HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-13 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 13, 2012 Oommissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Bill Lyle, Maudie Schmitt and Justin Tennant. Commissioners Absent: Hannah Mills Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Shelly Walters, Sandra Bennett CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on February 13, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Davis moved to approve the minutes of January meeting, second by Tennant. Motion carried. HMR REPORT Marilyn reported that HMR was up 14.70% with total collections of $205,939. Last year same time increase was 7.74%. FINANCIAL REPORT Keith Glass presented the financial report. Clinton House expenses are right in line with budget. Income was better than previous year. CVB store revenue was up $38,000 for the year. Concurrently, expenses for store items was up $32,000. Budget was down $15,000 without store sales. Town Center was down 044,000 in revenue. Remodel will be included in depreciated items. A & P interest on investment had no December numbers. Revenue was up $77,000 and $120,000 over budget (this includes renovation of Town Center which was not reflected in budgeted items). Overall, these numbers are preliminary because he is waiting for city to do final numbers on investment income. DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTIONS Kit Williams reported $6,653.49 in collections to begin 2012. Eleven of the delinquent restaurants are closed. Another 8 show $0 balance. A couple of those closed are making monthly payments. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM Agency is working on updating the Clinton House website and public relations plan for 2012. Daffodils are beginning to bloom. CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Visitor Center had $1863.93 in sales. Restaurant Week promotion was held. meeting in Grapevine, Tx and has 34 a Art. A Sports meeting and a Hotel meeting was held with stakeholders. Julie Pennington is attending the American Bus Association ppointments. She is promoting an ARTS tour, From Fun Art to Fine TOWN CENTER Sandra reported that the Town Center was up in almost every category from last year. The Center is seeing success with clients who are rebooking. ID AGENCY rew Finkbeiner reported for the Agency. Print and Online Ads will start in March. "EXPERIENCE" is being incorporated into the Fayetteville logo. The Facebook campaign is showing much success. They are beginning to work on the Fayetteville Guide for May target distribution. The print bid is in process. OLD BUSINESS Old Post Office *ustin Tennant asked what happened to the deal presented previously. He said the way it was originally resented it was a "no brainer". Heifner asked that a lawyer or real estate agent be hired to complete real estate transaction since it was not in her job description and counteroffer was not what Brandon Karn, Bumpass and she had originally agreed on. Original 2006 appraisal for Ron Bumpass was for $2.6 million dollars. Jordan moved, Davis seconded, to do another appraisal with inspection by Mark Risk, who did the original appraisal for Ron Bumpass. Jordan said if cost of the appraisal is over $2500, it should come back to commission for prior approval. Motion carried. Commission concurred that a special meeting could be called to do offer and take possession. EXECUTIVE SESSION Davis moved, Tennant seconded to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Motion carried. Following Executive Session, Commissioner Jordan moved to put Executive Director, Marilyn Heifner on paid administrative leave pending outcome of Prosecuting Attorney's F01 investigation; second by Tennant. Motion carried. OEW BUSINESS Commissioner Jordan presented F01 policy to be amended to by-laws of Advertising and Promotion Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director Advertising and Promotion Commission C� J