HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-12 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING • March 12, 2012 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Bill Lyle, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioners Absent: Hannah Mills Staff Present: Sandra Bennett CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on March 12, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Davis moved to approve the minutes of January's meeting, second by Jordan. Motion carried. HMR REPORT It was reported that HMR was up 12.81% with total collections of $178,289. Last year same time increase was 9.80%. FINANCIAL REPORT Keith Glass presented the financial report. Final Financials for December show the asset component reclassified. Through month of January HMR revenue is up $14,000.00. CVB shows $30,000 loss as a •result of store inventory. The difference in salaries is because of timing of pay day being on weekend which sometimes pushes it into the next month. DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTIONS Kit Williams reported $12,281.44 in collections in February 2012, with a year to date total of $18,934.93. Of the 29 cases, more than half show a zero balance. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM 2,000 tulip bulbs were planted as part of their Plant the Town RED program. Free admission February 20th in honor of President's Day. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Visitor Center had $4,548.24 in sales. There were 1024 visitors during the month of February. TOWN CENTER Sandra reported that the Town Center was up in almost every category from last year. Town Center staff is working on University events, community and non-profit events. AD AGENCY Mike Sells reported for the Agency. They are currently working on the Fayetteville guide. January - February has shown an increase of web activity. They've expanded geographical region and all areas show an increase. Drew presented the new First Thursday logo. 0 OLD BUSINESS •Quotes for appraisals of Old Post Office Mark Risk's quote for $2,000.00 Parrish's quote Restricted use - $1,500.00, USPAP $2,500.00. Restricted Use = Simple cut and dry report with value of property. USPAP = In-depth exposition of material that elaborates on the restricted use report. Land sales, lease analysis and retail business. Motion to have Parrish appraise Old Post Office using the Restricted Use Report for $1,500.00 by Davis, second by Tennant. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Gina Scarpino & Richard Berquist offered their building as an alternative for a venue for the Fayetteville Underground. They invited Commissioners to come to the space and look at it and consider it as a location instead of the Old Post Office. It could be used as an event venue and artist studios. It's over 6,000 square feet, they are asking for $990,000.00. Commissioners discussed meeting at 1:00 pm on April 8th at Scarpino's before the 2:00 pm meeting. Hiring an attorney for negotiations on purchase of Old Post Office Kit recommended the Commission select an attorney experienced in real estate to draft documents and • be involved in all negotiations. Sandra was asked to place an Ad in paper to solicit legal services. Davis moved to look for an attorney with real estate experience, second by Jordan. Motion carried. Applications for A&P Commission Two applicants disqualified because they did not fulfill the requirements for the open positions. Tennant moved to go into executive session, second by Davis. After executive session, Maudie called meeting back to order. Karn moved to accept Bill Lyle to second term, second by Tennant. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, •Sandra Bennett Facilities Manager Fayetteville Town Center