HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-10 - Agendas - Final Planning Commission Planning Commissioners Officers William Chesser Craig Honchell, Chair Ron Autry aTyve ev 1le Ryan Noble Kyle Cook,Vice-Chair Porter Winston Tracy Hoskins Sarah Bunch, Secretary A R K A N S A 5 Tentative Agenda City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Planning Commission Meeting February 10, 2014 A meeting of the Fayetteville Planning Commission will be held on February 10, 2014 at 5:30 PM in Room 219 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville,Arkansas. Call to Order Roll Call Consent. 1. Approval of the minutes from the January 27,2014 meeting. 2. ADM 14-4634: Administrative Item (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PERSIMMON STREET AND MOUNTAIN RANCH BOULEVARD/PARK HILL AT MOUNTAIN RANCH R-PZD EXTENSION, 478): Submitted by AARON WIRTH for property located at the SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PERSIMMON STREET AND MOUNTAIN RANCH BOULEVARD. The property is zoned R-PZD 124284 and contains approximately 2.23 acres. The request is for a one-year extension to R-PZD 124284(Park Hill at Mountain Ranch). Planner: Andrew Garner Old Business: 3. LSD 13-4568: Large Scale Development (NORTHWEST CORNER OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVE/KUM & GO,329): Submitted by CEI ENGINEERING for property located at the NORTHWEST CORNER OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVE. The property is zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.69 acres. The request is to build a 4,991 square foot gas station with associated parking. Planner: Jesse Fulcher THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED THIS ITEM BE TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 24,2014 New Business: 4. CCP 14-4605: Concurrent Plat (ABSHIER HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION LOTS 13-24, 407): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 1400 AND 1500 BLOCK OF NORTH DESOTO PLACE. The property is zoned RSF-8, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 8 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 2.18 acres. The request is to re-plat 12 existing lots into 10(nine single family and one detention pond lot). Planner: Jesse Fulcher 5. PPL 14-4609: Preliminary Plat (5450 E. HUNTSVILLE RD. /QUARRY TRACE COMMONS, 571): Submitted by MILHOLLAND COMPANY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING for property located at 5450 EAST HUNTSVILLE ROAD. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 35.90 acres. The request is for a residential subdivision with 115 single family lots. Planner: Jesse Fulcher 6. CUP 14-4611: Conditional Use Permit (2400 W. WEDINGTON DR. /SAYERS, 402): Submitted by PAMELA BAYERS for property located at 2400 WEST WEDINGTON DRIVE. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.06 acres. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow Limited business (Use Unit 12),in a RSF-4 zoning district. Planner: Quin Thompson 7. CUP 13-4600: Conditional Use Permit(606 E. EDNA ST./ADAMS,368): Submitted by CHRISTINA ADAMS for property located at 606 EAST EDNA STREET. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.38 acres. The request is for a conditional use permit to allow a Use Unit 12, Limited Business, in the RSF-4 zoning district. Planner: Jesse Fulcher The following item has been approved administratively by City staff.• • LSP 13-4580: Lot Split (828 S. ROSE AVENUE/MARVIN, 560): Submitted by BLEW AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 828 S. ROSE AVENUE. The property is zoned RMF-24, RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY, 24 UNITS PER ACRE and contains 0.90 acre. The request is to split the property into four tracts containing approximately 0.25, 0.25, 0.20, and 0.20 acres. Planner: Andrew Garner NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE All interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearings. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on an agenda item please queue behind the podium when the Chair asks for public comment Once the Chair recognizes you,go to thepodium andgive your name and address.Address your comments to the Chair, who is thepresiding officer. The Chair will direct your comments to the appropriate appointed official, staff, or others for response. Please keep your comments brief, to the point, and relevant to the agenda item being considered so that everyone has a chance to speak. Interpreters or TDD, Telecommunication Device for the Deaf,are available for all public hearings; 72 hour notice is required. For further information or to request an interpreter,please call 575-8330. As a courtesy please turn off all cell phones and pagers. A copy of the Planning Commission agenda and other pertinent data are open and available far inspection in the office of City Planning (575-8267), 125 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas. All interested parties are invited to review the petitions. Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page I of]] MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Fayetteville Planning Commission was held on January 27, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 219, City Administration Building in Fayetteville,Arkansas. ITEMS DISCUSSED ACTION TAKEN Consent. MINUTES: January 13,2014 Approved Page 3 Old Business: ADM 13-4584: Administrative Item (617 N. COLLEGE AVENUE/ZUPPA ZUPPA,445): Page 4 Approved LSD 13-4568: Large Scale Development(NORTHWEST CORNER OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVE/KUM & GO,329): Page 7 Tabled New Business: CUP 13-4595: Conditional Use Permit(1904 AND 1908 N. COLLEGE AVE./PUGH,368): Page 8 Approved RZN 13-4536: Rezone(4310 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVDJEDWARDS, 594): Page 9 Forwarded ADM 14-4612: Administrative Item (501 W. MAPLE ST./STERLING FRISCO,484): Page 10 Approved ADM 13-4603: Administrative Item (UDC AMENDMENT CHAPTER 161, Use Unit 44, Cottage Housing Development) Page 11 Forwarded Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 1 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 2 of 11 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Sarah Bunch Porter Winston Ryan Noble Blake Pennington Ron Autry Craig Honchell Tracy Hoskins Kyle Cook William Chesser STAFF PRESENT Andrew Garner Quin Thompson Jesse Fulcher CITY ATTORNEY Kit Williams, City Attorney 5:30 PM—Sarah Bunch called the meeting to order. Sarah Bunch requested all cell phones to be turned off and informed the audience that listening devices were available. Upon roll call all members except Winston,Honchell, and Pennington were present. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 2 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 3 of 11 Consent. Approval of the minutes from the January 13,2014 meeting. Motion: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Hoskins seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 3 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 4 of 11 Old Business: ADM 13-4584: Administrative Item(617 N.COLLEGE AVENUE/ZUPPA ZUPPA,445): Submitted by ANN HARRIS for property located at 617 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE. The property contains approximately 0.25 acres and is zoned C-2,THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL.The request is for a variance to allow a temporary retail structure (airstream trailer) to remain on the property for longer than 90 days. Quin Thompson, Current Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Ann Harris,Applicant, described her business and that she was enjoying the experience. Susanne Clark, attorney for the property owner, requested that the Planning Commission approve the variance without conditions, stating that they were unreasonable, and would defeat the purpose of the yacht club, which is to cultivate small businesses. She went on to say that the[Yacht Club] is not a Large Scale Development, and should not be treated as such. She said that the imposition of improvements would put the Yacht Club out of business. She noted that the Mobile Vendor Ordinance is under review by the City Council at this time, so the Planning Commission should not impose the condition [#1 street trees] until the ordinance is changed. Cynthia Morris, Owner of the Yacht Club, said that she views the business as a vacant lot used for business incubation and that she has developed a number of properties in Fayetteville over the years. She said that this business is not the same. Tracy Hoskins, Commissioner, asked if street trees would be required under a future Large Scale Development (LSD)proposal. Thompson said that street trees would be required by code when the property is developed. Hoskins asked whether the Planning Commission was authorized to require improvements of applicants. Thompson answered that the ordinance did provide the authority. Kit Williams, City Attorney, said that the Commission could require improvements, but recommended that the Commission not require Condition#1 because the ordinance is under review by the City Council. Hoskins asked staff to verify the code section which requires improvements. Garner replied that it was the requirement for the business to foster an aesthetically pleasing street scape. [UDC Chapter 178.04(C)(3)(a)] Hoskins asked staff how long the Mobile Vendor Ordinance has been under review. Thompson replied that it has been under review for approximately 18 months. Williams clarified,saying that the ordinance had not been under review by the City Council for 18 months. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 4 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 5 of 11 Hoskins noted that typically the Attorney advises that the Commission make decisions based on current code, not code that is in the review process.He went on the say that there have been no public improvements made to the property in the time that vendors have been on the site,and that the Commission and Staff have been discussing that future improvements for more than a year with applicants on this site. William Chesser,Commissioner,asked staff where the ordinance review was in the City Council's process. Williams said that he agreed with Hoskins,saying that the Commission should make their decision based on current code. He declined to speculate about the ordinance and City Council progress. Chesser said that he was concerned about the cost of the improvements and that if this were a truly vacant lot then there would be no discussion about it now.He said the tree planting requirement could be too much,and said that there might be a requirement somewhere in the middle. Clark said that in her opinion it is entirely inappropriate to grant permits to both vendor and property owner jointly,and that the code is unconstitutionally vague.The code language is problematic.The applicant,Zuppa Zuppa has met her obligations to neighbors and satisfied staff,and suggested that the real question is whether the [Yacht Club] is an appropriate use of the property today. Chesser said that in general he has sided with mobile vendors,but that as a Planning Commissioner he could not support the idea that the business should not be required to improve the streetscape. Ron Autry, Commissioner, asked Mrs. Morris if she had discussed sharing the costs of the improvements with her tenants. Morris said that no she had not,as the vendors are temporary,staying only 4-5 months typically. She added that she believes the business to be a good thing for the City of Fayetteville,creating permanent businesses that occupy empty buildings. She said she is giving the [Yacht Club] business as a gift to the City, by encouraging businesses to start up with little capital. Autry said that this Yacht Club is successful as a business model, that it would be a shame to see that end, and that he could not support staff s recommendation for improvements. Williams defended the ordinance,saying that it is neither unconstitutional,nor vague.He said that he was not recommending support of staff s recommendation,but the requirements are not arbitrary,and are required as a part of development and the language of the variance which requires a finding that the business foster attractive streetscapes.He said that the[City]Council will be working on the code,and that requirements will be placed upon mobile vendor parks. Hoskins asked staff why the supplied landscape diagram showed twelve trees. Thompson replied that the drawing was created by staff and represents fully compliant parking lot and landscaping to meet the requirements of the code on the site. Hoskins said that staff is asking for a portion of the complete requirement,and that staff has been fair,as has the Planning Commission. Chesser said that he would like to hear from the applicant. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 5 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 6 of]] Harris said that she feels Mrs Morris is providing a great service for start-up businesses, and that the streetscape is pleasing in her opinion. She noted that it has become a tourist attraction. Chesser said that he felt staff had arbitrarily recommended the improvements,and that he was troubled that the owner had not been given time to get bids to determine the cost of staff recommended improvements. Williams noted that the owner has had two weeks to get estimates, as the item had been tabled at the last Planning Commission meeting at the request of the owner. Kyle Cook,Commissioner,said that the fact that improvements would be required was not new.He said that the Commission has the right and had given appropriate notice. Motion#1 Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to approve ADM13-4584 with conditions as recommended by staff. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion#2: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to deny ADM13-4584. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion#3: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to approve ADM13-4584,striking condition#1 and modifying#2 to change the date to 2014. Commissioner Autry seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 5-1-0. (Commissioner Hoskins voted `no'.) Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 6 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 7 of]] LSD 13-4568: Large Scale Development (NORTHWEST CORNER OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVEIKUM& GO,329): Submitted by CEI ENGINEERING for property located at the NORTHWEST CORNER OF MOUNT COMFORT ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVE.The property is zoned C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.69 acres. The request is to build a 4,991 square foot gas station with associated parking. The applicant has requested that this item be tabled until the February 10, 2014 meeting. Motion: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to table LSD 13-4568 to the 2-10-14 meeting. Commissioner Noble seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 7 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 8 of 11 New Business: CUP 13-4595: Conditional Use Permit(1904 AND 1908 N.COLLEGE AVE./PUGH,368): Submitted by JEREMY KENNEDY for properties located at 1904 AND 1908 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE.The property is zoned C-2,THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 0.27 acres.The request is for a conditional use permit to allow a detached residential dwelling use in the C-2 zoning district. Jesse Fulcher,Current Planner,read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Jeremy Kennedy, applicant, stated they were okay with the conditions. Motion: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to approve CUP13-4595 as recommended by staff. Commissioner Chesser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 8 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 9 of 11 RZN 13-4536:Rezone(4310 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVDJEDWARDS,594): Submitted by BATES AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 4310 MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD.The property is zoned R-A,RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL contains approximately 0.74 acres.The request is to rezone the property to CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director, gave the staff report. Evan Niehues,was present for questions. No public comment was presented. Commissioner Hoskins discussed the history of the commission looking at this property on the previous rezoning and their recommendation for Community Services zoning. Motion: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to forward RZN13-4536 to City Council with a recommendation for approval. Commissioner Chesser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 9 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 10 of 11 ADM 14-4612: Administrative Item (501 W. MAPLE ST./STERLING FRISCO, 484): Submitted by HUMPHREY'S &PARTNERS ARCHITECTS for property located at 501 WEST MAPLE STREET. The property is zoned DG,DOWNTOWN GENERAL.The request is for a variance of Chapter 166.21(E)(7)(b), visible transmittance rating of glass on the first floor within the Downtown Design Overlay District. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Commissioner Chesser asked staff about using darker glass on the residential units. Fulcher stated that the code does not allow darker glass based on use, but that staff understands why a darker glass would be appropriate on a residential unit. Staff reviewed the glass samples prior to approving the building permit and they met code. The project should meet code now. Curtis Burnett, applicant, stated that there was a large amount of turn over as this project was being constructed and this requirement was missed. We should have requested a variance up front. The darker glass was also used to help meet LEED requirements for the building. There are also security issues that we had to consider. Commissioner Chesser asked about the spaces being public or private. Burnett stated the coffee shop is intended for residents,but is open to the public. The other spaces are for residents use only. Motion: Commissioner Hoskins made a motion to approve ADM 14-4612 leaving the glass as constructed with the following exceptions: on the Lafayette Street elevation the south glazing on the east corner be replaced with .60 glass(coffee shop); • on the West Avenue elevation the south grouping of glass at the southeast corner be replaced with .60 glass (coffee shop); • glass at the residential club (gym)be replaced with .60 glass; • at the north end the glazing at the residential lobby be replaced with .60 glass; • on the Maple Street elevation the east end residential lobby be replaced .60 glass Commissioner Chesser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 5-1-0. (Commissioner Autry voted `no'.) Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 10 of 12 Planning Commission January 27, 2014 Page 11 of 11 ADM 13-4603: Administrative Item (UDC AMENDMENT CHAPTER 161,Use Unit 44, Cottage Housing Development). Submitted by CITY PLANNING STAFF for revisions to the Unified Development Code, Chapter 161. The proposal is a minor editorial correction to Use Unit 44, Cottage Housing Development. Quin Thompson, Current Planner, read the staff report. Motion: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to forward ADM13-4603 to City Council. Commissioner Bunch seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7.05 PM. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 11 of 12 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 1 1-27-14 Minutes Page 12 of 12 17ayeVleS PC Meeting of February 10, 2014 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILL F„ ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone:(479)575-8267 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Andrew Garner, City Planning Director DATE: February 6, 2014 ADM 14-4634: Administrative Item (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PERSIMMON STREET AND MOUNTAIN RANCH BOULEVARD/PARK HILL AT MOUNTAIN RANCH R-PZD EXTENSION, 478): Submitted by AARON WIRTH for property located at the SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PERSIMMON STREET AND MOUNTAIN RANCH BOULEVARD. The property is zoned R-PZD 12-4284 and contains approximately 2.23 acres. The request is for a one-year extension to R-PZD 12-4284 (Park Hill at Mountain Ranch). Planner: Andrew Garner Findings: Property Description: The property contains approximately 2.23 acres and is located in the Mountain Ranch Phase I Subdivision at the southwest comer of Persimmon Street and Mountain Ranch Boulevard. Directly behind the subject lots are single-family lots; directly in front of the subject lots, across Mountain Ranch Boulevard are four-story apartment buildings. Other developments in the area include the Rupple Row Subdivision, Cross Keys, the Boys and Girls Club, and Owl Creek School. Table 1 Surroundin I Land Use and Zoning Direction Land Use Zoning North Vacant R-A, Residential Agricultural, C-PZD Forest Hills South and West Single family residential RSF4, Residential Single Family, 4 units/acre East Mountain Ranch RMF-24, Residential Multi-Family, 24 units/acre Apartments Background.• In 2009 the City Council approved this same Planned Zoning District (R-PZD 09- 3253). The approval expired and the applicant proposed the same development which was approved by City Council on May 7, 2013 with R-PZD 12-4284 (approved PZD booklet and plans attached). The phasing proposed by the applicant with the PZD indicated that the final plat for phase I would be finalized immediately following approval, within approximately six months. This first milestone has not occurred within the original six months proposed with the PZD. Request: The applicant requests a one-year extension to PZD 12-4284 (Park Hill at Mountain Ranch). The first phase was to be completed within six months of approval, or by November 71 2013; this one year extension would be granted until November 7, 2014. G:IETCIDevelopment Services Revimw 20141Development Reviewll4-4634 ADMParkhill at Mountain RancM03 Planning Commission102-10- 20141Comments and Redlines Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 1 of 34 Findings.- Because indings.Because the applicant failed to comply with the approved PZD phasing plan, and did not request the extension within six months timeframe, staff has determined that Planning Commission approval is required for this extension pursuant to UDC Section 166.20(B)(4). In order to receive Planning Commission approval, the applicant must: 1) Request the extension prior to the one year time limit. Finding: The applicant submitted the extension request to City staff on January 30, 2014, prior to the one year time limit which ends on May 7, 2014. 2) Show good cause why the tasks could not reasonably be completed within the normal one year. Finding: The applicant discussed in their request letter that the project was delayed because they were unable to obtain property owner signatures required for the PZD to be approved. This resulted in the PZD being approved later in the year than anticipated necessitating the start of construction for the first phase be delayed until spring/summer of the next year, now 2014. 3) Comply with all applicable zoning and development requirements that have been adopted subsequent to the original project approval. Finding: New ordinances have not been adopted that require revision to the original project approval. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of ADM 14-4634 subject to the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: 1. PZD 12-4284 is extended for one year, to expire on November 7,2014. 2. All conditions of PZD 12-4284 shall remain in force. Planning Commission Action: ❑ Approved ❑ Tabled ❑ Forwarded Meeting Date: February 10, 2014 Motion: Second: Vote: Note: C:I EXIDevelopment Services ReviewOONI Development Reviewll4-4634 ADM Parkhill at Mountain Ranch103 Planning CommissionW-10- 20141Commenls and Redlines Planning Commission - February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 2 of 34 V w Planning Commission 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72704 RE: RPZD 12-4584 Park Hill Dear Commissioners. We come before you requesting your approval for a one year extension on our Park Hill at Mountain Ranch project (RPZD 12-4584 Park Hill). The project known as Park Hill at Mountain Ranch was originally approved by both the Planning Commission and the City Council in 2009. Due to adverse market conditions Park Hill was never developed. Still committed to the project and the RPZD expiring in 2009 required us to submit it again. In January 2013 the Planning Commission approved this exact project for a second time. We had anticipated taking this approved project to the City Council in February 2013 with intentions of immediately signing and filing the final plat for Phase 1. In conjunction with the filing of the final plat, star( the infrastructure work to complete Phase lI as indicated in our application. An approval by the City Council in February would have enabled us to meet our intended objective of building, entering and marketing the finished homes in the June 2013 NWA HBA's Parade of Homes. Prior to going to the City Council in February 2013,planning staff stipulated we obtain signatures from 3 separate landowners. These required signatures were evidenced in each of the 3 land closings however specific letters to each landowner was requested by the planning staff. The procurement of these signatures pushed back the actual City Council approval to May 2013. The later date of approval would not allow us the time needed to meet our objective (herefore we made the decision to delay the project until 2014. Our new timeline has arrived; our process has started although our self-imposed deadline called out in Our second submittal to the Planning Commission has resulted in the project to he deemed "expired". We ask that you take these factors into consideration and grant us a one year extension which will allow us to file the plat immediately and pull permits prior to March 2014. 1 1 il�L vial for your consideration, 13. ; f Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 3 of 34 N g�EFF.°z'� �g�� �[:.5z7§ � °c8��i`�4 3�^•b •���E S�C �>.T- i i Js sE « N gg �Sa as a � 7 3� .� SFZB 8 G ��; � � RM W <m m C � 2� H�n�� B �e€ a� abg �s�q i� s� p�s�� a SSgi: 3z 8� . z, SS s� yR 9y� vamg 4 .. .� N w e c F°�y°8 k �° M° k Y ` E [ s x = w a- ;�e�iz- 'k ay a• c�s ; � s g, � a �x ' .2aan � ��a 2 . � c F� G��3. .� V Cl) 15 1 a+ Q O Cz Z y W _ Q U7 NCL (d w`Q � m .- i+.� 65 N t i ur N IN a �W ?. X. a ri H a w w p W �`Y� a o m : a W� o J N = u P: Q IL apimF&e^w:'+k ad 3.k��.�a 3&➢ J.f,p e.��a4w3o�$ is a�3.�`.53NCkiv Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 4 of 34 lv�d havrmwndad _ "',.e I, .......... , ppy I SEUVIJOSSV W NFISf• 9,dof I 1 = qp 1 i c5t IT 11 1k. 71 �a �- s f t � it 1 � .➢;s=, T 1 k i J Sr e I \ \ 1♦i � 3 1 ♦\ it I t r \ ' 7r � , � \�.� i\ \\I •= IIf�\ �I .� \\ et , �_ 5i `,rty' \F� a'r'c �; \���' \ i IS it ♦ `*.tom �L .1y kl o � 1�['1� �_ � 1 �� ➢` I � `1✓w `S k= � 1 r It I � � d'7 ➢ /, �SVA �V 1� It r�, � .__ �� � i I ill,- ��, C ✓ i ,,r' � E tl .'. I f Planning Co nmission e ruary 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 5 of 34 HJNVH NIV1NQOfJ ld IIIH NBtld ` r � ���••^^• S]1V170SSV y N3S[3]'JNOf Z 0 p � i \� '1` IT 11_, / t iG ✓ _ *I 31.F I IF � I � _ f r it I � � . ,• � Planning Co nmission e ruary 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 6 of 34 ('ij N'('Ot'-Ncil. A lTR(1A'F,n D' I'1(:Y1.117,11113 PARK HILL AT MOUNTAIN RANCH LAND USE & ZONING PZD FAYETTEVILLE,AR. December 5th,2012 December 26th,2012(Revision Submittal) January 3'",2013 (Revision Submittal) Owner: Centennial Bank 8201 Cantrell Road, Suite 140 Little Rock, AR. 72227 Developer: Cobblestone Homes PO Box 180428 Fort Smith,AR. 72918 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 7 of 34 A. CURRENT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY AND REPRESENTATIVE The owner of the majority of the property which is adjacent to Persimmon Street and Mountain Ranch Blvd is Centennial Bank. However there is a small portion of the property along the west side(lot 1 and part of the Park)that is being taken from lots 87-90 of Mountain Ranch Subdivision as shown on the Final Plat. Some of these lots have been sold and built on and the owners are as follows: • Lot 87: Troy&Angela Walls • Lot 88: Michael & Jennifer Mallard • Lot 89: Dick & Holly Johnson • Lot 90: Cobblestone Homes (The developer of this proposed PZD) All adjacent property owners are aware of this proposed PZD and have signed a consent form to allow Cobblestone Homes to represent them for this proposal. The representative for this project is Justin Jorgensen of Jorgensen and Associates. B. SUMMARY SCOPE NATURE AND INTENT Park Hill at Mountain Ranch is being presented as a Master Development Plan PZD. This project is located at the southwest corner of Mountain Ranch Blvd and Persimmon Street, which serves as access for Mountain Ranch Subdivision and Mountain Ranch Apartments. The Park Hill at Mountain Ranch Residential Planned Zoning District will consist of 13 single family houses on 2.27 acres, for an overall density of 5.72 units/acre. The houses will front onto Persimmon and Mountain Ranch Blvd. with rear alley (private)access to the houses. In addition,we have planned for a park area/greenspace for use by these 13 houses. The lot widths range from 40'-50'wide and the proposed houses will have a zero side setback on one side and a courtyard on the other side as shown in the . The style and exterior appearance will be similar to the houses being built in Mountain Ranch Subdivision-combination brick and rock. Please refer to the appendix in this submittal for details. The reason for this PZD request is to provide a variety of houses for sale in a neighborhood that is predominantly low-density single family and in a market that indicates an increased demand for smaller dwellings on smaller lots than those platted in the Mountain Ranch neighborhood. The houses will be 1200 SF to 1400 SF and on smaller lots. In addition, these houses will act as a buffer to the apartment complex to the east. Another reason for this submittal as a PZD is that Forrest Hills is being developed to the north and the new street will connect to Mountain Ranch Blvd. This will make the Persimmon/Mtn. Ranch intersection even busier and the developer, Cobblestone Homes, is finding out that prospective buyers are reluctant to buy/build houses on these lots. Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 8 of 34 We feel that these 13 single family houses with rear access will provide for a slightly different market than what is currently offered. Please refer to the appendix for pictures. C. GENERAL PROJECT CONCEPT 1) Street and Lot Layout. Park Hill will have rear access alleys and individual drives. Connectivity is provided by Mountain Ranch Blvd. and also Providence Street. 2) Site Plan. Please refer to the attached plans. 3) Buffer Areas. Park Hill will have a green belt surrounding to the west that will function as a park. There will be a driveway and fence behind the park area. 4) Tree Preservation. There are currently no trees on the property. Trees will be planted per the Mt. Ranch Phase 1 Tree Mitigation Plan. 5) Storm Water Detention Areas. Park Hill at Mt. Ranch will use the existing storm water drain at Mt. Ranch Phase 1. 6) Undisturbed Natural Areas. This entire site has already been developed and no natural area will be disturbed. 7) Existing and Pronosed Utility Connection and Extension. This project will connect to an existing waterline and sewer that is already in the development. 8) Development and Architectural Design Standards. Park Hill single family residents will have rear access alleys and individual drives. All houses will have curb appeal similar in nature to Mt. Ranch Phase 1. 9) Building Elevations. Exterior Elevations and site-layout have been included for your review. D. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PHASING AND TIMEFRAME I) PZD Zoning & Preliminary Plat Approval....................................May 2013 Once PZD Zoning and Preliminary Plat are approved the Construction Plans will be submitted for review and construction will commence shortly after approval. Phase I (lots 11-13): 2 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 9 of 34 It is the developers desire to then immediately submit and record a Final Plat, including the necessary alley easement, for lots 11-13 in order to pull a building permit on these lots and commence construction on the houses concurrent with construction of the infrastructure for the subdivision. It is our understanding this is an acceptable procedure due to the way the property is currently platted and the fact that these proposed lots (11-13) are served by existing water and sewer lines negating the need for any new water& sewer installation for service. Final CO for any of the houses in Phase I (lots 11-13)will not be granted until final completion and acceptance by the City of the Private Alley and necessary infrastructure of the proposed subdivision. Phase II (lots 1-10): These phase will be under construction concurrent with Phase I (lots 11-13) and anticipated to be complete within the next 6 months. E. PROPOSED PLANNING AREAS This has only one Planning area and will all be Single Family. F. PROPOSED ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Planning Area#1: Single Family Residential: Purpose: The purpose of this PZD is to permit and encourage the development of single family dwelling units with a density slightly higher than the current RSF 4 zoning district and with an urban form that includes reduced setbacks and smaller dwelling types. This is for 13 units on 2.23 acres,which will have a density of 5.83 units/acre. Land Use Desi-gnation: 1. Permitted Uses. Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 Accesso Dwellings 2. Conditional Uses. City-wide uses by conditional use Unit 2 permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 24 Home occupations 3 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 10 of 34 3. Density: Acreage 2.27 acres Number of Dwelling Units 13 units Density 5.7 units/acre 4. Bulk and Area Regulations: Single Family Dwellings 5.Lot minimum width 40.0feet 6. Lot area minimum 3,500 square feet 7.Land area per dwelling unit 3,500 square feet S. Setback Requirements: Front Side Rear 5' 0' 20' 8. Setback Requirements: Structures in this district are limited to a building height of 45 feet. 'All lots with a 0 It side setback on one side must have a 10' side setback on the other side and minimum 10' separation from structures (cave-to-eave) on both sides. Buildings are subject to minimum building separation,fire wall ratings, etc. in accordance with building code. In no situation shall a primary dwelling unit be attached to another. All dwellings shall front onto the adjacent public street. 9. Building Area: Area occupied by all buildings shall not exceed 56% of the total lot area. This is enforced on a lot-by-lot basis, not for the entire subdivision. Site Planning 10. Screening and Landscaping: The screening and landscaping will be provided as set forth in the Unified Development Code. The sub- division covenants will require each lot to have at least two trees in addition to the trees and landscaping the developer will provide at the entrances, around the turn-a rounds and in the green spaces. All lots will be required to be sodded. 4 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 11 of 34 It. Parking: All parking shall comply with chapter 172, for single family residential requirements of the Unified Development Code. 12. Architectural Design Standards: Conceptual architectural renderings have been provided in Appendix A. It is the interest of the developer to obtain approval of the PZD for construction of single family detached houses. All houses will have a combination of brick and siding exterior with composite shingles. The homes shall be constructed consistent with the elevations and renderings provided in Appendix A. 13, Signage: Signs shall be permitted and approved and shall be installed in accordance with the Single-Family regulations of the Unified Development Code. 5 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 12 of 34 G. MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AS OMPARED TO CURRENT ZONING REQUIREMENTS A. PA-1 (Single Family) Existing Zoning Proposed Zonin RSF-4:Residential Single Family PZD:PA-11 (Single Family) -_-- - poem hHd:Uaas Unk 1 City-wide uses b right Unit 1 City-wide uses b right unit B Single-family dwellings Unit 8 Single-family dwellings Unit 41 Accessory dwellin s Unit 41 Accessory dwellings - - - — - - -- -- - -- - - - - - condlklonal Uses - - - - - -- Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 5 Government facilities Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 12 Limited business Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 24 Home occupations Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Denift Acres a 2.23 acres Units per acre 4 or less Dwelling Units 13 units ❑ensu 6.0 units/acre 'Bulk:,& :Aitie'Re`u one Lot width minimum 70.0 ft. 40.0 ft Lot Area Minimum Residential 8,000 sq.ft. 3,500 sq.iL Land area per 8,000 sq.ft 3,500 sq.ft. dwellin unit _ setback_Re- ireords. Front 15 ft 5 ft Side 1 sit 0 ft see note on F-9 Rear 15 ft 20 ft - Maximum building height of 45 feet. The height may be Maximum building height of 45 feet. Increased over 45 feet by obtaining a variance after hearing by the Planning Commission. DUltdihp:AftA. Building area requirement is 40%. On any lot,the area occupied by all the buildings shall not exceed 58%of the total area of such lot. Analysis of the Site Characteristics; No environmentally hazardous, sensitive, or natural resources areas have been\ found on this site. H. RECREATION FACILITIES: This property is very close to Don Reynolds Boys & Girls Club. Parte Hill will include a park area on the West side. In addition, it is anticipated that the single family portion of the PZD will utilize the future Mt. Ranch Subdivision Club House. 6 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 13 of 34 I. REASON FOR REZONING REOUEST: The reason for this Conceptual PZD request is to provide a project that will fit into and compliment the surrounding properties. It will also create a transition from the more dense zoning that is on two sides. We feel there is a need for smaller single family quality homes built in the traditional style. J. RELATIONSHIP TO THE EXISTING AND ADJACENT LAND USES: Property to the west is RSF-4. Property to the south is RSF-4. Property to the east is RMF-24. Property to the north is PZD. K. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE PLAN 2030: In general, the 2030 plan calls for Residential Neighborhood Area, which encourages traditional neighborhood development that incorporates low- intensity non-residential uses. This development provides single family that will fit and transition from all the surrounding zoning. This development will provide a traditional neighborhood form in close proximity to non- residential services surrounding the neighborhood. Goal#1 -Appropriate infill and revitalization the highest priority. This project will add an alternative single family option in the next twelve months in an area that is currently being developed and being built out with low density single family, high density multi-family and commercial. Goal#2 -Discourage suburban sprawl. This area is a perfect fit for a higher density single family in an area still under construction. Goal #3 - Traditional town from the standard. This development will promote traditional town form and give residents in this neighborhood a chance to live and work in the same area. The houses will be located close to the street with rear access drives as well as alleys. Goal #4 - Grow a livable transportation network. With the locations of the businesses and green spaces in relation to the residences, we feel that this development promotes walkability with the project and could reduce the number of vehicles on the road. 7 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 14 of 34 Goal#5 -Assemble and enduring green network. This development will have greenbelt around the site and also propose numerous landscaping within the project. There will also be a park centrally located within the development. Goal#6 - Create attainable housing. This development will promote attainable housing and accommodate "workforce families", who significantly impact the city's growing economy. L. TRAFFIC STUDY; We feel that the added traffic with this development is minimal in comparison with current traffic counts. The traffic study for the Forrest Hills project to the north will support this conclusion. A slight increase in density at this location will not create an appreciable or undersirable increase in traffic congestion. M. IMPACTS ON CITY SERVICES• There are no significant impacts to city services associated with this project. Water and sewer have been addressed in other areas of the booklet. Waste will be managed by each single family dwelling being assigned a plastic trash container in accordance with the City of Fayetteville waste management practices. N. STATEMENT OF COMMITMETS: 1) Dedication of Public Facilities Utility infrastructure will be dedicated to the City of Fayetteville and utility easements will be dedicated by the Final Plat. 2) On or Off-Site Improvements: The development of on or off-site infrastructure necessary to serve this project shall be completed prior to Final Plat submittal. 3) Natural Resources and Environmentally Sensitive Areas: There are no known natural resources or environmentally sensitive areas on this site. Project Phasing Restriction: (see Pg. 3 also) 8 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 15 of 34 1) PZD Approval.......................................................March 2013 We will meet the standard times required for final plat approval. The Final Plat will be submitted as soon as possible after the improvements have been completed. 4) Fire Protection: This project will be served by the Fayetteville Fire Department. The closest station is on Rupple Road. 5) Other Commitments Imposed by the City: There are currently no other commitments imposed by the City. 6) Parks, trails. and Open Space Commitments: There are currently no trees on the property to be protected. The property to the west of the housing will be designated as a Park/Open Space and shall be accessible to only residents of Park Hill and maintained by the P.O.A. 7) Proposed Preliminary Building elevations: Conceptual architectural elevations are provided at the end of this booklet. O. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS,CONDITIONS.AND REVIEW GUIDELINES;. 1) Screening and Landscaping: We will retain or improve the greenbelt around the perimeter of the single family area to the west. A privacy fence will be added to the west as well. The individual homes shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 177: Landscape regulations. 2) Traffic and Circulation: One curb cut for a 'one-way" drive is proposed off of Mtn. Ranch Blvd. and another curb cut for a "Two-way" drive proposed off of Providence Street to the south. This method of access complies with access management standards by the City of Fayetteville. Rear alleys (private)will be installed to access these houses. 9 Planning Commission February 10,2014 Agenda Item 2 ADM14-4634 Parkhill at Mtn. Ranch Page 16 of 34