HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-10 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING December 10, 2012 *Commissioners Present: Ching Mong, Bob Davis, Bobby Ferrell, Bill Lyle, Hannah Mills, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioner Absent: None Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett, Matt Clement CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on December 10, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Mong to approve the November minutes of the Commission. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS HMR Revenue - Marilyn reported that HMR revenue for November showed a 3.34% increase over 2011, and 10.30% for the year to date. Financial Reports were reviewed and reflect increased revenue and controlled spending in all accounts. Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts - City Prosecutor did not collect any overdue HMR taxes in •November. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Clinton House Museum - a new website was launched on November 11. Additional hits were seen immediately on its release. It represents all of the history of the house as well as the collections. CVB - Sales in the store are sliding because of the opening of the Fayettechill store. Visitor count is also down. Town Center - Sales for the Town Center were up 3%, with total collections at $39,208.20. Social events and corporate events represent 35% each of total event makeup. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells and Media Director Greg Harrison presented the 2013 media plan. It is a more targeted approach and shows continued expansion of digital channels. A digital buy is a continual challenge because there is a lot more detail than in a print buy. Drew Finkbeiner said the 2012 buy is a smaller than 2013 buy. They will have behavioral targets through Trip Advisor, add the Columbia Mo area Facebook, as well as Waco, Sherman area. Residents will be locally targeted in the River Valley. The agency will look at where the visitor is coming from and concentrate that area with editorial 110overage. Facebook ads will be fewer than last year. Advertising there will concentrate on a concise ime around specific events rather than a 12 month buy. Greg presented the print buy including American Road and Missouri Life. Mong moved to approve the media plan, second by Tennant. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REQUEST avis said the Walton Arts Center originally created to run the facility which was a joint project between the City and the University. The UA has to pay to use the facility now and currently the WAC can't fulfill the need of the UA. A larger venue is needed and as they talked with the WAC, the University couldn't afford the $40 million cost. The Men's Gym is currently being used by the Architecture department. The University anticipated starting the remodeling in August 2013 (1'12 years to complete). The UA facility will be open to the public when the UA is not using the building. They estimate bringing in 10,000 people to the city. Revenue to the city is anticipated to be $300,000 - $1 million additionally. This is what the A & P Commission is about - putting heads in beds and increasing the revenue to the Commission - it's all about economic development. Citizen Sharon Davison said she was disappointed with the stewardship of money. She approved of the town and gown comingling because of efforts, not money. She thinks it inappropriate for A & P to put a million dollars to the UA. Davis said he appreciates what the UA does for the city - there is probably someone visiting the University and in a bed every night contributing to the HMR tax. Hannah Mills said she was not,sure she could justify a million dollars to put heads in beds. Davis said the question was about opening 700 seats for the arts. Whether we look at a million or less, the HMR collection of the UA shouldn't drive the decision. The need is there. The UA is a revenue producer for the HMR and we need to look at it and see what level we can help. *Mills said she was looking at the larger picture. It is a beneficial project, but she's not sure the A & P is the appropriate benefactor. The UA will host the highest quality performances. Justin Tennant thanked the Chancellor for his leadership in making the UA what it is. It is a unique ask and there are reasons on both sides to approve the contribution or not. Sometimes there is a need of something to rekindle both sides. The HMR taxes might be used for some project. Looking at what the UA brings to us, we should support the UA in some amount. It will change the way the A & P does business and keeps arts thriving in Northwest Arkansas. Heifner said the arts was an acceptable way the A & P Commission could spend the HMR tax; however, the Commission had never awarded an amount larger than $500,000 to any entity who had come asking for help. She does not feel that the Commission can pay that over a three year period and recommended that the payment be paid in 2013 after construction begins. Bobby Ferrell said we must be responsive to our stakeholders who have an impact on the city and the UA does that. The UA is the largest economic driver for the City of Fayetteville. Ferrell moved that we award $500,000 to the UA for Field House remodeling in 2 payments in 2013, one when they break ground (begin construction) and another in December 2013, second by Davis. Motion carried. Chancellor Gearhart thanked the Commission for taking their civic duty seriously. He thanked them for their vote of confidence in the University. He looks forward to working together toward a common goal - a better Fayetteville. NEW BUSINESS RESIGNATION OF HANNAH MILLS WMaudie Schmitt thanked Hannah Mills for her service to the A & P Commission and accepted her esignation. Commissioners decided to use the names which were submitted for the last selection and choose a new Commissioner in January. Marilyn will call those who applied and see if they wish to be considered. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission • 0