HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-09 - Minutes• ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 9, 2012 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, Bill Lyle, and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Justin Tennant and Hannah Mills Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Shelly Walters, Sandra Bennett CALL TO ORDER Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on January 9, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2012 Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to elect Maudie Schmitt chairman for 2012. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Old Post Office Marilyn presented a Business Plan for the Old Post Office. A copy is available in the • Fayetteville CVB office. Davis complimented the business plan. He asked who was responsible for utility problems that might be discovered since the land surrounding the building is a city park? Kit Williams indicated that the current owners have an easement across the property and the building owner/lessee would be responsible for maintenance and repair. The mayor agreed. Davis liked the portion in the lease giving the A & P Commission 12-14 months to exercise the option to purchase. He indicated that though the budget allowed for 10 artist studios that more could possibly be accommodated. He liked the synergy between First Thursday, Fayetteville Underground and local businesses. He didn't see too many negatives and thanked Brandon Karn and Marilyn Heifner for pursuing the opportunity. The Mayor asked what kind of roof was on the building. Marilyn said a copper roof had been installed in 2005. The mayor said we needed to make sure the roof was sealed properly to prevent future problems. He said this was a tremendous opportunity for the A & P Commission and the City and a great opportunity to invest in downtown and in the arts. Karn said the Old Post Office was the heart of the city for so many years and many people want to see the building regenerated. Frank Sharp, 2062 Smokehouse Trail, said he was a part of the 1974 group that started 40 the petition drive to save the Old Post Office and presented it to the Housing Authority. • People cared about the building then and care about it now. He said, "Of course, there will be problems, there always are." Leilani Law, artist, said she had been a part of the underground for 18 months and served on the arts committee. She said 1) that the Board of Directors make sure the artists were represented the artists and their vision, 2) that the woodwork by Steve Moore be dismantled, not demolished, and 3) that she was willing to help and be a part. Hank Kaminsky, artist, said he had been in Fayetteville since the early 80's. He is glad to see that the artists are a significant part of Fayetteville and that we are planting the seeds of cultural arts. He reiterated Leilani's concern for artist representation on the Board. The reorganization will contribute to resurgence of the Underground. Martin Miller, managing director of TheatreSquared and on the Fayetteville Arts Council said that this move will raise Fayetteville's profile nationally. Kudos for having the Old Post Office be a cultural arts anchor. Davis moved, Jordan second, that the A & P Commission move forward with the intent to execute a lease with the option to purchase the Old Post Office. After Ron Bumpass reviews the lease, it will be resubmitted for final approval by the Commission. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Jordan moved to approve the minutes of the December 2011 meeting, second by Lyle. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT HMR Report - Marilyn reported that the HMR tax was outstanding for December, a 17.79% increase. Year end increase was 5.38%. Financial Statements - Marilyn also reviewed November financials in lieu of the absence of Keith Glass. There were no outstanding issues or unusual expenses or income in any account. Update from City Attorney - Kit Williams reported that the City prosecutor collected $12,322.50 in November. Year to date $47,080.19 has been collected. Davis inquired about 13 places without a balance, some because of improper forms. Discussion ensued regarding enforcement of those not filling out forms. A & P YEAR IN REVIEW Marilyn presented a multimedia report of activities of the Clinton House, the CVB, and the Town Center. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells reported that the number of Fayetteville Guide downloads in 2011(17,500) exceeded the number of Visitor Guides printed in the first year. The Old Post Office will be 0 • a marketing focus in 2012. Fayetteville HMR numbers (+5.4%) were compared to the state (+3.2%). Drew Finkbeiner explained the rational for the media plan. In 2011, we owned the sports market. In 2012, we will capitalize on Crystal Bridges. We will continue what worked last year and do what we can to improve on it. Niche marketing will subsidize the overall marketing goals promoting Fayetteville as the premier city in Northwest Arkansas. We will position Fayetteville as a "must return" city. Greg Harrison reviewed the media plan and highlighted key differences in the plan from last year. Moved by Karn to approve media plan for 2012, second by Davis. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Parking Deck Tokens - Because of the increase in the daily parking entry charge (which was approved by the Commission in December), charge for individual tokens should be increased. Moved by Karn, second by Davis to increase the parking tokens from $3 to $4 each and tokens purchased in bulk will increase for 100 tokens from $100 to $133 on a escalated rate scale. Motion carried. - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Heifner Executive Director •