HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-08 - Minutes• • • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 8, 2006 Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, Don Marr, David McGeady and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: Dan Coody and Bob Davis Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner and Willistine Smith Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on May 8, 2006 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 1:45 p.m. FUNDING REQUESTS After discussion of funding requests, the following grants were awarded: Airfest 2006 0 Arkansas Air Museum 0 Botanical Garden Society of the Ozarks $17,500 Champions for Kids 0 Chili Pepper Cross Country Festival $1,000 Fayetteville Public Library $1,800 First Night $2,700 Lewis and Clark Urban Adventure Race $1,000 Lights of the Ozarks $20,000 Lions 5K Run 0 Ozark Military Museum 0 Pagnozzi Charities 0 Solar Splash $7,000 TheatreSquared $7,000 Walton Arts Center $10,000 NCAA Regional Sponsorship $10,000 TOTAL $78,000 MINUTES Moved by Schmitt, second by Crawford to approve the minutes of the April 10, 2006, regular meeting. Motion earned. HMR REVENUES Total collections of HMR tax for April was $174,063, a 9.15% increase over a year ago. Year to date collections show an increase of 10.67%. Hotel revenue decreased 0.60% in April collections and restaurants had a 19.89% increase. Year to date, hotels collected $61,848.45, a decrease of 4.45% and restaurants collected $585,747.59 a 10.14% increase. • FINANCIAL REPORT Larry Bilbrey reviewed financials for April, 2006. Commissioners McGeady and Marr asked for a month to month comparison of budget numbers for all entities. Clinton House income, visitors, and budget were discussed. Moved by McGeady, second by Marr approve the financial reports. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the prosecutor collected almost $9,887.43 this month. Year to date collections for the prosecutor's office for first 4 months are $39,225.43. Commissioner Schmitt asked about delinquent figures for Powerhouse. Kit Williams will talk to accounting and prosecutor about them. Accounting will also be asked to see if closed restaurants can be taken off of the list. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Inquiry responses for the month are off 34% for the year. Internet inquiries still increase at a large percentage, up 71% year to date. CVB REPORT Allyson is attending training in Las Vegas. Marilyn reported that the CVB had signed 14 • partners of the 15 goal for the year. Travel Hero projections are $1,534.83 of the $3,600 goal. Shelly has booked 9 meetings and 5 tentative of 30 goal. Real Deal on the Hill was a success and will be back next year. CVB is busy booking rooms for Saturday of Champions and graduation. Arkansas Trophy Hunters Show had 400 booths and has booked for 2007. Arkansas Cancer Summit will be June 5-7. Wal-Mart Shareholders will be first week of June and Solar Splash is scheduled for June 21-25. Arkansas Assessors Association meeting will also be here in June. TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine Smith reported that the Town Center has collected $32,702.40 for rentals, incidentals and service charges in April, reflecting a 35% increase from 2005. Year to date sales reflect a 53% increase over 2005. For the month of April, average per event sales represents a 67% increase. Town Center has reached 31% of the 2006 goal ($443,241.00). CLINTON HOUSE MUSUEM Marilyn reported for Joseph Barnes that visitors had increased to 585 visitors representing 29 states, D. C. and 17 countries. Widespread appeal of the Clinton House reflects an interest. We just need to increase number of visitors. • AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark reported that the agency was working toward updating the website and working with the Visitor Guide. Visitor Guide will be out in mid-July. • OLD BUSINESS Moved by Neal Crawford, second by Schmitt to hire MarketVision to do visitor profile study for $27,800. Motion carried. • • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. yR'esspeecttf�ulllly�suubbmitted, Manlyn Heifner Executive Director