HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-12 - Minutes• • GROUP: DATE: PRESENT: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION September 12, 1994 Coy Kaylor Joe Fennel Woody Bassett Jon Davidson Linda McBride Fred Hanna Jim Waselues Susan Stirewalt Ben Mayes Marilyn Johnson Steve Ward - ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was calledto order by Chairman Coy Kaylor at 2:00 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce. MONTHLY REPORTS: MINUTES Moved by McBride, second by Hanna to approve the minutes of the July meeting. Motion carried. FINANCIAL Ben Mayes presented the financial report for July and August. HMR collections were $71,576 in July, an increase of 22.94% over 1993 collections. August collections were up 11.14% with collections of $78,508. Total year to date collections are $561,830, an increase of 22.14%. July expenditures were $ 49,744 and August expenses were $22,011. Year to date expenditures $695,815. Motion by McBride, second by Waselues to approve the financial report. Motion carried. ACTIVITY REPORT Marilyn Johnson reviewed July and August activities of Convention Visitor Development. 800 number calls received in July totaled 528 calls and in August totaled 622 calls. Year- to-date calls totaled 5715 over 1993 total of 4341 year to date. Total inquiry responses for July were 1471 and for August were 1774. Year to date inquiries received total 24,030. Convention activity has involved working with conventions in town during the months of July and August. Assistance has been provided for Autumnfest and Lights of the Ozarks. Moved by McBride, second by Waselues to approve the • Convention Visitor Report. Motion carried. AGENCY REPORT • Susan Stirewalt distributed flow charts for media remaining in 1994. She displayed fall advertising ads which have been placed. Susan emphasized the bold graphics and the copy points emphasizing specific events. Placements out are doing well. New photography has been placed in Arkansas Tour Guide and Northwest Arkansas Tour Guide ads. • • In response for four color image book, the agency recommends doing posters at a cost of $2.91 each for 3,000 quantity. total cost $8,700. McBride requested that the agency seek alternate photography which says Fayetteville. Motion by McBride to approve the agency report, second by Hanna. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: LAKE FAYETTEVILLE PROJECT REPORT Bill Ackerman reported that $11,079.73 has been spent thus far. The community has been very supportive and volunteers have -been used. Several community groups are assisting in the fundraising efforts. A summary of work completed on the Lake Project and fall and summer projects was distributed. Hanna commended Bill for the work he has done on the Lake. Kaylor said the work completed under Bill's direction was phenomenal. Hanna offered labor and equipment. The have received grant money for paving the parking lot and are on the list for funds from the Game and Fish Commission; however, those funds have not been released. HMR RESERVE ACCOUNT Woody Bassett amended his motion from the previous meeting to allocate $430,000 to be used to fund a Girls' Softball Complex. Second Hanna. Bassett said that amount of money will build girls' fields and will help other programs. This will attract visitors and tourists and will be well spent. Susan Driver, chairman of the Parks and Advisory Committee highlighted the reasons for this particular proposal 1) girls do not have a complex 2) no money is in the next five years budget to cover this need 3) the developer of the elementary school land has donated an additional 19 acres for park land 4) makes good use for A & P money to bring in tourism dollars 5) will fill hotels - girls travel in families to tournaments. • 1 • The proposal has the unanimous backing of Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Discussion followed. Kaylor said we need to get a whole lot more involvement from the people. It makes good business sense to use men's fields and let them find another place to play. We need an exhibition hall. CCE can't meet the needs of clients because of lack of space. Some things could happen to make it a possibility for Fayetteville at less than $2 million. He'd hate to tie up a lot of A & P reserves. Fennel amended the motion to give the advisory board money for 2 fields, restrooms and concessions, and the parking lot - $280,000 for a girls softball complex to encourage tournaments to Fayetteville. Davidson second. Amendment carried. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS SUBCOMMITTEE ON SPECIAL PROJECT FUNDING FOR 1995 Kaylor appointed Joe Fennel (chairman), Jon Davidson, Linda McBride, and Coy Kaylor as the subcommittee on special project funding for 1995. They were also to look at the possible opportunities for an exhibit hall. • Since there was no further business, the meeting was • adjourned. Respectfully submitted, catilaarlj Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development