HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-10 - Agendas aye ev le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of June 10, 2008 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jon T m Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is pla ed fbr June 10, 2008, at 5:15 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immediately follo ing the City Council Agenda Session. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the May 13 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. Mt. Seauovah Pressure Plane water storage discussion with area residents. 3. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St— Poplar—Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,433,820 100% WL-3 Porter— Hamestring & Old Wire—Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 Gregg Ave— Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10970,164 100% WL-5 Force Mains Hamestring—West Plant Gamey Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield & Gorrie $ 7,099,396 100% WL-7 Grew Ave Lift Station Crossland Heavy $ 1,527,000 100% WL-9a Tieover-Critical Items OMI $ 65,000 50.0% WL-10 Farmington Gravity Line Redford Const $ 335,967 32.89% WL-11 Farmington Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,324,485 2.6% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Bryson $ 1,697,881 NTP 9Jun08 EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,336,886 1000/o EL-1 Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,393,880 TO-00—/7--- EL-2 00% EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,431,995 73.29% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,836,631 100% EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 100% WP-1b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,737,966 74.17% BWD-1 Geos ntec Consulting Geos ntec $ 199,883 37.8% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scalping $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side(WL-6 &WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 100% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield &Gorrie $ 60,398,785 100% This contract is being cancelled due to the natural restoration of the site. The overall completion percentage for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 85%. z Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. West Side WWTP Change Order Number 5 with Brasfield & Gorrie will be distributed soon. This change order will likely be a final reconciliation of all costs associated with the West Side WWTP construction, including items identified in the startup phase. b. West Side WWTP and Collection Systems Tools and Spare Parts purchase requests are attached for security/operational video cameras, sewer line televising equipment, and for the Wedeco ultraviolet disinfection system. The West Side WWTP will require a significant number of tools and spare parts for operation. Manufacturers provide some, but others must be purchased W&S committee agenda IOJunw separately. The plant contains over 650 motors, 500 pumps, 23 structures, 750 valves and gates, and hundreds of other items that require tools for operations as well as routine and emergency maintenance. Some tools and many spare parts can be shared between the two WWTPs, but some must be on hand at the West Side plant. Additionally, the pipes installed through the WSIP are significantly larger, deeper, and have a greater distance between manholes than any which have existed within the City's wastewater system. As a result, different equipment is required in order to perform both routine and emergency operations and maintenance. This equipment is mainly safety gear, repair parts for different size and manufactured pipes, and cleaning and televising gear required to maintain larger diameter lines. Due to the unique and proprietary nature of some of these items, some of this equipment can only be procured from one manufacturer and require a bid waiver. 1. West Side WWTP Security and Operational Camera from Spytown Camera in the amount of$26,771.82, plus a contingency of$2,500, is attached. The quotes provided to Brasfield & Gorrie, when vetted through the City's IT Division, seemed high. Staff then decided to have the IT Division execute this work, consisting of purchasing and installing nine cameras, a recorder. The city's IT department will be installing the cameras and DVR in order to reduce the expense of this aspect of the Treatment Plant project. The Brasfield & Gorrie contract will be reduced by approximately$70,000; the City's total cost, including both labor and equipment, should be less than $45,000. 2. Sewer Line Televising Equipment from Cues in the amount of $27,627.78. Internal sewer main televising is essential for routine and emergency pipeline evaluation. This equipment will allow City crews to inspect lines up to 48" in diameter while they are in use. This equipment must match perfectly with the City's existing Cues televising truck and equipment. No other parts can be used; no other manufacturer produces compatible parts. Thus, a bid waiver is required. 3. Ultraviolet Disinfection Parts and Equipment from Wedeco in the amount of $54,300.79. Spare bulbs, ballasts, and other critical parts must be on hand at all times in the event a bulb burns out or loses its intensity. All bulbs are critical in the disinfection process in order to meet the strict wastewater discharge permit limits under which Fayetteville operates. Funds were identified within the overall WSIP project budget to establish a basic spare parts inventory. Future purchases will come from operational expenses. The Wedeco ultraviolet disinfection system is proprietary; no other manufacturer's equipment is compatible. Thus, a bid waiver is required. c. WL-6 Change Order Number 5 reducing the contract with Brasfield & Gorrie by $73,671.00, is attached. This Change Order reconciles all work required for work at the new Hamestring Lift Station, including channel monster installation. There will be one last(small) change order, expected to be less than $6,000, to change a few items identified during final startup and initial operation. d. Contract Legal Review- West Plant Construction Contract work is underway. e. WSIP Easement Update. No change. f. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 4. Impact Fee Discussion. Based on Committee guidance, staff has developed the attached tables regarding impact fee adoption for discussion purposes. 5. Decentralized Sewer Discussion. Based on Committee guidance, staff has developed the attached white paper regarding decentralized sewers. 6. Johnson Water and Wastewater Agreements. A letter from the City of Johnson is attached requesting establishment of formal water and wastewater service agreements. 7. EPA STAG Grant Notification. Fayetteville has been notified that it will be the recipient of $286,400 in USEPA Grant Assistance from the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program for 2008. This is the fifth of six years that the City has received similar grants. This EPA grant funding was requested for sanitary sewer rehabilitation and is proposed to be merged into the City's ongoing sewer rehabilitation funding to accelerate the program. The EPA grant provides a maximum of 55% of the costs, with the remaining 45% ($234,328) being the required local match. The 2003 - and 2004 grant funds are committed to the Basin 1-5 sanitary sewer rehabilitation construction that is W&S committee agenda I Wun08 currently underway. 2005 grant funds were spent in the Farmington rehabilitation. 2006 grant funds are being spent on the manhole rehabilitation project currently underway. A sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES) is underway with a study being executed in the southern portions of Fayetteville and in Greenland. It is anticipated that these grant funds will be combined with the existing sewer rehabilitation project budget, and used for the rehabilitation design and construction based on this SSES. The 2008 EPA Grant proceeds will be combined with the City's budgeted funds. A budget adjustment recognizing $286,400 in grant revenue will be processed when the actual grant approval is received. I request this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 8. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville is underway by Kim Construction. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract is awaiting work order issuance. c. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) Flow monitoring, manhole inspections and smoke testing is underway by RJN. 8. 36" Water Line Improvements within the Fayetteville city limits between Joyce and Overcrest is complete. Work at Hwy 412 is nearing completion. 9. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is proposed for Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session and Equipment Committee meeting). Attachments: Security Cameras Purchase Information Sewer Line Televising Equipment Purchase Information Wedeco Ultraviolet Disinfection Purchase Information WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Change Order# 5, Brasfield & Gorrie WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update (To be distributed at meeting) Impact Fee Discussion Tables Decentralized Sewer White Paper City of Johnson Letter STAG Application Approval W&S committee agenda IMn08 ^ ^^ City Council Meeting of June 17, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: May 31, 2008 Subject: Approval of the purchase of operational and security equipment and cameras from Spytown, USA, in the amount of$26,771.82, for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant, and approve a contingency of$2,500. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the purchase of operational and security equipment and cameras from Spytown, USA, in the amount of$26,771.82, for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (W WTP), and approve a contingency of$2,500. BACKGROUND The West Side W WTP is designed to operate with as much automation as possible. This requires video surveillance in key operational areas including the biosolids building, inlet facilities, and the filter building. Additionally, wastewater facilities nationwide are required to comply with increased federal security requirements, due to the potential for significant environmental damage if an incident were to occur. To meet these objectives, cameras are included in the plans to monitor key operations and security locations. DISCUSSION The quotes provided to Brasfield & Gorrie, when vetted through the City's IT Division, seemed high. Staff then decided to have the IT Division execute this work, consisting of purchasing and installing nine cameras, a recorder. The city's IT department will be installing the cameras and DVR in order to reduce the expense of this aspect of the Treatment Plant project. The Brasfield & Gorrie contract will be reduced by approximately $70,000; the City's total cost, including both labor and equipment, should be less than$45,000. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the WSIP project budget. WSIP Sety Cameras CCIMemo RmO8 4 _ 1227 Walt Whitman Road Melville , NY 11.747 TeL (718) 709-0500 Fax: (718) 709-0.501 `k. http://spytown.com QUOTATION TO: Chris Doughty, CCSP, ISSP Network Engineer Date: S-Apr-OR _ City of Fayetteville 479.575 8306 Your Reference Bosch Quote cell 479.879.2029 fax 479.575.8316 SPYTOWN Reference 041fi'2008HWOI Tliatlk you for rola• inguirp. Ife are pleased to provide our detailed quotation as follolvs: PART NUMBER ITI-111i QTY P1ANUFACTURLR/DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICL TOTAL. I l DB18C3160R2 739 * 7.395,00 NWD-495V03-20P 957.00 8. 3 Z �� 0.00 0.00 This order will qualify for free ups ground 0.00 6 shipping. 000 0.00 S 0.00 9 0.00 j 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SU131 OT✓1L: I /8.00 UPS GROUND 0.00 TOTAL: S I C,. 8.00 1-9��i.o Priciquoted are valid for_0 da}'s. 1:011: Shipping Point unless indicated otherv,ise. BY: Howard Geschwind TERMS: VISA/ MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS TITLE: Vice President Net terms on Credit Aaproval 1227 Wait Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747 SpyTown Tel: (718) 709-0500 Fax: (718) 709-0501 http://spytown.com QUOTATION TO: City of Fayetteville Date: MAY 30,2008 Attn: Chris Doughty 113 West Mountain Street Your Reference CHRIS DOUGHTY Fayetteville, AR 72701 SPYTOWN Reference PON 08-0490 Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to provide our detailed quotation as follows: PART NUMBER ITEIY QTY MANUFACTURER/DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL I 5 VG4-322-ECEOP 2,207.00 11,035.00 Bosch VG4-322-ECEOP 300 SERIES PTZ 18X D/N NTSC, ENVIRO/PIPE, 24 VAC, IP CLEAR BUBBLE 2 2 VG4-322-ECEOC 2,323.00 4,646.00 300 SERIES PTZ 18X D/N NTSC, ENVIRO/CORNER, 24 VAC,IP CLEAR BUBBLE --------------- $ 15,681.00 Pricing and Delivery quoted are valid for 30 days. BY: CARMEN MONTOYA FOB: Shipping Point unless indicated otherwise. TERMS: VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS TITLE: SALES ASSISTANT �1 AI=K^N5^s City Council Meeting of June 17, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: May 31, 2008 Subject: Approval of the purchase of Sewer Televising Eq ipment from Cues, Inc., in the amount of$27,627.78, for televising large diameter sewer lines constructed as part of the WSIP, and approval of a bid waiver RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the purchase of Sewer Televising Equipment from Cues, Inc., in the amount of$27,627.78, for televising large diameter sewer lines constructed as part of the WSIP, and approval of a bid waiver. BACKGROUND The pipes installed through the W WIP are significantly larger, deeper, and have a greater distance between manholes than any which have existed within the City's wastewater system. As a result, different equipment is required in order to perform both routine and emergency operations and maintenance. The City owns a Cues sewer main televising system, including the truck, cameras, control equipment, digital video recording equipment, and software. DISCUSSION Internal sewer main televising is essential for routine and emergency pipeline evaluation. This equipment will allow City crews to inspect lines up to 48" in diameter while they are in use. This equipment must match perfectly with the City's existing Cues televising truck and equipment. No other parts can be used; no other manufacturer produces compatible parts. Thus, a bid waiver is required. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the WSIP project budget. W-S Opns WSIP SwrCamera CCMemo Jun08 SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION PURPOSE: This form, with one or more categories completed, must accompany purchase requisitions for the sole source procurement of equipment, services or supplies exceeding $1000 (purchased from State Contract venders excepted). The purpose of sole source justification is to show that competitive bidding is impractical because only one product or service provider can meet a specific need. Therefore, an equitable evaluation of comparable products or services must be made and documented by the requester who shows that rejection of other products or services is based solely on their failure to meet that need. In cases where no other comparable source can be identified, a technical description of the product requested and a listing of those companies which were considered as alternative sources must be provided. Quality can be a subjective evaluation based upon opinion. Municipal (public) procurement law requires price considerations be evaluated via competitive quoting or bidding. While all sole source justifications are subject to review, sole source justified purchases of $20,000.00 or more must be publicly bid or a bid waiver approved by Council. Justifications must contain clear, in-depth, and accurate information in order to avoid protests and the possibility of delaying the procurement. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please type or print legible in ink. 2. Complete all categories and sections that apply. 3. Provide full explanation, complete descriptions, and/or list all relevant reasons where space has been provided. Sole Source Justification forms lacking sufficient detail cannot be approved. 4. Sign and date the form in the space provided for"signature". 5. Improperly completed, and/or unsigned forms will be returned to the sender. TO: Purchasing Division Date: 5-31-2008 FROM: David Jureens Dept: Water and Wastewater Names of Requisitioner: Tom Hubbard Dept. Head: David Jurgens SUBJECT: Sole Source Justification Purchase Requisition attached Proposed Vendor : Cues Product Description: Large diameter Ripe line television inspection system. STATEMENT I am aware that Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, Title III Administration, Chapter 34, Article II mandates that the procurement of services, materials, equipment and supplies be via competitive quotes whenever the amount is over$1,000.00. However, I am requesting sole source procurement based on the following criteria. (Attach additional sheets as necessary): 1. The requested product is an integral repair part or accessory compatible with existing equipment. (state the manufacturer and model number of existing equipment): The department currently owns and operates a Cues sewer collection system inspection system but does not have the needed equipment to inspect large diameter sewer mains. 2. The requested product has special design/performance features which are essential to my needs. Both A and B portions of this category must be completed. A. These features are: The requested equipment will connect directly into the existing Cues inspection system. B. In addition to the product requested, I have contacted other suppliers and considered their product of similar capabilities. I find their product unacceptable for the following reasons (identify companies and individuals contacted, model number and specific technical deficiency): The original Cues equipment was purchased with the intention that one day it would need the option to be expanded No other vender can connect their equipment the Cues inspection system. 3. I have standardized the requested product/service; the use of another would require considerable time and money to evaluate. Explain: Cues equipment is existing and in use in the department To chane the system would require a new inspection system that would cost in excess of$120,000.00. 4. The requested product is one which I (or my staff) have specialized training and/or extensive experience. Retraining would incur substantial cost in money and/or time. Explain: The department has operated the existing Cues inspection system for the past five years. The large diameter inspection system would not require additional training; therefore no additional training expense to operate the new equipment. 5. Please consider sole source approval for this reason(s) (e.g. trade-in allowance; availability of services, parts and maintenance; product is a prototype; inventory of parts are maintained, etc.): The city currently owns and operates a Cues inspection system, the new equipment would plug into the current system for use with no additional training expense The em llooyees that operate the system have the knowledge and maintenance experience to work on the Cues products Authorization: Name&Title Requisitioner: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director (typed or printed in ink) Signature Date: 5-31-2008 Full Name oLJ n Head: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director (typed or printed in ink) Signature Date: 5-31-2008 MAY-27-2008 04:47 CIES 14074251569 P.02/02 27-May-08 CUES PAGE 1 Quote Acknowledgement Quote # 000360842 Rev # 2 Cues, Inc. Order Date Ship Location 3600 Rio Vista Avenue 01-May-2008 CENTRAL Orlando, FL 32805 (407) 849-0190 Customer PO # QUOTE Bill To Customer # Ship To Customer # Phone Number, 72701000 72701001 501-575-8386 Contact : RYAN Bill To Address Ship To Address FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, CITY OF 113 W. MOUNTAIN 2435 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FAYETTEsVILLE, AR 72701 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 Requested By : SRAYHLE Salesman Terms : 01 Ship Via : 00 FOB : 02 LN Part # Description Qty Unit Price Ext Price -- ---------- -------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------- 001 WT351 TRANSPORTER ASSY,M/C,SPLINED,PR 1 11793.87 11793.67 002 WT313 TIRE ASSY,KNOBBY,18-48"PIPE,P-RANGR 4 270.88 1083.52 003 WT310 LIFT ASSY,CAM,MANUAL,SDWT,M/C,P-RGR 1 1887.20 1887.20 004 WT910 KIT,TIRE, 10-15"PIPS,PIPE RANGER 1 1775.83 1775.83 005 LE323-1 LIGHTHMD,HPL 10+,TRI-LIGHT,PR LIFT 1 975.05 975.05 USE W/OZ II AND PR LIFT 006 LH323 LIGHTHBAD,HPLIO+,DOAL LIGHT,PR LIFT 1 748.58 748.58 USE W/OZ II AND PR LIFT 007 MC418 Y ELIMINATOR,FLAT,W/TAP,5PIN,M/C 1 253.54 253.54 008 0305490-13 CABLE ASSY,M/C GLD 15001 ,W/12P,MTL 1 6771.00 6771.00 FAX 479-684-4730 Sub Total 25288.59. Tax Total 2339.19 Total 27627.78 TOTAL P.02 77t� City Council Meeting of June 17, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgen, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: May 31, 2008 Subject: Approval of the purchase of spare parts from Wedeco, Inc., in the amount of$54,300.79, for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant ultraviolet disinfection system, and approval of a bid waiver RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the purchase of of spare parts from Wedeco, Inc., in the amount of $54,300.79, for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant ultraviolet disinfection system, and approval of a bid waiver. BACKGROUND The West Side WWTP uses the Wedeco ultraviolet light system to disinfect the wastewater immediately prior to discharge into Goose Creek. These systems are becoming more widespread as they are safer,more cost effective, and more environmentally friendly than the traditional chlorine systems. The WWTP construction contract included the basic system, but included neither spare parts nor spare light bulbs. The bulbs and ballasts, with a shelf life of over five years, wear out with use and must be replaced immediately either when they go out or when the loose their intensity. DISCUSSION Spare bulbs, ballasts, and other critical parts must be on hand at all times in the event a bulb bums out or looses its intensity. All bulbs are critical in the disinfection process in order to meet the strict wastewater discharge permit limits under which Fayetteville operates. Funds were identified within the overall WSIP project budget to establish a basic spare parts inventory. Future purchases will come from operational expenses. The Wedeco ultraviolet disinfection system is proprietary; no other manufacturer's equipment is compatible. Thus, a bid waiver is required. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the WSIP project budget. WSIP WedecoSparePaTls CCIMCMO JUn08 SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION PURPOSE: This form, with one or more categories completed, must accompany purchase requisitions for the sole source procurement of equipment, services or supplies exceeding $1000 (purchased from State Contract venders excepted). The purpose of sole source justification is to show that competitive bidding is impractical because only one product or service provider can meet a specific need. Therefore, an equitable evaluation of comparable products or services must be made and documented by the requester who shows that rejection of other products or services is based solely on their failure to meet that need. In cases where no other comparable source can be identified, a technical description of the product requested and a listing of those companies which were considered as alternative sources must be provided. Quality can be a subjective evaluation based upon opinion. Municipal (public) procurement law requires price considerations be evaluated via competitive quoting or bidding. While all sole source justifications are subject to review, sole source justified purchases of $20,000.00 or more must be publicly bid or a bid waiver approved by Council. Justifications must contain clear, in-depth, and accurate information in order to avoid protests and the possibility of delaying the procurement. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please type or print legible in ink. 2. Complete all categories and sections that apply. 3. Provide full explanation, complete descriptions, and/or list all relevant reasons where space has been provided. Sole Source Justification forms lacking sufficient detail cannot be approved. 4. Sign and date the form in the space provided for "signature". 5. Improperly completed, and/or unsigned forms will be returned to the sender. TO: Purchasing Division Date: 30 MU 08 FROM: _David Jurgens Dept: _Water/Wastewater_ Names of Requisitioner and Dept. Head SUBJECT: Sole Source Justification Purchase Requisition (attached) Proposed Vendor_Shupe & Associates: Wedeco Inc. Product Description: Replacement UV Bulbs for the new Wedeco UV System at the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility STATEMENT I am aware that Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, Title III Administration, Chapter 34, Article II mandates that the procurement of services, materials, equipment and supplies be via competitive quotes whenever the amount is over $1,000.00. However, I am requesting sole source procurement based on the following criteria. (Attach additional sheets as necessary): 1. The requested product is an integral repair part or accessory compatible with existing equipment. (please state the manufacturer and model number of existing equipment): The parts being ordered are made only Wedeco Inc for the patented Wedeco ultraviolet disinfection system purchased for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility. Please see the attached letter. No other parts can be used• no other manufacturer produces compatible parts An a�ttempt to use incompatible parts would possibly harm the equipment degrade the operational performance and would certainly void the warranty on the new equipment. 2. The requested product has special design/perfonnance features which are essential to my needs. Both A and B portions of this category must be completed. A. These features are: _N/A In addition to the product requested, I have contacted other suppliers and considered their product of similar capabilities. I find their product unacceptable for the following reasons (identify companies contacted, individuals contacted, model number and specific technical deficiency). N/A B. I have standardized the requested product/service; the use of another would require considerable time and money to evaluate. Explain: N/A 3. The requested product is one which I (or my staff) have specialized training and/or extensive experience. Retraining would incur substantial cost in money and/or time. Explain: N/A 4. Please consider sole source approval for this reason(s) (e.g. trade-in allowance; availability of services, parts and maintenance; product is a prototype; inventory of parts are maintained, etc.): The parts being ordered are made only by Wedeco Inc for the patented Wedeco UV System purchased for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility. Please see the attached letter. Authorization: Full Namei le of Requisitioner_David Jur ens Signature Date 30 May 08_ Full Name �1sion ;cad David Jur eg_ns Signature 11 Date fTT LSA Mew MM3 Gx26:.tA ram; jw 0 WW omt lw On, uv i Ayr slrclx Pk k XI, 1" 25,72 C9 lvl,ii ',IP UL UCOC'NiZCz: U E ","I!fy; 22 lcYj M EIVIIO RIW;Lf VP KILD.R SIE.d v, L"C' a.,O 26 N, DIR WIMB RGL PUZ m No % m t1l *AW Umm OW W,Am** K, U.r,Y) TMWUSD 51,017m aye elle Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgens,Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Date: May 16,2008 Subject: Approval of Change Order#5 reducing the construction contract with Brasfield&Gorrie, LLC., in the amount of$26,160.28, for construction of the Hamestring Sewer Lift Station, WL-6. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order# 5 reducing the construction contract with Brasfield &Gorrie,LLC.,in the amount of$26,160.28,for construction of the Hamestring Sewer Lift Station, WL-6. BACKGROUND The Hamestring Lift Station(WL-6)pumps over 85%of the wastewater to the new West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant,with a capacity of 36 million gallon per day through seven 350 horsepower pumps. The lift station pumps water through the 24"and 30"sewer force mains and is the single critical pivot point to the City's wastewater system on the west side of town. The lift station is where 51st Street crosses Hamestring Creek. Previous change orders included the addition of a channel grinder on the front end of this lift station. This project is substantially complete,with the exception of the channel grinder,which should be in service by 23 May 2008. DISCUSSION This change order reconciles final work to be performed on the site,including all work related to both the lift station and the channel grinder. It includes reduction modifications to the paving, coating on the top of the lift station,and modifications to the valve actuator as well as additions of epoxy coating of the interior of the channel monster structure,an overflow weir in the piping configuration, and control programming. This Change Order has been reviewed by RJN Group,the Engineer;they recommend approval. BUDGETIMPACT The$26,160.28 contract reduction and $95,194 unused contingency shall be returned to the WSIP project budget. WL-6 Change Order45 CCMemoMayN Change CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ContctOrdcr No. 5 Pasc I of Schedule section Dme 5/15/2008 RLP Project No. CS-050808-03 Omier Project No.: WL-6 ]'reject Name: HumcsvrnF -ifi Station Location: Pa cun•illu.Arkansas O�incr Cu_Y of PaYetu:ville Contractor: L3msficld&Gorric Address: 113\Vrst mountain Brasfield 3021 Ah Avenue South Pavctt<vdlc.AR 72701 Birmingham,AL 35233 THE FOLLOWINO CI IANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: I"I I'M 11 DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE furnish the neccasnry labor,materials,egwpmem,tools and supervision to: I PLC i'mgrananiug will w1ovnrc Omar $1,028.31 2 t[nv�J•coming crncw cawmd monrmr imwior ztninurc $1600998 3 insmil uvcAlow.6,is mnnlmic 4 PW1,1 m, ml vn dii $1,430.56 $29,838.18 5 Cimngcd ya•aaumor ro abovcgrvund 52,357.77 G Omirtnffi:vowing nn Lia SmGon roof $12,433.18 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $94,629.13 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $18,468.85 NET CHANGE ORDER 426,160.28 CHANGE TO—CON 1011NT ENGINEERS FINAL 1_ TOTAL AMOIJN"T I_LIGIBLP.AM0UNI Original Contract Amount —$6,130.600,0 Total Previous Change Ordur(s) 1805 960 00 Net Aril This Cbnnsc Order $26,160,29 -526-160 28 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE 5A 099799 72 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLE'T'ION nATli. Original Completion Date Wednesday.December 19 7007 iou Prevs Adjusted Completion Date Mendav,June 16,2008 I "Vion C)(DL`CrcagL')This Change Order D Cnlcndar Days i NEV CON TRACT COMPL137JON UATF: _ Monday,June If 2008 RECOMMENDED: RJN GLOU N nice _� UY Project Manager 5/15/2008 Signature 'fide Date ACCEPTED: Brasfield&G ic,LLC Conti cmr 13Y, Vice President and Div.Manager 5/15/2008 Sign lure Title 200 Date APPROVED: City0froycOeville Owner 137'. Signature Title Dale www.rin.com Excellence through Ownership May 15, 2008 Lynn Hyke WSIP Construction Manager City Hall 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,Arkansas,7270I Re: Change Order#5 Dear Mr.Hyke: Please find attached Change Order#5 for: 1. PLC Programming and Software Changes—PLC programming was not included in the scope of work.The iFix software that was included in the scope was not needed. 2. Epoxy Coating of New Channel Monster Interior Structure—Applying a protective coating to the interior of the channel monster was not included in the scope of work. 3. Install Overflow Weir in Manhole—A weir was added to the manhole east of the lift station to allow flow directly into the lift station if the sewer should surcharge. 4. Paving Revisions—Paving to the channel monster structure was removed from the project scope. 5. Change Actuator to above ground—We were able to locate the actuator above grade; therefore, eliminating the need for a sump pump. 6. Traffic Coating on the roof of the Lift Station—Weather conditions prevented applying the coating to the lift station. After review,it was determined that the coating is not needed. Total change order: credit of$26,160.28. See attached. The completion date of June 16, 2008 as revised in Change order#4 has not changed. If you have any questions,please contact me at(314)558-9764 x325. Sincerely, Kevin White,P.E. Project Manager RJN Group, Inc. o t _ MENOMONIE= LLS1 MIN m.o.�8 WQ Np �OVrV11NN�N�nt'V V LL�� H�'W fNmtli mM�NNTm W ymNm� N N 11111 ry �mm _n� w w"J.`$wwm� w w w n.UNw�M Mali N N V �pOD MtliN LLMrvNmi f�-CMrV_0dhV Wtl1 e9NVV m ' tli f9W tli ��N�mtt� � ��WnMO- jusloun tli tll tli fN'M NW ENw N ww$R�w z� N m SIN Ill IRRUXUR 3 « 3 E E v � ffi u E IE N q � E 7LL of d « T E q ^ `m Eq dlima. ���m amnio y LL Y c m(VV1�valm Jo_J u '3 w ugo any!!''j; Y 6 qdr W W'M`M Vf t5 arN m S m ^m ISI mn� - � meuvea w w8w w�$ww alga m oug 04990111 1 E S w z � F � a ym�� @ oil � � � � � � �m rc ' SSSSS � - �S S8S888SS 2 '�y c q y Y lily o I6 F .wa. 4)U' K W m U)C'1K y _ J y u p y ^ W n O E = z = N M0)d 0) 0) Cl) 0)O V V N N N N O N t' N N N co N N N f- eF M I- N I� U. O C (V N N N O N (O 1- 7 M V Y fA fA PA fA H3 fA , M O r N N V LL V3 Vj ffl 64 6p NS R Q � E .� d E M M l0 V N 0N W 0) M 0) O) It N I- V N N O j N N N co N N � M V CO h Q. 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O I O O t O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r O r .-- N N 06 O L6 O O Ln `O N LO 00r ° r W N W N N T - -' CL E ° LENEEEEEQ) CL 00 CL z z Decentralized Sewer Systems and Centralized Systems (Wastewater Treatment Plants) A Policy Paper BACKGROUND In 1996, The U.S. Congress requested the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to study and report on the suitability and cost of decentralized wastewater systems compared to centralized wastewater systems. In 2005, the EPA published a report titled "Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Program Strategy"to address the issues with the use of these systems and their impacts on surface and ground water quality. The EPA stated in this report that decentralized sewers are an issue of national concern and estimates 10%to 20% of the systems may not be properly treating wastewater. The EPA has outlined in their 2003 and 2008 Strategic Plan that septic systems are a source of ground and surface water pollution and the overall impact on water quality is still unknown. However, the EPA has also stated in this report that when decentralized systems "are properly sited, designed,installed, operated, and maintained" as a wastewater treatment option they can help "protect the public health and the environment." RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville's 10 MGD wastewater treatment plant is in operation. The City has invested and is still investing in developing a centralized wastewater collection and treatment system as the preferred method of treating wastewater. Growth has generally been limited or has occurred in certain geographic regions of the City due to the availability, or lack thereof, of sewer and other infrastructure. The use of decentralized systems just outside the Fayetteville city limits has allowed for urban densities without adequate urban infrastructure to support this type of development pattern.This has been a major policy issue and concern for staff, Washington County, and the City as we have debated whether to support allowing new development to access sewer just outside the city limits. There may be a few extraordinary instances where there are adequate roads, fire response, police, and water might justify the use of a decentralized system conditioned upon connecting to the City sewer after approval by the City Council. However, allowing decentralized sewer systems is inconsistent with the suggested growth pattern adopted in City Plan 2025 as well as the significant investment made for the centralized sewer system. As a policy, wastewater impact fees should be adopted and collected to recoup future infrastructure cost of providing sewer capacity to serve any new development that utilizes decentralized facilities. The fees should be adopted at the maximum 2008 calculated value and would differ from the other areas of the city already served by the City sewer system. All fees collected would go towards adding necessary sewer capacity into targeted growth areas to serve new development. Staff recommends that any proposal for a variance to construct a decentralized sewer system be carefully evaluated to determine if adequate infrastructure is available to serve the density and intensity of development associated with these types of systems. A Policy Paper-Decentralized Sewcis May 13,2008 Lonnie Barron RECEIVED Jennifer Allen Mayor RecorcordederlTreasurer MAY 2 7 2008 CITY OF FAYETI"EVILLE MAYOR'S OFFICE May 22, 2008 Water and Sewer Committee City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Water and Sewer Contract As you are no doubt aware, the City of Johnson and the City of Fayetteville are actively attempting to resolve issues concerning development of property in the area of Van Asche Street west of Gregg Street. In Mr. Dumas' letters, and in the meetings we have had on this subject, it is clear that the City of Johnson is not in a position to offer adequate water and sewer service to the property in the area of Van Asche Street without the consent, agreement of Fayetteville. Johnson and Fayetteville have for years cooperated in the provision of water and sewer services without a written contract. If a resident or business in Johnson has requested service, and the infrastructure was available, then the services have been provided. Since now there is a doubt that this will continue as it has, Johnson would request that a water and sewer contract be negotiated and executed as soon as possible. The contract we request would cover all areas, which are now, or may be in Johnson, which lie in the Fayetteville water service area. I feel that, now that Fayetteville has indicated that service requests will no longer be considered in the same way they have been, and that the possibility or likelihood is now that the policy of providing services will change, there is an acute need for the certainty that only a written contract will bring. A written agreement will be beneficial to both cities, and provide clarity as we move forward. Thank you for your attention to this matter, we look forward to hearing from you on these important issues and to continued cooperation between our cities for many more years. incerely, ^ Lonnie Barron Mayor DW/km PC: Mayor Dan Coody Mr. Gary Dumas P.O, Box 563 9 Johnson,Arkansas 72741 • Telephone (479)521-7291 •Fax(479)521-7292 iWe City Council Meeting of June 17, 2008 CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody From: David Jurgen, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee o Date: May 30, 2008 Subject: Resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for a$286,400 State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) Program Application from the US Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewer system improvements; designating the Mayor as the City's Authorized Representative in all matters relating to the procurement and administration of said grant. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for a $286,400 State and Tribal Assistance Grant (STAG) Program Application from the US Environmental Protection Agency for sanitary sewer system improvements; designating the Mayor as the City's Authorized Representative in all matters relating to the procurement and administration of said grant. BACKGROUND Fayetteville has been notified that it will be the recipient of$286,400 in USEPA Grant Assistance from the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program for 2008. This is the fifth of six years that the City has received similar grants. This EPA grant funding was requested for sanitary sewer rehabilitation and is proposed to be merged into the City's ongoing sewer rehabilitation funding to accelerate the program. The EPA grant provides a maximum of 55% of the costs, with the remaining 45% ($234,328) being the required local match. The 2003 - and 2004 grant funds are committed to the Basin 1-5 sanitary sewer rehabilitation construction that is currently underway. 2005 grant funds were spent in the Farmington rehabilitation. 2006 grant funds are being spent in the manhole rehabilitation project currently underway. DISCUSSION A sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES) is underway with a study being executed in the southern portions of Fayetteville and in Greenland. It is anticipated that these grant funds will be combined with the existing sewer rehabilitation project budget, and used for the rehabilitation design and construction based on this SSES. BUDGETIMPACT Sanitary sewer rehabilitation is a budgeted project. The 2008 EPA Grant proceeds will be combined with the City's budgeted funds. A budget adjustment recognizing$286,400 in grant revenue will be processed when the actual grant approval is received. STAG Gant 08 Apply CC Memo Jun08