HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-08 - MinutesADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION •REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2009 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Neal Crawford, Lioneld Jordan, Robert Rhoads and Maudie Schmitt Commissioners Absent: Tim Freeman Staff Present: Sandra Bennett, Allyson Twiggs Dyer, Kelli Nixon and Marilyn Heifner CALL TO ORDER Marilyn Heifner called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on June 8 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. RESIGNATION OF PAT GAZZOLA Marilyn presented the resignation letter of Pat Gazzola. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Commissioner Rhoads moved to appoint Mayor Lioneld Jordan as interim chairman for two meetings or until a new commissioners could be elected to fill Pat Gazzola's spot and that the Mayor not seek the position as permanent chairman. Jordan seconded. Motion carried. The Mayor assumed the position of temporary chairman of the Advertising and Promotion • Commission. MINUTES Moved by Crawford, second by Davis to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2009 meeting with the correction that Commissioner Crawford was absent. Motion carried. HMR COLLECTIONS Marilyn reported that HMR collections in May were up 8.71%. Year to date collections were up 3.59%. However, collections from hotels were off -15.25% (year-to-date off -8.50°/x) and restaurants were off -2.73% (year-to-date off -4.06%). FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Keith Glass, Marilyn presented financial statements for April `09. A & P commission financials are up $80,000. Expenditures stayed within the budgeted amounts. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor's office collected $8,884.83 in overdue HMR taxes last month. Six cases were closed with restaurants paying all of their late HMR taxes. Year-to-date collections of overdue taxes is $54,737.17. In May, more cases were closed than were opened. CLINTON HOUSE MUSEUM REPORT • Kelli Nixon stated that Arkansas Heritage Month was celebrated at the Museum. A ballot box and ballot from Clinton's 1974 primary run is on display. Wal -mart Shareholders meeting increased attendance at the Museum. Demolition has begun for the First Ladies Garden. VISITOR BUREAU • Sales and Visitor count at the Fayetteville Visitor Center is up according to Allyson Twigs Dyer. Saturday, June 6 was the largest sales ($340) and visitor (121 visitors) day since opening. Jessica Edwards has been hired part time. Part time hours have been reduced. The CVB will have a booth at the NCAA outdoor track meet. June will have several baseball tournaments and the state coaches Clinic which should boost hotel revenue. Marilyn reported that the Wal-Mart Shareholders meeting was approximately a $3.9 million dollar economic impact. TOWN CENTER In her report, Sandra Bennett said the Town Center collected $25,337.76 for rentals and incidentals in May. This total is an increase from last May; however, the year to date income is below last year. All office staff members are working on special projects and more Town Center sponsored events. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT Marilyn attended the dedication of Hobbs State Park. America in Bloom judges will be here June 10- 13 — Commissioners are invited to breakfast for the judges at the Clinton House on Friday. Clinton House Museum Board of Directors had a meeting. UA Legal Clinic is working on a sublease for the Museum to fulfill 5010 status. Information has been submitted for Historic Register status for the Clinton House Museum. Marilyn reported that the Town Center electric utility bill continues to increase despite efforts of the staff to reduce usage. Much of that usage is with the parking deck and the lights currently being used there. Marilyn hopes to present an energy saving plan to the Commissioners in July for the parking deck. AGENCY REPORT Mike Sells said that the agency is working on 3 major projects. The ISP (formerly known as Arkansas Razorback Sports) contract is finished. The Visitor's Guide is at print now and will be delivered on Monday, June 15, 2009. The website activity will be a mirror of the guide and should go live on July 1. Jade presented the new ad, "Tailgating at Its Best" featuring the Farmer's Market. Web stats were also presented. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Sivatory for banking accounts Moved by Crawford, second by Schmitt to add the Mayor as signatory for bank accounts. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, • Marilyn Heifner Executive Director