HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-13 - Minutes• • • GROUP: DATE: PRESENT: ABSENT: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION November 13, 2000 Heather Daniel, Joe Fennel, John Gilliam, Alex Jerde, Curtis Shipley, Steven Davis, Lisa Lee and Marilyn Johnson Fred Hanna and Ching Mong The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the Chamber of Commerce conference room at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Jerde to approve the minutes of the October 9 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT The financial reports for September showed collections were $105,820, a 10.43% increase. Year to date collections are $1,039,433, a 7.83% increase over last year's collections year to date. Expenses for the month of October were $7,865. Moved to approve by Shipley, second by Daniel. Motion carried. CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed August activity of her office. Inquiries year-to-date continue to surpass inquiries for last year. Activities in all areas (bus tours, conventions/meetings, tourist activities, working with other groups) have increased. Bus tours are coming from Kansas, Little Rock, and Oklahoma. Future groups of note were the All-Star Festival and the Foretravel R. V. Rally. Marilyn showed the book by Bonnie Ramsey, Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of the South which includes Fayetteville ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Mark Blackwood presented the agency report. The agency will present 2001 media recommendations to the Commission in December. They are proceeding with the hogging brochure. OLD BUSINESS Town Center Progress on Project Richard Alderman reported that the contractor had finished the concrete levels of the Town Center and was starting on the exhibit hall. The contractor was slowed because of weather. • • • Naming the Rooms Moved by Jerde, second by Gilliam to approve naming Town Center rooms as follows: Razorback Room — all three sections (120 x 120) Ozark Room — (66 x 120) Dogwood Room - (52 x 62) Mockingbird Room — (33 x 48) Director's Room — (22 x 17) Diamond Room — (16 x 13) Motion carried. Topping Out Ceremony Topping out ceremony is tentatively scheduled for November 30 pending meeting with contractor to insure that progress will lend itself to that date. Logo for Town Center Commissioners reviewed logos, provided input and will be presented more choices. Draft Ordinance revising HMR collections Shipley moved to table until more information is received. Motion carried. Joe Fennel asked the city to research ways to collect the HMR tax from those restaurants behind in paying the HMR taxes that they had collected. Marilyn will work with Steve to look into ways of tightening the process. Steve will investigate state collection of the tax. NEW BUSINESS Funding Requests for 2001 Fennel presented committee recommendations for special project funding for 2001. Arkansas Air Museum $20,000 Botanical Garden Society $ 1,532 Downtown/Dickson Enhancement $ 6,000 Fayetteville Athletic Department $ 6,000 Fayetteville Parks & Rec. None First Night $ 1,600 Holiday Hoops $ 9,000 Joe Martin Stage Race $ 500 Committee for Mardi Gras None Lights of the Ozarks $ 4,000 North Arkansas Symphony $ 2,000 Square Gardens None Walton Arts Center $ 1,200 Special Projects Total $51,432 Shipley moved to accept subcommittee recommendations for funding requests, second by Jerde. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Johnson Director, Convention and Visitor Development • • 4: