HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-11 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING January 11, 2010 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Neal Crawford, Tim Freeman, Lioneld Jordan, Robert Rhoads and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Brandon Karn Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Tim Freeman called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on January I 1 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. RIBBON CUTTING FOR TOWN CENTER PARKING DECK Members assembled at the Town Center Parking Deck entrance to cut the ribbon signifying that the installation of the LED lighting in the deck was complete. Members of the Commission cut the ribbon with members of the public watching including Butch Coger (Custom Homes & Commercial Electronics), Anthony Vigiate (executive vice president of Infinilux), Chamber of Commerce president/CEO Steve Clark and President of the Board Larry Bittle, staff members of Sells Agency, reporters from news stations KNWA and KFSM, and reporter from the NWA Newspapers Skip Descant, as well as Town Center staff and A & P staff. The upgrade to energy saving LED lights in the Town Center is one of the most significant of its kind in the nation. An energy audit and design study confirmed significant savings with the replacement of 144 low bay metal halide luminaries will save the Town Center $150,000 over 50K hours. Payoff will be in 2.49 years. The environmental impact of the reduced emissions generation from newly installed LED lighting will result in the following savings in 5.71 years: saving 102,141 gallons of gasoline, taking 562 cars off of the road, and planting 230 acres of trees. The Commissioners reconvened in the Director's Room. ELECTION OF COMMISSION CHAIRMAN FOR 2010 The floor was opened for nominations. Rhodes nominated Tim Freeman, Crawford nominated Bob Davis. Both accepted the nomination. Voting - each candidate received 3 votes. Election will be tabled until the next meeting so that Commissioner Kam can vote. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to approve the minutes of the December 14 with the following correction: Maudie Schmitt was not present at the meeting. Motion carried. •HMR COLLECTIONS HMR collections were almost event with last December (08 - $174,682 and 09 - $174,568) making the year end collections almost even with last year. Fayetteville leads the way in NWA with other A & P Commissions down 16%, 10% and 6%. It is a testimony to a staff that has worked hard bringing business to Fayetteville and worked with hotels and restaurants to maintain HMR collections. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass reported that CVB sales were up $5,000 through November in the Visitor Store. Clinton House revenue and expenses were even. Town Center revenue in May and June was way down, but expenses were well within the budget guidelines. Overall A & P revenue was down $100,000 and budget numbers were in line. Overall budget expenditures were down $40,000 because Fayetteville did not host the baseball regional tournament so funds were not needed. Move to approve financials by Davis, second by Rhoads. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY Marilyn gave the report for City Attorney Kit Williams. Prosecuting Attorney collected $4,386.04 for the month. Eighteen businesses were at the prosecutor with two cases closed during the month. For all of 2009, the Prosecutor collected $71,341.64. In November, 44 restaurants did not submit HMR collections. Davis asked again about restaurants not turning in forms and what could be done about the problem. • REPORTS ,y CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUIvy 37 Marilyn reportedyd'vvisitors in December at the Museum. The first visitor from Greenland completed the Visitor map which now can boast that the Museum has had visitors form all continents. Annual Christmas Open House was held in conjunction with the CVB. Year end pre -New Year's eve party was co-sponsored by Bavarian Cream Designs, Inc and Bliss Cupcake Cafe. The event featured art by Thomas B. Merritt. VISITORS BUREAU Allyson is working with NCAA Indoor Track for 2013 bid. She is encouraging all hotels to show participants a good time this year so we can get them back. We lost the bid for the 2011 and 2012 meet. She has a meeting with Joey Walters (Arkansas Activities Association) and Barry Gebhart (Fayetteville athletic director) regarding the All Star Games and Coaches Clinic. She is bidding on Arkansas Recreation and Parks annual meeting and the Governor's Conference on Tourism. Tyson Indoor meet is coming up soon. Starlight Skating Rink opened. It should be a good venue for youth we bring in for tournaments. Visitor Store sales were $18,648 for 2009. At the store, we specialize in local products including food, music, Razorback paraphernalia and will soon have Bulldog items. TOWN CENTER •Sandra reported revenue for the Town Center was down 12% over last December with total revenue at $23,144.59. We did see a slight increase in booked events in December. • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marilyn announced the National Parks Service will be in Fayetteville in early April to announce the steps in documentation for the Butterfield Overland Mail National Historic Trail. She met with the Fayetteville Forward Creative Economy group regarding an arts brochure. They are excited and it should be a good partnership for the A & P Commission to produce this brochure. She worked with Sells in the 2010 planning. She announced that after discussion with Allyson, they will not pursue the lottery application to the state to sell lottery tickets at the Visitors Bureau Store. AD AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells said the agency has worked with Marilyn and Allyson for the 2010 planning. They have transitioned web site materials to CVB staff. Lead generation for the 4d' quarter worked. Visitor guide downloads showed a 96.8% growth over 2008. Inquiries for a hard copy of the Visitor Guide averaged 2,135 per quarter for the 151 2nd, and 3rd quarters. Fourth quarter inquiries was 11,933. Jade reported on the Visitor Guide for 2010. They will speed up sales, and print 75,000 copies in '10. Website maintained over 100,000 hits in '09. •OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 'n`',,```p'`2,' ) Marilyn Hehner Executive Director