HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-24 - Minutes• GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION — SPECIAL MEETING • • DATE: May 24, 2001 PRESENT: Bob Davis, Joe Fennel, Pat Gazzola, John Gilliam, Kevin Santos, Denise Bembenek, and Marilyn Johnson. ABSENT: Ching Mong, Curtis Shipley A special meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Chamber of Commerce conference room at 11:00 a.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. SPECIAL BUSINESS 1. Award of Bid for cabling system for Town Center Bids were received from the following: City of Fayetteville Utilities Management Division - $19,255.71 Southwestern Bell - $25,179.97 DCI Communications, Inc.- $34,211.41 Moved by Santos, second by Davis to award bid to City of Fayetteville in the amount of $19,255.71. 2. Award of bid for folding tables for Town Center Original bids were discarded because of a discrepancy in size of rectangular tables in the specs and in the price quote sheet. Second bids were requested. Bids were received from the following: Mity-Lite - $38,902.61 Virco - $41,044.70 Moved by Davis, second by Santos to award bid to Mity-Lite for $38,902.61. 3. Sound system and video system for Town Center. Because of the configuration of sound equipment in the Town Center around lights and because of timing in getting wiring in the floor prior to pouring of the final topping slab, Marilyn requested that competitive bidding requirements for sound system be waived and award bid to Commercial Audio Systems in Farmington. They have had experience with Baum Stadium, the Reynolds Razorback Stadium, City Hall, and the Square Sound System. The system is very simple to operate and will maintain balance volume throughout the Town Center. Individual rooms can be operated separately. Commercial Audio's quote for the sound system is $16,159.60. • • • Because of the configuration of video equipment in the Town Center, because of the unique needs of the Town Center in relation to the large amounts of glass, and because of the timing of pounng of the final topping slab for the floor, Marilyn requested that competitive bidding requirements for video system be waived and award bid to Commercial Audio Systems in Farmington. Commercial Audio's quote for video equipment is $38,641.34. Moved by Gazzola, second by Santos to waive competitive bidding requirements and awarding the bid for sound system to Commercial Audio Systems in Farmington at a price not to exceed $17,000 and award bid video projection system to Commercial Audio Systems in Farmington at a price not to exceed $40,000. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Letter regarding Archer Fountain Marilyn informed the Commission that she had written a letter to E. G. Bradberry (BEKKA Development) for permission to install Archer Fountain on Town Center Plaza as required by lease between BEKKA and City of Fayetteville. Davis asked that we get a written interpretation regarding effect of lease on marketing of Town Center plaza for events related to its operation and other events, i. e. expanding Farmer's Market. 2. HMR Ordinance The City Council will consider the revised HMR Ordinance at their June 5 meeting. Changes were recommended from City Finance office and incorporated into ordinance as well as elimination of the coffee exemption at convenience stores. 3. Alcoholic Beverage Permit — Large Scale Facility for Town Center Marilyn and Denise attended required course at ABC office in Little Rock. Permit application was filed. Notices have been published in newspaper, building has been posted. 30 day waiting period is running. ABC will take action on the permit at their June meeting. Permit will be effective July 1, 2001. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development