HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-13 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 13, 2012 *Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Bobby Ferrell, Bill Lyle, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioners Absent: Hannah Mills I Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Matt Clement, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on August 13, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. ELECTION OF COMMISSIONER TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM After discussion of candidates who had applied for the position of Brandon Karn, it was moved by Tennant, second by Davis to appoint Ching Mong to fill the unexpired term which ends 4/1/14. Motion carried. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Tennant, to approve the July minutes of the Commission. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORTS HMR Revenue - Marilyn reported that HMR revenue for July is up 4.53%, $214,750. Year to date Oncrease is 11.59%. Financial Statements - Keith Glass reviewed financial statements. A & P revenue is up $120,000. All accounts are in good financial shape. Delinquent Tax Collection Efforts - Kit Williams reported that $1,413.20 was collected by the Prosecutor in July. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Clinton House Museum - Matt reported that the Museum had a 42% increase in visitors the first half of the year over last year. The house has been recognized as a member of the Blue Star Museums. Bill's 66th birthday celebration will be on August 18. The museum will have a traveling exhibit on Fay Jones from the Old State House Museum. Schmitt commended the work of Kate as Museum curator. After the installation of the Pig at the Museum, Kate had the picout on Facebook within hours of the event. CVB - The store sales increased 13.9% in July and had 14.43% increase in visitors. Eleven group tours were booked in July for 2013. Inquiries of 1,527 in July. Town Center - Decrease in returned sales contract; however, collections were up .6%. Executed contracts were up 53%. Executive Director's Report - A). Personnel. Julie Pennington, group sales manager, was stopped at Crystal Bridges by a reporter for the Wall Street Journal while doing a group tour and asked if she could do a tour on her and her group tours. B). Kate Johnson, museum curator, was named to the 40 under 40 list by NWA Business Journal. C) Staff will meet with the Agency to do a SWOT analysis for the 2013 marketing plan preparation on August 27. Brochures - Fayetteville Insider Guides on hand as of August 1 is 40,270 (80,000 were delivered in May). They were delivered to all Fayetteville public Schools, private schools and to the UA Orientation. 3. Facilities - A). A point of sale system has been installed in the store. It will help us with our inventory and bookkeeping. B) Peace Prayer Fountain - the auto fill is broken when someone got into the fountain and used the auto fill as a step to get out. 4. Other - A) Pigshibition. This program of the Ozark Literacy Society will place 25 artistically decorated pigs around town. The A & P will distribute maps and information for tourists about the pigs. B) Great Food Truck Race program on The Food Network starts on August 19. The Segment on the Fayetteville visit will be the 41hepisode. C). The Arkansas Tourist Information Centers will have a FAM visit on Sept 19-20 to Northwest Arkansas. D). Grand opening of the Chancellor Hotel will be September 12 from 6- 10 p.m. Q. This is the 351h anniversary year of the A & P Commission. Marilyn is working on a history of the Commission and hopes to have a celebration inviting all former Commissioners, funding recipients, etc, to a party. F). America In Bloom national symposium will be held in Fayetteville on September 19- 21. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells pointed out that our traffic from Google was up 56% over last July. The increase in Facebook advertising is attributed to visits to our site being up 73% from July to July. Traffic to historical sites page is up 91% and average time on site visits are up 10%. Bounce rate is down. Comparing Fayetteville to the state, the trend is the same but the state increase is lower than ours. •Drew Finkbeiner reported that Facebook advertising has been targeted to Texas A & M and Missouri. With the change of season, the push from the creative is toward nightlife, dining and the Arts. OLD BUSINESS GOVERNANCE SECTION - POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Moved by.Farrell, second by.Davis to approve the Executive Director Evaluation form. Motion Carried. Moved by Davis, second by Tennant to approve the Governance section of the Manual to be included in the DMAP study. NEW BUSINESS - None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission