HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-16 - Minutes• • • GROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: November 16, 1998 PRESENT: Joe Fennel, Fred Hanna, Alex Jerde, Carl Maguire, Curtis Shipley, Jim Waselues, Kit Williams, and Marilyn Johnson ABSENT: None The regular meeting of the Advertising and Promotion Commission was called to order at the City Hall Council Chambers at 2:00 p.m. by Chairman Joe Fennel. MINUTES It was moved by Hanna, second by Jerde to approve the minutes of the October 12 meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Kevin Crosson presented the financial report. Collections for October were $95,649, up 0.65% over last October. Year to date collections are $907,471, a 9.96% increase. October expenses were $74,942. Moved by Shipley, second by Maguire to approve the financial report. Motion carried. CONVENTION AND VISITOR DEVELOPMENT REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed activity report in agenda packet. ADVERTISING AGENCY REPORT Susan Stirewalt introduced Brad Ruth of the agency who presented the 1999 Media Plan. HMR collections were up 9.9% YTD. Inquires were down 20%. 1999 objectives are to have a continued increase in the HMR tax, and a 5% increase in inquiries. '99 considerations include opening of I-540, opening of XNA, Town Center. Media recommendations were reviewed. Motion to approve media recommendations by Shipley, second by Waselues. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS TOWN CENTER Bond Sale Dennis Whitaker reported that the Town Center bonds were sold on Wednesday, November 4 with closing on November 24. Soil test bid Shipley moved to approve contract with McClelland for $12,500 + 10% contingency fee, second by Williams with approval of contingency with Fennel. Motion carried. Time line and schedule for project Richard Alderman presented the time line for the Town Center project with occupancy in September 2000. Shipley moved to accept the schedule as presented, second by Hanna. Motion carried. A copy of the time line is attached. • 1999 BUDGET Jerde indicated concern about using funds out of the reserve fund and the uncertainty of HMR collections and loss of revenue. • • Williams was not in favor of taking money out of the regular budget for marketing manager or FF&E. Jerde and Fennel requested a pro -active approach in regard to a marketing manager and having sufficient funds for proper equipping of Town Center. Shipley wants to put money in reserve because we may not have help from anyone else. He said we should not exceed spending over revenues. Shipley moved to approve a balanced budget with income and expenses expected and let staff come back with recommendation. No second was received. Trolley/regional airport discussion — Williams has reservations about subsidizing free enterprise. He said it's bad for the regional airport and recommended giving the city $40,000 instead of the $50,000 they are asking for. Jerde said we need a passenger service. We have a responsibility to passengers. Williams said next year is the key time. It's not the time to encourage people to leave Drake Field. Shipley said we shouldn't be in the transportation or parking business. We should joint venture with others in the interest of the consumer. The public has needs there also. He also likes the trolley. Jerde recommended funding 1/2 of trolley allocation. Hanna moved to cut everything from the special project recommendations of the subcommittee 20%, second by Williams. Motion carried. Williams moved to fund Walton Arts Center information booth the full $1200 and take additional from Soccer Tournament, second by Maguire. Motion carried. Marilyn will calculate exact amounts and final budget for approval at December meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, hielAiLDJ Mari yn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development