yours, jatie CKM. Funderburk Enclosures: 5 copies of the following Project Engineer Bid Tabulation Agreement Bid Documents Performance Bond Labor and Material Bond Maintenance Bond Experience Financial Statement Lump Sum Bid Breakdown cc: Lynn Hyke, City of Fayetteville w/attachments } j = / } \ 2 = 3 { { / / j / / g ( 3 \ jG } C \0 » < ) � \ \ } § \ ` \ ( C): \ \ \ ` In - « n § , CO)c ; # § § E ; ca : ( ; ; . } g ( } 00 _ (\ * \_ k ) k { � / \ m {\ \ ( � , > # ! \ Ch w Co m } ® � ° § ; ° � J / 0 : \ ( � ( 2 ) _ \ ( aye eville As Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Coody n (� From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director \ `� Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: 13 May 08 Subject: Approval of Change Order Number 2 to the construction contract with Rosetta Construction for WSIP Subproject EL-2 in the amount of$32,086.87 RECOMMENDATION City Staff recommends approval of Change Order Number 2 to the construction contract with Rosetta Construction for WSIP Subproject EL-2 in the amount of$32,086.87. BACKGROUND This project is the 25,000 foot 42" gravity sewer transmission main from the Happy Hollow lift station to the Noland W WTP,paralleling the existing 36"main. This line will receive flows from the new Mally Wagnon Road lift station, WSIP subproject EL-1, currently being built by Gamey Construction. Construction is proceeding well with the job is over 66%complete. DISCUSSION This change order is required to add an interconnection between the parallel 36"and 42"sewer lines, and to make a modification to the junction box at the upstream end of the pipeline as underground field conditions differed from what was expected. BUDGETIMPACT A$730,000 contingency was approved with this contract. $697,913.13 will remain in the contingency after this change order. EL,2 Chg Ordr 2 CCMemoMayOg II`E4_fEl V E.aJ .. . .. .. fie CHANGE ORDER May t2 200$ Teye evContract Number EL•2 Garver Fayerceviile ARKANSAS Contract75tle EG2 Gravity Line Change Order No. 2 Date of Issuance May 8,2008 To Contractor: Rosetta Construction ORDINANCFi/[tF80LUTtON: The Contract is changed as follows: Effective May 8,2008 i Add 36"gravity sewer pipe interconnect between proposed 42"Manhole 6 and the existing 36"sewer. Core Drill proposed Manhole 6 for new 36"gravity sewer pipe connection including water stop gasket. Construct manhole on the existing 36 sewer adjacent to Manhole 6. Eliminate the proposed manhole on the existing 36"sewer at proposed 42"sewer Station 54+99;Right. Revise the proposed 11'x12'junction box to 8x21',add an additional access hatch,and add hand lift gates. Revise the alignment of the proposed 8'x44'junction box,delete 2'square grate,and add integral hatch grating. Attachments: Revised construction drawings C3,C4,C19,D9,and D10 Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quamin, Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost 27.3 36"Gravity Sewer Pipe 180 LF $190.00 204 $190.00 $34,200.00 $38,760.00 17.3 36"Gravity Sewer Pipe Trench 180 LF $1.00 204 $1.00 $180.00 $204.00 Excavation and Backtill 71.3 Connect 36"Gravity Sewer Pipe to 0 EA $0.00 1 $4,450.20 $0.00 $4,450.20 Existing Manhole 62.3D Modify Existing Manhole 20 1 EA 1 $300.00 19 1 $300.00 $6,000.00 1 $5,700.00 58.3 11'xl2'Junction Box 1. LS $50NO.00 t 1 $75,352.67 $50000.00 $75,352.67 59.3 8'x44'Junction Boz 1 1 $100,000-001 1 1 $98,000-001 $IOD,000.00 Ji $98,000.(10 i - SuminationofCost $190,380.00 $222,466.87 Net Cost for this Change Order $32,086.87 Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was Net change by previously authorized change orders ..........._......__.._._......._......................_..............._._._._...........,......._.... $ 10,431:995.00 ......._..._.. ..................____........_...._......_._............._..............._..........._......"'.._.._........... $ The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ...__.__............__...._.._..._.,........................._......_.._._...._....._.._..._.._.................. $ 10.431,995.00 The Contract Price will be increased by $ 32,086.87 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be _.••,-, $ 30.464,OS1.S7 The Contract Time(s)will remain unchanged 0 calendar days , Required dates ofmon as of the date of this Change Order therefore are: Substantialial Completion 13•Sea-08 .. __._.___._____ __..__.___�___v.____.__�.�..___...____. Final Completion 13.Oct-08 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Time(s)which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not inwrpomted in this or previous Change Orders. ARVERIEN(�V ERS -.- City of F ye evitle BY DATE BY D T s RoseV Construction ! BY E i oL�i n8 �i wa z'a` 0 po W a'� m f N .•.� x ON g$� W � S J mo • -�- � �� ¢ �m� w. pax 10 0 s € FI j^ LL a u mZ °a wt�.r Z i iBn o`q�q�z.0 �'s is b ��a mmKa zo 1^ p o Zo - • 5� / a$ 'NL� '� �z� g'd'dz go. �E <<o Lu W, — a&� • V J(Yi 0 J Osm PJ�TF 4S a�8JaG�m` 2� Z^ 5 Lj'`z mz�$Z 1 yaoL V• �y{Es� p-� Io� ZYO2 om anm� � n m{�8 W V § am '�circti".Wd �m • fi �ne Z �m�viZPmgFG�iF � S€ Fg'NEao mg W k 8 �m F�k' r. O Uazanog=g a �!' m a_W6g ,'I w O Fgapz g`r6$ iC Q a 3¢mz wi"a8°ai8im $ < 8 N ns „ mrro W m p ¢ k 6 p o mo � r � - ' �am - �o " p m® II i s III a® °w OFKK F 3F I ¢ ® - V a z ®ZZ >�wl ZR wo to g is ® m � � I bS22 Il m® 6<�d4 m Q p= F •I •� t��vd sa ._I '� O C W006 ,y�C`! 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