HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-11 - Minutes• ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING December 11, 2006 Commissioners Present: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Robert Rhoads and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Allyson Twiggs, and Willistine Smith Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on December 11, 2006 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Davis, second by Coody to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2006, regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax for November was $193,469, a 13.29% increase over last November. Year to date collections were $1,914,081, a 7.32% increase. Monthly hotel revenue was down -2.29%. Restaurant collections show a 7.43% increase this November over last November. And year to date, restaurant collections are up 6.68%. FINANCIAL REPORT W. L. Cook reviewed financials for November. Moved for approval by Davis, second by Coody. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the prosecutor collected $15,468.17 in overdue HMR taxes in November. Year to date collections for the prosecutor's office are $100,533.94. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Year to date figures for tourism inquiries are down as are everyone's in the state. Internet inquiries are not compiled because of the change to the new www.experienccfayettevillc.com website. Director has worked with both the new web provider and the old one to ensure a smooth transition. Remodeling work on the CVB offices has been started. CVB should be able to move in by December 31, but furniture will not be here until mid January. Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission will meet in Fayetteville July 19-20, 2007. • CONVENTION VISITORS BUREAU Staff is excited about their new offices. Shelly and UA students put on a great Christmas parade for Lights of the Ozarks. The softball bid was unsuccessful for us, but they are looking at us for 2008. A successful Trick or Treat on the Square was held with over 600 children participating. New merchants were added this year and UA students directed participants to businesses off of the Square. The Visitor Profile Study has arrived. Allyson will present the report to the Commission early next year. Downtown Fayetteville Partners presented their festival report. The Mayor moved, Schmitt second to have staff investigate the possibility of festivals and festival management in cities such as Charlotte, Savannah and Ashville. TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine Smith reported on a busy November. They have had a 25% increase in sales and are working on a sales strategy for 2007. Collections are up 22%. Staff is working on containing costs. CLINTON HOUSE MUSUEM • Allyson reported for Joseph that they had 67 visitors in November. State Senator Steele and staff used the House for a party. There is a stock broker seminar scheduled for January. reported 212 visitors including 4 motor coaches in October. He talked with Shannon Butler, Clinton Library archivist, and Kathlene Pate, and Martha Berryman regarding potential partnerships for the Museum. Joseph talked with the Young Democrats recruiting volunteers. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark and Jade Hart presented the 2007 media plan. Eighty percent of the budget will be going directly to time and space for media. They launched the website November 1 — the old site will be redirected to the new site. Budget plan is as follows: $1472000 — Consumer and leisure advertising $ 89000 — Group travel $ 22,500 — Meetings and conventions $ 38,500 — Clinton House Museum $ 20,000 — Chuck Barrett radio $ 75,000 — Online advertising OLD BUSINESS None • NEW BUSINESS None • EXECUTIVE SESSION The Commission adjourned into Executive Session for the purpose of annual review of the Executive Director. Upon reconvening, the Chairman announced a 3% salary increase and a 7% bonus for the Executive Director. There being no fiuther business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, na"r, AIV Marilyn Heifner Executive Director •