HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-12 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 12, 2012 Commissioners Present: Ching Mong, Bob Davis, Bobby Ferrell, Bill Lyle, Hannah Mills, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioner Absent: None Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on November 12, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. following the Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss funding requests. MINUTES Moved by Ferrell, second by Mong to approve the October minutes of the Commission. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BUDGETS Moved by Davis, second by Ferrell to approve budgets of Clinton House Museum, Convention Visitors Bureau, and A & P Commission. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF FUNDING REQUESTS Moved by Davis, second by Tennant to approve funding requests in the amount of $142,328 as follows: • Last Night 2012 - $3,000 to come out of the 2012 budget Arts Live - $27000 Community Creative Center - $5,000 (for outdoor signage) DECA - $19828 Dig In! - Food and Farming Festival - $3,000 7A Boys & Girls State Basketball - $10,000. Tri-State Volleyball Challenge - $37000 Weekend of Champions - $9,000 Fayetteville Youth Baseball - 0 Fayetteville Foam Fest - $5,100 Fayetteville Underground - $40,000 Iron Pig Festival - $2,000 Joe Martin Stage Race - $5,000 NWA Men's Expo - $500 Ozark Blues Society "Blues in the Natural State" - $4,000 Ozark Valley Triathlon - 0 TheatreSquared - $209000 WordCamp - $500 NWA Earth Days - $2,000 Hooten Kickoff Classic - $5,000 Freedom Fireworks - $15,000 SEC Men's & Women's Indoor Track Championships - $2,400 • NCAA Men's & Women's Indoor Track Championships - $5,000 NCAA Men's Golf Regional Championships - $2,000 Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS HMR Revenue - Marilyn reported that HMR revenue for October was the highest monthly collection ever - a total of $241,000. This represents an increase of 12.25% for the month, and 11.05% .for the year to date. Financial Statements - Keith Glass reviewed financial statements for September. All accounts are under budget and show increase in income. Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts - Marilyn gave Kit Williams report on collection efforts. Prosecutor collected $1,635.60 in overdue HMR taxes. Payments were from three cases - two of those restaurant owners paid in full and had their case closed. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Commissioners were asked to review Department Reports which were included in the agenda. OLD BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REQUEST Marilyn reviewed information that the Commissioners had received regarding the $1 million request from the University for a Performance Hall. Information included 1) opinion from the Attorney General, opinion from Kit Williams, as well as information regarding the University impact on the HMR taxes and economic impact. Mark Power (asst. vice chancellor for UA Advancement) reported on a $6 million dollar lead gift from Jim and Joyce Faulkner. Other commitments have been received and UA has $5 million left to raise. Rhonda Mains (Music Department) said the UA Music Department hosted over 200 events last year. They wish to bring in public school educators for a program, have a Tuba Euphonium Festival, and a Chamber Music Weries. Andy Gibb (Drama Department) lent the full support of the Drama Department for the request. The facility will serve the need for campus and community which is currently not being met. The facility will not be a redundancy of Walton Arts Center, but an enhancement for it. Bobby Davis asked how the University will promote its events to the community? Mains said the campaign will monitor 841 names on a list of social media and postcards of events will be printed. Online ticketing will be available. The Community will have access in the summer, Christmas holidays and will have a Business Manager on staff. Tennant asked the time frame for the project. The remodeling will not begin for 2-3 years because the Gym is currently being used as overflow for the architecture department. Tennant wanted to make sure that construction was not imminent. The Town and Gown Committee has not met to look at this and they meet on Monday. Though it's not on their agenda, Tennant is sure that Mark Kinion or Steve Clark can get it on the agenda. The Town and Gown Committee's focus is to look at issues that affect the University and City. City Council is doing a lot to help the university and Tennant doesn't feel comfortable voting on this today. Davis asked that Marilyn attend the meeting and discuss what the A & P does and what the funds can be spent on as well as our mission. gong said he was interested in what the committee had to say. Davis said the economic impact from football alone was $45 million. In 2012 year to date (October), the vendors to the UA have collected $40,842 in HMR taxes. UA brings someone here every week day to stay in hotels. It is the largest economic factor for the city of Fayetteville and the economic engine for the community. Tennant asked if the.fine arts building brings in enough to justify one million dollars. He said if the issue ent to a vote of the citizens, it would be voted down overwhelmingly. Mong asked what impact in off season this facility would provide and asked about access to the community. Davis said the facility would largely be occupied by the University events and what does that bring to the community. Schmitt pointed out that the UA is the largest contributor to the HMR. Twenty years ago the University invested $6 million dollars in the Walton Arts Center with the assurance that they would be able to use it. Growth in Walton Arts Center programming has made those days available fewer and fewer. She indicated that the Town and Gown Advisory Committee could look at the issue, but the A & P Commission won't rule the A & P decision. It couldn't hurt to get an opinion from them. Farrell moved to send the issue to the Town and Gown Committee and the Commission vote on it in December, second by Davis. Motion carried. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Drew Finkbeiner reported that the Agency was working on Media plan for 2013 and will present it at the December meeting. Heifner announced that the A & P Commission 35th anniversary celebration will be from 4 - 6 p.m. on December 10. *here being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission 11