HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-02 - Minutes• PRESENT: ABSENT: A & P COMMISSION August 2, 1993 Woody Bassett, Joe Fennel, Fred Hanna, Coy Kaylor, Fred Vorsanger, and Jim Waselues Bill Clodfelter The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Kaylor in City Hall, Room 219. OLD BUSINESS Moved by Vorsanger, second by Fennel to approve the Request for Proposals for a Feasibility Study for a Convention Center. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Richard Shewmaker was asked to make a few comments regarding the initial proposal for purchase and construction of three additional parking lots on Dickson Street as recommended by the 1990 RM Plan Group. He indicated the lots would hold 374 cars and with decking could accommodate 525 cars. Donnie Dutton, dean Continuing Education Center recommended that the Commission consider 3 projects. 1) Construction of a convention center; 2) Downtown parking; and 3) Equipment, improvement and maintenance of the C.C.E. The Division of C.C.E. is willing to match dollar for dollar funds allocated by the C.C.E. Adrian Hamblin on behalf of the Southern Memorial Women's Association requested paving the area from Rock Street to the corner of the Confederate Cemetery. Item was referred to Street Committee of the City Council. John Sugg and the Society for Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America requested $5,000 to establish an ongoing support group for the Barbershop Quartet. Larry Tabor, Fayetteville Soccer Association, identified short term needs of the Soccer association: 1) development of leased land adjacent to Asbell; 2) restroom/concession/ storage facilities at Walker and Asbell sites; 3) additional security; 4) lighting fields; 5) proposed sports complex; 6) water bills and maintenance absorbed by city. Scott Harrison and Don Loftis - Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited - parking downtown, sell deck to Hilton and build another, combine Dickson Street and Downtown Improvement pistricts. Richard Miller - Sports Complex are needed with additional ball parks, more and better fields. Bob McKinney - Access 4 produce series of announcements for visitors (20 for $2,000). Support regional Babe Ruth tournament American Legion is sponsoring next summer. John McNair and Rodney Ryan representing Fayetteville Youth Center - Need for quality Sport Center to fill local needs and to attract district and state tournaments. Football, baseball, softball, horseshoes, sand volleyball. Ann Henry - Dickson Street parking. Recommended using sales tax to build sports complex to serve local citizens. Willing sellers and people with vision for Dickson Street have developed this plan. Link UA/Downtown/Dickson with transportation. Richard Shewmaker - City Board Resolution 15-77 in support of construction of C.C.E. supporting U of A and performing arts center. Don Elliott - Need for a baseball part. Walker Park is a disgrace with the bathrooms and no grass on the fields. Curtis Hogue - Baseball/softball - need good quality facilities to serve our own kids and to bring folks to Fayetteville. Larry Palmer - letter from Jim Hawkins, Fayetteville American Legion manager. More fields needed. Randy Shamlin - president of Babe Ruth baseball - Co-op extension service can help with plans. Need help with maintenance of fields. Ron Bumpass - sell passive park property and use money for active park. Use industrial land. Adequate parking is necessary for redevelopment of downtown. Raze Ozark theatre and make parking lot. If Fayetteville is going to be a key place, and draw people from Branson (after 71 is finished), promote cultural heritage, history, entertainment, architecture. Transportation system to like Dickson, Downtown, and UA with selected routing system. U of A Transit has run route which will cost $150,000. 1 bus will run l0am-6pm, 2 buses from Ilam-2pm. Complete route every 12 minutes. Art Hobson - Supports bus, decked garages, not more asphalt. Safety factor in downtown is density of people. William Kimbrough - additional recreational facilities. Supports total sports complex to attract state and regional tournaments, need to expand complex and have bigger fields. Mayor Hanna - 80 acre site in industrial park containing 8 softball, 8 baseball diamonds in quad groupings, and 10 tennis courts. Chuck Yarbrough - Adult facilities needed. Now they are turning down bringing men's tournaments because of the lack of proper size fields. John Gilley - Ozark Brewing Company. Dickson Street parking. Jack Hignett - Powerhouse Seafood. This is the opportunity to capitalize on parking. Bill Underwood - Dickson Street parking timing. Woody Bassett - concern about the legality of buying parking lots and concern about the value of the land on Dickson Street. All projects have merit and we need to find a way to do them. Joe Fennel - Don't lost site of the future. Original plan 2 years ago called for decked parking - abandoned then because of trees, etc. Let's do it and do it right this time. Concerned people came out to voice their opinions. Let's work together. Do our part, then we won't have to play second fiddle to anyone. Richard Shewmaker. Is representing property owners with option which expires September 16. Mayor has solved the athletic problem. Woody Bassett - Problem is not solved. Remains to be seen if we can make it work. It's black and white that a recreation complex can be done. Spread out the money to benefit the community. On Dickson Street concern that we not more too fast. Problem in knowing the fair price of land and legality. Richard Shewmaker will do what he can to extend options until A & P can approve and then go to City Council. Joe Fennel - Not in hurry to jump into a decision. C.C.E has a good proposal with a dollar for dollar match. Woody Bassett - Wants time. There may be a way to figure this out. Do a substantial part of all of this. Fred Vorsanger - Walton Arts Center parking is used a lot by U of A students. Expense of additional parking. Are there other options of land available such as the Old laundry building on West and Watson. •• Fred Hanna - Great plan. Get Tom Pearson to swap land with the schools. Find a place for Uptown School. Woody Bassett - Take a couple of weeks to see what we can do. Coy Kaylor - Thanked everyone for attending and participating in the public hearing. This evening public hearing will take the place of the regular August meeting. Motion by Vorsanger, second by Fennel to adjourn. Motion carried. NEXT MEETING - September 13, 1993, 2:00 pm in City Hall 326. Respectfully submitted, 0 Marilyn Johnson Director Convention and Visitor Development • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Monthly HMR Tax Collections 1991-1993 1991 1992 1992 1993 1993 Total Total Change Over Total Change Over HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year January $ 41,613 $ 50,826 22.14% $ 54,149 6.54% February 39,210 44,489 13.46% 51,929 16.72% March 45,080 48,140 6.79% 54,606 13.43% April 47,017 58,202 23.79% 61,155 5.07% May 50,832 55,172 8.54% 58,564 6.15% June 48,803 55 826 14 39% 57,092 2.27% July 49,145 55,276 12.47% 58,219 5.32% August 47,284 55,539 17.46% 70,637 27.18% September 57,079 59,275 3.85% 0 October 47,951 55,410 15.55% 0 November 51,254 68,243 33.15% 0 December 53,080 52,797 —0.53% 0 Total $ 578,348 $ 659,193 13.98% $ 466,351 80 70 50 30 20 0 HMR Tax Collections By Month kHMRTAX January February March April May 1991 June July August September October November December 1992 1993 • • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Advertising & Promotion Commission Financial Report - Expenditures For the Eight Months Ending August 31, 1993 City Advertising & Promotion Audit Expense Collection Expense Convention Development Convention Services Special Projects KUAF Square Tree Replacement AAAA State Baseball Tournament Henry Awards - Gov. Conference Joe Martin Memorial Stage Race Attractions Video Production Arkansas Poultry Federation Mayor's Conference on Tourism Headquarter House Brochures Air Museum - Air Birds American Legion Wood Bat Classic Girls Slow Pitch Softball Tournament NW Ark. Horshoe Pitching Assoc. Magnet Giveaways NATA Advertising Subsidy Miscellaneous Unobligated New Brochures 800 Telephone Number Hub City Development Festival Support Springfest Music Festival Autumnfest Grant - Christmas Lights Project Other Festival Support Air Museum • Chamber of Commerce Contract TOTAL Annual Budget \A&PEXP $ 200,000 $ 500 26,972 90,000 5,000 2,500 1,000 1,400 500 1,025 710 2,000 3,995 1,200 1,690 1,742 4,500 2,800 1,313 2,934 71 105,620 30,000 10,000 5,000`' 6,000 7,000 6,000 25,000 6,000 50,000 YTD Expenses Remaining 130,987 $ 69,013 46 454 18,654 8,318 0 90,000 0 5,000 2,500 1,000 1,400 500 1,025 710 2,000 1,687 1,200 1,690 1,742 4,500 2,800 1,313 0 71 0 31,377 6,666 4,534 6,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 0 37,500 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,308 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,934 (0) 105,620 (1,377) 3,334 466 0 0 0 20,000 6,000 12,500 0 $ 702 472 $ 377 901 $ 324 571 ACTIVITY REPORT AUGUST, 1993 800 NUMBER July 1993: 529 July 1992: 463 1993 YTD: 3926 1992 YTD: 2479 INQUIRY RESPONSES Tourist - 233 Advertising Response - 892 Relocation - 314 1993 YTD - 3170 1993 YTD - 14,630 1993 YTD - 2620 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Attended U of A Freshman Orientation Sessions Parks and Tourism meeting regarding convention development Walton Arts Center Sneak preview Research - HMR Tax Bond Indenture on C.C.E. Met with Holiday Coach Lines regarding fly/drive tour Convention Information Packets - 4 States Purchasing Management Association Assisted - City of Rogers with HMR tax passage information American Legion Wood Bat Tournament Outlaws and Lawmen reception Attended Breakfast - Data National (speech) Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited meeting First Baptist Church Leisure Club (speech) Arkansas Society of Association Executives Summer Retreat Worked with Autumnfest and Lights of the Ozarks Monthly master Calendar of Events printed in Northwest Arkansas Times HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON July 1993: $58,219 July 1992: $55,276 Percent Increase 5.32% YTD 1993: $395,714 YTD 1992: $367,931 Percent Increase: 7% • • ACTIVITY REPORT SEPTEMBER, 1993 800 NUMBER August 1993: 417 August 1992: 498 1993 YTD: 4343 1992 YTD: 2977 INQUIRY RESPONSES Tourist - 364 Advertising Response - 699 Relocation - 339 1993 YTD - 3534 1993 YTD - 15,329 1993 YTD - 2959 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Attended U of A Freshman Orientation Sessions meeting with CJRW regarding state advertising Northwest Arkansas Tourism meeting Northwest Arkansas Hospitality Association meeting Met again with Holiday Coach Lines regarding fly/drive tour Convention Information Packets - World War II Vets convention - 100 (Doris Dorman) Social Security Management Association meeting - 200 Assisted - President Clinton staff and press corps with information, logistics, and reception Attended - Jaycees (speech) Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited meeting Arkansas Hospitality Association meeting World War II Seabees Reunion - speech Worked with Autumnfest and Lights of the Ozarks Monthly master Calendar of Events printed in Northwest • Arkansas Times HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON August 1993: $70,637 August 1992: $55,539 Percent Increase 27.18% YTD 1993: $466,351 YTD 1992: $423,470 Percent Increase: 98 • EXHIBITION HALL/CONVENTION CENTER FEASIBILITY STUDY Proposals were received from three firms to perform the study. They were: Wittenberg, Delony, & Davidson Northwest Arkansas office 100 W. Center, Suite 102 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 in cooperation with Coopers & Lybrand (Dallas) and Thompson Ventulett Stainback & Associates (Atlanta) Hammer, Siler, George Associates 1819 Peachtree Road, N. E., Suite 427 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Perry L. Butcher & Associates 440 N. College Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 joint venture with Rosser Fabrap (Atlanta) and KPMG Peat Marwick After reading the proposals, the Commission should set a time for the firms to make an oral proposal or vote to decide who will be chosen to do the study. • • • • TROLLEY PROPOSAL Ron Bumpass, Mayor Hanna, the Ad Hoc Committee on Tourism, Transportation and Economic Stimulation for historic Downtown Fayetteville (Herb Lewis, Carl Collier, Charlie Sego, John Lewis, and John Cole) have been working with Director of Convention and Visitor Development and present the following proposal for your consideration. We recommend the purchase of two used 20 passenger buses (handicapped accessible) which will be painted with a tourism logo denoting Fayetteville. The route which has been approved by the University Transit System will connect the Square, Dickson Street and the University of Arkansas. The bus route will run on a 25 to 30 minute schedule with two buses running from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. The city has indicated that it will pick up the maintenance, insurance and miscellaneous for the first year. A budget is attached for your consideration. • J N O 3 cc L 03o ` T 7 4 o V L Lrj co fA • • C O 7 :_a O L U)) 0) C N a) a a (fl N 0 .I 0 co E a) " a) C O • C co 12,000 miles, 10 mpg, $1 per gal Tires, Oil Change, Lube, Brakes O o 00 CO) O 8 i O O 8 W O N N In +- r c0 T 8 8 �8 r2 V O O S S O Om. W T T T T 69 Efe Custom Paint Operators / Guides a) O C a) co C 0 a) Pi N c n O • Ili v, L M C ** The 1993 Budget assumes that the Trolleys begin operation on November 1, 1993. MEETING OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC STIMULATION FOR HISTORIC DOWNTOWN FAYETTEVILLE GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Link the historic Fayetteville square with Dickson Street and the University of Arkansas ► Provide convenient, reliable, easy-to-use transportation for locally employed citizens, students, tourists and visitors ► Incorporate convenience with available public and private parking facilities which can be used by the general public RECOMMENDATIONS: ► Utilize city -owned bus with City of Fayetteville logo to transport individuals along the following routes: • Beginning at the northwest corner of the Fayetteville square and proceeding south, then east, then north around center square, north on East Street, around Center Square to Dickson, east on Dickson to the Washington County Courthouse, turning in parking lot of the Washington County Courthouse, then west on Dickson Street to West Avenue, then north to Watson Street, then east, then south, then west through the City of Fayetteville parking lot to West Avenue, then south on West Avenue, then west on Dickson Street to Arkansas Avenue, then north on Arkansas Avenue to Maple Street, then west on Maple Street to Garland Avenue, then east on Dickson Street to the city parking lot located at West and Dickson to the Walton Arts Center entrance, then north on West Avenue to Dickson Street, then east on Dickson Street to Block Avenue, then south on Block Avenue to northwest corner of center square ► Recommended Stops: 1. Center Square 2. East Street: Continuing Education Center/Hilton Hotel 3. Dickson and East Streets 4. Southwest corner of Dickson and College 5. Washington County Courthouse parking lot 6. Post Office on Dickson Street 7. Corner of Rollston and Dickson Streets 8. City parking lot #1 - 400 Dickson/Watson Streets 9.• Railroad depot 10. 600 Block of Dickson Street 11. Arkansas and Maple Streets 12. Leflar Law Center/Delta Gamma Sorority House - Maple Street 13. Arkansas Union 14. Corner of Ozark and Dickson 15. South side of the 700-800 Block of Dickson in front of the Engineering area 16. Arts Center - city parking lot #2 17. Corner of Locust and Dickson 18. Block Avenue and Dickson Street 19. Northwest corner of the square FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: ► St. Charles Street, one-way south from Lafayette to Dickson ► Watson Street, one-way from West Avenue to St. Charles ► Spring Street, one-way west from Block Street to West Avenue • VIRGINIA AWARE OZARK BUCHANNAN LIN OAK STO )NCAN AVE m m HARMON AVE •DUNCAN WHITHAM UNIVERSITY ARKANSAS AVE WILSON AVE 'WESIIt ' AVE"' ' CHOOL ENTER AVE" LOCUST CHURCH BL•CK LINCC CHARLES FOREST HIGHLAND COLLEGE MILL WASHIN WASHINGTON LOW"' WILLOW Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission FUNDING REQUEST FOR',AT 1. Name of Organization or Event iv1�v'u'rr' / -;A�((S R� 2 Contact Person Address and Phone Number K 57,x. -J0 3. Purpose. (Proposed use of funds generated by organization or event) Status (Incorporated, 112n -Profit, etc.) . `f 7 6 w T die -0 c;(67,11/24,31. op.g,qivaefit«+^R Period of Open ion or Event Date ('Thin 'vi 4. 5. 6. 7. Location or Event.aite V,st, G.51 + . ?ackorpun d End History Expected Visitor Draw (Radius visitor count if applicable. 8 Anticipated Media Exposure N 9 Image - is this organization attractive and l unique feature /U R 10. marketing plan - Advertising, 60 rn m s/7C6. ileage). Include prior year or event identifiable with an of our area. Public Relations, Sales 11. Marketing Plan Budgets - Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Include prior year budget and expenditures (all funding sources). VU� 12'. Funding Reque{st - State specific purpose and amount. 4'.t °OD To Cc'%:11. dQ-S�' oe %tii/ - �f Pecp/a 13,. Full Financial Disclosure of all revenues and expenses must be provided. A certification disclosure form will be executed by applicants governing body. Financial disclosure is required of the requesting organization's regular annual budget and is to be provided in the application for funding for the special event. It is not the A & P Commission's intent to fund requests that could be funded by the requesting organization. • * Requests should be typewritten in the above format. * Provide twelve copies upon submission. * Submit requests to: Advertising & Promotion Commission c/o Chpmber of Commerce 123 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 (501) 521-1710