HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-13 - Minutes• GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: September 13, 1999 PRESENT: Joe Fennel, Heather Daniel, Joe Fennel, Fred Hanna, Alex Jerde, Carl Maguire, Curtis Shipley, Jim Waselues, and Marilyn Johnson • ABSENT: None The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the City Hall Council Chambers at 2:00 p.m. by Commissioner Joe Fennel. MINUTES Moved by Shipley, second by Hanna to approve the minutes of the August 9 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Kevin Crosson presented the financial report. Expenses in August were $23,791 with major expenditure for advertising. Collections for August were $103,688, up 13.52% over last August. Year to date collections are $770,538, up 7.33%. Moved by Shipley, second by Jerde to approve the financial report. Motion carried. CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed activity report in agenda packet. She has approval to put Fayetteville information in rental car contracts and is looking for a sponsor. Step on tour guide service will be provided for Panoramic Tours (Cape Girardeau, MO) in September. She announced the UA Track hosting the SEC Track Finals and the NCAA Track Finals at the new facility. Official Groundbreaking for the Town Center was held on August 24. During the month, Marilyn met with Julian and Jane Archer who wish to donate a sculpture for the Town Center plaza. They are working with an artist and will present the final design in about three months. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Susan Wallace reported that A & P website on-line target date is October 1. The site will be joined with the Chamber of Commerce site via a splash screen. Site visitor will then choose Visitor information or Chamber information. Slight drop in advertising inquiries because fall newspaper broke late. Advertising 2000 plan will be presented in October. • Fayetteville.com was not recommended as a media purchase because 70% of the projected audience are Fayetteville residents. • • OLD BUSINESS Richard Alderman reported that the contractor was working diligently on the site demolition process. The front level has been cut down and no rock found. Excavation by Executive Square went okay by the plaza area. Cisterns (wells) were found on the site as expected. Dr. Jerry Hilliard and another archeologist from the University did a review of the site to add to historical maps of downtown Fayetteville. Next will come the digging of footings and drilling of piers. There have been a few problems with site utilities. The contractor and the city have worked as quickly as possible to repair problems. Architectural fee — A budget adjustment was needed to reflect the change in architectural fees since final price of project has been determined. Motion by Shipley, second by Jerde to accept the change in contract amount as presented in document in agenda increasing authorized amount by $54,995.00. Motion carried. A & P Transfer to Town Center — A budget adjustment was required because the bond payment required more funds this year because bond payment start was delayed. Moved by Shipley, second by Daniel to approve a budget adjustment for $49,592. ANNOUNCEMENTS Town Center hearing in Mary Ann Gunn's court will be held on Thursday, September 16 at 10 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 7 a L t) Manlyn Johnson Director, Convention and Visitor Development