HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-14 - Minutes• • ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 14, 2005 Commissioners Present: Dan Coody, Neal Crawford, Pat Gazzola, Don Marr, David McGeady, Curtis Shipley (arrived late) and Maudie Schmitt. Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Willistine Smith, Allyson Twiggs and Marilyn Heifner Chairman Pat Gazzola called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission to order on March 14, 2005 at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m. SELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS HMR Position Moved by McGeady, second by Crawford to reappoint Maudie Schmitt to the HMR position which expires April 1, 2009. Motion carried. At Large Position Directors voted on two applicants (John Lewis and Bob Davis). Davis 4 votes, Lewis 2 votes. Commissioner Shipley was not present for voting. MINUTES Moved by Crawford, second by Marr to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2005 regular meeting. Motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the Prosecutor's office collected $7,119 delinquent HMR taxes in February. Year to date total is $15,619. HMR REVENUES HMR revenues for February were $133,527.50, a 2.78% increase over last February. It was noted that HMR revenues do not reflect collections by the Radisson, Olive Garden or Red Lobster. Hotel revenues were down 6.77% and restaurant revenues were down 2.28%. (Adjusted figures including Radisson, Red Lobster and Olive Garden would be hotels +10.59%, restaurants +2.72%). Commissioners requested an events calendar to accompany HMR revenues. FINANCIAL REPORT Larry Bilbrey presented the financials for the month of March. Moved by Coody, second by Marr to approve the financial statements. Motion carried. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Heifner reported a 460% increase in advertising inquines in February (2,743) and a 128% increase in Internet per day average visits (593). • • • Presently in cooperation with the University of Arkansas, there are 4 practicum students at the Town Center. They are leaming Town Center operations as well as advertising and operations of the A & P Commission. Marilyn visited U. S. Marshall Service regarding use of the Town Center as interim offices if case of emergency for Federal Offices. CVB REPORT Allyson Twiggs told the Commissions that Shelly is working with Parks and Recreation Department of University of Arkansas to land the Solar Splash convention scheduled for May 2006. Decision should be made today. Two years is left on the Coach's Clinic and All Star contract with Arkansas Activities Association. Arkansas Parks and Recreation Association state meeting was held in Fayetteville in March. Amencan College Theater Festival activities with 600 participants concluded. U of A Women's athletics will host the NIT bid for girl's basketball. UNLV and Ladybacks will square off. TOWN CENTER REPORT Willistine Smith reported that the contracted sales at the Town Center were up 116% in February. Completed events was up 128% and sales up 147%. Collections continue to rise with 47% increase. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark showed Fayetteville ads that were running the publications. Publications were available for commissioners to pick up. Those ads are running in large cities near us, state publications and regional publications. He congratulated UA baseball teams and NCAA track on recent victories. OTHER BUSINESS Clinton House Museum Marilyn and Allyson reported back to the Commission with answers to questions posed at the last meeting. They met with Don Pederson and James Ezell (University of Arkansas). University is aware of asbestos and said their inspectors said the asbestos was confined to insulation around pipes in basement and unless the house had major construction, there appeared to be no danger. They were willing to prepare a lease for a 2 year lease/ purchase option. Commissioners requested that a 30 -day our clause be wntten in the lease. They visited with Tim Conklin regarding a conditional use permit. Because the UA owns the building, city ordinances do not apply. However, because the A & P might eventually own the building, it was felt prudent to apply for permit. Parking is sufficient for zoning. Marr pointed out that it would be better to piggyback on statewide advertising and leverage the period of Clinton's life not covered elsewhere. Shipley discussed the philosophical issues regarding operating a museum vs. getting someone else to operate it. He asked to have a revised budget to reflect expenses of getting the house in order i. e, modifying parking, handicapped accessibility, utilities and • getting museum people to lay out displays and gift shop. He asked that the UA be contacted regarding stabilizing the building to protect the property. Marr moved, McGeady seconded that projected costs be figured in new budget, that UA responsibilities and Commission responsibilities be spelled out in lease. Motion carried. Compensation Survey for Executive Director Moved by Shipley, second by Crawford that Johanson and Associates be contracted to do study of Executive Director salary with benchmarks and other compensation data. Study should be completed withm month. Motion carried. Gazzola will contact them. Funding Request — U of A Athletic Department Bill Ramsey and Steve Rust spoke on behalf of UA request for $35,000 for storage facility to store UA track so that Tyson Track Center can be used as convention facility. Moved by Shipley, second by Schmitt to fund the request. Motion carried. Shipley was thanked for his service on the A & P Commission. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, • Manlyn Heifner, Executive Director