HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-12 - Minutes• • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 12, 2006 Commissioners Present: Bob Davis, Pat Gazzola, Don Marr, David McGeady and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Neal Crawford and Dan Coody Staff Present: Marilyn Heffner, Allyson Twiggs, Joseph Barnes and Wilhstine Smith Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on June 12, 2006 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES Moved by Marr, second by Schmitt to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2006, regular meeting. Motion carried. HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax for May was $174,387, a 9.54% increase over a year ago. Year to date collections show an increase of 10.45%. Hotel revenue decreased 0.57% in May collections and restaurants had a 7.57% increase. Year to date, hotels collected $83,536.77, a decrease of 1.08% and restaurants collected $726,647.40 an 8.53% increase. FINANCIAL REPORT Larry Bilbrey reviewed financials for May, 2006. New financial statements were approved by motion by Davis, second by Schmitt. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the prosecutor is continuing his excellent collection efforts of overdue HMR taxes. He collected $2,194.75 this month. Year to date collections for the prosecutor's office are $41,420.18. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Inquiry responses for the month are off 39% for the year. Internet inquiries still increase at a large percentage, up 42.7% for the month over last year. Marilyn worked with America in Bloom judges during their visit here. She was working with the city regarding HMR and festivals. She has supervised the agency working on the new Visitor's Guide. Ken Mathis, manager of Standard Register was assisted in producing his recruitment powerpoint. She has met with Randy Pinnell, Hank Kimensky, Ron Troutman, and Richard Alderman regarding the fountain leak. Hopefully they will find a solution for the leak within the next month and get it repaired. CVB REPORT • Allyson reported that the Arkansas Cancer Summit had a reception at the Clinton House Museum during their conference here. Other conventions in town are the Arkansas Assessors, the Arkansas Coaches Clinic, and the Arkansas Firefighters. Julie and Shellie have booked 91 rooms on Travel Hero this month. Referrals from the website was the highest reported referrals. To date we have booked $72,858 for hotels and we will get $2,200. Solar Splash is coming to town next week. • • TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine Smith reported that the Town Center has collected $35,343.29 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in May, reflecting a 59% increase from 2005 for the month. Year to date sales reflect a 55% increase over 2005. For the month of May, average per event sales represents a 36% increase. Town Center has reached 42.5% of the 2006 goal ($443,241.00). CLINTON HOUSE MUSUEM Joseph Bames said that visitors had increased to 662 visitors representing 35 states, D. C. and 21 countnes. Southern Living was here to shoot photographs for a story. He and the CVB mailed out postcards with a buy one, get one free admission. He and Allyson are working to finalize the Billgrimage passport for pnnting. Two new part time volunteers have been recruited. The Maple Hills Garden Club is working to prepare the Clinton House for the America in Bloom competition. The Highway Department has given approval for a Clinton House Museum sign on their attractions sign. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark reported that the agency was working on content for the Visitor's Guide. Chuck Barrett advertising will end next week taking a hiatus until the fall. They will be doing an All - Start Week remote. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submiitted, lha /a0. Marilyn Heifner Executive Director