HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-13 - Minutes• GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: January 13, 2003 PRESENT: Dan Coody, Bob Davis, Joe Fennel, Pat Gazzola, David McGeady, Ching Mong, Curtis Shipley and Manlyn Johnson. ABSENT: None The January meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Fayetteville Town Center conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 2003 Moved by Shipley, second by Coody to elect Bob Davis chairman of the A & P Commission for 2003. Motion carried. Bob Davis will be signatory for A & P Commission and Joe Fennel will be removed as signatory. Shipley thanked Joe for his long service as Chairman of the A & P Commission. "He has done a lot for this Commission over a long period of time." Other commissioners agreed and gave Fennel an ovation. WELCOME • Bob Davis welcomed new commissioners, Mayor Dan Coody and David McGeady, manager of the Radisson hotel. • MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Mong to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2002 meeting. Motion earned. FINANCIAL REPORT Tom Lonon, Scarbrough and Murtishaw, presented the financial report. Commissioners inquired as to the interest on the Town Center bonds. It was reported later that interest rate was 3 85%. Marilyn reported that total collections for December were $119,627 a 05% decrease. The investment account for the Town Center construction account was closed out ($343,370 68 has been deposited into the A & P reserve account held at the city and invested for the Commission by the City) Shipley asked the amount of state turnback funds received this year. Marilyn will check on those figures and report to the commission. City Attorney Kit Williams reported that the back tax case with Fuzzy's Restaurant was settled for a total of $2,120.90. City Prosecutors report of ongoing cases was presented. Gazzola thanked Kit and the Prosecutor's office for their great job in collecting past due taxes. • DIRECTOR'S REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed her activities for the month of December. Marilyn worked with Parks and Recreation on Lights of the Ozarks decorations. The Christmas tree that the A & P Commission funded was a real asset to the festival, a good investment for A & P, and drew considerable remarks from the public. New photography has been obtained working with Sells/Clark and Arkansas Parks and Tourism. The Media Plan for 2003 is in place and should generate more advertising responses since placement is targeted earlier in the year. Pledging for A & P funds currently held at ARVEST has been secured through the Federal Reserve Bank. The Peace Prayer Fountain has been installed and was dedicated on New Year's Eve. CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU REPORT Allyson Twiggs reviewed CVB activities. The 2004 ASAE Trade Show is coming to Fayetteville in 2004 She also received the Narcotics Dogs Convention. Allyson has sent a letter of invitation for the Promise Keepers Rally to be in Fayetteville in 2004. Phyllis Tucker has been assigned all bus tour business. She has recruited two new tours to the Brumley Gospel Sing. Allyson has been working with A. J. Ballard for the Mardi Gras Parade and Festival. He needs sponsors for the Saturday Parade. The Ladybacks are sponsoring Chamber of Commerce Night on January 16. Gary Blair will speak to the A. M. meeting of the Chamber on that day. • Shipley noted the support for the new UA Gymnastics Team (4,000 attended their first meet) and the support for the Ladybacks Basketball Team (7,000 at their Sunday game). • The Tyson Invitation will feature Maurice Green, the fastest man in the world, trying the break his world record. Stacy Gregia, the #1 pole-vaulter in the world will also be at the meet. Reuben Reins is putting together the High School Mile to be run at the Tyson Invitational. This will feature the 10 best high school trackers. TOWN CENTER REPORT Denise Bembenek presented the Town Center report. Nineteen events were held in December with average income per event of $821.80. Denise introduced Sally Goodsell who will intern with the Town Center and the CVB this spring. First Night was again a venue at the Town Center with good crowds and good publicity for the Town Center. Denise reported that Principal Health Insurance had increased by less than 3%. She recommended that we keep the insurance and not rebid at this time. AGENCY REPORT Brian Clark presented new high-end digital photography that has been updated for fall/winter photography. They are getting a spring photo list ready to update that photography. The overall advertising program for 2002 was managed and items were kept under budgeted amount. OLD BUSINESS • Alcohol Lease and Concession Contract Recommendation from sub -committee to negotiate with Star Four Corp. for Alcohol Concession was moved by Coody, Fennel second. Amended by Shipley, second by Coody to authorize Denise Fennel, and McGeady to negotiate contract with Four Star to bnng back to the Commission for approval. Amendment carried. Motion carred. Negotiations should seek win/win situation in long term contract for both Star Four and the Town Center include specifying wine, liquor and beer brands and standard glassware. Contract should have out -clause for both parties. • Peace Prayer Fountain Hank Kaminsky was present to address Commission. He asked that he be forgiven the debt of $12,149 for fountain rough -in. Additional plumbing and electncal work was required on the fountain. The project ran $50,000 over budget. Bradbury's spend an additional $27,000 to cover overages. Payroll was 100% over, matenal costs were higher than anticipated, and salary of the artist was cut 60%. Solutions for the fountain spraying outside the fountain base and creating an ice base were discussed. The pool is narrower than the original design by 1 %3 feet. 3% of the water at maximum level will drip over onto the plaza. Turning off the fountain now will fix the problem of overspray until it can be fixed in the spring. Moved by Gazzola, second by Shipley to table the issue of reimbursement of $12,149 until May • agenda. Motion carried. Electrical Wires Behind Town Center Coody asked if the Commission would consider sharing the costs for burying the electrical wires behind the Town Center. He said the Council would be willing to pay for half of those costs. Marilyn will get cost estimates from AEP/SWEPCO. Executive Session Moved by Fennel to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of review of Marilyn Johnson. Motion carried. Return from Executive Session. Moved by Fennel, second by Gazzola to approve goals Marilyn set for 2003 and grant her a 5% raise. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, tvekdri 9174"-' Marilyn Johnson • Director, Convention and Visitor Development