HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-10 - Minutes• ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 10, 2014 Commissioners Present: Ching Mong, Matt Behrend, Tim Freeman, Matthew Petty, Justin Tennant, and Hannah Withers Commissioner Absent: Bobby Ferrell Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett, Jerri Kuburich CALL TO ORDER Ching Mong called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on February 10 at 2:05 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Moved by Withers, second by Petty to approve the January 2014 minutes. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS Marilyn Heifner reported that the HMR tax for January was 202,477, a decrease of 4.10% from last January. Weather has been a contributing factor with lots of snow and ice. • Jerri Kuburich reviewed the financials for the Commission. Audit is scheduled for March with final report due to the city April 1. Moved by Tennant, second by Freeman to approve the financials. Motion carried. DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTIONS Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor collected $2,039.58 in overdue HMR taxes in January. Two of the thirty cases were closed. Three cases show that no HMR taxes are owed, but the cases are still being prosecuted. Sixteen cases showed a failure to turn in forms. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM The Museum hasted 173 visitors. The Museum and the house were featured in the C -Span First Ladies series. CVB Fayetteville Bulldog Classic and Ozark Challenge Tournament were held in January with an economic impact of $555,885. Seven future events were booked with an economic impact of over $4 million. TOWN CENTER 0 • Twenty-two contracts ($67,650.00) were returned, an increase of 69% over last year. Sixteen events were completed, a 60% increase. Sales were $52,850.00, a 57% increase and collections were up 40%, $45,897.71. AGENCY REPORT Drew Finkbeiner announced that the agency was working on the approved media plan placement, the Visual Arts guide, and the 2014 Insider's Guide. OLD BUSINESS Special Funding Guidelines Discussion on special funding guidelines included: 1) Requiring a one to one match - Petty 2) Seed money and year round funding for arts programming - Making events self - sustainable. Should criteria only be heads in beds? - Withers 3) Funding for-profit events in the beginning is acceptable. Sunset limits and percentages for those. Nonprofit events should be exceptions - they should be based on a yearlong performance base - Freeman 4) Commissioners should not put themselves in a box that would not allow exceptions to restrictions - Mong 5) Funding based on descending scale of the original request - Tennant 6) Clarification of when funding could be asked for - get one period, sit one out - Petty 7) Each event is on a different scale - favoring less restrictions, not more - Behrend • 8) Sunsets on funding - budgets should be available - Petty 9) Possible sunsetting - 100%9 75%, 50%- Behrend 10)Three year sunset unless event is sponsored by a Commissioner to bring before the Commission on the 4th year. - Petty 11)Favors sunset rule and Exceptions List for those who have a compelling argument for funding. Return on investment- culturally and financially - Tennant 12)No limitations on funding for the first three years - Behrend 13)Favors no cap and allow anyone to ask for more - Mong Petty moved that a sunset of 3 years be adopted, second Withers. Motion carried. Petty moved that the Commission adopt a yearly funding cap of $30,000 per organization. Died for lack of a second. Petty moved to encourage a 1 to 1 match, which could be in kind, staff, labor, and that that be put on the application, second Behrend. Tennant said this should be a discussion point for Commissioners and not a requirement. It was decided that the guidelines would be changed to say "The A & P Commission encourages a 1 to 1 match. Please indicate how that will be accomplished." Administratively the process of funding will be changed to have the applications due April 1, funding requestors will be at the April meeting to defend their funding requests, and the • Commissioners will vote on the requests in May. • 14) Petty favors sending a strong signal that the Commission wants to fund new events. 15) New event funding and encouraging matching funding would accomplish the concerns he has heard expressed by the public - Tennant 16)Petty wants to make sure that the funding guidelines are clear to everyone. "Request funding once a year". If an organization is funded in October, the organization will be unable to apply in April. 17) The University should follow the exception rule. Petty said the changes in rules will change the culture of the Commission. Freeman moved to change the wording of the funding from "an organization may only apply once a year" to "an event may apply only once a year, second by Withers. Motion carried. Withers said she has an issue with funding UA events, when they can cover the costs of any of those events and they aren't proving a need for A & P funding. She asked "What does our money do for them?" Behrend said it's a thank You for UA bringing events here and he pointed out the additional hotel rooms and meals that were consumed by UA event participants and spectators, which clearly impact the.HMR tax. Tennant said that this discussion was coming when we look at every event on a case by case basis and determine when we give out grants and who we give them to. We will invite the UA Athletics Department to speak to the Commission at the March meeting. Administratively, a change in the Guidelines will be made from "Complete financials are mandatory" to "financials are available on request". Event financials will be required. NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director, Fayetteville A & P Commission 0