HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-09 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING April 9, 2012 •Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Bill Lyle, Hannah Mills, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Brandon Karn and Justin Tennant Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on April 9, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Davis moved to approve the minutes of March's meeting, second by Jordan. Motion carried. HMR REPORT Marilyn reported that HMR taxes were up 18.88% in March with total collections of $201,015. Year to date increase is 15.51% with total collections of $585,243. FINANCIAL REPORT In the absence of Keith Glass, Marilyn presented the financial report. Financials in March will be more complete with comparisons of year to date and budget numbers. ELINQUENT TAX COLLECTIONS it Williams reported $7,458.46 in collections by the Prosecutor for March, 2012. Year to date collections have been $26„393.39. Seven cases show a delinquent balance of $1,000, seven show a zero balance, and only one showing a balance is an operating balance. Davis inquired about getting those with no forms off of the sheet. Williams explained that if they file and pay, the business is left on until it is dismissed by the Prosecutor. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Visitors in March totaled 323. Five group tours were accommodated during the month. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Visitor Center had $4,516.75 in sales, an 84% increase over same time last year. There were 1213 visitors during the month of March in the store. TOWN CENTER Sandra reported that the Town Center collections were up 2% over last year with sales of $31,968.07. Average per event sales was up 23% for the month and 39% for the year. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Advertising - Marilyn reported that with a change in paper, addition of 44 pages and an inserted map that the price for producing the Fayetteville Guide was going to be less than last year's price. The book is estimated to cost $75,825.00. CVB staff has been selling ads and total sales is $39,750 (compared with $16,500 sales last year). Oersonnel - Marilyn presented a job description for an Operations Manager to be added to the staff instead of replacing the Convention/University Marketing Manager position created with the resignation of Shelly Walters. Marilyn indicated that a budget adjustment would be presented to the Commission because of the change. Salary range was adjusted to $48,400 to $58,400. Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to advertise for an operations manager. Motion carried. 0 acilities -Marilyn alerted Commission to some repairs which needed to be addressed. Roof on the town Center - $40,000-$44,000 (this will prolong the life of the roof). Ice machine needs to be replaced $6,120. Air condition unit 3 has hail damaged condenser coils and two contactors need replacing on Unit 4. Commission requested that city insurance be looked into regarding hail damage. AD AGENCY Drew Finkbeiner reported for the Agency that Spring Summer creative was focusing on the outdoor s, patios, and gardens. The Facebook campaign is getting 9% referral numbers, a higher than industry standard. Mike Sells thanked the CVB staff for ad sales and said the progress to have the book completed earlier was a stretch but the Agency was working diligently toward that goal. n the Fayetteville guide. January - February has shown an increase of web activity. They've expanded geographical region and all areas show an increase. Drew presented the new First Thursday logo. OLD BUSINESS A.Old Post Office Appraisal from Parrish Appraisals was reviewed. Their estimate of Improved Value (Land and Building) was $730,000. Davis said there was no way to go back and approve the counteroffer from Bumpass of $1.5 million after receiving the appraisal though he realized the need for synergy downtown of the building use for artists, weddings, and meeting space. •ordan thought the $1.5 million was too high. He suspected that we are going to have to do some repair and renovations to the building to make it fit our uses. Davis said it would take from $250,000-$400,000 to bring the building up to standards and asked if the Commission wanted to continue negotiations. Jordan said, "I think so," and the sentiment was echoed by the other Commissioners. Lyle said he wasn't interested in a lease any longer. Schmitt said the lease would handcuff the Commission with any repairs or remodeling having to be approved by Bumpass and not having access to the entire building. Lyle suggested hiring an attorney. Kit Williams said doing the appraisal was good. He suggested the need for an inspection of mechanicals. Davis indicated that the Commission could make an offer with the conditions based on acceptance of mechanical system and roof inspection. He said it wouldn't be prudent to spend more money if the Commission and Bumpass couldn't come together on a purchase price. Schmitt suggested that the Commission offer to purchase the Old Post Office building based on the appraisal of $730,000 (to use as a starting point for negotiations) with conditions previously stated. SCARPINO BUILDING - Jordan said the building has an issue with parking available. Building is all right. Parking could be used at the U of A after hours. Davis said the synergy is downtown and the best situation for the artists would be to be downtown. Schmitt said Scarpino is a beautiful place for weddings, not necessarily for artists. The OPO allows for income and for other uses for the Commission. yle asked if an appraisal had been done on Scarpino. Schmitt pointed out that Scarpino was too far way from the Square for what we're looking for. Jordan said the Old Post Office was an "ideal location" and would fit for what we're trying to do on the Square. Jordan moved to make a basic offer of $730,000 contingent on the Old Post Office meeting requirements and passes an inspection. Davis second. Motion carried. .teal Estate Attorney - The Commission received one response from the ad placed in the paper for a real estate attorney, The Davis Firm. They have lots of clients and have included a fee schedule in their proposal. Williams said the City has used this firm and they are good. Moved by Davis to accept The Davis Firm as the real estate attorney to make the offer for the Old Post Office to Bumpass, second Jordan. Motion carried. 01 0MIPOPW" The Butterfield Overland Mail Route Historic Trail public hearing. Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to approve the resolution supporting the Butterfield as a National Historic Trail which will be presented to National Parks Service personnel conducting a public hearing. Motion carried. Jordan indicated that he will be speaking on behalf of the City as well. OTHER BUSINESS Operations Manager - Mills asked that the salary range be changed to $48,000-$58,000 with the salary based on experience and performance. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Sarilyn Heifner Executive Director Fayetteville A & P Commission CI